The Children of Aether

By Godslayer2468

162K 2.6K 7.1K

Aether and Paimon has travel through three regions in the land of Teyvat. As the two make their way back to M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Aether kids Description
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Ask the Family Question
Answering Question (So far) (#1-60)
Answering Question #61-141
Answering Question #142-216
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thank you/Anniversary
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Thank you for 100K (A03)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Children Character files (Mitsuki, Hizuki, Kaneko, Athelinda)
Children Character files (Fuyuto, Yori, & Yu Tao)
Thank you for 100K (Again) (Wattpad)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Sneak Peek #1

Chapter 26

2.2K 46 199
By Godslayer2468

Howdy, Howdy. Yes you are seeing this right; I am updating this fic. I wasn't going forget about it. If you been paying attention to the lemon side of Genshin when it comes to me. I haven't didn't forget. In fact I wanted to work on some other stuff really quick when I got back. Plus; I of course been playing Genshin and exploring a bit of Fontaine of course. 

I have completed both archon quest BUT I haven't completed ANY OF THE WORLD QUEST! SO before you go spoiling me with some overworld stuff STAY SILENCE! I would like to remain spoil FREE PLEASE!

I will also say; I like the cast of Fontaine we gotten so far. Lynette and Lyney there stuff with Fatui has peak my interested. Childe getting ONE SHOTED by mister hydro dragon (i mean ITS a no brainer at this point). I also like and hate the hydro archon. What do I mean? Well; for one I hate this bitch doing the archon quest A LOT!! But it was more she was a pain in our side with her basically Fischl crack up by like 10 just without the difficult way of speaking. She much easier to understand.

And it wasn't hard to see after the end of Act 2 what she like. It clear she learning her lesson and also it clear she has some underling how I say....pain. She wants to be love and not seen like a let down by her people. And she does care for them given the whole prochey. So it's a love-hate relationship with her. I'm starting see the theme here in the hydro region...there a side to everything two coin.

But...I have to say it....NAVIA IS BEST GIRL/WIAFU FOR Fontaine! No IF! NO AND! NO BUT! She is best girl hands down! Oh you thought I would say Lynette. Yeah I like her; given I did do a lemon of her. (Well by the time this drop it will also drop along with the Navia lemon...)

But anyway; Navia is EASYLY! EASYLY GOING up on my list of favorite girls! And you know what that means....heheh yep the first Fontaine waifu that will be in the third wave; is Navia! After how she carry herself in the first half; and then the second act. There was no WAY I WASN'T Going to fall her. 

Sadly....there is some sad news....MAN! WHAT DID THEY DO OUR BOY/GIRL! TRAVELER!?! ;-;. This character really doesn't get any love! How do you go from good ENOUGH that!?! LIKE! Do you know how much I was hype for hydro many chances I could do with for my boy and his ships...but now....*sigh*

Don't won't be like that when I get to hydro traveler in 5 years lol. I plan to make him a monster. (If the trailer said anything about what I plan to do with him. 

And to that; yes after this chapter well along with this chapter will be the 100k thank you for the wattpad end of things. It finally happen. This fic has crack 100K on two SITES. So i hope you all enjoy that work. 

Well; enjoy this chapter first; 


Ayaka- Mitsuki (12 Year sold)

Shenhe- Hizuki (11 years old)

Jean- Kaneko (10 Years old)

Ei- Athelinda (9 Years old)

Eula- Fuyuto (9 Years old)

Keqing- Yori (8 Years old)

Hu Tao- Yu Tao (7 Years old)


We return to Liyue, where we see little Hizuki walking back with Baizhu and Yu Tao. It took a bit, but Hizuki found them. Once she had found them, she hugged Yu Tao, seeing he was okay, but when she rubbed his face and saw some ash on him, he forgot to clean up. It didn't take her long to know what happened to the look Baizhu gave her when she looked at him.

Hizuki sighed as they traveled back to Liyue Harbor. In contrast, while traveling, Hizuki looked at her little brother, who hummed a tune as they walked around. She adopted a smile as she lifted his pork hat up a bit and gave him a headpat. Yu Tao looked at her, confused at first. But he would give her a cheeky smile that brought even a smile to Hizuki's face.

They would soon reach the Harbor where, near the gate was, of course, Hu Tao, along with Xiao and Yanfei, with a little Yori, Qiqi, and Azhdaha on Qiqi's neck. Shenhe was also there, of course, with Aether, who had a collar with him and anime-like tears running down his face. The one thing with Aether was he wasn't wearing his scarf?

They would reach them, with Hu Tao approaching Yu Tao and kneeling down with him. She didn't look too happy.

Hu Tao: "Yu....why am I getting pulled from work to hear you might have done something over the top." Yu Tao looked down, his cheeks puffing out, and rubbing his feet on the ground.

Yu Tao: "I...might have let my emotions get the better of me and....took things too far.... I'm sorry."

Hu Tao: "....*sigh*" She rubs his head. "If you don't take after both your parents. Listen, I might not know fully what you did yet. But understand controlling that 'dark' urge we have inside of us." She pointed to his heart. "Emotion can be a powerful thing for all of us. You clearly have a deep secret gifted inside you. But we can't let that talent get out of hand. You're still young and it is my responsibility as your mother to help you understand. So if you can, please be more careful on what you do with your gifted okay." She smiled at him.

Yu Tao: "Ok mom, heheh."

Hu Tao: "Now, go and play, your mommy has to talk to the 'doctor' and see what the whole big deal is. Stay out of trouble, my little trouble maker." She gave him a chichi laugh.

Yu Tao saluted as he waited for Qiqi to grab the stuff of medicine from Baizhu, and the two ran off.

Hizuki: "Yori can you make sure those two don't cause trouble."

Yori: "Hmhmhm, of course. You can count on me. I am, after all, the big sis to him." She went after Yu Tao and Qiqi.

Yanfei: "I'll make sure they don't start any trouble."

Aether: "Thanks Yanfei."

Yanfei: "It's no big deal." She took her leave.

Shenhe let go of Aether finally, who had pulled his shirt a bit.

Aether: "Okay, so explain what happened?"

Baizhu would go on to explain what happened while out with little Yu Tao, describing the feeling they got from the massive fire he unleashed on the dungeon and how scared many of the treasure hoarders even refused the aid of Baizhu healing them afterward. Changsheng notices how many of the hoarders would look behind them where Yu Tao was, and they would suddenly look like they saw Death itself before trying to run or denying the medicine.

They went on to explain what Yu Tao said to them and everything.

Baizhu: "Now I'm not one to jump to conclusions but it is clear there is much more to the story to little Tao. The mere fact he would go that far, now I can't speak for his father, the traveler, since I haven't seen him in action besides when the Harbor was attacked. But I know some things about his mother Hu Tao." Hu Tao crossed her arms and just gave Baizhu a look. "And the only one who would know more about little Tao is someone right with us. Aka, little Hizuki. Care to explain a bit more about your little brother."

Everyone looked at Hizuki, who sighed and sat atop a rock.

Hizuki: "I guess I should explain a bit more about our family. As cheerful as you all seen us, we each have challenges we have faced. Dad, tell me have you seen or heard anything from little brother Kaneko or Fuyuto."

Aether: "I have learned that your little brother Fuyuto was once targeted in the future to be branded by his own mother side of the family." Everyone's eyes widened at this except Paimon.

They could hear that, right? A little child being branded....what?! Shenhe, near bloodlust she controlled, nearly slipped out to the point that the red ropes she wore had to tighten around her; thankfully, she got under control when she felt Aether grab hold of her hand, intertwining their fingers together.

She calmed down as best she could but still had a sliver of anger inside. Shenhe has yet to meet the others, but she cares for Yu Tao and Yori even though they aren't her entirely. It didn't change a DAMN thing. She WILL protect these kids with her life!

Hu Tao wasn't faring any better; as hard as it was to get a read on her, one thing she didn't mess with was when it came to kids. She enjoys having fun and messing with them. Hu Tao was holding on much better than Shenhe, but that didn't take away the utter rage Hu Tao was hiding under her. Just as she is in battle when the situation gets serious, she tries her hardest to control her flaming anger.

Hizuki: "Heh, so you learn about that. That is just one of the many challenges we have to face growing up. Yu Tao....*sigh* We have tried to make sure he never had to see or challenge anything that we face. But life doesn't work that way clearly. Even with an awesome family like ours."

Hizuki: "Mommy Hu Tao has always had a close relationship when it came to the dead. So it was no surprise Yu Tao would pick up on that same trait even at a young age. At first it wasn't much, him playing patty cake with someone invisible, petting little animals, or randomly nodding his head or staring at a spot. As he got older and could speak he would tell us things. About some of the people he has met. At some point he would go to random spots from any of the regions we could explore with dad or our mom's. And he would make a little stone rock grave on a random spot."

Hizuki: "At first we thought it was random but when we started noticing other worldly presence with us it started to click to us; Yu Tao was seeing spirits. Some were bad; thankfully they weren't much of a problem other than a select few. Most were people who were regular people whose lives were cut too short and Yu Tao is doing something for them to allow them past the boulder much easier. Make it somewhat easier."

Hizuki: "As many can guess, Yu Tao is still the youngest among us. So even with his careful playful nature. We're still kids at the end of the day."

Hu Tao: "Death does things to different people. Some death comes easier to pass on, and it is just another day. While some days it can feel even the rain in the heaviest thing in all Teyvat. Not even the sun the next day can lighten the mood. It all depends on each passing, Yu tao.... he's too young or he should be to understand the concept of full grief and pain of Death...." They all look at Hu Tao, who, for once in a very long time, has a solemn look on her face with no smile. No cheerful comment or speaking in a poem.

Hizuki: "Once you spend enough time with Yu Tao he will have these moments. He sounds like a grown adult who went through many trials and tribulations only to follow up with something you would think a kid would say. Yu Tao has heard and listened to many spirits passing on stories or knows a bit about them. But there was one single event that changed."

Hizuki: "It was supposed to be a basic camping trip, one where it was just us siblings. Nothing bad; a simple fun bonding time with all of us. It would be Yu Tao's first camping trip with us without our parents....he was only 5."

Hizuki: "We told Yu Tao to stay at the camp; while the rest of us went to gather some stuff; up to this point Yu has always been good when it came to listening to us. When he is told to stay close to one of us he does, when told to never run off alone without adult supervision he of course will get our parents permission.

There weren't too many moments where Yu Tao caused trouble prior to this. There were some....not a lot."

Hizuki: "But anyway; we went off to gather some food, some wood, and other miscellaneous stuff; we weren't expecting when we got back to the campsite Yu Tao wandered off. Of course we were worried since he is our little brother even with all that power we have. We may be powerful but we're not gods...yet."

Hizuki: "We begin to look for our little brother; I was the most worried; given I'm the oldest when it comes to Liyue siblings I was afraid of what to say to our parents when we get back if something were to happen to him. So I was the most active to find him as quickly as possible. I didn't want anything to happen to him."

Hizuki clenched her fist as both Aether and Shenhe took notice of this.

Hizuki: "Doing our search; we soon see a massive tower of flame arise. We rush to it; and going over there I won't lie....I was afraid...."

Xiao: "You were afraid? Why? Was it because you thought something happened to Yu Tao?"

Hizuki: "No....I was afraid of Yu tao." She looked off to the side.

Paimon: "Afraid of your own little brother?...."

Hizuki: "We all felt it; an enormous power that when entering the area; the air was dry. It was so hard to breathe I thought if it wasn't for little brother Kaneko we all would have passed out and collapsed before even finding little brother."

Paimon: "IT was that hot!?!? How?!?"

Hizuki: "Let just say little brother Yu Tao awakened a skill that at that time only myself and Mitsuki had. When we finally got to little brother; we saw him standing in front of a massive tower of fire. He turned to us and when he turned around it was the first and last time I ever saw my little brother face like it." She went silent for a bit.

Paimon: "What...what did he look like...."

Hizuki: "....He was crying..."

Paimon: "Wait? Paimon a little confused? He has never cried before?"

Hizuki: "Maybe doing birth, that I'm not sure. But after he was Even when he hit his head, falling over, or even any of the buried. He never shed a tear. But it wasn't just tears of pain, sorrow, or anger. It was like...that was the day he changed completely and apologized to us."

Baizhu: "If you don't mind asking what he did find in that village?"

Hizuki: "It was a prison hold; I don't know how but a group of treasure hoarders somehow were able to get with some Abyss mages and they kidnapped them. They did...things to many incident people. Things I don't want to say you can take a guess at many of the things; and it didn't matter to their didn't matter."

The adults said nothing as they all could get a sinking feeling, too, while Paimon looked scared as she covered her face and sniffed a bit, thinking of what Yu Tao heard and saw.

Hizuki: "After that event, Yu tao would have a different outlook on different people. To the point you can say....he lost the feeling of mercy. Many times after whenever we came against a foe or anything that could hurt us; Yu tao wouldn't hesitate to put an end to their lives. Many times we had to stop him. He has gotten better slightly with pulling his punches but he still has these moments were....he just acts like someone different. Someone that I fear myself. And I hate that feeling." She gripped the rock under her, and it started to crack.

Paimon: "Hizuki...."

Hizuki: "How can I call myself a big sister and say I'll always be there for my little baby brother whenever he enters this other side of him show. I get afraid!?! How am I supposed to ensure it never happens again without coming off as someone scared of their own family member? What am I supposed to do when Yu Tao comes to me for training advice or wants to train for me, and I want to hurt my little brother to never let that monster out of his cage!?! How can I look at myself sometimes when Yu Tao calls me this awesome big sis whenever I look at him, I hesitate!" A cyan-like aura begins to leak out of Hizuki when a few adults take a step back.

Hizuki: "I let my own little brother out of sight; and I want to treat him freely and let him not be too worried about anything. But I can't even do that! I'm afraid that if he isn't around one of us he would do something he would regret. There are days I can see in his eyes; he wishes regret that day and wishes he never went on that camping trip...."

Paimon: "Hizuki you can't be hard yourself you didn't know that-"

Hizuki: "WHO IDEA DO YOU THINK TO LEAVE AT THE CAMP ALONE!!!" The adults widen. "I was the one who suggested it. Even though Mitsuki and Kaneko both said one of them should stay behind I said it's fine and Yu Tao would be okay. He wouldn't go anywhere. It was my fault that day why a monster was born and why my little brother has a side that even his own siblings are afraid of."

Hizuki: "Yori will never say it or does her best to show it, but there are times she is a little afraid to be around little brother Yu tao. Whenever we go out she puts up that tough act but she shutter a lot when she is out with him unless one of the three oldest is around. Yori once had a nightmare that little brother would hurt her and the family and she wasn't strong enough to stop it. I don't know if my little brother knows it and I can only hope he doesn't."

Hizuki: "But it was my responsibility as the oldest of the Liyue siblings....seeing my little sister somewhat afraid of her own little brother because she isn't strong enough or doesn't know will she ever be on the receiving end of one of his literal attacks. I saw the fear in her eye during one of their sparring session....Yori froze up when Yu tao got a little serious."

Hizuki: "I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THE OLDEST and I CAN'T EVEN BE THAT BIG SISTER for my siblings! How am I supposed to take the stress off Mitsuki and our parents if I fail as a big sister! What type of sibling am I that can't even control HER OWN DAMN-" Hizuki was cut off when she felt some arms wrap around her....she looked and saw it was both her parents.

Hizuki was surprised...why were her parents hugging her....did...did she lose control of her emotions again? Crap...not again.

Aether: "That is not true....y-you are a g-good kid and s-siblings. I know w-when I was with Kaneko and F-Fuyuto they p-praised you. T-The fact that Yu Tao and Y-Yori still come to you means they truly do look up to you. J-Just because y-you are a little afraid t-that isn't a bad thing. I-I mean look at your father." Aether gave her a weak smile.

Hizuki: "Dad...."

Aether: "I-I fear what will h-happen when I f-find your aunt....of course I-I want to bring her back b-but I know i-it's not going to b-be easy. I-I'm afraid....afraid of what w-will happen when I face h-her again. It's o-okay to f-feel that. Y-You just can't l-let it control you and blind you. I-I see the l-love and care y-you have for your s-siblings. Heh, you j-jump a-at the moment y-y-you hear about your little b-brother off s-somewhere w-without you. T-That shows you c-care for him. E-Even if you say i-it was cloud by a mist of you were a-afraid the mere fact y-you wanted to make sure he was o-okay. Say...everything."

Hizuki begins to sniff a bit...

Aether: "D-Don't think for a m-moment a-any of you are...a b-bad kid or bad s-siblings alright. I'm happy how m-much all care for each other. It make me the p-proudest dad in the world. And make h-happy to call you all my k-kids." Aether gave her one of his brightest smiles.

Hizuki couldn't hold back this time as she tackled her father in a hug, burying her chest into his chest, and started to cry a bit. Aether rubs his daughter's back and lets her get it out. While his kids all show great love, care, and maturity, it doesn't take away their still kids, just like his kids who try to cover their hearts. He does it with his heart and acts like he isn't hurt by many of the events he has encountered through his journey.

Acting as this light and sun for everyone that can rely on. But just like the sun when it goes down. Its lights on some days dim, he can't always smile, and sometimes the burden and pain he feels from beginning away from Lumine and having to fight so many started to weigh on him. There were days he felt....why and what was he doing all this fighting for? To find his sister....that partly kept him going and what made him push forward...but even that can only hold up someday.

Now, Aether can say something else he's fighting for....his family. To see them all again and those who gave him a chance and want him to be happy.

They slowly broke the hug, with Hizuki back to her stoic side, eyes looking self.

Hizuki: "Sorry, didn't mean to get emotional like that."

Shenhe: "No it's fine. You had every reason too."

Paimon: "Y-Yeah, but h-hey Hizuki, i-i-if you wouldn't turn off your element POWER PLEASE!?!" Hizuki looked at Paimon with a raised eyebrow and then noticed the air around them was getting really, really cold!!!

Looked around at the others and saw they weren't doing any better, with Hu Tao beginning to be the only one holding up decently thanks to her pyro heat but clearly trying to stay warm with breathing on her hand. Looking at her dad, she could tell he was trying to keep that smile up, but she could see he was also shivering.

Hizuki: "Oh sorry." Turning off her element power.

Paimon: "Thank...Paimon did not want to become a frozen popsicle!!"

Hizuki: "I don't know, Paimon ice cream sounds pretty good."

Paimon: "Don't!"

Hizuki: "Might have to beat little brother Yu tao and little sis Athelinda to the punch of cooking you. I always wonder, what would you taste like chicken or fish? I'm still on the boat. You taste something close to sweet madame."

Paimon: "Aether!!" Paimon flew behind Aether. "Protect Paimon! Your kids are trying to eat me!"

Aether: "I don't know Paimon, I have always wondered myself, I'm still on the boat you would taste like fish."

Paimon: "Why ME!!!!" They all chuckled at Paimon's suffering.

Hizuki: "Prepare yourself little lavender melon because Athelinda might actually go through with it to end the long family debate."

Paimon: "This is a debate in the family!?!?!"

Hizuki: "Very."

Paimon: "If Paimon is going down, I'm taking you with me!" She starts light-hitting Aether while giving a cute pout. Aether laughs at her.

Baizhu: "We should start heading back; got to make sure Qiqi put the medicine all in the right filing cabinet."

Hu Tao: "I guess you're right; I also need to check on a certain old timer and to see how today's progress went. Hopefully he made some mora."

Aether: "it has been a long day, I guess we should soon call it a day, huh?"

Xiao: "I'll be around if you need me. You already know; if anything happens just call my name." Aether nodded at him before Xiao vanished.

Aether: "Wonder where we should call a night at-woah!" Shenhe grabs Aether and pulls him close.

Shenhe: "You mister is coming with me."

Aether: *blushing* "Eh!?!"

Shenhe: "Don't think I didn't notice the scent on you from Keqing. And she wasn't around when I came to grab you."

Aether: "I-I can explain!!"

Hu Tao: "Oh...can you mister." Aether looked at Hu Tao, who had a devilish cheeky smirk on her lips.

Aether: "Uh...Ummmm...Paimon little he-"

Hizuki and Paimon were walking and flying away as they returned to the Harbor.

Paimon: "So what should we have for dinner tonight?"

Hizuki: "Don't know? Feeling some dumplings. You."

Paimon: "Oooh Paimon can go for some dumplings."

Aether: "TRAITOR!!"

Shenhe: "Would you like to join us Hu Tao?" Aether prayed to Celestia, and she said no!!

Hu Tao: "Hmmm? No." Aether, thank the heavens up above for once. "But." A smirk appeared as she approached Aether's face, making him blush super hard.

She whispers in his ears. "Don't think you're safe from me since you've been all day with the others. But tomorrow you're mainly with me. And when tomorrow night rolls around, is that so-called dull blade as dull? Try not to go all out with Shenhe here tonight. Darling~" She blew in his ear, making him stutter.

Hoping back, she put her fingers to her lips and gave a cheeky laugh. Before heading back down to the Harbor. Leaving a stuttering mess, Aether with a blushing red face.

Shenhe: "Have to take some notes in the future."

Aether: 'I'm in danger....'

Shenhe would carry Aether to the house she stays at in the mountains; Aether didn't even put up a fight as he had tears rolling down his face. All he could pray was his 'blade' hold up. He's going to have his work cut out for him tomorrow.


Going over to Mondstat where we see both Kaneko and Fuyuto, who were now in the teapot as they were teleported inside with the day wrapping up; they both pet Tubby before heading inside; when going inside, Fuyuto wouldn't stop giving Kaneko crap.

Kaneko: "How was I supposed to know Timmy was going to get upset with me shooting some of the birds? It's not my fault that I want to cook some nice cook fowl."

Fuyuto: "I'm pretty dad; has told many times in the past, well future. Timmy always gets upset whenever he collects it."

Kaneko: "I gave it back to him....just in better form."

Fuyuto: "You mean making a dish out of them?"

Kaneko: "Hey, I said a better form; it doesn't mean it was the form he wanted. Guess he is still the bird lover he was in the past, just like in the future." The two would go upstairs to the bedroom they were staying at.

Fuyuto: "Hmph, well any progress today with the whole 'growing family operation?' I didn't get a chance to really talk to Noelle Today, sorry."

Kaneko: "It's ok. It's going be processed anyway. But I did make some; got to talk to Mona and set things up with her."

Fuyuto: "You got to talk to MASTER MONA! Why didn't you tell me I wanted to come!" His eyes lit up like the night sky.

Kaneko: "You were gone where you were? I had to use the chance when I can."

Fuyuto: "Hmph, so that's how it is. Doesn't matter, I got my revenge anyway."

Kaneko: "Pft, sureee you did. What you-"

Fuyuto: "I got to talk to Uncle Diluc." Kaneko's head snapped towards his brother while he smirked.

Kaneko: "You're pulling my leg....right?"

Fuyuto: "*w* I don't know? Am I?"

Kaneko: "......"

Fuyuto: *w*

We see Jean and Eula entering the teapot after a long, exhausting day at work with the knights. The two plop down onto the sofa in the living room of the teapot.

Eula: "Today felt longer than I could imagine. Jeez, these likes these is days I should ask for a vacation."

Jean: "I have no problem giving you a break Eula, all you have to do is ask. You know that."

Eula: "Hmph, and let you pile more work up for yourself and not allow me to take my vengeance on you. Ha! Nice try but it won't work."

Jean: *smile* "Oh Eula. The kids were really something, weren't they, huh?"

Eula: "Hmph, you're telling me. Fuyuto from what my company told me is quite the young man. They say he was very good at reading the map and found nice scout points we can try in the future. Before he went in and destroyed the place. Still upset at my company for letting a hair on him get hurt."

Jean: "Oh Eula...."

Eula: "Don't act like you weren't worried about little Kaneko. Let's not forget what happened earlier."

Jean: *blush* "H-Hey! He is my son after-all of course I was worried. But, from what Lisa told me from what she gathered from Razor. Kaneko is a lot more powerful than many adults here."

Eula: "Really now? I can take that guess from how much Fuyuto talks about his brother. I can only imagine how it's going to be when we meet the other kids. Mainly the oldest one....Mitsuki Kamisato if I'm not mistaken."

Jean: "Yes, the mother is Ayaka Kamisato. If I remember correctly, she was one of the noble clans for that region. I want to get with all the other ladies in the relationship and get something for her."

Eula: "Oh?"

Jean: "Miss Kamisato was the first and was originally the one who got with Aether. It wasn't for her allowing them to have an opening relationship with all of us. Many things will be different. I want to say thank you to her."

Eula: "You do have a point; she was the one who kicked all this off. I can only imagine it wasn't easy for her. It must have been a hard pill to swallow at first. She has my respect. I wonder if she is good with the blade Aether hype her up to be."

Jean: "Let's cause any trouble once we meet the other ladies. The last thing we want is to cause a fight-" Jean turned and saw a purple-haired lady walking out of the kitchen, eating some cooked fish from the stove with a plain white T-shirt and wearing Aether scarf.

All three stare at each other; Keqing blinks before she finishes chewing. Finally speaking.

Keqing: "Um....meow?"

Eula: "Oh great he is dating a cat. Now we have to question if our man is furry." Eula facepalm.

Jean: "A what?"

Eula: "Don't ask. Something some of the scouts were talking about one day I overheard them."

Keqing: "Excuse me, I am not a cat. Do you know who are talking to right now?!"

Eula: "A purple cat, that I will admit has an interesting look to her. I'll give you that."

Jean: "When did you start telling jokes, Eula?"

Eula: "After having to deal with our man, mainly and our son. I need some way to react to my vengeance on him. Still working on a few."

Keqing: "Wait, you are some of the mothers of the other two look like...Jean Gunnhildr and Eula Lawrence. Aether has told me much about the two of you."

Jean: "I feel like I heard of you? Are you miss Ke-" The mothers heard a loud crash upstairs; they all quickly rushed up the stairs.

They could tell it was from the kid's room, getting up a stair quickly, with Keqing doing a few gymnastics like flipping off the walls and stairs to get to the room first. Once Eula and Jean caught up, they swung the door, ready to take action.

But what the three mothers saw was Fuyuto and Kaneko pulling at each other's faces and grinning evilly at the others. The two tried to hurt the others with no FIST thrown as Kaneko got behind Fuyuto, trying to choke him out with an arm headlock. Fuyuto started trying to tickle his brother, who was trying to hold in his laugh, allowing him to loosen his hold up, allowing Fuyuto to kick off his brother and roll to the other side of the room.

The two squat down like cats as they stare at each other, ready to pounce at each other immediately. The two finally noticed the mothers looking at them. They saw their mothers, and then, turning their heads, they saw Keqing/Yori's mother.

Kaneko & Fuyuto: "Ah hi mom! Hi, Mommy Keqing!"

Eula: "Well that answers that question. Fuyuto! Kaneko! What are you two doing?!?"

Kaneko: "He saw uncle Diluc and didn't TELL ME! And won't tell me what they talk about! He better not tell him how much I try to copy some of his MOVES! Please tell mommy he didn't tell him!" Kaneko pointed at his brother and gave a pout.

Eula: "Pft!" Eula had turned her head to hide her laugh.

Fuyuto: "Well big bro went over to Master Mona house and didn't tell me! I wanted to show how much better I've gotten with stars reading and stuff! And I wanted to see if I could get another astrology hat! Since I left mine! I'm having my vengeance against HIM!" The two glare at each other.

Keqing tried to cover her mouth but couldn't hold back her laughter; this was all too good; they acted like siblings. Just like her daughter with Hizuki and Yu Tao,

Keqing: "Aether really is something...."

Kaneko: "Oh that's right dad went to Liyue Today didn't he. How is everything over there?"

Keqing: "Everything is going well; I have to say your other siblings are ok. They all are with each other and have been around us. I have to say seeing you two shows just how loving you all are and the bonds you all have together." She smiles at them. So did Jean and Eula.

Kaneko: "That's good to hear; hopefully Yu Tao hasn't caused too much trouble."

Fuyuto: "Hopefully he hasn't cooked Paimon yet. I want the first chance to get that!"

Kaneko: "Are you still upset about her calling you an ice-elf."

Fuyuto: "I will have my VENGEANCE!!" The adults laugh at this.

Keqing can tell from the look and sound of things; Kaneko is Jean's son and Fuyuto is Eula's son. Given what she heard earlier downstairs, she confirmed this.

Fuyuto: "By the way mommy Keqing are you ok?"

Keqing: "Hmm? Yes, why?"

Fuyuto: "Well, it's just I noticed you have a few bite marks on your legs? Did something bite you?"

Kaneko, Jean, and Eula all of them did a split take. Keqing face burst into a shade of pink as she quickly shut the door!

Fuyuto: "Did....I say something wrong?"

Kaneko: *looking off to the side blushing* "No...let just say dad...."

Fuyuto: "Hmm? Why...." Tick....tick...tick....DING! "OH CELESTIA!!!!"

On the outside of the room with the three adults. Each had a blush on their face as they looked at Keqing.

Jean: "Well...that explains the was it." She asks as she looks off to the side with her face red.

Keqing: "....." Eyes darting back and forth from Jean and to the ground under her. "....I wasn't expecting how much Aether loves my...thighs....."

Eula: "At least he didn't kiss your butt...." Eula thought she said that in a low tone that Keqing wouldn't hear, but she did.

Keqing: ".....He....did...." Keqing crimson color on her face never left.

The three adults stood there with all their faces a shade of red; the kids cracked the door as they looked at their parents, frozen and red in the face.

Fuyuto: "Dad...perv." He gives a deadpan look.

Kaneko: "We're going to have to make another no horny bat."


Heading over to Inazuma now, seeing both Mitsuki and Athelinda sleep. We zoom in on the sleeping Mitsuki heading into her dream world.

We see Mitsuki slowly opening her eyes and standing in a frozen forest. Mitsuki looked around, and everything was covered in ice; the trees, the birds, and even the sky gave off an icy tone of color. Everything was covered! Looking forward, Mitsuki sees someone standing a few feet away from us; we see their feet as they take a step ahead; they look like they are wearing the same feet Mitsuki wears.

They came out more and more and soon were only about ten feet away from Mitsuki herself; we saw the person, and they were....another Mitsuki!?!

But this Mitsuki had a more icey cold look; her eyes were icy purple amethyst shade, and her dress was white as snow. With her sword on her hips;

Other Mitsuki: "Well, it's been a" She bowed to Mitsuki, doing the same bow Mitsuki did on the battle over on Watatsumi Island.

Mitsuki: "*sigh* Why....why did you call me here?"

Other Mitsuki: "Don't be like that, it wasn't me who called me. After-all, it was you who called me. Or summon me." She opens her left eye with the same smirk Mitsuki had on earlier doing her fight.

Mitsuki: "....I didn't mean too...I let my emotion slip out. It won't happen again."

Other Mitsuki: "Aw don't like that, Mitsuki!" She smiles as she starts dancing and hopping around Mitsuki. "I mean, you said that last time. But here we are again doing this song and dance." She had a smile on her face and slightly turned her head while behind Mitsuki before turning fully around her with a little twirl.

Other Mitsuki: "After-all why would we be upset. When you're a perfect warrior."

Mitsuki: "Stop know we hate that word."

Other Mitsuki: "Heheh, you right...we do hate that word." She started to walk with a little kick to her feet with her hand behind her, now on the right side of Mitsuki, before turning her head again with a smirk. "Or more like you hate it because you know how true it really is for us."

Mitsuki: "That's a lie, we're not-"

Other Mitsuki: "Come on, why deny it? After all, it wasn't like you didn't own up to that one match against that noble." Mitsuki balled her fist. Other Mitsuki dipped her head with her hair, casting a shadow-like fade over her glowing eyes.

Other Mitsuki: "What's wrong with being perfect? After all, it just means we're that good, and others are just jealous. We are a standard that is set and others aim for. Even though...." Other Mitsuki leaned back still with a smirk on her face. "The level we set ourselves cannot be matched that easily."

Mitsuki: "You're wrong."

Other Mitsuki: "Am I?" Not losing the smirk on her face.

Mitsuki: "We're not good at everything?! If that was true everything mom said would have been wrong. We would be perfect at cooking, we wouldn't have to train as hard as we did. We wouldn't have to put as much effort as we do! We wouldn't get mad at people! We wouldn't-"

Other Mitsuki: "Have emotion. Of course, every person has emotions. But...I think we have different opinions on what it means to be perfect." She crossed her arms and kept her smirk. "You see, no, we're not perfect people. Since it does take practice to get good at things. Cooking, writing, dancing, and even skill with the blade. But after a while, it became easy for us. If we're perfect, why do we hold back in many of our fights? If we're not perfect, why do we have to lower our level for others to keep up? If we were not so perfect, we would have to train much harder."

Mitsuki: "You can't count out our siblings pushing us to get better."

Other Mitsuki: "You right. But let's not kid ourselves we are still on different levels compared to them. After-all they don't know what you've been working out in the background to make sure we don't lose. If we didn't want to perfect we wouldn't train so hard to perfect these techniques. Why doesn't it make us perfect?"

Mitsuki: "" Mitsuki squirts her eyes as she looks down and grits her teeth.

Other Mitsuki: "I mean if you didn't see yourself as perfect....well..." She closed her eyes before opening them again. "You wouldn't have created me...your perfect self."

Mitsuki stays silent as she looks away off to the side.

'Perfect' Mitsuki: "You can hide behind that snowy art we made to cover what we are. The inner demons we have, the mask you put up around others. Only let me out when you want to fight. The smile we wear that we enjoy crushing our foes. The side of you that enjoy the satisfaction of perfecting a skill we work so hard on and seeing others jealous because...."

Walking over to Mitsuki beside her and putting her hands on her shoulder as Perfect Mitsuki made Mitsuki look forward and down a bit. Her eyes widened when she saw a former nobleman on his hands and knees, crying with a broken blade.

'Perfect' Mitsuki: "Like we told a former broken nobleman..." She went to her ear and said, "You're either perfect, or you're not me."

Mitsuki went to turn towards 'Perfect' Mitsuki, who waved bye and jumped back before snapping her finger, making the ice that covered the forest form around Mitsuki, making her cover her face.

Mitsuki shot up in bed, panting and sweating a bit; she looked down at her hands, squeezing a bit.

Mitsuki: 'I'm ok.... I' I can't let my inner thoughts win....stay strong, Mitsuki.' Mitsuki practiced the breathing technique her mother taught her a while back. She then looked beside her and saw Athelinda, who groaned as she got up.

Athelinda: "Mhmm, what time is it?"

Mitsuki: "Heheh, hello sleepyhead."

Athelinda: "Mitsuki....what are you doing in here?....WAIT!" Athelinda shot up. "Why am I in the bed!?!! Last time I checked I was with mommy training....and I just remember I lost."

Mitsuki: "I guess sparring with past Mommy Ei went as well as it did in the future?"

Athelinda: "Well....past mommy Ei almost controlled her strength., heheh." She rubs her cheek.

Mitsuki: "Are you ok?"

Athelinda: "Pft, of course I am! Do you know who you're talking to!?! You're talking to the next ruler and the person who's going to beat you!" She gave a cheeky smile.

Mitsuki: *smile*

Athelinda: "Hey, are you ok?"

Mitsuki: "Hmm? What do you mean?"

Athelinda: "Well, you seem like you had a nightmare given the amount of sweat coming down your face."

Mitsuki: "O-Oh y-yeah don't was....nothing but a silly nightmare...."

Mitsuki adopted a soft smile and looked off to the other side of the room floor.

Athelinda looked down at Mitsuki's hands and saw them gripping the cover. She was about to say something but thought now wouldn't be the best time. So she did the next best thing. She put her head on Mitsuki's shoulder, surprising her. She turned to look at her little sister, Athelinda.

Mitsuki: "Athelinda..."

Athelinda: "Don't forget you're an awesome big sis. We all like the way you are...never stop working and don't change...ok Mitsuki."

Mitsuki: *a soft smile appears on her face, putting her head on Athelinda's head* "Thank you....Athelinda."

We get a shot of outside, going to the moon.

End of chapter.


And that's the chapter! 

Alright, I guess I got breakdown this chapter a bit. For Starters the Liyue stuff was the longest part of this chapter. Mainly wanted to give more to Hizuki and some of her underline feeling. And just how much of an author bias came into play with the creation of Yu Tao. LOL!

Yeah, when I said the little fucking wanting menace! I was not lying. This isn't shocker IF you read the characters stuff I drop wayyy prior to this! Thank you for the very little of you who actually comment and stuff. It's means a lot.

I wanted to basically state how it is from the other siblings point with the whole Yu Tao stuff; and yeah they care....but they think it just oh it something that happen and they brush it no. We will get more of this in the future.

And let be honest; I have to get horny stuff in here at some point. It's only right. It wouldn't be a Slayer book without one! Lol!

The Mondstadt, was me wanting me to have fun with some silly family banter and fun. Also An excuse to set some bonding fun for the start of the next day for Keqing and the others ladies. We have to get them meet somewhere. And Aether giving them the 'Royal' blade is the PERFECT EXCUSE LOL!

And then the Mitsuki stuff....I want thank the person who made that perfect comment....because you have unleash Slayer inner fun of messing with characters LOL! This wasn't suppose to happen. This was suppose to be an enjoyment peaceful fic to you making me have too much fun of doing things to these characters...mainly to the kids! LOL!

So any of you who wanted seen characters can thank certain interesting person on A03 for allowing me to have fun. LOL! 

I'm going to enjoy what I got plan in the future.

But after this chapter and commenting. Don't forget to read their a is 100K THANK YOU after this chapter for the Wattpad side of things; of course A03 you get to read the 100K as well since it for this fic. Don't forget to read it when you get a chance. 

So instead getting one chapter to this fic, and one lemon you also get a bonus chapter from me. Genshin fan you are eating well! *smoke come out of my mouth.*

So what next? Well you see what I plan to do after I finish working on a set of chapters for some of my own personal fic I been holding off to write. Once they all done; To make and allow all my others stories have a fair chance (mainly on Wattpad, since I HAVE WAY MORE STORIES on that site). I will put my fics into a wheel. YES another wheel sorry!

And that wheel will decided out of my 20+ fic's which one will get update next. Now for LEMON is slightly different! Depending on which fic get chosen that series lemon will get update as well. So no matter what; you at least get two fic's of that series.

This is might cause A03 some sadness given the only fic I currently have and update over there are genshin and Vtuber/Hololive. Meaning their less chance you could see an update from me with my other series actually getting an update. Now its your call to go over there and read some of those others fic's. But I have to give all my readers and fic's a chance as well.

But with that said; with the simple fact there more then as for now basically two genshin fic (soon to be more). Genshin has a chance to get updates. If you care thanks, if you don't. I understand.

If you all wants to stay update with my fic, and what I'm working on join, Rev discord I'm mainly active on there. Here is the link:

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Other then that, tell me what you like about this chapter? What you dislike? What you excited to see next? Etc.

Until next time everyone later and thanks for reading.

Genshin Impact own by Mihoyo.

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