
By trynafindjesss

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"The things I could make you feel" He whispered as he delicately tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear tha... More



143 5 0
By trynafindjesss

                        14 years ago

Kayden Merikh

I looked down at the 5 dollars in my hand and sighed. I have to do something before I run out of the money I have.

I want to smoke some weed and eat something.

It's been a year since I ran away form the hell hole named foster home. Surviving on money I gathered from pickpocketing.

Walking on the mostly empty streets of Las Vegas in the morning with my hood up and hands in the pockets of my hoddie, I looked around me for a prey.

A lady was approaching with an expensive looking hand bag, busy on her phone. It's a pain in the ass to steal from women because they keep their purse inside their bags.

I looked to my right and saw a man walking on the opposite footpath, wearing an expensive suit and glasses, talking on the phone with a briefcase in his hand.

Men mostly keep their wallet in the back pocket which makes it easier to steal. As expected, I saw the outline and bulge of a wallet in his right back pocket.

And looking at the man, I know it's heavy.

I was thinking about crossing the road but didn't, to not seem suspicious. I've to play safe to not get caught.

While looking for another prey, I saw the man crossing the road and walking in my direction.

What a fucking day.

I squeezed my hands inside my pockets. They started turning sweaty as the man got closer. I could feel a bead of sweat sliding on the side of my forehead. My heart beating loudly in my ears.




I swiftly and smoothly pulled out the wallet and stuffed it in the pocket of my hoodie. I fliched when the man laughed loudly at something the person on the other end said.

His voice faded out and a smirk slowly streched on my lips.



Reaching the shadier neighborhood, I entered the alleyway where I bought weed from a man.

The sun was about to set and the air had already turned colder.

As suspected, the wallet had around two grand. If I had been carefull, I wouldn't have been robbed of seven hundred dollars. But the rest lasted me for a good ten to fifteen days. 

I still have hundred dollars with me. It should work for a few more days.

"Hey kid! Do you need some money?"

I turned around and saw a man behind me. He looked like he needed to snort cocaine really bad.

His skin was pale. Dark circles under his eyes. He didn't look as bad as the others who use it. Seems like he has just gotten into doing cocaine.

For a second I considered telling him to stop doing cocaine. But then I realised how dumb it will be.

If only telling someone to stop using it worked.

I had enough money for now. But more money is always good. But more money also means attracting danger when you're living on the streets.

But I've to take the money for her as well.

"Yes." I replied.

He walked closer and I tensed. Ready to pounce as soon as I detect something suspicious. He might have seen me steal the rich man's wallet and now is trying to steal it from me.

"There will be a man coming to the abandoned building in 5 minutes which is down this street, tattoos on his face. I want you to steal cocaine from him. He will be alone until people start showing up to buy. You'll have about 5 minutes to do the job."

"How much am I getting?"

"A grand."

I turned around and started walking away.

"Wait! Three thousand. What about three thousand?"

"Four! I'll give you four thousand dollars!" He shouted when I ignored his 3 thousand deal.

I stopped, considering his offer. I turned around, "Money first." I said.

His expression shifted, like he didn't expect I would ask for the money before doing his job.

Living on the streets teaches you alot of things.

I got a feeling he doesn't have the money, but to my surprise he removed his wallet from his jeans pocket and started walking closer again.

"Here. I'll be watching you from afar."

I stuffed the four thousand dollars in my jeans pocket.

Paying completely before he gets what he wants? New in the area I guess.

I walked towards the abandoned building the man told me to go to. I stayed behind a wall opposite to the building which gave me the perfect view of the rusted old gate of the building.

There was no one around here.

A tall man wearing a hooded jacket came into vision after a few minutes. He looks around 5'11, 4 inches taller than me, with tattoos on his face.

This is the man I guess.

He walked into the building and I followed him quietly, keeping distance. The sky had turned a deeper shade of blue and there barely was any light near the premises.

He took a left and and I jogged and hid under the ground floor window. I peeked inside and saw him sitting on a table.

He fetched a flask of alcohol and drank from it. I took in the surrounding. There was a window behind him. There was now way I could pickpocket.

Looking at him from this distance I was sure he knows how to fight. But so did I.

I slowly made my way towards the window behind him, making sure I don't make a sound.

When I reached the window, I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm my nerves. The air had become chiller than before.

I peeked inside. He was looking down at something. Probably at his phone.

I placed my hands on the windowsill and pushed myself up quitely, adrenaline running through my veins like a bullet train.

My heart began beating in my ears. I landed on the floor softly and in a quick move, I got him in a chokehold.

The man started struggling under my hold but not for long. He hit my ribs with his elbow and I lossened my hold with a gasp.

He quickly got off the table and lunged at me. He threw a punch my way and I ducked just in time, punching him in the stomach.

He stepped back wincing and I landed another puch on his face. A bruise started forming under his left eye and a murderous look took over his face.

He punched me in the face and the force of it nearly knocked me down.

I was right. He does know how to fight.

He kicked me in the stomach and I fell on the ground grunting.  He sat on top of me, smiling like a monster. He wrapped his hands around my neck and started chocking me.

"You have got some balls to pick a fight with me for no fucking reason kid. But now you'll pay for it."

I clawed at his hands, tried to reach his eyes as I struggled to breath. When nothing worked, I patted the ground frantically to get ahold of something.

My hand found something hard, it felt like a rock. Without another thought I slammed it against his head.

His hands left my neck clutched his head in agony. I gasped for air but my hand smashed the rock against his head once again and I pushed him off me.

He was on the ground, blood flowing down his head. His movements became weaker and then stopped completely.

I looked at him, breathing erratically. I stood up, brain still cloudy due to lack of oxygen supply. I focused my eyes on him and bent down, placing my fingers near his nostrils.


I quickly checked his jeans pockets but found nothing. I stepped back and walked towards the table where his jacket was.

Rummaging through the pockets, I found 20 small ziplock packets filled with white powder and two hundred dollars.

Stuffing it in my pocket, I started walking towards the entry of the building.

I glanced at the man one last time before stepping out of the building and running away.


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