The Cantankerous Traveler ( G...

נכתב על ידי BrazilianSamuraiboy

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Warning : this story doesn't make any sense it's super cringe and only retarded people like the author of thi... עוד

Prologue : ah shit here we go again
Y/n Bio
Chapter 1 : the city of freedom
Chapter 2: Meeting the knights
Chapter 3 : Egg destroyer
Chapter 4 : Adventures in dragonspine
Chapter 5 : Adventures in dragonspine (part 2)
Chapter 6 :The Gliding license
Y/n backstory part (1/3)
Chapter 7 : 1 fake treasure and 1 son of a bitch
Chapter 8: Getting Ara ara.
Chapter 9: The stand user could be anyone
Chapter 10: The femboy bard
Y/n backstory part (2/3)
Chapter 11: Stop right there criminal scum
Y/n backstory the end
Chapter 13: Masterchef teyvat
Chapter 14: Dancing with the dragon.
Chapter 15: You know the rules and so do I
Chapter 16: Teaching Dvalin how to pray
The best comments in this book so far
Chapter 17 : liyue harbor bullshit
Chapter 18: Morax fucking dies
Chapter 19: I'm stronger I'm smarter I'm better
Chapter 20: Hold on this whole operation was your idea
Chapter 21: Standing here
Chapter 22: Spy on the fatui you said, It'll be fine you said... FINE YOU SAID!
Chapter 23: If you want it.
Chapter 24: Back away i will deal with this fatui scum myself
Chapter 25: How are you water
Chapter 26: Put these horny ambitions to rest
Chapter 27: Peek a boo motherfucker
The best comments in this book so far... part 2
Chapter 28: "I will do what i must"
Chapter 29: Excuse me brah
Chapter 30: Y/n fights his schizophrenia (part 1)
Chapter 31: Y/n fights his schizophrenia (part 2)
Chapter 32: Y/n fights his schizophrenia (part 3)
Chapter 33: Mr.FineAss vs The lord of pigeons
Chapter 34 : I have no enemies
Chapter 36 : You're finally awake.

Chapter 35: The archon of Thighs

845 26 71
נכתב על ידי BrazilianSamuraiboy

God I want to have smex with the hydro archon

Kaeya told Y/n to go see Jean because she needed to put his ass to do some work since he was still the honorary knight after all . He was reluctant at first thinking Lumine might be in there but he decided to go anyway , because he didn't anything else to do.

Y/n: Wait Lawrence clan ? Who the fuck are these guys ?

Jean: There was a dark period in Mondstadt's history when the aristocracy ruled over the city. The hard-won freedom that followed with the fall of Decarabian was lost once again, as slavery spread throughout the land.

After jean explained mondstadt lore , the knights of favonious lore and the Lawrence clan lore to Y/n .

Y/n: Can someone just fucking kill me please !

Jean: The aristocrats, that had oppressed the people of Mondstadt, were none other than the Lawrence Clan.

Y/n: And now the lawrence clan wants to get the selves involved in more problems ?

Jean: ...We suspect as much, though we have yet to obtain any solid evidence. The reason I summoned you here today is to ask you to help us further investigate this matter.

Y/n: But why me ? Kaeya would be a better option.

Jean: *sigh* Unfortunately, the Knights of Favonius and the aristocracy have been at odds with one another for as long as I can remember. We have already considered every possible way of resolving our differences, but it seems the descendants of the aristocracy remain antagonistic towards the Knights...No matter what stance we take when dealing with them, the outcome is always the same... Our efforts only result in adding more fuel to the flames. We could come knocking on their door on the grounds of a search warrant, but if the investigation were to come up empty, I'm afraid tensions and distrust would only increase. All of our past efforts would have been wasted...

Y/n: But as the Honorary Knight, I technically also belong to the Knights...

Jean: You are in fact the best candidate to represent the Knights of Favonius. But you need not emphasize your role as the Honorary Knight. You are a traveler from a distant land, and you can approach the aristocrats in this way. Once you come to friendly terms with the Lawrence Clan, you should be in a good position to learn more of their possible connections with the Fatui.

Y/n: Of course it's the Fatui it's always the fatui

Jean:The name of the Lawrence Clan member in question is Schubert. Lately, he can often be found strolling in the northern city walls.

Y/n: Oh I have a plan for this . Just tell Klee to go blow up the walls . If we are lucky she might kill him by accident.

Jean: ...

Y/n: ...

A few minutes later

According to Jean , the asshole who has business with the fatui strolling around the city walls . Y/n jumped from the church and while gliding he saw an person that could be his target and landed right behind him .

Y/n: Hello there.

???: General kenobi.

Nope wrong dialogue .

???: Huh? Who are you?

Y/n: Shit he heard me ...Hello there .

???: Hmph... "Hello there"?

Y/n: ... What the fuck is wrong with this guys ? Uhm, what's wrong with that ?

???: "What's wrong"? Did you just say "what's wrong"? Hmph! And I suppose you think that you can simply strut up here and greet me in such an ignoble and vulgar manner? Given that I don't recognize you, I can only assume that you are a traveler of some variety. I'll have you know that you are speaking with the Schubert Lawrence, a blood descendant of the magnanimous nobility.

Y/n: Oh my God ... I would rather let Lumine cut off my balls or just let her do whatever she wants to do with me right just so I don't need to listen to this guy talking ... my brain is already fucked an melted because of what happened in Liyue ... i cant handle this shit anymore...

Schubert: If you wish to address me, you'd best consider your words more carefully. Such nonchalant manners are inadmissible and will never do. Now, if you're somehow capable of understanding anything I've said, then you will get down on your knees, apologize for your negligent actions, and give me a proper introduction. That is the appropriate etiquette!

Y/n: The fuck is an etiquette ? I never heard any of these fancy words before .

Schubert: Hmph, in former times when people knew their place and respected traditions, such conduct was only basic courtesy when greeting a nobleman. And neglecting your manners would result in a swift whipping. *sigh* But look at the world now, rules have been thrown to the wayside and manners forgotten. Ugh, I cannot bear to see such degradation.

Y/n: ... It's no wonder the aristocracy fell.

Schubert: What did you say? You dare question the dignity of the nobility? I'll have you know that though the Lawrence Clan is in decline, myself and others of noble blood are looking for a chance to restore our rightful honor. Just look around, the people are unruly and undisciplined! I, however, strive to retain the elegance and etiquette of the nobility. After all, we are of a completely different breed by birth.

Y/n: I-

Schubert: Save your words, I find your manners and bearing repulsive. I have nothing to discuss with the likes of you. Besides, I am in no way obligated to instruct commoners on basic courtesies. Now, I have more pressing matters to attend to. I'll take my leave.

And he turned around walked at the opposite direction. Meanwhile Y/n had a plan .

Y/n: Yeah I'm gonna go get Klee .


And on the door of knights headquarters he bumped into ...

Amber: Well, if it isn't the Honorary Knight! I'm just on my way out to gather some intel. I didn't expect to run into you here!

Y/n: ...

He took a moment to think about what choices made him end up in this situation

Amber: Judging by your expression, you must have run into some trouble.

Y/n: Jean is torturing me with an special task , but I can't do the task because I lack to brain capacity to understand the language certain retards speak , now I can't solve this problem in a peaceful way. And I'm gonna get Klee to help me by blow up the individual.

Amber: Wait wait wait ! why don't you let me try to help? What's the problem?

Y/n: Jean asked me to build an connection with an asshole named Schubert Lawrence .

Amber: Aha, Schubert, I know him! Let me guess, he said you didn't have any manners.

Y/n: How do you know ?

Amber: Hehehe, I've been on the receiving end of his lectures many a time. The Lawrence clan can be very particular about such things. As aristocrats, they believe there should be a certain distance between themselves and common folk. *sigh* I understand their thinking, but that's just not how things are anymore. However, there is one exception among the Lawrence Clan. My good buddy - Eula!

Y/n: Buddy ?

Amber: That's right! Not only is she from the Lawrence Clan, but she's also Captain of the Knights of Favonius 4th Company.

Y/n: Why the hell did she joined the knights if the knights and the lawrence clan are enemies ? Is she stupid ?

Amber: Eula is special! She's not quite like the other members of her clan. She has her own beliefs and it shows. In other words, she doesn't really adhere to the strict rules and conventions of her family. However, she's still quite knowledgeable about dealing with the Lawrences. I'm sure you'll see what I mean if you meet her. In fact, I think she's out in the wilderness on patrol this morning. You should be able to find her around Stormbearer Mountains.

Y/n: Welp guess I'm gonna go find her ... hopefully everything you said is true and I won't have to listen more sit these stupid aristocrats say . I wonder what Lumine is doing right now

Meanwhile Lumine:

At the Stormbearer Mountains

Y/n: Hmmmmmm the fatui ...

He was about to go and just attack the skirmishers for no reason but instead he decided to .

Y/n: No , I don't need to kill those guys , Timmie is my only enemy.

But he didn't expected that the skirmishers were the ones who would attack him because those were the same skirmishers he fought in chapter 4 .

Electro skirmisher: Impossible ... guys look it's him !

Pyro skirmisher: What !?

Geo skirmisher : No way !

Anemo skirmisher : The day has finally come !

Cyro skirmisher : That litle shit !

Hydro skirmisher: Who the fuck is that kid ? Why y'all angry at him ?

And Y/n realized what was happening , those were the samd skirmishers he killed at chapter 4

Y/n : You gotta he shitting me ... how the hell you guys are still alive !? I killed all of you months ago !

Pyro skirmisher: Did you forgot that we can respawn you dumbass ?

Cyro skirmisher: ENOUGH TALK , let's just kill him already !

Y/n : Ah shit here we go again.

Y/n summoned his sword while the Cyro skirmisher started using that annoying ass flamethrower he has but instead of throwing flames he throws Cyro or whatever the fuck that shit is . Y/n couldn't hit him because when got close enough the hydro skirmisher would jump in and freeze him .

Pyro skirmisher: Hold him there I'm going to get the high ground !

Y/n started to panik


He desperately tried to get out but he was being permafrezed by the skirmishers .

Hydro skirmisher: So hmm . Can someone here tell me what this guy did to you all ?

Cyro skirmisher : He said I was gay and crushed me with a giant boulder !

Electro skirmishers: But you are gay !

Cyro skirmisher: SHUT UP ! 

While Y/n was still frozen the anemog skirmisher lifted him up by his head and punched him in his balls as hard as he could .

Y/n : I should have brought Klee with me ! She would blow up all these asshole within seconds.

Atleast the ice was broken in the process, but he didn't had any time to rest as the electro skirmisher bashed his skull with his hammer .

He was struggling to breath and when he tried to get up the geo skirmisher threw and fucking rock at his face and he fell again .

And all the skirmishers surrounded him and started beating him up .

Y/n: Where the fuck is my plot armour!?

After a few seconds of pain and suffering he managed to release a wave of pyro energy pushing the skirmishers away .

Geo skirmisher: The hell was that !?

Anemo skirmisher: Don't just stay there like an idiot we gotta finish him off before he comes up with those stupid tricks!

And while the anemo skirmisher was running towards him , he felt his whole body cover itself with flesh . When the anemo skirmisher go close enough Y/m grabbed him by the throat and yeet him all the way back to dragonspine .

He took a look at his body .

Y/n: Interesting... looks like I still maintain his powers even after I killed him ...

And in the blink if an eye he disappeared

Electro skirmisher: WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO !?

Hydro skirmisher: Mr stark I don't feel so good .

Electro skirmisher what !?

An cut was being formed in the belly of the hydro skirmisher and suddenly .


He swapped his weapon for a claymore and cutted the geo skirmisher in half , he broke all the electro skirmisher ribs with a single punch on his chest and used his hammer to crush the Cyro skirmisher skull . Then he went back to his normal form completely recovered from all his wounds .

Y/n: Not bad .

Pyro skirmisher : Don't forget about me !

But the last skirmisher had the high ground with him .

Y/n: Shit ! How could I forgor about this guy !? Hopefully he won't go for my knee , anything but the knee !

The pyro skirmisher took aim and shot him but in the last second someone appeared to save him .

Eula "Another day thanking God for making me a Eula main so I can appreciate her thighs whenever want"

Y/n: Oh my god ... not even Lisa or Jean have thighs this thicc . This should be impossible!

Eula blocked the skirmisher shot with her claymore and rushed straight at him dodging all his bullets and climbing the entire tower within seconds and easily defeated the pyro skirmisher. Then she did a superhero landing right in front of Y/n .

Eula: You don't think twice before reaching for your sword, do you? Ugh... do you have any idea how long I've been tracing these targets?

Y/n: No ... and no.

Eula: And now you get to stake a claim. Hmph, you think you're stronger because you got to them first? Ugh... mark my words, vengeance will be mine!

And she made an goofy ahh pose putting her hands on her hips .

Y/n: Vengeance ?

Eula: That's right. I heard the commotion and came as swiftly as I could, only to find you already fighting the Fatui. Not only that, you made quick work of them, too! If I didn't make my move, you would have been able to take all the credit!

Y/n: The fuck is she talking about ?

Eula: Still, I'm glad you're unscathed. Confronting that number of Fatui at once can be dangerous.

Y/n: Well hmmm ... lady I have no idea what you're talking about but ... thanks for the concern... I guess.

Eula: Concern? Why would I be concerned for the safety of my arch-enemy ?

Y/n: Oh my God she's just like childe ... wait a minute arch enemy !? You just said you were glad I was "unscathed" a second ago !

Eula: By which I meant, if you were injured, I'd have to escort an stranger guilty of stealing my targets all the way back to Mondstadt... Which would mean you'd caused me even more trouble... my vengeance would be swifter still!

Y/n: Well since you were searching for those fatui and you're dressed like one of the knights, you must be Eula correct ?

Eula: Yes, that's me. How do you know my name ?

Y/n: Amber told me. And I need you to help me with something real quick , there's an weirdo named Schubert Lawrence and I need to investigate because he has been acting a litle SUS lately but he obsessed with some etiquette bullshit and refuses to talk to me .

Eula: I understand now. That's my uncle alright. But why do you mean to investigate him?

Y/n: Because he has connections with fatui ? He also is stalking the city walls and shit like that , he must be an colossal titan ready to destroy the city !

Eula: I see... Haha, you have some nerve defaming a family member right in front of me. I will have vengeance for this, too!

Y/n: Oh my God she's just as annoying as him ! Atleast she's hot and can communicate like an normal human , I can work with this ... No, no, no! This is an assignment from grandmaster Jean! It's just an investigation, that's all! Also aren't worried about what your uncle is doing with the fatui ?

Eula: To the everyday citizens of Mondstadt, everyone in the Lawrence clan is scum. It's natural for rumors and unwarranted gossip to lead to such SUSpicion

Y/n: Well must be hard to avoid such a reputation when you're known as the ruthless rulers of Old Mondstadt but they should have an exception for pretty ladies with thighs that can crush skulls...

Eula: What !? So that's what you think of me? Yet another transgression to avenge...

Y/n: I'm gonna lose my shit if she keeps talking about fucking vengeance! How the fuck does she think she is ? scorpion , hanzo hasashi from mortal kombat ? Why do you seem happy about this ?

Eula: I assume you need me to teach you the conduct of the Lawrence clan. Only then will you finally be able to communicate with my uncle, correct?

Y/n: Unfortunately.That's right. Amber told me to come and talk to you.

Eula: Well then, let's begin your training immediately. It'll be easier to train when we're back in Mondstadt, we'll require other people.

Y/n: Wait , aren't you plotting vengeance against me or sum shit like that ?

Eula: We can put that aside for now. Besides, if it's the Acting Grand Master's assignment, and Amber's the one who recommended me, I should comply.


They went all the way back to the city of wine and shitheads , so Eula can teach how to speak like an rich idiot.

Eula: If Uncle Schubert didn't commit any wrongdoing, then any such investigation will prove fruitless. But if he did commit a wrongful act, then he should bear the full punishment. I'm sure you understand.

Y/n:I think I'm starting to see what you mean.

Eula: Good. Now, there are two key points that aristocrats attach great importance to - your manner of speech, and your bearing. Let's begin with your manner of speech. Aristocrats have a very unique way of carrying conversation, even with mundane daily topics. Allow me to demonstrate.

Now it's time for Y/n to increase his speech to 100.

Eula: For example, when greeting a friend, you could say: "As the morning dew greets the coming dawn, so do I greet you, my dear friend."

Y/n: Holy shit ... that's way too many words .

Eula: However, such a phrase may only be used during the morning hours. Also, the party with whom you're speaking must be of approximately the same status as you. Morning dew is not uncommon, so it expresses that friendship should not be measured by value, yet also suggests that friendship between aristocrats is pure like water.

Seems like a lot of work just to greet a good friend.

Eula: No no no, you must be prudent with your words. Calling someone a "good friend" could easily offend them.

Y/n: Cool now we are in twitter .

Eula: in the Lawrence family, "dear friend" is a set phrase that can only be used towards certain friends with whom one is acquainted, but not particularly close. It sounds much more pleasant to call an acquaintance a "dear friend." So another thing to remember - aristocrats are concerned with face and being polite. However, if you were to use "dear friend" to address an intimate friend, the recipient would think that you were deliberately trying to estrange them.

Y/n: Is this all I need to know ? My brain is already hurting I can't handle all this aristocrat cringe shit.

Eula: This is only the first step in making a greeting. After addressing one another, you then exchange courtesies.

A few minutes later

After Y/n brain already melted .

Eula: Well then, I'm glad you learned something. You're already halfway toward mastering aristocratic conduct. A proper manner of speech is more aesthetic than anything else - it stems from their taste for refinement. But we must also practice your bearing. I have a very effective way of training for this. Come with me to Dragonspine.

This ended due triggering his PTSD

Y/n: Dragonspine ... man I want to go back to the ocean .

At Dragonspine.

Y/n: I d-d-d-don't k-k-k-know if I'm shivering b-b-because of the c-cold or b-because of the traumas I had in this place ... is this really necessary.

Eula: If you wish to truly achieve the dignified conduct of an aristocrat, you must learn to remain composed and elegant even amidst harsh conditions. For example, you can see that part of the path up ahead is quite difficult to traverse. But a well-trained aristocrat would not only effortlessly proceed forward, but do so without a stain on their garment and their elegance fully intact.

After Y/n had to all the challenges Eula said he had to do.

Eula: Not bad. A lot better than I had anticipated, at least.

Y/n: *panting* good thing I exceeded your expectations, now does that make an aristocratic ?

Eula: Don't flatter yourselves. We've only just begun.

Y/n: *Dies of death*

Eula: This scenario was relatively simple. In the face of a real battle, one would seldom have a chance to stop and evaluate the situation. There's a Ley Line Monolith just up ahead that will attract nearby monsters.True elegance is the ability to calmly yet swiftly make decisions in the heat of the battle

Y/n: Ah shit here we go again .

A few seconds later

Eula: Well done. Your performance was most impressive. And you managed to remain calm even in these grueling Dragonspine surroundings, haha. I'm starting to wonder if even I could have done the same. Given such an outstanding performance, it seems there is little left for me to teach you.

Y/n : Oh thank God now there's nothing for us to do here anymore right ? I can feel myself turning into a popsicle.

Eula: Don't worry about , here drink this .

She gave him an cup of milk .

Y/n: What is this ? Some kind of weird ass liquid that's only consumed by aristocrats ?

Eula: Certainly not . It's warm milk.

Y/n: ... warm milk ? What ?

Eula: Have you never drank milk before ?

Y/n: No it's just that ...

He looked around and didn't founded any cows nearby nor an campfire to keep the milk warm . Then he just drank everything.

Eula: Now then, given that your training is complete, it's time we return to Mondstadt. Our last step will be preparing a cordial gift to present to my uncle when you meet him.I already have something in mind. Let's pay Sara a visit at Good Hunter.

Y/n: Good hunter ? Oh my God . If Lumine and Paimon ... nononono this must be a trap ... and I'm gonna fall on it .


Amber: Oh, hey Eula! I see you've met the Honorary Knight!

Y/n: Amber you're here too ? Thank God they're not here.

Amber: Well, I just got back and was thinking about grabbing a bite at Good Hunter. But now that you're here, why don't we all eat together?

Eula: Very well. It's been some time since we've last shared a meal together. Come, take a seat. We can discuss my uncle's gift while we eat.

Y/n : whatever this gift is I'm gonna put some piece of hilichurls organs on it so that goofy ahh son of a bitch can-

And they all sat down on a table and their food finally arrived .

Sara: Yes, is there something else you'd like to order?

Eula: Could you please prepare a serving of my uncle's favorite, Gebratenes Fleisch mit Sauerkraut? We'll take it as a gift to him later.

Y/n: i already can imagine myself having a stroke trying to pronounce this.

Sara: Coming right up! It'll take some time to prepare, I'll have it here at the counter once it's ready.

Eula: Hold on a moment. Is this Satisfying Salad also something that Amber ordered?

Sara: No, she didn't order it. But because she didn't order any vegetables, I thought I'd throw in a salad on the house. You know, to contrast all the meat dishes.

Eula: So... we clearly didn't order this, yet you prepared it without authorization... Hmph! Mark my words, this transgression will not go unnoticed!

Y/n: You really gonna take Vengeance on someone for giving you free stuff ?

Sara: Hmph, you should know me by now, that's the kind of villainous character I am! Well then... please wait a moment while I get the dish for your uncle started.

Y/n: What the fuck is happening here ? Even when I don't have Paimon with me saying a lot of random bullshit all the time but her soul somehow follows me and possesses everyone who is around me .

Eula: Hmph, delicious unauthorized delicacies... Sara will pay for this.

Amber: Don't worry about it Y/n, Eula's always talking about vengeance, but that's just how she is. It's nothing you should take too seriously.

Eula: But I am serious! And I'll remember every transgression committed against me!

Amber: Also , you didn't killed Timmie's pigeons on your way back here did you ? He said he will have his vengeance if you do that again.

Y/n: What kind of animal do you take me for , of course I didn't killed them .

Amber: Really ?

Y/n: Yes , you know I just realized how precious life can be and I'm gonna apologize to him next time we meet .


After grabbing the dish Eula ordered for her uncle . Y/n went to springvale and attempt dialogue with Schubert again.

Schubert: Ah, it's you again. I thought I had rid myself of you.

Y/n: Ok take a deeeeeeep breath Y/n , you got this. Please, if I may be so bold as to say a few humble words...

Schubert: "A few humble words," eh? Yes, that sounds appropriate enough.

Y/n: That sounds cringe enough .

Schubert: Very well, I'm certainly not one to be narrow-minded. I'll overlook your previous misconduct for now and listen to what you have to say.

Y/n It is an honor to stand before you here, immersed in your supreme brilliance.

Schubert: It appears I have misjudged you. "Supreme brilliance" - the glory of the nobility that continues to this day. A true loyalist!

Y/n: Somebody fucking kill me please !m

Schubert: Your conduct is satisfactory. I must say, such progress in such a short time is practically unfathomable.If I may ask, from whence did you learn such a civilized manner of speech?

Y/n: Oh I was fortunate enough to benefit from the knowledge of a dear friend.

Schubert: Ah good, very good. You are bright, and compared with the common folk of Mondstadt, you certainly have potential. If you were of aristocratic blood, your prospects would be promising indeed!

Y/n: I also would like to present you with a token of my goodwill

And he gave Schubert the gift.

Schubert: Huh? Could this be... Gebratenes Fleisch mit Sauerkraut!?

Y/n: I seasoned it with the smashed brain of a hilichurl hope you enjoy you cringe shit .

Schubert: It's evident that your sentiment is genuine. As a young person nowadays, only with no small effort could you achieve such a dish.It's been so long since I dug into a big tasty- ... I beg your pardon. What I mean to say is, since it's nearly mealtime, I shall partake.

And surprisingly Schubert ate the whole plate without complaining.

Schubert: Ah yes, this aroma, just as I remember it. And this exquisite sour flavor... Mmm. A delicacy that only us noblemen and women could appreciate.

Y/n: How the hell did he liked that !? Welp ... gotta tell Xiangling about this .m

Schubert: I acknowledge your genuine goodwill. Such sincerity must certainly imply that you come bearing a request.

Y/n: Well , It seems there's word that the Lawrence family has a grand scheme of sorts.

Schubert: Wait, so you've come to know of this, too? It was meant to be a family secret...

Y/n: I wish to lend you a helping hand.

Schubert: Hmm... Well, considering your meticulous etiquette, you must be a talent of unusual fortitude. I'm willing to place my full trust in you. Please, come with me. We happen to be in need of competent fellows just like yourself.

Y/n: Where are we going?

Schubert: To see some friends from a distant land. They have offered their assistance in restoring the Lawrence Clan to its former glory.

Y/n: These "friends" definitely aren't the fatui .

Schubert: Let's get going shall we ?

After the weirdest dialogue in genshin impact schubert took Y/n to the fatui domain . Of course he put on a mask to make sure he wasn't going to be recognised.

Schubert: Huh? Why have you put on a mask all of a sudden?

Y/n: It is only proper for aristocrats to wear a mask. please work please work please work.

Schubert: Hmm, even if they are powerful, our status is much higher than theirs in the land of Mondstadt ...And therefore, we shouldn't allow them to admire our true faces so easily! I see, haha...

Schubert: Let's proceed, shall we? I'll introduce you as my guest.

Y/n followed Schubert around the domain until they came across the fatui .

Sergei: Huh, where have I seen this person before...? And who, may I ask, is this? We mustn't bring just anyone in here.

Schubert: This is our new ally that I've recently met. They are completely trustworthy, you have the word of the Lawrence Clan.

Y/n: ... It's only proper for an aristocrat to not speak , these plebs don't deserve to hear my beautiful voice .

Sergei: Our plans are strictly confidential. It's not wise to bring in an outsider at this time. Furthermore, there's been word that an outlander who joined the Knights of Favonius has been very active in Mondstadt recently.

Schubert: Don't be ridiculous. Besides, my guest is well-versed in the etiquette of the nobility. I must treat them with the proper mutual respect. The Knights of Favonius pay no regard to such details, they could never understand the intricacies of our etiquette.

Sergei: Fine. I'll take your word and make no further inquiries. Now, to the matter at hand. Did you bring the diagram of Mondstadt's defenses, as promised?

Schubert: Yes, of course. Here it is.

And he gave the fatui the most ugly mal of mondstadt Y/n could possibly imagine.

Y/n: Oh my God...

Sergei: Let me see... Huh. Why is it so poorly drawn? Everything's so squiggly and crooked. And what is this shape supposed to be?

Schubert: Excuse me? I'll have you know that I went to great lengths to carefully draw this map by hand myself! That "shape" is the symbol of the Knights of Favonius.

Sergei: Ah, I see. Crude, but I can make do. Are you able to verify that this is all reliable information?

Schubert: Of course, you needn't worry about that. Don't forget what we agreed upon, the flag of the Lawrence Clan will fly above the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. The rights to that building as well as the whole of Mondstadt belong to the Lawrence Clan.

Sergei: Yes, yes, we will both profit from this agreement. There's no use haggling over the details. We will make good use of the intel you provided. Also, be certain not to divulge our identity. There would be diplomatic consequences, you know.

Schubert: Don't worry. This matter is only between you and I... and my new friend here. No one else will know of it. Once this is over, I shall stand atop the Favonius Headquarters and rebuke their pathetic rule over Mondstadt. Then, the city and all its people will once again be under the rightful and unwavering rule of the Lawrence Clan! Haha, perfect! Just as it once was, and just as it should be!

Sergei: *sigh*... May I remind you once again that we mustn't act rashly. That is all... for now.

Y/n: Well guess I already have what I came here for , there's no need to keep acting like an douchebag.

He threw his mask away and punched the Fatui in his balls making him fall holding his testicles in pain and he burned the map.

Schubert: Huh ? What is the meaning of this !?

Y/n: I am the honorary knight of the knights of favonious , and you criminal scum , YOU are under arrest !

Schubert : What !? No thats not fair !

Y/n: Nobody gives a fucm about your complaints you shithead , you're coming with me .

Schubert: After so much planning, this is how it ends!? We'll see about that! NIGERUNDAYO !

Y/n: We'll see about that !

Schubert started running away, Y/n could have easily catched him but he had to deal with a bunch of skirmishers on his way , eventually he founded Schubert surrounded by the knights and Eula was there too.

Schubert: Don't touch me, get out of my way! I'll leave on my own!

Eula: Oh it's you, it seems your investigation went well.

Y/n: I am not surprised everything is always the same shit when the Fatui are involved.

Schubert: Aha! I see now. So you're the one that taught them our etiquette? And I thought you despised such pleasantries! Furthermore, there is a rule in our family. Such traditions are never to be taught to outsiders!

Eula: Ah yes, rings a bell. So what? I had no reason not to teach them. Y-You have brought shame to our family and ruined my plans! It's all for naught now!

Eula: I know that you poured great efforts into these plans, uncle. But you were well aware that it was not the right thing to do. As a Knight of Favonius, I could not overlook your actions.

Schubert: Knight of Favonius!? Let's get one thing straight. I am your uncle and you are a member of the Lawrence Clan! You should strive to restore your family's glory! You still have a chance. Defeat every Knight of Favonius here, and leave with me! Then I shall plea with the family to spare you and give you a new beginning.

Eula: So just to be clear, you want a Knight of Favonius to attack the Knights of Favonius?

Schubert: I shall say this one last time. You are not a Knight of Favonius. You are a descendant of the Lawrence Clan! The blood of the Lawrence Clan flows in your veins! You must comply with the will of the family!

Eula: Since when have I ever complied with the will of the family?

Schubert: Wh-Why you... you unruly maid!

Eula: If anyone should be angry, it should be me. As a member of the Lawrence Clan, you knowingly plotted against the city of Mondstadt and threatened its safety. Had you ever stopped to consider the trouble it would bring to so many people? Had you considered how many enemies you would make trying to keep the plans under wraps?

Schubert: Y-You dare lecture me!

Y/n: Truth hurts doesn't it?

Eula: That's right, in the name of the family that you so dearly revere, Uncle Schubert. I've never experienced the age of "glory" you always speak of, and I've never understood our family's incessant pursuit of it. But I am capable of discerning right from wrong, and I deeply understand what "freedom" means to the people of Mondstadt. The Lawrence Clan should never and will never become what you've dreamed it to be!

Schubert: Grr... Oh, the disgrace of it all! How could such a rebellious monster emerge from our own family!?

Eula: That's enough fuss for today. take him away.

And the knights escorted Schulbert al the way back to mondstadt.

Eula: Given that you've already taken action, I assume you've come across some conclusive evidence?

Y/n: Your uncle did an ugly ass drawing of the walls but I burned it already, there's nothing to worry about .

Eula: Oh in that case . I will inform the Acting Grand Master.

Y/n: Also I really wanna know , did you followed me all the way here or something? That's a litle SUS .

Eula: Yeah, about that... Because you stole my targets by attacking the Fatui I'd been tracking earlier ...I came to exact my vengeance. You tried to do my job for me, and I'm here to return the favor.

Y/n: Oh so we're even now, right? We don't have to arch enemies anymore. Now how about we go back to mondstadt have a drink at Angel's share I need to remember if the wine from this place is really that good .

Eula: I'm afraid I will have to decline your offer , I still have work to do perhaps... another day .

And she left ...

Y/n: *surprised pikachu face* ... she rejected me ... well atleast I still have Lisa and Venti .

A few minutes later

When he set foot on the bridge of the city , he started trembling when he saw a person he really didn't wanted to see right in front of him . And the pigeons started surrounding him .

Y/n: No no no, come on this not fair .

He took a few steps back and the person started walking towards him menacingly.

Y/n: I can't have a single moment of peace in this world goddammit!

Lumine: Took me a while to find you Y/n .

Paimon: Amber and Eula told us you should be here .

Y/n: Oh I'm not ready for this.

Both Y/n and Lumine grabbed their sword and pointed it at each other.

Chapter end

Why does everyone keep saying Furina is a brat ? And why they are so DOWN BAD for her

Wtf is this guy ?

And after reading a bunch of the old comments in this book I just realized that my readers have 2 moods

Femboy and racist

also seriously how does these 2 have the same voice actor ?

And here is lil bit of Clorinde

המשך קריאה

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