The Flaw In Perfection: A Sna...

By Veneer_Frost19

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"I have grown to care for every bit of him. But, he hasn't seen me, for I know he only considers me an impend... More

Author's Greetings
Chapter 1. A Poet's Confession
Chapter 2. H-BP
Chapter 3. Detention with the Bat
Chapter 4. The Devil Wears Pink
Chapter 5. The Unkind Hufflepuff
Chapter 6. Problems
Chapter 7. Debt
Chapter 8. Revelation
Chapter 9. Mendacity
Chapter 10. Eavesdropping
Chapter 11. Meddling and Backstabbing
Chapter 12. A "Perfect" Conversation
Author's Note
Chapter 14. The Unexpected Confidant
Chapter 15. A Christmas Wish
Chapter 16. The Dream
Chapter 17. Hero and Heroine
Chapter 18. Uncontrollably Fond
Chapter 19. The "S" Situation
Chapter 20. Lost in Your Eyes
Chapter 21. Everyone Has a Tower
Chapter 22. Answered Questions
Chapter 23. Our Song
Chapter 24. Spero Spera
Chapter 25. Why I Hate the Word "Always"
Chapter 26. Truth Hurts
Chapter 27. Memories
Chapter 28. The Cushion's Secret
Chapter 29. How Can I Not Love You?
Chapter 30. The Darkness Strikes Back
Chapter 31. The Kiss of Infection
Chapter 32. Death
Chapter 33. Guilt
Chapter 34. Love
Chapter 35: The Poem
Chapter 36. The Letter
Chapter 37. Flash Sideways
Chapter 38. Maybe this Time
Chapter 39. A Bittersweet Reunion
Chapter 40. The Brilliant Plan
Chapter 41. Strange Magic
Chapter 42. Confrontation
Chapter 43. Chances
Chapter 44. Defeat
Chapter 45. Secrets
Author's Note
Chapter 46. Death by Design
Chapter 47. Agony
Chapter 48. Misery
Chapter 49. Heartbreaks
Chapter 50. Jeopardy
Chapter 51. Terror
Chapter 52. A New Hope
Chapter 53. Unmasked
Chapter 54. Endgame

Chapter 13. OTA

155 2 0
By Veneer_Frost19

The dawn was waving at a small distance.

The banausic yet soothing fog kissed the Hogwarts castle. Fine sifted flour was peppered all over the weald. The castle looked like a cupcake topped with confectioner's sugar. Shimmering white diamonds that sparkle and glow were falling down in a very faint relaxing sound.

"It's only a week before Christmas holidays. Have you chosen which person you will pick for the OTA?" Harry's voice was the first noise in the Gryffindor Quarters. He was comfortably sitting on the couch, the warm, fuzzy blanket covering him.

Hermione was seated on the floor. She was busy reading her favourite book. She was unable to hear Harry's question when Ron chimed in, "I'd prefer Professor McGonagall. She's the one. She does not resort to bloody favouritism. She's strict and cunning. There's no denying it."

Hermione scratched her nose and looked up at the boys talking about the OTA.

"I couldn't agree more. McGonagall my bet on that little competition. From what I see, it's actually somebody's game, Ron. No one has the potential of winning because there is already a winner." Harry exclaimed, feeling the Gryffindor pride flowing into his very arteries, veins and capillaries.

She was listening to their dialogue and she has her choice already but was kept hidden deep in her intelligent brain. Like any other, her first choice was Professor McGonagall. But due to the recent events that prevailed, she was able to find a more tasteful and promising person as her pick for the OTA.

She was absentmindedly rubbing her hands, hoping to create heat for her freezing body. She wore her Gryffindor knitted sweater, with a large lion design on the front and a letter H at the back. A pink scarf was wrapped around her neck, like a python contorting its prey in a voracious way.

"I don't know why but, I think this is the worst school year ever," Hermione said catching her friends' attention. She placed the book she was reading on the table while she scratched her nose.

"Agreed." Ron hurriedly answered. "Actually, the term was not bad, it's just this toad thing that made everything blunt and disgusting."

"I wonder, do you think there's a student that will choose her for the OTA?" Harry asked his eyes gleaming with malice. He laughed at the scene his mind concocted, for he saw Umbridge receiving not even a single vote for the most-awaited OTA ceremony.

It was not a usual ceremony, for it was only done every 5 years. Students will select their choice from the faculty for the Outstanding Teacher Award. From the past few ceremonies, Mcgonagall has won thrice. And almost everyone thinks she will win Grand Slam this year.

Ron almost choked when he heard Harry's question. His foul look of expression was risible but Hermione tried not to laugh.

"Only a fool would fail to pick that awful woman. Whoa, but then maybe she'll get votes, too, Harry! What if she's going to torture students to percolate their votes?" Ron's verbosity was never new to the both of them, so they just nodded at his picaresque appearance.

"Who's your choice then, Mione? Who's it gonna be? It seems to me that they will take your choice into account for you are an excellent student. You have seen the darkest side and brightest side of the teachers." Harry altered the subject but this didn't please Hermione for it wasn't her plan to let them know which person she had chosen.

"Mind your business, Harry. I am still trying to work things out", she said in a sheepish manner.

"You're not choosing Mcgonagall, are you?", it was Ron's turn to ask his query.

Hermione felt her cheeks painted with oxblood tint so she looked away and tried to leave.

"Hey, since when did Hermione Granger leave a question unanswered? This is History, Harry. Hermione didn't answer a question. A typical subjective question. We must call the Daily Prophet... or maybe Rita Skeeter!" His never-ending exaggeration only made Harry chuckle.

"Leave her be, Ron. Maybe she wants to pick Hagrid, Professor Flitwick or Professor McGonagall. Let me tell you this, Ron. Smart people always try to make things complicated even if it is merely simple. You see, scientists create their own problems and answer them to the best of their ability. It's already okay that they are stress-free but then they try to make themselves stressful saints." Harry laughed at his own statement for he used hyperbole, and was even surprised with himself for he wasn't very good at figurative language.

Hermione raised her eyebrows and tried not to laugh although her lips were formed into a small smile. She knew it. Harry saved her from Ron's bugging. Thank Harry for that. She laughed at her snarkiness.

She left the room and fetched her cloak from her dormitory. It's time to visit Hagrid once again.

Students of all houses were chattering noisily for the ceremony will begin shortly. The enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall was opalescent blue filled with countless refulgent stars. The House tables were lined with happy people, some wearing dressing gowns and school robes.

All of the eyes in the room were glued to the calm and sweet pair of the headmaster's eyes. He wore his traditional half-moon spectacles and a large smile on his face. The old gentleman has a very respectable appearance. He was dressed in a purple cloak that was quite one of his favourites.

Every person shifted their eyes to the staff table with the greatest interest and eagerness. Now is the time. It's showtime.

Hermione has been told that every bright student from each year will come forward and reveal their choice to the ostensible crowd. And she was the one who will speak on behalf of the students in the fifth year.

"Good day everyone. I am glad that all of you are here today to witness one of my favourite activities here at Hogwarts, which is the Outstanding Teacher Award Ceremony." Professor Dumbledore started with this eloquent introduction down to his speech until the time has come for the selected students to raise their picks.

The girl with yellow hair from the first year chose Professor McGonagall. The girl was a Ravenclaw but she didn't choose her Head of House.

The next one was a boy with a freckled face and his choice was Professor McGonagall. All of the students from first to fourth years chose McGonagall and the witch wearing a green cloak from the staff table was quite enjoying the event, even the irritated grunts of Dolores Umbridge who was sitting beside her.

It was Hermione's time. It almost felt like she was going to be sorted once again as she approached the rostrum and all of the eyes were on her.

"A pleasant evening to all of you. I am Hermione Granger from the fifth year and the teacher I chose for the Outstanding Teacher Award is... is... Professor Snape."

No one expected her to answer that nasty name. Harry and Ron's faces turned grey and their mouths fell open. The throng fell silent and all of them turned to look at the Potions Master's face who was feigning not to look shocked.

Hermione continued with her speech and ignored the Slytherins who were looking strangely at her.

"Most people especially those who are not housed in Slytherin will not choose the teacher I chose to consider in the OTA and you would probably be confused because I am sorted in Gryffindor. A lot of people couldn't understand the true beauty of potions. We often criticize it and cognize it as a hard subject. We didn't even give it a chance to show us the things it is capable to give. And that would link us to Professor Snape. Almost everyone sees him as a martinet. You see, everyone wants to be understood. It is quite frustrating if you feel unimportant and not appreciated. A good teacher offers authority to breed respect. But sometimes, we misunderstood their actions. Not learning respect for order may cause the students to resent the rules everyone must obey. And I thank Professor Snape for that. He is a strict teacher. Thank you, Sir, for you showed us darkness, in able for us to see the light."

The crwth was speechless and was more surprised. Only Dumbledore smiled at the young Gryffindor as she left the rostrum and returned to her position.

The two boys nudged her softly as confusion devoured their minds. Ron's face paled and turned lugubrious, while Harry was stuck there, unable to absorb the words his best friend had explained.

The remaining students gave their choices, the sixth year was Professor Snape for he was a Slytherin and the seventh year voted for Professor McGonagall.

Dumbledore went to the middle of the hall to finally announce the person who was selected for the OTA.

Every Slytherin faced Hermione with new respect, while her fellow Gryffindors flinched in disgust. Harry and Ron were still there, standing so stiff that if you happen to not know what had just happened, you would probably say one of their classmates used the "Petrificus Totalus" Spell on them.

"Well, I think all of us are hoping that the teacher we have in mind will be selected. But of course, there is only one person for this award." Dumbledore spoke in a calm voice as he addressed all the teachers to come forward.

Everyone became silent once more for the most awaited name in that particular event will be declared soon.

Dumbledore looked at his teachers once again to make them see that he was very proud of them. Life left the hall when Dumbledore articulated these words.

"And now our Outstanding Teacher Awardee... is...-"

"...Professor SNAPE!"

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