Midnight Pleasure [THE PLEASU...

By uzuriupendo

119K 2.4K 64

Melora was sold by her father to a man she didn't know for more power and money on her twenty-first birthday... More

Author Note
Chapter One - Melora
Chapter Two - Drystan🌶
Chapter Three - Melora
Chapter Four - Melora
Chapter Five - Melora 🌶
Chapter Six - Drystan 🌶
Chapter Seven - Melora 🌶
Chapter Eight - Drystan 🌶
Chapter Nine - Melora
Chapter Ten - Drystan
Chapter Eleven - Drystan🌶
Chapter Twelve - Melora
Chapter Thirteen - Melora
Chapter Fourteen - Drystan
Chapter Fifteen - Melora
Chapter Sixteen - Melora 🌶
Chapter Seventeen - Drystan
Chapter Eighteen - Drystan 🌶
Chapter Nineteen - Melora
Chapter Twenty - Drystan
Chapter Twenty-One - Melora 🌶
Chapter Twenty-Two - Melora
Chapter Twenty-Three - Drystan
Chapter Twenty-Four - Drystan 🌶
Chapter Twenty-Five - Melora 🌶
Chapter Twenty-Six - Drystan
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Drystan
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Melora 🌶
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Drystan 🌶
Chapter Thirty - Drystan
Chapter Thirty-One - Melora
Chapter Thirty-Two - Melora
Chapter Thirty-Three - Melora
Chapter Thirty-Four - Drystan
Chapter Thirty-Five - Melora
Chapter Thirty-Six - Melora
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Melora
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Drystan 🌶️
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Drystan 🌶️
Chapter Forty - Melora 🌶️
Chapter Forty-One - Melora
Chapter Forty-Two - Drystan
Chapter Forty-Three - Drystan 🌶️
Chapter Forty-Four - Drystan
Chapter Forty-Five - Melora
Chapter Forty-Six - Melora 🌶️
Chapter Forty-Seven - Drystan 🌶️
Chapter Forty-Eight - Melora
Chapter Fifty - Melora
Chapter Fifty-One - Melora 🌶️
Chapter Fifty-Two - Drystan
Chapter Fifty-Three - Melora 🌶
Chapter Fifty-Four - Drystan
Chapter Fifty-Five - Drystan
Chapter Fifty-Six - Drystan
Chapter Fifty-Seven - Melora 🌶️
Thank you!

Chapter Forty-Nine - Drystan

664 18 0
By uzuriupendo

Drystan wrapped his right arm tighter around his mate. They had been riding for a day and a half, wanting to get as much space between them and Alathic's assassins as possible. He looked down at Melora and sighed. Her head leaned against his chest, her eyes closed. She looked peaceful as she slept against him; he almost didn't want to wake her. Keeping his eyes on the dark trail between the horse's ears, he bent down and kissed Melora's temple. "Wake up, princess. We're here."
Drystan felt Melora's body stir against his. He looked around them, scanning the area for any sign of danger. Or of anyone that would cause his mate harm. He knew that most of the men at this camp didn't have a mate. Vampires close to the darkness wouldn't care about taking a woman who already had her other half. He knew that they would try as hard as they could to kill their mate and take the woman. He believed that Carwel wouldn't let anyone come to harm their women. There were already so few of them, but no one could predict the men and what they may or may not do.

Dante and Draco pulled their horses beside him and began leading him through the camp—tents lined on either side of them. Men climbed out of their tents to look at them. Drystan stared back at them with an unmoving expression. He recognized many faces as they moved through the camp but saw some he didn't know. Many compounds had formed over the years after Alathic began his raid on the vampire and human communities. He had guessed that Carwel had sent word out to the other compounds asking for help.

They pulled their horses to a stop before a large, red tent. Carwel's flags flew high above the tent, claiming that this was his camp. Three men stepped up and gripped their reins, keeping the horses in place as they swung off. Drystan wrapped his arm around Melora's waist as they entered the tent. Instantly, different aromas assaulted his nose. Drystan's eyes swept over the tent, stopping when he saw the same black-haired woman from the compound moving around the tent, waving incense above her head.

"Nice of you four to finally join us," Carwel's voice mussed from before him. Drystan's head snapped over in his direction. Carwel was standing on the opposite side of a table, looking down at a series of maps. Drystan stopped across him and looked at the maps. Red circles filled the map with Carwel's scribbles. "Alathic has made a huge fucking mess," he hissed. Drystan looked up to meet his eyes. "He's made a bigger mess after noticing Melora had escaped." Carwel's eyes moved over to Melora and softened, a sad expression on his face. "We are happy you are safe, my dear, but this war will be worse." Carwel pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "I had half a mind to bring the three of you back and return for Melora after everything was over."

"We don't know how long that would have lasted, Carwel," Donte mentioned slowly. His eyes moved over to Drystan, but Drystan's eyes never moved from Carwel's. Drystan didn't appreciate the way that he was speaking to Melora. He had felt that guilt that flushed through Melora's body as Carwel told her that all of the pain of suffering was because of her. Although, Carwel couldn't be more wrong. They all knew that Alathic was a sadistic man. Even if he weren't searching for Melora, Alathic would still ensure that chaos was happening. Drystan fully believed that the reason for so much pain and suffering worldwide was because of Alathic and his minions.

"None of this is my mate's fault," Drystan growled deeply.

Carwel's eyes snapped up to his, slight fear moving across his eyes. "That is not what I meant, Drystan. You know that I do not blame your mate." He carried a hand around himself, indicating about everyone in the room. "No one here believes your mate is to blame for Alathic's destruction. All of us know what kind of person Alathic is, Drystan."

Drystan gave him a long, hard look before nodding. He made sure to send Melora a quick reassuring message that none of this was her fault and that she had nothing to have guilt about. He looked down to see her nod slightly. "What would you have us to do, Carwel?"

Carwel took a deep breath and looked down at the table before him. He placed his hands on the table and leaned on them. "We have to wait until the time is right to strike."

"Alathic will just continue to build his army," Draco chimed in quickly, folding his arms across his chest. "If we wait for the right time to attack, we will lose."

Carwel shook his head. "We will not lose, Draco," he sighed. "We cannot afford to lose."

"Then the time to strike is now," Dante urged. "The best time is to strike in the morning. All their powers are weakened during the day, including Alathic's."

Drystan shook his head. "Our powers and strength are also weakened during the day. It would still be a fair fight, but one that would cause way too much death than there already will be." He felt Melora's body tense underneath his arm. He pulled her closer to him. Drystan would have preferred her not to overhear their discussion for war, but he didn't trust any other men in this camp to watch over his woman. This has to be talked about, my love, he explained to her.

Melora wrapped her arms around her waist. I just don't want to hear about the possibility of you being killed by Alathic or any of his men, she responded. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I want to leave.

I wish you didn't have to hear about any of this, Melora, but I do not trust any camp men to keep an eye on you.

I do not need anyone to watch me, Drystan, Melora sighed. He felt the inward eye roll at his possessiveness. I can take care of myself just fine.
I know you can, princess, Drystan chuckled. These men are much stronger than you are. If anything happened to you, I would be unable to control the beast threatening to come out. Do you understand?

Melora took a moment to answer as if she was thinking over what he was telling her. Yes, she finally answered. I understand.

Good. Drystan turned his attention back to the three men arguing over the table.

"We don't know where any of his camps are," Carwel said through clenched teeth. "All on this map are where his minions have struck and killed. No. Maimed. I have sent out scouts to follow his minions after they struck, but we have had no luck." He sighed and shook his head. "It's almost as if they just disappeared."

Drystan felt Melora stir beside him. Did you hear of anything about Alathic being able to summon his minions back and forth from his castle?
No. She shook her head quickly.

Drystan pushed his mate before him as he leaned closer to the table. "There has to be a pattern, Carwel. Alathic doesn't do anything without a purpose. He doesn't take chances without learning about every possible situation and solution." He pointed to the red circles on the map. "We need to study where these attacks are happening and determine where his camp is. He cannot be summoning them back and forth from the castle. No one is strong enough to summon that many demons and minions back and forth. No one." He looked back up at Carwel.

Carwel shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "No, Drystan, there is not a pattern. I would have seen it by now if there was one."

"It wouldn't be obvious," Drystan explained further. "It would still be hard to figure out the pattern, but he would have one." He looked back down at the table. "We do not have time to be slow about this. I will go out and look myself if need be, but I will not leave my mate unprotected. The last time that had happened, I lost her. I will not loose her again."

"Drystan," Draco started slowly. "You know that none of us would let any harm come to our little sister. We would protect her with our lives."
Carwel nodded his agreement. "Help me figure out his pattern, Drystan. We need to win this battle."

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