Tadano-kun can't Communicate...

By Horeno_21

217K 5.2K 3.6K

[On Hiatus] a Komi-san can't Communicate AU where Tadano is the one who can't Communicate instead of Komi. (g... More

Communication 01: "I want to talk."
Communication 02: "We're Childhood Friends."
Communication 03: "He's not a Assassin."
Communication 04: "His first errand."
Communication 05: "Agari's nervousness."
Communication 06: "The cellphone."
Communication 07: "Class President Election."
Communication 08: "Accidentally call."
Communication 09: "Saitou."
Communication 10: "Physical Exam."
Communication 11: "Love."
Communication 12: "My Summer Uniform."
Communication 13: "Fitness Test."
Communication 14: "Ramen Shop."
Communication 15: "Blood pact."
Communication 16: "Jokes."
Communication 17: "Shopping."
Communication 18: "Beauty Salon."
Communication 19: "Worries and Doubts."
Communication 20: "Studying for tests."
Communication 21: "Summer Vacation."
Communication 22: "The Pool."
Communication 23: "Shaved Ice."
Communication 24: "The Library."
Communication 25: "The Park."
Communication 26: "Obon Festival."
Communication 27: "Summer Festival."
Communication 28: "Summer Vacation Is Over."
Communication 29: "A Country Girl."
Communication 30: "Video Games."
Communication 31: "Doing Part-Time Work."
Communication 32: "Something on Your Face."
Communication 33: "Sports Festival."
Communication 34: "Emotional Pangs."
Communication 35: "Print Sticker."
Communication 36: "Performance for the Culture Festival."
Communication 37: "Culture Festival Preparations."
Communication 38: "Distributing Flyers."
Communication 39: "Cuture Festival Eve."
Communication 40: "Maids."
Communication 41: "The School Culture Festival."
Communication 42: "Festival Closing Night."
Communication 43: "Celebration Party."
Communication 44: "Winter Arrives."
Communication 45: "The Story of a Delinquent."
Communication 46: "Studying at Nakanaka's House."
Communication 47: "Final Exam."
Communication 48: "Typhoon."
Communication 49: "Fantasies."
Communication 50: "Cat Cafe."
Communication 51: " "I love you" game."
Communication 52: "Feelings."
Communication 53: "Fantasies Part 2."
Communication 54: "Invitation to lunch."
Communication 55: "Roasted Potatoes."
Communication 56: "Merry Christmas..."
Communication 57: "Snowmen."
Communication 58: "Snowball Fight."
Communication 59: "Year Ends."
Communication 60: "New Year's Day."
Communication 61: "Various New Year's Holidays."
Communication 62: "Ice-Skating."
Communication 63: "Having a Cold."
Communication 64: "A Misunderstanding."
Communication 65: "Hallucination."
Communication 66: "The Narcissist."
Communication 67: "Choosing School Trip Groups."

Communication 68: "School Trip."

2K 42 65
By Horeno_21

Tadano had woke early on the day of the school trip, 5:00 am.

Hitomi: Did you pack a change of clothes and socks?

Tadano nod.

Hitomi: Ah, and your toothbrush? Your wallet?

Tadano nod twice this time.

Hitomi: All good! Have fun at the school trip, Onii-chan!

Tadano nod before he left home to go to the train station.
Arriving there he meets Komi and Najimi.

Najimi: Tadano-kun! We're over here!

Tadano approach the duo.

Komi: Good morning, Tadano-kun.

Najimi: Heyo!

Komi: You're excited for today's school trip?

Tadano nod happily.

Najimi: Alright, let's get going then!

The trio then went to get in the bullet train.
A lot of students pick their own seats.

Najimi: Yay, a whole bullet train just for us!

Immediately, Najimi lie down the three sets of seat to sleep.

Tadano: '!?'

Komi: 'He fell asleep already!?'

Teacher: Class president, please make sure everyone is accounted for.

Tadano nodded to what the teacher said while Komi starts getting Najimi to sit down so she can also have a sit.
After a while, Tadano walks in the train as he look around to see each student who were listed to be in the school trip.
While checking, he happen to see Nakanaka, Agari, and Yamai being seated next to each other.
Both Nakanaka and Yamai are pissed while Agari is uncomfortable being in-between the two.

Yamai: I can't believe I'm not with Komi-san... This sucks big time.

Nakanaka: You took the words out of my mouth, I can't believe I'm stuck with this normie girl.

Unfortunately Nakanaka, Agari and Yamai are grouped together...

Yamai: Ha? Normie? Who are you talking about?

Nakanaka: Keh.

Tadano wished Agari good luck.
Tadano then continues onwards with checking everyone on board.

Onemine: By the way, Inaka, where are you from?

Inaka: Eh!?

Otori: You've got a slight acceeent~

Inaka: Eh!?

Onemine: Yeah, I think that accent is cute.

Najimi stood up as she was seated behind Onemine and next to Otori.
She did just to get a snack from Onemine.

Najimi: Yay!

Inaka: Eh, no, um, I...

Onemine, Inaka and Otori are in the same group. They seem to be going pretty well so far.

Kometani: *Inaka's classmates are beginning to suspect she's from a rural area.

On another hand, Satou, Yadano and Ushiroda being in the same group.
They're playing old maid and Yadano, being typically herself, she's competitive.
Yadano loss 10 times in a row, she's probably gambling to win.

Tadano: ...?

Meanwhile, the trio buddies, Chiarai, Shinobino and Sonoda are in the same group.

Chiarai: Hey, where will we go?

Sonoda: Hm... I wanna try this green tea dessert!

Shinobino: Hey, doesn't this look cute?

The trio in sync agree happily it looked cute.
Tadano got curious what they were talking about.

Shinobino: Oh, hey, Tadano.

Chiarai was immediately alerted Tadano was near them as he look at him.

Chiarai: Hey hey~ Tadano-kun, don't you think this looks cute?

Chiarai shows the specific page on the magazine to Tadano.
Apparently they see the girl on the page to be cute while holding a dessert.
Tadano just nod since he didn't want to discourage them.

Sonoda: Right~?

They're somehow more happier just to see Tadano agree upon what they see was cute.

Chiarai: 'Tadano-kun is more cuter though.'

Najimi: 'Bro what-'

Tadano then continue to patrol and came across Komi's group with Katou and Sasaki.

Katou, Komi & Sasaki: 'This is awkward...'

Sasaki: A-Ah, Katou-san, Komi-san, w-would you two like a snack?

Komi: Oh, sure.

Katou: Yeah, thanks...

Sasaki: It's no problem, really! I really don't mind!

Despite Komi and Katou taking some, the Pocky was still full.

Sasaki: Y-You can take more. Please take more!

Komi and Katou were eating Pocky slowly.
Later, Sasaki joined in with the two.

Katou, Komi & Sasaki: '... I-It's still awkward...'

Katou: 'Wait a minute- We don't usually stand out in class, but there's one thing we can do on this trip!'

Katou had signal Sasaki by having a slight audible sound which she took notice on.

Katou & Sasaki: 'We need to make sure Komi-san has the time of her life during this trip! That's our mission!'

Komi: 'Eh!?'

And now...
Katai, Tadano, and Naruse...
They're in the same group.

Katai: 'I'm in the same group with Tadano-kun! And we'll s-sleep in the same room! YEAH!'

Naruse was looking at his reflection on the window.

Naruse: 'Heeey, I look stunning on the bullet train too.'

Tadano got worried he's in the same group with a cool guy and a scary guy, he felt like the odd one out.

All the students then get to take off the bullet train.
Chiarai and Shinobino were posing while Sonoda takes the picture (including himself in the frame.)

Teacher: We'll stay together on the first day, so don't fall behind.

While students replied to the teacher, Tadano and Komi noticed Inaka struggling to get off the train.

Inaka: I... I dunno if I can set foot in this City...

Tadano: '!?'

Komi: 'She's already falling behind...!'

Everyone then get to ride the bus.

Ryouko: Good morning, everyone. My name is Tenjouin Ryouko and I'll be your guide on this twip!

The students stay silent.
Everyone had already noticed Ryouko fumbled as they think about it.

Ryouko: My apologies. I'm new at this, so forgive me any mistakes. 'So embarrassing!'

Ryouko was actually trembling.

Ryouko: Eh... On your right side you can see...

Najimi immediately raised their hand.

Najimi: Hi, Ryouko-chan, Ryouko-chan!

Ryouko: Ryou... yes?

Najimi: Do you have a boyfriend?

Ryouko: 'T-There it is! Number one on the list of most common questions students ask their guides on school trip!' N-No, I don't.

Sonoda: I see.

Ryouko: Hm?

Ryouko was taken aback when Sonoda had stood up from his seat.

Sonoda: Then, maybe I'll try being your boyfriend.

Both Chiarai and Shinobino was impressed at Sonoda's boldness.

Ryouko: 'T-There it is! Number one of the list of things students say on a trip that are hard to respond to!'

Komi: 'Those rankings are precise...'

They then arrived to Ryoan-ji.

Ryouko: 'Urgh... They've taken the initiative!'

Just seconds later, all the students are walking on their own.

Ryouko: 'I mean, they're leaving me behind! It shouldn't be like this, Ryouko! I'm a tour guide! Yes! And tour guides are cool! I memorized all 2,500 pages of a sightseeing guide. Let me display my knowledge!' Attention please! This rock garden at Ryoan-ji, with its 15 large stones, is in the Karesansui style. No matter where you stand, one of them will be always hidden from view. According to one of many theories, number 15 was chosen by address lucky numbers 7, 5 and 3. By blocking a view of one stone, viewers are encouraged to look for a missing thing inside them...

Ryouko noticed a lot of the students were on her left instead of in front of her supposedly.
The students were looking at Komi who was looking at the Rock Garden.

Ryouko: U-Uhm... 'They're not listening! But that girl really is pretty!!'

They then went to Kinkaku-ji.
Like the previous location, the students were doing their own thing.

Ryouko: 'No, Ryouko. It's not time to panic yet. Yes, someday you'll wish you'd paid more attention to my stories! Don't mess with the tour guide!'

Ryouko then proceeds to do her Tour Guide job.

Ryouko: Well then, the Kinkaku-ji was built by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun of the Muromachi shogunate. Yoshimitsu has appeared in a certain popular anime. Do you know in which one? 'First out of 108 tour guide skills, "Quiz"! Hm? You want to answer, right?'

Unfortunately no student paid attention to her and her quiz.

Naruse: Heh...

Ryouko look behind only to see Naruse having his fingers on his glasses while looking slight up to the side.

Naruse: Even a golden building pales before my beauty.

Ryouko: 'Eh? What's with him...'

Random Woman#1: Excuse me! Can I have a picture?

Naruse: Ah? Go ahead!

Naruse thought the two random couple was asking for a picture of him.
Clearly they weren't.

Random Woman: Eh?, Um, we...

Random Man: Take the...

Random Woman: Nevermind.

The couple left.

Kometani: *Point 4: He thinks he's being photographed.

Naruse slowly look at Tadano.

Kometani: *He's now asking to be photographed by Tadano-kun.

Tadano: ... '!?'

Ryouko: 'What's with these kids...'

Up next, they went to Nishi Hongan-ji.

Ryouko: 'G-Gotta get myself together...' Hongan-ji is the head temple of the Hongan-ji sect of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. The temple was constructed in the Kamakura period on the site monk Shinran's mausoleum. Inside is Hiunkaku, a national treasure, which, along with the Kinkaku and Ginkaku, is one of Kyoto's three great pavilions...

When Ryouko looked back to see the students, they were obviously not interested.

Chiarai: Tadano-kun, check this out~

Chiarai shows what he wanted Tadano to see on his phone.

Ryouko: 'Ugh! They're tough! Are you guys even trying to get to college at all!?'

Nakanaka: Look, Komi-san, Tadano-kun! They were selling this stuff!

Nakanaka had wore a Shinsengumi costume which Tadano is amazed of, meanwhile Komi is surprised.

Ryouko: 'She already brought a wooden sword! She's a terrifying kid! Ah, wait, that's right!' The drum tower at the Nishi Hongan-ji was once used as a base for Shinsengumi. From Shimabara's gate to Mibu-dera temple, many soldiers wearing that haori have passed this way.

Tadano was standing in front of the barricade that's limiting the visitors' place they can view.
Nakanaka was standing a few steps behind him (she look like a lost kid.)

Ryouko: 'So? Kids your age must love the Shinsengumi, right? Okay, be interested!'

Tadano took a few steps closer, meanwhile Nakanaka monologues.

Nakanaka: It's been a while, Kondo-san.

Ryouko: 'Eh? What's with this fantasy?'

On the next location, Najimi took a picture with a Great Priest who was willing to do a peace sign.
And then the next, Ryouko had realized Agari was always eating snacks.
And then next...

Ryouko: 34, 35... 'One's missing! Did I lose someone!?'

Otori: Haah...

Katai: Ow... My stomach suddenly...

Ryouko was immediately surprised as Katai had approach her with a weird smile that made him look like a scary guy.

Katai: Hand?

Ryouko: 'Hand!?'

Katai meant to say "Can you lend me a helping hand?"

Ryouko then went back to the bus along with the students.

Ryouko: I'm kind of exhausted...

Bus Driver: Are you all right?

Ryouko then continue onwards to her job after a short break.

Ryouko: On your left you can see the Kyamo river... 'Wait- Ahh noo!!'

*It's actually called Kamo River.

Ryouko: 'Oh well, no one's listening to what I'm saying anyway...' the custom say... Eh... That couples visiting this place... Eh... Sit at equal intervals...

Ryouko noticed Tadano and Komi being seated next to each other.

Komi: Ah, it's true, they do sit evenly spaced.

Tadano: mh...

Komi: Kind of interesting, right?

Tadano nod in agreement to Komi.

Ryouko: 'That's right, how could I have forgotten... If even one person takes an interest in what I say, then I... I've achieved my ideal as a tour guide...'

Ryouko remembered listening to a tour guide back in her high school and now, she's in that same place as she smiles.

Ryouko: From spring until summer, the riverbed is also visible, resulting in deeply stirring scenery. I hope you'll all come and visit Kyoto again sometime.

They then arrived to a place called Kiyomizu-dera.

Ryouko: There's a saying about jumping off the Kiyomizu's stage, but it's about 13m, or 4 floors, from here to the ground. The survival rate is about 90%, but don't go trying it.

Najimi: ALRIGHT! I'm also gonna jump off the Kiyomizu's stage!

Najimi runs and was about to jump off, but Komi and Onemine stopped her by holding the hair that's sticking out her head like an antenna.

Ryouko: Hey, Najimi-chan...

Ryouko then continues with touring the students.

Ryouko: From the right, the streams bestow fortune in health, love and studies...

Agari: Yamai-san!?

Yamai, being the weirdest person she is, catch the falling stream with her mouth.

Both Akako and Otori laughed at Yamai.
Ryouko look around and realized Tadano and Komi aren't around.

Ryouko: 'Did they fall behind?'

Ryouko went back to the Kiyomizu's stage.

Komi: Woah...

Komi immediately looked to her left as she noticed Tadano with her.

Komi: Ah! T-there you are, Tadano-kun.

Tadano: "Were you looking at the scaffolding?"

Komi: Ah, yes.

Komi shows the guide to Tadano that she's been reading.

Komi: It says this scaffolding doesn't use any nails. It's amazing that this building could be built on that slope and that it can hold thousands of people everyday without collapsing.

Komi and Tadano look at the scaffolding again after she was done talking about it.

Komi: Ah, I got too excited about that, right? Sorry.

Tadano: "I like it."

Komi: E-Eh...

Komi was slightly blushing which took a while before Tadano got embarrassed as he wrote on his notebook again.

Tadano: "I meant the old buildings!"

Komi got embarrassed she got the wrong idea as she tries to laugh it off.

Komi: Aah! Haha... Aha haha! Of course, aha ha...

Ryouko: 'Just get married already.'

Is what Ryouko thought.

*Also by the way, Ryouko shook Katai's hand since she didn't understand (or Katai made it hard for her to understand) that he has a stomach and needed her help.

*Around 5pm~*

Najimi: Traditional inn! Hostesses! Guest room with 12 tatami mats!

Yamai: Eh? Wait a second, are you in the same room as us?

Nakanaka, Yamai, Komi and Agari (a.k.a the girls who knew) looked at Najimi menacingly.

Najimi: Eh?

Yamai: Don't "Eh?" me.

Although they didn't force Najimi out since they're not even sure what Najimi is.

Najimi: Dinner was delicious!

Komi: Right?

Teacher: Each group has the bath for 30 minutes, so go get in.

Everyone: Haaai~

Yamai: Hi, good evening! Yamai Ren's here!

oh god why.

Yamai: The big moment has come! It's school trip's biggest event, bath time! 'My goal for today is to touch Komi-san's boo– I mean, her skin. It's totally normal for girls to touch each other!'

Yamai definitely sounds sus.

Najimi: Ah, the bath felt good!

Komi almost jumped since Najimi suddenly spoke.

Komi: You're done already?

Yamai: 'Now, let's hit the bath!'

Yamai followed Komi in the bath's changing room...

Yamai: 'Now, Komi-san, your clothes, take them off. Reveal those melons, which I couldn't see at the pool last summer!'

After 5 minutes, Komi didn't even change, she's just standing.

Komi: 'Someone's definitely staring... I don't know who though...'

It felt like an hour for Yamai.

Yamai: 'Why won't you strip, Komi-san?'

Onemine: Huh? You're not in the bath yet?

Komi: Ah, hehe.. sorry...

Onemine: You too, Agari.

Komi: Ehh!?

Komi just realized Agari's been standing next to her.

Agari: I'm still too embarrassed... to show my body to people.

Komi: Oh, I see.

Agari: During bath time on my junior high trip, I was called "Mega meatballs".

Komi: 'EH!?' T-That must've hurt...

Onemine: W-Well, you should be fine if you cover up with a towel.

Komi: Right, right!

Onemine: Here.

Onemine passed a towel to Agari.

Agari: T-Thank you.

Onemine: I'm actually jealous of you.

Agari: Huh?

Onemine: I'm flat as a board. You've got curves, Himiko, so be proud of them.

Onemine saying Agari's name repeated in her mind as the words of wisdom struck a chord within her.

Agari: O-Okay, Onemine-san!

When Agari undress, Onemine and Komi looked at her with wide eyes.

Onemine & Komi: Mega meatballs.

Agari: '!?'

They then continue onwards to take a bath.

Yamai: 'Tsk! I couldn't see more because of those two got in the way. But when I think about it, I'm sure to get a good view if I wait here.' Heheheh...

Nakanaka looked at Yamai uncomfortably, heard her laugh in a strange way.

Komi and Onemine went in the bath house, wearing a towel to cover their body.

Onemine: Oh, this spot is available.

Onemine sat and Komi sat next to her.
They start taking a bath first.

Onemine: Long hair must be such a pain.

Komi: Hehe, right?

Komi said before tying her hair up to a low bun.
Later she went to the hot spring.

Komi: Ah...

She feels so much better and relax after just a few seconds.

Yamai: Komi-san, Komi-san.

Komi: Ah, yes?

Komi looked at Yamai in confusion.

Yamai: Can I touch your melons?


But Yamai's eyes, they're clear. They're so clear. Like the Alpine plateaus. Like a baby's eyes.
Yamai Ren's intentions are completely pure, Komi's sublime skin has expelled her lecherous intentions.
Now her only desire is to touch Komi's chest...

Komi: N-No way... Not gonna happen.

But Yamai got turned down.


Tadano walks on the halls, going to the room he and his group were going to share.

Naruse: Tadano-kun.

Tadano looks behind him, seeing Naruse and Katai with him.

Naruse: I've got a poem for you.

Tadano tilt his head, curious what kind of poem Naruse made.

Naruse: Bread may just be bread, but there is a bread out there, that can't be eaten. I just could not believe it. That was me back in the day.

Tadano: '!?'

Tadano did not understand Naruse's poem.
The three of them then made it to a shared room.

Katai: 'T-This is the room I'll be sharing with Tadano-kun and others! I'm getting nervous!'

Naruse and Tadano were shocked when Katai was making a scary grin.
Upon entering, they saw the class delinquents.

Tadano: '!?'

Delinquent #1: 'I'm in a room with a bunch of weirdos...'

Delinquent #2: 'I can't get excited at all...'

Delinquent #3: 'H-He's staring...'

The class delinquents can feel Katai glaring at them menacingly.

Katai: 'We're sharing a room, so I should go greet them.'

Katai looks at the class delinquents and smiles, it's a scary one to others.

Katai: Greetings.

Delinquent #1: 'We'll be dead in our sleep...'

They went to the bathhouse and Tadano saw the three delinquents on the hot spring, looking scared and too afraid to even do something like play around.

Tadano: ....

Naruse: Why are you looking so glum? Behold my body and cheer up!

Kometani: *They won't, idiot.

Katai: All... right.

Katai was done taking a shower and the delinquents saw him with a body that's very built.

Delinquents: 'Whoa!'

Katai: Aight!

Delinquents: 'Whooa!!!'

The delinquents are both terrified and amazed at Katai's muscles.
Katai then went to the hot spring, the delinquents also saw another thing that's unlike any other.

Delinquents: 'Whoaaaaa...'

Kometani: *the writer won't describe what it is, it shouldn't be in the first place. Also those three feel better.

Tadano: '???'

After taking a hot spring, they went to the changing room.
Katai looks at his reflection while putting his hands on his face.

Katai: 'Oh no, I forgot my lotion. Without it, my skin gets dry...'

Naruse: Katai.

Naruse pass a lotion bottle to Katai and he catches it.

Naruse: Use this.

They then both use the lotion, applying it on their own face.

Naruse: Katai. You're pretty fit.

Katai: 'Ehh?'

Naruse: Katai.

Naruse then looks at Katai, looking intimidating in just a short time.

Naruse: Undress.

Katai: 'Ehh!?'

After a while Katai remove the upper part of his robe and poses with Naruse.
They're flexing their muscles.

Naruse: Tadano-kun, are you taking pictures?

Tadano nod as he shows the pictures to Naruse and Katai of them posing and showing off their muscles.

Naruse: This is art!

Katai nod in agreement.

Tadano: '!?'

Delinquent #1: Hey. C-Can we... join too?

The three delinquents look like shy girls just for asking if they can join Naruse and Katai, which was a surprise to Tadano.

Naruse: Bring it on.

The delinquents got happy and excited.

Naruse: Okay, let's make some art with Kyoto's night skyline in the background!

There are now five guys posing and showing off their muscles out the changing room, Kyoto's night skyline can be seen out the window.

Tadano: ...

Tadano then takes pictures, each few seconds they'll change poses.
Sooner Chiarai, Sonoda, and Shinobino joins in and poses with the five after seeing Tadano being the one taking pictures.
After for a while, Tadano starts to enjoy it as he waves his left hand, signaling the boys to move a little to the left and gives a thumbs up, seeing that they understood what he meant before taking more pictures.

Sonoda: Woah woah!

Shinobino: This is perfect.

Naruse: Right?

Chiarai: Keep taking pictures as much as you like!

Cat ears had appeared on to of Tadano's head as he take a few pictures of the boys, nodding a few times in excitement.

The girls were already done on their bath, and when Komi went out and look to the hallway on the left, she saw the boys posing while Tadano takes pictures of them.
Komi felt like she's out the galaxy due to how surprised she was seeing them.

Afterwards, at the girl's room.

Najimi: We're gonna have a pillow fight to determine who sleeps where! The rules are simple! The last person standing is the winner!!!

Immediately Najimi threw the pillow she was holding at Kishi.
The girls close every doors and windows as they hold pillows.

Girls: 'We want to sleep next to Komi-san!'

Pillow Fight has began.

Komi: Um...

The girls were moving around, throwing pillows at different directions while Komi couldn't even participate in it.
Suddenly Najimi threw a pillow at Komi's face.

Najimi: What're you waiting for, Komi-san? Komi-san, join-

A pillow hit Najimi before she can even finish talking.

Najimi: Alright, that's it! Stop interrupting when someone's talkin' here!

Najimi then took hold of the pillow that was thrown on her and starts walking towards the other girls, going for a more closer throw.

Komi: Alright... I'll play!

Komi then stands up with a smile, joined everyone playing Pillow Fight.

After awhile, most of the girls were down.
Yamai and Najimi were the last ones standing while looking a little disheveled and some strands of their hair sticking out.

Yamai: Isn't it about time you gave up, Najimi-chan?

Najimi: It seems we've both reached our limit, Yamai-chan.

Yamai and Najimi glared at each other.

Najimi: It's the final...

Yamai: Final throw...

Suddenly someone knocked on their door, all the girls immediately went to their futons without even thinking about specifically where they're sleeping and Najimi turns off the light before lying down a vacant futon.
Komi immediately follow them and pick the last remaining vacant futon.

Their teacher open the door, seeing all of them lying down the futons.

Teacher: Is everyone asleep? ...Good.

The teacher then close the door after receiving no reply, thinking all the girls are asleep.

Komi: ...Are you asleep yet, Najimi?

Najimi: Oy, Komi-san, I can't fall asleep that fast!

Nakanaka: You're too noisy!

Moments later the teacher open the door again to check on them, which took them by surprise and stiffens.

Minutes later, everyone had fallen asleep.
Except for Komi, she was wide awake.

Komi: 'I-I... can't sleep even just a wink...'

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