My Curse • Hope Mikaelson

By __bl4nk

339K 15.2K 1.4K

A newly triggered werewolf attends the Salvatore Boarding School. Having to deal with her new found strength... More

Part One
1| I'll Be Okay. Eventually
2| Alaric Saltzman
3| Welcome to the Salvatore Boarding School
4| Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches
5| Where People Like You Belong
6| A New Home
7| Broken Bones
8| Bleed and Submit
9| The Start of Something Dangerous
10| How to Take Down a Dragon
11| Burn Baby Burn
12| Doing the Work
13| Leave No Stone Unturned
14| The Exchange Program
15| Arachnophobia
16| I'm With Her
17| Beware the Big Bad Wolf
18| Grave Digging
19| Blessing or a Curse?
20| The Dead Shall Remain Buried
21| Three AM Road Trips
22| Fishy Business
23| The Fine Line Between Dreams and Reality
24| The Stuff of Legends and Nightmares
25| Opening Night
26| New Territory
27| The Mark of Death
28| Lone Wolf
29| Lost and Found
31| Mirrored Reflection
32| Cross My Heart, Hope to Die
Part Two
33| The City That Never Sleeps
34| The Sixth Stage of Grief: Revenge
35| Blood Debts
36| There's No Place Like Home
37| Side Quests
38| Keeper of the Cage
39| The Joker
40| Monsters of the Old World
41| Seeker of Truths
42| In Search of Humanity
43| Glimpses
44| Prodigal Returned
45| Two-Faced
46| Old Wounds
47| Terms, Conditions and Decisions
48| Serendipitous
49| Tell Tales From the Devil on Your Shoulder
50| Collateral Damage
51| Sins of the Father
52| The Sands of Time
53| The Truth Will Out
54| A Fantasy Painted in Black and White
55| A Veil of Darkness
56| Happy Merge Day
57| The Showdown
58| On the Ropes
59| A Funeral Fit for the Queen of Mean
60| The Aftermath
61| Home Is Where the Heart Is
62| The Calm Before the Storm

30| A Promised Dance

3.6K 226 17
By __bl4nk

In the dead of night, Alexandria buried her hands in the pockets of the thick jacket she wore to protect herself from the chill. She wandered aimlessly around the Town Square of Mystic Falls. Despite its quiet nature, Alexandria had headphones securely around her head, blasting music in hopes of silencing her mind. But she was a little on edge. It was quiet, a little too quiet for her liking.

As she walked through the town, the werewolf felt a presence behind her, the source of her uneasiness on that particular night. As she continued down the path, Alexandria discreetly looked behind her to see a hooded figure lingering in the shadows. They thought they were being careful, but they certainly underestimated Alexandria's abilities as well as their own.

Since she had returned, Alexandria felt like she had to constantly check over her shoulder. A constant feeling that someone was watching her. It had been a week since she had come back to campus, and the paranoia was slowly eating away at her as the days passed.

Irritated, Alexandria led the mysterious figure down an alley and turned the corner to reach the back of area of a store. She pressed her back against the wall and carefully took off her headphones, letting them rest around her neck. Alexandria waited for the person to catch up, listening as the footsteps got closer and closer to her.

As the figure reached the end of the alley, Alexandria swiftly grabbed them by the neck and harshly shoved them into the wall. The person grunted and their hood fell off their head to reveal a man with somewhat long dark blonde hair and hazel eyes.

Alexandria's eyes narrowed, not recognising the individual at all. "Who are you?" she spoke flatly.

The man choked out, "Roman... Roman Sienna. I help Dr. Saltzman with some recon stuff for the school," he struggled to answer and brought his hand up to Alexandria's wrist, gripping at it and silently begging her to relent.

The name meant nothing to Alexandria so she raised an eyebrow, prompting him to continue and she loosened her grip just a bit so he could talk properly.

"H-He asked me to keep an eye on you," he paused as an angered expression appeared on her face. "Dr. Saltzman noticed that ever since you got back, you've been leaving the school middle of the night on multiple occasions. I happened to be around, so he just asked me to follow you and make sure you were safe," Roman explained as he winced from the discomfort.

"How long has this been going on?" she questioned him.

"Just the past two days," he answered quickly and Alexandria tightened her grip. He winced and tried at claw at her arms. "I swear! I only got here two days ago!"

Alexandria kept her grip firm as she analysed him, looking him up and down before she let go, satisfied he was telling the truth. Roman hunched over, rubbing his neck as he leaned against the brick wall, gasping out for air.

Alexandria let out an impatient sigh. "Of course he did," she muttered as she backed away. "Stop following me. You can tell Dr. Saltzman, I'm fine." Alexandria scoffed as she walked back out, leaving Roman in the alleyway.

~ * ~

"I have some news," Alaric started as he leaned his hands on the podium, looking around at his students who sat quietly in the assembly hall. "Many of you, like me, have forgotten that we are hosting this year's Miss Mystic Falls Pageant.

Many of the students began whispering amongst themselves as they remembered the event. Annoyed that they now had to deal with townies.

"Trust me, I know. But the rotation is set in stone. So, let's take the opportunity to maintain our image as a normal school for the rich and awful," Alaric stressed his words, wanting his students to be on their best behaviour. "As usual, anything remotely magical, enchanted, vampire, wolf or witch-related... must be kept tucked away, hidden and under lock and key," he instructed his students who only whined and groaned.

"Now... with your chore assignments."

With the Salvatore School in full swing and hastily clearly the school of anything supernatural related, Hope was in the library organising and instructing a group of students to sort out all the animals they had in the school.

She was keeping track of each of the animals on a sheet of paper but got distracted as she caught a glimpse of a familiar werewolf lurking in the library.

Alexandria had herself buried deep within a book she was holding in the corner of the room. From a distance, she could see the werewolf's dishevelled appearance. Wearing thrown together clothes and her hair messily tied back. She looked as though she hadn't slept at all as she scanned a book, biting her nail.

Hope saw as Alexandria muttered something to herself, a frustrated expression painting her face as she chucked the book back on its shelf and moved to the next one. Hope was about to go up to the girl before someone behind called out to her.

"Hey, Hope," Landon came down the steps, holding two clear glass tanks by the handles. "You have any idea where these guys go?"

Hope exhaled slowly and wiped her expression clean before she turned around to Landon. "Yeah, anywhere but with the birds. The ravens and the finches are fine, but the rats drive the owls crazy," she instructed after seeing the rats inside squeaking.

When Hope turned back around in search of Alexandria, she was met with nothing as the werewolf wasn't where she was previously. She let out a quiet groan and looked down at her list, although taking in nothing as her mind became preoccupied.

"Did I come at a bad time?" Landon questioned when he noticed Hope's bad mood.

"No, sorry. You're fine," Hope apologised but she saw the werewolf once more, along with another individual she didn't think she would have to see today.

Roman entered the room, awkwardly waving at Hope but his attention shifted when Alexandria walked up to him with a book clutched in her hand. Hope watched as the two had an uncomfortable exchange. She didn't miss how Alexandria was almost irritated by him while Roman seemed slightly frightened by the werewolf.

Roman soon moved out of the way to let Alexandria leave the room. Hope's curiosity was piqued as Roman strolled over to her.

"Roman... what are you doing here?"

"Dr. Saltzman's been a bit overwhelmed, so I've been doing a little recruiting recon for him lately. But he asked me to come in today and lend a hand," the vampire explained.

Hope nodded and couldn't hold herself back from asking the question that had been burning in her mind. "You know Alex?"

Roman opened his mouth but hesitated. "Uh– yeah... I bumped into her before," he lied and his eyes began darting around the room awkwardly.

Hope was suspicious of his answer but didn't push further as her eyes glanced to the door, wondering where Alexandria had gone off to.

It had been a normal day, in the middle of the week when Caroline had brought the teenager back to school. Many students saw the werewolf and naturally, like in any other school, rumours started to circulate. They saw her bloodshot, tired and teary eyes, how she had gotten thinner like she hadn't been eating the past few days. It didn't take long for people to find out what had happened to the werewolf. None knew the full story, but many knew of the loss she suffered.

Alexandria had distanced herself from her friends and even her pack. At first, Alexandria skipped class, staying in the confines of a trashed room she had destroyed in a fit of anger and only ever leaving if she had a mandated therapy session thanks to Alaric, to which she would sit in silence. Emma's questions went through one ear and out the other. Emma soon became used to their silent therapy sessions and then offered it to Alexandria to spend it however she pleased in the room. The woman understood that what Alexandria didn't need was constant questions prying into her newly collected trauma. She understood that she needed time and figured that it would benefit Alexandria to have some change in scenery once in a while.

The only other time she would leave her room was if she decided to take a midnight stroll in town. But soon enough the silence became too much, and she began doing things to fill that silence. That void that she felt in her heart. The one that used to be filled by family.

The twins were at a loss, unable to reach out to their friend and instead gave her space. Her pack's hearts ached for their Alpha. Understanding the loss she endured and waited patiently for her return. And Hope... Hope watched from a distance.

Hope excused herself from the room, leaving Roman and Landon bewildered. Hope practically ran over to the assembly hall in search of a particular witch.

As she entered the room she immediately felt anxiety as she saw several people in the hall preparing for the pageant. She kept her head down low and saw the Gemini witch organising some boxes and bolted to her.

"I need another task. Something more strenuous if you have it," Hope asked Lizzie, fidgeting in her spot as her eyes wandered to the several people around the room.

"Does this have anything to do with the return of Roman Sienna?" Lizzie questioned with curiosity as she continued her work.

"It's not about Roman," Hope quickly shut down.

The witch stopped what she was doing and looked at Hope. "Then, is it about the fact that Alex has been ignoring you ever since she got back?" Lizzie took another shot and Hope couldn't think of a snappy response. Lizzie knew she had hit the jackpot. "News flash, she's avoiding everyone– Wow, this is what you're like now that you've finally got a friend?" Lizzie made a snide remark, finding it amusing to gain a reaction out of Hope who looked irritated by her words.

But she too was just as worried for Alexandria. Although she didn't want to show it and poured all her energy into the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant.

"Lizzie... I just need a release. With all these humans coming to campus, I can't wolf out," Hope retorted, letting the witch's comment fly over her head.

"Okay, I'll make you a list," Lizzie absentmindedly responded, not really paying attention to Hope but she gasped as she noticed who entered the hall. "The judges are here. Excuse me," Lizzie took a deep breath to compose herself before hurrying off, completely forgetting about Hope.

~ * ~

With Hope as Lizzie's replacement for the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, the blonde witch gave the new contestant a rundown of the event. Going through countless binders and overwhelming the already freaked out tribrid.

Lizzie led her back to the assembly hall, a space cleared out for the first part of the event. "They call it rehearsal, but make no mistake, the competition starts now," Lizzie told her in a hushed tone, gesturing to the three judges standing at the end of the steps.

Hope glanced over to the judges but quickly looked away, anxiety filling her as she wondered why she agreed to Lizzie's plan.

Lizzie had appointed Landon to be Hope's escort, seeing as everyone else was either busy preparing for the event or already escorting someone else. Her first choice was currently MIA, so Landon was the next best option. Considering that the two were now on a talking basis and could be in the same room without one fleeing, Lizzie had to make do.

"Time for rehearsal?" Vera Lilien announced and the contestants all got into their positions as a string rendition played over the speakers. "Honour your partner... right hand around... left hand around... both hands."

It proved to be a challenge for both Hope and Landon as neither had any prior experience. As everyone danced effortlessly, the two struggled to keep up and ended up bumping into another contestant.

"I'm sorry," Hope apologised sincerely as she stepped away.

The girl looked her up and down and scoffed. "With the time you spent, not doing your hair, you could've at least practiced the dance a little," she sneered before going back to her partner.

Hope's eye twitched from pure annoyance, taken aback by the comment. But it was wiped away almost immediately when she saw someone in the corner of her eye.

She saw Alexandria leaning on the balcony on the second floor of the hall, watching inattentively as she rested her head on her hand. Hope was unsure how long she had been standing there, but in that moment she completely forgot what she was there for.

Confused, Landon tried asking the tribrid what had her so distracted but he couldn't as she began to walk off. She didn't get far though as Lizzie stopped her, realising what she was about to do.

"Don't–" Lizzie warned her lightly as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

From upstairs, Alexandria saw the interaction and pushed herself to stand properly. Her eyes lingered on her two friends before she left out of the room.

Hope was about to protest but Lizzie gave her a pointed look, gesturing to the contestants eyeing them. "Just leave her be..." the witch said calmly, understanding that Alexandria wasn't in the right mental state and needed time. "Come with me, let's get you some fresh air," she said and began guiding Hope out of the school.

~ * ~

Hope was experiencing a whirlwind of emotions throughout the day. It felt as though the walls were closing in on her. Slowly creeping up and she could do nothing to stop it. Lizzie could see the signs, understanding that Hope was experiencing something very similar to what she would experience leading to a breakdown. The blonde witch did her best to help Hope and made sure that she and Landon were well prepared for the pageant.

When night came around, the pageant had begun. Everyone had gathered in the assembly hall, the students and teachers all in their formal attire while the contestants dressed in lavish gowns. The lights had been dimmed, with beautiful decorations and flowers around the hall.

All the contestants lined up behind the stairs, ready to descend to the main area when their names were called. But Landon was nowhere to be found. Hope began to panic as her turn was almost up. As each contestant was called, Hope's anxiety grew as she stood alone in the line.

But Landon soon showed up, bringing great relief to Hope but it soon faded as she saw the boy struggling to walk in a straight line.

"Hey. Where have you been?" Hope whispered, confused when she caught a strong smell of alcohol coming off him. "You okay? Why do you smell like a bar?"

Landon kept his eyes straight. "Penelope Park told me that you are keeping a secret... about my mom," Landon mentioned and Hope's face fell. "She says that we met her and that I don't remember it... but you do," he explained and finally made eye contact with her but was discouraged when Hope stayed silent. "She's lying, right?" he asked, waiting for an answer, but he received none.

"Just tell me she's lying, Hope," he raised his voice but she was at a loss for words. "You know, I wasn't the most honest person, but... you were the one that taught me the value in being truthful. And the truth..." he accused but stopped himself before he could continue. "I can't be here right now," he said suddenly and stormed off.

"Landon, Landon," she called out weakly and her heart began to race.

She thought about running after him but she wasn't sure how to explain herself. The voices around her became a series of muffles as she heard her heart beat loudly like a drum in her ears.

"I can't do this, I can't do this..." she mumbled to herself as she felt herself backing away. "I can't do this," she spoke more clearly and turned around to leave but was met with someone standing in front of her.

Alexandria stood in a black pantsuit and a black laced corset. Half her hair was neatly tied back except for a few strands that were used to frame her face. Alexandria's face contorted to one of worry when she saw Hope's teary eyes.

"Can you hold out for the next few minutes?" Alexandria asked in a hushed whisper, standing next to her and holding an arm out.

Hope felt herself relax with the werewolf's presence and she nodded. She didn't want to cause a scene, especially after she promised Lizzie she would participate in her place. Hope inhaled deeply before turning back around and linking her arm with Alexandria's.

"What are you doing here?" Hope asked as she quickly wiped her face while the spotlight still wasn't on her.

Alexandria glanced at Hope for a moment. "I never gave you that dance," she answered simply, remembering what Hope had told her some time ago. "You look beautiful, Hope," Alexandria complimented the girl, bringing her out of her thoughts and she smiled, feeling calmer next to the Sinclair.

In reality, Alexandria wanted to attend to support Hope from the sidelines. But after seeing Landon storming off, she didn't hesitate to jump into action and found Hope standing alone without a partner.

"You clean up well," Hope retorted as she looked Alexandria up and down. She found her eyes lingering on her outfit longer than she intended.

From the crowd, Lizzie saw that Alexandria had stepped in and ran over to the judge to tell her of the change up.

Alexandria chuckled softly before her lips formed a frown. "Just say the word and I'll bring you back to your room," she spoke softly as she took a step closer to the top of the stairs.

Hope exhaled shakily and shook her head, standing more firmly than she did before. Alexandria looked uncertain but nodded. She straightened her posture as they began walking down the first few steps. Alexandria guided Hope and soon the spotlight turned on them.

"Miss Hope Mikaelson, escorted by Miss Alexandria Sinclair," the judge announced.

The crowd began clapping and the two descended the stairs and took their place. Waiting as the rest of the contestants were announced. Hope found her mind drifting off, worrying for Landon and wondering where he had gone off to. She started unconsciously squeezing Alexandria's arm and didn't stop until she heard her faintly calling her name.

"Hope? We're about to start," Alexandria said and she nodded stiffly.

Music started to play over the speakers and Hope and Alexandria bowed. They stood up straight and brought their hands up, nearly touching one another as they circled each other.

"Since when do you know the dance?" Hope questioned as she watched Alexandria lead effortlessly.

Alexandria smiled. "I'm a fast learner," she quipped and Hope rolled her eyes, but her expression dropped soon after. "Hey... are you okay?"

"I'm fine," her voice cracks. "Let's just get through this," she dismissed the werewolf's question and tried to blink away oncoming tears.

As the two danced, Alexandria noticed the swarm of thoughts and emotions behind Hope's eyes. She wanted to ask but figured it was best to leave it till later when they weren't in front of so many people.

However, Hope saw as the Gemini twins began arguing from the crowd. Her curiosity got the better of her, but with her mind being all over the place, she found it difficult to focus and she was unable to listen in properly on their conversation.

"What are they fighting about?" Hope asked Alexandria as she saw Josie gesture to the both of them.

Alexandria glanced over to see what she was talking about before diverting her attention back to Hope. "It's probably nothing. You know how they are, they find a way to fight about everything."

"Alex..." she said firmly as she kept her eyes on Alexandria, scared to look elsewhere and see the many people in the crowd.

Alexandria relented, sighing as she strained her ears but found it hard to make out what the twins were saying over the music. She didn't have as good of hearing as a vampire's so it took her a while to make out a proper sentence out of either girl. But she wished she didn't because Alexandria didn't want to have to be the one to tell the distressed girl she was dancing with. But as they moved through the dance, the two ended up getting closer to the twins, allowing Alexandria to be just within earshot of her own abilities.

"Do you know how good it would feel, to actually be competing, in mom's dress?" Josie questions her sister. "Did you even consider how Hope would feel wearing it?"

"She looks fantastic. She should feel amazing wearing it," Lizzie tried to reason with her twin.

"Will she still feel amazing when she learns where it came from?" Josie fired back.

"It's nothing. They're just bickering like any other siblings," Alexandria mumbled in response, hoping she wouldn't question further.

"Please..." Hope begged, maintaining a straight face for the many eyes in the room.

Alexandria shook her head slowly as if pleading with Hope to let it go and bring it up later when they weren't in front of a crowd.

"What do you mean where it came from? It was a gift from some guy who used to crush on mom," Lizzie sassed her sister.

Hope wasn't focused at all on the dance. Her attention was fully on the Gemini twins as she saw Josie gesture to herself to Lizzie. Alexandria led the girl through the dance and tried to bring her attention back.

"From Klaus Mikaelson, Lizzie," Josie revealed to Lizzie and Alexandria's eyes widened ever so slightly. "Hope's dad," Josie confessed and left the room after she saw her sister's face fall.

From the crowd, Lizzie glanced at the contestants, sharing a look with the werewolf. Hope notices the exchange and immediately brings Alexandria's attention back to her. Seeing the grave expression on her face, Hope knew that she was able to hear what they had said to each other.

"What? What is it?" Hope pried, her voice stern and demanding.

Alexandria's eyebrows furrowed, silently pleading with the girl." We can talk about this later," Alexandria tried to dismiss. She wanted to hold back the information for just a little but Hope almost looked furious.

"Tell me," she attempted to say firmly but her voice broke just a little.

Alexandria sighed, her eyes falling down momentarily. "The dress..." she began, referring to the beautiful blue gown she was wearing. "It was a gift from your father to their mother," Alexandria revealed in a whisper, cursing at herself for giving in as she saw the heartbroken expression on her features.

"My dad chose this dress?" she asked as her eyes glazed over.

Hope didn't say another word and absently danced with Alexandria. The werewolf attempted to console her, ask her if she was doing okay, but it fell on deaf ears as the tribrid felt panic spreading throughout her body. Like before, the sounds around her turned to muffles. Time slows, almost delayed.

"May I have your attention please?" The judge spoke over in the microphone and the contestants all stopped to direct their attention.

Alexandria's eyes remained on Hope, staying close to her with a hand resting on her back. Hope clutched onto her arm unknowingly and squeezed her tight, as if trying to anchor herself to reality.

"Without further ado. It is my honour to announce our own Miss Mystic Falls, from the Salvatore School," she gestures towards the crowd. "Miss Hope Mikaelson."

The spotlight turned to Hope and immediately her heart began to race. Hope begins to feel lightheaded, struggling to see with the bright light shining in her face and the only thing she could hear was the loud beating of her heart in her head.

The room began to shake, alerting everyone in the room and without a second thought, Alexandria moved in front of her and brought Hope into a hug. Lizzie moved from the crowd and blocked them from prying eyes, pretending she was only there to congratulate her.

Alexandria played it off with a smile for those who were standing close to her and she leaned down to Hope's ear. "Hey, hey..." she whispered, gaining Hope's attention. "Just focus on me, alright? Don't worry about anyone else. Just me," Alexandria softly instructed the girl and Hope buried her head into her neck, her tears being soaked up by her blazer.

Alexandria ran a hand up and down her back as she continued to whisper encouraging words, distracting her from the several cheers and loud clapping around them. "It's okay... just let it out. I'm here."

~ * ~

The next few hours remained a blur to Hope. She faintly remembered how Alexandria had led her back to her room and had to leave for a bit to check up on her pack. Hope stared at the gown as it lay neatly back in the box it was taken from.

Hope clutched her necklace, adorned with the Mikaelson crest in her hands tightly. She let her tears freely fall as she remembered her father before closing the box and setting it aside so she could return it to Lizzie later.

She wiped away her tears with the sleeves of her sweater and sat cross-legged on her bed. Absentmindedly drawing shapes with her finger on her bed when a soft knock came from her door.

"Come in," Hope said and the door opened revealing Alexandria dressed in more comfortable clothes.

Alexandria leaned on the door frame with her arms across her chest. "Just came to check up on you," she said and the tribrid smiled before her gaze fell to her hands.

Alexandria thought for a moment and hesitated. She inhaled deeply before pushing herself off the door, softly shutting the door and walking over to Hope. She sat on the edge of her bed and brought one leg up so she could face Hope.

"How are you feeling?" she asked quietly and Hope kept her eyes down.

"Drained," she responded honestly.

Alexandria had an unreadable expression as she looked to Hope. "Can I ask you something?" Hope lifted her head and waited till she continued. What was your dad like?" Alexandria asked which made Hope confused.

"You've heard the stories," Hope said to her with furrowed brows.

Alexandria had most definitely heard the stories. The Original Hybrid. But they were just stories to her. "What was he like to you," she rephrased and Hope's expression softened.

Hope's eyes began to wander around the room and her hand went back to her necklace. "When I was young, I used to hear everyone talk about the infamous 'Klaus Mikaelson'. They described him as evil, ruthless, vengeful. A villain... a tyrannous king. But he was my dad...He was the 'big bad' in everyone's story. But he will always be the hero in mine..." Hope answered honestly and a smile tugged at her lips at the thought of her father.

Hope found it refreshing. She couldn't remember the last time someone had asked her that question. As a matter of fact, she didn't think anyone had ever asked her that question. The world knew him as a villain... but he was her father.

Without her knowledge, tears began falling from Hope's eyes. It wasn't until Alexandria had moved closer to bring her into an embrace that Hope noticed. Alexandria held her gently, with a hand going to the back of her head and the other going to her back. Hope brought her own arms around Alexandria and melted in her hold. A sense of warmth welcomed her.

Once Hope was ready, she pulled away from the hug and let her hands rest in her lap. She lightly tugged on the sleeve of Alexandria's jacket, wanting her to stay close to her.

Alexandria softly wiped Hope's tear stained cheeks and let her hand fall on top of Hope's, while her other hand went around her own stomach. "He sounded like a good father to you," Alexandria acknowledged.

Hope smiled, her gaze falling to their hands. She flipped hers over and loosely intertwined their fingers. "He was," Hope replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you..."

Alexandria began caressing the back of Hope's hand with her thumb. The action sent a pleasant tingly feeling through Hope's body.

"For what?" the brunette asked as she met Hope's gaze.

Hope sighed, the fatigue on her body growing. "This whole day, my mind has been running in loops. I was all over the place and if it hadn't been for you, I would've lost it in front of everyone," Hope paused, looking up to the side for a moment to collect herself. "I dunno, this is the first time today where I felt... actually okay," she explained and her eyes fell to her lap.

"I know I haven't exactly been the greatest friend lately... but I'm always here for you. No matter what," Alexandria reassured her which brought comfort to Hope.

Hope's lips curved into a smile but she noticed that Alexandria had used her free hand and begun to unconsciously rub a single spot on her left forearm. She had noticed earlier how her hand would occasionally graze over her stomach or how her eyes would fall on it from time to time. And when Hope searched the brunette's eyes, she saw a flicker of discomfort.

Alexandria had noticed how Hope's face changed to one of concern and she looked away, knowing that she was caught.

A silence fell between them and Hope couldn't stop herself from asking. "What happened to you out there?" Hope's voice trailed off and she removed her hand from Alexandria's to brush a stray piece of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes. Her hand lingered there on her cheek and Alexandria found herself relaxing into her gentle touch.

Alexandria's eyes went downcast and she let out a quiet heavy sigh. Her eyes trailed to where her wounds previously were. Although there was no trace of it ever being there.

Alexandria brought her hand up to Hope's wrist. Gently held it for a moment before she slowly pulled her hand down and back onto the bed in the empty space between them.

Hope was slightly hurt by the action but said nothing. Alexandria had her hand on top of Hope's and she stared at their hands. The werewolf caressed the back of Hope's hand like she did previously before she stood up.

"I should let you get some rest," she said quietly.

Alexandria started to walk away before Hope stopped her. Grabbing her wrist lightly before she got too far. "Wait," she said and Alexandria turned around, her gaze briefly falling to her hand before she looked to Hope. "Talk to me..." she pleaded in a whisper.

A beat of silence passed as Alexandria contemplated the thought. But she wasn't ready.

"Good night, Hope," she uttered as she walked off.

And this time, Hope let her go, her hand falling back onto her bed. She watched as the werewolf walked away, softly closing her door and leaving her alone in the bitter silence.

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