The Contract

By ZJMforlife

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"I didn't sign up for this! My parents made me. You don't have to sit there and pretend you care Liam!" Zayn... More

The announcement
Under one condition
Family feud
The Hideout Lounge
In enemy territories
Slowly slipping
Only business
Second thoughts
The signing
Sneaky link?
You good?
Curiouser and curioser
Dangerous Liaisons
Talk of shame
Weight of the world
Psychological evaluation
Karmas a B
A whole lot of history
Cheers to 2023
Ghost of New Years past
Feeling 22
Love fiction
Under the mic
"James Dean daydream look in your eye"
Mistakes of up and down
Sealed with a kiss
Time flies
Spring breakers
You have my heart
Malik family values
Group effort
Forever and always
Hannah Montana moment
Venues and vacations
26 years young
The Daily Show
What happens in Vegas
Stays in Vegas
"It is, and always was you."
No place like home
Book bluff
Story of our lives
"And it was all Yellow"
"I do"
Crazy Rich Brits
"Here with you is where i'm meant to be."
Destination you

Old thoughts

190 12 12
By ZJMforlife

After their dinner the group split up and went their separate ways. The guys chose to start their night out at the blackjack tables in the hotel. Zayn, Harry, and the girls made their way to their own hotel to The Chandelier Bar.

The night was fairly easy going. After gambling a couple hundred away, the boys headed across the street to the Paris hotel to Chateau Rooftop, the nightclub at the mini replica of the Eiffel Tower. They were taken to VIP since both djs did shows there before.

Zayn and his group moved from the bar to Marquee, the nightclub within the Cosmo. The bouncer of course knew who they were so he escorted them to a private booth and they started celebrating when the bottle service they ordered arrived.

With updates on their whereabouts Niall made way to both of the suites. While at dinner he had people go in and decorate Zayns suite. He knew the model would like it and expected them to post nonstop. Liams wasn't too crazy in terms of decor. He went in and dropped off swag bags for the guys, along with nice custom slightly corny hats that stated their positions in the wedding party.

Towards the end of their first night they made their ways back to their rooms where they received the surprises. Of course the models and Doniya couldn't resist the urge to pose for some pictures so naturally Harry directed them. The boys all kept taking selfies and random mirror pics all through the suite.

When Niall went to check on Liams suite he was ushered in by Ed and insisted Niall let loose. He caved and had a few glasses because why not, before calling it a night.

The next morning Zayn woke and removed himself from the covers. After brushing his teeth then putting on some comfy clothes he walked out of his room. He needed coffee and since there was a Starbucks right downstairs he made way.

Walking into the main space he saw Harry and Kendall cuddled up on the couch. Gigi and his sister were still asleep in their own rooms. Quietly he snuck out into the hallway seeing the security Niall hired for them.

"Morning Wes. Morning Pete." He greeted.

"Morning." They both said at the same time.

"Were you wanting to go somewhere?" The guard asked moving from his spot.

"Yes just downstairs for a coffee but I think I'll be good Wes." Zayn smiled and reassured.

"Mr. Malik are you sure?" He hesitated.

"Yes! I can run if I need to and also, please just Zayn. Did you boys want anything?" He asked the guards and took their orders.

When he got to the main lobby it was pretty full considering it was around 8 AM. He walked towards the front of the lobby too Starbucks and noticed the packed line. He shrugged and put his hood on.

Occasionally he got looks and people around would come up to him but he didn't mind. It wasn't getting out of hand yet so he was thankful for that. He ordered seven drinks total including his. The two guards, Harrys, his sisters, Gigis, and Kendall's.

He moved to the corner waiting for his order, because It would probably be a while considering the volume of people. He took his seat then scrolled through his feed as the names were being called out.

A few minutes later he heard a soft voice say "Zayn?" And looked up thinking it was his order but he remembered he put it under "Z." He was met with an all too familiar face he hadn't seen in years.

"Danielle?" He put the voice to the face. The last time he saw the woman was probably her and Liam's graduation from their private secondary school.

"Aww Zaynie! It's been ages since I've seen you in person!" She beamed and went in for a hug sitting next to him.

Zayn sorta cringed at the nickname. She was the sweetest girl ever. Back then he always remembered not wanting to like her because she was obviously with Liam, and she was always around the families. Now it made sense as to why, but he also felt a little guilty.

He hugged her back and put his phone away. "Hey... yeah it's been a while. How are you? What are you doing here?

"I'm good! I'm here choreographing for a production piece. You're the one on your bachelor trip though, so I should be asking how you're doing. You excited?" She asked and said excitedly

"Uh y-yeah... I'm pretty excited." Zayn gave her an uneasy hesitant smile because she was, in fact, talking about her ex and him.

"It's okay Zayn." She chuckled and reassured. "I'm happy for you two." She shrugged and brought her legs up to sit criss cross.

Literally the sweetest girl ever ugh. He thought. "Really?" He questioned with a confused glance.

"Well yeah. You two were practically meant for each other. Geoff wasn't really much of a fan of mine." The corner of her lip curved down. "He said I was too much of a dreamer for wanting to pursue dance as a career so yeah." She threw her hands up.

"Oh..." he dragged out.

"Crazy huh. Its okay though. I've come to terms with it. It was for the best anyways, I don't think I could've given Liam the life that Geoff saw for him." She said realistically.

"I'm sorry." Zayn dropped his demeanor.

"Zayn trust me it's okay!" Danielle said still chipper as ever. She was the only person he knew who the worst things could happen to and she'd still have a bright smile on. "So tell me! When did it all change for the two of you? Who caved first or what? Did his and your parents set the two of you up?" She asked curiously.

For the first time in a while the contract came back in his mind. Everything the past nine months to him felt so real and he knew it was, but he also couldn't help feeling like he wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for it. Would Liam have felt the same if it weren't for all this? He wondered.

Shoving the thoughts in the back of his head he started chatting with her about it. He only told her what he needed to and for the most part it was the truth. The time frame was a few months off but it was true. She only knew what their interviews and the media had said so he kept to that. To his surprise she was loving it.

After a couple minutes talking to each other, her name was called first since she only had her order. She grabbed it and went back to him continuing the conversation.

Another few minutes later Zayns full order came out in two drink carriers. He walked to the counter then back to her, his hands now full.

"Well I'll let you get on then I should really get to rehearsal too im already late. It was so nice seeing you little Zaynie, and I wish you both nothing but the best! Also tell Liam I'm truly happy for him please?" She reached to hug him careful of the carriers.

"It was nice seeing you again Danielle and thank you. That means a lot! I will tell him. Hope your practice goes good!" He leaned in cautiously not trying to drop the drinks.

"Why thank you! Have fun!" She cheerfully waved then strutted out the shop.

Turning through the hotel he walked to elevator then pushed the top floor. As he steadied the drinks as his mind kept drifting to his thoughts from earlier. He was brought out of it by the ding of his floor. He shook his head then exited the elevator.

When he neared the door he handed the two drinks to the guards who thanked him and held the door open for him. When he walked in it was still quiet as they all still slept. He sighed then set the remaining drinks on the table then took his up to his room.

While his mind raced with the thoughts about the contract he went out to his balcony that overlooked the Bellagio hotel and fountain and across the way was Liam's hotel.

He clutched the dice necklace, inspecting his promise and engagement ring. The tennis bracelet laid across his nightstand. No matter how hard he tried to push it down, the thoughts kept coming up.

Later the group all woke up and convened. They got dressed, headed to brunch, shopped, went sightseeing, went down the strip to Fremont Street, Area 15, dinner, then back to their hotel that evening to change. They blasted music as they got into their party clothes to attend Drai's Night Club across the street at The Cromwell Hotel.

The day went by in a blur if he was being honest with himself. He wasn't all the way there, but he did his best to try and hide it. He was with the people that knew him the best so it was pretty tough.

"Are you okay?" Doniya asked knocking on the ajar door to let him know she was entering.

"No... but I kinda figured you out of everyone would notice first." Zayn said glancing over his look in the mirror.

"What's wrong?" She stated as she sat on the bed.

"When I was at Starbucks this morning I ran into Danielle." He sighed sitting next to her.

"Like Danielle as in Danielle Danielle?" She raised her brows out of curiosity.

"Yeah that one." He nodded.

"And then?" She cut right to it.

"She just congratulated us. She even wished us the best. I thought she'd maybe even go off on me, but she was pretty okay with it."

"So you're upset because of that?" She asked confused.

"No. She's always just been super sweet. I think it would've been easier if she had told me off you know? She asked if Geoff, Karen, Mom and Baba set us up so it got me thinking about the contract..." He paused. Zayn couldn't not tell her when it all first happened since she wondered why Zayn wasn't around much after.

"Oh... but look at you guys now though. Doesn't that count for something?" She tried to find the brightness in the situation since Zayn visibly looked conflicted.

"Y-yeah. When she said that it just kind of took me back. I started thinking all these things and it just made me wonder..." he hesitated because he didn't even like thinking about it. "Would he have felt that way if all of this didn't happen? He'd probably be with someone like Her. Where would I be?" He questioned tearing up.

She moved to dry his tears. "Hey hey...  Look. No one can blame you for feeling like this. Trust me I'm still kind of mad at them for doing that... but I've grown up with you two remember. I've seen the moments you both shared back then. Especially now that all this is happening I've seen two sides of you that have I've never before. You love each other and there's no denying that contract or not."

Zayn furiously nodded not trying to let the tears out. "Sorry. I just really wasn't expecting to see her and I just felt guilty. She was being so genuine and to tell her that most of it was a lie just- I don't know. We lied to the whole world and I guess its just now hitting me." He laid back on the bed.

"Ready!" Harry shouted from the living room.

"Come on. We'll talk about it later before they all come in." She stated hugging him deeply and getting up off the bed.

"Thanks Don." He embraced her and followed her out the room getting all of his essentials.

Across the fountain in Liam's suite all the guys were pre gaming for their night at the OMNIA Nightclub in the hotel. It was famous for having the top djs in the genre. Of course since Alesso and Zedd both dj'd there though the year they swung VIP here as well.

After confirming both locations Niall went out to dinner with some friends that just so happened to be in town. When he was done he'd make way between the two clubs just to check in again.

When Zayns group arrived at Drai's a crowd immediately formed around and luckily they had the two security. They pushed through the busy entrance to get in and they were escorted to their private seating.

When situated they ordered a round of shots to start with. One after another they downed it and started loosening up. Zayn managed to control his intake. He didn't get too crazy even though they all told him he was allowed to.

After a while and a few more rounds Zayn wanted to go explore the bar. He tapped one of the bodyguards letting him know where he was going and the man led him over. Harry was off flirting with someone. Kendall and Gigi were smashed and his sister was enjoying herself on the dance floor.

He went outside into the cool sort of chilly air of the night. He needed to take a breather. There was a few other people outside with him as well. The guard stayed inside to give him some privacy. He walked closer to the balcony and rested his hands on the railing looking down onto the busy strip.

Steadying his breath and collecting his thoughts he dropped his shoulders as he exhaled. Luckily he had grabbed some water through the night because he'd be on all his entourages levels. He knew he should've been enjoying himself but he couldn't shake the conversation from earlier that morning.

He heard some commotion behind him as a group of people stumbled out. Deciding he was done he turned immediately bumping into someone.

He gasped as the man's weight knocked him over and was quickly caught by him.

"Woah! Sorry bout that love." The smooth heavy accent said as Zayn looked up. The calm state in which he tried to get himself to had gone flying out the window when he noticed who it was.



They both questioned in unison as his cast mates from Riverdale stood by and shifted slightly. Holding his hand and steadying his feet he let go awkwardly and noticed everyone's looks. He's guessing that they knew about New Years as a few of them were in attendance. His mind now raced with tons of thoughts and he thought, What more could possibly happen on this trip?

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