A Spark of Happiness

By Oriandthewill

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After the defeat of Void Termina, the Mage-Sisters, alongside with Hyness, landed on Popstar in hope of creat... More

Prologue - A Shout for the Heavens
Chapter 1 - Unwanted Help
Chapter 2 - A Spider's Offer
Chapter 3 - Distrust
Chapter 4 - The Kingdom in the Sky
Chapter 5 - First Day
Chapter 6 - A Lurking Shadow
Chapter 7 - Roots
Chapter 8 - Chit-Chat
Chapter 9 - The Underworld Arachnid
Chapter 10 - Blooming Flower
Chapter 11 - Calm Times
Chapter 12 - Party Crashers
Chapter 13 - Shattered
Chapter 14 - Awful Decisions
Chapter 15 - Heart to Heart
Chapter 16 - Realization
Chapter 17 - A Spider's Wrath
Chapter 18 - Escaping the Mirror
Chapter 19 - Star Allies
Chapter 20 - Moonlight Madness
Chapter 21 - Reunion
Chapter 22 - Void
Chapter 24 - The Eye of the Storm
Chapter 25 - Hope
Epilogue - A Spark of Happiness

Chapter 23 - Suffering

131 6 13
By Oriandthewill

"COME ON! WAKE UP!!" Dark Taranza said as he punched the giant white orb before shaking his hand in pain. "Seriously, I want what this being used to sleep like a rock, it would help a lot."

The shadowy spider was a mess, his golden hair was now ruined and his clothes were all torn up from the damage done. He was slowly succumbing to madness as the two horns grew in size, pain and suffering were manifesting in his heart to transform the once diabolical being into something even more broken. His soul no longer existed.

While he destroyed multiple floating rocks, his soldiers stared with an annoyed look, even Shadow Dedede wasn't impressed by the man's childish attitude. Seeing that the two were making fun of him, Dark Taranza grabbed the two by the neck and threatened to kill them.

"You two could be more useful! But NO... you're just staring while I do all the work!" The spider threw them on the closest floating platform, groaning in the process. "Everyone WILL bow to me! And I..." He charged a giant energy orb. "WILL BE HAPPY!"

Before the infuriated spider could destroy them, someone arrived from the tunnels. They were Kirby and his friends, who came to put an end to this. Once and for all.

"Sheesh, this place is nuts." King Dedede gazed upon the meteor's inside, it was a gigantic hole with many floating platforms; in the middle of it, resided Void and the three villains.

Dark Taranza couldn't believe what he saw, the ones he swore would never go after him were all in one big platform. Ten heroes, one villain. He sure was outnumbered. "What the heck?! How are you still alive?! I thought my little trap would be the perfect solution." He cursed in italian and floated in front of the Star Allies.

"Evil never wins, Dark Taranza. Darkness won't prevail, and we're here to end this." Kirby stared at the arachnid with a fearless look before he pointed his sword upwards. In response to his commentary, all that the psychopathic spider could do was laugh as he lost his mind.

The sounds that came from him were unsettling enough to scare some of the heroes. Dark Taranza constantly twitched in many ways, only stopping when he took a deep breath.

"You poor, INNOCENT, boy. Shadows are merely but CHAOS that prevent light from reaching everywhere, they are eternal. But the thing you crave for is not." He put his many hands together, still maintaining the giant orb with him. "You depend on something to give you hope, love... Light is NOTHING without a source." Everyone prepared themselves for a possible attack.

Dark Taranza pointed behind him with one thumb and slowly shook his head in disappointment. "I would love allowing you to behold the rise of your new god. Who am I kidding? You fools are so miserable you don't even deserve to live." As he snapped his fingers, Umbra Knight and Shadow Dedede jumped on the same platform.

"HAPPINESS WILL SURE BE MINE! And no one gets anything else..." The evil being pouted and tilted his head to the side, grinning right after. "Now... Before I rule the entire universe, fatty." He patted Kirby on the head, getting a look of disbelief and irritation. If you anger the god in pink, you will surely die.

"I'll use your own creator against you. Ahhh..." He smirked. "How ironic... The source of all your hope will be YOUR DOOM."

In the middle of them, Hyness widened his eyes as he realized what Dark Taranza was going to do.

"I COMMAND YOU, SPARKING STAR! RISE AND KILL THE LIVING PESTS THEY ARE!" He hummed a single note. "Hey, that rhymed! Glad to see I still got the hang of it." Despite maintaining the same messy look, Dark Taranza patted his clothes as a way of boosting his confidence.

Kirby jumped in the villain's direction, but he wasn't fast enough; the underworld arachnid fired the orb at Void, whose shaking made the entire place vibrate.

As the white orb approached them, the megalomaniac teleported behind it. He just needed to wait for it to tire itself and then seize the moment, taking the god's powers as his own. The heroes, on the other hand, took some steps backwards. The ball seemed so much bigger when up close.

A loud crack and giggle could be heard from Void, who formed one of his three black cavities. Suddenly, the other two appeared and circled around its body that only stopped when it was a few meters away from the Dream Friends.

The holes expanded and retracted right after, forming a familiar face, which shocked everyone...

"It's..." Out of everyone, Kirby was the most freaked out. "Kirby."

Void's face seemed like it was crying, its smile then enlarged and its eyes closed. "Hey, Kirby." Dedede said. "Why does it look like ya... wait... it's changing again." The king of Dreamland looked around to see the expressions of his partners. Bandana Dee and Francisca were a little scared, but ready to fight; Flamberge wasn't understanding anything; Magolor and Hyness' minds exploded with so many theories.

Meanwhile, Meta Knight was more focused on the two enemies who only stared at them, the man in armor suddenly grabbed his sword and told Kirby to focus, but he only got a slight nod as a response. Taranza cowardly hid behind the puffball while Zan stared at the being who started all of this, all of that happened while Void laughed in pain.

The god's closed eyes disappeared into the white body, leaving only the mouth that was thin as paper. The hole grew and grew as the villains approached our beloved characters, finally stopping when it was as big as the body.

From the middle of the cavity, a single white eye with a red pupil appeared that reminded some of Kirby's friends of a certain null villain, also known as Zero. Ten appendages also formed around Void's body, ready for action.

Once complete, the white orb released an unnerving sound that echoed everywhere. "Zero..." Kirby widened his blue eyes before turning back to his friends. "What's the plan, Kirby?" Taranza asked with a concerned face, the fact Kirby was shocked made it way more terrifying for the arachnid.

"It's a Kirby in suffering..." Before the pink ball could say anything else, a sound of a charging laser put in on his guard. "Watch out!"

Kirby was too late, Void already fired its turquoise laser at the floating platform. The rocky surface separated into four parts that went in different directions, the team wasn't together anymore...

The moment divided the team into four groups. Zan Partizanne, Francisca and Meta Knight went to the right; King Dedede, Bandana Dee and Flamberge went to the left; and Hyness and Magolor's platform returned to the cave's entrance.

Taranza and Kirby stayed on a smaller platform that made its way into a sea of debris, and Void decided to go after them.

After the explosive incident, Umbra Knight and Shadow Dedede nodded at each other before jumping in opposite directions; one went to the right and the other to the left. The final battle has begun.


"Ouch... Is everyone okay?" The bluette rubbed her eyes while she removed the stone bricks from her clothes. She was on the eastern corner of the ginormous cave, the girl could barely see what was happening on the other side.

The groaning from a mysterious person caused her to jump in fear, so she grabbed her ice axe and slowly approached its source. Once her oldest sister was visible, Francisca put a hand on her chest and sighed in relief.

"Phew! I thought it was someone else..." After Francisca forced a laugh, Zan rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip. "I'm okay, how about you?" The girl in yellow entered a deep state of concern when she noticed they were missing two family members. "Where are Hyness and Berge?"

"Your family is fine, spear wielder." Meta Knight's voice caused them to look in his direction; he was observing the rest of the cave in pure seriousness, polishing Galaxia as he did so. "Void's attack caused the platform we were all on to break into smaller pieces." He pointed at Void and at the entrance.

"It seems, chicas, that we are not the target. Also, I suppose that fireball is the work of your sister." As soon as he finished his sentence, the two girls hugged each other for a brief seconds before they stood right by his side.

"Yeah, Berge is a feisty girl." The bluette nodded to herself, feeling a mix of worry and confidence, no one was able to put Flamberge's fire down. However, Meta Knight did not react to her commentary, he just stared and stared at the mess in front of them.

Zan and her sister looked at each other with a face of someone who's not understand anything, but they were about to find out.

"SI!" The spanish knight's exclamation surprised them. "Dios mio, grácias." He hit himself on the chest and jumped in excitement, that was probably the first time in weeks he felt happiness. "I'm alone with two introverts! Finally!"

That moment alone caused Francisca to giggle and Zan to blink twice. The youngest girl thought the knight's sudden reaction was cute, while her sister still maintained an expressionless face.

Once Meta Knight realized what he said, he cleared his throat and crossed his arms. "What I meant to say is that your company is truly remarkable. Unlike the one located on the other side." He made a gesture towards the flamboyant team, groaning right after.

Right as the man in armor turned to face the two girls, he saw a small pink dot alongside a bigger white one. "Chicas, we got to aid Kirby in his battle! Filled with excitement, he rubbed his hands and opened his wings. The biggest battle in his life was about to begin.

"Hold on a second..." Meta Knight felt a familiar and unsettling wind, which made him enter a fighting position. Francisca and her sister didn't understand much, but that was bound to change as the fabric of reality was cut and revealed Umbra Knight.

The darker knight stared at the three of them, infuriated for some unknown reason. Zan grabbed her trustworthy weapon, things were about to get serious...


"Ugh..." The pink hero got up from the last impact, he decided to look to the sides and check if everyone was fine. However, he didn't see anyone... Well, anyone but the white orb who seemed to be going after him.

When Kirby saw Void behind him, he jumped and pointed his sword at the being, fear was noticeable in his eyes. "What's the matter, Kirby?" The god's unnerving voice echoed through the arena, causing Kirby to frown and tense up.

Void though, only laughed at the puffball's feeble action, the sounds it made sounded a little distorted, almost breaking at some moments. Making a thinking expression, Void spun horizontally; its curiosity only grew as it looked at the crumbling platforms.

Now that it was being taken over by negative thoughts, everything Void saw, it saw as a target. Unluckily for Kirby, he was the main one. The creator of the universe took advantage of the situation and constantly changed expressions.

Between the many faces made by Void, two brought the hero's attention. One was obviously his own look, while the other was extremely similar to the one Zero Two made years ago. "I-I... I don't understand." Kirby closed his eyes while the white orb floated around him and asked him many questions.

"Are you confused? Scared? Having an existential crisis, perhaps? This is what you are, Kirby..." No matter how hard Kirby denied it, Void kept insisting. "No! I'm not dark matter, I'm a hero! I spread love to everyone!" Kirby shook his head.

"I AM PURE MISERY AND SUFFERING!" Its tearful smile grew as it floated in multiple directions; Void then disappeared, leaving a confused and scared pink boy all alone. Or so he thought...

"And so are you..." Kirby screamed when his creator whispered in his 'ear', tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"No, I am not!" The puffball's breathing got heavier at each second. "You made the choice to be, Void. You are hope, love... You can be happy." With a worried expression, Kirby looked at Void and extended his hand in the hopes of removing every single bit of darkness from its heart.

But the hero's plans failed, Void laughed and cried in pain. "Happy? I have never heard of it before..." When it smiled again, it created eight needles that extended in different directions.

The attack forced Kirby to jump backwards and get ready to fight the one who brought him to this world. "Silly, Kirby..." Void's voice was slippery as a snake. "You can't deny it..." It opened its third eye. "You are as null as the void, YOU ARE ZERO! H-he... Ha! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The god entered a state of pure madness before splitting itself into four identical copies.

Our beloved hero didn't want to do this, but he had no other choice but to fight Void itself. Kirby knew it would be almost impossible, but heroes never quit, never.

The four clones bounced around the arena before going in Kirby's direction two by two, causing him to precisely maneuver in the middle of them. Despite the white orb being deeply focused on eliminating the one who brought confusion to it, a giant fireball, not far away from them, distracted it.

Void's sudden change of plans gave Kirby the opportunity to hit it with a swing of his sword, but the attack didn't make a scratch. After seeing the fiery girl's elemental magic, the god transformed itself into a tiny sun.

Void flew across the arena multiple times, trying to hit Kirby as it did so. The move was definitely strong, but it was far too slow to be a menace to the puffball. Kirby did a backflip to avoid the charging orb that almost managed to hit him; he then charged his weapon and spun like a madman, causing Void to huff in fury.

The mighty god spun horizontally while its three holes changed into the same dark matter look Kirby knew well. Void summoned two magic mirrors and made them go in random directions. No matter how hard Void tried, it wasn't able to hurt the pink boy.

Using its mirrors for something else, Void fired four laser beams at them. The move caused the lasers to ricochet all over the floating platform, which then turned the arena into a deadly discotheque.

The first laser was easily dodged by a crouch, though it hit the floor of the cavern and made multiple rocks fall at the extroverted team. The second laser was a different story, it may have missed Kirby, but it caused ruckus for the team on the other side.

Now there were two lasers left, which fused into a bigger one that caused the puffball to lose his ability while also obliterating the cave's entrance in the process; no one was leaving so soon.

Kirby would not disappoint everyone he loved, so he absorbed the ability star and copied it before jumping in anger at the white being. Even if his barrage of attacks and swings weren't that effective against Void, the round boy kept hitting it like a psycho.

With only one powerful kick, Kirby sent Void towards the rocks on his side, bringing fear and despair to a friendly spider. "AH!" Taranza had barely woken up and already was in the middle of a fight, so he quickly teleported to avoid the gigantic orb.

While Void recovered itself from the blow, it cloned itself again and sent the three clones as a diversion that didn't last much. Kirby started to overpower Void with his ruthless moves, causing it to cough blood.

If anyone looked at Kirby's expression, they would see a face emanating darkness, he wasn't joking around...

The fight continued with the puffball always hitting Void, who didn't have the energy to strike back. Almost unconscious, the god fell on the platform while Taranza stared at the situation in front of him. The spider's eyes got all wide, he had no idea how to assist his friend.

Kirby faced his creator with anger, slowly walking forward with his sword being dragged through the floor. This was it, all Kirby had to do was deliver the final blow; but as soon as he raised his weapon, he looked at the broken mirror and saw...

Evil, hate and darkness.

The pink ball was doing what he feared his whole life, he was corrupted by negative emotions, just like Void was. Small tears formed in his eyes as he saw his reflection in his sword. "No..."

Falling on his 'knees', Kirby sighed and removed his green hat. He threw it to the side, causing Void to frown. Black tears fell from the white orb, they were as big as the hero's body.

Kirby didn't believe he was about to brutally kill the one who created him, the being who was the sparkling star in his life. Void was just confused, Dark Taranza may have done something to it while they were at the floralian castle.

Succumbing to the sadness that hurt his heart, the pink boy let his tears drop. He then sighed one last time and lowered his head.

"I'm a monster..."


"Your majesty, watch out!" Bandana Waddle Dee panicked as Shadow Dedede punched in his king's direction, but luckily for him, the penguin jumped to avoid the blow.

While the other two scenes happened, this team was fighting against a lunatic hungry for power; they were the closest team to the cave's entrance, which meant that no one of them fell unconscious during the platform's separation.

Many moments have nothing wrong, and for them, that was not the case. Being closer from the origin also meant that the doppelganger arrived much faster, so they haven't had a full minute of peace and tranquility.

"Thanks for warnin' me, waddle dee." The two nodded at each other as Flamberge had her sword stuck in a rock. Shadow Dedede opened his belly and fired multiple shots at the two males, which were all dodged by their incredible teamwork.

When the girl in red realized she wouldn't get her weapon that soon, she decided to use her magic only.

Dedede was punched by the being's new muscular form, causing him to almost fall from the fragmented surface. Before the evil bird could strike him out of the platform, Bandana Dee threw his spear at him.

The attack was a precise one, managing to hit Shadow Dedede's right arm. Distracted by the pain he felt, the mirror counterpart roared and punched the ground with his other arm. The impact made by the punch was strong enough to send the waddle dee flying to the side.

Flamberge's eyes had the color of fire, she stopped for a few seconds before using all her energy to create the biggest fire ball in her life. All of that happened while the two Dedede's punched each other at the same time.

The king of Dreamland was really strong, but Void, his doppelganger had a skin tougher than iron. "Ow!" Dedede shook his right hand, hoping that it would help relieve him from the painful impact.

Shadow Dedede's echoing laugh would make anyone afraid, but Dedede was already perfect. He grabbed his mighty hammer to defend himself against another punch from the monstrosity, but before they could hit each other, Flamberge burned the enemy's back with a flamethrower-like attack.

Now that the fireball was complete, the red-haired girl threw it in the air as she collapsed from the energy spent. Her attack was as beautiful as deadly, falling right on top of Shadow Dedede...

A few moments later, the introverted team was fighting against the knight of the eclipse. But even with a team of three strong warriors, Umbra Knight was able to turn the tables. He made his counterpart trip and used his weapon to summon a water wave that went in the bluette's direction.

Francisca tried to freeze the attack before it could hit her, but there was too much water. She was launched to the side and fell face down on the floor, coughing the excess of liquid in her mouth.

With a swing of her partisan, the lightning mage was about to hit the villainous knight on his face. Much for her dismay, Umbra Knight stopped the attack just by holding her weapon. He immediately punched the already injured girl, who lost hold of her weapon.

The knight in dark blue teleported to kick Francisca in Meta Knight's direction before teleporting again to do the same thing with his counterpart. The girl and the warrior collided into each other, with the older one making sure he wouldn't lose his mask.

Zan's attempts of defeating their enemy was futile as he was faster than her. Umbra Knight walked in her direction, blocking each attack as he did so.

Seeing that there were no other options, she gave him a punch that was easily dodged. What scared her the most was that he always kept the same stoic expression, did he even blink?

She knew it was a lost case, but that girl is the most stubborn person you'll ever encounter; bolting through the floating platform, she made her way towards the partisan. "Almost there!" Zan thought, if only she could grab her weapon...

Boom! At the last second, she was kicked by the fearless knight, who was able to make her fall at the same position the other two were.

Meta Knight didn't expect for this battle to be that humiliating, he was getting wrecked by an edgier version of an already edgier version. He saw the laser fired by Void hit the cave's floor, which gave him an idea.

"..." Umbra Knight dragged his sword across the platform and walked in their direction, the sound of it scaring the girl in blue. On the other hand, Zan closed her eyes and prepared herself for her death. Adios, spark of happiness.

"Compadre, you are really naive." Grabbing Francisca's soda gun, Meta Knight blasted the ceiling with it before doing the same to his doppelganger. Umbra Knight only raised his hand to stop the water, making it impossible for the warrior to use it.

A once stoic individual had now lost his patience, so charged towards the three introverts in the hope of ripping their guts out. However, his plans failed as the pressure made by the gun caused rocks to fall, which fell on top of him.

"Checkmate." The man in armor crossed his arms while the two girls looked at each other, one of them was emanating confusion; but the bluette only felt relief.

Meanwhile, one of Void's lasers caused the extroverted team's platform to get hit by numerous rocks; one of them almost fell on top of Bandana Dee, who used his spear-copter move to dodge at the last second.

The dark bird seemed to be defeated, which made the two boys change their focus to the exhausted girl. When everything was going well, Shadow Dedede woke up and punched the waddle dee on his face.

That action brought anger to the spear wielder, so he nodded in his king's direction and fixed his blue bandana.

Flamberge used her remaining strength to open her eyes just a little bit, although the only thing she saw was a penguin filled with spite. When the mirror counterpart charged a fatal fist, the girl saw no option but to close her blue eyes and brace herself for the impact.

King Dedede hit his doppelganger with a swing of his hammer, which made Shadow Dedede change his plans. "Ya know, I'm getting tired of you and your showboating." He warmed himself before laughing in amusement. No one can top the mighty King Dedede!

During the two penguins' fight, Bandana Dee used his hidden strength to carry the fiery girl and put her in a safer location. "I'm coming, my king!" Returning to help his leader, the boy had a look of pure determination.

"Dedede, that's the name you should know." He jumped to the side to avoid a punch. "Dedede, he's the king of the show!" By what seemed to be a cringe dance, the bird bombarded his opponent with redirected boulders.

"Dedede is the one!" After sliding below Shadow Dedede, he laid out on the ground with a 'draw me like one of your french girl' pose; he immediately winked to anger the evil being and rolled to the side, he was sure enjoying himself.

When Dedede finished his little show, he blew a kiss towards the invisible crowd and provoked his adversary by dancing even more. As the king expected, Shadow Dedede flung in his direction without a single bit of concern.

"Dedede right back at ya!" The chips lover spun and knocked his counterpart with a last swing of his weapon, causing him to fall off the platform, pulling Dedede with him.

Kindness always pays off, because his loyal follower managed to grab him before he could fall. "I got you!" Bandana Dee said, clearly struggling to hold the king's weight.

"Nice work, waddle dee." Dedede patted the waddle dee, which was more than enough to compensate for his rescue, at least in the boy's point of view. "Wait!" He made his way to the edge of the platform.

"I told ya, I'm the better Dedede!" The penguin knew that his doppelganger wouldn't be able to hear him, but he didn't care; Dedede laughed with the spear wielder as they shook hands.

Going back to the introverted team, Francisca used the mirror she kept with her to fix her messy hair; Meta Knight maintained a cool and collected face, but deep down he was extremely excited for having defeated Umbra Knight.

The girl in yellow angrily looked at a tiny purple dot, knowing that it was the one who caused her and her friends so much trouble. When she was about to think of a possible plan, the platform's shaking was able to distract them.

After an intense battle, the damage done by the darker knight weakened the platform, causing it to separate into smaller pieces. In response to that, Meta Knight quickly informed them to go to a safer place.

Once they reached the new location, the three introverts watched Kirby almost obliterate his opponent. But the thing that raised the knight's interest was Dark Taranza rubbing his many hands in anticipation, almost as if he knew Kirby was going to defeat Void.

It was now or never, Meta Knight had to do something or the god's powers would be under the psychopath's control. "The fight is not over yet!" He said filled with determination, and a little bit of excitement...

Once Dark Taranza saw them heading towards him, he groaned and ran a finger through his 'neck'. The shadowy spider summoned three energy orbs and fired them in their direction. He just wanted for his evil plan to work, was that too much to ask?

The first two orbs managed to knock Francisca out of the platform she was on, sending her flying towards the extroverted team. Meta Knight noticed the last one aiming for Zan, so he closed his eyes and let the wisdom flow through him. All of his thoughts said the same thing: he has no experience with the spider's fighting style, it would be better if he protected the other team.

Boom! The orb hit them and created a cloud of dust, which made the villain laugh in glee. As soon as he returned to face the white orb, the dust disappeared and revealed what actually happened.

Meta Knight had pushed the girl to the side, allowing her to get closer to their enemy. It was all an act planned by the knight to make Dark Taranza think they were defeated. Sure, it wasn't the most honorable action, but the knight was so angry for the last events that he just wanted to end this.

Everything happened too fast for the lightning mage, and she was the one with quick moves. Right as she saw the man in armor flying to aid the other team, she realized he had given her the chance to end the fight.

"Hand hurt, a cut on my face..." Zan wiped a bit of blood away, looking at her hand with a concerned face right after. No! She wouldn't let her negative emotions get the best of her.

The yellow mage closed her free hand and tightly grabbed her weapon with the other. She raised her head and began to climb the platform above her. Dark Taranza hurt her father, manipulated her into thinking love was useless and tormented her... friend, yeah, just a friend.

He had poked the cloud, and NOW, he's getting the thunder...

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