The Children of Aether

By Godslayer2468

163K 2.7K 7.2K

Aether and Paimon has travel through three regions in the land of Teyvat. As the two make their way back to M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Aether kids Description
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Ask the Family Question
Answering Question (So far) (#1-60)
Answering Question #61-141
Answering Question #142-216
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Thank you/Anniversary
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Thank you for 100K (A03)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Children Character files (Mitsuki, Hizuki, Kaneko, Athelinda)
Chapter 26
Thank you for 100K (Again) (Wattpad)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Sneak Peek #1

Children Character files (Fuyuto, Yori, & Yu Tao)

833 11 46
By Godslayer2468

The last three of the first wave.




The son of Aether and Eula Lawrence and the 5th child of the Aether kids. And is the current second Mondstadt sibling. Being the son of the descendant of that clan has come with much drama. For one, the clan wasn't still liked by many in Mondstadt, and many of the old heads in the Lawrence clan were still stuck in their old ways. The family sees his mom as an outcast and a thorn in the clan's side.

Fuyuto soon became the family's primary target; for one, seeing him as a bastard child already for the simple fact who Eula got with. With Fuyuto's birth already having a target on his back, with Fuyuto being the primary target for the clan, they thought they could slowly rebuild the clan with him. If the mom doesn't want to understand her lineage, her son will genuinely see the wave of the clan and try to restore it to its full glory. Not realizing Eula and Fuyuto want nothing to do with them.

He hated many of the clan traditions and what they did to his mother and her past. Fuyuto has promised that deep down, he will completely destroy the clan and start from scratch if he must.

Fuyuto sees Aether, his siblings, and his other mothers as his true family and those who care for him and his mom. While he takes after his mom for some of the things she likes about the clan, he refuses to have anything to do with the family and many of its ways. Fuyuto often comes off as a funny and friendly child to be around. At the same time, it was hard for many kids and other adults to warm up to him, thinking he would be just like another dirty and scum Lawernce clan member.

But with his siblings, mainly his big brother Kaneko, around, it slowly got people to slightly change their opinions on Lawrence, hoping they could change with someone like Fuyuto around.

Many knights love Fuyuto for who he is, even after picking up his mom's whole 'vengeance' thing. They understand how loving and caring he is, and you always find that Eula, the company of the Knights, always keeps Fuyuto company and talks with him, making him laugh or just playing with him. He brings a smile to all their faces.

Being the son of one of the greatest adventurers and the captain of the Reconnaissance Company has allowed Fuyuto to learn many things about reading maps and specific chokehold points. Fuyuto has a knack for reading a map and an incredible photographic memory once he sees it and certain spots on it. Able to locate many people if they need recusing or help setting up a choke point for making enemies.

This led many to dub him 'The Frozen Spirit of the Winds' because he sometimes feels better for more vital choke points. It feels like people are freezing in the wind, given they are out in the open.

But just like his mom, given he has Lawrence's blood in him, many see him as an outcast. It doesn't help with his power, thanks to his father's side, and having control of the elements at a young age has made people fear him even more. His quick knowledge makes it hard for those outside his family to trust or even be near him. Due to this lens, people view him through it, which makes Fuyuto have a special bond with his mom, one that Eula apologizes to her son for. But Fuyuto always makes it clear it is never his mommy's fault, and he loves his mommy a lot. He will always love her even if her side of the family doesn't view them as their family.

But because he hangs around her a lot, he thinks she is so cool; Fuyuto has picked up on his mom's 'vengeance' stick, making others find it off-putting. But in return, given how young he is and intelligent, he has a better time allowing and helping people understand what he's talking about when he speaks about it. But still, those who view it differently.

Coming from many of the knights from the same company as his mother, many of the knights have sought praise for Fuyuto's skillset of being able to lay an ambush and take out enemies with the ability to do both. Fuyuto has shown an adapted ability, with many believing that given his power, he would go gumshoe and destroy everything, but that's far from the truth. Fuyuto only does this if he wants to show off or work on something. Frequently, if he can join a Reconnaissance mission, he will be on his best behavior and can sometimes lead assisted.

Giving the knights a set of two pairs of great, powerful knights leading the charge for the Knights in the far future with Kaneko and Fuyuto at the helm.

Many have tried to keep the two separated due to their birth. Their parents are trying to drive a wedge between them, which nearly happened once, with Fuyuto almost becoming branded by his mom's clan. Still, thankfully, that was foil, thanks to many of the other mothers in the family. The bond between Kaneko and Fuyuto has not been broken since, and they will continue to grow and love each other.

Fuyuto refuses to have anyone bad mouth his brother for bonding with him. He even gets mad at adults who try to say his parents do not love each other. He was a bastard child, which is far from the truth.

With his powerful bloodline from both his parents, many adults fear the new Lawernce clan is on the rise. Feeling he will revive the Lawerence clan. Which is true....but not in the way many think he will.

Fuyuto plans to completely redo the Lawerece clan when he gets older. To many, when they hear him say he will make the Lawerence clan better, they think he means return to their old ways. But in reality, Fuyuto wants to get rid of all senior Lawerence clan members and only keep those who wish the clan to do better and correct it, even if it means starting over. He understands that due to his father's side, he will have a longer lifespan. He knows he will have a longer chance to fix the clan and make it much better than any of its history.

With often time sparring with his older brother Kaneko, Fuyuto is currently the only claymore user in the family. His brother has stated that Fuyuto is quite scary and can be someone you shouldn't take lightly, given he's so strong and can swing a mini claymore around for a child his age and size. Even though he has never beaten his older brother, he has come close to beating his older siblings, except Mitsuki, who has ultimately made it a one-sided beat down whenever the two spar.

But Fuyuto took skills from his uncle Chongyun and even other elements, such as Albedo, mixing some of their attacks with his element attack, able to unleash massive ice glaciers from a simple swing of his arm. Makes even more fear once he mixes his hands with his swordplay, and it will only get better as he gets older.

With Fuyuto having his dad's side genes in him, he's come off as a ray of sunshine. Often, many adults have a hard time trying to deny the child or even get on the wrong side. Given that over half of your family of people are in a powerful position, it is hard for you to get pissed off or want to piss them off and get on their wrong side.

Thankfully, Fuyuto is an understanding child and knows when he should cut out the stick he has with 'vengeance' to help many kids around him understand him. But again, it could be a better fit due to his last name. Many people are still and will be wary of him no matter what.

Those in her mother's company are very protective of him and will often if they are around and see some adults trying to act smart or a dick to him, they will quickly correct them and have a stern talking to and taken to the knights HQ. Since some adults take their anger out, they have on the Lawerence clan or for Eula herself on her son.

Most of the time, you will find Fuyuto, mainly with Mika, learning more about maps and terrains.

Besides Klee, besides his family and Fuyuto's friends, there are few kids in Mondstadt. However, one of his closest friends is Amber's daughter, whom Fuyuto may or may not have a crush on. Whenever she is around, everyone has a huge smile and find it quite cute and see the bonds the two kids' mother have with each other; Fuyuto gets made fun of by his crush by his siblings even if he tries his hardest to deny it. He can't.

Even his siblings often hype and give Fuyuto much credit regarding his accomplishments. Even when he goes out with the Reconnaissance company and slightly changes the plan or stops any enemy. His siblings and a few others are there to let many of the city know what Fuyuto did, even when he tries to act like he didn't do much.

A whisper here, a story there, no matter what, Fuyuto can count on; his siblings can put in a good word for him even in the other regions.

One of Fuyuto's best achievements was being able to pinpoint a whole underground crime group of humans who were trying to make deals with the Abyss order and were able to shut it completely down. He, Kaneko, and Yu Tao attempted to escape but didn't do anything. It was all the adults, but their female siblings didn't let them get off the hook, and it wasn't long before they heard the male siblings of the Aether kid's achievement.

Gaining a ton of new love and respect throughout many of the regions in Teyvat. And even earning the young Lawerence clan member a kiss on the cheek from his crush, one he will ensure.

Fuyuto is considered in the family as a good cook, along with his sister Mitsuki; he sometimes can cook better than her, something many don't know about Fuyuto, which also goes into him knowing terrains Teyvat is he also studies astrology under Mona herself. A side hobby, he randomly enjoys reading the stars, which has helped him out in the wild, helping many lost adventurers or knights who need help with direction.

Given his attention to detail, Mona gave him an astrology hat on one of his birthdays. He enjoys wearing it whenever he visits Mona alone, with one of his siblings, or even his dad; he always wears the hat. His eyes light up just like the night sky.

One thing Fuyuto has done that has helped his family is taking many of the Lawrence Clan's hidden books and secrets, its recipes, or some of the traditions, and sticking them out in the open where people can get them or in the Mondstadt library to allow the 'common' folks to get their hands on 'higher' folks notes and information. When he means he plans to redo the Lawrence clan, he means it.

As much Fuyuto dislike the Lawrence clan and many of its ways and thought process, there are things he finds himself doing from the clan, given his mom still considers some of the costume very enjoyable, such as the clan's many dances that, for a while, Fuyuto did not like and thought he was gonna hate it and when he saw no point to it. But one day, when he was spending time with his dad, who took him to watch his mom and, after watching her, focused on the dance and put so much effort into it, he was amazed by it like his dad.

Fuyuto took it upon himself to learn, and with the help of his mom, he would combine the dance with his fighting style, making him more in tune with his mom.

With many of the clan members not liking Eula teaching her son this dance, one that should not be tainted, there has been an attempt for him to learn the wrong dance. However, he never works with the clan, constantly failing with many of their plans and being foolish, believing they can still stay on Fuyuto's good side.

On one of Fuyuto's birthdays, his mom gave him a blue sword-like pendant that connected him to his mother, and she would always be his sword and be there when he needed it and needed strength to rely on. Fuyuto's relationship with his mom means a lot to him and Eula herself.

Given how he represents her and the family, knowing all the crap she has been through and having people love her so much and willingly to have a child with her was the world to her. Fuyuto is often told how caring and loving she was when he was a little baby, never leaving his side, and often finds it hard for anyone outside Aether to hold him.

Embarrassing story for many, but for Fuyuto, he took it as a story of love and caring, knowing his mother's past, and will always say he is her son, and he's damn proud of it! There have been times when he and his mom have gotten into arguments. Still, only a few minutes later, you will see the two of them talking with each other near a lake before hugging it out, or he's leaning on her and staring into the sea.

Fuyuto is often the main one in the family. Whenever he does something or gets an accomplishment or an award, he wants his mom there more than anyone. Anytime he can, he will hold onto a reward until his mother returns, and she would be the first person to see it. Fuyuto loves his mother and always makes sure everyone knows he is Eula Lawerence's son, and he's damn proud of it!

Given his older siblings, there was no secret he was going to have his element power unlocked early on. That moment happened when Fuyuto accidentally froze Auntie Amber's home one day when Eula visited Fuyuto as a baby, and everyone beside Eula was freezing.

Some have wondered what will be Fuyuto's second element he will learn afterward once it slowly comes to him and he gets a feel for it. Many have seen the anemo element, but some say he might use electro or even possible. For what Fuyuto thinks, he doesn't know. But it makes him all the more excited.

Hello: "Hello Fuyuto Lawrence, the next aired to the Lawerence clan and the man who will change the clan for the better. Also the son of the great Honorary Knight of Mondstadt Aether and Spindrift Knight of the Knights of Favonius, Eula Lawrence. Hope we can become friends or you might find yourself on the wrong side of my 'vengeance!'."

Etiquette: "Every family has their own Etiquette. Some families and groups either change them as time moves forwards....while others stay the same. Don't know why...."

Bladework: "My skill with my claymore is impressive huh? Yeah, when you realize I'm the only one currently in with my siblings who use the claymore it makes me even more cool right, right, right! My mom taught me how to use a weapon that is bigger than my size sometimes along with my dad, they really help me...I-I mean I'm not geeking not. N-No I'm not trying to impress a-anyone. H-Hey wipe that smirk off your face...ugh vengeance will be mine!"

Rules: "Rules are put in place to keep order and structure. Without rules a lot of things will fall apart and many crimes and wrongdoing would go uncheck. There is the foundation for a house....but some rules need to be broken or completely overhauled. Maybe even the entire house or you can say....clan."

Rains: "Oftentime when it rains my mom is the first outside and brings an umbrella to us to make sure we don't get sick. I tried dancing in the rain once....I got chewed out by my I don't try that again."

Thunder Strikes: "Most of the time, older Kaneko tells me when thunder comes down near any of us that either mommy Ei is protecting us or she is upset and we need to tell dad. For why we need to tell dad.....I don't want to know what I feel like. Even though one time mommy Ei did help my mom out with finding a group of runaways thanks to the lightning strike."

Sun Is Out: "Ha! The sun is finally out meaning when I get out with the company and see the enemies it's already over before it even started. We have the high ground, it's over, Fatui gives up! Hmm? Was that a reference to something? Noooooooo."

Morning: "Morning, oftentimes we're the Mondstadt family are usually the first one up.....and it is so much fun whenever the others get up in the teapot they see us already moving around. They taste our vengeance!"

Afternoon: "Around this time when I can't go out with mom and her company I try to make a trip to Mona place to see what can I learn more about the stars and other things....also. I think she likes it when my siblings and I come around. I have a feeling why."

Evening: "As it gets late we slowly all start to wine down and meet back up. Sometimes we stay in our regions most of the time we call it a day back in the teapot. Where before we go give Tubby headpats, she deserves all the headpats!!"

Night: "Sometimes one of our mom's sings a lullaby to us before we go to bed; it's usually my mom, mommy Mitsuki, Mommy Jean, and Mommy Shenhe. And for some reason I really like when it's one of the cyro mom's turns. I like all my mommies when they come and do it. But, it's just different....wonder why."

The Knights: "I don't want to be any regular Knight, no I want to be an adventuring knight, one that travels and one that can help not just Mondstadt but other regions as well. Let's say my older brother Kaneko and I have a plan for the future. Heheh, sorry can't tell that's our secret for when it's our turn to step up."

Bearing: "You ever wants to break the knights bearing just have mommy Hu Tao or little brother Yu Tao behind my mom or mommy Jean when giving order and they would often be making funny faces and many of the knights would break bearing quickly......or you could just have Yu Tao read off one of Uncle Cyno terrible jokes brokes and see how quickly they make a mad dash out of the formation. Mom does this to train her company sometimes. Uncle Mika I felt bad for he's usually the last one standing soulless."

Scout: "Oftentimes the Scout gets a lot of flack because they're not made for the main battle and get in to do some quick damage or scan the field. It's rare to be a scout who can do everything like my mom. Most scouts can't, I think it's clear I'm going to a different type of scout in the future....or I may not be a scout at all. Who knows heh."

Dance: "I read once there two different dances that can't happen. The one normal people do and the one my mom does that runs in the family. And the one that goes on the battlefield...this type of dance mainly targeted towards myself and older sis Mitsuki and Athelinda. They love the dance on the battlefield, sometimes too much I feel."

Commonality: "We all bleed the same....I just have blood from a clan who did really stupid **** in the past and it stains future generations because they're stupid PRIDE! WHY!?! They think just because they magically rose into power in the past they still own that; heh! Weak minded people like them who can't change their ways have no right to have a say how things will be in the future and even be around. They learn.... they're bleed just like the rest of us. You're ok? Why are you looking at me worried?"

Feud: "Once had a feud with another kid of a cousin of mine in the Lawerence clan, yes they're still having kid....somehow. I don't want to think about it! Anyway, the brat thought it was nice to spill things on my little sister Yori for the simple fact she was related to a 'demon' child like me and hearing things about her mother. Let's just say my 'cousin' afterward didn't leave all dapper at this event and was crying like a little.....the bad word. Can't say it or I'll get in trouble."

Descendant: "I claim I'm a descendant of the 'so-called' great Lawerence clan. A clan once so powerful it used to rule Mondstadt hmph, nothing more than a clan of washed up old grapes who doesn't know when to just roll over and give up. I'm a descendant of two great heroes. Not the so-called 'clan' that wants to take any accomplishment my mom and I do as a step for the Lawrence's greatness. Never thought I would see so many two faced jerks in one place."

Outcast: "I want to change this 'notion' of the Lawrence clan. I want my mom to say she is a proud Lawrence clan member. One that doesn't make her get hate. And one that gets my siblings some awkward looks or side eyes when they're around me. It's not fair, not to us and not to them. I will change my clan no matter what...even if it means I have to completely redo it."

Amber daughter: "Eh Why are you asking about her? Do I find her cute? Y-yes...why are you smirking. H-Hey just because I call her super awesome, pretty, outstanding, cute, and talented. H-Hey that doesn't mean I have a c-c-crush! I'll have my vengeance ON YOU!"

Interesting Things: "For someone like me you would think I would find something like a high class clan or royal would like. But I like astrology alot. I love learning about the stars and evenever we stargaze I love pointing them out to mom...she always has the softest smile on her face when we do it. I enjoy those moments."

About Mitsuki: "Being the oldest sibling Mitsuki has been here first and of course had to face her own challenge when it came to her mom and uncle clan. Of course they were all happy for her at first. But then once Hizuki was born things began to change and then Kaneko...and then Athelinda...and then me. Her and mommy Ayaka had to hear so much for us in this family. But they don't care. They love us."

About Hizuki: "She is the second oldest and often time is the quietest. Yeah don't let that fool you, Hizuki has a lot to say to people and has no problem speaking her mind. We tried to hold her back, one time she spoke her mind fully to an adult... I've never seen an adult look so defeated by words after 10 minutes."

About Kaneko: "I owe a lot to big bro Kaneko, being from Mondstadt as well, he's oftentimes hearing and getting flack because of me. He always comes to my defense no matter what. He will correct me if I'm wrong but when we are away from everyone. He's the best big if only he stops blaming himself for what happened with the whole almost branding incident."

About Athelinda: "Basically mini god, big sis Athelinda is ridiculously powerful! I remember one time I gave her a piggyback ride and she used her electro power and full blast right through several buildings. We ended up going from one end from the Church to the front of the gate of Mondstadt in a matter of seconds...I was so dizzy."

About Yori: "Little sis Yori is always a funny little sibling. Not because of a joke or anything. But it is funny watching her lose that tough shell she put up whenever you prove her wrong or make her laugh. She tries her hardest to act mature and I learn that there is no reason to rush matter what happened in the past. Guess we both can bond over that."

About Yu Tao: "Little brother Yu Tao, he brings smiles to the family all around. Just don't make sure he doesn't snap or get too serious with people.... it's not going to end well. One time he did an attack so powerful that crash into a camp that was so loud and strong it was heard all the way to Mondstadt. They were nearly at the border of Liyue! He tries to play it off....but I know my own little brother better than people think."

About Mona: "Yeah she was my pick for older sis Athelinda 'project make the family bigger.' She couldn't hide it no matter how hard she tried. It didn't take a super smart person especially when one day dad came to pick my siblings and I from her place and the tone of her voice and the way she was trying to sell herself but ended up giving up halfway...I knew she wanted to join but couldn't bring herself to do it. Don't worry, teach you'll join us soon enough."

About Paimon: "Paimon is Paimon and always will be. Even if she always calls me ice-elf which I don't even know she keeps getting that from. Doesn't matter, vengeance will be mind just you wait flying lavender melon!"

About Eula: "My mom always comes off so cold to so many. But we all saw her real side. She is so soft and kind, and the love and care she puts into the rest of the family to raise me and my siblings. The people who hate her even in our own clan will one day reap what they sow; and when that day comes I will have no sympathy for them."

More about Fuyuto I: "When I was born my mom couldn't stop crying and promised me she would do everything she could to give me a happy life and a childhood. Of course reality works in cruel ways and it didn't take long for me to learn the truth and see what people thought of us. I sometimes don't try to show it affects me...but it does hurt a few times. I tell people don't wear a can wear a mask all you want but when that mask cracks people will think it's the real you or just another mask."

More about Fuyuto II: "I train hard not to because I have to live up to some great title like some of my older siblings. I'm not an aired to a region or even a respectful clan, not even an awesome job title like my older brother. No, I train for many different things. I train because I want to rewrite history; I know history can't be changed overnight and it takes time. But, given what I can guess from what dad told me; my lifespan might be much longer than normal then I might as well use this as well to plan for the future and use it to my advantage. Always like a battle for my mom and I out there....*sigh* one day mom."

More about Fuyuto III: "I have spar with many adults and given my training I can defeat some of the adults. And when I mean adults I mean the non-vision user. I still get own hard by the vision user. It doesn't help that mom said I can't use any of my big attacks because if I do I'll destroy the HQ. It's not going to be a nice talk afterward. But it's a fun time sparring with Mika...just keep me away from Rosaria. I swear she's going to throw me over the wall again into the lake again! How does big bro Kaneko handle her?"

More about Fuyuto IV: "In the future the 'Clan' has slightly gotten better but how can you change people's opinion on a whole clan when the vast majority of them still want to or try to make it go back to the 'old' ways how Mondstadts used to be. Instead of wanting to move forward and fixing it. There are a few Lawerence who have changed but it's sadly not enough...One day....I won't give up hope even if I wish most of them would just hurry up and disappear."

More about Fuyuto V: "Many of the clan members have set their eyes on me to 'convince' me to help make the clan better and return it to its former glory. Oh I'll return it to its former glory. A much better form of it and many of them won't be there. They will learn just how serious my mom and I vengeance really is."

Hobbies" I already told you the astrology one, but I also like to go out camping with Auntie or mommy whenever I can learn about different terrain trying to see when they change and where they can be good choke points on the enemies. And if I really want to well...I could do it myself heheh."

Troubles: "My trouble is when people try to act like I did something wrong to other kids or my older brother is wrong for hanging out with me. Saying 'I'm a dangerous child.' Or 'I could ruin his perfect future for him.' *sigh* it's not fair for my older brother. I've tried to get him to forget about me and focus on his own stuff. But he refuses and tells me wherever he goes in the future I'm going too he will never leave me behind. .....I really can't ask for a better big brother."

Favorite Food: "Whatever my mom cooks, no matter what it is....unless..."

Least Favorite Food: "Any of the Lawerence clan 'special' dishes. Especially ones that put wayyyy too much energy in the flavor, sometimes too much of a thing isn't a good thing."

Receiving a Gift, I: "Thanks."

Receiving a Gift, II: "You know you don't have to be this kind to me....really...."

Receiving a Gift, III: "Jeez, going a little overboard don't you think, but thanks really."


Fuyuto is a heavy hitter, given he's the only Claymore user. With him using a claymore much smaller than the avenge sizes, one doesn't take away the fact he is much stronger than most kids his age and isn't afraid to use his fist if he needs to.

Being the son of both Aether and Eula has given him a way to devise a unique dance style of fighting to use on the battlefield that currently works for his size. Of course, he can't take the full use of this style that his mom has taught him, given he's still so young. But don't think he should be taken lightly.

Being the second strongest physically out of all his siblings, only behind Hizuki, Fuyuto, if he needs to overpower his foes with his strength and thanks to his father's genes, often his body can last much longer than many would give him credit for.

Along with his cyro element, he is very intuning with it. He's often taken a page out of his older brother Kaneko's book and used older adults they saw in action and their attacks for him, changing it a bit. For example, he's a cyro dash, a skill not his older sister Mitsuki has learned. Even though she still always beats him and isn't surprised by it at all. He can also shatter foes like his mom and as well.

Some of Fuyuto's best feats come from many of his spars with his older brother Kaneko. He has sparred with that once, removing a part of dragonspine snow and making a snowstorm so strong that the people of Mondstadt think Dvalin has returned. Fuyuto can be pretty scary, just like his siblings.

Fuyuto might have the lowest wins in the family regarding sparring against his siblings, but it doesn't matter to him. He knows they're making him better, and his main goal is to be stronger than anyone in his clan, so when he overtakes them, no one can challenge him, and if they do, he can handle them to prove himself.



The second youngest in the first wave, daughter of Aether and Keqing from the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing. Being the second youngest, Yori is often watched by her older siblings to ensure she's okay and doesn't get into too much trouble. Yori views everyone as equal regardless of status. Even with mothers like her who are in powerful positions, Yori doesn't like to use that status for anything and would rather have people look at her as the son of the hero of Liyue and Keqing.

Even as the youngest, Yori holds a particular pride in her that even though she is not as powerful or out there as her siblings, she wants to be taken just as seriously and for real as them. Often, she tries to come up with ideas that would or could be better than her siblings to stand out from them.

Which often makes her look much older or wiser than many would lean, and Yori is happy when people praise her for the idea. Hoping to hide her own insecurity, she tries to hide.

But Yori is fearless in putting herself out there, even being wrong or counteracted. Even if it ends with her having some tears she shed, she will pick herself right back up and learn from her mistakes.

Yori has one thing she disagrees with: the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. This stick comes from the history of what she has been told of her family's past and seeing things she still sees as she grows up. She had an old friend she made outside her family, a boy she didn't realize was poor. He tried to rob some treasure hoarders who got away with stealing things from a few houses away from where he was staying. Which results in the poor boy losing his life.

He heard people talking about how his family let him down and couldn't provide for him, like they were at fault. Yori swore deep in her core that she would fix this foolish and annoying stigma when she got older.

Fully believe each person is in control of their own density, and it's up to each person to how they make it and want their lives to go and for others as well. Yori wants many people to be happy and those who come to the region where she was born happy.

"If I can't take hold of my own destiny and the cards that are dealt with me. Then how can I call myself anything other than a puppet acting and playing in someone else's game."

Watching how her older siblings work, seeing they don't rely on their parents for too much stuff. Yori wants to do the same and take a page out of their books, from her older sister Mitsuki's hard work to the bone to Athelinda's enjoyment and living up to a standard.

Knowing the only way she can change things for real is when she reaches a place of power. Aka, for her wanting to take over her mother's position. This, along with other factors, might lead Yori to try to seem much older than she is, often having her sister reel her back in and remind her to take her time doing what their parents want and not rush growing up.

Like her mother, she has to go get it done and finish it all the way through once Yori has her mind set on something. You will often find Yori the last one going to bed in the teapot or in her family home, whichever she stays from studying or learning different things about other nations/regions. This has gained her many accolades, such as earning her an early spot in Yanfei's teaching class of law. She even got an early certificate for finishing many of the first set of levels to law and rules of each region.

Yori settles for only 90%, making her a hard worker and much smarter for her age. This sometimes gets her in trouble with others, mainly her parents, who must correct her and point out what she's doing.

When it comes to her siblings, it is usually Hizuki or her little brother Yu Tao doing that for her. Yu Tao is often the one who gets her to take a break and enjoy time with the other members of the family. And Hizuki is one of her most significant role models and is confined to her when she doesn't go to their parents.

"I won't let what happened in my parents' past or mine define how I will come out."

This is a quote Yori told herself once she learned the truth about her birth and her parents' relationship before having her. Although young, Yori tries not to let it affect her too much, showing she's a big girl. However, she is still a child at the end of the day and has to linger in her mind here and there, feeling one day her parents might leave each other. If she doesn't do something and show their work of creating her wasn't wasted, she feels a little insecure if she disappoints them.

Yori and her other siblings are okay with getting their hands dirty, like helping many workers with construction or even solving some cases in any of the regions. Even if the hideout possibly ends up destroyed by accident. Yori and her little brother have that issue sometimes. But hey, the person they're trying to catch is now caught....just with a few broken bones....and has a few minor burn marks....and sparks going around them.

Learning from her mother and her three older siblings, when it comes to a task or a test that takes time or much longer than she would like, frequently you will find her pouting, cuddling with one of the many fluffy pillows her parents got her. Or mainly with her father, having talks with him while fishing. At first, I found it quite dull and thought they were no joy or a waste of time.

But after a while and spending time doing it, Yori enjoys fishing quite a lot and will often go fishing even alone to clear her mind or think of things for the future of Liyue in the distant future along with her family.

And just like her mother, who has a different Rex lapis figurine, Yori will find a way to get many of her father's figures whenever they come in stock or on sale. Shock many, given she lives with the man, but Yori finds it a little embarrassing to others that she is such a colossal daddy girl and loves her dad that she buys a poster, his trading card, or anything related to her dad. Her reason...

"I'm his daughter!?! O-Of course I would collect different things of him!?! W-Why wouldn't I!?! I-It not like I find my dad super awesome and cool I just find it a m-must as his daughter! Y-Yeah!"

Like the rest of her family, Yori is great at hunting in the wild. Often, she will go on camping trips with her dad and mom, mainly her dad. She usually relies on her element skill or her own hands. She will jump into the river and throw the fish out herself, getting our soak and even surprised by a more standard walking by. Many question a lady of her standarder why do something so low class? And Yori will say;

"You can't rely on every single thing given to you just as knives, fishing rods, and other stuff. There will be day's you have nothing but the clothes on your back and hands. Plus, it's just more fun this way to really give you a sense of a hunt and catching prey." Guess that cat look isn't just for show.

When it comes to her element power, just like her older brother Fuyuto, who is currently good with one element, she has to master this element and better grasp it than her other siblings. One of her most Interesting stories from when she was little was when Keqing brought her to the Jade Chamber for a visit, allowing many people to hold her. She accidentally shocked many of the people there, such as Ningguang. Thankfully, there was no hard feeling afterward since many found her cute.

Hello: "Hello my name is Yori, I'm the second youngest of my family...for now mind you. Don't think just because I'm small you can always treat me like a child. B-But watch the hair buns; it took my dad quite a while to get them like this so I would like them not to mess them up."

Delays: "I don't want to delay any of my work; when I set my focus on an assignment. I want to get it done as early as possible so for later I have more time to spend with my siblings."

Relax: "It takes a lot to get my mom to relax...unless dad is around then it is not so hard. For me it just takes older sis Hizuki to pick me up and carry me away. Or ask to watch Yu Tao, have to act like a responsible older sis for him."

Opportunity: "If their opportunity for you in the future for you let it be life, a fight, or relationship; take it! Human lives are too short and you only get one life to live. Don't waste the opportunity to live your best life."

Rains: "A little rain doesn't hurt anyone, just....let me grab an umbrella first."

Thunder Strikes: "Please tell me that wasn't from mommy was? Well better call dad quickly. Wonder what happened in Inazuma. Big sis Mitsuki and Athelinda would know better than me. Darn."

Snows: "Snow is always so pretty, just don't be around little brother Yu tao then you might get a little wet."

Sun Is Out: "Oh the sun out, I wonder if there are any good fish out. Better go grab my fishing pole."

Morning: "Morning, I shouldn't have anything to study for the day. Today is a good day to see how everyone else is doing."

Afternoon: "How are you? I have to finish these assignments that were given to me, hopefully Yu Tao and them won't mind. It should take me 20 minutes to finish this first paper, then another 13 minutes no more and no less to knock out this second paper. I might sneak in the third paper; but does that leave time to hang out with my siblings?"

Evening: "The day is slowly coming to a close *yawn* e-eh!? I didn't yawn, n-no I'm not tired I have to finish this paper first. I want to turn this in first! Those scholars won't know what hit them!"

Night: "Ok Yu tao is tucker out; now I can wrap these assignments up before midnight....hopefully I don't stay up too long or mom might come and check on me."

Idealism: "There is no such thing as a bad idea.... that's false. There are some ideas that are out right stupid. But....if the idea can help people then don't be afraid to speak up. It is not good to hide....something...from those who want to Oh nothing. I'm fine."

School: "Yes, I'm actually in school. It's more like I'm homeschool. But thanks to my parents and me begging them I have been able to get an early head start and given assignments that allow me to turn in that basically makes me a full you student. I just....can only show up to class only a few times given I'm still a child. H-Hey don't look at me like that. I have you know I'm in Yanfei top 5 of best students she has and Madam Farzuan top 7 students in the class. S-So keep underestimating my age for a rude awakening."

Skepticism: "I never understood the whole "Oh, these people will take care of it" or "They'll handle it?" "I don't have to do it; someone else will finish it, or I can just ask for help from a higher power to bless me." Do people think that we have to do things by our own hands? Those 'gods' they pray to have to work to get their spot and work for that power. Uncle Venti and Zhongli, along with mommy Ei, and big sis Nahida had to go through so much and their own trail to get that way. But they don't have all the answers. I don't want to ever have to resort to someone else's hard work to get me out of my own work."

Self-Reflection: "Sometimes getting pushed down or going to the lowest point could be a value lesson for many....g-good thing I never had that happen to me. It's not like I'm worried I might not be the greatest daughter ever given my parents heheh. Don't be foolish. I'm a part of a great family and we all will have a great"

Pursuing: "The future I'm pursuing isn't just for me and my family... it's for a friend we day I can hope everyone will have some type of decent equal plane field to allow them their own chance to rise in power. After all, neither of my parents were born into power. They each had work from the ground up to make their name known and people know them."

Trying: "I have to try....not just for others...but for others. Get back up and don't stop pushing forward you have too. To prove yourself you weren't a mistake and people's sacrifice wasn't in"

Encouragement: "If you need someone to encourage you well don't worry I got you. Heh, you talking to the daughter of two great people I will be your #1 supporter. And the biggest help. We are going to do this together. Come on; let's tackle this and crush it!"

Skepticism II: "Do you believe everyone can be a good person if they try? That's even the worst people can change? No? *sigh* I didn't think so either, some people come in this world and want to watch the world burn or power...why?"

Reflection: "After seeing my older siblings I learn not everything is perfect for everyone we all have our own challenges. Mitsuki struggles with people trying to discredit her work; Kaneko has to work through the challenge of possibly being the next great Grandmaster, and Hizuki even works on her own stuff that happened in the past. I guess we're all still learning."

Initiative: "Usually it is myself, older sister Athelinda, or little brother Yu tao being the one in the forefront pushing for different idea's and other things. Most of the time my idea is the winner....unless it comes to more fun base then Yu Tao takes the cake. H-hey I'm not upset...and no i'm not pouting. Hmph!"

Souvenir: "Yes I have a few souvenirs of my dad...I-I mean who wouldn't!?! He has at least helped 5 regions up to this point?! He's the hero of these regions, along with dating several ladies aka my mothers and having a happy family while still looking for an auntie. S-So of course I would!"

Interesting Things: "Many expect me to be this island hitter like the rest of my siblings...but I'm not. I'm me and.... that's ok. I have my strength and my weakness. B-But that doesn't take away to some of the things I can do! S-So don't think I'm weak! Got it!"

About Mitsuki: "The oldest in the family and been around the longest. She is also the strongest by miles! I don't look toward her for strengths, no I look at her for what I can do as an older sibling for Yu tao and how she handles people trying to put her down."

About Hizuki: "Big sis Hizuki has her own story to tell when it comes to her parents like mine. But she doesn't let that change how she acts or who she is and it means a lot to me. Anytime I'm upset I go to her and you are surprised....behind closed doors how much of a loving person she is. Despite her stoic face."

About Kaneko: "Big bro Kaneko is one of the best people to be around and is always so supported and he's has the skill and power to back it up. He's often cleaning up our mess if we make one and he doesn't get mad at us. I think he will be a great leader for the Knight in the coming future. Hopefully by that point I'm also in a position of power and we can work for the betterment of our two regions."

About Athelinda: "Ah future ruler of Inazuma, in the near future she will take over from mommy Ei. When that comes I wonder what type of person older sis Athelinda will be? Will she still be as carefree and romance focused or will you be a completely different person? .....Guess it's up to your little sis Yori to be that piece of you that needs to act like a big sis to you, hmph."

About Fuyuto: "He's planning to change the Lawerence clan no matter what. Big bro can just be as radical as me when it comes to things. But, I do think he will do it. It just takes time....hopefully we all have that."

About Yu Tao: "Little brother is the one in the family we all do everything in the family to protect. Myself included, he is always the most fun and loving person to be around then anyone. Just don't think he's as gudiable as we make him out to be. Little brother can have his moment. Moments that even shock all of us."

About Keqing: "Mother is still working with the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing; she has been able to hold that position for a while and will continue to hold it for years to come I'm sure. Even though she also works her butt off she always makes sure that she needs to put her work aside and make time for me and will talk to me about anything!"

About Paimon: "I might have....try to cook Paimon at least once....a few times....ok look I wasn't catching anything and I heard she made good bait so a bite wouldn't hurt! There was that one time when I was a baby...we don't talk about those moments!"

About Yanfei: "She was my pick for big sis Athelinda expression family plan; for me she was a no brainer. It took a bit for me to see it click. She likes dad. But after one day finishing a test and going to return it to see her flirting clearly with dad it didn't take a mad genius to see it. Don't worry Yanfei, you will be a part of this family."

About Aether: "Dad is the coolest; he basically can do everything you want a father to do. He always finds time for our mommies, for us, himself, Paimon. And others. And he's still doing it while trying to find auntie. We might contribute to why he hasn't found auntie yet. But I don't think he's no longer in a rush anymore. I feel like something was filled in for him. It makes me happy to be his daughter."

More about Yori I: "What's there to know about me? Well I like seafood a lot; of course. And-Hey! That doesn't make me more cat-like! Where do people keep saying that from, ugh! Yu Tao better not be saying random rumors again!"

More about Yori II: "I can't hold onto the past forever, if I don't let it go and learn from it I won't be able to see what's around me and in front of me. I was given this chance in life. I won't mess it up!"

More about Yori III: "My title as daughter of my father and daughter means nothing. To many it's in fact a threat or a paint a target. Our family has been targeted since Mitsuki was little and I don't think it's going to stop, so I try to avoid telling people who I am outside my name. I don't want to be treated any differently from others because of it."

More about Yori IV: "I want to make Liyue a power house for trades so if people come and settle here in the future or move on they take things from here and apply it in all the other regions hoping to change things for everyone? Why? .....For a friend I had a long time ago... that's why."

More about Yori V: "The day it's my siblings and I to take the mantle from each of our parents, I hope that day I can smile and look in the sky and say all those who couldn't be here are happy for us and are proud for us. Also I want to look in my parents eyes and tell them....tell them....*ahem*...sorry I got settlement there. Let's move on."

Hobbies: "That's easy, learning about the other regions and wanting to make them different from Liyue, such as puzzles and other pieces. But mainly fishing."

Troubles: "The day I joined the Liyue Qixing, and my parents weren't there to see it. I want both of them to see it and be proud and say that's our daughter. Want them to be there for all my accomplishments."

Favorite Food: "....Well....hehehe....just like my mom it's Golden Shrimp Balls. Look there's so good! You can't blame me!"

Receiving a Gift, I: "Thank you, I'll find somewhere to put these at."

Receiving a Gift, II: "I can take this; don't worry, I'll get you something in return."

Receiving a Gift, III: "Wow...did you really have to go this far? Thanks, though."


Yori isn't known much for her combat skills like her other siblings, often relying on her quick thinking and electro element to get her out of a pinch. Along with her instantaneous teleportation with much further distance than her own mother's skill.

Yori doesn't hit as hard as her siblings, but she makes up for having one of the quickest multi-hits in one combo. Putting her on the same level as her older sister Mitsuki. And has taken skills base from others but turned them into electro.

Due to many making fun of her and her cat-like features or attitude, sometimes, Yori will bust out a few cat-like attacks like an electro claw swipe or even an electro tail smack. Yori has learned one thing from her older sister Mitsuki and little brother Yu Tao and by summoning element creatures; for her, she has summoned at least an electro cat and tiger once. It nearly knocked her out in the process, but now she has taken a massive step forward of being different from her siblings.

One of her best feats is knocking out the power in an area of the harbor once when she got upset outside her sparring with her siblings.

Even though she has the lowest win in her sparring when it comes to going against her siblings, she doesn't let it be the end of everything and accepts it and moves past it. As long as she is strong enough to take on many outside forces or threats to her family, that's all that matters to her.


Yu Tao

The youngest child of Aether kids, the son of Aether and Hu Tao, Yu Tao, is the family's fiery, cheerful, playful child. Being Hu Tao's son often still makes people shocked by what he can do and his many playful ways.

Whether it be from his moments of power or from many times he gives much more serious talks for someone, Yu Tao is always a hard book to read for many. It continues to impress and shock people to this day.

When being the youngest and the last, many were not expecting this child when he was born. The director of Liyue's Wangsheng Funeral Parlor was not hoping for the 77th director to end up joining the relationship and having a child with the hero of Liyue.

When Yu Tao came into the world, many knew this child would be one who must be watched, given his parents and older siblings' actions as they all got older.

Being the son of the person who dealt with the dead, Yu Tao was always off-putting as a child for many, with the simple way he looked at people and things. Many adults and even some adults would tell you they're will be time. Yu Tao would stop and stare off into the wind without saying anything. He would often whisper something to himself before returning to his cheerful, playful self; for some, it was worrisome whenever it was in the middle of the day.

Yu Tao is a child much more imaginative than many would believe and is a perfect observant child. Knowing many things, he can point out whenever his siblings feel a particular way. Let it be Hizuki's sadness, Yori's self-doubt, or even his older sister Athelinda's feeling pressure; he will often be the one around to point it out in his own way.

He even goes this far with adults, such as Miss Ganyu, his uncle/grandpa Zhongli, and many others, even his parents, by either messing with them or getting them to laugh. Making him more of an unpredictable child.

As the son of someone who deals with the dead and has to bury people for their wishes or those who have to say goodbye to a loved one, Yu Tao would often watch time from the side of his mother's business practice and slowly develop a sense of the dead, sensing when someone is slain, they have regrets, guilt, and pain they cling onto. Take time to pray and hope they can be reborn for a better life, hoping in their next life, whenever that is, they die of old age instead of the way they did die.

"Everyone dies differently, many wish they could die a certain way. But only a select few can die that way. Reality only works that way, you have to live your life to the fullness living in fear of the future you'll die with regrets. One of the saddest ways to die in my eyes."

Whenever it came to learning about how precious life is, he would often ask his mother about the different meanings and teachings of the parlor. He would even find his uncle Zhongli and ask his father, Aether. Yu Tao believes finding a way to balance life and death is the right way of life.

Understanding both and not trying to cheat the other is the right way for life, and learning to cherish it and do what you can and can't do for this life you are given.

Like his mother, Yu Tao respects many of the client's wishes on how they want their funeral to be, even for those out in the wild and even wild animals. Whenever he comes across a near-dead bunny or creature, he will put them out of their misery if he can sense they don't have much longer to live.

Even people, when Yu Tao has encountered a few in his life, want nothing more than to end their suffering and move on. Little Tao would often find him listening to these people and asking them the honest truth if they really wanted to. If they did, Yu Tao would make it as quick as possible.

Yu Tao often visits random spots and makes many gravestones at different places; for a while, many chop it up to the child being weird. But his mother, Hu Tao, has pointed out that this is where someone has died and had regret or couldn't enjoy this life. He's doing what he can for them to understand that someone shed a tear for them, that someone out there heard their cries and wants them to rest easy now.

They have often played pranks on each other to ensure he and his siblings enjoy this life, taking them out for fun or a peaceful stroll. Yu Tao is the burning sun for his family. No matter how much things look down in life, Yu Tao will be there to give his parents or siblings a warm hug and have fun with them.

Like his mom, Yu Tao has a special connection to the other world. While she still handles many of the business practices of the parlor, Yu Tao will help out by playing with ghost children or finding a murderer by having the people they kill lead little Tao and them around until they can finally capture the person's guilt.

A surprising event happened when Yu Tao was little. One day, when he was out with his siblings and a little spirit was getting ready to pass on, a bright orange and brown glow covered the energy in a bright light. Once the light died down, a salamander-like toad creature in a small body was now the host of the body; the family learned it was Azhdaha trying to cling to something to regain his strength much quicker.

But much to Azhdaha's demise, he learns he clings to a passing spirit. For some reason, he is attached to Yu Tao more than anyone else in the family. To why? Many do not know, but since then, Yu Tao has taken Azhadha under him as the family pet but treats him with kindness and care to change the former dragon/toad beast.

For many to say you try to attack the Yu Tao or even attempt to, be prepared to face a creature that once pushed the former lord of Geo in a fight. Even if the little toad does not show it and acts like he doesn't care for the family, Azhadha has grown fond of and attached to the kids, but mainly Yu Tao more than the other siblings.

"Azhadha is a part of this family more than anyone else; don't try to let anyone tell you otherwise or even himself. He's a big softie."

Even with Azhadha trying to keep the little mischievous out of trouble when he can, the former dragon toad would tell you Yu tao is much for fear than Azhadha ever was. Do not let his attitude and personality fool you; Yu Tao hides much more than he lets on.

Unlike her mother, who has a sour relationship with the little zombie girl Qiqi, Yu Tao's relationship is much different. One where he is actually friends with the zombie girl, a child who wants to actually try to regain what little life and memory she has left and after meeting Yu Tao and getting to spend time with him, wants to be more by his side to see what he becomes and a great person. If there was more to it, no one besides Qiqi herself, when Hu Tao saw this, would hold a hidden smile and not try any attempt or anything on Qiqi ever after.

Surprising the parlor when one day, Qiqi apologized for trying to strike back at Hu Tao many times when she heard she was pregnant with Yu Tao. Even if there is not much of a friendship between the two. Their relationship is somewhat peaceful, thanks to Yu Tao; how he did this wonder, he doesn't tell a soul, not even his mother.

Yu Tao is not just known for being the son of the 77th director funeral parlor. He is also of unknown and dangerous nature when it comes to fights and the law of the world. With him once able to evaporate an entire lake with one simple plunge attack, or even when he unleashes his pyro power, the wildfire he can cause up to the point enemies would run away and fear rather than try to stand their ground and fight the young child. Earning him the nickname, 'The fiery disaster of the Calamity.' Whenever you see his wings on his back, know a calamity is about to strike that area.

When it comes to poetry, Yu Tao might need to be better versed than his mother, whom he loves to listen to and read many of her poems. But his spur-of-the-moment life advice talks make up for it; he can get inspired by his mother's work and hear many of his dad's adventure stories.

Yu Tao's hat was given to him by his mother when one day, Hu Tao was walking around the house looking for it when she came upon her baby son crawling around with the little oversized hat and giggling with it. After that, Hu Tao held onto the hat until a certain age when she tailored the cap a little for her son's head, and since then has been in his progression. Yu Tao has made sure to take excellent care of the hat and treasure it if anyone dares to touch it without his permission or remove it without him knowing to prepare to see Celestia much earlier than you expected.

It is a tale of Yu Tao learning the value of life and awakening some much more under him. It is a simple tale and day that starts with him and his siblings all playing together.

On this day, nothing out of the original was supposed to happen, or the siblings had planned any destruction. It is a simple outing for just them to have fun. Each one leaves to grab something to bring back to the campsite, but telling Yu Tao himself to stay at the camp is something he always listens to his siblings.

But as the day went on, Yu Tao would begin to hear a whisper; for a while, he tried to ignore the whisper, but he would soon start to listen to whimpers......and painful ones and those who curse life? Unable to stop himself and being the son of Aether, he wants to help and find the source.

Little Tao would travel to the spot where he began to hear the voice; as he journeyed, he would come across many ghosts ranging from old age to even kids his age crying or cursing the world they live in. He does his best to comfort them and tells them it will be okay and they can pass on, but the first time, he yells out, and the ghost willingly tries to hurt those in the world of the living.

Pushing forward slowly, he begins to descend into a hidden village deep in the mountain of Liyue, hiding and sneaked by many abyss mages and even treasure hoarders, along with other creatures. It wasn't long before Yu Tao came upon the cause of all of this...a camp of hostages being experimented on or just outright killed, along with many other things.

Unable to decide what to do, seeing many of the people were suffering and couldn't even speak, it all came to one explosion of emotion when he heard one of the little girls there talk about what happened to her, losing both her parents and now will be baring a child...a child she could This was not how she wanted to be a mommy, and she hated it. Once, he heard laughing from one of the hoarders.

All you could see in the very next moment was the crimson wings forming and roaring into the late afternoon to the point the heat from them could be felt all the way to Liyue harbor and even the Jade chamber. A tower of flames arose from the ground, and everyone in the area was burned to nothing but a burn mark on the ground. By the time the siblings arrive, the damage could be done, and what they see shakes them to the core is Yu Tao standing there for the first time. He saw a dry tear on his face with his most emotionless expression at that time, walking away like nothing was happening, only saying, "Let the eternal flames of the afterlife burn for all eternity and be the flame to be the judge of life."

From that day forward, it was advised to never leave Yu Tao alone again, not wanting to risk something like that situation again or something close to wanting to protect, not just Yu Tao. But those around him.

Hello: "Nice to meet you, I am little Yu Tao. Son of Aether and Hu tao who is still the 77th director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. I'm also the youngest of my siblings and currently hold as the title the mini sun of the family behind my son. It's nice to meet you, hope we can get along."

Wangsheng Funeral Parlor: "The place my mom works at, along Uncle Zhongli. One day I might have to take over but that is yet to be told or stated. So for now, I'm enjoying my Life and the fun I can have, heheh."

Customers: "My mom often deals with them, I sometimes see them. Question: Have you heard something called 'the customer is always right?' Yeah me too, to be honest I think that silly thing and make no sense. No one is always right."

Taking a Break: "Everyone should take a break once and awhile; I hope my older siblings have, i better go check on them; first up Yori."

Rains: "Oh the rain, hopefully I can keep everyone else dry. Hmm? Do I get wet? no silly raindrops always evaporate when they get close to me."

Thunder Strikes: "Mommy Ei is upset again, or was that Athelinda trying something cool? Will I be able to do that in future...only one way to find out!"

Snows: "Crunch, crunch, crunch."

Windy: "Ah that such a nice breeze like this, it feels like all the worries in the world go away with a breeze like this."

Wind Is Blowing: "Hold on tight Azhda!"

Morning: "Morning comes and the bird sings, with the tree growing, and flowers blooming. Ah days like these kids like me should go outside and have fun."

Afternoon: "Afternoon time; time for chow!"

Evening: "So late, today was a nice day. Should call it a day soon."

Night: "*yawn* I'm getting sleepy...I guess I should go to bed. I want to say good night and love you to my mommy first."

Name: "My name is simple; my parents wanted me to keep it simple and go along with my mom. Since my mom said I'm her little tao-tao. The Yu part comes from me trying to say the letter Y alot when I was a baby."

Favorite Tricks: "I love a good show and tricks. My favorites are those involving something fire related. I wonder if any good magic shows are going on in Fontaine."

Curiosity: "Hmm? I peak your curiosity? Heheh, that's nice but. You should be careful after-all ever heard the saying curiosity kills the cat. Shsssh be careful what you wish for in Life, heheh."

Night II: "Always be careful going out at night, because when the sun goes down that is when people's true colors begin to leak out. I wonder what my is bright as the sun people say it is? Or is the darkness shadow covered in the night? I wonder?"

Helper: "Need help, do not fear because Yu Tao is here to help. It's best we get one of my older siblings to help, because if not I might make a mess for my parents and I don't want to do that.....again."

Battle: "A battle? Sure, don't worry I won't have Azhda hop in at all. But be forewarned; you might not come out of this conscious, you might find yourself staring up at the beautiful night sky, or even kissing the very ground. Don't worry you'll be fine after-all if it was you who challenged me after-all."

Gods: "The story of the gods can be told from two different sides, one from the victors and one from the losers. It is always the victor who determines how the story goes, plain and simple."

Something to Share: "I have a secret to share with you, don't tell alright. Heheh, I think each of my siblings have someone special to them like our parents. Heheh, I can't wait to see how things pan out."

Interesting Things: "You will often find Azhda sunbathing on top of my hat. He also likes back scratches. His favorite spot is right below the center back, the spot that will make his tail wag. I can show you later if you want heheh."

About Mitsuki: "She's the oldest in the family and was the first over in Inazuma. She is super strong and cool, no pun intended. Skill in the sword, kitchen, and overall an awesome big sister ever! Just hope one day she knocks out that other side of her."

About Hizuki: "OOOOO big sis Hizuki, people say it's hard to get a read on her? I don't see it, it is clear as day whenever my big sis is smiling, sad, happy, or even laughing. Hmm? You can't tell. Don't worried next time you with me; I'll make her laugh with ease!"

About Kaneko: "Big bro Kaneko is so cool! He always checking up on me and saying we boys in the family got stick together we going beat the girls in their own game. Heheh, whenever we prank our sisters it is some of the best times ever and oftentimes we run away from Mitsuki after splashing her. She can't predict everything outside a duel, heh!"

About Athelinda: "The one who calls herself the master of romance and can see all the love in the air. Wait, she doesn't say that? Uh oh. Don't think she doesn't have her troubles or worries to work through; it can't be easy being the daughter of a powerful ruler of a nation. Good thing I know just the way to cheer her up. Got any flour."

About Fuyuto: "I don't like his mom's side of the family. The Lawerence clan I think they're name is? They are a bunch of meanie pants. I wonder if they pass the border to the next Life will it be pleasant or will it be suffering for them trying to reclaim a false throne that no longer is there."

About Yori: "Big sis is super smart; whenever I want to ask her a question it makes her face light up. And before you ask she actually gets in right and I always hug her and thank her. She enjoys that a lot."

About Azhdaha: "Azhda came to us one day when I was still little and since then has been a part of the family. It took a while for him to warm up the family; but he now he fully in the family just like everyone else. Don't let his mean side fool you; he does care. His way of showing it just goes two different ways."

About Ganyu: "Oh yeah, she was my pick for the plan big sis Athelinda came up with. I mean I don't get why many of the adults didn't confess. After mommy Shenhe did it allowed my other siblings and my mom to join. Don't know why the others couldn't. But this time around she will be happy along with others; now none of them will have regrets in Life."

About Paimon: "Did I ever try to cook Paimon. Of course I have, each one of my siblings and I have. We failed but I came pretty close. Heheh."

About Paimon II: "Do I think Paimon is hiding something? Well of course, I just don't think she even knows. Why am I so confident? Well, it is a simple fact that we have never seen any other person like Paimon and how Paimon says certain things when she is with dad. Or heck learn anything about her. I just whenever that day comes and we learn the truth we can bring Paimon back to the family....I know we will."

About Hu Tao: "I once heard dad say mommy thighs are a gift from the heavens. I don't know what that means, but I do enjoy taking naps on mommy laps and she gives me headpats. Heheh, it's the best."

About Aether: "Dad is the coolest person ever! There is nothing and no one who can beat him; he's the best dad! I...just hope one day he can find Auntie Lumine. Big sis Nahida said he will be sure of it."

About Yu Tao I: "You should be careful around me heheh if not I might surprise you and give you a fright in the dead of night."

About Yu Tao II: "They call me calamity for what I do to places, but there is meaning behind what I do. What is the meaning? Sorry Life isn't that simple sometimes, heheh."

About Yu Tao III: "People say everyone has their destiny and try to put them on others. Many have apply this to my family, saying such as my older sister Mitsuki being the strongest will soon come to an end and she will taste an humiliate defeated. How true this is, who knows? But who said the one who will defeat her will be either older sis Hizuki? Older brother Kaneko? Or big sis Athelinda? People like to make early predictions without gaining the full scoop of things. Who knows maybe the queen will be undefeated all the way until adulthood. Or until another powerful queen comes around. After-all a queen is the powerful piece on the board."

About Yu Tao IV: "Every family waves a king and queen. For who holds those positions....well that the interesting part comes in at. For our parents our dad is clearly the king, he has several queens with him. But which one would be considered the most important queen? That is for each person to decide. For my siblings and I currently you can say the queen is big sis Mitsuki. And for king...well you can say it big bro Kaneko....but is that really the case?"

About Yu Tao V: "Life has value, and death can take away that value. Don't think for a moment someone's Life is more valuable than what I want to say. I've learned that some people lifes hold no meaning and are brought into this world to either try to cause pain and suffering to others. If that is the case can we really say every Life truly has value when some people play with other people's lives. Death does not discriminate."

Hobbies: "Whatever I get to do with my siblings, my mom, dad, or anyone in the family, Heheh."

Troubles: "Losing my family sooner than I would hope. I can be selfish too, you know."

Favorite Food: "Some nice steamy dumplings dumb with several different seasonings, yum~."

Least Favorite Food: "I try not to be too much of a picky eater....butttt....anything slimy."

Receiving a Gift, I: "Oh thanks! I like gifts!"

Receiving a Gift, II: "I should get you something, anything fancy on your stomach tonight?"

Receiving a Gift, III: "Oh guess you really are a nice person."


Most of the time, being the youngest would often lead people to underestimate him and believe he is an easy target to take out. But that is far from the case when it comes to Yu Tao.

Yu Tao's style of fighting is one mix of not just his use of the polearm but a style that works for him; with him activating his element power and dawning crimson butterfly wings, he enters what he calls the crimson butterfly dance. One where he focuses on close-quarter combat and mixing the two elements he already has under his control at a young age.

Many have stated that he can dance around on the battlefield like a butterfly and sting like a fiery bee, often making him the most obnoxious fighter to fight. They push even each of his siblings to the point they have to learn new skills and think much quicker on the fly.

Whenever he's fighting, his element zone is always activated, and due to his young age, he doesn't have perfect control of it; he is usually the only one who doesn't feel the effect of it. They are often paired up with either Hizuki or Kaneko to keep things calm around others so they don't get friendly fire or collapse from heat exhaustion.

Has even been the only young member of the siblings outside the big 3 that has dueled Childe and Fatui Harbingers and won. Making him show a different side of himself hidden away, a side of him that he has gotten from both his parents. Every time he uses his power, a trigger in his mind tells him he must always protect his Life and those around him.

Yu Tao also has Azhdaha by his side. In moments, the former lord dragon/toad has awakened some of his power to fight alongside Yu Tao.

Some of Yu Tao's best feats, besides evaporating an entire once, include destroying a massive village with only two elements, taking on an Electro Hypostasis alone, and winning. With the spar, he had with his older sister Mitsuki to the point that ⅓ of an island is covered in scorch marks and are different spots that still cause random spurs of mini fire.

Yu Tao has defeated all his older siblings besides Mitsuki, making him the first to win at least one against each of them. He has been the closest to even beating their older siblings. While he's still young and growing, just like his older sister Athelinda, he has high siblings, but unlike his siblings, many don't know or believe just how powerful and far he can go and become.

One day......his true power will be unleashed.

End of Chapter.


And that's the all the kids in the first wave!

Words type: (13k)....fucking hell.....

There isn't much to say given this is what I did for each of the kids. 

If you all wants to stay update with my fic, and what I'm working on join, Rev discord I'm mainly active on there. Here is the link:

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I hope you all enjoy this 'chapter'. Other then that, tell me what you like about this chapter? What you dislike? What you excited to see next? Etc.

Next update will either be the next chapter, or the 100K special for wattpad...will see.

Until next time everyone later and thanks for reading.

Genshin Impact own by Mihoyo.

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