The Other Sister (An Avenger'...

Nerdfanatic247 tarafından

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This is a reader insert story. That means you are my main character. You fill the spotlight and I hope you al... Daha Fazla

The Birth of a Princess
Prank Changing Destiny
The Boy From A Different Planet
Lost and Found
The Return of a Princess
The Man of Metal on Midgard
The Helacarrier
Not A Team But A Chemical Mixture of Chaos
Chitauri Invasion
Departing of Heroes
The Princess of Treason
The Gem of Leguardian
The Death of a Queen
Escaping Asgard
Another Heartbreak
The Battle of Greenwich
Deeply Missed
Who's Side Are You On?
The Kyln
The Truth Revealed
The Escape Plan
It's All About Trust
If Only For A Moment Life Was Perfect
The Infinity Stone
Back On The Ravager Ship
12 % Of A Plan
The Battle Of Xandar: Part One
The Battle Of Xandar: Part Two
The Start Of A New Family
Three Months Later
We're Both Dancers
Piloting With What's Between Your Ears and Not Your Legs
His Name Is Ego
A God With A Small G
Dance With Me
Bearer Of Bad News
Hey There, Jackass
He's Mary Poppins
Death Surrounds Us
Two Years Later
Symbolism For Love
1 Year And Two Months Later
Stopping The Ragnarok Prophecy
An Unexpected Reunification
177 A Bleecker Street
The Other Sister
Sakaar and The Grandmaster
Never Can Expect The Unexpected
A Valkyrie
An Old Friend From Work
We Have To Get Off This Planet
The Quinjet
Fugatives Of Sakaar
The Revengers
The Devil's Anus
Ensuring Asgards Doom
Asgard Is Not A Place. It's A People.
The Beginning Of The End
The Guardians Of The Galaxy
Reunited Under Horrible Circumtances
A Unthinkable Promise
Reality Isn't Always What It Seems
To Tell Or Not To Tell
Peter's POV: Rescue Mission
A Heavy Price To Pay
We're In The Endgame Now
There's Always A Reason
23 Days
The End of A Titan/ A New Family Member
Is It Really Possible?
A Jolly Green Giant
New Asgard
A Team Gathering Again
When and Where

An Orb For New Beginnings

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Nerdfanatic247 tarafından

A few weeks later, I was sleeping in my bed on my belly, snoring softly away. Today we were going to be going to Xandar to get the holo-projection map from the Broker with the crew. My alarm wasn't set to go off for another few hours. When suddenly someone was jumping on me.

    "Y/n! Y/n! Get up!" Peter said quickly and quietly.

    "Huh? What?" I groaned and tried to cover my head.

    "Come on. I've got the map. We need to get a jump on this before the guys do. Imagine what we could do with 400,000 units just between the two of us!" He said excitedly and I blasted him with silver light, just enough to knock him onto the floor. "What the hell?" He groaned.

    "That's what you get for trying to wake me so early, Peter Quill." I grunted as I looked at my clock. "Seriously it's like 4am! When did you have time to go to Xandar and back?"

    "I left last night and got back just now. Come on, princess. Get your ass out of bed and let's go. Hop to it!" Peter chuckled and ran from my room.

I groaned loudly, and covered my face with my pillow for a moment. I shoved everything off me and quickly got up, getting into my black spandex suit with red lining and tossing on my Ravager jacket with the Ravager symbol on the sleeve. I slid my boots on and put my hair up after throughly brushing it. I brushed my teeth and yawned as I walked into the ship bay. Peter was leaning against the open doorway and ramp to his ship with a shit eating grin on his face.

    "Wow, 20 minutes. New record." He chuckled and I flipped him off as I walked onto the ship. "You are so not a morning person."

    "Never have been. Likely never will be." I snickered as I curled up in my seat. "So..." I yawned. "Where are we going again?"

    "I've got the holo-tracker for the Orb." Peter grinned as he waved it in front of me from out of his pocket.

    "No way." I said excitedly, jumping up and grabbing it from him. I plugged it into the dashboard of the ship and it began to display our journey. "Morag, huh? Never been there."

    "Me either. Here you might need this." Peter mentioned as he handed me a small black ear piece like his. "I, uh, may have boughten it for you. Well, more like had it specially made."

    "Peter, this is... This is so sweet." I gasped softly as I place the piece in my ear and double tapped it. A shield fell over my face and I looked over at Peter. "How do I look?"

    "Beautiful..." He mumbled.

    "What?" I asked having not heard him clearly cause of the mask.

    "Fantastic! You look fantastic. Your's matches mine, but the silver mask is pair with (Y/F/C) eyes instead." He explained and I nodded. I pressed the button again and the mask retracted.

    "Thank you, Pete." I said softly, reaching over and touching his hand. Sparks flew through me and I slowly moved away, having my attention taken by the map in front of us.

We flew through the early morning hours and landed on a desolate planet. Peter landed the Milano off the outskirts of the area we needed to be in. The planet was covered in heavy fog, and geyser's that sprayed liquid into the air. It was raining heavily and I groaned putting my coat on and extending the mask over my face. We nodded at each other and trudged outside into the rough weather.

We stopped after a mile or so of walking and Peter woke up the hologram map. It expanded before us and showed what this world used to look like when it was a thriving community. The old holographic building lit up red and we began to walk forward following the path that was made out for us. Fake holographic people walked around us, there was even a little girl playing with a dog.

I looked at the holographic child with a giggle and kept walking forward to keep up with Peter. We made it out of the rain and into the bottom of a large old bridge. The bright orange circle at the end was shining so brightly, Peter shut the map off and shoved it back in his pocket. We were clear from the weather and we clicked the buttons on our ears and our masks retracted away.

    "Well, this would be quite the place if there wasn't holes, dirt, and crumbling rocks. Other than that, it's great." I chuckled as I looked at Peter who playfully rolled his eyes.

    "I know just the pick me up this place needs." He wiggled his brows and pulled out a yellow device from his pocket, placing the head phones around his neck. "Music."

    "Really? Right now?" I laughed.

    "What? There's never not a good time to jam out as we cross the ever treacherous places." Peter stated bravely and it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Come on, dance with me."

    "Absolutely not. I don't dance." I refused quickly.

    "This is why I've offered to help you." He chuckled and pressed play.

Peter gave me a seductive look and began to advance towards me as the song played. I slowly walked backwards while he bopped and banged his head long to the beat and swayed his hips back and forth. He came closer and placed a hand on my hip, pulling me to him.

    "Peter." I blushed heavily as he came closer.

    "Hey, (hey). What's the matter with ya, head. Hey, (hey)." The song began to play from the Walkman through the headphones around Peter's neck.

    "Just move your body to the beat." He said softly.

    "I-I can't."

    "Then just look at me. Your body will tell you what to do." He said softly as he stroked my cheek.

    "Hey, (hey). What's the matter with ya mind and your sign and ooh ooh."

Peter twisted me outward and kicked at the oncoming Orloni creatures, basically mutant rats. All while holding my hand. I chuckled as he grabbed one that tried to jump at him and he used it as a pretend microphone.

    "Hey, (Hey). Nothing's the matter with ya head, baby. Find it. Come on and find it. Hey!"

Peter gestured for me to twirl him around and I did. I couldn't help but laugh. This had to of been the most fun I'd had in a long time.

Peter looked at you such adoration in his eyes. He loved everything about you. Your laugh, the way you got so embarrassed. He loved to pick on you and have you play fight back with him. Your beauty was only an added bonus in his eyes.

    "With it, baby. Cause you're fine and you're mine and you look so divine. Come and get your love! Come and get your love!"

He sung the last part out loud and even though he was pitchy, he was perfect in every way that mattered. I couldn't stop my hips as they began to swing back and forth to the beat. A Orloni jumped at me and I grabbed and began to sing alongside Peter.

    "You're getting it!" Peter laughed joyfully.

    "Come and get your love! Come and get your love!"

I noticed a mud puddle and I ran towards it and slid across it in my boots, standing up right the entire time. I looked back at Peter and playfully motioned for him to come across. A smirk came across his face and he did the same, sliding across with ease. He slid into me and scooped me up, using his jet pack boots to cross a cavern in the ground.

    "I can fly you know." I snickered as he put me down.

    "Yeah, so can I." He grinned and I shoved his shoulder.

    "Everything's a competition with you." I pointed out and he grabbed my hand, pressing his body closer to mine. Dancing us up the stairs to the doorway.

    "Come and get your love, come and get your love, come and get your love now! Come and get your love, come and get your love, come and get your love now! Come and get your love! Come and get your love! Come and get your love!"

Peter clicked off the music as I used my finger to burn a hole in the doorway into the room. The Temple Vault doorway opened revealing a glowing cylinder on the other side of the room with a floating orb in it. This was finally it. My ticket to see my sister again. Maybe even Nebula too if she was done pleasing Thanos.

We both walked forward and towards the orb. I was going to use my powers to shut down the force field surrounding the orb. But Peter quickly placed a hand in front of me with a smirk on his face. He set down a gravity mine that began to pull the orb from the cylinder with ease.

    "How's that for a looting mission." Peter winked at me as he bent down and picked up the ball.

    "Show off." I chuckled. "That was however much easier than I expected." I pointed out.

Suddenly the doors burst open and Korath and his sakkarian soldiers came forth.

    "You just had to speak, didn't you." Peter said in a hushed tone as he rolled his eyes at me.

    "Oh no." I said realizing who the man who barged in was. He was a dark skinned man with bright blue eyes. He worked for Ronan, the man using my sisters currently. Luckily I had never worked with him before, but Gamora had on many missions.

    "Drop it!" Korath demanded.

    "Uh, hey." Peter said awkwardly.

    "Surround them." Korath demanded in Sakkarian. The guards moved to either side of Peter and I. "Drop it, now!"

    "Hey, cool man. No problem. No problem at all." He said obeying them and dropping the orb to the floor.

    "How do you two know about this?" Korath asked as he picked the orb up.

    "I don't even know what that is." Peter answered quickly and I shot him a look to not say anything stupid. "We're just a couple of junkers, man. Just checking stuff out."

The alien like creatures poked both of us with their guns. I grunted at the annoying one beside me with the force he was using. Sure was likely to leave a bruise, even though it'd heal quickly, it didn't make it any less annoying.

    "You don't look like junkers. You're wearing Ravager garbs!" Korath shouted at Peter's clear lie.

    "Dude, it's literally an outfit we picked to wear today. Chill." I stated getting poked again. "Ouch." I hissed in annoyance.

    "Ninja turtle, you better stop poking her." Peter growled at the creature as he was poked too.

    "What is your name?" Korath asked curiously as he looked mainly at me.

Shit, he probably figured out who I am.

    "Uh..." I stumbled and Peter shot me a quick questioning look.

    "My name is Peter Quill, okay?" Peter said quickly covering my ass. "Dude, literally chill out."

    "Move!" Korath demanded.

    "Why?" Peter questioned confused and concerned.

    "Ronan may have questions for the both of you." He hissed narrowing his eyes at me.

    "Hell, no." I grumbled, planning to start kicking ass after leaving the collapsible Temple.

Korath turned to leave when Peter opened his mouth again.

    "Hey, you know what? There's another name you might know me by." He gained Korath's attention making him turn towards us with interest. "Star-Lord." He stated as though it were commonly used.

    "Who?" Korath asked ruining the moment. Making me snicker slightly. Peter glared at me and I quickly covered it up with a cough.

    "Sorry, air's a little stiff in here." I said innocently.

    "Star-Lord, man. Legendary outlaw. Guys?" Peter asked the sakkarians behind us.

    "Move!" Korath demanded again.

    "Screw this." I huffed and quickly grabbed a ball off Peter's belt. I clicked it and tossed it behind us, evaporating the two soldiers into nothing but dust.

Peter grabbed his blasters and raised them at Korath who turned around rather surprised. He blasted him right in the chest forcing him back and out of the cave. I moved forward and grabbed the orb from the ground. We grinned at each other and the orb before I put it away in my pocket for safe keeping. Korath groaned, catching our attention as he stood up and grabbed his gun, shooting a blast right at us.

Peter and I both leaned backwards avoiding the shot landing on the ground. A large hole opened up behind us. I felt Peter's arm snake around my body and he clicked on his jet pack boots. We both clicked on our masks while Peter shot us away from Korath. I held onto him tightly and we roughly bumped across the ground. We scrambled to our feet and began to run straight back for the Milano.

    "Crap!" I stated, holding Peter back from running around the corner. The ship was surrounded by more creatures and they began to shoot at us.

    "Come on!" Peter grabbed my hand and we ran straight for them.

Surprisingly we dodged the shots and Peter threw another triangular gravitational mine to the ground. It activated forcing all of Korath's creatures to the ground. We ran and jumped forward, sliding across the orange paint of the Milano. I fell into the open window first and Peter directly after. He landed on top of me, putting us once again into a compromising position. I let out a loud groan as Peter's full weight landed on top of me. Both of us reached up and clicked our masks away.

Peter happened to be smirking at me and I rolled my eyes.

    "Oh, get off!" I chuckled as I tossed him off me.

    "Come on, you'd love to be in that position with me." Peter winked as he quickly sat up and jumped into the pilots seat.

    "Someone's getting cocky." I scoffed trying to hid the blush that rose over my face.

Peter began turning the ship on and getting ready to take off when I noticed outside they were quickly building a massive gun. I leaned against the back of Peter's chair and gasped.

    "Uh, Peter... May wanna hurry it up!" I panicked and moved to sit in my seat.

The jet's powered up and the ship began to lift off the ground just as the giant gun was finished. I had barely sat down in my chair when Peter yanked the levers upward to avoid being hit by the blast they had shot at us. Peter began to laugh manically in victory as we were getting away from Korath and the sakkarian guards.

    "Peter, look out!" I shouted interrupting his victory laugh.

He turned back around to face the windshield only to see what I could see. Geyser's began erupting all around us. Peter did his best maneuvering around them until a geyser smacked into the bottom of the ship and the Milano began to power down. We were forced upward and out of our chairs as the ship spun in the water. Peter smacked into the windshield and I hit the side wall. Peter and I's bodies were thrown backwards in the ship, as we spun out of control. This time my body pinned him against the wall back in our compromising position.

    "Well, hello." He said seductively moving my hair out of my face. "I'm liking this."

    "So not the time, Peter!" I shouted shoving his face away from mine.

    "Right!" Peter agreed. He moved me off from him and he used the wall to push himself forward and finally reach the lever to get the ship back on and even us out.

I grunted as I landed roughly on the floor, taking deep breaths. Peter slowly stood up and walked over towards me, offering me a hand up, which I gladly took.

    "Are you alright?" Peter asked softly, his face filled with concern.

    "I'm Asgardian." I chuckled as I placed a hand on Peter's cheek. He immediately leaned into my touch. "I'll heal faster than you. I should be asking if you're okay."

    "I'm fine." He smirked and began to lean forward.

I couldn't believe it. I could feel his breath mingling with mine. We were so close to sharing our first kiss. A moment I had only dreamt about.

    "Peter." A womanly voice called out, making us both jump apart.

I turned to see popping out of the stairwell from downstairs, a pink Xandarian woman, with brown hair all disheveled from our escape. She even was wearing one of Peter's tee shirts, making me take another step away from him. He looked at me with pain in his eyes and looked at her incredulously.

    "What happened?" She asked breathlessly.

    "Hey, uh..." Peter tried to think of her name, even managing to snap his fingers at her. "Uh, uh, I..."

    "Bereet." The woman replied with a frown. She looked between Peter and I and frowned even more.

    "Bereet!" Peter shouted right after her. "Look, I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I forgot you were here." Peter admitted honestly.
I scoffed and walked away.

    "Y/n!" Peter called out after me with a groan.

Word Count: 2,926

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