Seme male reader - one shots

By mindedllama2098

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My first real book. I have no update scheduled and I'm not against taking requests I just don't know if I wi... More

Request page
Wet dreamz - Kuroo (Haikyuu)
Drinking problem - yamaguchi and tsukishima
First meeting - Tweek
My Demon: Oikawa
Memories: Denki Kaminari (Bnha)
Roommates: Haiba Lev
Sleepover: Shoyo Hinata (Haikyuu)
Valentines: Koshi Sugawara (haikyuu)
Firefighter: Kenma Kozume (haikyuu)
Art School: Izuku Midoriya (Bnha)
Rage: Tendou Satori (Haikyuu)
Heartbreak: Sasuke / Sai (Naruto)
Night Terrors: Shouta Aizawa (Bnha)
Wounds: Tendou Satori ( Haikyuu)
Hotline: Hitoshi Shinso (bnha)
Caught: Deidara (Naruto)
True Peace: Nagato Uzumaki (Naruto)
Birthday: Shoto Todoroki (Bnha)
Stress: Enji Todoroki (bnha)
Milk: Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu)
Anxiety: Tamaki Amajiki (Bnha)
Nervous: Kuroo Tetsuro (Haikyuu)
Idol: Kei Tsukishima (Haikyuu)
Similar: Keniji Akaashi (Haikyuu)
Hoodie: Ryunosuke Tanaka (Haikyuu)
Toddlers: Keigo Takami / Hawks (bnha)
Duel: Izuku Midoriya (Bnha)
Heavyset: Shoto Todoroki (bnha)
First time: Shoto Todoroki (Bnha)
Reluctant: Hatsuharu Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Savior: Utakata (Naruto)
Embarrassed: Bokuto and Akaashi (Haikyuu)
Piercings: Takahiro Hanamaki (Haikyuu)
Touch: Takahiro Hanamaki (Haikyuu)
Runaway: Morisuke Yaku (Haikyuu)
Recovery: Morisuke Yaku (Haikyuu)
Injury: Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu)
House Party: 2D (Gorillaz)
Star Gazing: Kusuo Saiki (Saiki K)
Dare: Kuroo Tetsuro (Haikyuu)
Truth: Kenma and Kuroo (Haikyuu)
Sparring: Tobirama Senju (Naruto)
New Guy: Tetsuro Kuroo (Haikyuu)
Wrestling: Tetsuro Kuroo (Haikyuu)
Dear Future Husband: Koshi Sugawara (Haikyuu)
Scars: Toru Oikawa (Haikyuu)
Coming Home: Shinsuke Kita (Haikyuu)
Flirt: Naoyasu Kuguri (Haikyuu)
Skinny dipping: Kotaro Bokuto (Haikyuu)
Workaholic: Enji Todoroki (Bnha)
Master: Kita and Sakusa (Haikyuu)
Roughhousing: Tadashi Yamaguchi (Haikyuu)
Sensitive: Osamu Miya (Haikyuu)
Distraction: Karma Akabane (assassins classroom)
Shivers: Sung Jin-Woo (Solo Leveling)
Thinking about you: Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu)
Water fight: Shลhei Fukunaga (Haikyuu)
Rescue: Tooru Oikawa ( Haikyuu)
Promise: Kurapika Kurta (HxH)
Nightmares: Shalnark (HxH)
Digital Detox: Milo Belladonna (Monster Prom 2)
Early Mornings: Draken (Tokyo Revengers)
Cup of Coffee: Tim Drake (DC Comics)
Tequila: Shion Madarame (Tokyo Revengers)

Dog Days: Edward Elric (FMAB)

1.2K 34 2
By mindedllama2098

Authors pov

"She is totally gonna kill me"

"Yep, that makes two of us brother"

Said brothers, Ed and Alphonse, we're currently making their way back home. Now whilst heading back home would usually be seen as a good thing these brothers were dreading their eventual return.

Why you may ask? Well you see both brothers weren't exactly in one piece. Specifically Ed's arm looked as though it had been shredded and Al was arguably worse with large swaths of his metal body missing.

"Doesn't help that it feels like I'm melting" Ed said as he wiped the sweat forming on his forehead.

Soon the brothers approached the small shop they had once called home with a familiar old lady with a disgruntled look on her face at the door.

"Uh- h-hey granny" Ed tried to act normal but immediately flinched as the lady took a step forward. The lady sighed before bonking Ed on the head.

"I was hoping there would be one time you two would come home with all your pieces still attached but I suppose that was wishful thinking.. otherwise welcome home"

Both brothers flinched as the door swung open. Ed ducking and covering his head waiting for the wrench that would most certainly accompany the verbal assault Winry was about to put on him. But instead Ed heard nothing except for soft footsteps that stopped right in front of him along with a pair of black leather boots. Ed was confused until a hand lifted his chin up to be met with a pair of soft (e/c) eyes.

"First you run away without telling me and now this is how you treat me when you finally come home?"

"(Y/N)!?" Ed almost fainted seeing the male standing over him. Said male chuckled as he pulled Ed up before looking over the two. He let out a whistle as he inspected the brothers.

"Your both lucky as hell Winry is out" both brothers gave a confused look towards their childhood friend, well in Al's case, as confused a look a suit of armor could give. (Y/N) gave another chuckle as he ruffled Ed's hair.

"She's out of town on a business trip, so me and granny are holding it down" both brothers let out a sigh of relief until Ed realized something.

"Wait if Winry is out of town..... WHOS GONNA FIX MY AUTOMAIL!" (Y/N) laughed before slapping Ed on the back

"Well that would be me, I know I'm not exactly the same but I don't think you've got much of a choice" Ed sighed both relieved and slightly worried.

(Y/N) had been a friend of both the brothers and Winry since they were practically baby's. (Y/N) himself was an orphan of war who was taken in by the Rockbells. He grew up interested in metalworking much like Winry and grew close with Pinako very quickly.

"Well let's get you two inside so we can give you both a look over, I'll be there in a minute but first gotta go put out the forge" (Y/N) then dashed off to make sure his forge didn't burn itself down as the brothers were led inside by Pinako.

"He seems as cheery as ever.." Ed said whilst sweat dropping "yeah he seems really happy to see us" Al responded.

"He has missed you two, you know," Pinako said before turning around. "You two mean the world to him so expect him to be like this for a while" she said chuckling slightly.

Both brothers felt a slight twinge of remorse. You see when they had both left to start their journey they may have avoided telling (Y/N) as they feared it would break the cheery male's heart. Little did they realize that in this case it only made (Y/N) feel worse.

"Alrighty let's get started!" Both brothers jumped from (Y/N)'s sudden entrance to the house. The male was now slightly covered in a thin layer of ash and smelled of smoke but approached the two nonetheless.

"Well what are you standing there for? I'm not gonna fix your auto mail in the kitchen now am I?" (Y/N) laughed out as Ed nodded slightly, still somewhat mesmerized by his old childhood friend but managed to move his legs towards the usual room upstairs where he normally got his repairs. Al stayed downstairs not wanting to be a bother to the repairing process and instead tried to find a way to make himself useful even in his current state.

Eventually (Y/N) had gotten his things set up in Winry's shop and was now ready to take a good look at Ed's arm.

"Well you know the drill take it off"


"Your shirt Ed" Ed blushed as he started incredulously at (Y/N).

"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL HER-MMPH!" Ed was stopped by (Y/N)'s hand cupping his mouth. "Good lord Ed it's just a shirt, but if you must know I kinda need to see the whole arm to do my work. I thought this would've been normal to you by now.... Or are you only comfortable if Winry is doing it~"

Ed blushed even harder as he threw a weak punch towards (Y/N) in embarrassment. (Y/N) easily dodged as he laughed at Ed. 'His laugh is nice- wait no! stop it Ed!'

Ed continued to fight his own thoughts as he slowly peeled off his shirt avoiding (Y/N)'s gaze as much as possible. "See was that so hard~"

"Shut it- I ain't in the mood" (Y/N) simply put his hands up as a sign of surrender as he chuckled. (Y/N) proceeded to begin the repair, his face now very close to Ed as he inspected the male's arm. Ed did his best to look away and think of anything that could occupy his thoughts.

"Well I'd say you're pretty lucky, your artificial nerves are nearly untouched so that's good and the base of the arm is in reasonably good shape all things considered. It should probably take me- I'd say two days at most to machine up the parts, that sounds good to you?"

"Yeah that should work"

"Good, in the meantime let's get you a temporary arm put on and some food"

(Y/N) quickly detached the broken arm and replaced it with the temporary before leaving Ed to go start up the forge. Ed was a little shocked to say the least, he had no idea why his heart refused to slow down or why he acted like that to (Y/N) but instead of acting on this problem he did the one thing he knew best, completely avoid it by reading the day away, or at least attempting to. But alas not even the usually comforting text could calm the blonde's nerves. His mind constantly wandered back to his childhood friend.

Ed would never personally admit it but (Y/N) had matured a lot since they last saw each other. His shoulders were much broader, his arms clearly adorned with lean muscle, his face more sculpted perfectly matching his charming smile and bright joyful eyes but worst of all, (Y/N) was tall! Ed could handle everything else but (Y/N) being tall now was the last straw. Ed couldn't take it anymore all his thoughts were of (Y/N) and his body felt uncomfortably warm so he quickly left the house in an attempt to cool off.

Ed unknowingly let out a sigh of relief once he got outside. He finally was able to voice his frustrations even if it was only in little grumbles to himself as he paced around the house. He just couldn't accept that he liked (Y/N), sure he's handsome but-


Ed jolted as his thoughts were interrupted by the voice he dreaded hearing. Looking up he saw (Y/N) who was yet again dirty with ash and dust adorning his body but more prevalent at least to Ed was his lack of shirt. (Y/N) was clearly drenched in sweat from working with the forge and Ed could clearly see the beads as they trickled down (Y/N)'s face, past his neck before slipping down his chest and falling under the small apron that was currently the only thing blocking (Y/N)'s body from Ed's view.


"Hmm? Oh uh yeah It gets really bad in there especially on days like this we're even the nights are humid. Sorry I must look like a mess all drenched liked this, probably a good idea to get this off-"

Ed attempted to stop (Y/N)'s dense self from taking off his apron but was unable to force the words out and simply watched in horror as (Y/N) slid off the last garment covering his torso leaving nothing to Ed's imagination. Ed immediately blew a fuse, his face bright red, as his mind attempted to put itself together.

"Ed!? You alright? You're looking kinda red-"

(Y/N) step closer til he was face to face with the short blonde, which didn't help said blonde's predicament in the slightest. (Y/N) slipped off one of his gloves and rested the back of his hand on Ed's forehead.

"Are you feeling alright? You're really warm- Ed? ED?!-"

Ed was slowly losing it as he began to tip backwards but was caught by (Y/N) and pulled into his chest. There was a short silence.

If Ed was bad before he was horrible now. His legs completely gave up and his mind blank. (Y/N) now very concerned, hooked an arm under Ed's legs and quickly hoisted him up before rushing over to the glass of water he had in the forge. He carefully set Ed down and brought the glass to Ed. Ed, still burning up, gulped the remaining water down finally feeling a little cooler. (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief as he still held Ed in his arms.

"I thought I was losing you ag-"

(Y/N) quickly went quiet, seemingly only now aware of the slight awkwardness. Ed knew what he was gonna say and it hurt to see how much (Y/N) truly missed him. So instead of saying anything he just laid back in (Y/N)'s arms, letting his head rest against (Y/N)'s chest. (Y/N) was slightly surprised but wasn't gonna miss this opportunity and gladly enjoyed the contact as they both sat and watched the stars. Time seemed to drag on as they watched the sky, both eerily quiet.

"So- uh- what were you doing outside?" (Y/N) spoke in a soft tone not wanting to ruin the mood.

"Waddaya mean?" Ed said casually hoping (Y/N) would just drop it.

"Well you were grumbling to yourself, I didn't wanna eavesdrop or anything but I heard a few things" Ed's heart dropped.

"What did you hear?" Ed's voice slightly cracked as he sat up and looked (Y/N) in the eyes.

"Well- uh you said something about someone being annoyingly pretty- and uh how you hated how much you liked their laugh-mmph!"

(Y/N) was quickly silenced by the short blonde in his lap, leaving said male mildly surprised. For Ed on the other hand, a cherry red blush had reappeared on his cheeks as he tried hiding his face.

"Quit playing with me! Stop teasing me as if you don't know!" Ed was a little ticked off, not only was he still frustrated at his apparent attraction to his childhood friend but now said friend heard him complaining about said attraction. To put it simply Ed wanted to jump off the nearest cliff in embarrassment.

(Y/N) on the other hand was more confused than ever. "Um- Ed? I- have no clue what you're talking about, what do you mean by teasing?"

Ed slightly perked up at this looking directly in (Y/N)'s eyes in a mixture of disbelief and confusion.

"Wait so you didn't know I like you-" Ed's hand flew to his mouth as (Y/N) stared at him wide eyed. A small "shit!" Left Ed's lips as he realized what he had done.

"You- like me? As in like-like me?" (Y/N) questions still dazed. Ed, still covering his mouth, slightly shook his head yes, still too embarrassed to speak.

"Ooooh- that makes so much sense now-" Ed felt so incredibly embarrassed to admit it, he attempted to hide his reddening face until he felt a small peck placed on the back of his hands. His eyes widened as he separated his hands to see (Y/N) staring back with a toothy grin.

"I- uh wanted to kiss your lips but- you were covering them so I- oh! you're really red."

You like me? Ed squeaked out, still slightly behind his hands. (Y/N) nodded as if it were no big deal, dense as ever. Ed deflated and finally gave in, leaning his face onto (Y/N)'a chest and wrapping his arms around his neck.

"I hate you" Ed barely whispered out resulting in a small chuckle from (Y/N). Which was then followed by an eerie silence, Ed looked up to see (Y/N) blankly staring at him

"................ Can I kiss you?" 

Ed nearly facepalmed

"*sigh* fine- but first- GET A DAMN SHIRT ON!"

Before Ed could even comprehend what was happening (Y/N) had bolted up and towards the house. Small problem being, he was still carrying Ed in his focused state.

"Not with me you idiot!- *sigh*

'he's gonna kill me' was all Ed thought as he was carried off in his new boyfriend's arms.

Howdy I am finally alive again from my way to long of a break, I am finally on spring break from college! Not that I didn't have time before but- you know lazy. Anyways I tried something a bit different here this is I believe the first oneshot I've done fully in an authors pov. As this is how I've been mostly writing my Mastermind book, I'm not sure if I like it more, it definitely allows for more descriptive writing but that's not always a good thing. So I'd love to hear any feedback you guys have. Otherwise please excuse the oc nature of Ed here, it's been a hot minute since I've watched Fmab but I had an idea I really liked and wanted to share so I hope it isn't to rough around the edges. For those who keep up with my other books I plan on hopefully having another mastermind chapter out soon- I just need to flesh out some ideas and- I might just finally pickup my kill la kill book again as I've actually gotten some time to rewatch the series. So be on the lookout for that. Anyways enough about me, I love you all for the support you continue giving these dumbass books of mine. Alrighty you all have a wonderful day/night/ or anything in between and I hope to see you all again soon next time.

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