
By 13aroness

249K 16.2K 1.7K

She decided to do the world a favor and kept to herself ever since she was turned into a demon. Always alone... More

Texas 1830
Volterra 1863
Texas 1935
Pennsylvania 1948
Ohio 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Volterra 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Not an Update
Texas 1951
Pennsylvania 1952
Alaska 1962
Alaska 1965
Montana 1966
Texas 1980
New York 1999
California 1999
Louisiana 1999
Washington 2003
Washington 2004
Washington 2005
Not an Update
New York 2005
Massachusetts 2006
Not an Update
Texas 2006
Washington 2006

Volterra 1831

2.7K 150 18
By 13aroness

They landed ashore after several weeks of travel. Serafina and Danny were given cloaks of their own in black to be easily discernible to the guard. Jane was still annoyed with Serafina for extending their trip by refusing to swim. Serafina had even refused to be taught when Alec offered to teach her. Jane was offended. How dare this nobody refuse the graciousness of her brother? Throughout their trip, Jane would say things to Serafina in hopes of offending her. Serafina was never bothered and would simply laugh it off, only angering Jane more to the point where Jane would purposely stay away from her.

They sped through the beautiful Italian countryside until they reached a large city surrounded by enormous walls. Serafina and Danny were in awe, staring up at the large walls. She was excited to take a look at the interior of the city, so began to make her way to a large open gate where travelers were already making their way through. When she was suddenly stopped by Alec.

"We have our entrance further back. Just follow us." He stated, speeding towards the shadows at the opposite end.

Serafina and Danny followed. Then, as Serafina watched, Alec disappeared. She wasn't able to hide her surprise. Jane smirked. Serafina quickly hid that surprise after realizing she had been seen. Then paid more attention as Jane soon disappeared as well. She reached her hand out to where they had disappeared and realized it was just the way the wall was laid out. She shifted herself more to the left and was able to see it for what it was. A narrow passageway. The wall was positioned in a way that it hid the passageway unless you looked at it from a very specific angle that no one would typically bother looking for. She stood marveling at the ingenuity when she heard a sigh from the passage.

"Yes, yes, it's impressive. Now hurry up! We've already been delayed enough as it is due to yourself! You should be more self-aware!" Jane scoffed after popping her head out from behind a turn in the wall to glare at Serafina.

Serafina rolled her eyes but followed with Danny still walking next to her but still partially behind. The passage was small. She figured it barely allowed the army to walk two at a time to fit through when traveling through it. She comfortably walked through the maze-like passage that slowly elevated to some back alleys. The back alley was much wider and had a spectacular view of the city, but she noticed that while it seemed very open, it was actually hidden in the shadows. Technically the citizens of the city couldn't actually see them. Not unless they were knowingly looking for them, even in broad daylight they wouldn't be seen. She could only assume that it was because they didn't want to have the people aware of what they do behind the scenes in their quiet city. She thought it was very clever. She considered making some type of secret passage for herself in her town. Then she remembered she didn't actually have to hide anything so quickly dispelled the idea.

They made it towards the end of pathway that led them further into the center of the city. They made it to a gorgeous building's back courtyard. The building was tall. She wasn't sure but believed it may have been a clock tower. Once they all made it the army lined up in formation and at attention.

"Disperse," Jane stated causing them all to leave.

It was only the four of them left as they entered the building. It was even more beautiful inside. She looked around where she could, but they weren't given an actual tour. They simply walked down several corridors until they made it to a grand room. There was an enormous portrait about eight feet tall on the wall of three men. One man standing in front of the center throne and two men sitting on the thrones just behind him. There were lit sconces on either side of the portrait. The sconces themselves were beautiful with intricate leaf designs all made of gold. Alec pulled on a lit sconce, and they heard a rumble. The wall holding the portrait opened up to darkness. Luckily, with their eyesight it was very easy to see the staircase that led downwards.

The walk down was very long but she discovered it looked a bit like a sewer at the bottom. Serafina wasn't happy with that. The expression on her face was nonplussed after the magnificent architecture above. She literally stopped.

Jane pursed her lips. Wanting to make a snide comment but not wanting to seem childish now that she was back home. She wanted to seem more mature, but Serafina seemed to bring out the worst in her.

Jane stopped. "It's not a true sewer any longer. We've long since renovated. It's just another passageway now. The sewer was diverted long ago." She sighed without turning back to look at Serafina.

"If I go down there and it smells like shit, I'm going to be very upset," Serafina stated while crossing her arms and passing Jane down the stairs.

Jane gritted her teeth and clenched her fists together in a motion as though she were strangling Serafina. Unable to hide her glare.

Alec smiled softly to himself at his sister's behavior. He understood completely. Serafina managed to rile him up on occasion as well. But he actually realized it was intentional. She didn't like that they behaved so much older than their physical age. She was very stubborn in her belief that they were children. They constantly reminded her that they were actually much older than herself, but she didn't seem to care. Constantly teasing them and tricking them into showing their childishness. He knew Jane was doing her best to hold it in. He patted her shoulder to gain her attention.

"Calm down sister, we're home. Let's report to Master. He may have a reward for us." He appeased her and continued walking.

She regained herself and followed her brother.

Danny slowly followed them all. Not feeling he was actually equal to anyone in this group to walk with any. He knew Serafina was only staying with him to be nice. She was the strongest vampire he had ever met, but she could be nice too. She was being nice due to his nerves. He was nervous about meeting the Volturi in person, not sure how they would react to his having participated in Benny's army. He watched their guard destroy so many vampires, including Benny. Benny was the only family he had. He knew what they were doing was frowned upon by the Volturi, but he was willing to follow Benny wherever he asked. He saved him after all. He owed his revenge and second chance at life to him. He wondered if they would forgive him or if they were just bringing him to their palace to destroy him in front of everyone as an example. There was no use fighting it, he simply continued following them several paces behind.

At the bottom Serafina saw another passage. Many recesses built in the walls with lit braziers. She was actually getting pretty annoyed now. She scowled to herself looking at the passage. While she stood looking forward Jane came up behind her and intentionally bumped her with her shoulder while she passed her.

"You should pay more attention to your surroundings. Now come," she happily stated with a small skip as she continued forward past Serafina.

That brought a small smile to Serafina's face as she followed Jane. No longer as upset with the distance she was forced to travel anymore. Not too long after she noticed much more light entering from the end of the corridor. Serafina paused and soon Alec passed her to join his sister entering a large domed room. Serafina waited for Danny then slowly followed. Marveling again at the architecture, the columns, floors, and domed ceiling were magnificent. She assumed the dome at least reached the surface due to the natural light able to make it through. She could see it was somehow tinted though as she wasn't being blinded while in the room from the vampires around her.

"Ah! Jane! Alec! Welcome home! We were so happy when we heard of your arrival. We had been quite worried. We were expecting you weeks ago, when you didn't come, well. We didn't know what to think. Come. Let me see what you've been through and then you can make your report to the hall." A rather jovial looking man with a smile on his face rose from his throne at the end of the room and descended some steps to meet Jane and Alec who had already made it to stand at attention a few feet from the steps. Danny and Serafina waited more towards the entrance unsure if they were to follow or not.

Serafina recognized the men in front of her as being the ones from the painting. She guessed they were the kings Red had mentioned before. Jane's and Alec's masters. She wondered what he meant by wanting to 'see' what they went through. But she was sure to pay attention to figure out what he meant.

She saw him grasp Jane's hand. Then glanced up at Danny and then herself. "Interesting," he muttered, "let's see things from Alec's perspective next." He stated as he reached for Alec's hand, "I see, I do trust your judgment." He stated while making brief eye contact with Alec, smile much wider, "you two did very well." He laughed loudly then returned to his throne, once comfortable he looked back to the children, "report."

Alec walked over to the side of the thrones and turned to face his sister while standing with his hands to his sides. No expression on his face. Fully showing his aptitude as a Volturi guard and looking to his sister for her to make her report.

Jane put her hands behind her back and informed them of all that happened while they were away. Serafina noticed that most of her eye contact went to either Aro or her brother as though she felt more comfortable speaking with them. She heard how when they first approached Benito's army that they offered amnesty to those few who were willing to surrender. But that Benito had used his ability to steel their resolve in fighting against them. That he used his ability against the guard. That if Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri hadn't taken two shields with them at Aro's insistence, that they would've been brainwashed as well. Luckily they were immune due to their shields. Both shields had made sure to keep hands on both sets of their leadership when approaching the enemy army for just such a situation. Due to the nature of Benito's ability, they were forced to end him quickly in order to get their own guard back under their own control. But when destroying him he mentioned Serafina and how she would avenge him. Jane told them how once Benito's ability had cleared his army's minds with his death, that most of the enemy army fled. Jane sent their guard against the ones who stayed. That Danny was grief stricken, grew into a giant, and fought back with a small battalion of their army. That they were impressed with his ability and loyalty and thought he was deserving of being pardoned with a bit of training. That she had left Felix and Demetri to hunt down all those who fled from the army to ensure there was no trace of Benito's army left. She described meeting Serafina, discovering her ability was fire, and was sure to emphasize how their being late on their return to Volterra was fully Serafina's fault. Then she stood next to her brother with arms relaxed at her sides.

Serafina couldn't help rolling her eyes at the last bit.

"There are no other ties for the young man. Only a small link of mentor and pupil growing between him and this young lady. He has admiration for her. The young lady has no ties or loyalties to anyone." The disinterested looking man to the left of Aro stated.

"Marvelous," Aro clasped his hands in front of his face as though trying to conceal his smile which was impossible. "Welcome you two. As I'm sure you've already surmised, we are the leaders of the Volturi. I am Aro. These are my fellow leaders, brothers if you will, Marcus," he gestured to the bored looking man who had just spoken.

"Charmed," Marcus stated in a bored tone not even looking at them.

Aro's smile disappeared for a split second with Marcus' response, but it was quickly back on his face as he continued gesturing towards a blond man to his other side, "and this is Caius."

"Enough of the pleasantries, let's see if these two actually have any worth." Caius stated aggressively.

Serafina crossed her arms across her chest and raised her brow at Caius, "are you qualified to judge someone's worth? What gives you the right?" she started to become agitated. Feeling her anger rising from his tone alone.

Danny felt her anger and cleverly took a step away from her just in case. The movement didn't go unnoticed by Jane and Alec who glanced at each other before Alec stepped in front of the thrones. He was fairly certain his abilities would work against her. Jane's abilities worked after all; they were just labeled as ineffective due to Serafina's high pain tolerance. Even if the pain was imaginary, it works based off of people's pain tolerance, that's why it didn't work on her. If her actual pain tolerance was high, her mental pain tolerance would be as well.

Serafina's reaction drew the rooms attention as the guards who stood at attention now considered her a threat due to Alec's stance and they all readied themselves for any command to attack. Marcus actually looked at her, a small smile just at the corner of his mouth. Almost unnoticeable, but he quickly averted his gaze again letting the smile slip. Caius had his eyes narrowed at Serafina in disdain. Aro was slightly uncomfortable, it was visible due to a slight waver to his smile, but he brought his smile back and attempted to ease tensions.

"Please, calm down everyone." He stated smiling, "he didn't mean worthy. He's simply curious about your abilities. Caius just expresses himself in a very harsh manner. Some might find it a bit abrasive or blunt. He means nothing by it. But I agree with him in that I am curious to see your abilities for myself. Please. Step forward young man and introduce yourself and your ability to us. We would also like a demonstration if you will." He gestured for Danny to step forward.

"My name is Daniel Benoit. I was born in Louisiana but moved around a bit. I've been a vampire for twenty years now. I can turn anger into power. It doesn't even have to be my own anger. I was a boxer before I was turned, so I knew how to use my power with my previous skills. That's why I was able to hold off your big guy for a while until Ms. Jane stopped me." He stated, muttering the last bit while avoiding looking anywhere near Jane.

Jane had a smirk on her face as she glanced back towards the thrones. Aro had a prideful smile on his face as he glanced at Jane as well giving her a nod, "Well, she is very good at what she does. You had no hope of winning the fight with her there. Don't be too hard on yourself Daniel. Now let's see this strength."

Serafina allowed the anger she was feeling from having heard Caius speak before to come back to her mind so that Danny could tap into it for his demonstration. She wasn't sure if he would have performance issues since he was being ordered to do it after all. Her anger Caius caused hadn't receded yet anyways. Danny could feel her anger and couldn't hide his small smile knowing she was trying to help him. So, he used it and his own anger to turn him into his monster alter ego.

"Incredible," Aro gaped with wide eyes.

"He's only slightly bigger than Felix. It's not that impressive," Caius scoffed.

"Still much larger than yourself," Marcus muttered after only looking up at Danny for a moment. Earning a glare from Caius.

"You saw him actually fight on equal footing with Felix, Jane? Alec?" Aro turned to them.

"Yes," Jane simply stated.

"Felix enjoyed sparring with him a great deal. Though they fought in a restrained human fashion. If trained properly, he would be able to fight in a more vampiric way should the situation require it and become a single man battalion." Alec stated after some thought.

"How do you fight like a vampire?" Serafina asked.

"Did you not watch the newborns fight while you were with them? All the biting, ripping, and shredding? Are you blind?" Caius spat impatiently.

"Can you leave? I really don't like you. Almost every time you open your mouth, I am filled with rage. Ask my associate there and he will tell you, it's not good for my temper." Serafina stated signaling Danny to speak up.

"I can feel her anger, I'm sorry, but it does spike when you speak." He stated looking down.

"Really? I'd like to see how you know. You know my ability allows me to see every thought you've ever had. Come. It's time to see if you can be saved. Give me your hand Daniel," Aro stated, an excited glint in his eye as he got up and walked down his steps towards Danny.

Every thought someone ever had? Serafina was impressed. It seemed you couldn't hide anything from Aro. She watched as he grasped Danny's hand for a while. Much longer than he did with Jane, but she assumed when he reviewed Jane's thoughts, he only had to go back a couple of months versus Danny's entire life. After a couple of minutes, he looked up with wide eyes and looked to Serafina.

"It seems you were holding back when you showed your abilities to our guard. Why? You made a bit of a show when you demonstrated for Benito and Daniel here." Aro stated as he dropped Danny's hand and brought his hands up tapping his fingers together in excitement as he looked to Serafina, "my dear, I cannot wait to see what you can do. But first." He turned his back to them and looked to his fellow leaders, "I have seen into Daniel's thoughts." He announced to everyone in the room, looking around. Then looked over at Danny, "You had an immense sense of loyalty to Benito. Benito used that. Even knowing you were breaking our laws. You stayed loyal. That man led you astray. You were used. I believe you can obtain redemption. Join our guard, I'd say as a proper punishment, it should be a century. See, only temporary. It's to ensure you are retaught properly. We can keep an eye on you and make sure you take to your lessons well. But this will only work if you say yes. Though I think you know the alternative. What you did was punishable with death of course." Aro added with a sympathetic look.

"Join or die, it seems all vampires have the same mindset huh?" she aimed to Danny with a smile. He just grinned back at her.

"It's much better to join us. We keep order for all vampires. We ensure all our kinds safety. It's not as simple as join or die as you stated." Aro stated gesturing with his hands outspread.

"He broke the rules. That was already punishable with death. He should be honored to be given the opportunity to join even after his transgressions," Caius added snidely.

Danny thought for a moment, looked to Serafina as though asking her opinion. She was about to nod to him, but suddenly there was a far off look in his eye, a split second of confusion, but then Danny turned away and looked back to the three on their thrones, "I will do my best to make up for my past mistakes. I will do my best for the Volturi from here on." He added as he shrunk down and took a knee in front of them with head down.

"You made the right decision," Aro stated with a smile, then looked to a random guard off to the side, "go get Daniel here situated with the rest of the guard. Show him around and make sure he's comfortable. His training will begin tomorrow. Now, why don't you step forward my dear?" he then looked to Serafina with that same smile.

Serafina frowned as she watched Danny leave without a goodbye. She guessed he was making a clean break. She wouldn't complain. She was nervous he would be a little attached to her. She guessed she was over-thinking it. This was going to be his new home for the next century, she hoped he would try to make the best of his current situation. She looked away from his retreating figure and turned to the three on their thrones and stepped forward as well.

"My name is Serafina Hart, born and raised in Texas. No accent because my father and his associates were from everywhere but Texas. I've been a vampire for 12 years. My ability is fire. Alec and Jane thought a fire manipulator. But I don't think it's as simple as that. I don't think Alec does either." Serafina stated looking up to the three seated above herself.

"Serafina, a beautiful young lady with an ability related to fire. How apropos of your parents to name you that. I wonder if they knew?" Aro couldn't help the chuckles her name gave him, "You weren't actually a part of their army. So have done nothing wrong. But, may I still see?" Aro stood and took a few steps towards Serafina with an outstretched hand. But stopped a foot away, giving Serafina the chance to decline.

"I have nothing to hide," Serafina stated, stepping forward closing the distance and grabbing his hand.

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