His Genius Wife is a Superstar

By garcia_santiago

42K 1K 22

STORY NOT MINE Arria Cross SUPPORT Synopsis A world-famous hacker and daughter of the most powerful criminal... More

77:Don't Tell Me She's Iris Long
78:Inside Your Mouth
81:Don't you like shooting?
82:Are you really Third Bro?
83:Popcorn and Ice Cream
84:Rolling on the Bed Naked
85:Will You Miss Me?
86:How it Feels Like to Have a Wife
88:Endorsement Deal
89:Waiting Too Long
90:Offended Jin Corporation


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By garcia_santiago

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 281 - Feng Jiu Interviews Iris Long Part IV


C281 - Feng Jiu Interviews Iris Long Part IV

Chapter 281 - Feng Jiu Interviews Iris Long Part IV

The man was wearing a suit, indicating that he came as a Black Star to watch Iris’ interview. His companions sitting beside him were horrified at his outburst. He continued his condemnation of Iris, throwing graphic curses at her that were completely inappropriate for general viewers.

"Break up with that motherf*cking fiancé of yours! He’s nothing but a bastard who’s robbing you of your career and fans like me! If you stop acting like a sl*t now, I can still forgive you as long as you remain pure and continue to work hard pleasing us fans!"

All of the Black Stars felt enraged, not only because their Boss Iris was being insulted, but also because at the betrayal. The fact that they had been sitting together with a traitor all this time and treating him as their comrade left a nasty taste in their mouths.

They immediately banded together and scolded the traitor. They felt more furious now than when they quarreled earlier with Maestro Liu Wei’s two students. Even as they were angry at him, they were also angry at themselves. It felt as if they failed to uphold the unity of Black Stars that they were so proud of.

Watching another commotion happen in the audience, Feng Jiu was dismayed. This was her show and it didn’t sit well with her that things were going out of her control. The director, however, was filled with excitement. He fought the urge to rub his hands together. He instructed the cameramen to record everything.

’This will definitely make for a good show,’ he thought.

All the drama in one episode! He was already fantasizing about the high ratings the show would rake in after this episode aired.

As for Iris, she watched everything with cold eyes. She stood up, looking directly at the crazed man. Her aura changed. She was now like an empress whose decree was being questioned by one of her rebellious subjects.

The crazed man flinched at her heavy stare. "W-what?"

"Thank you very much for your past support of my music," Iris spoke to him in a clear voice. It wasn’t loud but it was still heard throughout the studio. Her tone was cold and unyielding, giving off pressure not only to the man but also to everyone else. "However, I don’t owe you anything outside my career as an artist. You used your money to buy my music, not my freedom or my life. I am not your slave. Just as you and everyone else here have the right to enter a proper relationship, I also have the same right to be with my fiancé."

Everyone was silent now. They were all listening to her. Even the crazed man stopped shouting.

Iris continued, her tone becoming gentle yet also determined. "I assure all of you that being engaged or married will NOT affect my ability to create and share my music with you. In fact, I feel very inspired right now. If you can’t accept my relationship, then I can only thank you for your past support to me. I love my man and won’t break up with him just because you asked me to. And to those who are still supporting me up to this point, you have my deepest gratitude. Always know that I appreciate all of you. Even when I’m married and have my own family, I’ll continue to work hard to give you the best music that I can create to pay back all of the support you constantly give me. True Black Stars will always have a big place in my heart."

Her speech touched all of the Black Stars. Even the crazed man was affected. After all, he was a Black Star up until a few moments ago.

"Don’t worry, boss! We support you! People like him aren’t true fans! We are! They’re just sick psychos who have holes in their brains! We’ll follow you until the end!"

The crazed man looked conflicted. He wiped tears and snot from his face.

It was the kind of atmosphere that easily overwhelmed people. The feeling of devotion the Black Stars had for Iris was like a living entity influencing all the surrounding individuals. Iris was their queen. All of these trials they were experiencing together with her only reinforced their loyalty towards their queen.

The interview officially ended in an emotional note. It was a roller coaster of surprises both good and bad, but most would agree that it was a great interview with lots of juicy details.


After the show, Iris chatted with Feng Jiu and Feng Wan. She discovered that the two madams were cousins. They invited her to eat dinner together but she regretfully declined. She felt drained after the interview. The two madams were understanding and let her go.

Inside the executive van, Iris called Maestro Ludovico De Luca on the phone while Dom was gushing about everything that happened during the interview with Jiang Ying Yue.

"Yes, Liwei is the one who informed me about the matter between you and Maestro Wei Liu," he told her, confirming her suspicion. "Maybe I should’ve revealed that you’re my student earlier."

"No, Maestro. I don’t want to be given special treatment because I’m your student. I want to gain achievements through my own abilities and not because of my connection to you."

After the phone call, Iris closed her eyes to rest. She played with the diamond ring on her finger. So it really was Jin Liwei who called Maestro De Luca.

A soft smile lifted the corners of her lips. Everything she said about Jin Liwei during the interview was the truth. She loved him and wouldn’t break up with him even if some of her fans turned their backs on her.


A few nights later, the latest episode of "A Closer Look with Feng Jiu" finally aired on TV. Many people tuned in because they all wanted to hear what Iris had to say regarding all of the issues surrounding her.

The episode showed all of the major incidents during the taping. It was the first time the show featured the audience so heavily. It was as if the audience kept on spitting out problems after problems for Iris to face.

People actively discussed as they watched the show.

"Whoa! Did all of these really happen? I feel like I’m watching a drama instead of a talk show!"

"I know, right? The events are so gripping and exciting that I can’t even make myself run to the toilet to relieve myself because I don’t want to miss anything."

"I checked Maestro De Luca’s website and Iris’ performances are really posted there. Ahaha! Did you see the reactions of Maestro Liu Wei’s two students? Priceless! I wish their maestro was together with them. I would love to see the old man’s reaction as well!"

"Maestro Liu had been busy lambasting Iris to the reporters lately, calling her a liar every chance he gets. Let’s see what he has to say after his face got slapped by Maestro De Luca himself."

"Serves him right. He thinks too highly of himself. Just like what Maestro De Luca said during the interview, shame on him for putting borders on music when there should be none."

The netizens were unforgiving. Just as how harsh Maestro Liu Wei was in criticizing Iris before, the netizens also harshly made fun of him. He was trending online alongside Iris Long for all the wrong reasons.

"Maestro Liu Wei: The Biggest Disgrace of our Country’s Classical Music Scene!"

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 282 - Time Is Up


C282 - Time Is Up

Chapter 282 - Time Is Up

Ever since Maestro Liu Wei got unofficially banned from most of the country’s major concert halls and high society events, he took solace from the classical music community. Even though his connections to high society were stripped away from him, he remained an influential figure in the country’s classical music scene. He was still Maestro Liu Wei, after all.

At the request of a long-time friend who was the president of a private music academy, Maestro Liu Wei guested as a special one-time lecturer. Almost all the students and the instructors attended, so it was a big event. The lecture was scheduled on the same night as when the latest episode of "A Closer Look with Feng Jiu" aired.

Of course he was aware that Iris Long’s interview would be airing. He wanted to watch it, but since he had an earlier commitment with the music academy, watching the interview had to wait.

There was also something bothering him for the past few days. Two of his students suddenly stopped coming to see him. He also couldn’t contact them. He asked around and it seemed that the two returned to their hometowns. He was feeling a bit peeved because the two didn’t even inform him. Was it that difficult to send him a text message?

Putting the matter of his students aside, Maestro Liu Wei successfully completed his lecture at the academy. He was gathering his notes from the lectern on the stage when he heard some disturbance arising from the students who had yet to leave from their seats in the audience. Almost all of them were looking at their phones, tablets and laptops.

A disapproving frown appeared on his face. Young people these days just didn’t have the same discipline as his generation. He, the lecturer, hadn’t even left yet and they were already acting like monkeys let loose in the jungle.

After a few moments, he realized that something was amiss. Why were they whispering to each other while looking at him? Why did it feel like they were mocking him?

He scowled, intending to complain to his long-time friend. As the president, he should discipline the students of his music academy and teach them how to respect their elders. He was about to leave the stage when some of the conversations reached his ears.

"I really didn’t think much of Iris Long before, but now I think that she’s very impressive. It seems that she has a close relationship with Maestro De Luca based on their conversation during the video call. Even our own maestros in this country can’t boast such a level of familiarity with him. I’m also very surprised that she can speak fluent Italian."

"Exactly. If she didn’t perform with Maestro De Luca at his concert in Germany, I don’t think we’ll even know that she’s such a talented classical pianist. That ’Toccata’ was insane! I think she played it better than my professor."

Maestro Liu Wei’s mood plunged down even more. Iris Long was a talented classical pianist?

’Don’t make me laugh,’ he sneered.

Then he heard something that made him stop in his tracks.

"I agree with what Maestro De Luca said. Music, be it classical or not, shouldn’t have any borders. As classical music students or professionals, our training or skills shouldn’t be a reason for us to discriminate against others when it comes to music."

"Uwah. This is so embarrassing. If I were Maestro Liu Wei and a world-renowned figure like Maestro De Luca called me out on national television, I wouldn’t have any face left to show the world. I’ll probably hide inside my house and never come out until I die."

"Sssh! Look at him. It looks like he doesn’t know what happened yet."

What were they talking about? Maestro Liu Wei was very confused. Although he didn’t yet understand what was going on, something was telling him that it wasn’t anything good. A sense of dread started to weigh heavily on his chest, especially at the mention of Maestro De Luca.

Finally, his long-time friend and the music instructors came to him, handing him a tablet. It showed several video snippets of Iris Long’s interview with Feng Jiu.

His complexion turned paler and paler the more video snippets he watched. So this was the reason why his two students suddenly disappeared! Those rascals! Their presence in the show only worsened his image to the public, especially since Maestro De Luca appeared in a video call immediately afterwards.

Then he watched the videos of Iris’ two performances at Maestro De Luca’s orchestra concert.

"This..." His hands tightened on the tablet. "So she really performed at his concert..."

Despite his feelings of animosity towards Iris Long, he was still a classical musician at the end of the day. Her masterful interpretations of Schumann’s two pieces impressed him. Based on what he watched, she was definitely on a different league from any of his own students.

A group of students sitting in front of the audience walked near the stage. They looked at Maestro Liu Wei, the academy president and the instructors. Barely concealed scorn could be seen from their expressions.

"Maestro Liu Wei, Iris Long is a great and talented pianist. Why are you so critical of her? As far as we know, she never did anything to you."


He was about to defend himself and say that Iris used her family’s influence to suppress him but stopped. He thought about the situation more carefully. He didn’t have any evidence for his accusation. If he continued to badmouth her, he would just project himself to others as a petty and spiteful person.

A young female beside the guy who just spoke up stepped forward and curled her lips in disdain. "Hmph! I respect your achievements as a classical musician but as a person, you suck, Maestro Liu Wei! So unlike our Boss Iris who’s beautiful in and out. Not to mention she’s very talented as a musician. And yes, in classical music too!"

"Yeah, Boss Iris is the best! Aren’t you ashamed that someone you’re criticizing has been acknowledged by Maestro De Luca himself? It’s disgraceful that Europe appreciates her talents but her own countrymen do nothing but pull her down. I feel so bad for her!"

The others in the group nodded their heads in agreement.

"Shush! The academy president and the instructors are in front of us," another guy scolded his companions. He looked up at Maestro Liu Wei’s group and bowed apologetically. Then he pulled his companions out of the place while continuing to scold them. "Are you all nuts? Do you want to be kicked out?"

"Hmph! We’re just telling the truth. Maestro Liu Wei suck as a person. Boss Iris is the best!"

It turned out that this group of classical music students were all Black Stars. If it wasn’t mandatory for them to attend Maestro Liu Wei’s lecture, they wouldn’t even bother attending. Not only because they had bad feelings against the maestro for criticizing their boss, but also because they would rather watch the interview with Feng Jiu than listen to the maestro’s boring lecture.

As for Maestro Liu Wei, he felt mortified after the scene with the students. He could feel the mocking eyes of the surrounding people stabbing at him.

"Old Wei, don’t worry. I’ll make sure to punish those students and discipline them," his friend told him.

"No need," he said in a stiff tone, shaking his head. "I’m tired. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll head home now."

His friend sighed and then patted his shoulder. "Alright. I’ll walk you to your car."

An hour later, Maestro Liu Wei sat in his living room watching the full interview of Iris Long on his laptop. He tried contacting his two students many times but it seemed that they blocked him.

He felt furious and humiliated. He cursed Iris Long, Maestro De Luca, his two students, and all the people mocking him. He began to hate Iris even more now.

Many times he watched the part where Maestro De Luca spoke about music. Gradually, his fury and hatred transformed into self-reflection and then shame.

Maestro De Luca’s words struck a chord in him. His pride of being a celebrated national maestro made him forget the essence of his passion for music. He had been blinded by all the recognition and awards he received earlier in his career. Now he realized that he had become too cocky.

There was still a strong part of him urging to retaliate against Iris Long and to avenge his now ruined reputation, but he stopped himself.

This was enough. He already fell from grace.

He wouldn’t allow himself to fall even further because of his pride. His reputation in the classical music world was in tatters now, but no matter what, he was still a maestro. It was a fact that he made a lot of contributions to the country’s classical music world throughout the years. Nobody could take that away from him.

"I guess it’s time to retire," he sighed in a sad and regretful tone. "Seems like my time is really up. It’s time for the next generation to take over. Iris Long, I’ll be watching you. Let’s see how high you’ll ascend or whether you’re really worthy of Maestro De Luca’s acknowledgement."

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 283 - More Important Than Royalty


C283 - More Important Than Royalty

Chapter 283 - More Important Than Royalty

Meanwhile, some of the employees of Jin Corporation who were watching Iris Long’s interview paused at the photo showing her two cats and the figure of her fiancé.

"Eh? Is it just me or the cats look like Young Miss Ice Cream and Young Master Popcorn? And is that man President Jin?" A marketing associate asked her colleagues who were also her flatmates.

"Hmm. Now that you mention it, they really do look like the President’s cats. As for the President...I’m not sure if that’s him in the picture. I’ve never seen him in casual clothing before."

"No! That’s definitely not the President or his cats! Are you both crazy? President Jin and Iris Long are engaged? No way! There is absolutely no way that’s true! Look at the picture again. That grey cat is so much fatter than Young Miss Ice Cream! And that orange cat...uh...the direction of his stripes is wrong! Young Master Popcorn’s stripes go to the left while the stripes of that cat go to the right! And look, their collars are different! Young Miss and Young Master wear silver collars. Those cats are wearing gold collars! As for the man in the picture, that’s clearly not the President. President Jin is taller and more dignified. He’ll never sit on the floor like that!"

"Yeah, I think you’re right," her friends murmured, even though they knew that her reasoning was completely illogical.

"But if, and I’m only saying IF the President and Iris Long are really engaged, I actually think that they look good together. I mean, the President is handsome and Iris is beautiful. They’re both gorgeous."

"Yeah. I didn’t like Iris Long before when she was still a teenager but ever since her comeback, I became a fan of hers. She’s a very talented musician. I think she’ll be a good match for the President. I’d rather have her as our lady boss than some other snobbish heiress who only knows how to throw money away and look pretty."

"Noooooo! I refuse to believe this!"

Their friend resisted the idea. She always had a crush on President Jin. She worked hard to get into Jin Corporation just because she wanted the opportunity to see President Jin on a regular basis.

"Whether it’s true or not is none of our business. It’s best to keep our speculations to ourselves. You know the rumours in the company about those who offended President Jin before. I don’t know if they’re true or not, but it’s better to be safe than sorry."

They all nodded.

Similar scenes were happening in different places. All of these Jin Corporation employees had the same speculations but not one of them dared to share their thoughts to others. A big reason of this was because they were terrified of their President. They only knew him as a cold and ruthless leader.

Another reason why they chose to remain silent was because they were proud working for the number one company in the country. It wasn’t worth it to destroy their respectable status in the business industry as Jin Corporation employees and their career prospects within the company just for some quick cash by selling information to the media.

Besides, they weren’t even sure if their speculations were correct. What if they were wrong? They would just end up with a libel lawsuit. It wasn’t worth it.

The employees could only gossip among themselves, careful not to let any outsiders hear them. If it was really true that President Jin Liwei and Iris Long were engaged, then Iris was truly impressive. She succeeded where countless women failed 100% of the time in seducing such a terrifying ice block.

"Wait! What if President Jin is just using her to cover up that he’s gay?!" A junior financial analyst suddenly wondered out loud.

"Sssh! Not so loud! What if someone hears you?" His colleague looked around the bar they were in, a paranoid expression on his face.

"Nooo!" The junior financial analyst sobbed on the bar counter. "Poor Boss Iris! She deserves better than that unfeeling King Yama. Boss Iris, find someone who’s more capable of emotions. Even Jin Chonglin is better than the President!"

"You’re drunk. Let’s go home."

Among these Jin Corporation employees, some were Black Stars. If they were to choose between their two bosses, Jin Liwei or Iris Long, they would hands down go with their Boss Iris.


Jin Family’s Old House.

The place was bustling with activity. Huang Yuyan directed the household staff to clean, decorate, cook and make everything look as perfect as possible. She checked the table settings on the dining table. She tasted the dishes being cooked and prepared in the kitchen. She was all over the place.

"Maybe we should change the curtains to bright red," she suggested.

"Yuyan my dear, the curtains are fine. You already had them changed six times today. Why don’t you relax?" Grandma Li told her in a lightly exasperated tone. "The way you’re acting, it’s as if some members of royalty are visiting."

"Mother, it’s a special day! My son is bringing Xiulan and the Long family later. They’re more important than royalty! We need to present a good image to the Longs, so that they can feel at ease when Xiulan marries into our Jin family."

Grandma Li chuckled at her daughter-in-law. "Alright. It looks like you have things under control here. I’ll leave everything to you, then. I’m already old and don’t have the energy for all of these preparations."

"Don’t worry, Mother. I’ll take care of everything. Please rest for now." Huang Yuyan looked at the time. She took her phone and called someone. "Hello, son? Where are you? Are you on your way here?... What? You’re still at home? I already told you that you need to be here. Your brother is bringing your future sister-in-law and her family today! What are you waiting for? Hurry up, get ready and come here!"

"Is Chonglin coming?" Grandma Li asked after the phone call.

"Yes, Mother. He said he’s going to get ready."

"Well, if he doesn’t arrive in an hour, I’ll send my assistant to drag him over here," Grandma Li said like it was nothing.

Huang Yuyan gave a sheepish smile and then sighed. "I’m glad that he took a break from showbiz. He needs the rest. He worked nonstop while he was engaged to..." Her voice shook. She pressed her lips together before continuing to speak. "He was doing well when he left here and returned to his house. But lately I’ve been worrying about that boy. I heard that he’s been locking himself inside his music studio for many days now. Sometimes he even forgets to eat."

Grandma Li: "We’ll make sure that he eats his fill at dinner later."

"Yes, Mother. Hm?"

They both turned their heads at the sound of loud, purposeful footsteps.

"What is this? We’re the first ones to arrive?" A booming voice sounded across the grand hall. "Why is nobody here yet?! I want to know!"

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 284 - Jin Chonglin Arrives


C284 - Jin Chonglin Arrives

Chapter 284 - Jin Chonglin Arrives

The household staff paused what they were doing to bow in greeting and show their respect to the sprightly old man. They treated the elder as if he was the Jin patriarch. And in a sense, he was. A handsome, roguish younger man followed closely behind him.

"Sister Zhiruo, Yuyan, did you give me the wrong time? Look at your household staff. It’s obvious they’re still preparing! Did you call me and my Haohao this early to help out with the preparations? I’m telling you, I’m old already! I don’t have the energy to work! Do you want this old man to break his back, ah?" Grandpa Lu complained in a loud, booming voice. However, it was obvious in the twinkle in his eyes that he was just teasing the two Jin madams. "Haohao my boy, your Aunt Yuyan wants to enslave you today. Go help her out!"

"Hello, Grandma Li and Aunt Yuyan. It’s been a long time. Good to see you all again," Lu Zihao ignored Grandpa Lu and greeted the two madams instead, flashing them a devilish smile.

They were slightly taken aback by his overflowing charm. Huang Yuyan couldn’t stop herself from blushing. Grandma Li squinted her sharp eyes and looked more carefully at Lu Zihao. She nodded with a pleased expression.

"Zihao my dear, you look absolutely dashing. You look more mature now than the last time I saw you," Grandma Li told him.

Lu Zihao’s smile became even more roguish. "Grandma Li, what can I say? I’ve grown up."

"That you are. Very good. Grandma is happy for you."

"Oh, I’m so glad that Liwei snatched Xiulan early," Huang Yuyan mumbled before she could stop herself. She covered her mouth when she realized what she just said, blushing even more.

"Oy oy, Yuyan! What did you just say? Are you rubbing in this old man’s face that my Haohao didn’t get Xiulan? I want to know!"

"N-no...of course not, Uncle..." Huang Yuyan began fidgeting.

A devilish chuckle made Lu Zihao even more handsome. "Aunt Yuyan, don’t worry. Even if Third Brother and Xiulan aren’t lovers, there’s no way I’d pursue her. Xiulan and I are brother and sister. A romantic relationship between us is out of question. We don’t practice incest."

"Oh...I see..." Huang Yuyan felt a little confused at how serious Lu Zihao was treating his sibling-like relationship with Iris. However, she didn’t ask him why because she was just relieved that her own son got Iris.

Grandma Li led her noisy friend and Lu Zihao to the living area for some tea while Huang Yuyan returned to the kitchen to make sure that all the dishes would be ready in time for dinner. Lu Zihao charmed Grandma Li, making her laugh and feel like a younger woman.

"Zihao my dear, you’re still as naughty as ever, just like your grandfather, but there’s something different about you. I can’t pinpoint what it is but I know you’ve changed somehow. Whatever it is, I like that you seem more mature now," Grandma Li said.

Lu Zihao kept the roguish smile on his face, but his eyes darkened dangerously for a few moments before the playful twinkle in his eyes returned. Nobody noticed the quick change in his expression.

He quietly sipped tea, not really listening to the two elders who were bickering about various trivial things. If not for his little sister, he wouldn’t even bother coming here. He had so many things to do as leader of the Shadow Winds. This was a critical time for his group to consolidate their power before the authorities started suppressing them.

About half an hour later, someone arrived.

Lu Zihao’s sharp senses allowed him to be the first one to notice Jin Chonglin’s arrival. However, he didn’t really care much about the younger man so he just stayed silent, continuing to sip his tea.

Grandpa Lu soon noticed the new arrival. "There you are, Chonglin my boy!" His voice boomed, catching the attention of Grandma Li.

"Hello, Grandma, Grandpa Lu, Brother Hao," Jin Chonglin greeted them. He walked to his grandmother and gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

Dark shadows encircled his red eyes. He looked exhausted and thinner. Nevertheless, he still looked hot and stylish as always.

"You look terrible, my boy! Why do you look like a zombie? I want to know!"

Jin Chonglin laughed weakly, scratching his head in an awkward manner. "I’ve been busy writing some new songs for my comeback."

"Hai! You musicians are a bunch of weirdos, that’s what! Xiulan also looked like a zombie playing the piano all day when we were at Switzerland...oh! She was depressed that time. Are you also depressed, Chonglin my boy? Tell Grandpa! Maybe I can help."

"No, Grandpa Lu. I’m not depressed. I’m alright, really. Just feeling inspired to write some music."

"That’s how you look when you’re inspired? Bah! It’s better if you’re not inspired then. Otherwise, you’ll turn uglier the more inspiration hits you. Bahahaha!"

"Oh be quiet, you old gorilla! Stop bullying my grandson," Grandma Li rebuked her noisy friend.

"Who’re you calling old gorilla, you old hag? And I’m not bullying the boy! I’m just showing him my grandfatherly love and concern!"

Before the two elders could bicker again, Jin Chonglin interrupted them. "Grandpa Lu, you mentioned Xiulan. Is she the same Xiulan who’s the fiancée of my brother? The one he’ll bring today?"

"Of course she’s the same Xiulan! Why do you look so clueless, my boy? Eh? Don’t tell me you don’t know who Xiulan is?"

"Yeah, I don’t really know her. I haven’t met my brother’s girlfriend...I mean, his fiancée yet."

"Bahahaha! You dunderheaded boy! You obviously know who—ah! Never mind." Grandpa Lu gave an evil chuckle. "It’s better that you meet your future sister-in-law in person later. It’s going to be fun! Bahahaha! Haohao my boy. Make sure to take good pictures of your Brother Chonglin’s reaction later."

"You wicked old gorilla," Grandma Li muttered while chuckling and sighing at the same time at her friend’s antics. However, she didn’t tell her grandson the truth either.

They all sat down. Jin Chonglin sat beside Lu Zihao while the two elders started squabbling once again.

"Brother Hao, have you met sister-in-law yet?"

"Hm, yeah."

Jin Chonglin didn’t notice Lu Zihao’s disinterest. He was too curious about his brother’s fiancée. It seemed that he was the only one who hadn’t met her yet.

"What is she like? Is she beautiful? How old is she? What does she do? Is she cold and scary like Big Bro?"

Lu Zihao raised an eyebrow at Jin Chonglin’s nonstop questions. "You really don’t know who she is?"

"If I knew, I wouldn’t be asking you all of these questions. The elders won’t tell me anything. All I know is that she’s named Xiulan. I don’t know anything else."

"Heh~" Lu Zihao studied him with intense eyes.

Jin Chonglin began to feel uncomfortable under Lu Zihao’s probing gaze. "Brother Hao? Is there something on my face?"

Lu Zihao looked away. "Nothing," he said. His tone and expression were light, but there was an unreadable look in his eyes. Then he smirked. ’She’ll never like you. You lack substance compared to your brother,’ he thought to himself.

He turned to Jin Chonglin again. "You want to know what Xiulan is like?"

"Yes, of course. She’s my future sister-in-law after all."

"Well...she’s the most beautiful, talented and intelligent woman I know in the world," Lu Zihao told him with an affectionate smile.

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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 285 - Shock After Shock After Shock


C285 - Shock After Shock After Shock

Chapter 285 - Shock After Shock After Shock

The most important dinner preparations were finally completed. Huang Yuyan joined the group in the living area. She already changed into her dinner outfit which was a long elegant dress. It looked a little too formal for the occasion. She was excited and anxious to present a good impression to the Long family.

But as soon as she saw her youngest son, she cried out in worry. "Son, you look like a skeleton! This can’t go on. I’ll be sending meals to you starting tomorrow. You’ll also take home all of the leftovers tonight."

"Mom, I’m fine," Jin Chonglin replied.

The group continued to chat until late afternoon. Finally, they heard several footsteps. They all turned to look. Jin Liwei was leading several people.

"There you are, Xiulan my girl, Liwei my boy!" Grandpa Lu’s voice boomed as he smacked his thighs with his palms before standing up to greet the new arrivals. "What took you so long? I want to know! I have been waiting so long for you that I almost fell asleep!"

Grandma Li rolled her eyes at her friend’s dramatic exaggerations. What almost fell asleep? He chattered nonstop the whole time.

Iris and Jin Liwei came with Long Tengfei and Yang Jiahui. Surprisingly, Long Hui also came with them. He was carrying his son, Little Jun. Dom and Meimei also tagged along carrying Ice Cream and Popcorn respectively.

Popcorn jumped out of Meimei’s arms and ran towards Lu Zihao who he immediately recognized. He leaped into Lu Zihao’s arms, rubbed himself all over him and meowed loudly, asking to be petted. The fat Ice Cream just watched safely in Dom a.k.a. Slave #1’s arms, her expression cautious. She still didn’t like Lu Zihao at all.

Since the two groups already met each other before in the hospital when Iris went into coma for the second time, there wasn’t really any need for introductions. They greeted each other like old friends...no, this time, they greeted each other like family.

It was only Jin Chonglin, Long Hui and Little Jun who were unfamiliar with the other people. Needless to say, both Jin Chonglin and Long Hui were shocked out of their wits, while Little Jun just looked curious and shy meeting these new people.

"S-sir Lu Jianhong..." Long Hui couldn’t believe that he was meeting the business legend in the flesh. As the heir of Long Industries and like so many other businesspeople, he admired and looked up to the true king of the country’s business world.

As for Jin Chonglin, his expression was a sight to see. His eyes widened so much that they looked like they were about to pop out of his head. He kept closing and opening his eyes, even rubbing them, to make sure that what he was seeing was actually real and happening.

He looked at his brother and his...his fiancée. His brother’s arm was wrapped possessively around the beautiful young woman’s waist. There was also a gentleness in his brother’s expression whenever he gazed down at the woman beside him. The expression looked so foreign on his brother that Jin Chonglin suspected for a moment that he must be an impostor.

"I-Iris? Is that you, Iris Long?"

Iris finally turned to look at Jin Chonglin. She gave him a smile so lovely that his breath caught in his throat.

"Hello, Senior Jin Chonglin," she greeted. "It’s lovely to see you."

"You..." He looked at her then at his brother, and then back at her again. His eyes zeroed in on the diamond ring on her finger. It sparkled under the light. "Y-you...and Big Bro...ah...hold on, I think I exhausted myself too much these past few days that I didn’t realize I’ve fallen asleep and now I’m dreaming. This must be a dream..."

He laughed weakly. The others just looked at him in amusement.

Grandpa Lu was busy recording Jin Chonglin’s reaction on video with his phone. His expression was filled with merriment and mischief. He tried ordering Lu Zihao to do it, but his grandson ignored him. Lu Zihao chatted with Dom and Meimei instead while he stroked the purring Popcorn in his arms.

The reality was gradually starting to register in Jin Chonglin’s dumbfounded brain. However, his disbelief only heightened as he observed the intimate touches and gestures between his brother and Iris.

"Unbelievable... Impossible..." He kept on mumbling under his breath.

Jin Liwei led Iris towards his brother. "Chonglin, meet Long Xiulan, my fiancée. Love, this is my younger brother, Jin Chonglin. You already know each other."

"It’s been a while since we’ve last seen each other, Senior," Iris said.

Jin Chonglin marched forward until he was directly in front of her. Before anyone could react, he grabbed her shoulders and stared at her face.

"You...you’re really Iris Long?"

The ugly, green-eyed monster roared to life inside Jin Liwei. He grabbed his brother’s hands and wrenched them away from his baby girl’s shoulders. Then he placed himself between them. He glared at his brother, warning him away.

Jin Chonglin was too shocked to react in time. He just stood there like a moron, confused at his brother’s scary expression.

Dom and Meimei almost squealed out loud in excitement at the drama unfolding in front of them. This was better than any of the TV dramas they were watching.

"Whoa whoa! Easy there now!" Grandpa Lu’s booming voice interrupted the sudden tense atmosphere. "You two rascals! This is a happy family gathering! Stop acting like two alpha wolves fighting over a female! Are you listening to me? Keep ignoring me and I’ll bang you two brothers’ heads together!"

"Darling." Iris pulled Jin Liwei back. She reached her hand up to his face and forced him to look at her. "Calm down, okay?" She whispered to him while stroking his cheek.

His cold eyes became gentle. "Okay." He held her hand that was stroking his cheek. Then he turned his head slightly to the side and gave it a kiss.

Jin Chonglin couldn’t believe that the passionate man in front of him was his own brother. It was like he was meeting him for the first time. Who was this person acting all lovey-dovey with Iris Long in front of everyone? Where was his cold and indifferent brother?

He was about to open his mouth to ask them questions when...

"Mama! Papa!" A child’s voice called out.

Jin Chonglin looked at the toddler struggling in the arms of Iris’ brother. The toddler was reaching his little arms to...to...eh? Jin Chonglin’s eyes widened once again, as he watched his brother move and take the toddler.

"Hm. Papa and Mama are here," Jin Liwei murmured, patting the child’s back gently.

"Ah?" Jin Chonglin’s mind went blank.

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