Second Time's a Charm (MxM)✔

By DarkSparx

176K 16.5K 3.1K

Cain, an ex-noble, dies as a common thief thanks to the manipulation of his wicked half-brother. Luckily, the... More

Trigger Warnings
Chapter 1 - Reflection
Chapter 2 - Family Matters
Chapter 3 - Funding
Chapter 4 - Invitation
Chapter 5 - Seducing the Butler
Chapter 6 - Speeding Things Up
Chapter 7 - Who's in Charge?
Chapter 8 - Shopping
Chapter 9 - The Gala Disaster
Chapter 10 - Abduction (TW)
Chapter 11 - Setback
Chapter 12 - Sabre Maddox
Chapter 13 - A Trick
Chapter 14 - The Dryad
Chapter 15 - Breaking Ground
Chapter 16 - Formal Meeting
Chapter 17 - Handle with Care
Chapter 18 - Something Changed
Chapter 19 - Demon Summoning
Chapter 20 - The Crime
Chapter 21 - Business
Chapter 23 - Getting the Mail
Chapter 24 - Crime
Chapter 25 - The Tour
Chapter 26 - Round Two
Chapter 27 - Change of Plans
Chapter 28 - The Choice is Yours
Chapter 29 - Who did it?
Chapter 30 - Acting Too Rash
Chapter 31 - On The Lam
Chapter 32 - Risky Business
Chapter 33 - Trusting the Enemy
Chapter 34 - The Upper Hand
Chapter 35 - Working Overtime
Chapter 36 - Watching the Battle
Chapter 37 - Turn of Events
Chapter 38 - The Fight
Chapter 39 - Let's Get Dangerous
Chapter 40 - Taking a Trip
Chapter 41 - Gossip
Chapter 42 - Work
Chapter 43 - What to do?
Chapter 44 - New Ashbury
Chapter 45 - Enigma
Chapter 46 - A Royal Tea Party
Chapter 47 -A Grim Situation
Chapter 48 - Guilt
Chapter 49 - Goals
Chapter 50 - Battle
Chapter 51 - Partnership
Chapter 52 - Overworked
Chapter 53 - Inspection
Chapter 54 - Being Domestic
Chapter 55 - Revealing The Truth
Chapter 56 - Andrew
Chapter 57 - Desperate Measures
Chapter 58 - I Expected A Fight
Chapter 59 - Pathetic Little Man
Chapter 60 - How Convenient
Chapter 61 - Invading the Palace
Chapter 62 - Peace Talks and Ceremonies
Chapter 63 - Wedding Jitters
Author's Notes/Upcoming Stories

Chapter 22 - Enjoying the Moment

3.1K 298 63
By DarkSparx

Warning! Spicy chapter!

The chaos that ensued was magnificent. After months of enduring such negligent treatment from his family, Cain finally got to experience a small bit of satisfaction.

The servants were in a tizzy, trying desperately to avoid getting underfoot as various officials arrived at the manor. His father, who originally was supposed to remain traveling across the Duchy, had once again returned after receiving the news.

Cain, meanwhile, sat safe and sound in his room, with Gideon sending meals that his father would otherwise have forgotten.

One week ago, Duchess Lena Duclair had set off to meet the Empress, stating she had gotten a letter from the palace inviting her to tea. Yet, she disappeared afterward and has yet to be seen since.

When she failed to return two days later, Andrew went to investigate and learned that not only did Lena never arrive at the Palace, but the Empress had never sent such an invitation.

The first place Andrew searched was Cain's room, tipping furniture and destroying the bed, searching for letters or anything incriminating that could be used to find her. Yet, it was all in vain because Cain had planned for this.

He stood by, calmly sipping tea, watching Andrew tear out the drawers of his writing table and spill the contents onto the floor.

"I know you had something to do with it!" Andrew growled.

Cain just looked on with a bored expression. "I don't understand why you're so focused on me. I've been locked in this room ever since father ordered my imprisonment months ago. The servants can confirm I haven't left this place."

Andrew whipped around and shoved Cain against the bookshelf, causing the Marquess to drop his tea as a few books fell around them. "Don't try playing games with me. I'm not a moron. I know you had to of had something to do with it. You're the only one who would want her gone!"

"Yet again you want to point fingers without any evidence," Cain replied calmly. "I may have a motive, but I never had an opportunity to do what you're accusing me of."

"We'll see." Andrew threatened, before backing off and leaving the room, trampling the teacup on his way out.

Cain wondered for a moment why he shouldn't just kill his half-brother and get it over with? It would be quick and easy, but then again, he also wanted Andrew to suffer as he had. To take everything the man valued most, watch him get consumed by despair, and only then snuff the life out of his eyes.

Yes, Cain had to wait a bit longer. There was so much more he planned to take away before he dealt the final blow. He just had to be more patient.

By the end of the week, his father had returned and ordered various guards to come and go as he organized search parties. An investigation was underway, with detectives questioning drivers and peasants to see if anyone could track the Duchess's last known whereabouts. Yet all they knew was she had gotten onto a family carriage and headed towards the city. She had disappeared somewhere in the country before ever arriving in the capital.

Cain wasn't worried one bit that this would be tracked back to him. The investigation had been put together so quickly and so sloppily that they overlooked various details. And even if it were orderly, the crime itself had been committed by a demon. One of the trickiest creatures in the world. They would never find the Duchess again...

William Duclair seemed to forget about Cain's existence as the investigation went on. And one day, a few weeks in, Cain dared to leave his room to test the waters. He wandered to his father's study and back, where he passed the man as he was speaking with an investigator.

The investigator glanced at him suspiciously, to which Cain stiffly nodded 'hello' before going to the library.

"Who is that?" He heard the mustached investigator ask his father. William briefly looked up at Cain, with shadows under his eyes, and blinked. Then he waved his hand. "No one. Let's get on with what you've found." And they continued to the west wing.

As expected. William Duclair was now so caught up in the disappearance of his wife and accomplice that he no longer felt the need to bother with Cain's imprisonment anymore. Then again, with so many officials coming to the house, it would potentially put the Duke in hot water if he openly showed such mistreatment in front of so many guests.

During this time, Cain played the obedient, innocent bystander. Only showing up when he needed to stretch his legs, acting like he was confident that his stepmother would show up one day, suggesting that she was taking a much-needed vacation. He even gave a theory that she may have ventured to another town for something stylish, as ladies do, and got lost. Either way, he refused to entertain the idea that anything terrible had happened to her, because she was 'far too smart to let her self be put in danger'. Or so he told the investigators when questioned. 

The servants began to believe Cain was in denial, and he'd catch a few tossing pitiful glances at him. They knew how his parents treated him, but the fact that he was being so optimistic despite his upbringing made them feel like he was some pitiful kid who only saw the best in the world.

One evening, after his father and half-brother had left the house with a horde of guards, Cain decided to take a nice long bath to relax for a bit. He knew it was only a matter of time before Andrew pointed out his suspicious behavior, so his next plan would be to create a diversion that would overshadow this current scandal.

Sitting in the tub, he leaned back and closed his eyes, enjoying the warm water and waiting on a cool glass of milk to arrive with some tea cakes. Normally he wouldn't drink milk, but doing so in a hot bath was the exception.

Every so often a servant would come in to refill the tub with more hot water, averting their eyes from Cain's naked form and leaving as soon as they were done.

He ignored their awkwardness and pondered his next move. The demon would grow bored if she wasn't given another assignment soon, so he planned to have her investigate that Dodson fellow.

It'd been ages since he'd killed the goons who mentioned this man. If anyone could serve as a scapegoat, it'd be that bastard.

Speaking of bastards, Cain recalled the smug look on Maddox's face weeks ago and wondered what he'd been up to since then? Being stuck in a joint deal over farming equipment was not in Cain's plan. He'd only offered such a thing because he refused to lose at the time.

Oh well. It's not like he could back out now.

Then there was their encounter at the tavern. With everything he'd been plotting, Cain had managed to push the memories away for the most part. But sometimes at night, he'd catch himself reliving that pseudo-fight. Being pinned outside of the parlor had only encouraged him to relive the lewd night he'd spent with Maddox, and he was struggling to keep his body in check.

Even now, just the briefest recollection had his dick coming to life, but he planned to ignore it. He was sitting in bathwater and didn't want to soil it. 

The door opened again, and Cain closed his legs, trying to appear calm and hoping the servant would work quickly and leave. Only when he sensed someone standing over him did he look up to find Gideon.

"Yes?" He asked, feeling nervous and trying to convince himself that the butler wouldn't notice.

"Young Master, I just wanted to check on you. You've been rather...Quiet since the news broke."

Cain shook his head, trying to feign a cool exterior as he adjusted himself. "I don't see what everyone's panicking about. I'm sure my stepmother will show up with some ridiculous excuse."

"You're not one bit worried that something may be amiss?"

"What are you suggesting?" Cain turned, feeling skeptical eyes on him. He had worked so hard to earn Gideon's trust and was beginning to worry that such trust was beginning to fade.

The servant's eyes flicked down Cain's body but quickly returned to the Marquess's face. "If there is a chance someone had intended harm upon the Duchess, do you not feel that the attacker may also be after the rest of the Duclairs?"

Sitting more upright, Cain put some serious thought into that spin on the story. "You think we're in danger? Did the investigators suggest that?"

"One of them, yes. Yet you seem to not be bothered one bit."

"It had not occurred to me." Cain lied, knowing for a fact that the one behind it was definitely after the Duclair family. "I'm sorry, but I wasn't exactly included in all the details."

The butler stared down at him, a soft look on in his eye as though he were looking at someone who had missed an important detail. Cain wondered what delusion the servant had come up with to make him believe Cain was to be pitied so much.

"By the way," He quickly continued, drawing the butler's attention back. "How are the servants faring? My father has been inviting many rude guests over. I hope they're not getting overwhelmed?"

"Only as much as usual," Gideon answered, then his eyes began scanning the rest of Cains's body. It took the Marquess a second to realize he was probably looking for more 'Love Bites' like the ones Maddox had left. Suggesting that the man may believe Cain was in a relationship with someone in the house...

Feeling exposed, Cain shot a glare back at him and snapped. "What?"

"I'm sorry. I just can't help but wonder if...Perhaps you may have found yourself a lover?"

Cain's posture stiffened at the suggestion. "...No....Not quite."

The butler did not relent as he continued to scan the blond. "Then...If you have not found someone else...Perhaps are you in need of assistance?"

It was here that it clicked. Ages ago, the butler had offered to help with any frustrations he'd been feeling. And lately, Cain had been fighting such bodily reactions due to the amount of scheming he'd been up to, yet never took the man up on his offer. Which was probably strange since Cain had been the one coming on so strong in the first place.

"And if I was?" He asked, thinking perhaps this would also be a good way to relieve some stress.

Cain liked it rough, but he doubted this elderly butler would survive such treatment. He didn't expect too much out of the man since it took him this long to push for round two after all.

Gideon kneeled behind Cains's tub. "Then I will assist." He said simply, removing his gloves and rolling his sleeves back passed his elbows.

Cain's erection had been softening during the conversation but came back to life at the suggestion of finally getting some attention.

The butler's hands started along Cain's shoulders, massaging gently towards his neck, then down his shoulder blades. Then they slid up and down his arms, relaxing the man until he all but melted into his arms. Cain rolled his head back, eyes closed, and allowed the butler's hands to move forward, over his chest.

The servant's hands made circular patterns across his pecs, moving slowly down into the water where he paused to trace the Marquess' sides. Cain squirmed, and Gideon immediately moved elsewhere to avoid ruining the mood.

When he next glanced up, Gideon's head was directly above his as the man was stooped over, leaning down until his hands were between Cain's thighs.

Spreading his legs, he made sure the butler was aware he had permission, and he made quick work to grasp Cain's dick firmly.

"Young master." The butler said softly as he began pumping. "I want you to know you can call upon me anytime you are feeling in need."

"Hmm." Cain hummed, distracted by the attention and wishing the man was a little rougher. This would be enough to put his needs at bay for a while. Or at least he hoped because the last thing he needed was to get horny every time he met with Maddox.

Yes, they had a one-night stand, but they were not in any sort of relationship. It was just a night of lust, and that was it. So letting his butler grant him release was not a problem.

Gideon squeezed Cain's tip firmly, holding him in place and causing the Marquess to adjust his position. Then the man's thumb started playing across the slit.

"Gideon..." He murmured, feeling like he was going insane. "Get on with it."

"As you wish." The butler obeyed, moving his hand down along the sides and beginning to pump urgently.

The water splashed with his hand's movements but Cain kept his eyes closed as he took in every bit of touch he could. The pleasure was instantly building in his gut, though somehow different from what he had felt when he was with Maddox.

Should he order the man to use his mouth? No. He was in the bath and he wouldn't subject the man to dunking himself in the water. Plus the image alone would be enough to ruin the mood. Maybe next time?

Cain shifted his legs so the man could have better access, partially out of the water as the pleasure mounted. The sound of sloshing could be heard in the room, but he was far from embarrassed once the sensations mounted.

He no longer cared where he was or if another servant walked in. He only wanted release, and soon, he was finally granted it with one rough tug. He jolted as he came, the butler making sure not to make a mess, and as he lay in bliss, he felt the man's other hand trace along his jawline, as though cradling his head.

Once the blaze of passion faded from his body, Cain sat up, realizing he had soiled his water with his seed.

It was about time he got out anyways. He could use a sponge to clean away the dirty water after.

He did note that the butler was sporting a very avid tent by the time they were done, but refused to let Cain even suggest anything as he left to get more clean clothes, returning far later than it usually would have taken and appearing perfectly calm.

Well, if that was the man's kink, then who was Cain to judge?

Toweling himself off, he returned his focus to Dodson.

Catalina should be able to get information on him quickly since she wouldn't have to stay hidden like at the manor. Once he got dirt on the guy, he'd get on with his next plan.


This story is Copyrighted ©Darksparx via Wattpad. Do not translate, post, or publish on any other platforms without the author's express permission.

Please consider tipping the author at if you enjoy this story! Coffee link is also on my profile. 

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