
By _bookworm2001_

197K 5.2K 832

Caim is someone who doesn't give a shit to anybody or anyone and certainly doesn't show any emotion. He was k... More

01 | just a glimpse
02 | Caim
03 | affection
04 | Lucas has a crush!
05 | tired
06 | ice cream chillin'
07 | kylie dawson.
08 | double shit
09 | cry
10 | something
11 | november cold
12 | stars
13 | i'm okay
14 | friends in need are friends indeed
15 | happy day
16 | nightmare
character aesthetic
17 | mom and dad?
18 | care?
19 | ouch!
20 | Caim is freaking stubborn
21 | the thrill
22 | gunshot
all Characters
23 | distraction
24 | calm before the storm
25 | starting of the storm
26 | bliss
27 | half secrets
28 | blast from the past 1
29 | blast from the past 2
30 | blast from the past 3
31 | sweet home (Layla's pov)
32 | final straw
33 | Lucas's POV
34 | truth untold
35 | promise me you won't hate me
36 | let me in.
37 | unknown
38 | drunk diaries
39 | she's a villain
40 | neck deep
41| tiring day
new story!
42 | Unsettling
43 | insanity lives inside.
44 | buoyancy
45 | misinterpret
46 | mad
47 | bad faith
48 | turning back
49 | Sean
50 | my heart
51 | feelings too many
52 | bittersweet
53 | the truth
54| why?
55 | invasion
56 | hurt
57 | turmoil
58 | belief
59 | shift
60 | distress
61 | raw truth (part 1)
62 | raw truth (part 2)
63 | His decision
64 | call from the underworld
65 | a new step
66 | raven house
67 | another chance?
68 | Nathan

69 | I trust you

270 7 11
By _bookworm2001_

Caim's POV

I was shocked with what Nathan said. I didn't know about Grey's visit to her house. It made me furious but what angered me more was her lack of information. Why didn't she tell me about him coming into her house, into her safe space? Why would she keep it to herself when I clearly told her how dangerous that man is? I know they shared a history, had a past together but that doesn't erase the fact that he has hurt her before and he's trying to do it again. He could've literally done anything to her and I wouldn't have any idea about that.

This set panic in my heart as I dwelled more on the fact that he was inside her house, he was so close to her, he could've done anything, anything and I was unaware. What if something had happened to her? What if he had done something that damaged her?

"What do you mean? wh-why would he do that? He had the locket....why would he give it to me? What does he want from me?" her voice trembled, she was clearly scared and to top it off Nathan was not giving us clear answers. He was being smart. He knows if he give everything away than he won't have anything left against us that could help him win Georgia.

This guy is obsessed with Georgia, has been since he saw her working for Jakub, five years ago. Georgia was the interior designer appointed to renovate the Buoyancy. She was beautiful, smart, and has a personality that lured jacub in. she was known to be the enigma that could calm the raging storm, that was Jacub. He was taken to her the moment she entered the club with her confident self.

Nathan has been after her ever since and left nothing to claim her as his but jacub is a strong man. So after many attempts Nathan finally laid low but now that he has the support of the scorpions, he thinks he can once again strike at Jakub to claim Georgia.

Nathan laughed "you're so naïve, golden girl" he stepped closer to her and I pulled her back into me. There is no way I'm letting this man touch her in any way possible.

He raised a brow, sending a smirk my way. "You already know he doesn't play games, grey has planned a lot and you, my dear, play a crucial role in it. He wants you and he can go to any extent to get what he wants. Right? " Miliani stiffened in my arms. I could feel her rapid breaths on my cheeks. I know she was remembering all the time Grey has scared her, made her shrink in fear but I know her, I know she won't back down this time.

"Whatever is that you want to say, say it clearly Nathan. We both know you like to play around the bush but not here, not when it concern her. I don't have patience and I will fucking kill you" I was getting furious. My hands tightened on Miliani's waist and the other held the gun a little higher, aimed at the fuckers head.

He raised his hands up in a surrendering position which irked me even more. I could pull the trigger right now and he will be dead. I could end this right now but I can't, not when she is already scared. Miliani is shaking; I could feel it against my body, her hands gripping my shirt. I don't want to scare her more by doing something that once took her away from me, I won't be able to bear that; but I need to do something to get us out of here.

"You know what I want Salvatore, I need my Georgia and the locket and the only to get both the things is by taking this girl with me" Nathan said and pulled his own gun out from his holster.

Miliani gasped and gripped me even tighter on my shirt like she was trying to pull me back from the range of Nathan. I was not surprised that he would pull this trick. I was ready for it as my gun was pointed straight to his head.

"if you think that you can get either of them, that you are wrong because Jacub would never let you touch Georgia" I said taking a threatening step towards him but Miliani pulled me back.

"No Caim, don't" she whispered from behind me. Her voice broke which infuriated me.

I slowly unwrapped her hands from around me, "do you trust me?" I asked not removing my eyes from Nathan. Although my focus was on him but my attention was on came out from Mili's lips. Her response could either break us or make us.

"Y-yes" just a single word and my world fall back together.

"Then trust me. Nothing will happen" her grip on me loosened as I step forward. One step, two steps, three steps and we were eye to eye. The urge to smile was getting out of hand but my main focus was getting us out of here.

If he was not scared before, he will be now. Out of nowhere his men all came forward to form a circle around us, protecting their boss but I was no new to these situations.

"Drop the gun Salvatore, you're outnumbered" now it was my turn to smirk, biting my lips between my teeth, I tried to stop the smile that formed because of her words. She trusts me, again.

I shrugged my shoulder, "close your eyes, love. I promise no one dies but no one will leave this place unscathed." I said as I fired the first bullet which hit a guy on his leg, his scream echoed in the mansion. Nathans hand tightened on his gun and I knew he was going to fire in three seconds but before he could, I pulled one of his men in front of me that took the bullet to his shoulder.

I twisted my neck to look for Miliani but saw her crouching down on the floor with her hands covering her ears and eyes tightly closed. I quickly walked back and pulled her up with my other hand while shooting whoever came close to me or tried targeting Miliani.

Nathan was surrounded with four of his men that protected him from getting mauled by any bullet.

"You're okay, c'mon let's get out of here" I pulled her close and quickly ducked under the couch as one bullet whizzed past her head. I was running out of bullet.

"Mili, when I tell you to run, you run and go to my car, okay?" I hold her face in my hands. She shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere without you Caim" her eyes held a fire.

"Salvatore come out there's point in hiding"

I kept still behind the couch as I knew Jacub was almost there, I just need to distract them for a little while.

"You have to go Miliani; I need you to be safe. Please listen to me love, please" I begged but her resolve didn't break as she continuously shook her head negative. I growled in frustration.

"Why do you not listen to me Miliani?"

"I'm not leaving you alone Caim" why is she so stubborn?

"Fine, but you will stay here unless I told you to come out. Can you promise me that?" I asked as the room fell into pin drop silence. She nodded. I kissed her head.

"That's my girl" I pulled her closer and touched my forehead with her for a few seconds.

Without thinking I stood up from my position. Nathan still had his gun in hand and so does his men. They were all waiting for my next move. I pulled out my gun, it was empty but they don't know that. I moved as if I was going to shoot but then I throw the gun and hit Nathan on his head.

He got knocked back which gained me a few seconds to start running the opposite side. The bullets followed. Although, I didn't know what I was doing but this was the last resort to keep Miliani safe and get her out of here. Jacub could come anytime, until then I need to keep them distracted from her.

I was running across the hall when a bullet grazed my shoulder and one hit me straight on my arm. My eyes met her as a hiss left my lips. She tried to rise from her place but I shake my head. I can't fucking risk that. A man came close to me but a bullet was put through his head, as more gun shots were heard.

I looked at the entrance to see Jacub was walking inside with his men. Now, it was Nathan that was outnumbered.

Jacub saw me and gave a nod before shooting a guy on his knee cap. I took that time to pull Miliani out from behind the couch and to the main door.

We ran towards the main entrance just then a guy kicked me on my back which made me stumble. I elbowed him in his neck before twisting his hand and kicking him hard. I pushed Miliani out of the doors before another one could attack us.

Jacub saw me and tossed me a gun which I caught with my good hand before closing the doors. She tried to stop me but before she could I closed them and locked it, leaving the furious looking Miliani behind.

Let's began the game

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