
13aroness tarafından

247K 16.1K 1.7K

She decided to do the world a favor and kept to herself ever since she was turned into a demon. Always alone... Daha Fazla

Texas 1830
Volterra 1831
Volterra 1863
Texas 1935
Pennsylvania 1948
Ohio 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Volterra 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Not an Update
Texas 1951
Pennsylvania 1952
Alaska 1962
Alaska 1965
Montana 1966
Texas 1980
New York 1999
California 1999
Louisiana 1999
Washington 2003
Washington 2004
Washington 2005
Not an Update
New York 2005
Massachusetts 2006
Not an Update
Texas 2006
Washington 2006


2.2K 158 14
13aroness tarafından

The "adults" sat in the Denali residence while the teens were out with their cousins. They had begun discussing their new family members, Carmen particularly curious about Serafina and some things she may not have told her about herself.

"Thank you for looking out for her, Carlisle, Esme," Carmen said as she leaned into Eleazar.

Tanya was somewhat curious, "Alice said she woke up without her sire too. Why do you treat them differently? Why do you give Serafina more pity than Alice?"

"Alice's creation is mysterious. But she never questioned it like Serafina. She felt no need to. She remembers nothing of her human life, so she has never missed anyone from her past. She also told us that she had a vision not too long after her awakening," Carlisle answered with a slight grin to Esme.

Esme smiled as she began to gush, "she saw Jasper. So even though she was alone, she knew she wouldn't be alone forever. She said it was only a few weeks later when she had a vision of us and the diet. So she began to practice independently and found a purpose to her existence. Finding Jasper and the rest of us." She had a loving smile thinking about it. She always found Alice to be so sweet.

"So even though both woke up alone, they had different mentalities. And personalities. Ignorance is bliss, you could say, in Alice's case. But Serafina remembered everything from her past, making her a bit more untrusting and wary of others. Which, I suppose, could be considered a good thing? She wasn't swayed into joining several unsavory groups," Carlisle said, glancing at Eleazar. He continued, "but sadly, that mistrust led her to be alone for a long time. Even when she spent time with the Volturi, she spent most of her time alone. She always kept herself on guard even with her friends among the leadership." Carlisle paused in thought, "I believe all this time she's had alone or on guard has made it so she isn't much of a people person." Carlisle surmised.

"You think?" Tanya asked sarcastically.

"I still can't believe she managed to avoid joining the Volturi. With her ability, I'm sure Aro tried everything to get her to join," Eleazar said, keeping a particular bond-making member to himself. He was surprised she could fight off that ability and was very impressed.

"With her ability and not knowing anything about our kind. I'm surprised she didn't create a bigger stir in the human world," Tanya mused aloud.

"She did destroy a town," Eleazar muttered.

Carmen immediately turned to him, "She said it was an accident." She scolded. She then looked to the couple opposite, "Tell me more about her, please."

"About the other two as well," Tanya added.

The couple did. The Cullens, ever the proud parents, bragged about their new family members and told the Denali little things they discovered about them. Stuff about their likes and dislikes. How to know if they were upset or not. Things that they thought would help them get along better with them.

Meanwhile, the teens sat in the middle of the forest within the Denali territory with their two cousins. Serafina sat leaning against a tree on a high branch, her arms wrapped protectively around Rosalie as she rested her chin on her shoulder. Rosalie leaned back against her in her lap. They looked down at Jasper and Kate, who happened to be preparing to spar.

Once Jasper felt comfortable wearing short sleeves and revealing his scars, he immediately drew the Denalis' attention. Not in a negative way. They were just curious. Eleazar was part of the Volturi guard and had several scars of his own, but the newborn armies didn't start until after he had retired. Jasper explained how it had all started with a vampire named Benito. Serafina was surprised, but she told them about the man Benny she had met in the past. Jasper was confident they were the same. They couldn't believe that even after knowing Benito's fate, there were still vampires in Mexico willing to tempt the Volturi's wrath by playing with small newborn armies.

After learning more about his work with the newborns, Kate was more curious about Jasper's skill, which led to their current situation underneath the trees. They worried for her safety until she assured them she would be fine and that she actually had some fighting skills and had even been somewhat of a bodyguard in her human life.

Everyone was excited about the upcoming match. Serafina had, of course, set up betting. But even in the frivolous atmosphere, Emmett still managed to complain.

"Why did you never ask to fight me?" he complained, "Look at me! I'm way stronger and better at fighting than Jazz! I mean, look at that form. No offense, Jazz."

"How could I not take offense to that?" Jasper scoffed. The others just laughed at that.

"It's not a matter of form or strength. That's why I don't want to fight you. I'm sure I can take you down in less than a minute. Jasper here is used to fighting multiple unpredictable enemies. The fact he's still here shows he's a fighter. A warrior. That's why I want to fight him," Kate explained as she tied her hair up.

"So you like that non-traditional fighting style?" Emmett asked. She nodded in agreement, "I can do that too! Well, I can fight against that if that's how you want to fight. I sometimes spar with Serafina, and she's a big-time cheater." He said seriously.

She ignored him again but turned her attention to Serafina, "You fight?"

"No, that's just so Emmett will shut up and leave me alone," Serafina answered.

"But what if you were to be attacked?" Kate trailed off, eyeing Serafina and Rosalie up on the branch they were on—a dangerous glint in her eye.

A tree immediately to Kate's left burst into flames instantly, shocking everyone present but Rosalie. Rosalie grinned in amusement as she leaned back to kiss Serafina on her neck before looking down at the others domineeringly. "Hypothetically speaking, if I were to sense a threat. I'd just kill it before it got close." Serafina arrogantly answered with a mocking grin of her own.

Kate put her hands up in surrender, "Just asking."

"Show off," Edward coughed into his hand.

The couple ignored him. Serafina gently put Rosalie to the side as she calmly dropped down and began her duties collecting bets. She, Rosalie, and Irina placed their bets on Kate. Emmett still complained but put his money on Jasper. Edward did as well. But Serafina was surprised when Alice did the same. She didn't look very confident in her choice, which caused Serafina to give her a confused look.

"He's my Jazz," she shrugged.

Serafina nodded in understanding. Moral support. Don't bet against your mate, even if you know they'll lose.

"Best two out of three. No biting, dismemberment, or murder. For this round, no abilities or enhancements. Let's go for round one!" Serafina called out to start the match as she played referee.

Everyone cheered for their fighter. The first match went by slowly. Both tested each other out and with no enhanced speed or strength, it was just a matter of skill. After twenty minutes, Jasper was flat on his ass. Kate had won the first round.

"No abilities. Natural enhancements allowed. Let's see if it helps. Let's go for round two!" Serafina called out again.

The cheering continued. This match surprisingly lasted longer. Both using their enhanced speed and strength combined with their fighting skills had them at a stalemate for another thirty minutes. However, as time passed, Jasper seemed to have familiarized himself more with Kate's fighting style and managed to take her down in round two. Much to Kate's annoyance.

"Let's make this more interesting! Abilities and enhancements allowed. Give us a show! Final round. Let's go for round three!" Serafina called out with a grin.

As soon as she said that, the two immediately began to fight. No abilities were noticed by any of the teens. Not until ten minutes in when they noticed some slight hesitation from Kate. Then a very obvious sluggishness to her movements. But it seemed as though she were fighting herself.

Jasper confidently walked over to her, and just as he grabbed her shoulder to have her admit her defeat, he began to convulse before he was flat on his ass again. He was twitching in pain.

Once he was down, Kate shook her head, "Whew, that was a mistake, wasn't it, Jazz?" she chuckled, "You shouldn't have brought out the fear in me. My ability is used more in self-defense. I think I turned it up to ten since I was scared." She mocked as she went over to Irina, where they excitedly hugged in celebration.

"You can't beat my sister!" Irina gloated down to Jasper, who was still twitching sporadically on the floor.

Alice ran over to help Jasper up.

"And it seems our new little sister is a force to be reckoned with as well," Irina continued looking over at Serafina with a grin, "It's going to be fun having you around."

"What?" Alice asked incredulously, dropping Jasper, "She's our sister! Not yours!" she argued, glaring at Irina.

"Yeah! Back off!" Emmett joined Alice.

"Actually," Kate stood by Irina, "if you think about it, if things had gone as they should have. She'd be our sister right now. Being Carmen's sired and all." Kate shrugged, "Tanya already told us that if Serafina ever wanted, she could stay."

"But," Emmett didn't know what to say and looked to Alice.

"But it didn't happen that way. So she's our sister!" She responded. She then looked at Edward and Jasper, "Tell them she's our sister, and they can't claim her!"

Edward had finished helping Jasper up after Alice dropped him. The two stood together, looked at each other, and shrugged. Jasper looked down at his mate and wasn't sure what to say, "Darlin', I don't think Serafina cares." He carefully answered.

Alice looked at him in disbelief and gave Edward a look to help her argument.

"You can have her. No takebacks," Edward said to the Denali sisters, earning him a smack from Alice.

Serafina flipped him off and returned to her mate, still in the tree. Rosalie could easily get down without help, but Serafina wouldn't allow it and held out her arms. Rosalie smiled as she dropped and wrapped her arms around Serafina's neck as Serafina held her with one arm beneath her legs and the other supporting her back. Serafina smiled as she kissed her lips and gently put her on her feet.

"It's ridiculous how she could easily pass as Carmen's and Eleazar's daughter. Don't you think, Kate?" Irina asked. She was thoroughly enjoying the effect their teasing was having.

"She'd never leave Rosie!" Emmett angrily responded.

"Didn't we say before how easy it would be to pass Rosalie off as our sister?" Kate then asked Irina with an exaggerated look of confusion.

"We did," she agreed exaggeratedly, "Maybe it was fate? It's perfect how it all worked out." The two then took a step back. Kate went to Serafina's side as Irina went to Rosalie's. Both put an arm around each woman's shoulder and gave Emmett and Alice victorious looks.

"No!" Emmett pointed at them in his shock.

Alice began shaking her head vigorously to show her disapproval.

Jasper looked at Alice in concern.

"It is perfect. Take them both," Edward nodded, earning another smack from Alice.

"What's happening?" Serafina asked Rosalie.

"I think our cousins want us to be their siblings, and our siblings don't want to be our cousins," Rosalie answered. She wasn't paying much attention to what was happening either. Her attention was on Serafina the whole time. She somewhat only got the tail-end of the conversation.

Serafina did not get the clarification she wanted, "What?"

"We're fucking with them," Tanya whispered to Serafina, "kind of." Serafina nodded in understanding.

With the distance they were at, the Cullens couldn't hear what was whispered. They only saw Serafina nodding her head in agreement.

"No! You can't have our sisters! I will fight you for them! I can see the future. I'll have you on the floor in five moves," Alice crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes with her threat in their direction.

"Cool!" Emmett grinned at Alice.

"Darlin', just let Serafina tell them what she wants," Jasper appeased.

"Tell them you're staying with us!" Alice directed at Serafina.

Serafina was impressed with Alice's attitude. She didn't think she had it in her to threaten others like this. But she could tell she was seriously concerned about this, "I'll do whatever mi amor wants." She shrugged. She was being honest.

"I'm part of Carlisle's coven," Rosalie shrugged, "but if you want to stay with them, we can."

Alice was horrified after the back and forth. Neither answered how she wanted. She sped over to them and looked up at Serafina with her big sad eyes, "Please stay with us?" she asked. She grabbed hold of Serafina's hand as she looked up into her eyes while ignoring Kate.

"You stole that from me!" Serafina gasped, "You know if we ever did leave, it wouldn't be for long." She said to try and make Alice feel better. But Alice just clenched her hand tighter, "Ow, Alice. Let go," she frowned.

"Agree you'll stay," Alice finally said. She was no longer feigning weakness.

Serafina attempted to pull her hand out but found Alice had a tight grip. She looked at Rosalie for help. Rosalie looked concerned, "Okay, we won't switch families! Let her go!"

"Don't agree so easily!" Kate whined.

Alice happily released Serafina's hand and stuck her tongue out at Kate. Rosalie quickly took Serafina's hand and turned it over to ensure Serafina wasn't hurt. She glared at Alice after she saw she was okay.

"Yay! Good job, Alice!" Emmett yelled as he ran over and pulled Serafina and Rosalie away from Irina and Kate and over to himself as he wrapped his arms around their shoulders, "Can you believe those two?" he asked rhetorically, ignoring Irina and Kate as he began walking the couple back toward the Denali residence.

"They only agreed not to switch families. They didn't say anything about extended stays," Irina teased as she skipped alongside Rosalie.

"Maybe they visit and decide to stay a decade?" Kate shrugged, walking backward in front of the three to grin in their faces, "We'd be okay with that."

Alice immediately sped to Serafina's side and grabbed her other arm as they walked while glaring at Kate.

"I would fully support your decision if you decide to stay a decade," Edward called out to Serafina from behind the three. He and Jasper had been following since they started heading back.

When they returned to the Denali home, Alice dropped Serafina's arm and ran to Tanya to complain about what Irina and Kate had said. The two laughed but received a light scolding from Tanya. But Tanya admitted that they had spoken as a family and agreed that Serafina could stay with them if she wanted, and they would never turn Rosalie away either. Reminding the Cullens that they did extend an offer to her to stay with them the last time they had visited. They believed that if things had happened as they should have, Serafina would have been a part of their family from the start. Serafina thanked them but stated she would stay with Rosalie. But she did express their willingness to stay for extended vacations if able. The Denalis quickly agreed.

The teens quickly changed topics and discussed how they had spent their day. Irina only then remembered that she had placed her bet with Serafina and needed to collect her winnings. Serafina feigned ignorance causing Irina to take a page from Alice's book and threw her complaints to Esme. The rest of the household laughed while Serafina received a scolding until she handed over Irina's cut. The talk of betting led to both families playing some card games for actual money.

Serafina suspiciously won most of the major pots.

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