Mothra - Ben 10: Omniverse (O...

By AlexNeko_990

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Mothra (Ongoing) ⏳ --- Lunaris Frost, or Luna has a lot questions, that are just left unknown to him. Why was... More

Meet My Character
Chapter One: The new Trio
Chapter Two: Undertown Chase
Chapter Three: Patrolling Night
Chapter Four: Spark Ignite
Chapter Five: Mutant Ants
Chapter Six: Heatwave
Chapter Seven: Screegit
Chapter Eight: Quartilloptus Soup
Chapter Nine: Told you so
S2|Meet My Characters
S2|Chapter Ten: Temporarily Back
S2|Chapter Eleven: Half Naked
S2|Chapter Twelve: Short Squad
S2|Chapter Thirteen: Mr. Smoothy Night
S2|Chapter Fourteen: Bullseye
S2|Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the Family
S2|Chapter Seventeen: Engagement Ritual?!
S2|Chapter Eighteen: Exploding Moon
S2|Chapter Nineteen: Forgiving Yourself
S3|Chapter Twenty: Aliens & Cryptids
S3|Chapter Twenty-One: Middle Ground
S3|Chapter Twenty-Two: 23 Reasons Why
S3|Chapter Twenty-Three: Prisoner Escaped
S3|Chapter Twenty-Four: Time Portals
S3|Chapter Twenty-Five: Ducktales
S3|Chapter Twenty-Six: Saving Revonnah, Again
S3|Chapter Twenty-Seven: Incursean Invasion
S3|Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hybrid and the Revonnahgander

S2|Chapter Sixteen: Ninja Time

195 7 0
By AlexNeko_990


[Bellwood - Streets]

In the streets of Bellwood, a giant robot from Dimension 12 is seen attacking the city.

The robot was about to attack a citizen, but Rook saves them in time. The Revonnahgander fires at the robot with his blaster, as the citizen ran away.

Luna is in his Human Form, and holding Spark(Multi-Tool) who is in Bow Mode. The Half-Human fired arrows at the robot's head. The robot turned towards him.

Ben(Humungousaur), who has transformed into Vaxasaurian, throws a manhole cover at the distracted robot's head knocking it down.

Another robot appears and went to attack Ben(Humungousaur), but the Omnitrix Wielder stops it and toss it over his shoulder slamming it onto the ground.

Ben(Humungousaur) was going towards the robot, until a kid, Billy Billions appeared in front of him.

"You forgot to say, "it's hero time."" The Billy said to Ben.

"Sorry, kid. No time for autographs." Ben(Humungousaur) said, walking over Billy, and went towards the robot.

Ben(Humungousaur) stops, as he dodges a laser from hitting him. He saw another robot went towards him, while the previously fallen robot gets back up.

Ben(Humungousaur) ran, he grabs a manhole cover blocking the laser, but lets it go as the manhole cover melts.

"Ben Tennyson, I demand that you-" Billy said, he is now on top of a car, but he got interrupted.

"Dude, I don't have time for fan boys right now. We're in the middle of fight here!" Ben(Humungousaur) stated, he ran, he jumps to avoid an attack, but was slapped away towards another robot.

Rook and Luna ran towards where Ben(Humungousaur) is, and the three stood back to back.

Ben(Humungousaur) was facing one of the robot. While Rook and Luna were facing another.

Both robots prepares to attack the heroes. The heroes duck, preparing themselves. Rook tries to cover Luna.

"Halt!" Billy commanded, looking at his stopwatch.

The robots stops on Billy's commands.

"Um, Ben, I do not believe this is a fan boy." Rook said.
"Definitely not." Luna said.
Both Revonnahgander and Half-Human looks at the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Ha! Furthest thing from it, in fact." Billy said, walking towards the heroes. "I just wanted you to acknowledge me as your arch-nemesis and... destroyer." He said, and stops in front of Ben(Humungousaur). "And now that that's out of the way, Humungo-bore... attack." He said.

The heroes saw the robots starts moving again, preparing to attack them.

Ben(Humungousaur) picks up Billy. "I don't know how you're controlling those things, but tell them to back off." He told the child.

Billy activates his jetpack, and floats. "Unh-unh." He said, shaking his finger.

"Ben, that child may, in fact, be an adversary, rather than a-" Rook said.

"Duck!" Ben(Humungousaur) warned, and he ducks.

"Where?" Rook asked, looking behind. He saw the saw.

"Not that duck! This duck!" Luna said, he tackles Rook to the ground.

The three heroes avoided the saw that was about to attack them. The saw missed them, but it sliced the building.

Ben(Humungousaur) grabs both his partners, and ran, avoiding the building that was about to crush them.

The smoke subsided, and the robot from the other side broke through, and went towards the heroes.

The heroes were going towards the other direction, but stopped as another robot was there.

Rook and Luna fired at the robot, and avoid it from attacking them.

Ben(Humungousaur) jumps onto the robot's head, and starts hitting it. He jumps away, before the saw hits him, causing the saw to hit the robot instead. "Missed!" He said. "Close one." He added, as the robot fell.

Billy was on top of a building, watching with his android bodyguard, Mazuma. Mazuma tries to convince Billy to leave as it is not safe, but the child refuses wanting to see the Omnitrix Wielder suffer. He took out a De-Ager Ray.

Ben(Humungousaur) was fighting one of the robots. While Rook and Luna were fighting the other robot.

Billy was in the air, he tries to aim the De-Ager Ray at Ben(Humungousaur). "Hold still, you big lizard!" He said.

Rook and Luna fired at the robot, as the two kept avoiding the saws. The two was able to attack the robot's eye, which seems to be its weak point.

The Revonnahgander and Half-Human smiled at each there, but it was only for a moment, as the two saw the robot still moving and trying to get them.

Rook grabs Luna's arm, and they ran.

The two went towards Ben(Humungousaur), as the trio stood back to back.

The three ducks, as the robots were about to attack them, but one of the robot sliced the other robot's arm off.

The saw sliced the robot's(that went after Rook and Luna) head.

The robot(that went after Ben(Humungousaur)) had its head attack by the other robot's laser.

A part of the robot's arm hits Billy, causing the child to fell.

Ben, Rook and Luna looks at the fallen robots, then at Billy. The trio looks down at Billy sternly.

Ben(Humungousaur) reverts back to his human form. "All right. Start talking, kid... now!" He demanded. "Who are you?" He asked.

Billy looks around for a bit, he spots the De-Ager Ray under some rubble and smirked. He stood back up and dusts himself. "Of course. You don't even remember me. Hello! I'm Billy Billions." He said, turning towards the Omnitrix Wielder. "We were in middle school together. I sat behind you in Mrs. Rheault's class." He stated.

[Flashback - 5 Years Ago]

"I was richer than you.
I was smarter than you."
Billy said.

The school bell rings.
In Mrs. Rheault's class, many students were seen raising their hands wanting to answer, including Billy.

Mrs. Rheault's looks around for a bit, and points at Ben, who did not raise his hand nor did he pay attention, as he was focused on his Sumo Slammers Comic.

Ben ponders for a bit, before giving up and shrugs. He lounge in his chair.
Kasey, who is sitting at the seat next to Ben's, shook his head and facepalms at his bestfriend.

The students around all watches Ben.

Billy watches from behind Ben, in anger.

"I should have been
running that school."
Billy said.

In the gymnasium.
A female student is seen selecting who she wants to be in her team. Kasey was already selected into her team.

Billy was seen begging to be picked.

Ben was fiddling a bit with his Omnitrix, and the female students picks him to be in her team.

Ben joins them, both him and Kasey high-fives, as they go and prepare.

Billy kicks a dodgeball, which bounces off a wall and hits him.

[End of Flashback]

"Now do you remember?" Billy asked, looking back at Ben who is cleaning his ear, with a finger.

"Um, no." Ben casually said.

Billy's forehead turns red in anger. "Then maybe you'll remember this!" He stated.

The child told the heroes about one night, when Ben was chasing a criminal he had transformed into Diamondhead. Billy in a helicopter aimed his cannon at the Omnitrix Wielder, planning to send him to another dimension, but it backfires as it sends Billy instead.

"Wait. So instead of zapping me, you got sucked into dimension 12?" Ben asked, pointing at Billy.

Billy was sweating, he looks away.

Ben couldn't hold in his laughter, and burst out laughing. Rook and Luna laughs as well.

"Not funny." Billy said.

"Oh, come on, man. You got to admit, it's a little bit funny." Ben said.

Billy's teeth chatters. "I don't got to admit anything! I said it's not funny!" He stated, and went back to telling the trio his story.

Billy was stranded in Dimension 12, where it is timeless. Where all organic life are extinct, because of the robots. He had to hide to survive.

"You know the worst part?" Billy asked.

"That five years of isolation drove you crazy?" Ben asked.

"That five years of isolation drove me-" Billy stopped, almost saying exactly what Ben said. "No! The worst part is, because of dimension's weirdo time effect, I stopped aging. So I'm stuck looking like this!" He stated. He continue telling his story.

Billy's body stopped aging, but not his brain. He's a genius, born from geniuses. He was able to invent a device to control the robots. After controlling the robots, coming back to Earth was only a matter of time.

"Huh? Sorry, what?" Ben asked, fiddling with his Omnitrix.

"Weren't you listening?!" Billy questioned Ben, angrily.

"When you're a world-famous superhero, you've heard one "blah blah blah" evil tirade, you've heard them all." Ben said, shrugging.

""World-famous"?" Billy asked, clenching his teeth.

"Yes. According to Ben, he has saved the universe billions of times." Rook said, smiling.

Ben lightly scoffs. "At least." He said.

"He is well-known throughout the universe, since the last few years." Luna said, nodding.

"Of course you became world famous." Billy said. "Why wouldn't you be?" He questioned. He ran past the trio, he grabs his De-Ager Rayand aims it at them. "That all changes, right now!" He stated, and blasted them.

[Few Seconds Later]

Ben was the first to wake up.

"I feel... weird." Ben said, his voice, different. He saw that his Omnitrix was loosened. "What's going on?" He asked, sitting up, seeing himself.

"Rook, Luna, you two okay?" Ben asked, shaking the Revonnahgander's feet.

"I am entirely not sure." Rook said, sitting up, and scratching his hair. He felt something behind him, moving. "How embarrassing." He said, face now turned deadpan.

"Wow, look at us." Luna said, sitting up. "How old are we? Like 10, 11, 12?" He asked, seeing the three of them smaller. His clothes are a bit loose.

"Dude, you have a tail." Ben said, standing up and pointing at Rook's tail.

"That is the only thing you notice about our predicament?" Rook asked, looking at the Omnitrix Wielder, putting his hands on his hips.

"Your voice is kind of weird, too." Ben said.

"That, and, everything else." Luna said.

"Seriously, Rook, you have a tail!" Ben said, pointing at Rook's tail.

"Bi'nthaks. It falls off at puberty." Rook told the others. His tail keeps moving. "Stop that. Stop that right now. Stop that!" He said to his tail.

"Aw, you have a tail." Luna coos, he grabs Rook's tail with both of his arms, smiling. "It's cute." He said. The tail starts brushing Luna's face. He giggles. "And it tickles." He said, grinning.

Rook looks at Luna, who is behind him, and couldn't stop his blush from appearing, seeing the cute Half-Human behind him.

Luna notices Rook staring at him, he looks up at the Revonnahgander, blinking a bit. "Is something wrong?" He asked, smiling.

Rook looks away, blushing. "Nothing." He said.

Spark went out of the Multi-Tool, and zipped onto Luna's head. He mumbles, looking down at the Half-Human.

"Don't worry, Spark. It's me." Luna told his Megawhatt companion.

The trio looks at Billy and Mazuma.

"Just a little something I cooked up when I was stranded in dimension 12." Billy said, holding up the De-Ager Ray. "Now you know it feels to be stuck looking like a kid for the rest of your life!" He stated, looking at the three. "Just some kid that nobody knows."

"Change us back!" Ben demanded.

"You don't scare me, Tennyson." Billy said. "I've seen you in action. You can't even control that thing." He said, referring to the Omnitrix.

Ben looks at his Omnitrix, which was loose on his wrist. "Hey, no matter what I turn into, I'll still be able to take you down." He stated.

"Like I'd give you a chance." Billy said. He pressed on his stopwatch, and two robots appeared.

"Rook, Luna, run!" Ben shouted.
Rook and Luna gasped.
"Uh-oh." Spark mumbled.

The heroes ran.
Ben ran towards the left.
While Rook and Luna ran towards the right.
Luna is still holding onto Rook's tail.

One robot went to the left, and the other went to the right.

[Some Time Later]

Both Robots are now chasing Ben(Ball Weevil).

Rook and Luna were hiding behind some structures. The Revonnahgander fires a grappling cable at Billy, but was stopped by Mazuma.

Mazuma pulled the cable line, pulling Rook into the air and slamming him onto the ground.

"Rook!" Luna exclaimed, he ran out from behind the structure, and towards the Revonnahgander, helping him up.

Mazuma drops the cable, and ran towards the two. She tries to roundhouse kick them, but they ducked. She tried to do a leg sweep, but the two backflips avoiding it.

The two heroes jumps onto the arm of the fallen robot, and continue avoiding Mazuma's attacks. Eventually, getting on the robot.

[Some Time Later]

Rook and Luna were hit onto the edge of the robot.

"I advise you two to surrender." Mazuma said, walking towards the two. "I have injured all of your extremities."

Rook looks back at his tail.
Luna open his palm, feeling electricity zapping through his fingers.

"Almost all." Rook said.
"Not all of them." Luna said.

Rook hits his tail against the metal board of the robot, making it rise up.

Mazuma stops it.

Rook ran up the board, he did a spin attack with his tail, and successfully slaps Mazuma.
Luna charges up his attack, and attacks Mazuma with electricity, that does not do much.

Both heroes saw that Mazuma is an android. They were hit off of the robot.

Ben(Ball Weevil) was rolling back to the area, he saw his two partners flying in the air, he halts and reverse, catching the two on his Plasma Ball.

Rook landed on the Plasma Ball, first.
Followed by Luna, who landed onto Rook.
Ben(Ball Weevil) bounces, he lands on Rook's knee.

"You two okay?" Ben(Ball Weevil) asked, looking at the two.

"Yes." Rook said, sitting back up, and scratching his head. He blushes, when he saw Luna sitting between his legs.

"We're fine." Luna said, he is sitting in front of Rook, looking towards the road. "But it looks like those two have ran off."

Ben(Ball Weevil) reverts back to his human form, and sat next to the two.

"We should go to headquarters. Perhaps the Plumbers can return us to normal." Rook said, looking at his tail.

"Good idea." Ben said, looking at his Omnitrix.

"We should probably get off this Plasma Ball, first." Luna said. Spark zipped onto Luna's head, and nodded in agreement.

The four who're on the Plasma Ball, fell off, as the ball rolls away.


The heroes were in the Proto-TRUK.

Rook attempts to drive the vehicle, but couldn't as his feet wouldn't reach the paddles.


The heroes ended up taking a bus.

Rook and Luna sat at one of the seat, and Ben follows.

The Omnitrix Wielder saw a girl a few seats behind them. The girl checks her phone, glances up, and looks back down.

Ben attempts to impress the girl. But the girls laughs saying how adorable he is, not knowing he was the actual Ben Tennyson.

"What was that thing you said back at the library?" Ben asked.

"How embarrassing?" Rook asked, after thinking for a bit.

"Bingo." Ben said.

Luna and Spark laughs.


[Plumbers HQ]

Luna walks into a room, where Rook, Driba and Blukic are. Spark is sitting on his shoulder.

"Hey, guys." Luna greeted, he saw Rook had a bunch of wires connecting to him. "How's it coming along?" He asked.

"We're just about to test, and see if this machine is able to reverse the effect that was put on the three of you." Driba told the Half-Human.

"All we need to do now, is a few more modifications." Blukic said.

"Cool." Luna said, he stood in front of Rook. "How are you feeling?" He asked the Revonnahgander.

"I am quite all right... for now." Rook said. He notices Luna in a new outfit. "Did you change into a new outfit?" He asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah." Luna said. "Check it out." He said, twirling a bit.

Luna is now wearing a Black Body Suit, that fully covers his entire body. On the back of it, there is a small diamond-shaped cutout.
A Ninja Mask, that can covers his nose and mouth. It is currently hanging around his neck.
He is wearing Black Gloves on his hands, that insulates electricity.
A Black Utility Belt around his hip, with the Multi-Tool on it.

"This is a special body suit, that was designed years ago for me. It has a special feature, which allows it to change size, no matter how big or small I am." Luna told the Revonnahgander. "I was a huge ninja fan, so they had this designed specifically for me." He said, looking at his outfit. "Do you like it?" He asked, looking back at the Revonnahgander.

"Yes." Rook told the Half-Human truthfully, smiling. Luna smiled back.

Driba and Blukic looks at each other, wondering how long it'll take for those two to go out already.

Just then, Ben and Max walks in.

"What are you guys doing to Rook?" Ben asked the two Galvans.

"We are about to reverse the de-aging effect." Driba said.
"Obviously." Blukic said.

"And I'm here to watch." Luna said, he stood next to Max.

Driba and Blukic stood next to a lever. Driba pulls the lever, and Rook was shocked.

Soon the machine stops, and Rook stays the same.

"As we said, we have no clue how to reverse the de-aging effect." Blukic said.
"Obviously." Driba said.

"Well, it looks like our only choice is to get that de-ager away from Billy." Max said, looking at both Ben and Luna.

"You got it, Mr. Max." Luna said. Spark mumbles out an agreement.

"Works for me." Ben said. "You in, Rook?" He asked, looking at the Revonnahgander.

"Obviously." Rook said, he glares at the two Galvans, who looks away.


[Billions' Technology Tower - Outside]

The heroes arrived outside of the Billions' Technology Tower.

"Billions' technology tower." Rook said.

"This place looks huge." Luna said. Spark nodded.

Ben scoffs. "The kid's got his own skyscraper? What's he so jealous of me for?" He asked, shrugging.

Suddenly there was an explosion at the tower.

Billy and Mazuma are seen diving down, as the child screams. They crashed into the logo, that is in front of the heroes.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me." Billy said to Mazuma.

Both Billy and Mazuma saw the trio going towards them.

Billy stood in front of Ben. "Ahem! Ben Tennyson. Well, I hate to seem rude, but..." He said, and fixes his bowtie. "I have a dentist's appointment, so if you'll excuse me." He said, beginning to walk away.

"Not so fast!" Ben said, grabbing the back of Billy's shirt collar.

Billy starts gagging.

Mazuma grabs Ben's hair, lifting the Omnitrix Wielder up.

The Omnitrix Wielder kept repeating "Ow".

"Drop him!" Rook said, pointing his Proto-Tool at Mazuma.
"Now!" Luna said, pointing Spark(Multi-Tool), who is in Blaster Mode, at Mazuma.

"Master Billy?" Mazuma asked.

"Okay, okay. You let me go, and she'll let you go." Billy said.

Ben lets go of Billy, and Mazuma lets go of Ben. Rook and Luna lowers their weapons.

Spark(Multi-Tool) went back to normal, strapped himself to the belt, and zipped out onto Luna's shoulder.

"Let me guess." Ben said, fixing his hair. "Dimension 12 robots plus big explosion equals your super-genius brain screwing up royally." He stated.

"I had everything under control!" Billy said to Ben, clenching his fists.


[Billions' Technology Tower - Elevator]

The group are now inside of the elevator, going up and towards the floor where the explosion happened.

"Come on! Let me see! I bet I could figure out how it works." Billy said, trying to reach for Rook's Proto-Tool.

Rook was stopping Billy from reaching his Proto-Tool. "The proto-tool is a very complicated mechanism." He stated.

"And it's definitely not something to be messing around with." Luna stated.

"Come on!" Billy whines.

"I can't believe you built your tower right next to Captain Nemesis' building." Ben said, seeing Captain Nemesis' building right next to Billy's.

"Yeah, except my building is taller than his building." Billy boasted.

"Why does that matter?" Ben questioned, angry. He turn towards Billy. "You keep trying to prove that you're better than everybody else. But what happens? You end up making this huge mess that you don't even know how to fix." He stated.

"I'll think of something." Billy said, turning towards Ben. "After all, I am a super-genius."

"Based on what?" Ben asked. "'Cause you brought dimension 12 robots here to attack me? Oh, brilliant. Except Nemesis did it first." He said, gesturing towards the tower. "Even that pocket watch is a wannabe Omnitrix. Honestly, have you ever had an original idea?" He asked.

"I came up with "I.Q. Lad" myself." Billy said.

"What is that?" Ben asked. "Your super-villain name?"

"As a matter of fact, it is."

"Well, it's super-lame."

"Like you could come up with something better?"

"Look, you think you're an evil genius, right?" Ben asked. "Then go for something like... I don't know? "Whiz Kid" or "Wits' End" or "Brain Power."" He suggested.

"Ooh! That is a good one." Billy said.

"I didn't say you could use it." Ben stated.

"Then why did you even mention it?" Billy asked.

"To prove that you're not as smart as you think you are, Billy!
You're just a spoiled brat, Billy!
A petty, jealous copycat, Billy!"

"At least you know my name now."

"Could you settle this after we stop a pan-dimensional invasion?" Rook asked, separating the two.

"Yeah, if you two are gonna keep on fighting, better do it, after this is all over." Luna said.

[Billions' Technology Tower - Top Floor]

The groups looks out from the side of the wall.

"As soon as we're inside, you get the de-ager and turn us back to normal. Then we'll stop the robots." Ben told Billy.

"No. First, we stop the robots. Then, I turn you back." Billy said.

[Upper Area]

The group hides on the upper area, hiding from being seen.

"These guys could use a blast from Shocksquatch." Ben said, activating his Omnitrix. "Come on, Shocksquatch!" He said, and slams onto his Omnitrix, but couldn't transform. "How about... Shocksquatch?" He said with a deep voice, but still nothing. "It's me, Omnitrix. Hello? Anything?" He asked.

Ben is able to transform, but instead of Shocksquatch, he transformed into Bloxx. "Bloxx?!" He asked.

"Oh! Well, that's useful." Billy said.

"You just have to be smart enough to adapt, Billy." Ben(Bloxx) said.

"Quiet. They might hear you." Mazuma whispered-told the two. But they got attacked.

"Yeah, I think it's a bit late for that." Luna said.

Ben(Bloxx) jumps down, and begins attacking the robots.

Mazuma, Rook and Luna were seen being trapped under the rubble. Rook was trying to lift the rubble.

"What are you doing?" Mazuma asked Billy, seeing the child hiding behind some rubble.

"I'm... I'm thinking?" Billy said.

"While ben Tennyson steals the spotlight, as usual." Mazuma said.

"Not this time." Billy said, he jumps out.

Mazuma smiled, before being shut down.

Luna transformed into his Alien Form, and uses Intangible to phased out. "Come on, we gotta hurry." He said to Rook, and helps lift up the rubble.

Billy went towards an area, as Ben(Bloxx) fought against the robots. He activates a wall, and took out teh De-Ager Ray. He was almost attacked by a robot, but Rook saved him grabbing Billions' shirt using his tail.

"Please be careful with that device." Rook told the child.

"Let's hurry." Luna said.

Both Rook and Luna ran, with Billy behind them. A robot almost hits them, but they avoided it.

Ben(Bloxx) continue fighting against the robots.

Rook and Luna were still running, Billy being dragged along. A robot behind them attacks with its laser, 'causing the three were thrown off, and they landed on the ground.

Ben(Bloxx) stops the robot, before it could attack he three. "You're going nowhere fast, dish heads!" He stated.

Billy stood back up, he saw the De-Ager Ray missing from his hands. "Again? I have got to put a better grip on that thing." He said, seeing the De-Ager Ray. He spotted Rook's Proto-Tool next to it. "Cool!" He said, and went towards it.

More robots came out of the portal.

"No, Billy! Grab the de-ager!" Ben(Bloxx) said, he went to fight the robots.

"Huh? What?" Billy said, not knowing how the Proto-Tool work.

"I told you it was complicated." Rook said, going to grab his Proto-Tool back.

Billy pushes Rook back, 'causing the Revonnahgander to fall, fortunately Luna stops him from falling.

Billy threw the Proto-Tool away. The Proto-Tool landed on the ground, and fires a laser at the wall, and it starts to bounce.

Billy, Rook, Luna and Spark follows the laser. The laser bounces off the robots, making them fall over, it reaches the controls and destroys it.

The portal starts going in reverse, sucking all of the robots back to Dimension 12.

Billy, Rook and Luna were holding onto the floor. Spark holds onto Luna.

Billy was almost sucked into the portal, luckily Ben(Bloxx) grabs him in time.

"Rook!" Luna called. The Revonnahgander looked towards the Half-Human, as he nodded towards the "Emergency Shutdown".

Rook gasped, seeing it. He nodded at Luna, before reaching towards it. He hits on it, and pulls on the lever.

Billy was almost sucked into the portal, but stopped as it shuts down. Huge metal doors closed the area, and Billy's shirt is stuck between it.

Ben(Bloxx) stood back up. He saw Rook and Luna. Rook was holding the De-Ager Ray.

"I did it. I did it! I overloaded the portal generator. I saved the Earth." Billy cheered.

"After having been the one who doomed it." Rook said.

"Literally." Luna said. Spark mumbles and nodded in agreement.

"I saved the world! Ha ha. Me! Billy Billions. I mean, I.Q. Lad. I mean-" Billy said in a sing-song tone.

"Been there, done that." Ben(Bloxx) said, he reverts back to his human form.

"A billion times." Rook said.

"It's pretty annoying." Luna said, changing back to his Human Form.

"I did it this time. Not you, Ben Tennyson!" Billy said, in his normal voice. "Me! Me! Meeee!" He boasted, flailing around. His shirts rips, and he fell onto the ground, and fainted.

"That's gonna hurt when he wakes up." Ben commented. "The de-aging ray." He said, as Rook handed him the Ray. "Ready to say goodbye to that tail?" He asked, looking at Rook.

"I do not know. I was just getting used to it again." Rook said, looking at his tail. The tail smacks his face. "I am over it." He said.

Luna laughed, as he grabs the tail, hugging it. Spark laughs.



Everyone is now outside of the tower.

Ben was being interviewed by a bunch of reporters.

Billy and Mazuma are seen being taken away by a bunch of Plumber Agents.

Rook, Luna, Spark and Max are seen behind Billy, making sure the child went into the vehicle.

Luna is now back to normal. He is still wearing his Ninja Outfit, but this time with his Signature Jacket that Max brought for him.

"It's not fair! It's not fair!" Billy whines, looking towards Ben, who is being interviewed. "I did all the work! I saved the world! And he gets all the credit! Again!"

Max grabs the back of Billy's shirt. "Stop whining, Billy." He said, and throws the child to the back of the vehicle. "Act your age."

"Yeah. Grow up, will you?" Ben said, standing next to Max.

The door closes.


A/N: We'll et to see more of Luna's Ninja Outfit in the future, I'm just not sure when, yet.

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