Limits |Noah Sebastian/ Bad O...

נכתב על ידי BadOmensStan

57.4K 2.1K 711

Faith is the youngest of the Folio family, she's grown up around her brother and his friends, supported him w... עוד

1: Home.
2: Little bit of truth.
3: Party
4: Bonding
5: Podcast.
6: Friday night.
7: Shift
8: Home alone.
10: Date night.
11: Surprise guests.
12: The not Halloween party.
13: Next morning.
14: Those eyes like fire.
15: Feelings.
16: Opening up.
17: Day in bed.
18: Hushed date.
19: Busy
20: Third date (Part one)
21: Villa. (Part two)
22: The moment.
23: In this together.
24: Are you. . .
25: Emotions.
26: Canned wine.
27: I am yours.
28: Cared for
29: Headed for disaster
30: The storm is coming down
31: The wait.
32: Forty-eight hours.
33: Taking care.
34: I . . .
35: Are we good?
36: Limits. (END OF ACT-ONE)
1: Tour begins. (ACT-TWO)
2: Hangman vibes.
3: Play the game
4: Interview
5: Not so much alone.
6: Sinking in.
7: Jealousy
8: Remembering the past.

9: Nightmare.

1.3K 54 10
נכתב על ידי BadOmensStan

Authors note: Hello friends, I am sorry there wasn't an update the other week even when I said there would be one. Truthfully, I wasn't in the right mindset to sit down and write but this is a new week which means new beginnings. That also being said, thank you to those who did reach out, your kindness doesn't go unnoticed. Wattpad has also been having a glitch lately where my messages are not working/ repeating themselves so if you were spammed by my messages I am so sorry, I am waiting to also hear back from Wattpad as they said it should be fixed but I wanted to be sure. I am unsure if there will be another update during the week, but I will do my best to try and get one started.

ALSO as a side note, if you do see this message or chapter please, please let me know since Wattpad has been having major issues. If you'd like, you can follow me as I post updates on my message board about future updates and snippets—of course when Wattpad is working properly.
Thank you all for your patience and support.

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of abuse.

The air in my lungs burned as I ran down the hall of the house—my ex chasing after me, his roaring of my name near deafening. I had upset him, pushed him to a limit even I was unsure about getting back from. "Faith!" His voice shook the frames on the walls around me as a sob escaped my lips.
My body ached as I slid into my brothers' room, his closet opened a bit as I slid into it. . . I had gone through this all before, never did I think it would be happening here in my brothers' home, my home. Covering my mouth with a hand, tears slid down my cheeks as I watched through the slats of the closet.

Nearing footsteps had me holding my breath as he entered into my brother's room, I could smell the alcohol already before even seeing a shadow. "Come on baby, you and I have a whole life ahead of us. . . Don't we, Fae" his eyes darkened as he faced the closet.

Taking a step back, my body stumbled rattling the hangers, before I could process what had happened the door swung open and I was being flung to the ground, earning a cry as I looked up at my ex standing there. "No, no!" I cried trying my best to back away from him.

"Wake up, Faith" a smile spread on his face as my own turned to confusion.


"Wake up!"

Gasping, I sat up fast as I looked around my bedroom—the darkness creeping in making me dash for my table side light turning it on. My breathing was uneven as my eyes glanced around the room.
It was a dream.
The time read seven in the morning, I had gotten into bed fully just after two in the morning after a day full of editing and emails.
Feeling the cold sweat on my forehead, I grabbed my phone before making my way upstairs to the bathroom—there was one in the basement, but after the dream I knew there was no way I was going to be getting back to sleep anytime soon.

Splashing water onto my face, I looked in the mirror at my neck—where bruises once lied. "Not real, the dream. . ." reminding myself as my heart continued to race in my chest. "He can't hurt you, not anymore" never again.

Once my breathing was under control enough, I headed out into the kitchen to get myself some water. Of course, every shadow had me yelping like a scared puppy. He still had so much control over me, and he wasn't even here.
Texting Jamie asking if she was awake, my brother and here were still at the lake house with the guys and would be back in a day or so, Noah and I both remained here and to say the least I didn't know what to think of it, we barely spoke but in all fairness I was hiding away in my office most of the time so we would see one another in the odd place of the house here and there.

Phone lighting up, I saw Jamie facetiming me. Accepting her call, I took a seat on the floor with my back against the fridge thanking it silently for the cool steel against my back. "Are you okay, I got your text" Jamie whispered as she tip-toed around the lake house before grabbing her coffee and heading to the front step. I could hear the birds greeting her as she smiled at the view.

"You said you remembered everything from the night we went drinking, right?" my voice soft as I looked at my friend.

Sipping her coffee, she cursed as it burned her lips before nodding her head holding the hot mug close to her. She wore a fluffy robe around her as her hair was up in a messy bun. "I do, what's wrong Fae?" she asked carefully.

Chewing my lip, I could feel my mouth dry out at the nightmare I had, "you told me you had an ex like mine. . . She was a nightmare, did. . . Did you ever have nightmares?" It felt silly asking her this, but I needed someone, and she was literally the only person in my life who I told, even if it was me drunkenly admitting it without meaning it.

"Ugh, well, yeah actually I did. . . It took a little for me to grow out of the nightmares and thankfully I didn't have many, but they were there—Fae, are you having nightmares about him?"

Hand running over my face, a nod was all I needed. "This isn't the first night, I had a dream that I was covered in blood from the night I left, Noah was in the dream telling me I looked great but this dream, I can't shake It from me, I feel like it is clinging on to me more" the memories of the dream would spin around in my head.

"You should think about talking to someone, of course you can always talk to me, but what I mean is think about getting help—just remember, you are not with him anymore, you are living with your brother, and you have a great friend" she winked referring to herself.

"Hey, look who it is!" The door behind Jamie slid open as Nick stepped outside, fishing rod in hand. "Morning are you okay?" He clocked the look on my face before I could plaster a smile on myself.

Nodding my head, I smiled gently at my brother. "I am okay, I am just tired from work the other night, I went to bed just after two in the morning and well here I am to start a whole new day" he rolled his eyes at me.

"You are married to your work, hey, we will be home later this afternoon, so I am going to get one last round of fishing in before then—bye Fae!" He waved as he walked past Jamie.

Once out of range, she looked back at the camera. "Have you and Noah been hanging out much" her brow wiggled in a suggestive manner.

Clicking my tongue, I rolled my eyes at her. I still didn't know what to think, I knew he had a crush on Jamie, but I also knew Jamie and my brother had feelings for one another.
"No, I hardly seen him honestly and ugh. . . I think, I think he has a crush on you" I whispered.

Eyes widening, she shook her head at me. "Oh Fae, so much to learn. Good news, I don't have feelings for him—great news, your brother finally asked me out" she announced.

Mouth hanging open, I looked at her. "When and why didn't you text me?" a laugh as I felt happy for both my friend and my brother.

A shrug on her shoulders, Jamie sat back a bit. "Don't say I said anything, Nick wanted to tell you and he asked me the second night we got here before we got drunk of course."

"Of course" I laughed.

"Okay, well, I will see you in a few hours, if you need me text me okay. And Fae" I hummed to let her know I was listening. "Think about what I said" she said before we said our goodbyes.

Putting my phone on the counter, I stood myself up feeling the anxiety bubble once again at the thought of the nightmare, Jamie was sweet but in a way the chat didn't make me feel a whole of a lot better.
Zoning out, the dream replayed in my mind as I held the glass. Hearing a thump, I yelped as I whirled around, glass in my hand dropping as I looked at Noah who held his hands up in the air—he had knocked against the trash can.

Glass shattering echoed through the kitchen as I cursed myself, grabbing some paper towel, I knelt down to clean up the water before working on the glass. "You okay?" Noah asked as he knelt down and helped pick up the bigger pieces of glass.

Scanning over him, he wore shorts and a black shirt. His hair fell over his face as if he hadn't styled it yet. "Ugh, yeah sorry I didn't mean to get startled" my cheeks burned from embarrassment as Noah grabbed the broom and swept up the glass around the kitchen.

"You seem out of it, are you sure you are okay?" he asked once more as he dumped the glass into the kitchen waste bin.

"I am okay, you're awake early?" I said changing the subject.

"Yeah, didn't think you would be awake right now. . ." he scratched the back of his neck.

What did he mean by that?
Fiddling with my hands, I looked up at Noah who seemed to try and not even look at me. "Noah, why have you been acting so weird around me?" at first it didn't bother me as much but these last few days I felt like he was now going out of his way to not even be around me, which wouldn't work since we were roommates.

"I'm not acting weird" he tried arguing back at me.

"Liar, all week you have been acting weird—where when I first moved in you were joking about making something delicious with me and telling me to have delicious dreams, so, what happened?" Crossing my arms I looked up at him.
Noah nodded his head, his lip between his teeth he seemed unsure of how he was going to say whatever he was going to say. "What ever it is, spit it out—I'm not going to run away, Noah" I said trying to joke gently with him.

His eyes met mine, and for a second I could see he wasn't joking as he said. "When you and Jamie went out drinking, I told you that night I listened to the podcast, I had to bring you home" he said gently.

Looking at him, I knew I made a face as I looked up at him. "Okay, so you listened to the podcast and then told me about it when I was sober?" what was the big deal of that?

Licking his lips, he shrugged his shoulders before continuing. "We brought up you speaking about your crushes you had when you were younger" was he bothered by this because he knew some of the people I had mentioned?

"My crushes bother you? I am sorry, I don't have a crush on them anymore Noah—I understand they're your friends—"

Noah cut me off. "You told me you had a crush on me" my face paled as those words escaped his lips. "Faith, you told me that night that I was your biggest crush—I carried you to bed that night you were so drunk, but you told me" Noah said, his words soft at the end.

My heart raced as I took in the words. I told him.
I told him.
He knows.
Eyes shooting up, I shook my head hands raised. "Look, I was so drunk, I didn't mean to say that, and I am so, so sorry Noah I didn't mean to make you feel awkward or anything we can just forget about the whole thing" I wanted to hide, run anything but be here alone with him.

"Yeah, you were drunk" his words repeated mine.
"Please can we be friends?" my voice barely above a whisper, or maybe it was I couldn't tell with the roaring of nerves in my ears.

Nodding, Noah just turned and headed the way he came away from me. What had I done? I just ruined a friendship of mine, oh gods—what if it affected his friendship with Nick?

The next few hours were far from easy. I remained in my sweaty clothes as Noah hid in his room—voices filled the house as the others announced their arrival back home, instantly filing their way into the kitchen smile on their faces as Nick had his arm around Jamie. "Welcome home" I smiled hugging his side before hugging her.

Noah entered the kitchen, remaining on the other end of the kitchen as he glanced over at me. This wasn't going to be good. "So, since you both weren't there at the cabin—Jamie and I are officially dating" I glanced over at Noah to see how he would react, if he did have a reaction he was good at hiding it.
"And Noah you are coming out on a date with us tonight—I got a lovely lady who would like to accompany you" Nick's eyes slid to my own as his smile beamed.
No, oh god. "And you Fae, I have someone who also is interested in having a nice night with you so all of us are going on one huge fun date night out of course" my shoulders sagged with relief when I heard I wasn't going to be Noah's date.

Part of me did hate the fact I did feel jealous though. "Oh, ugh—I don't know" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Sounds fun" Noah said leaning against the counter.

"Cool! Okay, so I will text everyone the place and then we can either all carpool or meet one another there" Nick smiled as he led Jamie through the house.

Alone with Noah, I glanced him over once more before turning my heel and heading downstairs. How did I get stuck in the middle of this?

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