Sword Art Online's Assassin

By tankiss01

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(y/n) was about to celebrate SAO day when suddenly he is put into the world of SAO itself. Now fighting for h... More

information (edited)
Welcome to a new world of life and death
Floor 1
New friend's
Welcome to the brotherhood
The Moonlit Black Cats
Legends never die
The Dragon Tamer
Thanksgiving Special
The Master Blacksmith
The Black Swordsman and Lightning Flash
The Blue-Eyed Demon
Welcome to The Knights of the Blood Oath
Girl of Morning Dew
Can We Go Back
The Battle To End All Battles (The end of the Aincrad arc)
Christmas Special
Welcome To The Dessert of The Real (The beginning of the Fairy Dance Arc)
Welcome to Alfheim Online
Thank You
New Allies And New Enemies
A Duelist's Opponent
Truth's Revealed
Truth's Revealed Part 2
You Reap What You Sow (The End of The Fairy Dance Arc)
Fun Facts
The World of Guns (Beginning of the Phantom Bullet Arc)
The Assassin Returns to Gun Gale
Death Gun
Welcome to The Warzone
Back In Black
Laughing Coffin and Past Trauma
The Assassin vs. Death (The End of The Phantom Bullet Arc)
Thank you 2
(y/n) vs
Excalibur ( The Calibur arc)
Duel of The Fates (The Beginning of the Mother's Rosario Arc)
The Sleeping Knights
The Absolute Sword's Resolve (The end of The Mother Rosario Arc)
Sachi's Return
The Assassin's and Their Skills
Welcome Back, Assassin (The beginning of the Ordinal Scale Arc)
Memories and Dreams
Walking Into the Vipers Den
Street Racing Online
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
There's Still A Job To Do (The Beginning of The Alicization Arc)
"You Got To Be So Cold, To Make It In This World"
Welcome To Another World Of Pain
Truth's Revealed Part 3
Time to Run the Gauntlet
Time to Run the Gauntlet Part 2
The Final Push
The Most Important Fight of Our Lives (the End of The Alicazation Arc)
Truth Or Dare
A Reunion With An Old Friend
Returns and Confusion
Introducing New and Old Friends
The Formation of a Brotherhood
Truth or Dare Part 2
Can't Help Falling In Love
Our Job Isn't Done Yet (The Beginning of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Character Profile
An Assassin's Playground
The Spirit of a Warrior
The Calm Before The Storm
The Return of A Hunter
Night Time Fun
An Animal is Always Most Dangerous When it's Cornered
Sī Vīs Pācem, Parābellum
(y/n) Vs. Part 2
History Is Written By The Victor
Choices Have Consequences
The Rules Have Changed
I Make My Own Luck
One Last Dance
Finale Part 1 (The End of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Boy's Night
The Good Kind of Payback (Night Time Fun Part 2)
Finale Part 2
The End

"And I Count My Sins" (The End of The Ordinal Scale Arc)

535 14 79
By tankiss01

TW: Mentions of a previous injury and a small mention of blood

No One POV

April 28th 2026

(y/n) woke up on Asada's couch and it took him a minute to remember what happened.

(y/n) thoughts: Oh yeah now I remember. Asada fixed up my hand and I slept on her couch. That moment after she wrapped my hand- *starts blushing a little*

Asada: *yawns* Morning (y/n).

(y/n): Morning. So what's for breakfast?

Asada: Well all I have is cereal so.

(y/n): Fine with me.

Asada pulled out 2 bowls and poured the cereal then the milk and slid one over to (y/n). Both were eating when the 2 began talking.

Asada: How's the hand?

(y/n): Better and thank you for that.

Asada: Let me check it when we're done.

(y/n): Ok.

The 2 continued eating and talking to each other about random things. When they finished (y/n) washed out the bowls for her as thanks. After he was done Asada asked him to sit down and to show her his hand. She pulled off the bandages and when she removed the cloth the cuts (y/n) had received last night were healed and were no longer bleeding.

(y/n): I always did heal pretty quickly.

Asada: Yeah.

(y/n)'s phone suddenly went off with a message and he quickly checked and saw he got a message from Kazuto.

Kazuto: (text message) Hey (y/n), we'll be going to the Toto Institute so I'll meet you there.

(y/n): (text message) You got it. (normally) Well, I have to go, we need to figure out what's going on, sorry I can't stay longer.

Asada: It's ok, I understand. Well, I hope you 2 find out what's going on.

(y/n): We will, bye Asada, and again thank you.

Asada: No problem and bye (y/n).

(y/n) quickly leaves and starts driving to the school on his bike.

time skip brought to you by chibi Asada blushing because of what had happened the previous night between her and (y/n)

(y/n) arrived at the school and parked his bike in the parking lot outside the school. He walked towards the front looking for Kazuto. (y/n) blended into the crowd and snuck up on Kazuto.

(y/n): Hey.

Kazuto: *jumps* Really man?

(y/n): *chuckles* Sorry I just had to do it.

Kazuto: How's the hand?

(y/n): Better.

Kazuto: How are you?

(y/n): A little better but I'll feel much better when we end this.

Kazuto: Yeah.

Kazuto and (y/n) both walked into the class that Professor Shigemura was teaching.

time skip brought to you by chibi (y/n) being bored and not understanding what chibi Shigemura is teaching.

Shigemura: Based on the evidence, the most glaring flaw in a full-dive VR device is the full-dive function itself. When a person has to sever their physical senses to play a VR game, that person is taking on incalculable risks to their health. True full dive tech has been applied to activities other than gaming such as communication, browsing, digital production, but none of those activities require all of one's senses. Sight, sound, and limited tactile information are enough. So instead of using a dangerous full dive device, one should use an AR device, which has been proven to be safe and stable.

(y/n) thoughts: Yeah right.

Shigemura: *checks watch* Are there any more questions on what we've covered so far?

Kazuto: *raises hand*

Shigemura: Yes, you there.

Kazuto: *gets up* Professor, would you say AR devices have certain risks that VR devices don't? If so what are your thoughts on that?

Shigemura: Yes well, are you talking about traffic accidents while wearing an AR device?

(y/n): *gets up* No, he's talking about risks to people's brains. A chance of someone losing memories. Or even just the perception of a person's reality. In a VR world, it seems real, but with AR you are combining the real world with the virtual world. By combining the 2, you are blurring the line between what's real and what isn't. Don't you think that's dangerous?

Crowd: *murmurs*

Shigemura: *looking at Kazuto and (y/n)* I'll answer that question next time. Class dismissed.

(y/n): *glaring daggers into Shigemura*

Kazuto and (y/n) quickly follow Shigemura to his lab/office to talk to him.

Kazuto: I'll cut right to the chase, do you know someone called Eiji? He's the second rank player in Ordinal Scale.

Shigemura: No.

Kazuto: But he was in your class and he even took your lab.

Shigemura: I've had many students over the years.

Kazuto: Ok let's try a different question. Did you know that the augma is causing SAO survivors to lose their memories? Did you know the augma has a feature users don't know about, a feature that scans their brain while they're wearing it?

Shigemura: *sighs* I didn't know that this was going to be an interrogation.

(y/n): *casually* I can make it one if you want.

Shigemura: *a little unnerved* Kikuoka told me you just wanted my class.

Kazuto: If the augma does have a dangerous feature built in, it won't be long before it's found out and once that happens-

(y/n): The augma goes the way of the nervegear, banned, blacklisted, and will disappear and be forgotten and you'll end up like Kayaba.

Shigemura: *sighs* I don't know what you're talking about, but let's say the augma has this brain scanning function you described, why is it bad if someone forgets about SAO? In-

(y/n): *slams hands down on the table* BULLSHIT! Let me pose you this, what's the point of a length of time, let's say 10 years, what's the point of those 10 years if you forget everything about that time, who you met, who you became friends with, who you loved, what would be the point? Sure SAO was a nightmare but there were still good times too, people who are still friends with each other after becoming friends in SAO, couples who are together because they met in SAO, and many other things like that, what would be the point of loving someone if you don't remember why you fell in love with them in the first place?

Shigemura: If you wish to speak further, make an appointment. I'm very busy though so there's no guarantee I'll be able to see you.

Kazuto: *gets up and bows*

(y/n): *gets up* You know, you have everyone fooled with your bullshit, except for us. I know your lying you old bastard. Be seeing you, Shigemura. *starts walking away with Kazuto but notices the box* I didn't know you built robots too. Thanks for your time.

(y/n) opened the door for the both of them and noticed the picture on his desk of his daughter. Both of them walk out of his office. Both of them quickly head over to an alley near the school and called Kikuoka.

Kikuoka: That's right, Dr. Shigemura has a daughter, or rather had.

(y/n): Let me guess, she was in SAO and didn't make it, right?

Kikuoka: Yeah.

Kazuto: Yuna?

(y/n): Yuna.

Kazuto: Why would he do this?

(y/n): I might have an idea. What's the one thing parents care about the most?

Kazuto and Kikuoka: Their kids.

(y/n): They should but anyway let me get back on track, and what would a parent do to get their children back if they died?

Kazuto: Almost anything.

(y/n): Exactly.

Kikuoka: Wait, are you thinking what I think you're thinking?

(y/n): I believe so. Resurrecting the dead, so to speak.

Kikuoka and Kazuto: *gasp shock*

Kazuto: How?

(y/n): What is the Yuna that we know?

Kazuto: An AI.

(y/n): Yes and a blank slate.

Kazuto: Wait, are you saying-

(y/n): Take the memories from SAO survivors, look for the ones with Yuna in them, upload those memories to the AI and you have the original Yuna, sort of, she just won't be a physical being but by technicality, she'd still be alive. They're trying to defy death.

Kikuoka: I see what you're saying but when do you think they plan on doing it fully?

(y/n): My guess, at Yuna's concert, tomorrow.

Kazuto: Wait, everyone-

(y/n): From the survivor school will be there and that'd be the perfect time to do it.

Kazuto: We have to warn the others then.

(y/n): No, they'd suspect that something's going on if we warn everyone or just them and we'll need their help. It's risky but we need them, trust me. We'll have the element of surprise because they don't know that we know what they are truly planning.

Kazuto: Ok. I trust you. So what's the plan?

(y/n): Alright, Kikuoka at the concert I need you to get to Shigemura.

Kikuoka: Alright.

(y/n): Kazuto, tonight we'll go boss hunting, we'll go to as many event battles as we can and, you kill the bosses to get your level up more and I'll help. They might suspect something if my points shoot up but with you, it won't be as suspicious.

Kazuto: Got it.

Kikuoka: So we have a plan then?

(y/n): Yeah. Thanks for talking to us Kikuoka.

Kikuoka: No problem.

Kikuoka hangs up the call with (y/n) and Kazuto and the 2 of them left. Eiji was looking out the window at both of them leaving. Kazuto got a call from Asuna and the 2 talked for a minute. Kazuto asked if he could come over and if she was ok with bringing (y/n) with him. She was fine with it. The 2 left and after 20 minutes they arrived at her place. Kazuto just realized something when he got off his bike.

Kazuto: Crap! What should I tell Asuna, should I tell her about the plan?

(y/n): *sighs* I hate to have to say this but don't tell her the full truth. Just say that we'll get her her memories back. (thoughts) A skill I have mastered by now.

Kazuto: *walks in with (y/n)* Sorry, the door was open already.

Asuna and (y/n): Why do you sound so nervous?

Asuna: It's ok, my parents are both at work.

Kazuto: *takes shoes off while she was talking and puts on slippers*

(y/n) slips off his shoes and put on the slippers and then put Kazuto into a headlock and started giving him a noogie.

(y/n): You nervous about meeting her parents, huh?

Kazuto: *laughing* Stop it.

Asuna: *giggles*

(y/n): Fine. *let's go*

Kazuto: Yeah but it's my first time here. Oh crap, I should have brought your folks a gift like a plant or something.

(y/n): *busts out laughing* The only thing you could think of is a plant.

Asuna: *giggles a little* Don't be silly, it's fine I swear. Come on, this way.

The 3 of them were walking up the stairs talking and walking towards Asuna's room.

Kazuto: I was talking to someone today and they said that survivors like us are better off forgetting what happened in SAO.

(y/n): Which is total bullshit by the way.

Kazuto: I got to thinking that maybe he's got a point there.

(y/n): Kazuto Kirigaya.

Asuna: We saw a lot of horrible things happen.

(y/n): Some more than others.

Asuna: It was scary and sad but the memories we have of those 2 years, good and bad, are what shaped us into the people we are today.

(y/n): Amen to that.

The 3 walks into Asuna's room as she shows to other 2 around.

Kazuto: Everyone's been telling me about how high-tech your room is, it's not what I thought.

(y/n): Agreed. It's more minimalist than I thought. Defiantly my preference.

Kazuto: In a way it sort of reminds me of your place in Selmburg. *makes a shouldn't have said that noise*

Asuna: I'll go bring us up some drinks and snacks.

Kazuto: Yeah sure.

Asuna: Make yourselves at home ok. *walks out*

Kazuto: *has a concerned look*

(y/n): You ok?

Kazuto: Yeah I'm just-

(y/n): Worried?

Kazuto: *sighs* Yeah.

Kazuto look around Asuna's room while (y/n) just stood still. Asuna's automatic closet opens when Kazuto steps near it and he panics a little and tries to figure something out and walks backward into a rolling chair. Kazuto hits a chair and it hits a drawer with her diary in it. Kazuto picks it up and looks at it for a second before opening it and reading it. While he reading Asuna came back in and Kazuto turned around and looked panicked.

Asuna: It's ok, you can read the whole thing if you want. *sets down the drinks and snacks*

Kazuto set down the book and walked over to Asuna and then ran at her, hugged her, and caused her to fall onto her bed. (y/n) watched to 2 with a slight smile on his face. (y/n) walked over to the chair that Kazuto kicked and sat down.

(y/n): *picks up diary* May I?

Asuna: Go ahead.

(y/n) read through the final entry and his heart was broken and he was on the verge of tears because of what it said and how losing her memories was affecting her. While (y/n) was reading, Kazuto was on top of Asuna with his head buried in her chest while hugging her and apologizing with his voice breaking. Asuna wrapped her arms around his head while telling him that she loved him.

(y/n) finished reading and quietly set the book down and just watched the 2 with a slight smile on his face. Kazuto lifted himself up so that he was at eye level with her and the 2 were talking. Kazuto leaned in and kissed Asuna as a confirmation that they'd always love each other no matter what. Kazuto lifted himself higher and looked at her with a determined look.

Kazuto: I'm gonna get your memories back, no matter what, promise. You know I won't let you down, right?

Asuna: *nods* Mu-hum.

(y/n): And it's not just a promise, it's guaran-damn-tee.

In Ordinal Scale, Yuna was looking up at the night sky while holding up a memory.

Yuna: Oh look, a shooting star. Well, Eiji, tomorrow's the big day, I get to be on stage in a ginormous arena and sing for everyone.

Eiji: Yeah, you nervous about it?

Yuna: Nu-uh, not at all. I finally get my chance to sing for a huge audience, how cool is that? This performance is gonna make me the world's number-one diva.

Eiji: That's right, tomorrow's going to make you the biggest and brightest star of them all.

Yuna: Hey, would you please read some more of that book to me?

Eiji: Sure, you got it.

Yuna: This time could you find the part where you show up, I wanna hear about you.

Eiji: I'm not in it.

Yuna: Huh?

Eiji: I don't show up anywhere in this thing. I guess folks like us, the ones who couldn't fight, weren't worth remembering. *gets phone call* Yes? *walks away*

The area around them vanishes to the same room with 2 computers.

Yuna: *makes a sad noise*

Shigemura: You're taking too long getting this done, someone's caught onto our plan. You need to hurry.

Eiji: Yes, I know that sir. I made sure all the pieces are in place for the final stage. You're not having second thoughts about our deal, are you?

Shigemura: Not as long as you hold up your end of it.

Eiji: I will sir. By the way about Yuna, lately, she seems to have other things on her mind besides singing.

Shigemura: That's probably her self-preservation program, if anything it's proof that the plan is going smoothly.

Eiji: If you say so.

The computer with Yuna's AI is showing that something is at 53%.

time skip brought to you by chibi (y/n) going full tilt in a duel

Kazuto and (y/n) were riding down the road when Kazuto got an indication from his map. Both of them rode towards the destination they were going to. Both of them arrived at a park and the 2 of them walked off towards the center. While both of them were walking Yuna was following behind them. Yuna reached her hands out and touched the back of their heads.

Both of them were transported elsewhere with them both being in their gear from Ordinal Scale. The sun comes up in the area and the 2 looked at the sunrise. Both of them were on a bridge and were looking at the water that ran under it. Both of them continued walking until they both saw Yuna on another bridge with her hood down.

Kazuto: Yuna right? So where is this place? Is it a dream, the virtual world?

Yuna: Dreams and virtual worlds are the same thing more or less.

(y/n): Good point.

Yuna: The second you wake up, the experience becomes a fleeting memory.

Kazuto: I guess.

Yuna: Here's a thought, maybe it's all just a dream. Everything like clearing that death game and coming back to the real world and what if you open your eyes you wake up trapped in Aincrad again, did you ever think about that?

(y/n): I'd fight like hell to get out.

Yuna: *giggles a little* Of course you would Assassin.

(y/n): But you died before I became it.

Yuna: I know but don't we all have people who watch over our shoulders, even when they are no longer with us?

(y/n): Yeah.

Yuna: Plus Eiji talks about you a lot.

(y/n): *chuckles drily* He does, doesn't he.

Kazuto: I have but I never wished it was true, not even once. Are you Professor Shigemura's daughter? *walks over along with (y/n)* Why did you send me to your dad, what do you want us to do? What's the augma really for?

Yuna walks towards the center of the bridge and started singing and continued to sing at the other end of the bridge.

Kazuto: That song.

Yuna: *finishes singing* All I want is to go on singing, it's all I ever wanted.

Kazuto: And we want to save Asuna. So are you going to tell us how or not?

Yuna: Getting her memories back isn't going to be easy, the rank you have now isn't nearly high enough to do it but your friend is high enough.

(y/n): Don't worry Yuna, we have a plan.

Yuna: Well don't just stand there, wake up. *snaps*

Kazuto and (y/n) both wake and startle the guard. Kazuto and the guard were talking while (y/n) was thinking. Kazuto and (y/n) take their augma's off and look at them. A look of determination crosses both of their faces.

Keiko, Sachi, and Asuna were both doing karaoke while Asada and Rika were talking to Suguha.

Rika: You want to know the truth, I think Silica blames herself for what happened.

Suguha: I didn't even know. If only I could have gone to one of those battles.

Rika: Klein got himself hurt at one and ended up in the hospital. It's probably better that you stayed away.

Asada: You said it. Kirito and (y/n) told everyone not to fight the bosses in OS because it's so dangerous and then they go to fight them by their selves. Though *trails off*

Suguha: *sighs* Then you know what, I'm gonna make a video and teach Kazuto some kendo moves then he'll cruise through those battles, no sweat.

Rika: What about (y/n)?

Suguha: He doesn't need them, he was able to beat me in a kendo match after being out of SAO for 2 months.

Rika: Oh.

Keiko: *pops out* Come on, we're singing the next song together, we're here to practice remember? The concert's tomorrow. *Tries to push Rika inside*

Asada: Keiko wait, I need to talk to Rika about something really important. I promise you that we'll both join you in the next one.

Keiko: Promise?

Asada: Promise.

Keiko: Fine. *walks back into the room*

Rika: So what is it that you wanted to talk about?

Asada: Actually I need to talk to you both.

Suguha: That worries me.

Asada: It's about (y/n), I'm worried about him and Kazuto is too. Last night I helped both of them with an event battle but when we first met up something about him was off.

Suguha: What do you mean?

Asada: He had "that" look in his eyes.

Suguha: Oh no.

Rika: Huh, what are you 2 talking about?

Suguha: Was there fire in his eyes?

Asada: Yes but there was more fire in his eyes than I had ever seen before.

Suguha: Oh.

Rika: Oh, there is something else I should tell you too.

Asada: What?

Rika: The night Asuna lost her memories, right after the end of the boss fight (y/n) was standing next to me, Asuna, and Silica. Anyway, the number 2 guy was standing in front of us, and when Yuna crouched in front of Asuna and started talking to her when (y/n) put his sword to her neck.

Asada: What?

Rika: But that's not all. The number 2 guy tried to stop him but (y/n) pulled out his gun and aimed it at the number 2 guy but his eyes *stops while remembering*

Suguha: What do you mean?

Rika: He had cold, near-emotionless eyes but with a soul-piercing gaze. It sent shivers down my spine. But when he talked, god- *shivers a little*

Asada: What do you mean?

Rika: His voice was an octave lower than I have ever heard it before yet it was also chilling and sent even more shivers up my spine.

Suguha: Oh no.

Asada: Yeah and last night (y/n) got so angry that he punched a vending machine, broke the glass front with that punch, and sliced his hand open quite a bit to the point that I didn't want him driving home so I asked him if I could drive him to my place and I fixed up his hand and just asked him to sleep over at my place.

Rika and Suguha: *jealous*

Asada: *notices* Can we just put this on hold for the time being, I'm worried about (y/n), and after what we said you 2 are as well.

Suguha and Rika: Sorry.

Asada: It's ok but anyway to my question, Kazuto said that you 2 know more about him and what happened to him in SAO because he told you and Kazuto said that you would tell me better and Kazuto had a theory that (y/n) was going to become what he once was. He also badly snapped at me and Kazuto, worse than I have ever heard.

Suguha and Rika: *breath's hitch*

Asada: So my question is, what would cause him to act this way?

There was silence for about a minute until Rika piped up.

Rika: I-I think I know why.

Suguha and Asada: What is it?

Rika: It was when we first met, we got stuck in a dragon's nest and spent the night there in SAO. This was after he stopped. He told me about why he became The Assassin in the first place. I can't say why Asada but I'll tell you my idea of why he's become this. He's blaming himself for not saving Asuna and someone threatening us, that's all I'll say.

Asada and Suguha: (saddened) Oh.

Rika: When someone threatens us, he can become an almost entirely different person but it's to make sure that we are safe.

Asada: Yeah. But I don't think I have ever seen him that angry.

Rika: None of us have, none of us have even seen him at his most dangerous. None of us ever saw him work as The Assassin, not even Kazuto and Asuna.

Asada: What about Keiko?

Rika: She didn't either even though he was at his height as The Assassin when they met, he wasn't hunting down Laughing Coffin those 2 days.

Asada: Oh. So what were the rumors of The Assassin during SAO?

Rika: Some thought they were just rumors, some thought he was a ghost, some thought he was The Boogeyman of SAO, the last person many members of Laughing Coffin ever saw. He could strike from out of nowhere and even inside safe zones. He was cold and ruthless against his targets. Calculated with well-thought-out plans that would work. With a mastery of the one-handed sword, he was one of the most powerful and skilled players in the game, if he and Kirito were to have dueled in SAO (y/n) might have won. He was always armed and even when his sword was knocked out of his hand he'd just fight with his hidden blades. But he only went after Laughing Coffin and protected innocent people from them.

Asada: Oh. Well, thank you, guys, for telling me a little.

Suguha: No problem.

Rika: And thank you for letting us know about him.

Asada ended the call with Suguha and both she and Rika walked into the room and started singing karaoke.

time skip brought to you by chibi Asada, Rika, and Suguha being worried about chibi (y/n)

Kirito and (y/n) were in a boss fight with a large monster that was wielding a missive blade. The boss swung the blade and a massive arc came out and hit multiple people. One guy was on his knees after he was hit and his buddy asked if he was ok. Kirito ran towards the boss while (y/n) snuck up behind it. The boss swung his sword at Kirito and Kirito dodged it while (y/n) stabbed the boss in the back. Kirito landed a heavy hit on the boss's side and killed it.

Kirito and (y/n) quickly sheathed their swords and ran to their bikes. Yui said that multiple bosses spawned like last time but from floors 20-30 and they said that they were going to take all of them on. Both of them drove to the next one and took on a red wolf. Kirito was taking it head-on and was aggressive. The wolf turned into a black mist and flew around.

People were shocked that the 2 of them were fighting and beating the boss by themselves. Kirito jumped back and accidentally went into someone. The person asked why Kirito was so worked up but Kirito responded with just a look. The boss went around and turned itself back into a wolf and Kirito rushed at it and landed a good slash and when he went in for another one it turned to mist.

Kirito went after the mist with aggressive attacks and an angry look on his face. (y/n) was shooting the boss as well with Kirito dodging the bullets without even knowing. Yuna popped up and said that there was a bonus stage. The crowd started celebrating while Kirito focused on the boss. Yuna watched the 2 of them intently. The mist turned back into a wolf and tried to summon spikes but before they could get to Kirito, (y/n) charged in with a roar and managed a good hit which stopped the boss's attack. The boss charged at Kirito but he dodged at the last second and hit the wolf in the back hard and killed it. The field changed back to normal as Eiji came in.

Eiji: Congratulations, *slow clap* It seems you finally figured out how to handle yourself in this game, Black Swordsman.

(y/n): *blade still out* (with a growl) Why don't you come over here and back up what you say, or are you a coward.

A message pops up on both of their augma's from Eiji.

Eiji: Instead of Yuna rewarding you, I will.

Eiji disappeared before both of them looked back up.

(y/n): So you are a coward then, just like in SAO.

Asuna was laying in her bed while reading her diary. She looked out her window for a minute.

time skip brought to you by chibi (y/n) sharpening the Sword of Altaïr and getting ready for a fight

Kazuto was in the dojo practicing the kendo moves that Suguha wanted him to practice while (y/n) watched. After Kazuto finished (y/n) decided to say something.

(y/n): Alright not bad. Now to make sure you're ready, give me a duel.

Kazuto: You sure?

(y/n): Yeah. *grabs sword* But just remember this, I'm not going to be holding back, and neither should you.

Kazuto: Got it.

Kazuto got in front of (y/n) and readied his sword while (y/n) got into a stance similar to the Wind Stance from Ghost of Tsushima, his main hand griping the sword hard. (been playing the game recently and this was written on 4/9/23)

Kazuto made the first move and faster than someone could blink (y/n) blocked his attack. Both of them backed off as (y/n) rolled his shoulders. Both went at each other and started clashing. (y/n) moved his foot to the back of Kazuto's and swept his foot out from under him. Kazuto fell on his back and when (y/n) tried to hit him again he rolled out of the way. (y/n) went in for another strike and Kazuto blocked it and quickly got up.

Kazuto: What was that?

(y/n): I said I wasn't holding back. You think Eiji won't fight dirty, you're wrong there. You have to be ready for everything including fighting dirty. Now come at me!

Kazuto charged in and both of them started clashing with Kazuto pushing back hard against (y/n). Kazuto backed off and swept out (y/n) foot out from under him. (y/n) smiled and almost a Cheshire cat-like grin. Kazuto went in for a strike and (y/n) blocked it, rolled out of the way, and did a Shawn Michele's kip up.

(y/n): Good, good, react and adapt. Very good, now then.

(y/n) changed styles and went more aggressive. He started swinging fast and hard with Kazuto blocking or dodging all of his attacks. Kazuto went in for an attack and with an almost unnatural speed (y/n) got behind Kazuto. Kazuto moved his sword to behind his back, blocked (y/n)'s attack, and spun around to face (y/n).

(y/n)'s grin got wider as Kazuto went in for a strike. (y/n) blocked and both clashed again. The 2 kept dealing out blows again and again with them both blocking the other. (y/n) thought that Kazuto was holding back a little and so was he. He wanted both of them to go all out so he thought he'd say something to get Kazuto to become more aggressive.

(y/n): Do you want to get Asuna's memories back? Because it doesn't feel like you do.

Kazuto: (angrily) Yeah!

(y/n): Then stop holding back, hit me.

Kazuto: But-

(y/n): DO IT! Don't worry about me, just do it!

Kazuto stopped holding back and started moving around and striking at a much faster speed than before. (y/n) picked up the pace as well and started moving with a greater speed than before. Both of them were moving almost like blurs and attacking each other with incredible speed. Both of them clashed and (y/n) got even more aggressive with 10 unrelenting attacks and Kazuto blocked them all.

Kazuto went in for a thrust attack but (y/n) parried and went in an arc towards Kazuto's feet. Kazuto jumped up and went for an areal strike but (y/n) dodged out of the way and went for a thrust attack of his own but Kazuto blocked it at the last second. Both of them circled each other waiting. Both of them went for a strike at the same time and clashed and both backed off but in an instant (y/n) knocked Kazuto's sword from out of his hand, swept his foot out from under him, and held his sword to Kazuto's neck.

Kazuto: *breathing hard* Alright, I yield.

(y/n) drops his sword and reached his hand out for Kazuto and Kazuto took it and (y/n) lifted him off his back.

(y/n): That was good there at the end. You're ready.

Kazuto: Thanks.

Kazuto and (y/n) trained for a while longer with (y/n) teaching Kazuto a couple of extra moves and eventually went to sleep.

time skip brought to you by Chibi (y/n) and Kazuto having a kendo duel for fun

April 29th 2026

The day of the concert has arrived and people were filling up the seats. Keiko, Rika, Asuna, Asada, Sachi, and Andrew were getting their seats and began talking to each other.

Asada: Wow, Yuna's more popular than I thought.

Keiko: Ugh, my throat's sore from karaoke.

Rika: That's what you get for overdoing it.

Asuna: Silica, thank you for yesterday.

Keiko: Oh ah sure.

Andrew: Oh man, wish Klein and Suguha could be here.

Asuna: Wait, where's Kirito and (y/n)?

Keiko: They said they were gonna stop by the restroom first.

Kazuto and (y/n) were in an elevator when the doors opened. Both of them walked out to the parking area to meet up with Eiji.

(y/n): Ok, we're here like you wanted.

Eiji: *closes book*

(y/n): You gonna give us her memory back, *cracks knuckles* or am I going to have to force you to?

Eiji: What's the rush Black Swordsman, Assassin?

(y/n): The rush is that if you don't tell us now I'll snap your neck like a damn twig, Nautilus. Interesting name for a guy who was too much of a chicken shit to fight.


(y/n): Well that must have struck a nerve. Too close to home?

Eiji: Guess I can't escape my past, I'm surprised remember a little runt like me?

(y/n): Yeah because I saved your ass from Laughing Coffin, but now I'm thinking I should have left you to the wolves.

Kazuto: Actually I don't remember you, a friend did.

Eiji: *scoffs* A friend like Asuna I bet.

(y/n): (threateningly) You keep her name out of your mouth!

Eiji: It's not enough you have her, you want Yuna too?

Kazuto: What are you talking about?

Eiji: Nevermind. You think you're so cool, you know there is a reason I'm ranked second in this game, do you really think you can beat me?

(y/n): (coldly) Yeah, I can and I will. Kazuto, I'll handle him.

Kazuto: You got it. *backs away*

(y/n) gets ready for the fight against Eiji.

(y/n) and Eiji: Ordinal Scale, activate.

Both spawned into their characters.

Eiji: You want this Assassin?

(y/n): *draws sword and points it at Eiji* Fear me if you dare.

Eiji: Apparently you do want this then.

Eiji charged in and tried to land a strike but (y/n) blocked it with incredible speed. Eiji tried to come back at (y/n) but (y/n) dodged out of the way of his thrust. Yuna's concert began while the 2 were fighting. (y/n) waited for an opening while Eiji was attacking him and (y/n) was blocking or dodging Eiji's attacks. (y/n) got his opening when Eiji got a little overzealous and left himself open. (y/n) in the blink of an eye dodged and slashed Eiji in between the ribs.

Eiji backed off and looked at where he hit. Eiji was angry and he along with (y/n) ran side by side while trying to hit each other. But (y/n) was toying with Eiji, he could end this in a second if he tried. While the 2 were running and fighting, (y/n) was taunting as Ezio would.

(y/n): Second rate my ass, you were nothing in SAO!

Eiji charged at (y/n) and tried to hit him but (y/n) dodged the strike and threw down a smoke bomb. (y/n) continued to taunt Eiji.

(y/n): You were nothing in SAO, even when you joined The Knights of the Blood Oath.

Eiji: Where are you?!

(y/n): Poor Nautilus, you were sad and afraid of everything.


(y/n): Oh did a strike a nerve there? *laughs deeply* It's pathetic really, getting your ass kicked by someone who is "inferior" to you.

Eiji: SHUT UP!

(y/n): *laughs even deeper* Oh how the mighty have fallen, you stabbed the devil in the back because you didn't have to balls to look at him in his eyes.

Eiji: SHUT UP!

(y/n): *an Alucard-like smile* (In a voice similar to Alucard) Did I make you angry? Get Angry! This foolish plot of yours ends today!

Eiji swings his sword around and (y/n) blocked it. Within the blink of an eye, both swung their swords and ended up in a stall mate but (y/n) thought of something. (y/n) swung his offhand and connected right on Eiji's jaw and knocking him back. Eiji was pissed. Both swung their swords and ended up in another clash. Eiji tried to punch (y/n) but (y/n) garbed his wrist, spun him around, and kicked him away with an Altaïr style counter.

Eiji quickly got up and ran at (y/n) and tried to take a swipe at (y/n) but he just jumped back without issue. But when (y/n) landed Eiji knocked him into a concrete wall hard. (y/n)'s sword went flying away from him. (y/n) got up and spat out a little blood from when he bit his cheek when he hit the wall. (y/n) quickly had his hand behind his back with his hand on something that was on his upper back. Eiji slowly walked up to (y/n) while taunting him.

Eiji: Where's all that talk Assassin? I have you weaponless and you're just standing there.

(y/n): *chuckles* That's what you think.

Faster than lightning (y/n) pulled out Altaïr's dagger. In an Ice Pick grip (y/n) swung the dagger and connected. (y/n) quickly backflipped away from the staggered Eiji and quickly picked up his sword.

(y/n): Dumbass, I always have a backup weapon.

Eiji was beyond pissed and rushed at (y/n) blindly. (y/n) knew his weakness was the back of his neck and that would be how he ends this fight. Eiji tried to attack (y/n) but (y/n) just became a blur. (y/n) got up behind Eiji, destroyed the thing that gave Eiji an advantage, got up in front of him, disarmed him, and kicked him away. (y/n) sheathed his dagger behind his back and slowly walked up to Eiji with Eiji's sword in front of him.

(y/n): *kicks the sword towards Eiji* (imitating Death's voice) Pick it up.

Eiji: *a little scared*

(y/n): (still imitating Death's voice) Pick. It. Up.

Eiji was scared after what (y/n) had said but still decided to pick up his sword. Eiji went for one last strike but (y/n) dodged and cut Eiji, not killing him, but ending the fight. (y/n) sheathed his sword as Eiji fell to his knees.

(y/n): You're done.

Eiji: I'm sorry Yuna, I'm sorry I couldn't save you. Don't you get it?! I loved her and this was the only way I could get her back.

(y/n): By taking other people's memories? Is this what she would have wanted?

Eiji: What?

(y/n): Is this what she would have wanted?

Eiji: What do you know, how would understand w-


Eiji: *realization*

Kazuto: (worriedly) (y/n).

(y/n): *crouches down* Tell us how to stop this, not for any of us but for her.

Eiji: It might be too late. Just about every SAO survivor is upstairs, in a few minutes we're going to start scanning the brains of every one of them there and take their memories of SAO. Then we'll bring Yuna back to life. Though I will warn you, if the scan is successful, it might kill every SAO survivor there.

(y/n): Thank you Eiji.

Eiji: (y/n), before you go, could you explain to me how you were able to keep up with me?

(y/n) walks over and crouches down and whispers into Eiji's ear.

(y/n): (whispering) SAO affected my physical body and it made me stronger, faster, and more agile than I have ever been.

Eiji: Well, that's interesting. I wish you both luck and I hope you can end this.

(y/n): *gives a firm nod* Let's go.

Kazuto and (y/n) take off towards the elevator and called Kikuoka and told him what's going on. Kikuoka understood and was already on the way to the arena. While going up the 2 talked for a moment.

Kazuto: I'm just wondering, why were your words so sharp that it pissed him off but then you were talking to him so normally after your duel with him?

(y/n): *sighs* It's because I can understand where he's coming from.

Kazuto: Amy?

(y/n): Yeah. I blamed myself for a long time, and I still do a little nowadays. Even after *trails off*

Kazuto: Ok.

The elevator door opens and both of them rush out toward the stage. Both of them rushed inside and saw multiple bosses including The Skull Reaper and many others. The others were standing up alert except for Asuna who was sitting down and scared.

Agil: Oh my god.

Agil's outfit

Liz: Is this part of the show?

People tried to get out but the door would not open because they were locked on the outside. Someone shot down a flying boss as The Gleam Eyes boss spawned behind Asuna and Silica. Silica drew out her knife but Asuna was struggling to move her hand towards her sword because of the fear.

Liz: Asuna!

A boss popped up behind Liz and the others as The Gleam Eyes came closer to Silica and Asuna. With a roar of anger, (y/n) jumped down and stabbed the boss in the eye, and jumped off of it. Kirito jumped down a second later.

Kirito: Asuna, you ok?

Asuna: Kirito, (y/n).

(y/n) drew out his dagger and pushed the boss back farther. (y/n) got the boss teetering over the edge and performed a standing dropkick and sent it over the edge, which killed it. Kikuoka was outside of the stage and he decided to go after Shigemura. (y/n) quickly rushed over to make sure everyone was ok.

(y/n): I know, I know I'm late.

Sinon/Liz/Silica/Sachi: (y/n)!

All 4 of them rush over and tackle him in a hug.

(y/n): You ok Silica?

Silica: Yeah. Are you?

(y/n): Had to go through a duel, I'm fine though.

Liz: What's going on?

(y/n): They're putting their plan into motion.

Asada: What do you mean?

(y/n): Take what happened to Asuna, multiply it by every SAO survivor here, and then add possible death to the equation.

Silica: Oh shit!

(y/n): Silica!

Silica: Sorry!

(y/n): We deal should probably figure this out quickly.

Kirito: Yeah!

Since (y/n) defeated The Gleam Eyes they didn't have to worry for a moment but then soon after The Fatal Scythe spawned in and went after them. The boss went for a hit and everyone jumped back.

(y/n): Son of a bitch. This bastard was hard enough to deal with the first time!

Kirito: You telling me!

The boss went after Kirito and (y/n) but Yuna blocked its strike with a shield.

(y/n): Yuna! Thank god you're here.

Yuna: Help me (y/n), Kirito. If we don't stop this everyone here is going to die.

(y/n): We know that already!

Yuna: Once the average of their emotive counters passes 10,000, a high output scan will activate and destroy their brains.


(y/n): That won't work Kirito, they're entrenched in fear so they aren't going to listen to you. I would know, I used fear as one of my most powerful tools.

Yuna: (y/n)'s right.

Kirito: What are we supposed to do?

Yuna: Go to the place we met yesterday, that was floor 100 in old Aincrad. Go there and beat the boss!

Kirito: *gasps*

Yuna: It's our last hope. Sit down, I'm going to unlock the augma's full dive function now.

Kirito: You can full-dive with the augma!

Yuna: The augma is just a version of the nervegear but with limited functions. Now get going!

Yuna pushed the boss back with her shield.

(y/n): We're ready.

Agil: *put's a hand on Kirito's shoulder*

Sinon/Liz/Silica/Sachi: *put's a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder*

(y/n): You guys.

All 5 of them: *nod*

Yuna starts activating the augma's full dive function. Kirito was sitting in front while (y/n) sat with Silica and Liz on his left and Sinon, Sachi, and Agil on his right and behind Kirito.

Liz: Let's do this.

Silica: Yeah!

Yui: *flies in* Good luck Daddy, Uncle.

Kirito: Yui, guard your mom.

Yui: Right.

Asuna: *sits down* Kirito.

Kirito: Don't worry, this won't take long. We're the only chance these people have but we're gonna need you to wait here. *hands Asuna a ring*

Asuna: Kirito?

Kirito: Keep that safe till I get back ok.

Kirito closed his eyes along with everyone else except for Asuna.

All 7 of them: Link start!

All 7 of them were transported to the top of Aincrad and started falling towards the castle where the boss was.

Liz: No way, so this is floor 100. The Ruby Palace.

Agil: Can't believe after 2 years we finally get to take a crack at it.

(y/n): Then we make sure this first time will be the last time too.

As they were falling they saw what they going to have to face, the floor 100 boss, The An Incarnation of the Radius.

(y/n) thoughts: Well hello you giant bitch of a boss.

The boss moves and pins Agil to the wall as the others landed on the ground.

Kirito: Agil!

10 health bars appear next to the boss. Agil just barely blocked the attack from the boss.

Agil: *straining* So you're the last boss of SAO huh.

Kirito: *draws sword* Let's go guys.

Kirito, (y/n), Liz, Sachi, and Silica took off toward the boss. The boss moves its sword down and turned around to attack the others with ranged attacks. (y/n) predicting this dodged along with Kirito while Liz, Silica, and Sachi got thrown back to the wall and tried to attack the boss but a shield surrounded it. Both of them were thrown back with (y/n) stopping them both from hitting the pillar. The boss went after the both of them but Sinon shot at the boss.

The boss turned its attention to Sinon and fired a laser beam at the general area Sinon was in and causing a massive explosion. Agil charged in and tried to hit the boss but the force field stopped his attack. The boss went after Agil and Kirito switched in and landed a hit on the boss. Kirito switched with Liz and Silica and they did a heavy hit and broke the force field and knocked the boss's sword out of their hand. The boss recovered and grew a tree and a water droplet healed the boss.

Kirito: Shit.

Silica: No way.

Liz: Oh man, how do we beat that thing?

(y/n): I know it's filthy rich coming from me, but your powers are BULLSHIT!

The boss slammed its spear down and summoned a bunch of roots toward the others. (y/n) dodged out of the way at the last second and wasn't caught up in the roots. At the concert, everyone was scared because the bosses were attacking them, including Asuna. Yuna, who was still shielding everyone began talking.

Yuna: I'm sorry Asuna. I'm the reason your memory was stolen. My father's collecting the other SAO player's memories of me from when I was alive in Aincrad. He's using the old bosses to force the survivors here to remember their fear of dying in SAO, then he'll run a scan on their brains and extract the memories. If that happens it might end up damaging everyone's brains permanently, it might even kill them.

Asuna: Oh my god. *moves to take off Kirito's augma*

Yui: *flies and stops her from doing it* No, don't.

Asuna thoughts: If I take it off his head, he'll be saved but then what about the other players? They are still in danger.

Asuna starts thinking back and see's an image of Kirito with his swords blocking something. Asuna puts both of her hands on her chest and makes a decision.

Asuna: Yuna, *get's up* you died in SAO because you were brave enough to leave the safe zone. You fought a boss and tried to clear a floor, didn't you?

Yuna: *eyes widen*

Asuna: I can't sit here and do nothing. Yui, I'm going to help Kirito and the others.

Yui: Ok Mommy. I'll join you in a little bit.

Asuna sits down and puts her hand over Kirito's.

Asuna: *takes a deep breath* Link start!

The boss sent a beam attack towards Sinon who hid behind a pillar and jumped away. Silica was running towards the boss but she got launched in the air and was then smashed between 2 pieces of concrete. (y/n) yelled out her name pissed at the boss. Kirito jumped up and tried to hit the boss but the boss grabbed him from out of mid-air and slammed him into the wall.

Agil: Kirito!

Liz: Silica!

Sinon was sitting down with her rifle away from her. (y/n) was waiting for Asuna to make her entrance. Silica yelled out and so did Agil while Liz and Sachi were struggling. The boss was going to laser beam Kirito when Asuna came in from the sky and hit the boss hard.

(y/n): Death from above.

Silica started falling down and Asuna caught her. While everyone was trying to figure out what happened, (y/n) ran forward and jumped up and once he got to the top of the boss's head he shot both eyes out with his P30L and then ran down while dragging his sword down the boss's back and hurting it badly. (y/n) joined everyone as they all started talking.

Asuna: Hi guys, sorry I'm late.

(y/n): *hugs her* No, you came at the perfect time sis.

Kirito: You ok to be here?

Asuna: *nods* Mu-hum. I'm ready to fight, I'm not afraid anymore.

(y/n): Well then, let's get this party started then.

Kirito: Good.

Sinon started firing at the boss with her rifle. The boss was missing one of its eyes from Asuna and the other one was bleeding from (y/n). It summoned its sword like it was Thor's hammer. The boss charged in when it was hit with a massive wave of magic.

Leafa: Kazuto, (y/n), sorry I'm late!

Yui pops out and flies toward everyone.

Yui: Daddy, mommy, uncle, I brought everyone else too.

Many other people flew out or came into the boss arena. Everyone that the crew met in ALO and some people who Sinon knew in GGO and even Klein.

Klein: Hah, we rule in VR!

Klein comes in and lands a good hit on the boss as Sakuya and Alicia Rue charged up spells and launched them at the boss. Players from GGO were unloading on the boss.

Kirito: There here too.

(y/n): Great job kiddo, you brought the fucking Calvary!

Yui: Don't just stand there, you've got work to do.

Yui brought up a gold ball and it flashed a bright light. Once it dissipated everyone was in their SAO outfits and their weapons from SAO except for (y/n) and Sinon who had her GGO outfit.

Kirito: What the?

Kirito's outfit

Elucidator and Dark Repulser

Asuna's outfit

Lambent Light

Agil's outfit

Silica: Pina!

Yui: I loaded up your data from the SAO server, I thought you'd be more comfortable this way. I also brought your gear Sinon and I brought Sachi's gear from ALO.

(y/n): How come I look different?

Yui: I combined both your SAO and GGO gear and weapons.

(y/n)'s outfit

(the hooded coat of Shay's Dark Assassin outfit, my personal favorite outfit of Shay's, with (f/c) accents)

(y/n): So then that means, *checks for his guns* my guns and, *draws both swords* my swords.

(y/n) drew out both his Assassin sword and his Excalibur. Kirito drew out both of his swords after (y/n). (y/n) sheathed both swords because he had a plan.

Kirito: Alright, let's do this!

Kirito, Asuna, Liz, Silica, Sachi, and Agil took off while (y/n) activated his Dead Eye ability from GGO. He drew out his Colt and in a second emptied all 6 rounds into the boss's head. (y/n) took off as everyone launched attacks. The boss tried to get 2 people but they flew away. Sinon was sliding while firing her Hecate. The boss when after her but she jumped out of the way and Asuna landed a hard hit while Kirito spun like a top with both swords and hit the boss multiple times.

Leafa, Klein, and Eugene were flying around the boss and using multiple moves while (y/n) ran over, jumped up, and point-blanked the boss in the head multiple times with The Casull and The Jackal. (y/n) jumped back as the boss went after the other 3 with vines. Klein got hit while Leafa dodged and the vines hit a force field from Siune. The boss went after the GGO guys and caused an explosion while Liz, Silica, and Sachi charged in and knocked the boss in the face.

Agil jumped up and with his axe, he hit the boss in the head, hard. The boss summoned its tree again and everyone shot the boss but just as it was about to heal one final shot cracked out.

(y/n): Boom.

At the end of (y/n)'s muzzle break was smoking and he was just smiling. The bullet hit the boss in the head and it exploded and stopped its healing because (y/n) loaded a Raufoss Mk 211 into his M82A1. (The Raufoss Mk 211 is an explosive tipped .50 BMG round.)

Sinon: Did he just use-

Dine: A Raufoss Mk 211, one of the rarest rounds in GGO!

Sinon thoughts: You always find a way to impress me (y/n).

Everyone charged in as (y/n) slung his Barrett behind his back and charged in as well. Everyone use everything that they had on the boss, people were shooting spells, (y/n) and others were shooting their guns, and Kirito and Asuna and others were up close and attacking. Kirito and Asuna were cutting the vines and charged at the boss. The boss tried to stop them both but Kirito blocked the attack and Asuna switched in.

Asuna flew at the boss and used Mother's Rosario. Wings came out of her sword and an image of Yuuki was with her as she flew at the boss and connected with all 11 hits. Kirito came in and performed The Eclipse and landed all 27 hits. But the boss was still standing and did a massive AOE attack that pushed everyone away, except for (y/n).

(y/n) POV

I saw the boss winding up for an AOE attack so I stabbed both of my swords into the ground and once it launched it, it knocked everyone back but me. I brought both swords up but I was pissed. I knew what I had to do but this time my anger was more controlled. Cracking my neck I slowly and calmly walked up to the boss. My body felt different but I knew what it was. I looked at the reflection from my sword and saw my eyes were crimson red and glowing and that I had a crimson red aura surrounding me.

(y/n): *chuckles* Time to do what I did on floor 75.

No One POV

Everyone was watching as (y/n) calmly walked up to the boss.

Liz: What is he doing?

Leafa: We have to help him!

Silica: Yeah!

Sachi: We have to help!

Kirito: Wait, this seems familiar to me.

(y/n)'s body started being surrounded by a crimson-red aura.

Kirito: Wait, no way-

(y/n) turned around to look at Kirito and gave him a wink and a smirk. He then turned back around and continued walking towards the boss.

((y/n)'s aura and eyes)

Asuna: No way.

Agil: I never thought I'd see that again.

Klein: You're telling me.

Kirito: Yeah.

Leafa: Umm, what's going on?

Sinon: Yeah why is (y/n) surrounded by that red aura?

Silica: And why were his eyes that same red?

Liz: And why is he casually strolling up to the boss?

Kirito: *chuckles* Oh yeah, I remember you weren't there. Well, this is what he looked like when he soloed the back half of the floor 75 boss.

All 5 of them: WHAT!

Agil: Yeah, the aura, the eyes and all.

Kirito: But he looks nowhere near as angry now as when he did it back on floor 75.

Klein: Yeah.

Kirito: But there's something else as well.

Leafa: What?

Kirito: Just watch.

(y/n) POV

I was still slowly walking up to the boss causally while it looked at me pissed but I didn't care. The boss charged me and tried to take a swing at me and I heard 5 screams of my name but I blocked it like it was nothing. I pushed it back and it tried to come at me with its spear but I blocked it with my other sword. It swung both weapons down and using both swords to create an X and blocked it and then parried and broke its guard.

(y/n): *smirking* STARBURST STREAM!

I let lose the anger I've had for a little bit with this Starburst Stream. I unleashed the move and started moving like a blur like characters from Dragon Ball Z would move in a fight.

After 16 I kept going and didn't stop until 50 and with that final hit the boss disappeared. I was still smirking and took a deep breath and let it out. After I let that breath out I was immediately tackled by 5 bodies.

Leafa: You're ok!

(y/n): (teasingly) Were you all that worried about me?

All 5 of them: *blushing*

(y/n): Thanks for the concern but I had it all handled. I've done it before.

Sinon: Yeah, Kirito told us.

Kirito: Well well, it seems you still have a few tricks up your sleeves still.

(y/n): Ah so you learned then.

Kirito: Yeah I did.

(y/n): Yeah, but we still have a couple of things to do.

Kirito: Yeah.

Everyone was celebrating when the ground glowed and the particles formed 2 swords that were the exact same. Both swords floated down to me and Kirito.

We both catch the swords and as we do we hear Kayaba.

Akihiko: Now you really have cleared the game Kirito, (y/n).

Kirito and (y/n): Kayaba?

Akihiko: Now you only have one thing left to do.

The sword starts glowing as Kirito and I return to the concert. When I open my eyes I see Yuna go flying towards a wall because of The Fatal Scythe. The boss tries to kill her but in an instant, I cut off both of its hands. It drops its scythe and it disappeared. The boss disappeared after Kirito came in and slashed it.

Kirito's ranking went up to number one and so did mine.

(y/n) thoughts: Yes, I've grown from a man to a god.

(only have to watch the first 7 seconds)

Kirito and I turn around and give Yuna a nod as thanks. Kirito's eyes were golden while mine were still red. Yuna returned the nod and walked on stage. Yuna started singing a song. People started cheering and started fighting back against the bosses. The emotive counter started going down as more people started fighting the bosses. Me and Kirito were swinging our swords and creating arcs that destroyed the bosses with one move.

(y/n): Hey Kirito, I want to try something.

Kirito: You got it.

Kirito handed me his sword and I stabbed both into the ground. I then pulled both out and created an X with my arms. Both arcs from the swords created an X themselves and cut down the line of monsters in front of us. I quickly hand Kirito back his sword and we continue to take down the bosses. We cut multiple arcs and destroyed the rest and a shower of confetti surrounded us while Yuna was still singing.

Kirito and I both put our swords behind our backs as the crowd started cheering. We both disappeared and returned to our bodies. All 8 of us woke up and we quickly got up with me stretching a little. All 8 of us walked over to Yuna to talk to her. She walked over to us.

Kirito: You sounded great up there Yuna.

(y/n): Yeah.

Yuna: Thanks a lot. *starts glowing*

Everyone: *worried gasps*

Yuna: The data from my primary body was based on the resource script of the boss on floor 100, its language engine is what allowed me to move around but the boss was defeated and its save data will be initialized. So now I have to say goodbye to you.

Kirito: No way.

Yuna: It's not a bad thing. I got to sing in front of a huge audience so my wish was fulfilled. *walks over* I couldn't be happier. Before I go, I'd have to give this back to you. *holds hand out* Your fear of death is what caused you to lose your memories, but you overcame it and fought anyway. *returns memories to Asuna* I'm sure everything will come back to you now.

Yuna smiles at Asuna as I walked forward.

(y/n): Yuna, you have earned my respect today.

Yuna: Why?

(y/n): Because you were willing to give up your second chance at life to protect others so that's why. Also, I'm sorry about putting a sword too your neck.

Yuna: No, it's ok. I don't blame you either. I understand why, you were just trying to protect your friends.

(y/n): Thanks.

Yuna: I'm just curious, what did you always say to your enemies when you killed them?

(y/n): At the end, I said "Requiescat in pace." It's Latin for rest in peace. Even though I killed murderers I would still treat my opponents with respect in the end to not sink to their level. (thoughts) It's what Mario and Ezio taught me. (normally) Also, I should say this to Yuna, Requiescat in peace.

Yuna: Respectful till the end, and thank you. I know this might be asking too much but could you humor me with one final request?

(y/n): Sure.

Yuna walked over to me and before I could even blink she kissed me on the lips. She then walked away and said one final thing.

Yuna: So that's what that feels like.

Yuna glowed even more and then disappeared into a golden dust that surrounded everyone. I looked around and saw Eiji. He look over to me and I gave him a small salute and a thank you and he acknowledged me. I was remembering back to the times that I met her and everyone else as well. She was kind and helpful to others, she's very similar and reminds me of Amy. Once the golden dust disappeared I felt 4 pairs of eyes boring into the back of my head.

Asada/Keiko/Rika/Sachi: (angrily) (y/n).

(y/n): Ahhh shiiiiiiiiit.

I bolt out of there and heard all 4 of them after me.

Asada/Keiko/Rika/Sachi: Get back here!

Kazuto: *chuckling*

time skip brought to you by chibi (y/n) running away from Chibi Asada, Suguha, Rika, Sachi, and Keiko with chibi Kazuto and Asuna are laughing

May 4th 2026

Me, Suguha, Rika, Asada, Keiko, Sachi, Ryoutarou, and Andrew were at The Dicey Café. We were watching the news about Yuna's concert but I didn't bother listening because I was worried about having my head ripped off.

Keiko: I bet you're glad to be out of that hospital.

Sugu: Yeah, how's that arm doing?

Ryoutarou: Ow. Nah I'm kidding it's fine but I'll being sticking to VR games from now on.

(y/n): Agreed man, agreed.

Rika: But you got to meet more girls in AR.

Ryoutarou: Ehh it's no big deal, nobody meets their dream girl in games anyway.

(y/n): *laughing* You done fucked up.

Andrew: You better pray my wife never hears you say that. Yo, she gave up her ticket for your broke ass. *hits Ryoutarou with the plate*

Ryoutarou: Ow, what's your problem?

Andrew: Apologize.

Sugu: Um guys. *razes hand and gets up a little* Brought something back for everyone.

Asada: Where was this boot camp you went to?

Sugu: Shimane. *sets down box of sweet treats* The place we stayed didn't have computers, if I didn't smuggle in my Amusphere I would have died from boredom. *opens box*

(y/n): Well thank god you did, you saved all of our asses.

Sugu: *blushing a little*

Ryoutarou: *grabs snack* By the way, where are Kirito and Asuna?

Sugu: They said they had other plans tonight.

(y/n): Want me to ask for you?

Sugu: Sure.

(y/n): *calls Kazuto*

Kazuto: Hey.

(y/n): Hey, the others were wondering what you were doing so can I tell them?

Kazuto: Sure go ahead.

(y/n): Ok. Have fun you 2, just not too much fun.

Kazuto: *sputtering on the other end*

(y/n): I'm just messing with you brother, I'll talk to you later. *hangs up*

Sugu: So?

(y/n): Kazuto is fulfilling a promise he made to Asuna back in SAO. He took her out to see a meteor shower and he bought her a real ring so he's giving it to her there.

Sugu: Oh.

(y/n): Now then. *reaches for a snack*

Asada: *smacks his hand*

(y/n): Ow, that's still the bad hand.

Asada: Sorry.

(y/n): Why did you smack my hand?

Asada: Because you need to explain yourself.

Sugu: Explain what?

Rika: Why did he let Yuna kiss him?

Sugu: What!

(y/n): (mouthing to Andrew) Help me.

Andrew: *shakes his head no* Sorry I can't help you, man.

(y/n): *feels 5 pairs of eyes on him* (whisper) Shit. *sits back up straight*

Sugu: So, why did you let her kiss you?

Keiko: Look we're not mad or anything, we just want to know why?

(y/n): *sighs* I was shocked by it too but I didn't want to deny her dying request.

Rika: I guess I can understand that.

Asada: Yeah.

Sugu: Same here.

Sachi: I understand.

(y/n): Look, how can I make it up to you guys?

Sugu: 2 things, first at least pay for dinner for us 6.

(y/n): Sounds good to me.

Ryoutarou: Can I-

(y/n): No.

Ryoutarou: *sighs*

(y/n): What else?

Asada: And please try to not ever get that angry again. Even Kazuto was worried about you.

(y/n): So you explained what happened to all 4 of them then?

Sugu: Yeah. Asada explained it to Rika and me first then Asada and Rika explained what happened to Keiko and Sachi.

Asada: *puts a hand over his* Look we care about you and seeing you like that-

Rika: And hearing about it-

Asada: Worried us and none of us ever want to see or hear about you being that angry so please, next time you feel that way talk to us, please.

(y/n): I'll try and thanks for caring. Can I now get something from the box?

Sugu: Sure.

I grab a piece of what Sugu brought and we all spent the rest of the night talking and having some fun. We all eventually went home with me and Sugu walking home together. Before we went inside Sugu hugged me tightly.

Sugu: But seriously, if you ever feel that way again talk to us. Asada said she never wanted to see you like that again and me, Keiko, Sachi, and Rika don't either. Just hearing about it made me extremely worried.

(y/n): I'm sorry I made you guys worry. I'll try to never get that angry again but I can't promise that.

Sugu: Ok.

Sugu ended the hug and we both walked inside. We talked to Kazuto about his date with Asuna and I teased him relentlessly with Sugu. Next will be the Alicization arc. This one I can't truly prepare for as I could with Phantom Bullet and Ordinal Scale. I hope luck will be on my side for this and even if Kazuto does get poisoned I can just go into Underworld and bust his ass out of there before PoH can get on that ship. All 3 of us went to bed and I went to sleep after Kazuto did.

Wow, that was a long one there but Ordinal Scale is now officially in the books and next week will be a fun chapter and then one of my favorite arcs, Alicization. It's tied for second for my favorite arcs of the whole series, show-wise. I hope this story has been entertaining for you all. Anything you want added to the story then please leave a comment. This is me leaving for now. Bye, guys, and have a good day.


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