The Neglected Avenger (Male R...

By WeaselSnipes

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Y/N L/N was neglected by his family for years. His family paid no attention to him, and his siblings always b... More

Prologue The Avenger Initiative
Chapter 1 Meeting The Team
Chapter 2 The God Of Mischief
Chapter 3 The Arguement
Chapter 4 Under Attack
Chapter 5 New York Under Attack
Chapter 6 Parting Ways
Chapter 7 Rescue Mission
Chapter 8 The Red Hood vs The Winter Solider
Chapter 9 Assassination
Chapter 10 HYDRA's Plan
Chapter 11 The Winter Solider Revealed
Chapter 12 Stopping HYDRA
Chapter 13 Family Reunion
Chapter 14 The Twins
Love Interest
Chapter 15 The Party
Chapter 16 Finding Ultron
Chapter 17 Safe House
Chapter 18 Sokovia
Chapter 19 New Members
Chapter 20 The Accident
Chapter 21 The Sokovia Accords
Chapter 22 The Winter Soldier Returns
Chapter 23 Team Cap Vs Team Iron Man
Chapter 24 Confronting Zemo
Chapter 25 Wanted
Chapter 26 Taskmaster
Chapter 27 Natasha's Sister
Chapter 28 Natasha's Father
Chapter 29 Natasha's Mother
Chapter 30 Black Widow vs Red Hood
Chapter 31 The Black Order
Chapter 32 The Plan
Chapter 33 Guardians Of The Galaxy
Chapter 34 The Mad Titan
Chapter 35 The Dusted
Chapter 36 Returning To Earth
Chapter 37 Hunt For Thanos
Chapter 38 Debriefing
Chapter 39 Vormir
Chapter 40 Thanos Returns
Chapter 41 The Final Battle
Chapter 42 Aftermath
What If... Thanos Didn't Destroy The Stones
Chapter 43 The Corpse
Chapter 44 What Is Today
Chapter 45 Magic Act
Chapter 46 New Life
Chapter 47 Family Troubles
Chapter 48 Finding Answers
Chapter 49 Getting Answers
Chapter 50 Battle For Westview
Avengers The Kang Dynasty Teaser/Trailer
Chapter 51 The New Captain America
Chapter 52 The Super Solider
Chapter 53 Zemo
Chapter 54 High Town
Chapter 55 The Lab
Chapter 56 Confronting Karli
Chapter 57 No Longer Captain America
Chapter 58 One World, One People
Avengers: The Kang Dynasty Sneak Peek
Chapter 59 Giant Eye Monster
Chapter 60 Confronting Wanda
Chapter 61 Looking For Other Strange
Chapter 62 Illuminati Headquarters
Jason's Love Interest?
Chapter 64 Never Meet Your Heroes
Chapter 65 Hide and Seek
Chapter 66 Echoes
Chapter 67 Partners, Am I Right?
Chapter 68 Ronin
Chapter 69 So This Is Christmas?

Capter 63 Stopping Wanda

650 13 0
By WeaselSnipes

Strange and Christine are trapped in a reality that is collapsed.

Strange: Oh, no. Oh, crap!

Christine 2: It's like, this reality collapsed in on itself.

Strange: Yeah. Two realities collided. Come on. America doesn't have long.

They both started to walk with Christine holding the Book of Vishanti.

Christine 2: So where are we going?

Strange: I read the Book of Vishanti and it told me to find the Sanctum in this universe, then there might be another, other, "other me", and that's our best shot at getting back to her.

They look and see everything is destroyed.

Strange: Well, I can see why you guys were so worried about incursions.

Christine 2: Whatever happened... this universe's you didn't do a very good job of stopping it.

They then see the Sanctum Sanctorum and upstairs they see Doctor Strange.

Strange: I'll tell him you said that.

He goes in and sees a bridge and he walk up it and goes into another room.

Strange: Hello?

Sinister Strange: Stop where you are.

Strange then sees his other self.

Sinister Strange: How did you get here?

Strange: By accident.

Sinister Strange: Who are you... what are you?

Strange: I'm just, one of us.

Sinister Strange: From the Multiverse?

Strange: That's right.

Sinister Strange: Prove it.

Strange: We had a sister. Donna. She, uh... She died, when we were kids.

Sinister Strange: How?

Strange: We were... playing on a frozen lake, and... She fell through the ice. I couldn't save her.

Sinister Strange: Sounds about right. But we don't talk about that, do we?

Strange: No, we don't. I suppose your reality wasn't always like this?

Sinister Strange: I suspect it'd be somewhat like yours, until...

Strange: Until?

Sinister Strange: Until I lost.

Strange: To whom?

Sinister Strange: What do you want?

Strange: I just want to get home.

Sinister Strange: Yeah, believe me... I've been trying to leave this place for a long time.

He looks and sees another Strange holding the Darkhold.

Strange: The Darkhold. You guard the Darkhold in this universe?

Sinister Strange: Yeah. For good reason.

Strange: That's a start. I could use it. It could help me to communicate with my universe.

Sinister Strange: Careful. The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll.

Strange: I don't mean to be callous, but, how much of a heavier toll is there left to exact?

Sinister Strange: Not just on its reality... On its reader.

Strange: Look, I'm sorry you couldn't save your own universe, but maybe, you could help to save mine?

Sinister Strange: Are you happy, Stephen?

Strange: What?

Sinister Strange: Are you happy, Stephen? It's the question that... Christine Palmer asked me at her wedding. I said, "yes, of course, I'm happy. I'm a sorcerer with the power of gods. What man wouldn't be happy?" Then I, came back to this god darn haunted house. Sat down... and wondered why I'd lied. I never meant for any of this to happen. I was looking for a world where things were different. Where I had Christine. Where I was... happy. But I didn't find it. All I found were more of us. So, I did those Stephens a favor. You ever had that dream where you're falling, as if you've been pushed off a tall building? That was probably me.

The second Strange reveals a third eye.

Sinister Strange: The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll.

Strange: Okay. All the more reason to give it a rest, so let me have it.

Sinister Strange: Here's the deal. I'll let you use the Darkhold... if you give me your Christine.

Strange: Yeah... I don't think she's gonna go for that.

Sinister Strange: No? Didn't think so.

Strange throws a lasso at the Darkhold but Sinister Strange grabs it and launches Strange backwards into a wall and he starts to use his powers on piano notes and shoots the notes at his counterpart as the other Strange does so as well. They both start to counter each other's attacks until Sinister Strange was about to use the Darkhold until Strange played one more note and it combined with the others, and it launched both Strange backwards and Sinister Strange lands outside and gets impaled on the gate. Strange got up and started to use the Darkhold to find America and Y/N and sees Wanda using her powers as America screams.

Strange: Hang on. We're coming.

He flips through the pages until he finds the one, he needed and starts to use a spell.

Christine 2: What are you doing with the Darkhold? Are you going to dreamwalk?

Strange: Slightly more than just dreamwalking.

Christine 2: All you Stranges, you're the same.

Strange: I know. You're right. We are all the same. But right now, that kid needs me, and I can't do any of this without your help. While I'm under, I need you to protect my body, in case they attack me for trespassing.

Christine 2: Who's "they"?

Strange: The Souls of the Damned.

Christine 2: Okay. But doesn't a version of you need to live in that universe? So that you can dreamwalk into them.

Strange: Who said they have to be living?

Strange dreamwalks in the other Strange's corpse that was buried and opened a portal to America and Y/N. he started to walk as he sees the Souls of the Damned.

Souls of the Damned: Stephen Strange, possessing a dead body is forbidden! Cease your dreamwalk, and face the eternal consequences.

They start to attack Strange.

Christine 2: Stephen!

Christine starts to check on him.

Christine 2: Don't let me go. Stephen? Hang on. Hang on, hang on. Where are you?

She looks into his eyes and sees one of the souls come out and she struggles against it as more come out. Christine then sees what she needs.

Christine 2: Brazier of Bom'Galiath.

She uses it and a candle to spit out fire as she sees the two other souls.

Christine 2: Go back to hell.

She then kills the two other souls and goes over to Strange.

Christine 2: Stephen... I've got you. You're a Master of the Mystic Arts. They're spirits. Use them. Use them. Use them.

Strange starts to use the Souls of the Damn to his control and he makes himself a cape and flies over to the Darkhold Castle as Wong kills one of the Darkhold Castle Guards.

Wong: Come on!

The other Darkhold Castle Guards see Wong.

Wong: Uh-oh.

They started to attack him as Zombie Strange flies over and knocks the three Darkhold Castle Guards off the cliff and they drop Y/N on the floor. He sees Zombie Strange.

Y/N: What happened to you?!

Wanda: Dreamwalking, you hypocrite!

Wanda blasted him with her chaos magic and Zombie Strange blocks it.

Zombie Strange: This time, it's gonna take more than killing me to kill me.

Wanda starts to use more of her chaos magic but Zombie Strange tossed the demons at her and they attacked her. Wong comes up and sees him.

Wong: I don't even wanna know.

The souls carried her to the open wing of the Castle, where Zombie Strange and Wong used an enchantment to keep Wanda inside a prism and she starts to break free.

Wong: She's breaking free!

Zombie Strange: Hold her!

Wong: Strange! Take America's power. There's no other way.

Zombie Strange: Yeah. This is the only way.

He then frees America and Zombie Strange and Y/N runs over to her.

Zombie Strange: It's me, in other me's body.

America: You're gonna take my power, aren't you? Before Wanda can. It's okay. I understand now.

Zombie Strange: No, America. I've come here to tell you to trust yourself, trust your power. That's how we stop her.

America: I can't control it...

Y/N: Yes, you can.

Zombie Strange: You have been all along. Every time you opened a portal, you sent us exactly where we needed to go.

America: What about the first time?

Zombie Strange: Even that led you to this moment. You are gonna kick that witch's ass.

Wanda breaks free as Wanda blasts Zombie Strange. His arm starts to burn as Wanda starts to kill Strange. Y/N runs over to Wanda, but he launches him away and into a wall. America then punches Wanda in the face. Wanda smiles and shakes her head as America punches her once again and a portal opens. She was going to punch him again but stopped her.

America: I can't beat you. So, I'll give you what you want.

America then punches Wanda again as Wanda grabs America by the throat and notices Billy and Tommy.

Wanda: Billy. Tommy.

Billy: Mommy! Daddy!

Tommy: It's the witch!

Wanda looks at America.

Wanda: What have you done?!

Billy: Mommy!

The other worlds Wanda and Y/N come downstairs.

838 Wanda: Wait! Boys. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

838 Y/N: It's okay.

Wanda: I'm their mother! Get away from them.

Wanda launches the other worlds Y/N and Wanda off the staircase as America was about to go over.

Zombie Strange: No. Not yet.

Tommy: Mommy! Daddy!

Billy and Tommy start to throw stuff at Wanda.

Billy: Get away from our parents! Leave them alone!

Tommy: You're not our real mom!

Wanda: Hey, boys, stop. Please. Wait, boys. Stop.

Tommy: Get out of our house!

Billy: You're not our mom!

Tommy: Get out!

Billy: Go away!

Tommy: Go!

Wanda: Stop it!

Billy and Tommy hide as Wanda approaches them.

Billy: Please don't hurt us. Please.

Wanda: I would never hurt you. Never. I would never hurt anyone. I'm not a monster. I'm not... I'm...

Both 838 Y/N and Wanda get up and Billy and Tommy run over.

Tommy: Mom! Dad!

Billy: You're okay.

838 Y/N: We're okay.

838 Wanda: Okay, okay... We're okay...

838 Wanda gets up and approaches Wanda.

Tommy: Mom, no!

Billy: Don't go. Don't. Mom...

838 Y/N stops them.

838 Y/N: She'll be okay.

838 Wanda touches Wanda's cheek and Wanda looks at her.

838 Wanda: Know that they'll be loved.

America closes the portal as Wanda cries. Y/N touches her shoulder, and she hugs him. She then floats to the altar as rumbling is felt.

America: What now?

Zombie Strange: Get out of here.

America: I'll find you.

America opens a portal and Wong and America go in as the portal closes leaving Zombie Strange and Y/N alone with Wanda.

Wanda: I opened the Darkhold. I have to close it. No one will ever be tempted by the Darkhold again.

Y/N: Wanda!

Wanda: Goodbye, my beloved.

Wanda sends Y/N away as she used her powers to destroy the Castle, breaking the Scarlet Witch statue as she did, the Castle began to crumble and collapse on her. As the Castle crumbled, a red burst of magic flashed. Back with Strange she helps Christine.

Strange: Are you alright?

Christine 2: Is it over?

Strange: Yeah.

Christine 2: Is America, okay?

Strange: She's on her way here to get us.

Christine 2: Wanda?

Strange: No.

They look and see the Darkhold is burnt.

Strange: So, she destroyed the Darkhold in every universe.

Christine 2: She did the right thing.

Strange: Yes, she did.

Christine 2: What's your universe like?

Strange: It's very beautiful. I wish I could show you.

Christine 2: I'd really like that. But I... have to go.

Strange: Yeah. Yeah, I know.

Christine 2: It's too bad, though. Could have been one hell of an incursion.

Strange: I love you. I love you in every universe. It's not that I don't wanna care for someone or have someone care for me. It's just... I get scared.

Christine 2: Yeah. Face your fears. Doctor Strange.

A portal opens and they see Wong, America, and Y/N. He goes through it with the Book of Vishanti. Back at Kamar-Taj America and Y/N were trying to use magic.

America: How is this so much harder than a Multiversal portal?

Y/N opens a portal.

Y/N: Easy.

Y/N then sees Strange and Wong and he goes over.

Strange: She needs to slow down and be more patient.

Wong: Reminds me of another student I knew. How are you feeling?

Strange: Why do you ask?

Wong: You used the Darkhold to dreamwalk into your own corpse.

Y/N: That was creepy.

Strange: Oh. Yeah, right, uh... I'm fine. But I do wanna ask you something. Are you happy?

Wong: That's a... interesting question.

Strange: You'd think that saving the world would get you there, but... It doesn't.

Wong: Sometimes, I do wonder... of my other lives. Yet I remain grateful in this one. Even with each tribulations.

Strange: Soon we'll have to go through a long one.

Wong: No, we don't.

Strange looks at the Book of Vishanti and Y/N takes it.

Y/N: I'm going to hold onto this... Just in case.

Strange nods and opens a portal for him and Y/N as America comes over.

America: Wait. 'Sup? Strange: 'Sup?

America: Made some sparks.

Strange: Great. Your parents would be proud. I hope you'll get to show them one day.

America: Stephen? I'm glad I fell into your universe.

Strange: So am I, kid. So am I.

Y/N and Strange enter the portal and it closes.

Y/N: See you around.

Y/N leaves holding the Book of Vishanti in his hands, and he goes into an alleyway and opens a portal with his wristband, and he goes into it.

Y/N: Kang?

He then sees Kang and Y/N gives Kang the Book of Vishanti.

Kang: This is all we need.

Kang looks at Y/N and notices his sadness.

Kang: I sense sadness. What's wrong?

Y/N: Can you do me a favor?

Kang: Of course. You got me the Book of Vishanti. Whatever you want is yours.

Y/N looks at him. Back at the destroyed Castle one of Kang's portals opens and Y/N and Kang comes out.

Kang: Is this the place?

Y/N nods and Kang uses his powers to reverse time and the Castle rebuilds itself and time has stopped. The rubble floats and on the altar is Wanda. She looks around as Y/N and Kang walk towards her.

Kang: Hello, Wanda.

Wanda gets up.

Wanda: Who are you?

Kang: Just a man who wants to give you a second chance.

Wanda looks at Y/N.

Y/N: Kang can offer us a world where I was never abused and where you can be with our children.

Kang: And I can show you.

Kang uses his powers and Y/N and Wanda blackout. Y/N wakes up in a house and in a bed and he looks to his side and sees Natasha and Maria sleeping beside him. He gets up and goes to the bathroom and he lifts his shirt and sees the scars on his back that he got from his family were gone. He went downstairs and saw Wanda and she was just as confused as Y/N. They heard footsteps and saw Billy and Tommy and Wanda instantly hugged them as Maria, Natasha and Maria's and Natasha's children came downstairs. They then see Natasha's and Maria's children, Luna and Emily. A knock is heard.

Maria: Can you get to the door?

Y/N: Sure?

He goes over to the door and opens it and to his shock he sees his grandpa.

Alan: Hey, kiddo.

Y/N hugs him tightly as tears come out of him. Suddenly everything fades as Wanda and Y/N are back in the castle. They look at Kang.

Kang: Everything you've seen I can make happen. All I ask is that you help me.

Wanda and Y/N look at each other as tears come out of Y/N and Wanda.

Wanda: Where do we start?

Kang smiles.

Kang: Y/N already given me everything I need. For now, I want you both to wait. Once I finish, I will contact Y/N and I will give you what you want.

Kang opens a portal and Y/N and Wanda go into it and they return home. 

The Scarlet Witch Will Return In...

Meanwhile in New York, Jason Todd, who is wearing the Red Hood outfit, overlooks the city.

Red Hood (Jason): Time to clean up my home.

He then leaps off the roof and grapplers away... 

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