A Spark of Happiness

נכתב על ידי Oriandthewill

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After the defeat of Void Termina, the Mage-Sisters, alongside with Hyness, landed on Popstar in hope of creat... עוד

Chapter 1 - Unwanted Help
Chapter 2 - A Spider's Offer
Chapter 3 - Distrust
Chapter 4 - The Kingdom in the Sky
Chapter 5 - First Day
Chapter 6 - A Lurking Shadow
Chapter 7 - Roots
Chapter 8 - Chit-Chat
Chapter 9 - The Underworld Arachnid
Chapter 10 - Blooming Flower
Chapter 11 - Calm Times
Chapter 12 - Party Crashers
Chapter 13 - Shattered
Chapter 14 - Awful Decisions
Chapter 15 - Heart to Heart
Chapter 16 - Realization
Chapter 17 - A Spider's Wrath
Chapter 18 - Escaping the Mirror
Chapter 19 - Star Allies
Chapter 20 - Moonlight Madness
Chapter 21 - Reunion
Chapter 22 - Void
Chapter 23 - Suffering
Chapter 24 - The Eye of the Storm
Chapter 25 - Hope
Epilogue - A Spark of Happiness

Prologue - A Shout for the Heavens

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נכתב על ידי Oriandthewill

Rain falls, thunder claps and lightning strikes at a small town located in planet Towara; in the middle of the town lies an enormous building, the Gabbel Tower. A little girl, abandoned by her parents, climbed the tower crying.

"I don't understand, I did everything they asked and still, they left me and ran away to some other crazy planet."

Floor after floor, the girl with blond hair kept climbing, she didn't have any hope, nothing, just sadness and suffering.

"I'm alone again, nobody wants me... nobody loves me... What is the point of living if everything I do falls apart?"

As the child passed half of the tower, a voice called to her...

'Don't do this, you're still young, there is much more in this universe for you, you will make new friends, be accepted. It's not worth it...'

Tears fell from the poor girl, she didn't want this, but for her, there was no other solution except to end her suffering by giving her own life. Finally, at the top of the tower, up above in the skies lies the cycloptic storm cloud, Kracko. The child raised up her voice and shouted:

"HEY YOU! P-PLEASE END THIS FOR ME! GET DOWN HERE AND...and...strike me, so then I can finally stop the pain that aches my heart."

The cloud watched upon the blonde and started charging its most powerful lightning. As the sky turned yellow, the girl, now a crying mess, closed her blue eyes and accepted her fate...

 The lightning struck...

 ...but nothing came...

The girl opened her eyes, not knowing what just happened, when she looked behind her, she saw that a caped stranger summoned a shield around her, but why?  Why would he save someone that is worthless?

"Hey... strange man, why did you do this?"

She backed away in fear when he came closer, then, she felt a light touch on her head and looked at him.

"I was passing by when I saw it coming after you, I couldn't stand there watching you disintegrate, it wouldn't be nice of me."

"But I-I wanted for it all to end, you... who are you?"

"Let's just say I'm a visionary, actually, I went here to save you. My glorious Lord said to me in a vision: 'Go to planet Towara and save a girl with blond hair, she has a great future like you.' His words, not mine. I'm Hyness by the way, what's your name, child?"

The girl could not believe, 'he came here to save me?', she thought. "My name is Zan Partizanne."

"Zan... a unique name indeed, it's easy to remember. So then Zan Partizanne, do you wanna go with me and follow the path of light?"

"I...uh..." Zan started crying and hugged him "Thank you. Thank you so much. Yes, I'll go with you mister Hyness"

"Perfect! And, by the way, you can call me just Hyness, okay, daughter?

'daughter...' Zan thought "Okay."

Hyness called his ship, a little version of Jambastion, and helped Zan enter it. 

"Everything is ready Zan, now we must go to Star Lavadom, and after that, to the beautiful Planet Frostak, oh Void, how I loved skiing there. Good times. I hope you like the others."

"Others? Who is coming?" Zan asked.

"I have two more girls to save, they are in extreme conditions like you were and will be your younger sisters. Welcome to your new family kiddo, I hope that you like trips, because we have a long journey until I find my true happiness."

Zan tried holding back a smile but failed miserably, that probably was the best and worst day in her entire life. Hyness looked back and started giggling, which made the girl laugh. A few minutes later she stopped laughing and thought:

"I must pay back the favor in some way...but how? Oh! I know what to do, I will be the most loyal person the universe has ever seen! Nothing bad will happen to him!"


A now grown up Zan Partizanne looked at the situation she was in. First of all: Her adoptive father was now corrupted by some weird heart and started being abusive towards her and her own sisters. Second: He has forgotten her name! The only thing he swore to remember! And last but not least: A pink puffball is on his way to stop everything they had planned, she will no longer be happy. But... 

"Am I happy now? Let me see, I am hurt, my sisters are hurt, I am not important to him... No, no...no... I am definitely not happy right now, I haven't felt happiness for years..."

Lighting stroke behind her, over and over... As the blonde mage closed her eyes, the only thing she could see was the moments of that fateful day flashing back to her. Being an orphan... Almost dying... Being promised that everything would be better... A lot better, to be clear... 

"How did I let this happen? I failed once again. I don't deserve happiness. It seems that my depression is coming back, but I won't defend myself, it's better if I just disappear..."

Zan looked up in the sky and started crying, but then, a shooting star passed by, lighting up everything around her. Seeing that beautiful moment, she closed her eyes for the last time and made a wish.

"I wish to feel that spark again, the one that lit up my whole life when I was just a little girl and could banish every kind of depressing thought; the spark that made me feel loved, cared and not a burden. The spark of happiness..."



Hello people! I hope you liked my story's prologue, fanfiction it's a new thing for me and I'm very excited to write my first one.

I am not fluent in English so if someone sees an error, please inform me.

Feel free to comment, I would love if you did that, but just one thing: be kind, do not curse and be patient, it's my first work.

Chapters will launch once a week (or maybe twice if I have time).

That is everything I have to tell you. Have a good week!

המשך קריאה

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