A Spark of Happiness

By Oriandthewill

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After the defeat of Void Termina, the Mage-Sisters, alongside with Hyness, landed on Popstar in hope of creat... More

Prologue - A Shout for the Heavens
Chapter 1 - Unwanted Help
Chapter 2 - A Spider's Offer
Chapter 3 - Distrust
Chapter 4 - The Kingdom in the Sky
Chapter 5 - First Day
Chapter 6 - A Lurking Shadow
Chapter 7 - Roots
Chapter 8 - Chit-Chat
Chapter 9 - The Underworld Arachnid
Chapter 10 - Blooming Flower
Chapter 12 - Party Crashers
Chapter 13 - Shattered
Chapter 14 - Awful Decisions
Chapter 15 - Heart to Heart
Chapter 16 - Realization
Chapter 17 - A Spider's Wrath
Chapter 18 - Escaping the Mirror
Chapter 19 - Star Allies
Chapter 20 - Moonlight Madness
Chapter 21 - Reunion
Chapter 22 - Void
Chapter 23 - Suffering
Chapter 24 - The Eye of the Storm
Chapter 25 - Hope
Epilogue - A Spark of Happiness

Chapter 11 - Calm Times

142 5 9
By Oriandthewill

Earlier in that same day, Kirby and his gang went to Magolor's house located on the town's exterior. "Are we there yet? My legs are killing me!" King Dedede sat on the ground for a moment to breathe. "Sire, it has only been thirty minutes, now get up and stop being lazy!" Meta Knight lightly kicked the penguin, facepalming right after. "I should have gone alone, this is getting on my nerves..." He sighed and groaned.

"Get up, penguin!" Hyness grabbed the king and shook him. "This is a do or die situation! GET UP ALREADY!" The mage shouted, but it was to no avail. Kirby had an idea, so he took his candy sac and gave it to his friend, which suddenly gained a lot of energy. "Well lookie here, I'm not tired anymore!" Dedede picked up the sac and started eating the delicious jawbreakers, an action that confused Hyness. "What... You know what! Forget it! I won't try to understand him anymore!" 

Meta Knight patted the wizard's back. "You are not the only one, pal." 

"Look guys! We've arrived!" Kirby jumped with glee, which made the knight curse in Spanish. "Have we been this close the whole time? What a waste! We could have left this eating buffoon a while ago!" He pointed in the king's direction with his sword. "Hey! I'm not that gluttonous!" Dedede said while he ate the remaining candy.

Inside the house, the team had found Magolor drinking a cup of coffee. The egg-shaped wizard looked at them with confusion. "What? Is there something in my face?"

The king of Dreamland saw this as an opportunity and knocked the coffee down, which burned Magolor's hand. "OW! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" He shouted and put his hand on freezing water, releasing a sigh of relief right after. 

"That's for that pie, you took too far with that prank." Dedede crossed his arms, making a proud face. "Eh! That's the price of being the best jokester on this planet."Magolor shrugged. "Anyway, what do you guys need?" He brought four cups of coffee and asked them to sit down.

Hyness explained his prophecy and how they needed a plan to avoid imminent destruction. "I see... My personal opinion as a fan of the ancients and master wizard would be: we find my old spaceship, the Lor Starcutter, and get out while we still can!" He moved his hands to emphasize his fear, which caused the old mage to spit his coffee out.

"What?! Your spaceship?! That thing was built by my people! It took them many years to harness the power it contains." He angrily said, crossing his arms in the process. 

After hearing the sentence, Magolor gasped with amazement. "Wait, does that mean you're an ancient? Oh my Void, this is the best day in my life!" Hyness proudly smiled. "I see you did your homework. It's a pleasure to meet you. The name is Hyness." The two wizards shook hands, but Meta Knight was impatient. 

"Okay, okay, everyone is happy. Would you mind thinking of something better? The more fighting, the merrier." The knight finished his coffee and made a gesture to make them start planning.

"Let's see what we got. An evil spider, possibly a mirror counterpart, is here in Popstar. He stole the Dimension Mirror, most likely to harness its powers, and plans to attack us in fifteen days." Magolor closed his eyes and thought about a plausible solution, before snapping his fingers.

"That's it! I know how we can locate him!" He picked up his phone and texted someone, who answered after five minutes. "Susie is working on the other side of the galaxy-" He explained, but was interrupted by Kirby. "That's good news Meta Knight! You don't need to worry about your fear of emotions!" The pink ball then absorbed every cookie on the table.

When the boy said that, everyone looked at Meta Knight with confusion. "What's he talkin' about, Meta?" King Dedede asked, pointing a finger in Kirby's direction.

The knight punched the table in anger and put his hands together. "Nothing important, Kirby is the one that does not notice a lie." He forced a smile behind his mask and sat on the couch.

"Anyway..." Magolor kept talking. "I asked her if she could scan our planet by using her newest invention, the darkness tracker. She answered and said that she already did that an hour ago and was about to warn Kirby." He showed them the picture Susie sent to him. "It seems we have found his location." 

Not understanding much, the penguin scratched the back of his neck. "It's saying that the mirror is in the Onion Ocean." Meta Knight got up, grabbing his sword in the process. "Then let's go! I've been waiting for a fight like this!" 

Before anyone could leave, Magolor's phone vibrated. He looked at the message and widened his eyes. "Susie sent me more information. 'Hi Maggie! You should take a look in this...'" He read the text. "The red point is warping through Popstar!"

Hyness groaned after he saw the image. "I've never understood those science users! But it looks like the spider does not want to be found!" 

Now it was the knight's turn to groan. "Maldición! That coward is surprisingly smart! Aw, a fight would go well." Meta Knight put Galaxia away and crossed his arms. Kirby tilted his head to the side. "What will we do?" He made a sad face.

"I know what we'll do. A big party!" King Dedede played his invisible guitar, but the older men stopped him. "NO! We will not rest on such a serious subject!" Hyness shook his head in disapproval, followed by the knight's own. "It would be reckless to throw a party, it would make us sitting ducks!" Meta Knight added.

"The spider does not want to be found anyway! What makes ya think that he would come after us? It's impossible for me to get caught!" The bird tried to argue, but the two kept the same skeptic face. "I think it would raise our spirits! The event is only happening in two weeks, we still have time!" Kirby said and frantically nodded. "And the best part of it, food..." He salivated at the thought.

"The boy gets it!" Dedede pointed at Kirby. "If ya two don't like the idea, then you could patrol the planet and try to find the arachnid." When he teased them by raising his eyebrows, Magolor agreed with the idea. "A party..." He rubbed his hands. "That would be the perfect place for a prank!" The wizard thought and smiled to himself.

"Then it's on! I'll have a big party! Kirby, let's go make the invitations!" Dedede left the house with the pink boy, the two beaming in happiness.

After Meta Knight decided to look out for Dark Taranza, he made a fist with his hand and grumbled. "Ugh... I don't think that's a good idea." Coming to help him in his journey, Hyness patted the knight's back right after he spoke.

"You are not the only one, pal."


In the next day, Dedede and Kirby made over a hundred invitations, they fully customized each one to fit its receiver. After hours of hard work, they ate to celebrate. "Ya know Kirby, this is gonna be wild." The king of Dreamland said as he took a bite of his marvelous doughnut. "I'll spend the whole party eating!" Kirby ate every doughnut but one. "Hey kiddo! Leave one for little o'me."

Magolor invited Marx and told him about his next prank. "This is going to be the best party ever! I can't wait to see the look on their faces when we put this into action!" The purple jester bounced on his ball, chuckling a lot while he did so. "You bet it will. I need to grab the apples!"

"A party?" Bandana Dee said as he read the invitation. "Aw man! I wanted to get that badge as soon as possible." He  leaned his weapon on the wall, drinking a glass of apple juice right after. "Well then, a little bit of dancing wouldn't hurt." He shrugged. "Wait a moment, it says here that they're serving apple juice! I need to grab my best bandana!"

Taranza also got an invitation. "Party like you never did! Arrive at the castle in three days... Huh! This could be interesting, but I haven't been to a party since the day I gave her that cursed mirror..." He sighed and looked at his own tiny Dreamstalk, which directed his thoughts to the girl in yellow. "Maybe she's also going... I need to reschedule my week!" The spider said as he opened his royal wardrobe.

"Look at this, sis! We have been invited to a party!" Flamberge said, giving the invitation to her younger sister. "Wow! How long has it been since we partied?" Francisca rubbed her chin and looked at her sister with a wondering look. "No idea! But I'm not missing this!" She jumped, her heart full of joy.

The red-haired girl went to tell her sister the wonderful news. Once she had arrived at the girl's location, she saw Zan with a worried look on her face. "Hey, Zan!" She waved at her sister, but she didn't take her eyes off that flower. "Flamberge! You need to help me! The flower turned brown!" She shook her hands in despair, only to get her shoulder touched by Flamberge.

"We will take care of this later, I have news for you!" She smiled fondly and showed her the paper in her hand. "We're going to a big party next Friday!" The fire mage shook her hands to emphasize her happiness, but that only made her sister even more shocked. "A PARTY?! You know I don't like those, I don't do well around people." Zan shook her head from side to side.

"Trust me, it will be great!" Flamberge got a groan from her sister. "Ugh... Okay... I'll go." She went back to her flower. "Not now, first we need to buy some stuff. Come with me!" The middle sister grabbed Zan by her 'arm' and pulled towards the door. "I'm already regretting this..."


All of a sudden, the screen gets blurry and it cuts to the Dimension Mirror, whose new leader was watching everything in many portals. "You see, soldiers? They have no idea I'm watching them. Fools!" Dark Taranza evilly laughed, so the shadow penguin raised his hand. "Tell me again, why are we doing this?" He shrugged and cleaned his hammer.

After hearing the last question, the spider facepalmed with one of his many hands. "How many times do I have to explain? We can't get Taranza if he's inside his castle, so we're doing the waiting game. Now you get it?" He slapped Shadow Dedede in the face and made a gesture to call Dark Meta Knight, who was polishing his sword.

"Good! It seems you've gotten better from our little fight!" The arachnid maliciously rubbed his hands, before giving the knight a new weapon. "Take this, it's a sword from my old home, the Black Mirror. This little beauty was enhanced with my magic, it can now put any foe to sleep with just a single hit!" Dark Meta carefully analyzed the weapon and slashed the spider's body.

"On no! What have you done! I'm about-" Dark Taranza shook his head and smirked. "That was just a little test of trust, that thing doesn't work on me... The sword isn't even real! It's an illusion!" When he said the last part, the weapon magically vanished, which shocked the knight.

Dark Meta Knight tried to flee, but was easily captured by a web attack. "Now, now..." Grabbing the sword, the arachnid ran a finger through it. "It seems someone has been a bad soldier..." The knight knew what was coming, and that thought scared him.

"What shall I do to punish you..? Pull the strings until you get dismembered? Or maybe write my name on your wing using this sharp blade? A difficult choice indeed."

Seeing the situation, Shadow Dedede jumped in front of the spider and opened his beak to speak. "Or maybe you could send us to capture the one you need. We'll crash into the party and get him before anyone notices!" As he held a fist with the other hand, the dark penguin got the answer he wanted.

"That's not a bad idea! Okay, you got a second chance." Dark Taranza snapped his fingers, removing the pink web as he did so. After the knight fell on the ground, his face was raised to meet the spider's many eyes. "But if you fail... I'll waste no time turning you into my personal punch bag!" The arachnid threw Dark Meta Knight on the ground, cleaning himself right after.

The shadow bird helped his coworker get up and looked suspiciously in the puppeteer's direction, getting a groan from the man in black just after. "What? Not even a thank you?! I just saved your bacon there!" He put his hands on his hip and raised his eyebrows. 

Grabbing the Galaxia counterpart, Dark Meta Knight sighed and patted the penguin's back. "Let's just go and do our job before he gets angrier." The knight said, getting a frown from Shadow Dedede. "I agree, this guy's a psychopath." He whispered.

After the two had left, Dark Taranza looked at his portal. "Enjoy your calm times, Popstar, cause those will soon end..."

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