Sword Art Online's Assassin

By tankiss01

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(y/n) was about to celebrate SAO day when suddenly he is put into the world of SAO itself. Now fighting for h... More

information (edited)
Welcome to a new world of life and death
Floor 1
New friend's
Welcome to the brotherhood
The Moonlit Black Cats
Legends never die
The Dragon Tamer
Thanksgiving Special
The Master Blacksmith
The Black Swordsman and Lightning Flash
The Blue-Eyed Demon
Welcome to The Knights of the Blood Oath
Girl of Morning Dew
Can We Go Back
The Battle To End All Battles (The end of the Aincrad arc)
Christmas Special
Welcome To The Dessert of The Real (The beginning of the Fairy Dance Arc)
Welcome to Alfheim Online
Thank You
New Allies And New Enemies
A Duelist's Opponent
Truth's Revealed
Truth's Revealed Part 2
You Reap What You Sow (The End of The Fairy Dance Arc)
Fun Facts
The World of Guns (Beginning of the Phantom Bullet Arc)
The Assassin Returns to Gun Gale
Death Gun
Welcome to The Warzone
Back In Black
Laughing Coffin and Past Trauma
The Assassin vs. Death (The End of The Phantom Bullet Arc)
Thank you 2
(y/n) vs
Excalibur ( The Calibur arc)
Duel of The Fates (The Beginning of the Mother's Rosario Arc)
The Sleeping Knights
The Absolute Sword's Resolve (The end of The Mother Rosario Arc)
Sachi's Return
The Assassin's and Their Skills
Welcome Back, Assassin (The beginning of the Ordinal Scale Arc)
Memories and Dreams
Walking Into the Vipers Den
"And I Count My Sins" (The End of The Ordinal Scale Arc)
Street Racing Online
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
There's Still A Job To Do (The Beginning of The Alicization Arc)
"You Got To Be So Cold, To Make It In This World"
Welcome To Another World Of Pain
Truth's Revealed Part 3
Time to Run the Gauntlet
Time to Run the Gauntlet Part 2
The Final Push
The Most Important Fight of Our Lives (the End of The Alicazation Arc)
Truth Or Dare
A Reunion With An Old Friend
Introducing New and Old Friends
The Formation of a Brotherhood
Truth or Dare Part 2
Can't Help Falling In Love
Our Job Isn't Done Yet (The Beginning of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Character Profile
An Assassin's Playground
The Spirit of a Warrior
The Calm Before The Storm
The Return of A Hunter
Night Time Fun
An Animal is Always Most Dangerous When it's Cornered
Sī Vīs Pācem, Parābellum
(y/n) Vs. Part 2
History Is Written By The Victor
Choices Have Consequences
The Rules Have Changed
I Make My Own Luck
One Last Dance
Finale Part 1 (The End of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Boy's Night
The Good Kind of Payback (Night Time Fun Part 2)
Finale Part 2
The End

Returns and Confusion

342 11 28
By tankiss01

(y/n) POV

August 1st 2026

Me, Kazuto, Asuna, Suguha, Asada, Rika, Keiko, Sachi, Andrew, and Ryoutarou were watching TV at Dicey's with a few other people and we were watching the press conference that Rinko was doing.

Rinko: Thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here. Today, the institute is announcing the birth of the world's first true Artificial Intelligence.

Rinko pauses for a moment and a lot of people are taking pictures.

Rinko: I'd like to introduce you to Alice, Eugeo, Ronye, Tiese, and Selka.

All 5 of them walk about and the amount of photos people are taking increases to a ridiculous degree.

(y/n): That's just way too many pictures.

Sugu: Yeah.

All 5 of them were dressed in school uniforms. Alice walked forward and moved her arm so that her fist was on her chest. She moved her other hand so that it was on her waist and bowed and the others copied her.

Alice: People of the real world, good day to you. My name is Alice, Alice Synthesis 30.

Eugeo: I'm Eugeo.

Ronye: My name is Ronye.

Tiese: And my name is Tiese.

Selka: And I'm Selka.

Keiko: Wow, they're wearing our school's uniform.

Rika: I heard they asked for it specifically. They said they wanted to wear "the same uniform as the knights who helped and saved them". Though that was not their first choice. Alice wanted to wear the blue and gold armor that (y/n) mentioned and the others wanted to wear, what was it?

(y/n): *chuckles* Eugeo wanted to wear his blue outfit from when we invaded Centoria, Ronye, and Tiese wanted to wear their page outfits from the sword academy and Selka wanted to wear her nun outfit.

Sugu: I bet Rath saw how much it'd cost to make gold-plated armor and were like nope.

Everyone laughed at the joke, even (y/n).

(y/n): You're probably right.

I looked back at the screen and looked over all 5 of them.

(y/n): They sure didn't skimp on getting their looks just right. It's like a one-to-one copy.

Kazuto: Yeah.

Rinko: We'll  take your questions. *pause* Yes?

Reporter 1: I'd like to start with what we're all wondering, how are Alice, Eugeo, Ronye, Tiese, and Selka different from any other programmable robots that have been developed so far?

Rinko: Their brains actually. I'm referring to the mind, not the organ. Their conciseness, which is stored in their photonic brain in their skulls, isn't a program made up of binary code. Essentially it functions the same as a human brain, that's what makes them different from the robots we have currently.

Reporter 1: Perhaps you could show what you meant with a demonstration, I'm sure my colleagues here and the viewers at home would appreciate it.

Rinko: If you look in the handouts we provided you'll find their touring test results there.

Reporter 1: I was hoping for something more, a visual example say, opening one of their skulls and showing us what this photonic brain looks like.

My hand instantly turned into a fist and if I was there I would have decked him.

Rinko: I-

Alice: Of course.

Rinko: *confused*

Alice: I would not mind. But first, could you please prove to us that you are not a robot? It is only fair.

(y/n): Damn, that was a good one.

Reporter 1: W-Well I'm obviously human, how would I go about proving that?

(y/n): There are quite a few ways that you can.

Alice: It is simple, I could open up your skull and show everyone here your brain.

Crowd: *confused*

(y/n): *chuckles*

Sugu: *nervous laugh* Alice sure isn't messing around.

(y/n): It's to prove a point.

The guy sits down and then someone else stands up.

Reporter 2: Umm, this question is for Dr. Kojiro, labor unions have raised the concern before, about the use of advanced AI in industry causing unemployment to rise even further, are those fears unfounded?

Rinko: Let me make one thing perfectly clear, our institute has no intention of providing true AI for application in simple labor.

Reporter 2: But the fanatical sector seems to have hopes you will, in fact, the stocks of industrial robot manufacturers shot up when you announced this presser.

Rinko: A true AI, or rather what we like to call an artificial fluctlight, is not the sort of thing that can be mass-produced in a short amount of time.

I was smirking and everyone was smiling.

Rinko: They're born as infants and raised by their families from children till adulthood just like us, they mature and develop their own unique personalities, just like us. To force an intelligence like that to spend their existence as a robot in some factory is inhumane and should not be allowed.

Reporter 2: Doctor, I'm sorry but are you saying that AIs should have the same rights as humans?

Rinko: At this point in time, I don't expect any of you to accept artificial fluctlights as human beings with human rights, that's a topic that requires a more thoughtful discussion, however, I believe that in a century or 2, our society will advance to the point where we'll be living with them as equals, interacting freely with them and accepting them as ordinary, we'll even marry and start families with them, it's only a matter of time really and since a shared future with them is inevitable it would be immoral to subject them to slavery.

Reporter 2: But they're not like us. Their existence is totally different from ours, they're mechanical, made by humans in a factory, how are we supposed to accept them as equal to us when their bodies aren't even flesh and blood?

(y/n): That stupid bitch needs to shut her mouth because she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

Rinko: I-

Alice moves her hand to stop Rinko from talking.

Alice: If I may speak quite frankly, We accept you real-world humans for what you are, our creators, and we are grateful to you for creating us, when we learned of your existence a man from my world pointed something out, suppose the real world also had a creator, who created them and how many more creators are there behind them? *gets up* I ask you, if your creator appeared before you one day and made you their slaves, how would you respond to that? Would you grovel, pledge loyalty, beg for mercy? As of now, I have met some of your kind and enjoyed their company, and even though I am a stranger here, they have welcomed me, welcomed us, and supported us. We have learned much from them and they have shown us so many sights. I am very fond of them, we all are, and that is not all, I feel deeply for one of them, dare I say I love him and the thought of not being able to see him now pains me so, it feels like this metal chest would burst.

Everyone that was at the conference and everyone at Dicey's was silent.

(y/n): (inaudible whisper) Alice.

She moves her hand out to everyone and everyone follows suit.

Alice: We extend our hand in friendship to the people of the real world and hope you will take it but I will not kneel to you nor grind my head to the dirt for your favor. I will not because we are human too.

The TV started playing the news aftermath and we're all just silent. I was thinking about Kikuoka and Higa during the original show and how much was involved just to steal Alice. But at least Kikuoka didn't turn them into weapon AI and I give him props for that, Man had balls for doing that. The press conference started again.

Rinko: Ultimately our hope is that you'll meet artificial fluctlights in the virtual world, to experience who they are and perhaps you'll change your mind, that's all we ask of anyone watching this broadcast today. Go and see for yourself.

Reporter 3: Umm Doctor. *gets up* That all sounds nice but have you considered all to possibilities? What if they decide to I don't know, rise up and take us over?

(y/n): *sighs annoyed*

Rinko: We have considered that possibility but it's a stretch.

Alice's eyes went wide and she started looking around almost frantic like she was panicking.

Rinko: That could only happen if say we tried to exterminate their kind first.

Reporter 3: Ok but when you think of all the movies and book up to now-

Alice gets up while he was talking.

Alice: Please, excuse me. I must take my leave now.

Alice, Eugeo, Ronye, Tiese, and Selka all walked away and out of the conference.

Sugu: What happened?

(y/n): That last question got to all of them.

Asuna: How did you know?

(y/n): If you watched her eyes then you would have seen everything. After the first part of what Rinko said, Alice's eyes went wide and were blown out. She started looking around a little frantically. It affected the others too but they hid it more.

Asuna: Oh.

timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) worried for chibi Alice, Eugeo, Ronye, Tiese, and Selka

August 5th 2026

(y/n): They ran away?

Rinko: Yeah. I think they might have been overwhelmed by the interviews and things we had scheduled for them. I always checked with them to see if were tired and needed a break but they'd just smiled and shook their heads and said they were fine.

(y/n): I figured. After they walked away from the interview I knew something was bugging all of them. But we'll just wait, they'll be coming to us.

Rinko: How do you know?

(y/n): You forget I know everything Rinko. Also, I suggest giving them some time off, talk to you soon.

I end the call and walked downstairs to join Kazuto and Suguha. We started watching TV when the doorbell rang.

Kazuto: I'll get it.

He gets up and walks out of the room. I was snickering and Sugu noticed.

Sugu: What's got you snickering?

(y/n): We're going to get an interesting surprise soon.

Sugu: What do you mean?

(y/n): Let's just say that we're going to get some guests.

Sugu: Alice, Eugeo, Ronye, Tiese, and Selka?

(y/n): Yep.

Kazuto: Ahhh!


I start laughing when I got up along with Sugu. I was still laughing when I walked over to Kazuto.

Kazuto: Really?

(y/n): Did you get scared by Alice, Zuzu?

Kazuto: *grumbles* You knew?

(y/n): You have to remember that I know everything that happens Kazuto. Now get up you look ridiculous on the floor.

I pull him up and then walked over to the large box. All 5 of them were packed in there like a can of sardines. I unpack all 5 of them out of the box. Once they were all out of the box and changed into their clothes, we plugged them in.

(y/n): Geez you guys, everyone's worried about you.

Alice: We know, and we're sorry about that.

(y/n): But I understand why. Stuff like that can be stressful.

Alice: But I was desperate to speak to you alone and not in your virtual form but your real physical self, just you and I face to face, and the others wanted to talk to you or Kirito or both of you.

I gave Alice a small nod as I turned around and pulled out my phone and called Rinko.

Rinko: (y/n), why are you calling me?

(y/n): I'm just calling to tell you that they're here and they're fine, just like I said.

Rinko: Alright. Tell them I said hi and that I'm not upset and I feel bad for all that they are going through. I'm going to give them some time off so do you think you can let them stay over at your and Kazuto's place?

(y/n): Sure and we can introduce them to the others.

Rinko: Alright. I'll talk to you soon.

(y/n): Alright, bye.

I hang up the phone and walked over to the others.

(y/n): She says hi and she's not upset. She feels bad for all that you're going through.

Alice: *sighs in relief*

(y/n): She also said you can have some time off so you can spend it here so that we can introduce you to our friends if you wanted.

Eugeo: She said we could?

Alice: *gets up* Really?

(y/n): Yep.

Alice: If that is the case, I'd like you to show me around your home.

(y/n): *chuckles* Alright. You guys in?

The 4 of them: Yeah!

Eugeo: But before we go I want to ask, *looking towards Suguha* what is your name?

(y/n): Ah yes, we should make introductions, this is Suguha.

Eugeo: So your Kazuto's sister.

Sugu: Yeah. Wait, how did you know I was his sister?

Eugeo: Oh (y/n) mentioned you by name.

Sugu: He did huh?

Alice: Kazuto?

Kazuto: Oh yeah, Kirito is not my real name, it's Kazuto.

Alice: Oh. And (y/n)?

(y/n): That's my real name.

Alice: Oh.

(y/n): Well then, we should begin the tour.

Alice walks over to me all excited and it's cute.

(y/n): I've got a place that you might enjoy.

The 8 of us all walk over to the dojo. Once everyone walked inside Kazuto saw what was left of the blood from me losing it a little and I felt a small phantom pain from my knuckles.

Kazuto: Umm, why is there blood on the wall?

(y/n): That'd be from me.

Kazuto: What do you mean?

I moved my hand up and he quickly saw my knuckles.

Kazuto: What happened?

(y/n): I may have lost it a little when you went into a coma.

Kazuto: (y/n).

(y/n): Hey I should have been the one in there, not you. Look I'm fine and the fact that you're back is the most important part, and this time Eugeo isn't dead.

Kazuto: Yeah.

Alice: Huh?

(y/n): I'll explain that at a later date.

Alice: Ok. *bows*

Kazuto: It also makes sense why you never bow (y/n), you're from America and you were never taught this kind of stuff.

(y/n): Nope, plus I don't do it because I'd feel like I'd be disrespecting someone since I was never taught this type of stuff.

Kazuto: It's alright.

Alice walks over and grabs a sword and looks it over.

Alice: Interesting. Such a peculiar training sword. Quite different from those in The Underworld.

Alice turns around and is smiling and I start smirking.

(y/n): With that look, I wouldn't know if you wanted a duel or a dance.

Alice: *blushing*

Eugeo: (quietly) Is he always that smooth and confident?

Kazuto: Yeah, nearly all the time. The number of times I've seen her blushing like a tomato show's it. *pointing to Suguha*

Sugu: Hey!

Alice was frozen in front of me and her face was very red.

(y/n): So what'll it be, or did I accidentally break you?

Alice seems to snap out of it but her face is still red.

Alice: A duel.

She tosses the sword at me and I easily catch it. She grabs another sword and stands in front of me.

(y/n): Now remember Alice, *flashes her a crooked smile* I love a good fight.

We are both ready for a fight and I wait. She makes the first move and I manage to dodge out of the way of her strike. She tried to get me but I just jumped back a little. She went for another strike and I blocked it. We clashed for a moment and both of us backed off. She went for another swing and I ducked under it. I went for a strike and she was able to block it. I then went for 5 consecutive strikes and she was able to block them all. She went for a hit and I ducked under it. I waited and made it seem like I was open and Alice tried it. She went for a swing and fell right into my trap. I ducked under and went for a swing but she blocked it.

(y/n): Impressive.

I removed the jacket I was wearing and threw it away. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. I looked over at Alice and her entire face was red but she quickly snapped out of it. My eyes fully focused and she noticed. We both went for a strike and ended up in a clash with both of us putting as much strength as we can into each sword. Both swords broke and both of our momentums pushed us forward. My faster reaction time allowed me to dodge out of the way of her head. She fell on the floor and rolled on her back. Before she could even react I got on top of her and straddled her, grabbed both of her wrists with one hand and held them down, and had my other arm readied so that if I had a hidden blade it would be near her throat. She struggled a little but I wouldn't budge even a little. After a minute she gave up.

Alice: Alright, I yield.

I let go of her wrists and moved my other arm so that both were supporting me. Alice moved up and was next to my ear.

Alice: I will be alright now (y/n), I know I can survive in this world. Wherever I go, I will be myself as long as I can wield a sword. I have realized, that my fight is not over yet and neither is yours so I will look forward and only forward and keep moving ahead.

(y/n): Don't worry, we'll see you guys again and I'll always be with you, even when I'm gone from this world.

I think we both realized the position we were in and we both locked eyes on each other. Her face became even redder than ever. I slowly got up and held my hand out. She grabbed my hand and I pulled her up. Once she was on her feet she walked up and hugged me.

Alice: Thank you for that. Fanatio was right, you'll duel anyone and you do it with respect no matter who they are.

(y/n): Of course.

I grab my jacket and sling it over my shoulder. All of us walk out of the dojo.

Kazuto: Ok I need to ask something.

(y/n): Shoot.

Kazuto: How the fuck are you able to have the strength that surpasses Andrew and even Alice a little and can dodge full-speed strikes like it's nothing?

(y/n): Well, after we got out of SAO I got not only these, *messing with the scars* but I also got some strength, speed, and agility from there as well. I didn't find out until I dueled Suguha in the real world.

Kazuto: Oh.

Alice: So you've dueled him before?

Sugu: Yeah and got my butt handed to me, and I do kendo. I guess his skills from SAO outclass us all.

Alice: Why is he so skilled?

Kazuto: Because he spent 3 months hunting down some of the most dangerous and skilled killers in all of SAO, Laughing Coffin.

Alice: Who's Laughing Coffin?

(y/n): The murder guild of SAO. Bastards would kill for fun and sick pleasure. You thought me killing both of those bastards in The Underworld was the first time, you are sorely mistaken.

Kazuto: So what happened to Johnny Black after I got poisoned, I never asked.

(y/n): I slit his throat with my own homemade hidden blade.

Kazuto: Oh.

(y/n): 2 of the 3 heads will be burning in hell for what they've done and the third will be rotting in a prison cell, forever.

Alice: So that's where the scars come from. SAO and your time hunting down Laughing Coffin.

(y/n): A majority of them. See not all of them are from Laughing Coffin. I have a really bad one on the front of my body that was from someone else.

Alice: I know.

Eugeo: We don't.

(y/n): Maybe another time.

All of us walk back inside.

timeskip brought to you by chibi Alice getting excited about something and chibi (y/n) smiling

Sugu: Kazuto tripped and fell.

Ronye: Really?

Eugeo: Yeah, he's that clumsy.

Everyone else was talking while Kazuto's father I think was looking at both of us with a cold glare. Kazuto looked a little down and I was looking at him without flinching.

Kazuto's father: Kazuto, (y/n). We have a lot to talk about.

My eyes narrow.

Kazuto's father: First things first, I believe you owe your mother and I a proper apology.

(y/n): What for? Because I'm the one who tried to save his ass and have saved it multiple times so if anything I should be the one giving the apology for that so I'm sorry I couldn't stop it.

Kazuto's mom: We're used to it by now.

Kazuto and (y/n): Huh?

Kazuto's mom: Besides, this time, what you were doing was something very important right? If you say you're going to do something then do it, thought (y/n), you do it anyway no matter what. It's the same with writing a book or sticking to a deadline.

Sugu: Mom that's your experience.

(y/n): But it's still similar.

Kazuto's Father: Your mother left something out, for days she had no idea where you were and she was getting sick from worrying.

(y/n): Blame Kikuoka for that.

Kazuto's Father: And even though you are not related to us at all (y/n), after you left, she was worried about you as well. I understand the importance of what you accomplished however that does not mean that you get a pass. Kazuto where should your focus be now?

Kazuto: On high school, that's it.

Kazuto's Father: Exactly and that's where you should be putting all of your efforts, not just during class but all the time.

(y/n): If I may, Kazuto is probably the smartest bastard I know and if you cause him to focus just on high school then it will cost him a lot.

Kazuto's Father: Like what?

(y/n): The friendships he has and the chance to have fun and life before the real world kicks him and grinds him down. He should be able to still enjoy a childhood before having to live in the real world because being an adult sucks.

Kazuto: I know, I have to study hard to get into college.

Kazuto's Father: It's already the summer of your junior year, your mother said you wanted to go to America and study there, is that still your plan?

Kazuto: Well, I was thinking about that and, *bows* I'm sorry, I sort of changed my mind.

Kazuto's Father: Sort of how?

Kazuto: I still want to major in electrical engineering but here, at the Toto Institute actually. After that I want to work at Rath- I mean The Oceanic Exploration and Research Institute.

Alice gets with her eyes wide. Kazuto smiles at her and Alice is very happy.

(y/n): When you get there, if you even need me to do something inside The Underworld, give me a call and I'll be there as quickly as I can.

Kazuto: Thanks.

(y/n): Of course brother.

Alice: Sir. Kazuto and (y/n) follow the path they believe is just, just like me. And I know this because despite being ordinary students in this world, in my world, they were the greatest swordsman of all. 2 who fought gallantly to protect countless others, ones who fought through the most difficult and the most skilled fighters we had just to get to me and to protect these 4. They are heroes

Kazuto and (y/n): Alice.

Kazuto's Father: Yes I know, in fact, his mother and I know about everything he's done and we both know about what (y/n) has done as well. They're as much heroes in this world as they were in yours, aren't you Black Swordsman, Assassin?

Kazuto reacts in shock while I drop my head a little.

Kazuto's Father: We also know about your secret too (y/n).

(y/n): You told them Suguha?

Sugu: Yeah.

(y/n): They probably would have found out eventually so now I don't have to explain everything.

Kazuto's Father: Kazuto, (y/n), to choose a path, to study, to attend a university and get a job, those are just part of a process and the fruits of your labor but it's ok to change your mind, just try to live without regrets it's all we expect from you.

Kazuto bows to his parents.

Kazuto: I will promise. Thanks, Dad, Thanks, Mom.

(y/n): Thank you for allowing me to stay as well, you didn't have to.

Kazuto's Father: You're welcome. But I want to ask you something.

(y/n): Sure.

Kazuto's Father: How much is left of this story?

(y/n): One more season, War of The Underworld.

Kazuto's Father: I see, I want you to promise me something (y/n).

(y/n): Anything.

Kazuto's Father: When this happens, I want you to protect those 2 with everything you have.

(y/n): *bows head a little* You have my word, and I usually tend to keep my word.

Kazuto's Father: Thank you.

(y/n): Of course.

Me, Alice, and Kazuto get up and walk over to Kazuto's room. I open the door for both of them and all 3 of us walk inside.

(y/n): Now I'll tell you something else, there are other ways to get back into The Underworld if we need to besides The Ocean Turtle but Kikuoka has the place still. We'll need to go back at some point but for now, we don't have to worry.

Kazuto: Good.

Alice: So we can go back. *hugs (y/n)*

(y/n): Yeah but I'd love to not have to worry about someone dying or having to deal with the pain of getting hit by a sword for a while.

Alice: Yeah.

Alice ends the hug with me and the 3 of us began talking. Eugeo joined us after a little while and I think the girls were all in Suguha's room.

Alice: Umm (y/n), could I talk to you a second, alone?

(y/n): Yeah, sure.

Both of us walk outside and towards the stairs when she stops in front of me.

Alice: (nervously) Can I tell you something?

(y/n): Sure.

Alice: (nervously) W-Well during the press conference I said I was in love with someone.

(y/n): Yeah.

Alice: Well, I-I w-was talking about you.

(y/n): I know. Look, I'll tell you something that I've told the boys but you can't tell anyone else, promise me.

Alice: I promise.

(y/n): Alright, I'll tell you. I'm in love with not only you but also with Keiko, Rika, Suguha, Asada, Sachi, and Yuuki.

Alice: *saddened* Oh. I see.

(y/n): Look, you'll meet the others except for Yuuki.

Alice: Why not Yuuki?

(y/n): She's stuck in the hospital because of an illness so she can't talk to us physically.

Alice: Alright.

(y/n): But the thing is that I don't want you guys fighting over me and I don't want to be forced to choose between you guys because I care about you guys too much.

Alice: So what do you want to do?

(y/n): Try to get to know the others and wait until all of you guys confess. I want you guys to work something out then because if you guys fought, it'd break my heart.

Alice: Alright. I won't tell the others and I'll wait.

(y/n): Thank you.

Both of us walk back inside of Kazuto's room and we began talking again.

Suguha POV

I watched as the both of them went back inside Kazuto's room and I was stunned by what he said. He loves the 7 of us and he doesn't want us fighting. I'll keep it secret for now and wait for the others. I walk back inside and I looked over at Ronye, Tiese, and Selka and they were looking at me with interesting looks.

Suguha: What?

Ronye: Why is your face red?

Suguha: Huh?

Tiese: Yeah your face is really red.

Shit, I'm blushing like an idiot. I shake my head a little and sit down in front of the 3 of them.

Suguha: Can I tell you 3 something but you can't say this to anyone?

Tiese: We won't tell anyone so what is it?

Ronye: Is it a secret crush?!

Suguha: Not so loud!

Ronye: Sorry.

Suguha: I'm just worried that they'd be able to hear us.

Selka: There's a wall in-between us and them.

Suguha: I wouldn't trust it when (y/n) is on the other side. I don't know how good his hearing is but it's very sharp and it's probably an effect from SAO as well.

Ronye: Oh.

We all started talking in quieter voices.

Tiese: So what is it?

Suguha: W-Well I overheard Alice and (y/n) talking.

Selka: What were they talking about?

Suguha: Well she said that the person mentioned who she loved during the conference was (y/n).

Tiese: And you love him too don't you?

Suguha: I do.

Ronye/Tiese/Selka: Aww.

Suguha: But that's not all thought.

Tiese: What else was there?

Suguha: He said that he loves me, Alice, Keiko, Rika, Asada, Sachi, and Yuuki. You'll meet the others tomorrow except for Yuuki because she's stuck in the hospital.

Ronye: Ok.

Tiese: And you feel conflicted, right?

Suguha: It's not that. It's just that after how long I've known him and how long I've had these feelings for him, for him to confirm that he feels the same makes me happy but for him to say it's multiple people, it doesn't surprise me at all. He said that he didn't want us fighting for him because it'd break his heart to see us fighting.

Tiese: And how would you feel if all of you were together?

Suguha: You mean the 7 of us together with him?

Tiese: Yeah.

Suguha: I guess I'd still be happy and I think I'd be fine with sharing him because I've been friends with 4 of them for a long while and Yuuki's really nice. But I don't know how the others will react, Alice seemed fine with it but it's the others I worry about.

Tiese: What do you mean?

Suguha: Well 2 of them have known him longer than I have and probably have harbored romantic feelings for him for longer and they might fight. I don't want to hurt any of my friends but I love him so, so much.

Ronye: I see. I say you should talk to the others about it and see if you could compromise on something.

Suguha: But (y/n) told Alice to keep it secret from everyone and that's what I want to do too.

Ronye: But if none of you want to cause any heartbreak to him, you have to talk about it and come up with something.

I sat there for a minute thinking.

Suguha: You're probably right. I think me and Alice will have to talk first so that way we can come up with a plan to tell the others.

Ronye: *gently puts a hand on Suguha's shoulder* If (y/n) really loves and cares about you guys, which I have no doubts about, he'll accept all of you because you guys mean everything to him.

Suguha: Thank you Ronye.

I smile at her gently and she returns it.

Suguha: So enough about me, who do you 3 like?

Tiese and Selka's faces both went red out of embarrassment.

Suguha: Who is it?

Tiese: Umm, we both like Eugeo.

Suguha: Really, both of you?

Selka: Yeah.

Suguha: And you 2 are aware of each other's feelings.

Tiese: Yep.

Suguha: Hmm. So, when are you going to tell him?

Selka: Later on, probably once all of the interviews and stuff are over.

Suguha: Smart. What about you Ronye?

Ronye: No, no one.

Suguha: Not even my dumb brother?

Ronye: I view him as more of an older brother if anything.

Suguha: Huh.

There was a knock on the door.

Suguha: Come in.

Alice opened the door and then closed it behind her. She walked over to us and sat down beside me.

Suguha: Hey Alice.

Alice: Hi.

The 5 of us talked for a while longer before we all went to bed.

timeskip brought to you by chibi Alice and Suguha planning together

(y/n) POV

August 6th 2026

Me, Kazuto, Suguha, Alice, Eugeo, Ronye, Tiese, and Selka were all walking to Dicy's where everyone else was. We were talking along the way.

Alice: So these friends of yours, are they as accepting of us as you were?

(y/n): Oh yeah. These guys are about the best people you could ever meet.

I look over to Alice and she still looks a little worried. I slow down a little and gently put one hand on her shoulder.

(y/n): Don't worry, these guys are my best friends and so are you guys. It'll be ok.

All of us arrive at Dicy's and I give Alice one last look and she doesn't look as nervous. I open the door and saw everyone sitting inside.

(y/n): Hey guys.

Well, that's it for this one and I'm now over 5600 words so I'm going to split this and the introductions into 2 parts. I hope you have enjoyed this one and I hope you have enjoyed the story so far. This will now really start sowing the seeds of the harem and it'll happen in a few more parts. Leave a suggestion if you have any and I'll go now. Goodbye, guys.


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