We are Different & Weird| BTS...

By Shippedfanfictions

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"Namjoon is weird." is the common phrase in his college. But Namjoon never mind it.. He was just happy to... More

28 (18+)


299 23 4
By Shippedfanfictions

Win or Lose

Jungkook kneel down beside Hobi .. his eyes full of tears..he took off his hoodie to put pressure on the wound.. minimise the blood loos.. but it was if no avail.. he could feel hobi hyung breathing getting slow... he was dying.. he was dying and remaining guards surrounded Jungkook....their guns pointing at his head..

"I told you Subject 7..  I have great gift for you.. now one of you subjects is dying..and it will not be long before i capture other 4..it's about time you stop resisting.. if you hurry maybe we try saving subject 4" the man he hated most in the world threatened him again.. like he did for whole night.

Hobi hyung was still alive.. Jungkook kept telling himself that...

"Is everyone safe?" Jungkook heard Hobi's feeble voice..

"Yes..yes they are safe.. and you will be too.. hang in there hyung.. it will be alright" Jungkook smiled..but his tears won't stop..

"That's good then.. i am so tired" Hobi lost consciousness...

"Surrender subject 7.. you know you have to hurry if you want Subject 4 to live" Dr. John said again . Jungkook can hear anxiousness in his voice which was masked with authority...

Ofcourse he is feeling anxious.. he is also loosing one of his precious subjects.. but he did that to snub any resistance scheme from subject 7.. afterall he know the boy too well.. he will not give up until the end.. but if one of subjects life is in danger.. this devil will loose his wings.. he will be crippled and back into his cage.

It was at that moment when the whole building shook...Dr. John and others couldn't help but loose his footing... Only Jungkook who was already kneeling down was not affected... he didn't move an inch and still kept the pressure on the wound... he will be okay..that was his only thought .

The door burst open ..and a wave of 15-20 people swarmed in the room...

They were all armed to the teeth.. everyone pointing their big guns at Dr. John and other guards..they got surrounded in no time ..

After them came Seongjun... he saw Hobi on the floor covered in blood and Mr. Big dazedly sitting there keeping the wound from bleeding.

"Boss" Seongjun crouched down beside him.. "Boss" he called again..

Jungkook looked up at Seongjun..his eyes read with tears.. maybe it was first time he saw that terrifying Mr. Big in such condition...there was only one thought in his mind.. he is so young.. you often forget that fact with all that's happening around him... he is just a boy.. youngest in his family..

"We need hyung to reach hospital..."

Seongjun just nodded.. he spoke in the walkie he was using... we need people up here..we are transporting a GS patient with chest injury.. there is severe blood loss and patient has lost concious.. chances to go in cardiac arrest is high.. inform the hospital so that they can prepare..."  as he got up Dr John laughter came .

"subject 7 if you dared to go ..i will turn the bomb back on... you thought I stop the bomb ..but I can restart it too.. don't let subject 4's sacrifice go to waste.. you don't wanna loose more people now ..do you?"

He showed the remote he was holding... smiling wickedly..

Jungkook gazed at him and then at the remote... he stood up walked towards him and  said... "Push it..I dare you to push it" he said in strangely calm tone.. but his tears hasn't dried yet.. he looked like a stubborn kid to Dr. John.. who believes that his parent would never hurt him no matter what he did..

Dr. John sneered and push the button... but nothing happened... even though the timer went off...cctv showed no change...no explosion happened..

Dr. John was stunned for a moment..when Seongjun announced.. "as you suspected sir.. its not a real bomb..but some kind of gas diffuser.. if it would've been in the hall..it would've released large amount of gas.. we have to check and see what kind of gas it is.."

"Keep an eye on it..." Jungkook nodded.

Dr. John looked flabbergasted.. he realised he lost this time.. this time it was subject 7 who won... he waited for subject 7 to say something to him... he knew he will not kill him yet.. not until he is sure subject 4 is out of danger..and has no side effect to the drug..even if they save him from gunshot wound... he still holds the antidote for the drugs.. he was sure with Subject 7's skeptical nature..even if he hand over the antidote .he will not kill him yet.. not until he make sure he doesn't need him anymore..so he  relaxed himself.. he was disappointed that he lost his chance .but he is not worried.. he never put all his eggs in one basket.. true, he just lost ... but the game is still not finished.

People ran in the room with a stretcher... it was good thing that Jungkook had asked him to prepare for any kind of medical emergency..so these paramedics were on standby...

Jungkook looked at the water jug still on the side table.. it was that water jug which had drugged hyung... "Transport that too.. he mixed some drug .. Hyung had high dosage..he had high fever.. with sexual arousal..and delusion as earlier signs..later turned to headache and hallucination.. there must be a antidote bottle in his pocket.. search him"

Two men followed his command and searched Dr. John.. sure enough they acquired two vials of bottle and syringe.. with some other personal stuff like wallet etc.. they handed everything to Seongjun..who just put everything in a bag.. and put water jug and vials in a container.. and handed it over to the medics... 

"Head to the top floor.. air ambulance is waiting for you" He told the medics who were shocked but still kept working and took Hobi out of the room

Seeing Hobi hyung off to the hospital Jungkook felt like a huge burden lighten from his heart...

He had told Seongjun that he had to make move when it's around 12... because at that time Dr. John's defence will be lowest as he will surely drag this bomb threat till he have enough fun... "He will not kill me till he had his fun..so i am safe atleast it hits 12..i need you to be there before it."..he told him that if the team that followed him got intercepted..and he is sure Dr. John is in the building he will signal him with the button... if he pressed it once.. it means the team arrived and he doesn't need his help.. but if he pressed it multiple times..it means that Dr. John intercepted them.. at that time.. he will in the house basement keeping eye on the reciever.. at first 10:00 clock.. Jungkook pressed the button first time... when Dr. John entered the room... but as expected..his team didn't arrive..Dr. John's people intercepted them on the way..by holding fake investigation and check point..

But after half an hour Jungkook pressed the button many times.. Seongjun knew it was time.. he got out of the basement .and drove his bike out of the garage.. he drive but he didn't took the general road he usually take.. that lead to office base..but he turned right... towards the safe house and more importantly..helipad.. it took him about half an hour to reach there... he had already made calls while he was on his way.. he gathered remaining forces they had as well as pilot who was stationed there... cars don't reach where Mr. Big is... but it will be easy task to jump off the helicopter.. they might be lucky and can even land it...

It took them half hour to reach their destined place..and another 10 to drop from helicopter.. they still don't wanna warn the people in the base .. after that it was smooth sailing.. how can these basic thugs compared to high training of Jungkook's team.. they were co-ordinated and stealthy..as they raid the base... the main reason was because they don't know in what situation Mr. Big is.. they don't want to give any chance to enemies to turn the table.. 

Next 20 minutes before the clock hit 12 was Seongjun leading team stealthily to invade the base and make sure that people are not alerted.. it took them whole 20 minutes to finish off or capture every man in base ..except the room which shows Mr. big's signal... they freed Jackson and his dad..they were all injured..and some of the men are already dead due to injury.. paramedics with them started giving first aids .. calls were made.. soon this whole area will be flooded by ambulance.. but it is not a worry to them..they had already contacted their trusted hospital..and some police officers they can use... to make the matter here as lowkey as possible... they made sure not a single news leak about this.. that's the benefit of being Mr. Big's people.. you get to coverup anything you want..and the government or police could do nothing...

It was at  12 that they reach the room..they set up explosion bomb to shock the enemy and enter.. as soon as they enter... they saw Mr. Big on the floor with Mr. Jung Hoseok lying down in blood pool.. he saw his watch ..it was 00:01 he knew he fucked up.. he was late..

"Boss if you need to go with Mr. Hoseok-" Seongjun spoke up as he saw Mr. Big looking at the medics as they carry the wounded man away..

Jungkook just shook his head...

"There are our people locked somewhere here..did you find them?" Jungkook asked instead.. his tears stopped flowing..his voice hoarse but there was chillness in it.. 

"Yes we did.." Seongjun replied in stern voice.

"Make sure you take good care of guy named Jackson.." Jungkook reminded him..

Since Seongjun had followed Namjoon and others closely from the start..he obviously know who Jackson is...he already took good care Jackson, his father and Mark (well Jackson was holding him in arms when they arrived there.. so he assumed he must be important to him)

Jungkook didn't wait for his reply and keep on adding instructions..

"Everyone else.. you can deal with them.. kill them or capture them.. make use of what you can.. if they try to resist or make trouble.. kill them instantly"  Seongjun nodded on the side..

He already did everything... as they are talking.. Dr. John's guard filing out of the room  in handcuffs.. 

These are all the things Seongjun always handle..it's not something new.. but Jungkook kept giving basic instructions.. even though Seongjun already did everything..maybe he want to make sure everything is handle perfectly.. or maybe he want to just distract himself by doing something..

Slowly the room got emptied ..the only people remain were Seongjun... Dr. John and Jungkook..

Jungkook who was still facing door where Hobi hyung left finally turned around...

Dr. John was standing there.. there was not a flicker of fear on his face.. he was still calm and looking around..as if it's not him and his men who is captured..it was someone else.. he is bound by rope.. his body already thoroughly checked... when he saw Jungkook looking at him he smiled and said..

"So what you gonna do subject 7?" He asked as if he is asking him what's his next move in chess..and it's not him who just got checked but Jungkook..

Jungkook didn't reply him... he looked at Seongjun and said.. "keep him alive but not comfortable in base..."

"You got it Boss" Seongjun nodded in agreement. Seongjun pushed Dr. John out of the room.

"And Seongjun..." Jungkook called out to him..

"Yes Boss?"

"You better make sure there are no rats in base... i want him there after I make sure Hobi hyung is okay"

"I will keep an eye on him myself.." Seongjun reassured.. Jungkook just nodded..

"Sir what about others.. should we tell them?" Seongjun asked...

"I will tell them myself" Jungkook breath out ...

After that Seongjun went out to start handling and distribution on tasks..while Jungkook just walked in the hallway uninterrupted... people bowed him as he walk pass by them..

He saw Jackson sitting dazedly in the corner.. he also saw him..but they didn't spoke anything..they just acknowledge each other presence and Jungkook walk past him..out of the house.. he hiked back to his car and finally took out his phone...

It's 00:30 he didn't realise everything just ended in half an hour.. he could still feel the ringing of the gong if the clock as heard the gunshot.. he shivered subconsciously...

He called the people he knew he had to.. even if he is terrified.. he have to make this call..

The phone rang and surprisingly it got picked up very quickly..seeing how they were all asleep he didn't thought that it will be picked up on second ring..

"Jungkook..where are you?" Came a gruff and sleepy voice of a man..

"Hyung..." Jungkook tears which had stop flowing are there again.. he choked on the first word.. he took a deep breath and relay the message.. it will not be easy to retell the whole story.. but he doesn't have to tell it right now.. all he have to do is tell what's important.

"Hyung.. Hobi hyung is hurt.. please.. hyung"

Jungkook cried.

"Jungkook where are you..where is hobi? How 'hurt' hurt means?" Namjoon asked again.. his voice clear now..all sleepiness vanished from his voice..

"He was taken with Air ambulance.. i will reach hospital in 1 hour.. you will reach quicker.. please hyung.. don't leave him alone.. he is bad hurt.. hyung i am really afraid" Jungkook couldn't stop his crying..he was trying..he really was.. but hearing Namjoon's voice is making him cry harder.

"We will be there Jungkook..you come as fast as you can..but just drive safely.. okay?" Namjoon reassured.. Jungkook could already hear voices and shuffling in the background.. he guessed they all are getting up.

"Jungkook you need someone to pick you up? Are you sure you can drive?" Jimin's voice sounded from other side of the phone...he must have taken phone from Namjoon..

"Jimin... i am so sorry" Jungkook cried even harder..how can he face Jimin when Hobi hyung hurt so much because of him..

"Jungkook... Hobi will be okay." Jimin reassured... his voice was cracking but he still talked in gentle tone.

"Jungkook can you drive?" Jimin asked again.. in firm tone

"Yes.. yes I can.. i will meet you all there" Jungkook took deep breath and turned on the engine..

"Good... same old hospital right?" Jimin enquired...

"Yes" Jungkook replied. "Hyung.. one more thing"

"What?" This time it was Namjoon who answered..Jimin must have given the phone back to him

"We captured Psydoc"


It's the conclusion of this long running scene... next we have to see how our boys deal with the aftermath of this incident...as well as can Hobi pull through this? we captured Psydoc... will our characters finally get some peace of mind..or is it just another game of chess?

Hope you enjoy the chapter
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