Who Am I (A Jai Courtney Fanf...

By Osara-chan

4.6K 696 37

Book 2 of 'Who You Say I Am.' Jai and Meg met at chance encounter on a mission trip and fell in love. Jai en... More

Chapter 1-Jai
Chapter 2-Meg
Chapter 3-Meg
Chapter 4-Meg
Chapter 5-Jai
Chapter 6-Meg
Chapter 7-Meg
Chapter 8-Meg
Chapter 9-Meg
Chapter 10-Jai
Chapter 11-Jai
Chapter 12-Meg
Chapter 13-Jai
Chapter 14-Meg
Chapter 15-Jai
Chapter 16-Meg
Chapter 17-Meg
Chapter 18-Jai
Chapter 19-Jai
Chapter 20-Meg
Chapter 21-Meg
Chapter 22-Jai
Chapter 23-Meg
Chapter 24-Meg
Chapter 25-Jai
Chapter 26-Meg
Chapter 27-Jai
Chapter 28-Jai
Chapter 29-Meg
Chapter 30-Jai
Chapter 31-Jai
Chapter 32-Meg
Chapter 33-Jai
Chapter 34-Meg
Chapter 35-Meg
Chapter 36-Meg
Chapter 37-Jai
Chapter 38-Meg
Chapter 39-Meg
Chapter 40-Jai
Chapter 41-Meg
Chapter 42-Jai
Chapter 43-Jai
Chapter 44-Meg
Chapter 45-Meg
Chapter 46-Meg
Chapter 47-Jai
Chapter 48-Meg
Chapter 49-Meg
Chapter 50-Jai
Chapter 51-Jai
Chapter 52-Meg
Chapter 53-Meg
Chapter 54-Jai
Chapter 55-Meg
Chapter 56-Jai
Chapter 57-Meg
Chapter 58-Meg
Chapter 59-Meg
Chapter 60-Jai
Chapter 61-Meg
Chapter 62-Meg
Chapter 63-Meg
Chapter 64-Meg
Chapter 65-Jai
Chapter 66-Meg
Chapter 67-Meg
Chapter 68-Meg
Chapter 69-Jai
Chapter 70-Meg
Chapter 71-Jai
Chapter 72-Meg
Chapter 73-Meg
Chapter 74-Jai
Chapter 75-Meg
Chapter 76-Meg
Chapter 77-Meg
Chapter 78-Jai
Chapter 79-Meg
Chapter 80-Jai
Chapter 81-Jai
Chapter 82-Jai
Chapter 83-Meg
Chapter 84-Meg
Chapter 85-Meg
Chapter 86-Meg
Chapter 87-Jai
Chapter 88-Meg
Chapter 89-Meg
Chapter 90-Jai
Chapter 91-Jai
Chapter 92-Meg
Chapter 93-Meg
Chapter 94-Jai
Chapter 95-Meg
Chapter 96-Meg
Chapter 97-Meg
Chapter 98-Meg
Chapter 99-Jai
Chapter 100-Meg
Chapter 101-Meg
Chapter 102-Meg
Chapter 103-Jai
Chapter 104-Meg
Chapter 105-Meg
Chapter 106-Jai
Chapter 107-Meg
Chapter 108-Meg
Chapter 109-Jai
Chapter 110-Meg
Chapter 111-Meg
Chapter 112-Meg
Chapter 113-Meg
Chapter 114-Jai
Chapter 115-Meg
Chapter 117-Meg
Chapter 118-Jai
Chapter 119-Jai
Chapter 120-Jai
Chapter 121-Meg
Chapter 122-Jai
Chapter 123-Jai
Chapter 124-Meg
Chapter 125-Meg
Chapter 126-Jai
Chapter 127-Meg
Chapter 128-Meg
Chapter 129-Jai
Chapter 130-Meg
Chapter 131-Jai
Chapter 132-Meg
Chapter 133-Jai
Chapter 134-Meg
Chapter 135-Jai
Chapter 136-Meg
Chapter 137-Meg
Chapter 138-Jai
Chapter 139-Meg
Chapter 140-Meg
Author's Note

Chapter 116-Jai

36 3 0
By Osara-chan

I'm on the lounge chatting with my mates and rellies. I can't believe they actually came here to spend the week with us before the wedding. At first, I thought they'd need the time to recover from all the traveling but they seem alright—much like Meg and me on the last trip.
Dad is watching a prerecorded rugby match from during their flight—the South Sydney Rabbitohs vs the Brisbane Broncos. Damo and Bran are really getting into it but the Rabbitohs are their biggest rival. They're hoping they lose but it doesn't look like that's happening any time soon.
There's a commercial break and I see Damo examining the room. As soon as we stepped in, his eyes were on the telly. 
"What made you two laugh so much?" he asks me and I can't help but break into a fit of giggles at the thought.
When I calm down, I answer, "I think you were way off. You thought she wouldn't stick with me and it was no problem."
He looks confused.
"Just had to capture that moment forever," Johnno guffaws clearly understanding my meaning. He was there when Damo said that the moment I cut loose in front of her, she'd be out the door. I was relaxed, though. He was right that it'd happen at moment I was so comfortable with her. Johnno fills Ollie in and he's laughing, too.
"We were in the midst of a photo shoot. At least it happened at the end," I grin.
My mates chuckle at that. The ladies join us from the kitchen.
"What's got you all worked up?" Em questions.
"I'm wondering the same thing," my mum adds.
"Jai farted in front of Megan and then put a pic on the wall to commemorate the occasion," Damo blurts.
"You did not!" my mum insists.
I shrug in reply.
"That's nasty," my sister adds.
"Yeah, yeah," I reply.
"Megan is not the type to do something like that," Mum says firmly motioning at the photos. "Though they are nice besides the story."
"I asked for them as a gift. I figured it'd be easier explaining to anyone so close to us than to be plastered all over society in her next art show," I divulge.
"Hmm," my dad replies clearly listening in.  "Probably better that way."
I chuckle in response.
We chat a bit more before the match comes back on. The Rabbitohs win causing Damo and Bran to spit the dummy. I'm glad they were able to come. I know it's the middle of the season for them. Their last game ended the night before they flew out and their next one is the day after they come back.
Another match begins and we watch the start of that—the Dragons vs the Sea Eagles. Between the commentary, I decide to broach the subject of what to do while they're on holiday here.
"What do you have in mind, love?" Mum asks curiously.
"Meg and I made a list of obligations we have and another of other things we could do," I mention.
"She's very organized," my mum grins.
"She is," I nod. I list off everything we have planned—church days and times, her interview, two sports matches we have box seats for, an appointment with the pastor, the concert...
"Hannah mentioned a bridal shower and a ladies tea," my mum adds.
"Yeah, I forgot to add that," I say marking it on my phone. "We'll separate for that. Some of the blokes wanted to do something."
"Pub?" Damo asks.
"Probably not," I mumble. "They don't drink. I'll have to ask them tonight what they want to do."
"What'd you have in mind the rest of the week then?" Johnno asks.
"If you're up for it, we wanted to take everyone to an amusement park tomorrow," I say.
"That sounds bonzer," Bran adds.
I grin at that. "Anyone else?" I question.
They all mostly reply that it sounds good. I look to my parents though.
"No worries," my mum responds. "Hannah and Nick said you'd probably go there. He's taken the week off. They've got plenty scheduled to entertain us. Nick is already planning a fishing trip with your dad. Hannah has a few places she wanted to take me."
I smile at that. Nobody is going to get bored. We write in several places to go—anyone who's not interested can take a rental out to do whatever they want but for the most part, we plan together.
"What kind of sports matches are those?" Damo asks.
"Hockey and baseball," I admit.
He winces at that. They're not popular in 'Straya.
"Those are the only teams they have in town and they're both in season," I mention. "The hockey team is ace and even made the playoffs. The games are bonzer."
"Seriously?" Bran asks disbelievingly.
"You don't want to miss it. Trust me. But it'll be cold so wear a jumper if you brought it," I advise them.
"I checked the temps before I packed. It's like winter here," Mum announces. "Can't believe the lot of you went swimming. But I did bring my cozzie for Jamaica."
I grin at that. I was afraid she wasn't having a good time at first but they seem to get on with Meg's folks just fine.
"Major league?" Damo inquires.
"Minor," I admit.
"What kind of town is this?" he asks.
"Small," I divulge.
He sighs but agrees to go.
"What about the baseball team?" he asks.
"It's baseball," I shrug being honest. I'm hoping for a more amusing match than last time. It was a little bland. "We might stop at that snag shop before, though."
"I'm in," Damo says quickly.
"Eh, they're not so bad," my dad adds. "I'm playing golf this week with Nick if any of you blokes are interested."
"You're going golfing?" I ask surprised.
"You act like I've never been golfing before," he teases, but I don't recall that he has. "Nick's a member at a country club... oh, and a yacht club. We'll probably go to both. I'm not worried. My schedule is booked. I already like the in-laws. Their home seems pretty entertaining and relaxing."
I grin at that. My dad seems right at home here, just like my LA house. I sit back and relax, too, enjoying my time of rest with those closest to me... with the exception of Meg. I can see her doing her thing in the kitchen, though.
"What's she making?" I ask Dar. She would know more than my sister since she's more savvy in the kitchen.
"Violet sugar. I'd never heard of it but she said she might make cupcakes and put some on top if there's time," she replies.
"Crikey. I'm having one of those," I reply.
"Is she a good cook?" my mum asks.
"Her cupcakes are the best I've ever had. I don't care if she puts flowers on them. They're ace," I say.
She grins at that.
"You like the domestic type?" Damo questions.
"I like her," I reply.
He smiles. It's obvious to anyone with eyes that I'm in love with her.
"She also made a honey and a vinegar. The last one she said something about jelly," Dar explains.
"She's into homesteading and making her own everything," I mention.
"It is really interesting," Em adds. "I'm surprised she could do all that by memory. She's said she's made them with her mum since she was a little girl."
I grin at that and kick back enjoying the match.


I hear the sink on in the kitchen and the clang of a few dishes.  The match is almost over but I'm more interested in finding out what she's up to.  I step in to see her washing dishes and setting them aside.  I slide my arms around her waist as she finishes and kiss her temple.  "What're you doing, love?" I ask. 
"Just cleaning up," she shrugs. 
I see a few purple glass jars of liquid set out on some towels across the bench.  There's a cookie sheet with the sugar set aside.  She notices my gaze.  "It just needs some time to dry," she explains.  "I'll check it in the morning.  We're having dinner at my parents'."
"They just texted me to remind us to come over whenever we want.  The tucker should be done within the hour," I tell her nuzzling my face at her neck. 
She chuckles lightly. 
"Am I tickling you, love?" I whisper. 
She hums a reply. 
"You want to head over?" I ask her. 
"We could," she nods. 
"Your brothers are there—Artie with the fam and Mikey has Jada over.  They said the wedding party will be coming, too," I add. 
"We should probably go and introduce them," she decides. 
I agree.  When the match is over we make the short drive to their neighborhood.  We step inside and introduce everyone.  Her granddad is here as well which is a surprise.  He shakes my hand and congratulates us on the upcoming wedding.  I feel like the more I see him, the more he remembers me... or perhaps those journals Meg and her mum give him help him with his memory.  My mum seems so happy to meet Meg's family.  Tabby and Jojo come right up to me.  I pick them up and I introduce them to my parents.  My mum looks so pleased.  She meets Yvette and asks to hold the baby.  She sits down and just holds him, talking and playing with him.  I grin at that. I've never seen her like that. Mikey shows my mates around while my dad spends time with Nick on the back veranda. It looks likes he's grilling... and maybe smoking some things. I didn't even know he had a smoker. I step into the kitchen where Hannah is. She looks to be putting the final touches on a few dishes—salad, cut veggies, there's some things in the oven. She's made a pasta side dish with those morels. I see some sort of desserts in a couple crockeries on the bench that look incredible. They're all made with fruit—pies, cobblers, or whatever.  She greets me kindly and asks me to hand her a few things from the fridge.  I open it up to see it chockers with what I'm assuming is potato salad, coleslaw, and other cold dishes.  I grab a few items and set them on the bench for her.  Johnno comes out from the basement and calls out to me. 
"Did you know Megan can play the drums?" he asks me. 
"Yeah," I nod.
"Have you seen her down there?" he asks. 
I shake my head thinking I've only seen the sampling at the music shop in LA. I follow him down insisting that I see this.  Megan is seated in front of the tv on her knees.  There's what looks to be a plastic drum in front of her and another beside her with nobody there. I notice Jada and Mikey down here along with Damo and Bran.
"What are you playing, love?" I ask her.
"Taiko no Tatsujin," she replies. I've never heard of it but she did mention this drum game before. I sit down beside Bran.
"Aren't you going to play again?" Damo asks Mikey.
"Not when Meg is playing," he laughs. "I can play this on easy and normal for some but I'm nowhere near her level."
"I was playing and failing," Jada explains. "She took over for me."
I nod and watch as Megan selects the level. "What song should I play?" she asks.
"Megalovania," Mikey requests.
"Alright," Meg laughs lightly. She selects it.
"I love Undertale," Jada grins.
I've heard of the game but never played it.

The tune starts playing and I instantly recognize it. The game seems pretty cute with an anthropomorphic drum and other characters dancing around on the screen.  She starts playing and I'm grinning at how good it sounds, how talented she is.  The speed increases and she keeps up.  I am impressed with her incredible skill.  Then the speed is so fast that I can hardly follow but she hits it precisely. My mouth hangs open at the momentum of it all. I'm just in awe. Eventually, the music slows a bit but it's still fast. As she finishes and clears the level with a new high score, all my mates clap for her. She's blushing and laughing—a little embarrassed by the attention. I close my cake hole and try to form a coherent thought as she approaches me. She shrugs it off and sits on my lap.
"We need to get you one of those... the real ones, I mean," I tell her.
"Yeah, I'd like my own someday," she grins.
No doubt. That'd be impressive on the stage someday in a concert or something—or an album for that matter.
We watch as a few of my mates give it a go. They all try the easy or normal levels. After a couple rounds, they play a few other games that Mikey has for the system before I hear Hannah announcing the tucker is ready.
We all mount the stairs. Just about everyone is gathered in the kitchen or nearby. Nick and Hannah pray over the meal and we all enjoy it. The spread is enormous—pulled pork, brisket, snags, an array of cold salads, mac and cheese, homemade sauces and dressings... 
I let everyone go first and my parents look impressed by the spread.  I see my dad get a snag and some other protein which is surprising.  Hannah and Nick do make seriously amazing meals when they entertain.  The dinner for our reception here will be catered but I helped choose the meal and it sounds fantastic.
The doorbell rings and Hannah opens it to the group from the Southside church.  I see Gale and Floyd enter first, then Izaak and Valentina.  Pastor Ben and his wife—Dianna—are last in. I realize that everyone who'll be at the wedding is here... and it's close to a week away.  I feel a twinge in my chest—in excitement and slight anxiousness, but mostly just anticipation.  I can't wait to marry Megan.  I look for her in the crowd and see she's getting a plate with small portions.  I hope she's not cutting back to fit a dress or something like that, but then she takes it to the veranda and places it in front of her granddad.  I smile at how sweet she is—to him and everyone.  I know he can't handle the trip but he's here now and he'll be at the reception. 
I greet everyone as they arrive and I make sure they all help themselves to the tucker.  I introduce as many as I can to my rellies and mates.  Then, I finally grab a plate after everyone else has.  I see Meg going for dessert as I start walking to the veranda. 
"Having dessert first?" I tease her. 
"No," she laughs.  "This is for Popi."
"Of course it is," I grin.  "You're going to eat, right?"
"After I give him this and a drink," she nods smiling. 
I kiss her as she approaches me.  She goes back and gets a glass and pours him an iced tea—southern style sweet tea is his favorite according to Hannah.  I step outside and take the last seat at the table beside him.
"How's the snag?" I ask my dad.
"Good. Different," he tells me.
I grin and start on my plate. Meg comes and sets the dessert and tea down beside her grandad.
"I've got some peach cobbler for you, Popi," she tells him.
"That's my favorite," he tells her. "Is that sweet tea?" he asks.
"Of course. Mom made it just the way you like it," she smiles. She kisses his cheek and goes back inside.
"She's very sweet," my mum says.
"She is," I smile.
Meg returns with a plate and two glasses since I didn't grab one.
"Thank you, love," I tell her.
"Do you mind if we share?" she whispers to me.
"Not at all," I grin.
She sits on my lap. "He was supposed to save me a seat," Meg says teasingly.
"I did," her granddad replies.
Everyone at the table chuckles. He's having a good day. We talk a bit—my rellies, Meg's rellies, my mates, her mates. It's nice. I nuzzle my face in the crook of her neck and wait for her to finish. I sigh in contentment. This is bliss.

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