TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

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"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future Fiancé
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
95. Tragic Heroine...
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

71. The preparations!

205 12 6
By AprilsSmile


I was walking around the rooftop waiting for the first ray of the sun to appear magically.


Last night even though I texted 'good night' to my friends I didn't sleep.

Around eleven I saw Malta sneaking back inside the house.

I walked behind him and scarred the life out of him with a little..


"Aaahh.." He jumped a foot or two making me laugh out of satisfaction.

"Damn...Sammy!" He held his chest while unconsciously cursing at me.

"Nice to see you too! Cinderella!" I teased him while watching the wall clock.

"My brother is back!?" His eyes widened.


"Phew!" He wiped away some invisible sweat from his forehead.

"I'm guessing you already had dinner out."


"Good now go take a shower and sleep!" I smiled and ruffled his front hair, ruining his hairstyle. Hehe.

"Okay!" He smiled with a flushed face and ran up the stairs two at a time.

Where did he even get this much energy!


At midnight I was just wandering around, reading a book that I planned to finish today.

Only a few pages left..

Tomorrow I will go to Senior V's study to get a new book to read.

I wanted to read as many books as I could while borrowing from his personal library. I mostly choose the expensive ones as I can't afford it personally. Hehe.

I saw Mafia brother entering the house with Nop following him behind.

I smiled at both, Nop nodded at me and left to put his boss's laptop bag.. probably in his office.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a cool voice but still looked happy to see me.

"Waiting for you I guess.." I grinned making him laugh.

"Silly girl!" He ruffled my short bangs lightly. "What are you reading?" He asked casually and I held up the book to show him its cover.

"I'm planning to borrow another one tomorrow." I informed him.

"Why not! I won't be surprised if one day you run out of the options." He said jokingly.

"Only if I stay to see the day." I blurted out.

He gazes at me silently, making me uneasy.

"We'll see about that later." He said finally looking too tired to start an argument with me.

"..." I wanted to inform him about something but it wasn't important.

"Where's Mac?"

"Who?" I tilted my head.

"My brother."

"Oh.. he's... showering or maybe sleeping, I'm not sure."

"Where's Pete?"

"In the room doing something secretly for hours.. let me warn you he emptied your whole wardrobe." I whispered while glancing up in his bedroom.

"Why?" He asked lowering his voice too.

"You tell me. Have you done something behind his back?" I asked back, curiously.


"Were you hiding something from him?" I asked thinking that maybe Pete was trying to find something that was well hidden.


"Then..." Should I say it or not?

"Amy?" He narrowed his eyes at me when I was contemplating inside my head.

"Are you two timing?" I finally said it in the most polite way possible.

"I..what!!" He shouted at me in disbelief and I stopped myself from taking a step away.

"It's good if you're not." I let out a breath of relief. "You have no idea how much I was anxious for you."

"So that's why you were waiting for me?.. to warn me?" He lifted his eyebrows in half question half amusement.

I nodded my head like a good girl and he threw his head back and laughed out.

"Oh my silly sister!" He reached out to hug me.

"You don't have to.." I was saying but my voice got muffled in his chest as he patted my head.

Damn his lovely frankness!

"Why are you so adorable!" He said while placing his chin over my head.

Adorable and me! Yuck!

"Sometimes I want to wrap you up and put into a jar to preserve your cuteness." He said and I felt his jaw moving above my head.

What a stupid thing to say!


"In other words you want to make a pickle out of me." I hit his back making him chuckled.

"And that reminds me of the dinner. Did you have it?" He asked and frowned when I shook my head in no.
"You have to eat properly on time to take the medicine. How many times do I need to tell you?" He scolded me like a big brother.

I smiled sweetly the same as my little devil did when I scolded him, that smile made me melt like ice cream. It'll be a wonder if that works on mafia brother too.

He glared at my smiling face for a moment then rolled his eyes.

"You and your damn smile!" He pinched my cheek in irritation but I saw his lips twitching.

Well that smile works on him too.


Someone slapped his hand and I wanted to turn to see whoever that was but couldn't as my cheeks were still being pulled.

How embarrassing!

I took a step back to see my senior who was shooting glares behind me then to..

"Vegas! Keep your violent hands to yourself!" I heard the voice before seeing the face.

Ah Tankhun!

When did he come?

"Why?" Mafia brother asked arrogantly.

"She's mine!" Tankhun shouted stepping right in front of his cousin.

Wait! Is he talking about me?

"She's my sister! idiot!" Senior said making a disgusted face for some reason.

"Well she'll be your sister-in-law..." Tankhun muttered stupidly.

I rubbed my whole face and..


I can't help but hit his head with the book, a little harder.

"Aaahhhhhh!" He shrieked like a girl while rubbing his head to reduce the impact.

I heard a chuckle coming from my mafia brother.

"Why did you do that! I was protecting you from my psycho cousin!" He yelled a complaint to me.

"You were talking nonsense." I yelled back "And I don't need any protection from him." I pointed at the Mafia brother who smiled back.

"I saw him forcing a hug on you!" He shouted and shot a glare to his cousin who was smirking arrogantly, as for me I just huffed in disbelief.

How exaggerating!

I glanced at the two guys coming inside the house, stopped in their tracks watching us.

Brother Pol was carrying a luggage that obviously belonged to his boss. When in the world will he stop bringing his stuff to this house?

Arm was holding two hanger bags covering some suits inside and in his other hand was the...lunch box?

"That's for you!" Tankhun said near my ear startling me a little.

I swear I felt his breathing. Eeeeee!

"Your dinner! I especially make my kitchen lady prepare this five course meal for you. I tasted it before bringing it all the way here. I hope you will like it. And it's good for your health too." He said lovingly.

"..." I was quiet speechless looking at the five-step lunchbox. Why is he so caring and kindhearted?

"Did it make you fall for me?" He whispered the question near my ear again, this time making my heart skip a beat.

"I... appreciate it. Don't forget to say my thanks to your kitchen lady." I smiled ignoring his question.

"How did you know she didn't eat yet?" Senior V asked to take his attention away from me, but failed.

"I asked Pete." He replied shortly still looking at me.

"Amy go and eat!" Mafia brother dismissed me.

Arm walked towards me to hand over the tower lunchbox.

"Thank you!" I said and he nodded at me, glanced at the cousins and left with brother Pol.

"Don't forget to take your medicine!" Tankhun reminded me and reached out to set my bangs.

"I won't." I glanced up and stopped for a moment.

His chocolate brown eyes looked a little darker today...or maybe it's just the lights..

"You want me to accompany you.. so you can ogle me while eating." He winked at me and I hit his chest with the damn book, lightly.

"Damn you!" I gritted my teeth.

He smiled shamelessly, looking gorgeous.

Don't fall for him Amy!

I warned myself.


One of the reasons I didn't sleep last night was...I forget to take the damn medicine.

But it's okay as I'm feeling happy and healthy.

After seeing the sunrise and filling my lungs with fresh air I ran to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.


I finished the job hurriedly and ran up to the Senior V's room to wish him a good morning and call him for breakfast.

Knock knock ~~

The door opens and a shirtless guy appears.

"Goo..oood wow!" I blinked looking at the six packs.

What a morning greeting!

"Ouch!" I rubbed my forehead as my mafia brother flicked me.

I looked at his face.

"You were still sleeping? It's six in the morning.." I looked at his half open red eyes.


"You're not going to college? Or just forget to set the alarm?"

"I'm taking a leave today. Nop will take you to the college and.." He was saying in a raspy voice and I reached out to check his temperature.

He froze and blinked at me.

"You don't have a fever. What's wrong?" I asked in worry as he's not someone to skip classes. I saw him study and work day and night, freaking too much.

"I'm fine! Don't worry!" He smiled with his puffy eyes "I have to go to the company at ten and then I have to attend an important meeting in the evening.." he told me about his schedule while leaning against the wall.

He's still shirtless by the way.


I chuckled as a shirt came flying and landed on his head.

"Thank you Pete!" Senior muttered in his raspy voice.

"Sorry for his... rudeness." Pete came and looked at his partner who was now putting the t-shirt on.

"Believe me I didn't mind..." I grinned shamelessly just to tease and moved away quickly before another flick landed on my forehead.

"Now that both of you are awake, come have breakfast." I said and ran up to awake our castle prince who slept on the freaking third floor.


Knock knock ~~

I leaned forward to catch my breath.

Why in the hell did my junior choose this floor to live?

The door opened and the owner found me leaning forward, my hands placed on both my knees.

"Are you okay? Sammy?"

I showed a thumbs up while panting hard. Maybe it's because I'm sick but there's no way I'll tell them that.. I hate medications.

I glanced up.. At least he's awake and fully dressed.

"Come... breakfast..." I said while clenching my side, like seriously why do I run in the first place. Next time I will just call him from downstairs.

"Oh..kay!" He reached out to me but didn't seem to know what to do..

"I'm fine! Let's go!" I motioned him to stop from touching me and turned to leave.

Now I have to go down the damn stairs again.



"Give me your hand!"

"No.. I mean why?"

"Come on!"

I did as he asked.

First he threw his backpack over the railing that landed on the ground floor with a loud thud.

What the...

"Sit here!" He patted the railing and I felt his grip getting tighter as I half sat on the railing.

"Are you planning to push me down? I might survive with some broken bones but I can't guarantee your safety."

"Haha hilarious!" He rolled his eyes but still smiled at me.


"Great!" He grinned mischievously and started running down the stairs with me pulling beside him. I slide down the stairs with him.

"It's not a roller coaster~~~" I shouted holding his hand back like my life depends on it.

He was faster than a bullet train.

"Maltaaaaa~~~" I shouted his name all the way to the ground floor.

He was huffing loudly as he used all of his morning energy in just a minute.

"That was....." I let his hand go but he didn't ".. awesome!" I exclaimed anyways letting him hang on to me.

"I know! Right!" He grinned widely. I don't think I've ever seen him smiling this much.

"Macau! Amy!" We heard a cool growl.

"Oh boy!" My junior took a step to hide behind me from his brother.

I glanced at Pete who had my junior's bag which he threw down earlier.

"I'll be back!" I took a step to run.

"Where are you going!" My junior pulled me back.

"To get changed for..."

"Take me with you." He interrupted me making my mouth fall open.

"You little..come over here!" Senior V grabbed my junior with his ear and pulled him out to scold him.

"Soooory!" I mouthed and ran up to get dressed.


I was about to get out of the car as I forgot to take the posters from the room, even though I put them right next to my backpack.

Mafia brother held out the posters to me and I looked at him with a shy smile.

He ruffled my bangs with a smirk and Tankhun pushed him away and set my bangs.

What is wrong with them!?


It was Pete who drove us to the college and I never saw Tankhun this happy before in this same car, that belongs to the mafia brother.

Whatever! I put my bag and posters between him and I. He glanced down but didn't say anything.

I'm having a positive feeling about today.


Kinn's POV:

I worked too damn hard for the meeting. I finished looking at the things I need to know about other clan leaders.

I have to handle two agendas tomorrow.

One, to present myself like a strong clan leader and deal with other leaders. Hope I matched their fierceness, and I will as Big said before leaving my study room.

Second is to deal with Screaigh. Even though we made a plan to put him out of the frame completely but still...

Something is bothering me and I can't put my finger on it.

Leonid is a sly mafia! He presents himself friendly around our circle but I am more curious to see his real face.

What if.. what if...


I slammed the file of his BioData on the table as I can't think further.

We know that Screaigh's family is his weakness but that's not new as it wasn't!

My brother's safety is a priority to us and that Russian dared sending his men after him.

Pete reported..told me about the bruises he found on Khun's body.*

I thanked Pete for letting me know, but the question is why in the world did Khun hide it!?

I rubbed my temple..

Later I came to know about the stalking in the parking area of the college and that girl involved in this too.*

Khun gets stalked and Amy gets entangled by chance, or vice versa.

Then the question is why does an ordinary girl get stalked by the mafia?

Big said that it's all because she has been seen close to Khun. Maybe he's right.
In that case we owe her an apology for the inconveniences.

At least I don't have to provide her protection as Vegas is already doing that, voluntarily.

At first I thought my clever cousin was doing it to get something in return but now I'm not so sure anymore..

He treated her kindly from day one. Not even Pete gets that privilege.

I chuckled softly.

"Did something good happen?" I heard a familiar voice behind me, I was about to hold my gun up instinctively but stopped as two hands grabbed my shoulders to give a massage.

"Porsche!" I sighed in relief.

"Relax!" He whispered softly.

I admit, I didn't see him coming at all. Well he gets quite good at sneaking in and out since he became the partner of my psycho cousin.

Vegas really taught him well when it comes to sneaking and doing shady things. Haha

I closed my eyes to relax and he massaged my shoulders and head.

"I missed you!" I whispered, and feels like sleeping.

"I was the one practicing swimming all day and looking at you.. half dead with just sitting around here and there." He said and I smiled as he was right about that.

But he looks the same as me when Vegas assigns him paper work.

"Let's get some sleep! I don't have any energy left to carry a dead..ahm.. sleeping bull to his bed." Porsche patted my shoulder and held my hand to make me follow him.


At breakfast I heard Porsche's day long plans - before and after the competition. Then I told him about the plan we made to hunt our Russian prey down.

"You want me to join you for The Dinner?" He asked listening everything attentively.

"You can!?"

"Yeah.. I just need to postpone the celebration of my Victory some other day." He grinned confidently and I shook my head with a smile.

"I'll send you the address of the restaurant!" I said.

"I was there before remembering! Don't worry I'll find my way."

"And your suit is in my wardrobe."

"My suit?"

"Yeah I chose it personally for you when I was getting mine.. just in case." I smiled and took the last sip of my coffee.
"See you at The Dinner then." I stood up to leave when he grabbed my hand.

I looked down.

Porsche tilted his head while looking up at me.

He mouthed three words to me and that was enough to make my day...


Vegas's POV:

At breakfast..

I got a text from Porsche telling me that he'll be joining us at the dinner.

I looked at Pete who got the same text too.

"I can't.. I need to be around Khun!" Pete whispered while looking at his ex-boss who seems physically incapable of taking his damn eyes off my sister. I nodded at Pete in agreement.

And I don't want him to accompany me too as Nop is coming with me and I don't want Amy, Mac or even my crazy cousin unguarded. Pete is perfect for the job.

Plus with Pete I don't have to worry about anything when it comes to my..our family.


Before getting in the car Amy informed me about the mini concert she wanted to attend after the competition.

I glanced up at my first brother who was eavesdropping openly.

"Han invited me personally but if you won't allow me then I..."

"You can go, take Mac too with you." I interrupted her.
It was enough that she thought to inform me and even asked for my permission first, like a good girl she is.

"Thanks! We'll come back as soon as the concert ends." She said excitedly and looked at my little brother with a big smile.

I glanced at my first brother who seems to be lost in thoughts.

I wonder what's going on in the crazy head of his.

My family left and I went back inside to get a little more sleep as today's evening is going to be hectic.

I allowed Amy cause I know her crazy lover will be busy following her around all day to think something crazy like sneak into the meeting or anything else.

I felt like thanking Kim as he unknowingly made our job a little bit easier. First competition then concert, my Pete will enjoy his day too. Hehe

I smiled while locking my bedroom's door before taking off my t-shirt. I folded it up and placed it on the table neatly and fell onto my bed to get some sleep.

I need energy to execute the plan, I wonder what Screaigh was expecting of the day...huh!


Leonid's POV:

It was almost morning when I finished all the work.

Attire, check.
Bullet proof vest, check.
GPS tracker in shoes, check.
Secret cam in borage, check.
Earbud, check.
Anesthesia-filled handkerchief, check.
Smart watch, check.
Cellphone full-charged, check.
Dagger, check.

Am I forgetting something? Maybe not..

I looked around the room and finally fell on the bed to get some sleep.

Today is gonna be terrific. I'm looking forward to some action and fun, mostly from Theerapanyakul brothers. Hahaha.

Let's see what they prepare to serve me..

I smirked and fell asleep.


It was in the afternoon when I opened my eyes because of my damn cellphone.

No one is allowed to call me, and I only get some specific calls.

Heart calling ~

I rubbed my eyes and answered at once.


[D..did I d.. disturb you?]

"Not at all. Tell me what happened!"

[N.. nothing. I....] He paused.

"Levy! Son! what's wrong? Is there someone with you?"

I asked as he often stops talking when someone passes by him.

[N... Yes. I w..want to ask if I c..can s..stay in the c.. college.]

"Why? Are there some evening classes or..."

I think for another cause but nothing came to my mind.

[T..today is s..swim..ming c..compe..tition. I was t..thinking if I could..]

"You want to stay to watch the competition? Is your friend participating?"

[Y...yes and n..no.]

I think for a moment..
Is it safe for my heart to stay there?
Well there'll be many students for my Lev to hide between.
I will be out all day.. who's gonna go to pick him up!
Did he mind if I don't allow him?
Well obviously..


"Fine you can stay!"

I grabbed my hairs in annoyance, at times like this I hate myself to get into this damn business that I have to think freaking too much for allowing anything to my Lev.

He's a good boy who never complains no matter how much I act overprotective. But it's all for his own good and safety.

If.. and only If... Someday I won't return all of my inheritance will to him. He's my heir.

[Yayyyy! Shhhh d..don't.. m..make n..noises.]

I heard some background noises, my nephew is with someone who sounds happy to have Lev with them.

I wanted to know about the owner of that loud Yayyy...

Come on Leon! Let him off the hook for just one day.

Nothing will go wrong, I won't let it, I won't allow it.

[T..thanks! G..good b..ye!]

"Enjoy! And call me if anything happens. I don't think I can come to pick you up today. Don't come alone. Wait for your mom or dad, they'll be there to pick you up."

He was hmming in yes.

"When will the competition end?"

I asked and there were some weird noises. I bet he was asking his friends before answering me.

I smiled at that.

[I d..don't k..know but my c..curfew is at s..seven.. REALLY!! Sshhh... I... I'll be b..back b..before that..]

Someone exclaimed on the other side and Lev shushed him. I scratched my head as my heart is too innocent to be able to hide anything from me.

"Lev is there someone with you?"


Someone exclaimed again.

[N..no! I'm h..hanging up b..bye!]

"Take care!"

I threw the cellphone on the blanket and shook my head while smiling. My nephew doesn't even know how to lie!


I got fresh and came back with a protein shake in my hand.

I checked the updates in my cellphone, everyday things, nothing new..

Report 13:

"The girl is going to the other department, she got the company of five people, possibly her friends."

Report 14:

"They're wearing the same shirts with different alphabets printed on them."

Report 15:

"Little sir is seen with the same two boys. They're going to the swimming pool area."

Report 16:

"It's impossible to go any further. There are floods of students here."

Report 17:

"There's going to be a swimming competition soon."

I was going to open the next text when..


Heart calling ~

I tilted my head and answered the call immediately.


[U..uncle t..there's g..going to be a m..mini c..concert after the c..competition can I..]


I rolled my eyes as now he's trying his luck.


Lev sounds disappointed. I tried not to sigh loudly.

[What do you mean OK! Let me talk! Hello?]

"..." I heard a new voice.

[How can you say no without even letting him complete! Everyone is going to that concert and I don't see anyone asking for the permission. I don't want to be rude to my friend's uncle but...]

The boy was saying and there was some rustling sound..

[What do you mean you don't want to be rude! You ARE being rude! Let me talk nicely.]

I heard a soft voice of a young boy.

[Hello! Uncle!]

Uncle? I raised my brows. Excuse me! I'm not that old.
My nephew calls me that because of our relationship plus my sister is stubborn enough to not let Lev call me Leon.

[I'm Lev's friend and class fellow. My brother is participating in the swimming competition and we're going to cheer for him. Thank you for allowing him to come with us!
And my... cousin is going to perform in the mini concert so can you please allow Lev to attend one more thing... He'll be with us, and my cousins and brother are going with us so.. my sister too..]

That rude boy interrupted.

[..yes our sister is joining us too. So is it okay for Lev to stay longer? We'll drop him off later.. safely.]

I was quiet the whole time, surprised as it was the first time ever that Lev's friend talked to me and invited my nephew to some college events.

I smiled a little sadly thinking how excited my son would be.. well I'm happy for my heart to finally find some friends who want to take him with them.

"Okay." I said shortly.

[Please uncle we take good care of him and... Wait!! did you say okay? Is that a yes from you?]

The boy sounded surprised and I let out a silent chuckle.

"Take care of my nephew, alright?"

[Yes yes of course! He's in good hands.]

The boy said making me smile.

"And tell Lev to let his parents know when he finished so that they can come to pick him up."

[Yes uncle thank you!]

"Have fun! Bye!"

I said but didn't press the screen to hang up.

[Leeevvvv yayyyyy you are coming! But your parents will come to pick you up, don't forget to inform them.]

The well-mannered boy shouted like a girl, and delivered my message. I like the kid.

[Tell us later how it feels like to stay out after the curfew.]

The rude boy said. He freaking mocked Lev for his curfew limit. Hah!

[We have to tell Sammy about it. But first let's go to the canteen to get as many snacks as our bags can contain. My treat!]

He ordered around like the group leader. But I get a feeling he's not that bad and only pretending to be tough. Silly youth!

[And Mac don't play games on your cellphone, save battery to record everything later. And Lev here's your cellphone.]

Mac? Is that the name of the rude boy? The nice boy may be returning the device as I heard some rustling.

[C.chay! Hm? Y..you d..didn't hang up.
Your uncle said he will so.. is he still on the call?
I.. d..don't k..know! T..thank y..you U..uncle Leon! L..love you!]

Hung up!

I laughed as my heart whispered the last two words lightly. Haha! Love you thousand!

Mac and Chay.

I got the names of those two new faces my men reported me about.

I made a mental note to get the details about them later as I'm too busy today.

Plus I need to survive the day to make plans for tomorrow.


Porsche's POV:

I grinned widely at the wishing texts I got from my Chay and Kinn.. from other family members, friends, class fellows, team mates, people from Yok's bar, bodyguards from both Major and Minor families, some unknown people who admire my dashing looks.

Hahahaha It's funny to see a hell lot of texts. I never even get this much wishes on my birthday hahaha.

I switched off the device and put it in the locker with my college uniform and bag. I changed into a swimming outfit and did some warm-up exercise.

I need to win at all costs and I will!

I grinned at some students who were clicking my pictures. I only smiled as I was too busy to strike a pose. Hahaha

"I'm surprised you're not showing off your muscles." I heard a cheerful voice behind me.

"Ah Pete!" I exclaimed and jumped to hug him. "My faithful friend!" I ruffled his hairs too much and held up a leg to hug him some more.

He was smiling awkwardly. Hahahah.

"I think it's enough Porsche." He said but I didn't let go just to tease him.
"Porsche!!" He started to hit my back and I laughed in his ear loudly and let him go.

He set his hair and gave me a pouty face.

I smiled happily as we're now getting back to being best friends hehe.

"Did you see my brother?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Call him! I told him to keep a seat for you." He smiled brightly and put out his cellphone.

He was walking away when I called behind him.

"And Pete! don't forget to cheer for me on top of your lungs." I said and threw a water bottle towards him which he caught by instincts and smirked at me.

He still got that in him. I grinned widely in excitement.

I moved my neck left and right to relax my muscles and went to take my place and position.

Let me show everyone who's the champion! Hah!

Victory is mine!



36. Welcome home sister!

49. #TeamTankhun

Leonid Screaigh

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