The Other Sister (An Avenger'...

By Nerdfanatic247

24.3K 925 88

This is a reader insert story. That means you are my main character. You fill the spotlight and I hope you al... More

The Birth of a Princess
Prank Changing Destiny
The Boy From A Different Planet
Lost and Found
The Man of Metal on Midgard
The Helacarrier
Not A Team But A Chemical Mixture of Chaos
Chitauri Invasion
Departing of Heroes
The Princess of Treason
The Gem of Leguardian
The Death of a Queen
Escaping Asgard
Another Heartbreak
The Battle of Greenwich
Deeply Missed
An Orb For New Beginnings
Who's Side Are You On?
The Kyln
The Truth Revealed
The Escape Plan
It's All About Trust
If Only For A Moment Life Was Perfect
The Infinity Stone
Back On The Ravager Ship
12 % Of A Plan
The Battle Of Xandar: Part One
The Battle Of Xandar: Part Two
The Start Of A New Family
Three Months Later
We're Both Dancers
Piloting With What's Between Your Ears and Not Your Legs
His Name Is Ego
A God With A Small G
Dance With Me
Bearer Of Bad News
Hey There, Jackass
He's Mary Poppins
Death Surrounds Us
Two Years Later
Symbolism For Love
1 Year And Two Months Later
Stopping The Ragnarok Prophecy
An Unexpected Reunification
177 A Bleecker Street
The Other Sister
Sakaar and The Grandmaster
Never Can Expect The Unexpected
A Valkyrie
An Old Friend From Work
We Have To Get Off This Planet
The Quinjet
Fugatives Of Sakaar
The Revengers
The Devil's Anus
Ensuring Asgards Doom
Asgard Is Not A Place. It's A People.
The Beginning Of The End
The Guardians Of The Galaxy
Reunited Under Horrible Circumtances
A Unthinkable Promise
Reality Isn't Always What It Seems
To Tell Or Not To Tell
Peter's POV: Rescue Mission
A Heavy Price To Pay
We're In The Endgame Now
There's Always A Reason
23 Days
The End of A Titan/ A New Family Member
Is It Really Possible?
A Jolly Green Giant
New Asgard
A Team Gathering Again
When and Where

The Return of a Princess

839 27 2
By Nerdfanatic247

    Days past and Loki prepared for his mission along side his sister, Y/n. In exchange for being given the realm of Midgard to rule as King, he was to retrieve the Tesseract for Thanos. It contained the Space Stone; one of the six Infinity Stones. Y/n's job was to make sure that Loki's plan did not fail and that indeed the stone would be retrieved for Thanos. He had pulled her aside and spoke to her of his trick ways and that she was due to personally hand deliver the stone back to him. Y/n of course agreed, doing her duty as she usually did.

    Something inside Loki changed the moment he was given his scepter to use during his journey. His eyes glowed a bright unfamiliar blue and Y/n worried even more for him. She worried about Thanos's control over him. The night before the invasion was set to take place, she sat in her room rolling the crystal necklace in between her fingers. The star bangle bracelet laid gently on her wrist as well as the charm bracelet with the small blue stone that rattled as she moved. She had never taken them off in all the years she was held here despite ever wavering hope. She sighed and suddenly looked up at the sound of a soft knock.

    "Y/n/n? You okay?" Gamora asked softly as she entered their room.

    "Fine." She shrugged. "I just wish... I wish I could tell Nebula in confidence about our plan. I don't want her to think I'm abandoning her." Y/n sighed.

    "You know she's changed. She'd do anything to please Thanos. She desperately wishes for his approval. If you told her of your plan, she'd tell in minutes and everything would be a waste." Gamora assured her sadly.

    "But what about you? I hate the idea of leaving you here." Y/n sighed again letting her brows furrow.

    "I've actually been thinking about that. So this communication device is for you. We will keep in touch everyday. When either of us find a way to get me out, we will do it together. For now you must focus on saving your brother and Midgard." Gamora explained to her softly and sweetly.

    "Oh, how I will miss you." Y/n said sadly as she hugged her sister tightly. "You will always be my sister."

    "And you will always be mine. I came in here to tell you they were ready for you. So please, be safe, Y/n/n." Gamora hugged her back tightly and then watched her leave their bedroom.

    Y/n walked from her room to the cavern holding unit where Thanos resided along with Loki.

    "Are you ready, little one?" Thanos asked. "You remember the mission?"

    "Yes, Father. I am ready." Y/n stated firmly. "I remember the mission. Guide Loki to Midgard, invade the realm and take possession of the Space Stone. Bring the stone back here."

    Thanos nodded proudly at her and gestured for her to move forward. Y/n took a deep breath and did as she was instructed. She'd been practicing her Asgardian connection to the Tesseract through her power of the stars. The ability took much of her power to open even a simple portal. She was to hold the connection long enough to allow herself and Loki through to Earth. Y/n pressed her hands together and searched her mind. It was like searching the galaxy for her connection to the light. Once she found the similar energy she was looking for, she connected to it with a grunt.

    Loki, though under Thanos's control wavered for a moment seeing his sister in such pain. Y/n began to float in the air with her eyes turning bright white. Nebula and Gamora entered quietly and watched from the back of the room, with the same amount of concern for their adopted sister. Y/n struggled to break through and connect to the portal power of the space stone. After immersive effort and a loud scream, her hands clapped together and she caught a rainbow of light in her hands.

    The light she gathered and then forced it all towards her brother. Power surging through her body, sending him through the portal to Midgard. As she tried to step forward and maneuver it back towards herself, the light flickered and went out like someone blew on a flame. Y/n collapsed to the floor with a gasping breath, and coughed harshly. Gamora and Nebula ran forward and sat on either side of her.

    "I-I'm s-sorry Father." Y/n coughed. "I-I couldn't hold it."

    Thanos walked over towards them and lent out his hands towards his daughter who was being held up by Gamora and Nebula. Hesitantly she reached for him and they handed her over. Thanos's giant purple fist wrapped around her wrist and he half carried her to the other wall just outside the room, where pod ships waited. Y/n looked at him slightly confused.

    "You did well, daughter." Thanos nodded. "But the plan must still take place. Take this pod and get to Midgard by any means." Thanos said in a calm and yet demanding sort of way.

    "Yes, Father. Thank you, Father." Y/n nodded slowly.

    He patted her head and pressed the button, opening the doorway. She walked inside and took a seat, preparing to pilot the pod. The release button had been pressed and off she flew into space. All on her own for the first time in 22 years. After swiftly disabling the tracking device, Y/n's plan was set into motion. She needed to rescue her brother and she was slightly unsure of how to do that. She knew where she needed to go but, Loki had told her little of what had gone on at home. But she hoped that regardless of blood, that at least her brother Thor would help her.

    She input the coordinates and used the last of her power to generate a portal to Asgard. The ship was sucked through almost like hyperspace and suddenly she could see the great golden palace of Asgard. One thing she was quick to notice was that the rainbow bridge she once loved as a child was gone and had been destroyed. She couldn't help but be curious about it, but her vision started to fade. The ship tilted to the side and skid across a open green field with her starting to pass out on the inside. Before her eyes could fully close, someone with a large red cape and some sort of hammer in their hand landed in front of her pod with a thump. They pried it open and her eyes closed as she felt strong hands being wrapped around her.

    Y/n's mind rolled with everything she needed to remember. But she was feeling completely wiped out after using her powers again. Y/n knew she needed to get to the home she hadn't been to in years and try to convince her brother to come with her to Midgard. She knew she had to save Loki at any cost, to convince him that his need to be king wasn't real. It was all from being touched by that powerful scepter. Loki deserved so much more out of life then just the throne. He wasn't acting himself and he had made a deal for the exchange of the tesseract.

    As she finally began to come too she could hear voices surrounding her. Had she been captured again? Was her feat of leaving home pointless?

    "Y/n? Can you hear me?" A unfamiliar voice asked and some sort of light shined through her lids. Making her squint uncomfortably. "A reaction. She's coming too." The womanly voice informed someone else.

    "Y/n?" A soft voice said and she suddenly got the warm feeling of someone grabbing a hold of her hand. "Darling, it's okay. You're safe, wake up my love."

    "Loki..." Y/n whimpered and she began to open her eyes.

    Her vision was a bit blurry but slowly becoming clearer. A beautiful older woman sat beside her bed holding her hand. While a man with a large red cape paced at the end of the bed until he heard her voice. He was much taller, with longer blonde hair and slight facial stubble. Y/n gasped as she fully came to and sat forward abruptly. How long had she been out for? Frightened and nearly forgetting where she was. She ripped her hand away from the woman's and her fists glowed with silver light in self defense.

    "Whoa!" Some of the healer's in the room moved away and put up their hands.

    "Someone must calm her!"

    "Where am I? Where is Loki? Loki!" Y/n gasped.

    "My darling, please. Calm down and put your powers away. You are safe here. There is no reason to be so hostile in front of your family." The familiar womanly voice called out to her softly and yet sternly, like a mother would... Y/n's mother. Frigga.

    Y/n slowly turned and looked at the two people standing across the room. Her brother Thor, he was much older looking now. Though still young, stood in a protective stance in front of their mother. Frigga easily moved around him seeing her daughter's demeanor change. She smiled at her long lost child.

    "M-Mother?" Y/n's voice cracked as she looked at the woman in front of her that she yearned to see for years now.

    "Oh, my sweet girl." Frigga's eyes weld up with tears as she rushed forward to her daughter. Scooping her up in her arms and holding her tightly. "We thought you dead. I thought I'd never get to see you grow up and be so beautiful."

    "Oh I've missed you, Mother. Y-You thought I was dead? Is that was why you didn't come for me?" Y/n asked saddened and yet almost relieved.

    "Father told us you were dead the moment you stepped foot on that barbarian ship." Thor spoke softly as he approached. Y/n looked to her brother and smiled weakly.

    "I might as well be after everything I've done... I am a monster to this world..." Y/n sighed as Thor scooped her up with a great big death squeezing hug.

    "You are still my little sister. We know not what you have done, but it doesn't matter. You are home. You are safe. I've missed you terribly." Thor sighed as he set her down. "As for Loki, sister he is gone. H-He died..."

    "But he is not dead!" Y/n exclaimed as she looked between her Mother and Brother. "I know, I've seen him. I've felt him."

    "Y/n, Loki is gone." Frigga said softly as she lightly ran her hand through her daughter's hair.

    "No. He is not!" Y/n yelled and the lights flickered inside the room. Everyone looked around and Y/n took a deep breath to calm herself down. "I must save him. It is my responsibility."

    "Your Highness, you just got back. Your body has been in great distress for many years. You should lie down and rest longer." One of the healer's said softly and Y/n glared at her.

    "Where is Father?" Y/n asked suddenly realizing Odin was not in the room with her family. "Please, take me too him."

    "Sister...Maybe their right. You should rest." Thor said softly and Y/n looked at him with her big eyes begging like she used to when she was but a child.

    Thor let out a small sigh and he smiled at her and gestured his hand forward. Y/n softened and nodded lightly at her Brother before turning towards her Mother. Frigga smiled lightly at her daughter and wrapped an arm around her. Suggesting for her to lead the way.

    The three trudged through the great palace halls. As they passed people gasped and bowed in respect of the long lost Princess. Y/n felt uneasy and nodded or waved lightly at every person they passed. She didn't feel deserving of their praise. But she knew after following through with this mission maybe, just maybe, she could return home to Asgard and feel welcomed and deserving of her once great title.

    Y/n looked around the halls as they walked and she remembered every moment from her childhood. Running up and down the halls, playing and training with her brothers. Teasing them both and her Mother. She began to smile lightly at the thoughts that ran through her head until they finally approached the throne room. Y/n took a deep breath and Thor gave her a reassuring look. He pushed open the doors and walked inside proudly and excitedly.

    "Father!" Thor boomed and the now much older looking man turned around from his conversation with the guards. "Look who has returned. She has been alive all this time!" Thor pulled Y/n forward and showed her presence to their father.

    Y/n and Odin looked at each other for a few moments. Neither saying a word. Y/n took the first step forward.

    "Father." Y/n said lowly. Her head hung low and she bowed in the presence of him.

    Odin watched and he stepped forward until he stood right in front of her.

    "Rise." He said softly.

    Y/n slowly rose to her feet before she suddenly felt arms wrapped around her. Tears filled her eyes and she wrapped her arms around her Father embracing him.

    "My darling, sweet daughter. I thought I had lost two children and now here you stand before me bowing like a commoner." He chuckled and looked her up and down. "You certainly have grown and into such a beautiful young woman."

    "I'm sorry I've disappointed you, Father. I-it's been a long time. I've just missed you all so much. I-I should have fought harder to come home." Y/n explained with her head hung low. Frigga let out a small gasp at her child's words. Odin lifted his daughter's chin and let her see his smiling face.

    "It's not your fault, my child. We had sent out search parties but, we could never find the ship that took you. You were hidden from Heimdall's sight so we assumed you dead. That is our fault. Not yours." Odin explained as he led her to the steps and took a seat with her beside him. Frigga and Thor both joining beside them.

    "So you didn't forget to come look for me? Or cast me out due to all the things I've done..." Y/n asked softly.

    "How could we forget to come find you? I've heard nothing of what you've done, but Y/n if we had any knowledge of your whereabout's, we would have sent all of Asgard's finest warriors after you." Odin said with his brow creasing in concern. He suddenly seemed to remember something and his face changed. "Speaking of... Machdrial, please call Aren here at once. I believe he will want to see this young one." Odin said to one of the warriors in the room.

    "Aren?!" Y/n gasped at her Father. He smiled and nodded.

    "You requested my presence your Highness?" Aren said after a few moments as he stepped forward into the room. He stopped still in his tracks and stared at the girl on the Throne room steps. "Y-Y/n is that you?" He asked softly.

    Y/n let out a laugh with a sob and stood from the steps and ran forward towards Aren. He ran towards her and the two collided together hugging each other close and laughing.

    "You called me Y/n!" Y/n laughed as she pulled away from him and looked at his older face and features.

    "Well, I came to when I arrived home. They told me you were dead. I renounced my warrior status and everyday I've prayed for you. I failed to protect you and everyday I remember our last conversation. I haven't been able to call you anything but since." He explained with a smile. "I-I also have kept in touch with that boy." He whispered quietly and Y/n let out a small gasp.

    "Peter?" She asked and he nodded. "Did you tell him that I was... I was..."

    "Gone? Yes... He was very upset. I haven't heard from him now for a while actually. Oh, Y/nn I am so sorry. Everything that happened that day was my fault." Aren's face wavered and Y/n quickly hugged him again.

    "No, Aren. Nothing you could have done would have stopped what happened that day. You fought valiantly but we were outnumbered. Do not fault yourself."

    "Thank you, but I've spent a long time with this guilt... I do have to say, my biggest wish and prayer has come true. Getting to see you home and all grown up." Aren breathed as he stroked her face. Y/n smiled and leaned into his touch.

    "Your return home is indeed heartwarming. But we have much to discuss. Whoever held you is going to be held to the highest standard of treason and Asgard's wrath will lay upon them." Odin said as he walked over towards the two with a frown upon his face. "So come now, child."

    "Loki!" Y/n gasped remembering her last moments aboard the ship. "Father, Loki is on Midgard. I must use the bifrost to get to him. He is in great danger of himself as well as the realm Midgard is of him."

    "Midgard is in danger?" Thor asked roughly with a frown upon his face. "What is it that you mean?"

    "Thor, Mother, Father, Loki is alive. He found me and helped me escape. But now he is in trouble and he needs our help." Y/n explained passionately.

    "Father, if Midgard really is in danger. I must get there and quickly." Thor said. "That realm is under my protection. I will help Y/n on her quest. Together we can save the realm and bring Loki home."

    "The Bifrost has been destroyed my children." Odin reminded him and Y/n gasped. "But..." He sighed. "I suppose it is your duty. I will meet you on the rainbow bridge. However, Y/n you are not to go."

    "WHAT?!" Y/n gasped loudly. "But Father!"

    "No! You just returned and we still have the matter of dealing with where you have been and what you claim you have done." Odin said roughly.

    "Father, I need her to guide me to Loki." Thor said softly. "I swear to you, I will bring both of them home. Y/n can face the truths of her capture after helping me. I swear to you." Thor held his arm over his chest in promise.

    Odin looked between his children and after a moment he let out a sigh.

    "I want them both home. I will receive updates from Heimdall about the happenings on Midgard. And I expect the truth, Y/n." Odin warned and she nodded.

    "Come sister." Thor said quickly. Y/n nodded and quickly followed after her brother. "I'm sure I can find you garbs to wear."

    "I have to say, I'm digging the red on you, brother." Y/n grinned and Thor laughed.

    "Yes, well when I was being fitted for my suit. I saw the red cloth and thought of you. Once they gave it to me, it just clicked and I knew you were right. Red does suit me." Thor grinned. "You know things were really different here after you had gone. Everything seemed less... Bright."

    "I am glad to know you all missed me. I honestly had begun to give up hope before Loki came..." Y/n admitted and Thor looked at her sorrowfully.

    "I helped search for you. And Loki, he never gave up hope of finding you... Maybe this will help prove to you that we never stopped cherishing you and we never will." Thor thought deeply as she followed him quickly through the palace halls. "Yes!" He boomed and Y/n jumped. "This was made in your honor when you disappeared."

    Thor pointed to a statue with Asgardian clothing folded within its hands. It was a statue and shrine of Y/n looking as she did when she was first taken away from her family. The clothing that was laid out on it was beautiful. It was Asgardian warrior garbs much like the ones Thor wore but his were red and her's were silver. The armor glittered like starlight as she ran her nimble finger's over the clothing. Y/n smiled as she took them out of the statue's hands and changed into them in a room that Thor had shown her. When she walked out Thor looked over his sister proudly.

    "You look like a true warrior and Asgardian Princess." Thor complimented her. Y/n chuckled and nodded in thanks as the two began to walk towards the bridge. "Sister..." Thor said quietly.

    "Yes, Thor?"

    "Whatever happened to you must stay a secret." He warned her lowly. Y/n looked at him surprised and confused. "Father might be our Father, but he is also the Allfather. The King of the Realm and he will always follow those rules before those of being our Father. That's partly why Loki went rogue with distain for him. Loki... is well... adopted."

    "I know." Y/n said softly and it was Thor's turn to look at her confused. "I told you, I've already seen Loki. He explained to me much of what happened. From you being cast out by Father, him being a stolen relic from Jotunheim to hopefully reunite the realms. Loki has always been different and we knew this. But he is still our brother and he deserves to be saved and not punished." Y/n said protectively.

    "I know, sister." Thor chuckled knowing how close the two always were. He was happy to see that bond had never broken. But he had always been a bit jealous of it. "I just want the both of you home and safe. So please, just make sure you tell me the truth and I will always be there for you."

    "I always will, Thor. I will always be there for you too."

    The two siblings walked out to the rainbow bridge and met their parents and Heimdall there. Frigga engulfed both of her children saying their goodbyes. She was sad to see her newly returned daughter leave, but she knew in her heart she needed to let Y/n go. Odin of course, was still mindful of Y/n's absence. So Y/n made up and excuse that she was simply enslaved, which they all appeared to buy. And while that the truth it wasn't all of it. She was known as a ruthless warrior in the galaxy known as a daughter of Thanos. But she refused to send her Father or their people on a suicide mission to avenge her from being taken from them. So she was simply declining to leave out that information.

    Between Heimdall and Odin, they conjured up enough dark magic to send the two warriors to Midgard to begin their mission. But unbeknownst to them. They each had a different task and idea of what the mission would bring about...

Word Count: 3,911

Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying this story so far. It's a little different from my usual readers if you have read any of my other works. Do you like the format of this story? Or would you rather I wrote it more from your point of view. I usually write using the word I more often, directly from your point of view. Like 'I said, or I gasped.'

Or maybe I could try a few chapters writing it saying 'you thought' or 'You were known as...' 'You gasped'. Things like that as another traditional Reader story format.

Let me know if you like it the way it is or if I should change it up! I will tell you I originally was going with an OC for the main character of the story which is actually why it is written in this format. But I love Y/n stories so much. They are more personable and personally more fun to read. So as I've been posting chapters I've been changing my previous character's name to Y/n.

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