Facing Reality

By Mystery_Writer_28

1.9K 260 128

Book 2 of Never Again "Can I have some?" He says he's trying to snag a piece of my pie. I hit his hand and lo... More

Author Note
1) "Shut up, bitch, I'm in charge."
2)"You're bleeding out,"
3)"Are you okay?"
4)"Yes, mommy,"
5)"Is it a mafia ball?"
6) "Oh, come on the idiots' room,"
7)"Shut up, fish parts,"
8)"But cranberry juice, woo, I'll be flying through the roof drunk"
9)"don't make me beat your ass."
10)"Can I have some,"
11)"Does your ass hurt?"
13)"Not till you get one,"
14)"Oh, so you're leaving the body here,"
15) No, I'm not going to steal puppies
16) "Give me a bite, Sandro,"
17)"Don't bite your lip"
18)"Quick, kiss me,"
19)"Anyway, I didn't throw you out the window,"
20)"Then take what is yours,"
21)"What's your size?"
22)"I want you out of this dress,"
23)"Do you suppose we've got a rat?"
24)"You were an assassin,"
25)"Did you not see Tangled?"
26)"You bitch"
28)"Capo, save me!"
29)"Where is she?"
30)"We're under attack,"
31)"Is it finished?"
32)"Say ciao to the devil for me,"
33)"I'll kill you first,"
34)"What, just keep kissing,"
35)"As a raccons ass,"
36)"All mine, then I'm all yours,"
37)"Hell, slow down so I can talk,"
38)All I could hear was moaning."
39)"God, I don't deserve the world. I don't deserve anything,"
40)"What exactly are we?"
41)"May I touch you, please?"
42)"Hey, pigface, do you have a golf club?"
43)"Wake the fuck up, we're not through yet."
44)"Don't try to tease me,"
45)"My man is not stupid,"
46)"Is it fucking true? Was it all a lie?"
47)"What if they look over here?"
48)"I like her"
49)"Make no noise, baby, or I'll stop,"
51)"Then let us not kill you just yet."
52) "To see the life leave your eyes,"
53)"What have you done to me?"
54)"She said get the fuck out,"
Special Insight: Bonus #1

50)"Yes, yes."

29 4 0
By Mystery_Writer_28

Thalia POV:

It had already been a week and a half, and it was almost time for us to return to the United States. But Sandro has been acting strangely recently, and he told me today that he has something for me. 

I agreed because, well, I wanted to be with him. 

"Can I take it off now, Sandro?" I say agitated that I must keep this blindfold on while he drags me to who knows what. 

"No, you don't take it off unless I say so," he replies, gripping my hand and forcing me farther into my 'death'. 

"Why do I have the feeling you're trying to kill me?" I joked until it fell silent and his grip was off me.

"Sandro?" I question when it got quiet 

"Sandro!" I say and take my blindfold off looking around to see I'm at some waterfall in the woods. It was breathtaking. 

But my heart was thumping, and my instincts kicked in.  

I must get out of here. 

When someone jumps out, scaring the crap out of me, I throw my arm back and strike them in their shit. 

"Fuck," Lorenzo exhales on the ground, clutching his stomach. "I think I see him, the Almighty God" 

"Get your ass up. Where the hell is Sandro?" 

"Please just follow the flower path," he adds as he tries to get some fresh air. I saw Alfonso hurry over to me in a suit, confusing me even more as he dragged Lorenzo in the opposite direction. 

What the fuck? 

What in the hell is going on? 

I lift my slightly long dress and walk through the path, careful not to trip over the rocks because these heels are expensive. 

He tells me to get dressed up yet he leaves me in the middle of the fucking woods. I should slap his ass for this. 

His actual ass 

He better have a good explanation. 

Or his ass is grass

I was grumbling the entire time but awestruck by the fancy lighting, torches that were lit with fire. Roses and other beautiful flowers lining the path making it look like a wedding ceremony. 

There were only a few people standing to the side, gazing forward, but as I passed, they each handed me something.  

 I felt both nervous and excited. 

 What does he have planned? 

I was given a bouquet of black and white flowers. I held them up to my nose to see whether they smelled, but they didn't. They were still lovely. 

The next individual crowned my head with a stunning diamond tiara, prompting me to thank them and continue moving. 

The next person presented me with some Cornelia James cotton dress gloves, prompting me to bow in gratitude. I was terrified and confused of what was happening. 

I felt like a princess or something, and this was her big ceremony as she became queen. 

I was then given a necklace that appeared to be too expensive to take, but I took it anyhow and wore it around my neck. 

 I was then presented with a bracelet, some earrings, some chocolate and finally a message. 

"Stand right here as we walk you through the next place, please" Someone I'm all too familiar with says.  

 "Tina?" I say confused. "What exactly is going on?" 

She just smiles and waves me off. "Hey belle, everything is fine. Just come on. Come, dear" She says pushing me forward. 

Dear My Everything, My promise, 

I looked at Tina and she ushers me to keep reading 

I understand you're probably confused and want to beat my ass, and I don't blame you. So, before you plan my death, let me explain myself.  

I laugh silently before continue reading 

My life was initially dark, depressing, and empty before you entered it over two years ago. But when you showed up, I forgot about everything. You helped me reach the point where I felt like I had a purpose in life. That everything was happening for a reason. And it did. I've met you. 

My beautiful, gorgeous girl 

We've been through secrets, lies, lust, fights, and torture together, and I want you to know that I'll be there for you no matter what. If you ever feel inadequate, remember that what others say about you is a reflection of their own insecurities. You must realize that you are the most beautiful, intelligent, strong, compassionate, and modest person I've ever met, and I can't picture my life without you. 

My thoughts, emotions, and heart are all yours, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My feelings for you have only grown deeper since I first met you, and they will only get stronger in the coming years. 

There isn't a single moment when I'm not thinking of you. I'm always wondering when you'll taunt me about my fashion sense or when I'll see you when I'm away on business. Every second apart from you feels like an eternity. 

The trust we've developed in one other is tremendous and will only become more intense. You are the last thought on my mind before going to bed and the first thought on my mind when I wake up. I'm not interested in anyone else. God has already sent my soulmate, the one he chose specifically for me. You're the one. Only you. 

I know it's long, but if I tried to put all of my sentiments for you on paper, it would take an eternity. 

What completes me is having you by my side. I love you. I promise to love you always, every single day of forever. 

I promise 

Now look up 

I had just discovered, with tears streaming down my cheek, that Tina had taken me to the spot. I glance up, gasp, and cry even harder. 

I stare at the scene in front of me, tears trickling down my face.  

I feel like a crybaby

Beautiful lights were hung on a black square frame, and candles lit the pathway. Crimson petals formed a heart and Sandro was on his knees staring at me with a black box, that was holding a gorgeous ring. 

He appeared to be about to cry, and he has never looked more beautiful. 

"I want to be with you forever. So, can you make me the happiest man alive and marry me, my Queen?" 

As I approached him, my hands were really shaking, and my pulse was racing so fast that I thought I was having a heart attack. 

As I reached him, I knelt at his level and nodded my head repeatedly, "Yes, yes." 

He quickly jumps up and pulls me up, making me laugh as he spins me around. 

Bringing my feet back to the ground, he grips my jaw and softly kisses me, causing me to grip his clothes. I realized he was crying when I tasted something salty on my lips. I giggle as I step back, wiping my eyes. 

He holds my waist and presses his forehead against mine. He was smiling so broadly, and his eyes were so intense that I blushed. 

He was going to say something when we heard screaming and clapping. 

"Congratulations, little sis," Atticus says as he emerges from wherever he was hiding with Zoe.  The rest of Sandros' family and friends come out to congratulate us as well. 

"I thought you were going to say no, Sweetpea. I lost $5,000 because of you," Alfonso adds as he passes the money to the trios, Finn and Lorenzo. 

"That's what your dumbass gets," I remark, and Atticus nods. 

"Alfonso, if she had said no, I would've shot you," Sandro replied, clutching my waist almost possessively.  

"Wait- why the hell would you shoot me?" Alfonso asks as the others lead him away from us, calling him a dumbass. 

I chuckled and hugged Sandro tightly. I grabbed him and grasped his shirt. "You know I thought you were going to murder me." 

"And why would I do that to the most beautiful girl in the world?" he asks, leaning down to kiss my lips. 

"I'm not sure," I say shyly. He was staring at me with such intensity. He looked at me as if I were the only girl he saw in this dark world. 

I was so happy and nothing could ruin that

"I lov-" A gunshot rang through the air, cutting him off. 

Author Note:

oof, cliffhanger

I wonder what's going to happen

Omg Sandro proposed to Thalia, how exciting is that.

I feel like a proud mama

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Only 3 or 4 chapters left

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