Off The Ice

By Kirithetheory

66.9K 2.7K 4.2K

Oikawa, Suga and Akaashi were figure skaters. They all needed that freedom and the feeling of the ice. The fe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6*
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22*
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33*
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 45

566 25 39
By Kirithetheory


It was warm. That's what Oikawa felt when he felt his body slowly come out of his dream. Dim sun hits his closed eyelids. Body heat pressed up against his side. The soft, slow rise of a chest against his back.

It would have been a peaceful and magical moment if Oikawa's phone wasn't blaring, causing both of them to groan.

He feels Iwaizumi shift against him, rolling away from his body much to his dismay but the loud ring of his phone distracts from the loss. He blindly reaches for his phone on the bedside table, turning so the screen lights up. It's a phone call, he doesn't even look to see who it is before answering.

"Hello?" He says groggily and annoyed, feeling Iwaizumi shift next to him again, clearly annoyed for being rudely woken up as well.

'Where are you?' Oikawa takes a second to register its Akaashi's voice on the other end of the line.

"Narnia." He hears Iwaizumi chuckle a little next to him which makes him smile.


"Akaashi, it's early, leave me alone." He whines a little and can practically see Akaashi roll his eyes in annoyance.

'Where are you?'

"I told you, Narnia." He doesn't get a response, the other side of the line staying silent. "Can I go back to sleep now?" Silence again. Oikawa almost thinks Akaashi hung up but he can hear some kind of movement on the other side. Very quiet movement but he can sort of make out what it is. Muffled voices. The click of what might be a seatbelt. The pop of a door.

'We're coming in.' Is finally said and Oikawa hums in acknowledgment, not actually processing the boy's words.

"Mmmk...wait what!?" He sits up suddenly when the words register in his mind, hearing the sound of the call ending which leads him to just staring at his phone in confusion while Iwaizumi groans and turns over onto his back, eyes blinking open slightly.

"What was that about?" He asks, voice deep and filled with sleep and if Oikawa wasn't so confused and hung up on Akaashis words it would definitely be doing something for him.

"Uhh Akaashi asking where I was and then leaving the conversation with we're coming in." That gets Iwaizumi to fully wake up, face filled with confusion as he forces himself to sit up.

"What?" Oikawa shrugs but then they both hear the front door downstairs open, and a group of footsteps enter the house. Both their eyes widen and they quickly jump out of bed and head out of the room and down the stairs to see who the intruders are.

Oikawa really shouldn't be surprised with what they find. Akaashi, Suga, Makki, and Mattsun are all standing by the door, slipping off their shoes before glancing up at the boys who stand on the stairs in shock. Suga looks shocked, Akaashi looks annoyed and Makki and Mattsun smirk—Oikawa is still in the other boy's clothes.

"Morning," Makki says smugly and Oikawa rolls his eyes.

"You guys are creepy." Mattsun shrugs at that and Oikawa hears Iwaizumi sigh next to him.

"I'm going back to bed," he says tiredly before heading back upstairs. Oikawa hesitates for a second before choosing to turn and run back upstairs as well.

"Oikawa!" One of his friends yells, footsteps quickly following them.

"Let me sleep!" Oikawa yells back as he enters Iwa's room, the boy laughing a little at the situation. Oikawa collapses on the bed and Iwaizumi changes his shirt despite saying he was going back to bed—he knows neither of his friends will let him when their friends tumble into his room. Oikawa glares at them in annoyance, exhausted.

"Why are you two here?" Iwaizumi finally asks, not turning around to face them but they all know who he's talking to.

"Suga and Akaashi asked why Oikawa was here. And we wanted to know." Makki says while Iwaizumi finally turns to face them.

"And they wanted to know which house was yours."

"So you sold me out?" Iwaizumi crosses his arms after slipping on his shirt.

"What! We were just as curious!" Mattsun says as if that's a defense.

"We're also hungry so you should make us food." Makki flashes an innocent smile.

"You broke into my house, why should I make you food?" They both shrug.

"You love us?" They try but Iwaizumi just raises his eyebrows, causing the boys to pout.

"Fine, make Oikawa and yourself food and we'll just steal some." He rolls his eyes to that but does turn and look at Oikawa who is now sitting on the bed.

"You hungry?" He surprisingly asks and Oikawa glares at Makki and Mattsun, not wanting to answer as the boys smirk at him, taking advantage of the situation.

"Maybe..." he finally says, narrowing his eyes while the two boys grin in victory. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes again but goes and leaves the room, followed by an excited Makki and Mattsun. Oikawa slides to the edge of the bed, preparing to follow them downstairs as well but Suga and Akaashi don't let him, standing in front of him and closing the door. Oikawa groans.

"Guysssss." He whines and Akaashi glares.

"No, you need to explain." Oikawa pouts.

"Whyyyyy." He whines again and falls backward till his back hits the mattress, both his friends giving him unimpressed looks. Well, Suga looks more amused than unimpressed. Akaashi raises his eyebrows because Oikawa knows why. He sighs. "Look, it's not a big deal."

"Not a big—Oikawa this is going way too far!" Akaashi keeps his voice quiet but the tone is clear that if they were alone he would be yelling. Oikawa frowns.

"It's fine—"

"No, it's not! We told you ok, at this rate you are going to get hurt." He rolls his eyes even though he knows they are just saying this because they care. Still though...

"Oikawa seriously if you keep pushing like this he is going to hurt you." Suga finally speaks up and Oikawa groans a little.

"I'm not pushing, he's the one that invited me ok! I didn't wanna go home so he told me to come over. We were exhausted, nothing happened." He tries to reason and ignore the worried and slightly disappointed looks in his friend's eyes.


"He's my friend ok? I promise I'm being smart." Akaashi rolls his eyes in disbelief.

"You are never smart around stuff like this." Oikawa sighs and sits up so he's leaning back on his hands.

"Can you guys please me?." His friends share an unsure look. "Please?" He adds and his friends take a moment to look at him before relaxing, Akaashi sighing I'm defeat.

"Ok...ok fine. Well, trust you." Oikawa smiles before rising to his feet.


Once they were all done with breakfast they said their goodbyes and parted ways, Oikawa, Suga, and Akaashi walking out to Bokuto's car. It makes Oikawa's eyes furrow as Akaashi uses the keys and unlocks the door.

"Hey, where's Bokuto?" He asks as they climb into the car, Suga in the passenger seat and Oikawa in back. Akaashi doesn't answer Oikawa as he starts the car, which makes him worry. "Akaashi?" Akaashi sighs and glances at Oikawa through the mirror.

"I don't know where he is."

"What?" Oikawa says instantly since that's truly surprising. He notes that Suga isn't reacting so he assumes they already covered it. Still though...

"He left me his car when he left this morning. I was still asleep. He left a note but isn't responding to my messages." Akaashi pulls out onto the road as Oikawa glances at Suga who meets his gaze, both filled with concern.


"Look I really don't want to talk about this right now, okay?" Oikawa frowns as Suga finally speaks up.

"Akaashi, you need to tell us what's going on. We're worried." Akaashi sighs, clearly frustrated as his eyes stay on the road.

"I don't know what's going on, okay? You can ask me all the questions in the world and I won't have a fucking answer so please just drop it."


"Suga please okay at least--at least not while I'm driving." He emphasizes this by switching on the radio, loud enough it would be a strain to talk over it. Suga glances back at Oikawa who shares his concern but they both drop it and both send a quick text to Bokuto.



Akaashi was extremely tense as they pulled up to his house, closing the car door more forcefully than necessary but he felt it was warranted.

He hadn't heard from Bokuto since last night. He seemed...relatively fine. Maybe a little tired but that would make sense considering he had a rough practice. He seemed...fine...right?

Akaashi runs the night through his head. They didn't do anything special. His parents left for dinner so they stayed home, ordered some food, and watched a movie cuddling on the couch. Bokuto was normal during all of that...right?

"Keiji!" Akaashi snaps out of his head and looks at his friends who are giving him worried looks. They somehow made it inside and Akaashi seemed to be spacing out facing the kitchen. "Dude what's going on." Akaashi sighs and slips his shoes off before walking to the living room.

He honestly didn't want to talk about it. He doesn't want to hear logic because logic would just make him anxious and worried.

He sighs and falls onto the couch, head hanging in his hands as his friends sit on either side of him. "Keiji, talk to us."

"Yeah, we're worried. Not just about you and your relationship but about Bokuto too."

"I know okay I know." He leans back, running his hands through his hair, trying to let out some of the tension. "I really don't know what is going on. He seemed fine last night."

"Are you positive you didn't see anything off with his behavior?" Akaashi sighs again and thinks, picking apart every moment as much as he can.

"I mean...I guess he was a little...quieter. But I asked and he said he was just tired from practice." Suga and Oikawa exchange looks.

"Anything else." Akaashi sighs yet again and thinks.

"I guess...he seemed more tense. Wanted to stay at the house instead of going out like we usually do. Which I mean I guess was a little weird but he said he was tired. If he was lying about being tired what else could have possibly been going on."

"Can we see your texts with him?" Akaashi pulls out his phone and holds it in his lap so his friends can scroll through their texts from yesterday and this morning.


Yesterday 7:14 AM


How are you feeling 😏

Fuck off

Hey you had fun!



Yes but fuck off

Awwww are you suddenly shy? 😘

Kou im serious, shut up

Ok ok ok 😘

You blushing?

Im leaving

Nooooo baby!!!!!


Wait come back!!!!



Im sorry ok Ill stop!!!!! 🥹❤️



Yes I swear. I was originally gonna ask if you're free tonight ❤️❤️❤️

Cuz there's this new restaurant downtown that I really wanna try and I looked at the menu and I think you'll love it! 🥰

Okay that sounds fun.

You're free? 🥹

Yes Kou. Im free. My parents
are leaving for the night.

oh 😗

Are they now 😏😏

I actually hate you

Baby noooooo


Im sorry!!!!!!



Fine I take it back

Yayayyayayayay!!!! ☺️☺️

Okay anyway I get off of practice at like...8?


Right 8:30!

Ill come over then!


Have you even started
getting ready for school?

Fuck we have school!!!!

Yes Kou...we have school.

Shit ok uhh ill see you there...eventually...

Love youuuuuuu


Byyeeeeeee 😘😘

Haha love you too <3

Yesterday 11:27 AM

I miss you Kaashiiiii



Bokuto pay attention in class

Do you miss me 🥺🥺

Bokuto were at school. In class. Get off your phone

Do you miss meeeeeeeee


Wha so mean!!!!!!

If I say yes will you actually pay
attention to your fucking lecture

Shit Akaashi swearing...

Only if you mean it 🙃

Ok fine, I miss you too love.

You're so cute! 🥰

Love you 💖💖

Lots 😘😘

A lot a lot


Ok please get off your phone.

Oki bye Keiji baby!!!!! ❤️💖

Yesterday 5:27 PM

Hey baby! 😁💖

Did you get home okay????

Yeah I did. Aren't you supposed
to be in practice?

I have 3 minutes!!!!!

How are you

I miss you 😢😢

I love you 💖💖💖

I love you too and I'll see you in a couple of hours. Go to practice

Fine 😭😭


Yesterday 8:46PM

Hey baby I'm done with practice. Just gotta wash up and I'll be over soon.

Okay, how was practice?

It was fine

Just fine? Are you okay?

Yeah I'm fine. Just kinda exhausted.

Do you mind maybe staying in tonight and trying that restaurant another day?

Yeah of course. But are
you sure you're okay?

Yes I'm just tired.

I gotta go shower, I'll see you soon.

Okay, love you.

love you too

Yesterday 9:15PM

Hey Kou are you almost here?

Hey yeah sorry, coach needed to talk to me for a bit

Sorry I should have texted

Its okay. I was just getting
a little worried.

Sorry for worrying you.

It's fine Kou. What food do you
want tonight? I can order while
you're on your way here.

I don't really care. That Chinese place a couple blocks away is pretty good.

Okay, you want youre usual?

Yes thank you

Of course


Kou baby are you okay?
You seem off.

Yeah sorry Im just like exhausted.

You know we don't have to hang out.


No I wanna see you!


I love you and I miss you

I wanna see you


Im just tired

Its nothing to worry about.

Alright. If something is bothering
you, you know you can talk to
me, right?

Of course baby

Ok Im on my way, Ill see you soon

Love ya

Love you too

I'll see you soon.

Today 8:32 AM

Hey I saw you're note, everything okay?

Today 9:04 AM

Kou? Baby are you okay?

Today 9:36 AM


Today 9:43 PM


Today 9:50 PM


Today 10:12 PM

Kou you're really starting to worry
me. Will you please answer
your phone?



Both Suga and Oikawa are frowning when they finish reading the messages. Looks that don't help ease Akaashi's nerves in the slightest.

"Okay hold on I'm gonna call him." Suga stands up with his phone and brings it to his ear. He waits patiently for what Akaashi could time as 3 rings before he frowns and brings the phone away from his ear. "He's avoiding us for some reason." Akaashi lets his head fall into his hands again.

"Hey, Keiji, relax. I'm sure it's not a big deal. You know how dramatic he can be."

"He's never dramatic silently. This is weird. Something is really off and I don't know what to do." Suga sits back down and brings a hand to Akaashi's back, gently rubbing circles against his shirt. "What if something really bad happened--"

"Hey. Don't think like that, okay?" Akaashi leans into Suga as he tries not to panic. Not to think of the worst case scenario.

"He can't avoid you forever. And worst comes to worst you go to his house."

"But give him a chance to come to you first." Akaashi nods slowly.

"Just, do it before the sleepover, okay? I know that only gives you two days..."

"Yeah...I know." Oikawa frowns and joins the two in a small group hug.

"I'm sure it's nothing, okay?" Akaashi nods again.

God, I hope it's nothing.


At this point I don't even know what to say for being gone so long...

Uhh there were tornados? That was a fun experience.

Mainly I just moved and started college...still though I mean actually I mainly just had no fucking idea what to do for this chapter and the next one. After that Im good for a bit...

And welp, y'all get some Bokuaka angst! Why? I have no fucking idea this is just what came to mind I guess. Lucky you!!

Uhhh hopefully the next chapter won't be so far behind. It is already half written which is good. And after next chapter we get to the sleepover plot!!

Uh yeah, sorry for leaving so much!!!!

Thank you to those who for some reason have stayed reading this shit.

Ok bye have a good day.

2878 words


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