Sonic X x Male Reader

By blueworrier

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At a base in the middle of the night. The evil Dr. Eggman took the seven Chaos Emeralds and a hostage. Sonic... More

S1 Chapter 1: Chaos Control Freaks
S1 Chapter 2: Sonic and Y/n to the Rescue
S1 Chapter 3: Missile Wrist Rampage
S1 Chapter 4: Chaos Emerald Chaos
S1 Chapter 5: Cracking Knuckles
S1 Chapter 6: Techno Teacher
S1 Chapter 7: Party Hardly
S1 Chapter 8: Satellite Swindle
S1 Chapter 9: The Last Resort
S1 Chapter 10: Unfair ball
Mini part: A Talk Between Inventors
S1 Chapter 11: Fly Spy and Cool Guy
S1 Chapter 12: Beating Eggman Part1
S1 Chapter 13: Beating Eggman Part2
S1 Chapter 14: That's What Friends Are for
S1 Chapter 15: Skirmish in the Sky
S1 Chapter 16: Depth of Danger
S1 Chapter 17: A Regular Day
S1 Chapter 18: The Dam Scam
S1 Chapter 19: Sonic and Y/n's Scream Test
S1 Chapter 20: Cruise Blues
S1: Chapter 21: Fast Friends
S1 Chapter 22: Little Chao Lost
S1 Chapter 23: Emerald Anniversary
S1 Chapter 24: How to catch a Hedgehog
S1 Chapter 25: A Dastardly Deed
S1 Chapter 26: Countdown to Chaos
S2 Chapter 1: Pure Chaos
S2 Chapter 2: A Chaotic Day
S2 Chapter 3: A Robot Rebels
S2 Chapter 4: Head's up, Tail
S2 Chapter 5: Revenge of the Robot
S2 Chapter 6: Flood Fight
S2 Chapter 7: Project Shadow
S2 Chapter 8: Shadow Knows
S2 Chapter 9: Sonic's Big Break
S2 Chapter 10: Shadow World
S2 Chapter 11: Robotnik's Revenge
S2 Chapter 12: Showdown in Space
S2 Chapter 13: Defective Detectives
S2 Chapter 14: Sunblock Solution
S2 Chapter 15: Eggman for President
S2 Chapter 16: A Date to Forget
S2 Chapter 17: Mean Machines
S2 Chapter 18: Supersonic and Electrical Heroes Appear!
S2 Chapter 19: Prize Fights
S2 Chapter 20: A Wild Win
Mini Part: Sick Day
S2 Chapter 21: Map of Mayhem
S2 Chapter 22: The Volcanic Venture
S2 Chapter 23: The Beginning of the End
S2 Chapter 24: Running out of Time
S2 Chapter 25: Friends 'Til the End
S2 Chapter 26: A New Start
S3 Chapter 1: A Cosmic Call
S3 Chapter 2: Cosmic Crisis
S3 Chapter 3: H2 Whoa
S3 Chapter 4: An Enemy in Need
S3 Chapter 5: Chilling Discovery
S3 Chapter 6: Desperately Seeking Sonic
S3 Chapter 7: Galactic Gumshoes
S3 Chapter 8: Trick Sand
S3 Chapter 9: Ship of Doom
S3 Chapter 10: An Underground Odyssey
S3 Chapter 11: Station Break-In
S3 Chapter 12: A Metarex Melee
S3 Chapter 13: Mission: Match up
S3 Chapter 14: Clash in the Cloister
S3 Chapter 15: Testing Time
S3 Chapter 17: Terror On the Typhoon
S3 Chapter 18: Hedgehog Hunt
S3 Chapter 19: Zelkova Strikes Back
S3 Chapter 20: True Dragoon (Part 1)
S3 Chapter 21: True Dragoon (Part 2)

S3 Chapter 16: The Planet of Misfortune

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By blueworrier

Y/n was in the cafeteria sipping some tea with Star, Helen and Chaos.

Y/n: You two have outdone yourselves yet again.

Star: All in a days work.

Helen: I needed it to be honest.

Chaos: Things still bad with Chris?

Helen: I know he meant well, but Chris can be so irresponsible sometimes.

Y/n: So, are you thinking of breaking up with him?

Helen: Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know, I'm just upset right now.

Y/n: Take all the time you need. We're all here supporting you.

Helen: Thank you.

Y/n looked down.

Y/n: Hey, you two wouldn't lie to me, would you?

Helen: Not unless we really had to.

Star: Why?

Y/n: Do you two think I'm a disgrace?

Helen: What?! No! Of course not!

Star: You're greatest worrier I know, don't let any one tell you otherwise.

Star walked to Y/n and kissed him, then Chris walked in.

Chris: Hey, how is everything?

Helen got up.

Chris: Hey, hu-

Helen walked passed him.

Chris: (sigh) Still mad I guess.

Y/n: Chris, you took a very dangerous gamble going into the base without telling anyone.

Chaos: Unarmed no less. If Narcissus didn't need you or the plant sisters alive, all three of you could've been killed. Helen is pissed at you, and who can blame her?

Chris: Look, I'm sorry.

Y/n: We're not the ones you should be apologizing to.

Later on.

Everyone was in the bridge searching for the Chaos Emeralds, but they weren't getting anything.

Cosmo: It doesn't look like there are any Chaos Emeralds around here.

Amy: Chris, are you sure this scanner is working okay?

Chris: Yeah, I am, but there's a lot of interference in this part of the Galaxy.

Amy: Why is that?

Chris: It looks like this entire region of space has been warped by some kind of bizarre gravitational force.

Cream: Do you think the Metarex are responsible for this?

Chris: They probably are. If the warping continues at this rate, it'll soon spread out across the whole galaxy and Beyond.

Amy: First the Metarex go around stealing Planet Eggs, and now they're bending outer space all out of shape. Those creeps!

Y/n: Mutated Planet Eggs and warping the Galaxy itself. There has to be something more to it.

Cream: Look! The sensors found something.

Amy: Those Metarex have to be stopped once and for all! Uh, huh?

Amy looked at the scanners and saw something coming towards them.

Amy: I think we found a Chaos Emerald. Hey, Tails!

Tails: I see it. Ready to intercept.

Chris: Hey, look! Something's coming towards us.

That something appeared to be a small asteroid.

Chris: It's a small asteroid.

Amy: The Chaos Emerald's inside the asteroid.

Y/n: It's not an asteroid.

Helen: Y/n's right. It's a spaceship that looks like an asteroid.

Y/n: Smart move if you want to blend in. Tails, trade lightly.

Tails: Right.

The Typhoon brought out its claws and it grabbed the asteroid ship.

They pulled in the ship and it turned out three little aliens were in it.

Orange alien: We were afraid that you were going to crush our ship.

Tails: I'm really sorry, but we thought your ship was an asteroid.

Blue alien: Our ship is a highly Advanced space vehicle with ion propulsion engines and a hyperdrive!

The other two aliens nodded at her statement.

Chris: So, what brought you to this part of the galaxy??

Orange alien: Our world is sick, and we must find somebody who can heal it. I'm Lue, the ship's captain.

Green alien: My name is Lylim.

Blue alien: And I am Momo.

Chris: It's nice to meet you. You didn't happen to find a Chaos Emerald during your trip, did you?

Lue: What's a Chaos Emerald?

Tails: It's a really beautiful gem about this size, and it glows sometimes.

The three little aliens looked at each other before Lue pulled out the light blue Chaos Emerald.

Lue: Are you talking about this?

Cream: It's the Chaos Emerald!

Cosmo: They did find it.

Tails: Thanks a lot!

Tails was about to take the Emerald, but Lue pulled it back.

Tails: What's the matter?

Lue: We didn't say that you could have it.

Lylim: We spotted this gym during our trip, and we thought it looked beautiful.

Momo: So we picked it up and decided to keep it.

Knuckles: That's our Emerald! Hand it over!

Knuckles began to chase them around.

Lylim: No! You can't have it!

Momo: We found it. It belongs to us.

Knuckles: I want that Chaos Emerald now!

Y/n shot a lightning bolt in the air causing everyone to turn their attention to him.

Y/n: All right, now that I have your undivided attention, let's try and sort this out peacefully.

Knuckles: Okay, then. What do you have in mind then, smart guy?

Y/n: Listen, Lue. What do you say we strike a deal?

Lue: I'm listening.

Y/n: You said you are looking for someone to help your planet, correct? Well, we might be able to help, but it'll cost you that Emerald.

Lue: And what if we say "no"?

Y/n: Well, then I guess you can scour the entire galaxy looking for someone who will do it for free, but I strongly doubt that person will have any idea what they're doing.

Lue talked it over with his friends for a bit, then extended his hand.

Lue: Fine. It's a deal.

The two shook hands.

Helen: Good job, Y/n.

Star: So cool.

Knuckles: Y/n, I'm sorry I doubted you.

Y/n: It happens. Now, let's go to, um... Where exactly are you from?

Momo: Planet Marmolim.

Y/n: Then that's where we're going.

They set their coordinates to Marmolim.

Star: So, why don't you tell us a little bit about your home? You know, before it got sick.

Momo: Planet Marmolim is such a magical place that once you visit, you'll never want to leave. We have fortune tellers, magic charms, and even love spells.

Amy: You have love spells?

Momo: Yes, and they're extremely powerful.

Star: Well, I'm married, so I don't really need a love spell.

Lylim: Really? Well, who's the lucky bastard that got you?

Y/n: That would be me.

Lue: Well, congrats then.

They flew and eventually got to Marmolim where they were greeted by the aliens.

Alien 1: Hey, everybody! They're back!

Lue: Here. We've decided to pay you in advance.

Lue gave Y/n the Chaos Emerald.

Chris: Thanks, we really appreciate it.

Amy: So, where can I find a fortune teller booth?

Momo: Right this way, please!

Amy: Okay!

Amy ran to the direction Momo pointed out.

Cream: Amy! Wait!

Chris: Boy, is she hopeless.

Chaos: Almost like a certain someone we know.

Sonic: Uh, I'll go after her just to make sure she stays out of trouble.

Sonic ran after her.

Y/n: Well, we might as well as split up to cover more ground. Me and Team Thunder will go speak to the elder if there is one. Chris, Knuckles, Cosmo and Tails, do whatever you want I guess.

Tails: I'm going with you guys.

Cosmo: Me too.

Chris: Well, I actually want to see some sites with Helen-

Helen: Actually, I think going to the elder is a much funner idea.

Helen walked off.

Chris: But, Helen.

Lylim: Come on, let me show you some magic.

Y/n: Don't worry, Chris. Helen is safe with us. Lue, take us to the elder if you have one.

Lue: Follow me.

Lylim lead Chris and Knuckles to a part of the village where it was very populated.

Knuckles: They sell magic here?

Lylim: Visitors used to come here from all over the Galaxy to find out their fortunes, or to buy magic charms, 'til our planet started getting sick.

Chris looked at a stall.

Chris: What do they sell at that stall?

Lylim: They have charms and potions that can cure anything. You can find headache amulets, hiccup remedies, and even spells that fight athlete's foot.

With Y/n's group.

They were following Lue down another route.

Tails: I'm not sure about this.

Cream: I've never had anybody tell me my fortune before.

Lue: The elder is the most precise and accurate fortune teller we have. You can ask him any questions you want about your future.

Cream: How exciting! What do you think we should ask him about, Cheese?

Cheese: Chao!

Star: I want to know if me and Y/n will still be happily married in the future.

Helen: I want to know if me and Chris still have a chance at a marriage at all.

Cosmo: Something's wrong here. Their planet is sick, but they don't seem to care.

They reached a big pink building where they were greeted by the elder.

Elder: Lue!

Lue: Greetings, Ghana.

Ghana looked at Y/n.

Ghana: You've come at last, Lord Y/n?

Y/n: You know who I am?

Ghana: Yes. I read you coming a week ago. Come inside.

They entered the building and all sat down as Ghana was looking at some gold coins.

Ghana: The coins are clear. They predict that you will soon part with a large sum of money.

Lue: Do they say how much?

Ghana: Yes, 10 Fleebos... which is exactly what you owe me for this prediction.

Lue: That's the same prediction as last time I came here.

Chaos: Sounds to me you got scammed.

Everyone except Team Thunder and Tails laughed but then Cosmo stood from her seat.

Cosmo: This is no time for jokes.

Ghana: We have the power to look into the future, but we cannot change it. Our fate is already decided. What will be, will be.

Cosmo: But...

Ghana: I see you are always rushing into action. But your haste is going to cause great sorrow to those who are closest to you. These magic coins predict it.

He showed Cosmo a coin that had a skull on it which made Cosmo gasp and walked out.

Tails: Wait, Cosmo!

Star: Sister! Uh...

Y/n: Go on. We'll get the information.

Tails and Star went after Cosmo.

Chaos: Well, I can't exactly say that prediction surprise me.

Cream: Will she be okay?

Ghana: Her future is too cloudy to predict with any certainty, but I do see romance in her future. Strange... Plants and animals usually don't get along.

Y/n: Well, new subject. We need to know when this planet started to get sick.

With Cosmo.

She was walking through the streets with her head held low with Tails and Star following her.

Tails: Hey, slow down, Cosmo! Don't let that fortune teller upset ya. After all, nobody can really predict what'll happen in the future.

Star: Tails is right. Your future is what you make of it, not what anyone else tells you.

Cosmo: I've never felt so helpless in my entire life. I know I don't want to harm you or our friends, but that fortune teller says I'm destined to. I'll bet Chaos agreed with him instantly.

Tails: Cosmo...

Cosmo: It can't be true.

Cosmo ran off crying.

Tails: Wait.

Star: Stay here, I'll go talk to her.

Star ran after her sister.

With Knuckles and Chris.

They were in front of a fortune teller booth with Ghana who was using a crystal ball.

Ghana: Well, according to this crystal ball, you are about to do something very foolish.

Knuckles: Hmm, something foolish? Is there anything I can do to stop myself?

Ghana: There's only one thing.

Ghana pulled out a cloth.

Ghana: Put this magic cloth on your head and run through town clucking like a chicken.

Knuckles: (takes the cloth) I'll try it! Thanks! I hate making a fool of myself.

Chris: That sounds pretty foolish to me.

Lylim: Once again, Ghana's prediction will come true.

Sonic ran by.

Chris: That was Sonic.

Lylim: Hm. Maybe he is looking for someone to bring to Romance Rock. It's a pity you don't have anybody like that, Chris.

Chris: Well, I do, but she's kind of mad at me right now.

Lylim: I can tell you really like her a lot. So, what's her name, huh?

Chris: You know that girl Helen that went with Y/n? That's her.

Y/n's group except for Star and Cosmo approached them.

Cream: Hey, Chris!

Chris: Hey, what happened to Star and Cosmo? I thought she went with you.

Tails and Cream looked down.

Cheese: Chao chao chao chao!

Chris: Hm. Is something wrong?

Y/n: Ghana over here gave Cosmo a reading she didn't like, so she walked off to think and Star went off with her to comfort her. Now, I need your help with trying to figure out what's making this planet sick, Chris.

Chris: Well, I actually wanted to ask Hel-

Helen: Sorry, but I feel more like just exploring today.

Helen walked off.

Lylim: Wow. I can tell you're really in the dog house.

Y/n: Be quiet, you. Come on, Chris. You, me, Tails and Chaos will go back to the Blue Typhoon and use it sensors to find the source of this sickness. The rest of you, take a break you've earned it.

With Cosmo and Star.

They were looking over a cliff.

Cosmo: I want to save the Galaxy from the Metarex and help our new friends, but it seems like I'm only going to make things worse for everybody.

Star: Cosmo, how can you say that?

Cosmo: You wouldn't understand, Star. You contribute way more to our cause than I do.

Star hugged Cosmo from behind.

Star: I might contribute more, but it's your drive that keeps me going, my dear sister.

???: There you two are. I'm glad you're both okay. We were worried about you.

They turned to see Cream and Cheese. Cheese flew over to Cosmo and hugged her which she returned.

Cosmo: Hi, Cheese.

Cream and Star shared their own hug.

Star: Sorry to worry you, Creamy.

Cosmo: Thanks for checking up on us, Cream. You and Cheese are good friends.

Cream: After you both left, that fortune teller said that most plant and animal species don't get along as well as we do. I wonder why they find it hard to make friends.

Cosmo: I guess because we're so different from each other. In all the Galaxy, it's hard to find different kinds of beings getting along together. That's why Sonic and the rest of you are special... because you can make friends with almost anybody.

Star: What's even more rare is two different beings falling in love. But Y/n's big yet fragile heart is what made him the exception.

Cream: If a friendship like ours is rare, that makes it extra special.

Cheese: Chao!

Cosmo: I feel the same way you both do.

Star: Same here.

In town.

Amy was looking through the charms and saw Chris looking through some booths.

Amy: Oh, hey, Chris.

Chris: Hey. Are you looking for a Charm I'll increase your chances with Sonic?

Amy: Yeah. What about you?

Chris: I'm looking for an apology gift for Helen.

Amy: Well, I'll let you get back to that.

She walked off and heard her name being called. It was Cream and Cheese, with Cosmo, Star and Helen.

Amy: Cosmo, aren't you curious if there's romance in your future?

Cosmo: I guess so.

Amy: What are you waiting for? Let's go! You'll love it, Cosmo!

They began to go to various fortune tellers. One used tarot cards.

Card reader: Soon your heart will belong to another...

There was another one who used sticks.

Fortune teller: Hmmmmmmm. You will be struck.

They all gasped.

Fortune teller: Love struck.

They all laughed that one off. They then went into a clothing shop where they were accompanied by Momo.

Helen: There's a fashion line here, too?

Momo: Why yes. All great tourist attractions have one.

Star: Hm. I guess I could give some new clothes a try.

Momo came behind her and grabbed her breast.

Momo: Let's hope we have something that fit these.

Star: H-Hey! Stop that!

Helen gave Momo a kick to the head.

Helen: No one gave you any right to do that!

Star changed into a simple yellow sweater while keeping her leggings.

Star: How's this?

Helen: Love the casual look.

Cosmo: It really suits you.

Amy/Cream: Super cute.

Momo: I have something else you can try on.

Star change into nothing but a pair light blue bra and panties while having a huge blush on her face.

Star: (blushing) Oh, this is so embarrassing.

Momo: I think the sexy look suits you best.

Cosmo: I uh, kinda have to agree, sister.

Y/n walked into the store.

Y/n: Hey, Helen, you in here? Chris wanted me to tell you-

Y/n saw Star in her new exposed outfit. A moment of silence went by before Y/n's face went all red and his nose shot out a massive amount of blood. He fainted afterwards.

Cream: Big brother!

Chaos came out of Y/n's bracelet and checked if Y/n was okay.

Chaos: He's okay, but I better get him back to the ship.

Helen: Before you go, what did Chris want him to tell me?

Chaos: Chris would like to talk to you in private once we fix this mess.

Chaos carried Y/n back to the ship.

Star: What just happened?

Amy: That was what's known as a perverted stroke.


The girls went to the center of town just to talk.

Amy: Cosmo, what's going on with you and Tails?

Cosmo: I don't know what you mean.

Amy: Well, it's obvious that you and Tails really like each other.

Cosmo: (blushing) Really, Amy, I don't know what you're talking about.

Amy: Hmm. You're lying.

Cosmo: That isn't true, Amy! I'm sure that Tails couldn't possibly be interested in me. I have a feeling that he, like Chaos, finds me annoying.

Cream: If Tails doesn't like you, then why are you two always together?

Star: I just know he feels the same way. You can ask Y/n if you don't believe me.

Helen: That is, if he recovers from his stroke earlier.

Cosmo: Forget about Tails and me. How are things going with you and Sonic, Amy?

Amy: Well, things aren't going as fast as I hoped, but Y/n says that if I want a relationship with Sonic, I need patience.

Star: So, Helen, are you going to do that private talk with Chris?

Helen: I am. I can't keep giving him the cold shoulder.

Star: Very wise.

Cosmo: Star, there's something I've been wondering ever since you and Y/n got married.

Star: What would that be?

Cosmo: Well, you're a plant species and he's an animal species.

Star: Are you judging me?

Cosmo: No, not at all. I was wondering, in the future. Would offspring even be possible for you two? And if they are, would they be Thunderhogs, Seedrians, or Thunderhog and Seedrian hybrids?

Star blushed a little.

Star: Oh, uh, I haven't really thought that far ahead.

Cosmo: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that.

Star: No, it's fine. I think I'm just gonna think about it for a bit.

Star went off into the town.

At the Blue Typhoon.

Chris was checking out the sensors with an unconscious Y/n and Chaos. Y/n stirred and woke up.

Y/n: Huh? What happened?

Chaos: You saw Star in nothing but her bra and panties, so you passed out.

Y/n: You know, I'm starting to think I might be a bit of a pervert.

He turned to Chris.

Y/n: You find anything yet?

Chris: There's some kind of disease growing underground where the Planet Egg was. You have to destroy it. The only problem is there's a lot of water in that area.

Y/n: A problem for Sonic maybe, but not for us. Get the cannon ready.

Y/n ran out the ship as the cannon was coming out.

Chaos: This is the first time I went Perfect Chaos since the Metarex Fortress.

Y/n: Well, with Sonic not being here, we're gonna need all the Firepower we can get. Chaos, power up!

Chaos absorbed the Chaos Emerald Energy in Y/n bracelet and he went Perfect Chaos.

Y/n: Let's get this party started.

Y/n ran inside the cannon.

Tails: Route all energy to the Lightning Power Cannon. Load the cannon and get ready to fire at my command.

Knuckles was there to command the Master Emerald.

Knuckles: Here we go!

Tails: Proceed with takeoff.

The Typhoon flew into the air.

Tails: Adjust cannon angle.

Tails aimed right at the target and Chaos turned his sights toward the target.

Tails: Y/n, get ready for launch!

Y/n: You hear that, Chaos? Charge up your blast and fire the same time as the cannon.

Chaos: Got it.

Chaos began to charge up a blast as Y/n entered Spindash and both his and the canon's lightning charged him up.

Tails: Lightning Power Cannon, fire!

Y/n shot out of the cannon in his lightning dragon and Chaos unleashed his blast at the same time. Together, the two attacks destroyed the disease and the water sent Y/n in the air where he was caught by Chaos. Then the water flowed everywhere, making the rocky planet have a sea.

Cosmo: I think it worked.

Star: Y/n and Chaos saved the planet.

Marmolims: Thank you, Y/n and Chaos!

Chaos: We did it, my Lord.

Y/n: We sure did, my friend.

Chaos used one of his tendrils to bump Y/n's fist.


Everyone celebrated the restoration of the planet. Cosmo was looking over it from a cliff and Tails walked over to here.

Tails: What's wrong, Cosmo? Why are you here by yourself?

Cosmo: Hi, Tails. The Marmolims are really happy their planet was saved. You must be pleased, too.

Tails: I feel lucky to be working with such terrific teammates. Especially with you.

Cosmo: (blushing) I didn't do anything.

Tails: You're wrong, Cosmo. You found us to help you stop the Metarex. Don't ever forget that. You're not sorry you found us, are ya?

Cosmo: (gasp) Of course I'm sorry. How could you think that? Oh! That came out wrong. I mean, I'm not sorry I met you!

Tails: (chuckle) Don't worry. I know what you meant. I'll see you later.

Tails was walking off.

Cosmo: Hold on, Tails!

Cosmo tried to run after him, but she tripped and made him along with her fall into a bright blue lake and holding on to each other.

Tails: Are you okay?

Cosmo: I'm fine.

They looked to the side to see the full moon looking at them.

Back in town.

Amy: So, Momo. Out of curiosity, which of your matchmaking spells is the strongest.

Momo: Well, first, the couple dives into the Lake of Love, and afterwards, looks at the full moon, and then they'll be joined together forever!

Chris: So, Helen, can we talk now.

Helen: (sigh) Fine.

They went behind a stand.

Helen: What do you want?

Chris: I just want to say...

He gave her a golden charm.

Chris: I'm sorry. I was stupid and reckless. No words in any language can express how sorry I am, but I hope you can forgive me.

Helen looked at the charm and smiled.

Helen: It's okay. I do. Just don't do it again, okay?

Chris: Well, okay.

The two shared a kiss.


Everyone was back in the Typhoon. Y/n was in the kitchen with Star.

Y/n: Man, that was some adventure.

Star: Yeah. Um, Y/n.

Y/n: What is it?

Star: I know it's only been a few weeks since we got married, but I (blushing) I want to take the next step in our marriage.

Y/n: What does that mean exactly?

Star: (blushing) I uh, I-I want us to do "that."

Y/n was taken aback by this.

Star: (blushing) I know you probably think I'm some worthless slut, but I can't hold it in anymore and...

Y/n hugged her.

Y/n: It's okay. I'm willing to do it for you.

Star: Really?

Y/n: Yes, but I don't have any protection.

Star: I do. I got birth control pills when I was on my own in town.

Y/n: I knew there was a reason I chose you to be my wife. So, where do we start?

Star: Um, maybe with a very passionate kiss.

Y/n and Star kissed on the lips, their tongues intertwined before they pulled back, red faced.

Y/n: That was awesome.

Cream walked in.

Cream: Big sis Star, would you like to take a bath with me?

Star: Oh, uh, sure.

Cream: Why is your face so red?

Star: No reason.

Cream: Okay.

She walked off.

Y/n: (Whispering: We'll do it in my room later tonight in my room. I'll get Chaos to guard the ship so we can get some privacy.)

Star blushed deep red and nodded before going after Cream.

Y/n: (Thinking: Tonight, I truly become a man.)

To Be Continued.

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