Facing Reality

By Mystery_Writer_28

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Book 2 of Never Again "Can I have some?" He says he's trying to snag a piece of my pie. I hit his hand and lo... More

Author Note
1) "Shut up, bitch, I'm in charge."
2)"You're bleeding out,"
3)"Are you okay?"
4)"Yes, mommy,"
5)"Is it a mafia ball?"
6) "Oh, come on the idiots' room,"
7)"Shut up, fish parts,"
8)"But cranberry juice, woo, I'll be flying through the roof drunk"
9)"don't make me beat your ass."
10)"Can I have some,"
11)"Does your ass hurt?"
13)"Not till you get one,"
14)"Oh, so you're leaving the body here,"
15) No, I'm not going to steal puppies
16) "Give me a bite, Sandro,"
17)"Don't bite your lip"
18)"Quick, kiss me,"
19)"Anyway, I didn't throw you out the window,"
20)"Then take what is yours,"
21)"What's your size?"
22)"I want you out of this dress,"
23)"Do you suppose we've got a rat?"
24)"You were an assassin,"
25)"Did you not see Tangled?"
26)"You bitch"
28)"Capo, save me!"
29)"Where is she?"
30)"We're under attack,"
32)"Say ciao to the devil for me,"
33)"I'll kill you first,"
34)"What, just keep kissing,"
35)"As a raccons ass,"
36)"All mine, then I'm all yours,"
37)"Hell, slow down so I can talk,"
38)All I could hear was moaning."
39)"God, I don't deserve the world. I don't deserve anything,"
40)"What exactly are we?"
41)"May I touch you, please?"
42)"Hey, pigface, do you have a golf club?"
43)"Wake the fuck up, we're not through yet."
44)"Don't try to tease me,"
45)"My man is not stupid,"
46)"Is it fucking true? Was it all a lie?"
47)"What if they look over here?"
48)"I like her"
49)"Make no noise, baby, or I'll stop,"
50)"Yes, yes."
51)"Then let us not kill you just yet."
52) "To see the life leave your eyes,"
53)"What have you done to me?"
54)"She said get the fuck out,"
Special Insight: Bonus #1

31)"Is it finished?"

35 4 10
By Mystery_Writer_28

This chapter will contain slight abuse

Thalia POV:

I quickly avoid being caught as I flee through the back door. When the car approaches, I quietly open the passenger door and enter. I reached into the backseat for a coat to conceal my slightly naked body. My breathing was uneven, and to put it mildly, I was irritated.

Were they kissing? Did he care that I was here? Is he even looking for me? In fact, does he give a damn? Was all we were up to merely a game to him? Was I too blind to see that he took me as a joke?

Was he mad at me? Does he think I betrayed him? Did he miss me?

He obviously didn't because he's out kissing and hanging out with other girls. I can't even be angry because we're not together. We just had one date, it wasn't like it was special or anything.

I know I overthink things, but I can't help myself when I see him so close to another girl and I'm doing everything I can for the people I care about. What I am doing is not willingly. Infact I'll rather not do this bullshit.

"Is it done?" Mikhail says, whipping the car out of the parking lot and raising his eyebrows at me.

I sneer, "Keep your fucking eyes on the road." I don't want to talk to him, in fact, I don't want to be here. "Feisty as ever, I like it," he chuckles as he returns his gaze to the road.

I stare over at him, wanting to sever his throat, but I know the minute I do, they'll use 'it' on me. As they have been doing for a year.

Fucking cowards

"You look like you want to murder me," he says.

"You have no idea," I mumble.

We drive the rest of the way in silence, arriving at our destination for the week. When he reverses in the garage with one hand, I open my door. As I opened the door, my heels clicked on the marble floors.

I was trapped, and all I wanted to do was get out of here. I needed to figure out how to acquire it without getting zapped. When Mikhail placed his hands on the small of my back, I sighed. "Get your fucking hands off me before you lose your dick"

He sighs and murmurs, "If only you could hurt me."

"I would," I respond as I tap his shoulder and go away to the bastards' room.

I knock on his door and wait for a response. I open the door when I hear his voice. The smell brings back memories of the day it all began.

1 year ago....

I've been here with this dude for a month now, and I swear he's quite scary. He's continually looking at me, almost as if he's analyzing me. He didn't beat me, and I'm not sure if he intends to. I believe he is waiting for me to drop my guard, but I will not.

I would never do that ever

My mother was also dragged; he had her heavily medicated on something that rendered her immobile. I wanted to help her, but they had other plans for me.

Sticking something in my neck watching as they drag her somewhere

I was sorry. I feel responsible for putting her in this situation. She wouldn't have been kidnapped if I hadn't wanted to meet up with her.

I was sitting in the room he had given me. I tried to leave several times but couldn't since the door was locked. I looked for windows, air vents, and even tried to kick a hole in the wall. But it didn't work, and I was stuck.

When something in my arms starts to hurt, I groan. I look down and notice a green flash on my skin. I stand up and examine my arm. "What the fuck is going on?" I say out loud.

Someone bursts through the door, and I stare at them with wide eyes. "It's the tracker that we implanted in you several years ago. It has authority over you and can harm you. Meaning we have complete control over you. "He emphasizes moving farther into the room.

What the fuck!

"Fuck you," I say, and he simply laughs.

"You will, soon," he adds, and I turn away in disgust. He just takes the seat across from me and stares at me.

"What in the hell are you looking at?" I say, and he looks at me angrily.

Shit Thalia are trying to get yourself killed

"I don't like being disrespected," he says as he clicks something, causing my arms to drop to my sides. In surprise, I looked at my arm, then at him. "Look, you're vulnerable right now, which means you'll do whatever I say and whatever I want," he says with a devilish grin.

"Why are you using this on me now?" I inquired, perplexed, and he shrugged.

I might be calm on the outside but I'm freaking out on the inside. How can he controll me? I can't fucking move my arms.

"I kind of desire you right now. Knowing your father had a child with someone else, your mother slutted herself out to him." He then gasps, as if he hadn't just said something significant. "My fault, did I tell you something you didn't know?" he pouts, and I scoff.

"I already knew before you went all terrorist on the cafe, mother told me," I smugly say.

I have a death wish

My body then freezes, and I am unable to move. I glanced at him with frantic eyes, "Hm, terrified, aren't you?" he adds as he approaches me.

Fuck, I can't move

I try to walk back, but my body is immobilized. I was unable to move. My only option was to use my mouth. "I'd never be scared of a jackass like you," I say.

yup, I'm going to die because of my stupid mouth

"You're just like your mother," he chuckles, moving my hair to the side, and blowing his breath on my neck.

My eyes narrow as I try to get away from him. I need help and now I can't move my body making myself even more vulnerable. I don't want him touching me or his breath on me. It made me want to throw up.

I didn't mind Sandro's touch because it was soft, gentle and caring as if he was afraid I'll break. I wanted Sandro and I need him now.

But is he okay? The explosion, is he okay? I don't know if he was severly hurt as I woke up here, with this creepy as man staring at me. I was in the dark and I tried to get answers from him but he would wave me off and continue watching me.

Please Sandro find me

I pleaded in my head for him to find me or someone to find us

This time can someone help me


"I can do a lot for you," he adds as he moves to the front of me. "Your mother won't bother us because she's quite busy." I gaze at him, and my eyes begin to tear up a little.

My stomach churned at the thought of my mother and I wanted to break down. I couldn't do this anymore.

"No," I respond, and he shakes his head, "yes."

"She was more in love with him than with me. She abandoned me for him. He had a child with her." He says this before grabbing my neck. "I despise the child they had; it should have been me. She should have gone with ME."

His grasp on my neck tightened as I had no way of defending myself. I was powerless.

"She never loved you," I say, as his grip on my neck tightens even further. I didn't care if I died right now.

It was no point in me living, bad things always happen to me. When can I be happy?

Yet that would be selfish, given that my mother needs my help right now. But I can't help what comes out my mouth, he needs to know the truth.

"SHUT UP" His spit lands on me as he screams in my face. I was disgusted and I wanted to wipe it off, I didn't know what diseases he carried.

His neck veins were visible, and his face was flushed. "She always loved me, until he came along."

"She would never love a guy like you," I say then scream as he throws me on the bed. He attempted to get on top of me till alarms sounded. "I'll be back," he says as he whips his head to the door, leaving me stranded on the bed.

My breathing was labored, and my heart was racing in my chest. I realized I was being foolish by testing him like that. It became a habit of mine to test my kidnappers.

Why am I so stupid at times like this?

I think I should see a therapist.

All I could hear was yelling and shouting in different languages. Then there were gunshots. My gaze was fixed on the ceiling, hoping to see the person I really wanted to see right now.

But he never came; I was left to execute his dirty work. I had no choice but to do so for Sandro and my mother.

When I walk deeper into the room, he smiles at me. "Is it finished?"

He presses the remote buttons that was wrapped in a necklace around his neck making me unable to move because of it. "Yes of course," I say, watching as he gets up from his couch and walks towards me.

I watched as he got closer to me

He threatens to use the new and improved remote that he wears around his neck to zap me if I don't comply. He'll also continue to beat and send men to harm my mother. That was not going to happen. It was the only thing that kept me moving forward. I had to help her. Then he threatened Sandro, and I couldn't allow him to hurt him.

I sincerely hope Mirabella will accept my sincere apologies. But, as selfish as it may sound, it had to be done.

I wanted to back away as he brought his hands closer to my face, but I couldn't. "Excellent, because I have a new mission for you to do."

"What is it?" I asked, perplexed.

"Now that the French and Irish are out of the way, I'm just a few steps away from having the most feared and powerful mafia in the world. I need you to take two more out." He says this while removing my hair from my face.

"And who would that be?" I wonder, praying it isn't who I believe it is.

He smirks and pulls me in closer. "The Greek and Italian Mafias"

"Why? I've already done this for you. I can't. No, I'm not going to do it "I say. He looks at me furiously and hits another button on the remote, releasing the paralysis and activating the electric shocks that were now coursing through my body.

I couldn't breathe as my body hit the floor and lifted up and down as he held the button down, almost knocking me unconscious with the wave of anguish coursing through my body.

I probably resembled a fish emerging from the water. This is quite embarrassing for me.

I let out a gasp as he lets go of the button and bends down, seizing my chin and turning it towards him. "No? But I believe you will "He then stands up.

"Now that you know what I'm still capable of, I want you to go over there and kill every single one of them. And if you don't return in an hour, I'll hurt your mother and shock you till you can't breathe, Skia "He threatens, and I look at him with hatred.

"Now go get Mikhail and some guys," he says, motioning to the door. When I leave the room, I make a mental note to curse him.

My body was in pain, and all I wanted to do was cry.

Cry for myself and for what I am about to do?

I look up at the ceiling, "Lord forgive me"

Making my face emotionless and blank, as they desired, and taking silent steps I walked into the living room where the other guys were, got my gun, and cocked it, drawing their attention to me. "Load up"

Author Note:

Do you understand why she had to do what she did now?

I want to kill Konstantin so much that it's insane how I constructed his character and now I want him dead.

Thalia is Skia, as we all know.

Would she ever be happy? Is there a happy ending for Thalia?

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Bye lovely people

2177 Words

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