Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

By AshleyH713

65.8K 2.8K 797

One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... More

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Sister Mine Part 2
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(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Between The Black and White
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly

Meet The League

591 16 0
By AshleyH713

Rubbing the freshly coated blood from her fingertips onto her tank top, Hikari chuckled to herself darkly as Dabi closed the old warehouse door behind her. Ah yes, this is exactly what she needed after the worst day with her brother.

Dabi really did know how to cheer a girl up.

She could still hear the loud screams bouncing off her ears as the villain closed her eyes in order to replay the utter look of horror on their faces once those low level school boys realized they had majorly fucked up. Serves them right.

Now Hikari was sure they wouldn't ever mess with her again.

Humming to herself down the long corridor, Dabi couldn't help but chuckle behind, following her springy steps carefully. "I take it you liked my present, Princess?"

The girl only nodded though, throwing her hands out in reply. "Of course it always feels good to let off a little steam and teach some low level thugs a lesson. I mean did you see their sorry little faces? How could I not like that?"

Dabi seemed to agree as well, his booted steps making their way up to the girl with another chuckle before lazily slinging his arm around her shoulder in order to pull her closer. "That's great cause now I have another surprise for you."

Raising an eye, Hikari turned. "Oh?"

Humming back, the villain replied lightly. "Yeah, the league's been bugging me about properly introducing you so they want me to take you back there for a bit."

Immediately Hikari knew that this surprise wasn't as great as the last one, causing her lips to curve down in annoyance before throwing her friends' arm off of her with a scoff. "And why would I do that?"

Dabi seemed to expect her distaste though, recalling the previous conversation with the league. "They want to know how you intend to break Hawks."

The woman only narrowed her eyes though, still not pleased. "Yeah, not happening. The reason I'm here is because I'm doing you a favor, not them. I don't owe any sort of explanation to those bands of freaks."

Sure, she had met those villains once before, but she didn't have any desire to mingle with them in her precious free time. Her work would speak for itself, she didn't have to prove anything to them.

Dabi only sighed though, seemingly already knowing her answer before taking his phone out of his pocket. "I knew you were going to say that. But here's the thing..."

Flashing the brought screen into her face, the villain continued. "It would be really bad if Valkyrie was seen like this, wouldn't it?"

Hikari then glanced towards the man in question only for her eyes to focus on the image as her face dropped in horror. There staring her in the face was that awful picture those thugs took of her back in the alleyway.

Widening her eyes at the god awful pink strawberry nightmare that was that dress, Hikari's hands immediately reached forward in order to grab onto his phone in furious disbelief. "W-What! How the fuck did you get this?!

Just then, the woman seemed to notice the small number on the top of the screen, her shouts growing even more. "And why is it your lock screen wallpaper?! Get it off!! Get it off right now!"

Her anger only caused the villain's lips to twist upwards though, Dabi enjoying the rage between her puffed up cheeks as heavy dark chuckles escaped his lips. "I took it from those losers before I tied them up. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see the pretty princess all dressed up, now could I?"

His laughter only pissed the bird off further though, crossing her arms in a threatening stance. "Oh, I'm glad you find this really hysterical.."

Dabi only nodded his head though, allowing the humor overtake him enough for the man to hold his stomach as Hikari grew more and more annoyed. Of course this guy would laugh at her misfortune. He was just that kind of asshole.

Turning the cursed photo back towards him, the villain turned a mocking gaze before answering back through his sadistic grin. "I do actually, yeah. I mean I knew this little reunion with your dip shit brother was going to be good, but I didn't think it would be this good. I wonder what I'll get to see you in next? I can't wait."

Hikari felt her cheeks turn red in embarrassment at the very idea as her hands moved upwards in order to point a threatening finger towards the man in question. "I swear to god Dabi, you have five seconds to delete that photo right now.."

At the vague sentence, she then watched the villain turn his eyes upwards in order to wave the illuminated image in front of her face. "Mmmm I could...if you go to the league with me..."

Then it all started to make sense, why he kept the photo, why he was teasing her right now. It was all connected. That jerk. He was using this as an opportunity for blackmail.

Not showing her fear, Hikari only scoffed though. "Really, that's your play? That's all you got?"

Shrugging his shoulders, the man hummed in response, pushing the photo closer to her face in the process. "It's your choice, Princess."

Hikari knew better though. Yeah, his strategy was annoying but it was weak at best, and she certainly wasn't about to cave. No, he had to try harder to shake her.

Moving closer to the villain in question, she then leaned forward before replying all at once. "Here's my choice, fuck you."

Then Hikari turned on her heels in order to leave only for the man in question to chuckle only more, watching from the corner of her eye as he moved his hands upwards. "Damn, right now? Now that is a bold choice. But I mean alright, I'm game."

Widening her eyes in disbelief, she then watched as Dabi started to reach for the buckle of his pants only for her entire face to turn bright red in absolute embarrassment. What the hell was this man thinking?!

Hikari felt herself move without permission, racing up to the villain before shoving her hands onto his wrists in order to stop the movement entirely. "WHAA NO I didn't mean...AH! What are you doing?! Stop taking off your clothes! That's not what I meant!"

And yeah, the two had hooked up before, that wasn't a secret but that fact that he was messing with her to this extent brought a part of her out that she always locked away. And he knew it too, he knew that she would be frazzled by his little move.

Besides, their "relationship" ended a long time ago.

She was trying to move past all of that, and that included the physical touch aspect.

Dabi seemed to relish in her little flaw though, the man gazing at her tomato red face with a sly smile. "What's wrong, princess? Why are you so red? I thought you said you were over all of this?"

At that, Hikari hit her breaking point, the woman unlatched her hands before forcing them forward in order to take the phone from him by force. "I'm over you. Now come here so I can break your goddamn phone!"

Feeling all of her spare feathers sharpen in her pocket, she then watched as Dabi immediately took a step back before lifting the object upwards in order for his pointer finger to hover above the screen. "Huh, I wonder what would happen if I accidently hit send? I wonder how many people will see this picture. Let's find out, shall we??"

Hikari immediately felt her life flash before her eyes at that, picturing millions of villains seeing the absolute worst moment in her life as she felt her voice raise in sheer fear. "No!"

At that, Dabi raised an eye. "I'm sorry, did I hear something?"

Going through every curse word in her head, Hikari felt her entire body shake with rage as her eyes glued to the object in his hands. Damn it, his fingers were so close to that send button, any movement could trigger her social suicide in the villain world.

And even though Keigo wasn't physically here, she still blamed him for her next statement even so. "You little...fine..!! I'll see the goddamn league! Just delete that god awful photo."

Feeling the defeat rise in her chest, Hikari then closed her eyes before turning around in order to see the cocky look of victory on Dabi's face. This was torture. Why was her brother still ruining her life like this?

Valkyrie didn't lose, especially to Dabi. That hurt her pride more than anything and this was no exception. Because right after a loss was usually a gloat, and that pissed her off more than anything.

Walking down the long hallway, she heard his satisfaction immediately, the tone causing her feathers to sharpen as he chuckled. "Glad we could come to an agreement. Let's go."

Rolling her eyes in response, Hikari then heard his footsteps follow behind her as she tried to ignore him. Sure, she may have been acting like a sore loser but she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of her loss.

Yet that's when his voice echoed through the space once more. "By the way. I'll have to thank Hawks for this later."

At her brother's hero name, Hikari paused for a moment only to feel his breath coat her ear, blowing into the service as his voice dropped in a more sensual manner. "Seeing you all cute like that, it certainly was quite a treat."

Feeling her entire body freeze in his voice, Dabi's lips then curved into a cynical smile before pulling away in order to walk in front of her wordlessly.

All at once, Hikari's embarrassment and rage seemed to mix at once causing her entire face to turn bright red in order to press her hand over the tingling feeling in her ear. That bastard, he did that on purpose!

Because of that, the bird's fingers immediately reached for her necklace before ripping the surface off in order to shout obscenities at the man in front of her.

"That's it, get back here! I'm gonna make you regret that, you staple faced freak!!"


As Dabi stood in front of her league, the entire group couldn't help but notice the heavy scratches and tears across his skin and black villain jacket, Toga calling them out almost immediately. "Whoa Dabi, what happened? You get into a fight on the way here?"

The man only remained silent though, causing the group to wonder what kind of trouble this guy had gotten into. Whatever it was, it seemed like he lost considering how torn up he was.

Shigiraki didn't seem amused though, his eyes narrowing with little patience. "Never mind that. Did you get that girl to come?"

That's when Dabi's lips curved into a smirk before shoving his hands in his pockets. "Yeah."

All at once, the villain frowned before looking around the lair with a scratch of his neck. Was this guy fucking with him? He hadn't arrived with anyone. How could she possibly be here? "Well, where is she?"

Yet the purple stitched man only chuckled before relying playfully. "Behind you."

Widening his eyes at the statement, Shigaraki immediately turned his back only to jump and find the very woman in question only a couple inches from him, her body perched on a wooden crate as she stared blankly. "Boo."

He couldn't help but gasp at the entrance, pointing an accusatory finger in her direction. "What? How did you get there?!"

Hikari didn't answer his question though, lazily moving to stand in order to sigh. "You wanted to see me?"

Her tone was obviously boring, like she didn't really want to be here, causing Shigraki to frown. "Yes, Dabi brought you in last time but I don't think we've probably been introduced. You see, it's my job to see if you are fit for the league or not."

Taking a step closer, the villain then eyed the girl head to toe, taking in everything about her before reaching out and grabbing a strand of her hair in order for it to slip between his fingers. How interesting. No reaction.

Adding on, he spoke. "Usually this would've happened before today but Dabi decided to do my job for me and already accepted you. Too bad that's not how things work. I decide who's worthy and who's not."

Dabi's voice echoed through the space then, slightly annoyed for what he was implying.

"I already told you crusty, she's worthy."

Shigaraki didn't seem convinced though. "I'll decide that. Now then, what's your name?"

Hikari only narrowed her eyes though, her voice straightforward. "Don't have one."

Feeling the annoyance in the back of his throat, the boss tried again. "Quirk?"

The female villain only smirked though, placing a mocking finger to her lips. "That's a secret."

Seeing Shigaraki grow more frustrated with each word, the man's hands reached upwards in order to scratch the same spot on his neck as his teeth gritted. Was this girl messing with him? That wasn't very smart.

Trying again, the villain spoke. "How do you intend to get to Hawks?"

Hikari didn't cave though, her eyes never leaving the bosses as she answered just as plain as the last. "None of your business, dry lips."

Cursing under his breath, his scratching began to speed up even more as Toga felt herself giggle widely in return. "Dang Shiggy, she's even more mysterious than Dabi. Let's keep her! I've always wanted another girl on the team!"

The boss wasn't as amused though, his eyes twisting with disgust. "How annoying.."

And as he watched her cynical stare, he started to grow far more unhinged. His position as boss was being played around with, and that pissed him off more than anything. How dare this girl disrespect him like this.

Reaching forward, the villain then latched his hand around her arm in order to pull her closer as his pinky finger hovered above the skin in warning. "Listen here, girl. Don't mess with me. I want an answer right now or else I will shatter your entire arm."

Turning her cracked lips up in joy, Shigaraki then watched the girl's expression, waiting for her to break her stoic and cocky stance in order to cry and whimper like every other victim of his did.

Yet try as he may, Hikari didn't move, she didn't flinch at all, causing the villain to grow livid in order to slowly lower his last fingers towards her skin. But even still, the bird didn't react, even when she felt his touch on her naked flesh.

No, instead this woman only stared back at him, the smug look never leaving her eyes in the process. And although Shigarki didn't want to admit it, there was something unnerving about it, knowing that she was moments away from dying

In this game of chicken, she clearly didn't want to lose, even if it meant her death.

Just then, a hand appeared out of nowhere in order to forcibly remove the boss's hand from Hikari as Dabi spoke low and threateningly. "You're crossing a line, crusty. Back off."

Widening his eyes in disbelief, Shigaraki turned towards the stitched villain in order to pull his wrist free from the villain with a shout. "What are you doing?!"

Dabi only shrugged his shoulders though, clearly ignoring the severity of the situation before turning his head towards Hikari in order to smirk. "Can't let anyone hurt my girl now, can I?"

Hikari felt her cheeks flush at that, forcing her lips to remain closed in order to keep the cover he had given her. Why did he always use that stupid excuse? He just loved to lie, didn't he?

This bitch, he really had a death wish right now.

Although just as she thought that, the entire room exploded as every single league member's mouth dropped open with utter and complete shock, shouting over each other all at once. "YOUR GIRL?!"

Toga then raced forward before slapping the stitched man on the shoulder in a pretend pout. "Dabi's got a girlfriend?! You jerk, why didn't you tell me before?!"

Feeling her eyes twitch in annoyance, Hikari then watched as Dabi turned back to her before giving her a mocking look as he answered "Princess gets really shy about it so she doesn't like to advertise. Isn't that right?"

Toga couldn't help but gush then, clasping her hands together like the hopeless romantic she was. "Aww he calls her princess!! That's the cutest thing I've ever heard."

Hikari didn't share the same meaning though, knowing that Dabi was just playing with her like always. She always hated that stupid ass nickname and he knew it. That's the only reason why he used it so often.

Although that's when she watched Dabi's eyes light up with challenge before reaching into his pocket in order to grab his phone. "Oh, you want to see a princess? Let me show you something interesting.."

Immediately, Hikari felt the panic in her chest rise up once more. That bastard, he was going to show off that embarrassing photo to everyone in the league and make her a laughing stock. Oh no, like hell that was not happening.

Feeling her feet move on their own, the bird then raced up to Dabi before placing a firm hand on his shoulder before her fist barrelled straight into his chest as she chuckled. "Ah Ha ha Dabi, sweetheart? Kindly shut the fuck up before I shove my foot up your ass."

Doubling over slightly at the impact, the villain paid no mind to the pain, instead reaching forward in order to pull Hikari to his side in a cocky manner. "Did I mention she's kinky too?"

Hikari only scoffed though, stepping on his foot with all her strength as her hands moved upwards to push his face away from hers and detach himself while he enjoyed her struggle.

And the league members couldn't help but watch the display in utter shock, knowing that this was the most emotion and personality they had ever gotten from the stitched villain. In fact, usually he just sat around the league with an unapproachable aura but right now things were completely different.

Simply because this Dabi was far more playful and vocal then the one they knew before. It was strange, seeing him tease that girl so much. Perhaps she really was special to him. Maybe that's why he was acting differently now.

Yet that's when Shigaraki's voice rose above the moment, the tone shrill and furious. "I don't care who she is! If she can't give me a name, a quirk or an answer then she's useless to me. I don't care if you fucked her, I order this bitch to give me some respect!

And that seemed to silence the entire room, everyone turning towards Dabi, expecting him to lash out at the boss only to find an amused smile spread across his lips, like he had been waiting for that kind of outburst this entire time. "Now you've done it."

Twisting his brow in confusion at his response, Shigaraki opened his mouth to reply only for Hikari to do so for him. And when she spoke, it was far deeper than before. "Names are really important to you, aren't they? Well then, I'll give you some names."

Then the bird turned around before pointing at Toga with a single finger. "Himiko Toga."

Toga felt her eyes light up at that, only for Hikari to move her finger towards Spinner in the corner without hesitation. "Shuichi Iguchi"

The lizard only turned his head at that, watching as the blonde haired villain then moved her fingers to the masked magician in the other corner. "Atsihiro Sako"

Compress narrowed his eyes in response, not having heard his real name in a long time as the girl then moved to Twice before speaking again. "Bubaigawara Jin."

The air was silent, so much so that you could hear a pin drop. And although none of them knew what this strange girl was doing, they waited to see what she would do next, to see exactly what kind of point she was making.

She knew their real names after all, the names that were buried in place of their villain ones. Not many knew of them and those that did, had to dig pretty deep to find them.

Hikari then paused for a moment before turning around in a full circle in order to point behind her to the leader of the group. "And Shigaraki Tomura.."

Yet that's when the woman turned her head around in order to lock her cold eyes with the man all at once as she finished her sentence. "Or should I say, Shimura Tenko?"

Shigraki felt his heart completely stop at the forbidden name, the one that was discarded by his master All for One. No one was supposed to know that. His records were supposed to be buried. That name should've never been spoken again.

And yet this mysterious no-named girl had done just that.

Feeling his mouth run dry, the boss stepped forward in disbelief. "W-What?! How did you..?!"

Hikari wasn't finished though, cutting the man off immediately in order to turn back around and stroll towards the man with calculating intent. "Ya know, your little hate boner for All Might really is hypocritical, don't you think? Considering your grandmother was the one who trained him to become the number one hero.."

She heard everyone around him gasp in response, watching as the once cocky boss that threatened her remained trapped in stunned silence. And from behind them, Dabi only crossed his arms, like he was fully invested in the show before him.

Seeing the shock on his face, Hikari's lips then turned up into a cruel smile of her own.

"What? Oh sorry, it seems like this bitch did her research. I mean, you seriously didn't think I would walk in here without the upperhand?"

And as Shigaraki tried to process what he just heard, he watched the predatory look in her eyes stare down on him in mocking vigor. He thought this girl was a nobody but with eyes like that, it was clear to tell that wasn't the case.

Turning her head to the side, the blonde haired villain then finished plainly. "And now that you have those names you wanted so badly, I'm sure you can only imagine what I will do to Hawks during this job. So back off, let me do my work, and you'll find out if he's a traitor or not by the end of the week."

Then without waiting for an answer, Hikari turned around and left the room, causing Shigaraki to grit his teeth as the shock melted away only to hear Toga call out in confusion. "Boss, is what she said true, are you really...?"

Yet that's when a slow condescending clap echoed through the space as Dabi chuckled at the destruction his princess had just caused.

"That was better than I imagined it would be."


When he found her again, Hikari was leaning against the outside of the building, her legs kicked up against the wall as she shook her head in annoyance. "You knew I would say something to that crusty bitch, didn't you?"

Humming to himself, Dabi joined beside her, his body resting on the cool brick wall in order to pull out a cigarette with a smirk. "I hoped you would. That freak has been getting on my last nerve for a while. Someone needed to take him down a notch."

And the show that Hikari had given him was more than enough to satisfy. If Dabi knew one thing about his old best friend, it was the fact that she always seemed to leave everyone speechless, even him.

Shaking her head once more, the female villain rolled her eyes. "You're awful."

Dabi only smiled though, lighting the cigarette with his quirk before blowing a large puff of air into her face teasingly. "You love it."

At that, Hikari couldn't help but feel her lips twitch upwards as well. This cocky son of a bitch. Does he really think she will just play right into his hands like this?

Reaching her hand out, the bird then swiped the cigarette from his fingers before taking a drag herself in order to return the gesture to the stitched man next to her. "That's debatable."

Feeling the smoke cover his face, Dabi only leaned closer, his fingers reaching forward to grasp the bottom of her chin and pull it closer with a knowing look. "I don't know, I saw your cheeks turn pretty red back there."

At the close distance, Hikari frowned. "Only because you gave them that ridiculous lie you love to tell so much."

The villain only lowered his voice in response though, allowing one of his fingers to reach up and brush her cheek with slow precision. "What can I say, I enjoy watching you squirm."

A moment of silence passed through them, the distance unchanging until Hikari finally placed her hand on his in order to remove the villain's hold with a sigh. "Well, this was fun but I should get back to that squawking idiot before he realizes I'm gone. Got a big day ahead of me if I wanna figure out what he's hiding."

Thinking about the days ahead, Hikari felt her throat twitch with distaste. The faster she figured out her brother's plan, the faster she could get out of this entire mess.

Although just as she started to kick herself off of the wall, the girl felt a hand wrap around her arm in order to stop her. "Why the rush? That chicken shit will probably be passed out till sunrise. Let's have some fun while we can."

His voice was low, coaxing and quiet, causing Hikari to narrow her eyes at the implications before turning around in order to face the villain in question. "What do you suggest?"

Then all at once, she felt Dabi's fingers grab the loops around her belt before pulling her forward with obvious intent until his hands were firmly pressed to her hips. "Oh, I can think of a few things."

And as the tone turned raspy, Hikari's eyes seemed to travel as well, the woman leaned forward with intent of her own. "I'm sure you can."

Then she slowly moved her thigh forward so rested between his legs, causing the villain to physically melt against the wall as Hikari followed with a small airy chuckle at his willingness.

Hikari's lips then moved closer until they were only a few inches apart causing the villain to smile at her compliance as his hands tightened on her hips once more.

Yet that's when the woman stopped completely, her voice smooth. "But as I told you Dabi, the only thing you'll be getting from me is information about Hawks and then I'm leaving"

Then before he could register it, Hikari had already removed herself from his side as she walked away from the confused and yet amused male villain. So that's how it was.

Feeling his body lean back into the wall with adrenaline. Dabi then felt his lips curve into a challenging smile before shaking his head. That girl, she was the only one he knew that had that kind of nerve.

Ah, how he missed her.

He then felt a small chuckle escape his lips as Dabi watched her disappear from his sight once more

"So cruel, Hika-chan."


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