The Girl Hunter (a supernatur...

By eahuhse

7.4K 131 20

Maeve has a dark secret. One that she shares only with Castiel and herself. One day she is called to help the... More

The First Meeting
Demon's betrayal
Telling some truth
An awkward relationship
Before Lisa
Sam's Guilt
Dean's Spirit
Anger and Fears
Streaking Lights
Written in sand
Falling to pieces
A Casual Family Dinner
Crowley's Deals
Who's Meg?
Date night
How Long Can Love last?
Slow Healing
Leviathan's Choice
A Battle to Remember
"Not on my Watch"
Talking and Queen
Another one
The Worst Test Ever
Holiday Surprises
Breaking Points
A Sad Solution
Seven years later

A Deep Secret

417 6 0
By eahuhse

Dean's POV:

I sat in the impala, looking at my cellphone. I hadn't called Maeve since that night per her request. But it had been months, surely she would be okay now. I scrolled down through my numbers and called her. When I got to her voicemail again I left one more message. "Hey Maeve, umm I know about Sam. We fixed him but me please. I want your help with this case we're working." I hung up and looked out the front window. Sam climbed in next to me and handed me a bag with my favourite food, including pie. "Who you calling?" "Maeve, I'm hoping she can help us with the case."

Sam sighed and opened his food. "What?" "What's with you and Maeve? We can work without her." I nodded and looked at my phone once again. Nothing. I sighed and ate my pie in peace. I woke up before Sam, I didn't remember falling asleep. My phone glowed, I checked it and found a message with coordinates. I looked them up and was driving, making sure Sam didn't wake up. He didn't need to know everything yet. If she was messaging me back then something big was happening. And I wasn't waiting it out, we would be in the eye of the storm like we always were.


Maeve's POV:

I got Dean's message at midnight. I had been on a long hunt and was laying down to rest when I checked my phone just in case something bad was happening. I listened to the message and didn't call back immediately because I knew he would be asleep. I decided to text him my location. He would find me if he was serious about talking to me. I flopped against the motel bed and tried to catch a few hours of sleep before the sun came up or a knock at my door.

Dean knocked on my door at exactly 4:36 am. I had checked my clock, and remember the time because of the following events. I opened my door, dressed in not much of anything. Just a baggy t-shirt that barely covered my thighs. He looked me up and down and nodded, I slapped him. We didn't speak, he nodded at the car where I saw a dozing Sam. I nodded back and let him in, still holding his cheek. I sighed and pulled on some sweatpants that lay on the floor, then turned to Dean. "Where were you?" he asked, and I could see he had been truly worried. "I was in Greece, if you really want to know. Hunting quite a few monsters, thought it best to go to their home to find them." He nodded and looked into my eyes, but I could feel his stare going into my soul.

"You left because of Sam, didn't you?" He ended it like a question, so I would have to answer. "Yes," my voice was just above a whisper, the guilt I had been burying came back to the surface, "yes. He made me swear not to tell you. I...I couldn't do it Dean, so I ran. Like a child I ran instead of facing my problems." I hadn't noticed the tears running down my face until Dean reached over and brushed one off my cheek. I knew he could read me like an open book, and he was the only one in the world who could. I rubbed my arms, out of habit showing I was uncomfortable. Dean stood up and pulled me close to him in an awkward embrace. "So," I said clearing my voice, "what's this case we have?"

A few hours later, we were back in the town Dean and Sam were investigating mysterious "bear" attacks. "It looks like a rouge hellhound, but we can't be sure." I shook my head looking over the papers they had gathered. "Hellhound, sure. Rouge, nope. These attacks are purposeful. A vengeful spirit turned demon, who got her hands on a big hellhound. Taking her revenge out that way." "Her?" "Clearly, the people being targeted all have one thing in common, this dead girl here. Died twenty years ago, some say she was murdered. These people were suspected to have killed her, but there was no evidence. They obviously killed her and now she's getting payback." Dean sighed and looked at the papers, then at the sleeping Sam across the room. We had carried him in here and left him while we worked.

Finally Sam woke up and turned to find us searching through the personal files of Johanna Mary Woodland. He saw me, sighed, and fell back against the bed. Dean had warned me of this behavior, so I ignored him. I turned back to the file. "Here," Dean said pointing to a highlighted piece of paper, "buried at the highland park cemetery." I sighed and looked to my laptop. "Now the issue of the hellhound. Whose is it? No low level demon could get their hands on such a huge asset. She stole it, but from who?" "That would be me." We spun around to see a balding man in a suit standing there. "Crowley, King of Hell." "You are kidding me." I muttered under my breath. "Yes that is my hellhound. Been missing for three weeks, beginning to get worried." He had a somewhat British accent, I couldn't pinpoint it.

"So I'm guessing she's controlling it using some binding spell. If it's released it will return to you?" He nodded and I looked to Dean, then Sam. "We have a job to do." Sam nodded and Dean grabbed our coats. Tossing me mine as we walked out the door. Sam was grumpy the entire ride to the cemetery, mainly because I was riding shotgun and Dean didn't have a problem with it. When we got there we found Crowley already at the grave holding shovels. "Here you go boys." he said tossing the shovels towards Sam and Dean. I ran and jumped off a tree and caught the one heading for Dean in midair, landing on the grave. "I'll help too, I'm not useless." "Give the pretty boy the shovel. I want you on defense. When they start digging up her grave you'll want to be protecting the moose and his brother."

Defense was great. I did the simple thing, I made a salt circle around the grave. The boys were fast, so when she appeared with the hellhound next to her Dean and Sam were already lighting the match to burn her up. When they dropped the match I made a gap in the salt so the hellhound would be able to get to it's master. Crowley shouted a command in a language I didn't understand (which was odd, I speak a lot of languages) and then he patted a giant head with affection. "Good dog, now. Thank you boys, girl." "Maeve." He stopped at that, and I realized my mistake. "You? You're her? And you have the guts to hunt!" he shouted, but I was ready. I parted my lips slightly and gave Dean a signal. "Sam, plug your ears." "What?" "Just do it!" I could barely hear the bickering. I was more focused on Crowley.

A simple Celtic tune, that was all I sang. But when I was done, Crowley was a babbling mess and I could see and control the hellhound. I nodded to Dean and he and Sam unplugged their ears, then began filling in the grave. They came over and the hellhound growled at them. "Hey, be a good boy." He settled down and whimpered. Dean looked at me with shock, Sam with anger. "What did you do?" "Charm singing, that was the main thing I got from Azazel." Sam sucked in his breath. "Will you tell us that whole story?" "Soon Sam, soon." I sent Crowley back to his kingdom, and the hellhound followed soon after. We went back to the motel, and Dean excused himself to get a beer. I went to follow but Sam slammed his hand against the door blocking my way out.

"Who are you?!" he shouted at me. "Sam..." "No, enough of this crap! If you want to work with us, tell us." A knock at the door let in Dean, and he handed me a beer, Sam another, then opened his own. I took a sip of mine and looked at them. "Fine, but...I didn't choose any of this." Dean nodded, Sam just looked suspicious. I sighed and began my tale.

"I was an experiment by Azazel. He got bored waiting all those years for Sam's generation and the huge showdown. So he found me, we weren't at our home so he could simply enter and give me more blood than anyone of you. I was a year old, and the next day my mother already saw it had begun. She said I wasn't her child, I had been replaced. I look back at my newborn pictures and she was right. Everything down to my eye colour had changed. My mother committed suicide a year later. My father hated me from there on in, and got remarried when I was four. From then it was three years of abuse and hate before they kicked me out. I was called a "devil's child" everyday and was beaten with a number of tools. My powers kicked in during that last year, and that just made it worse.

I was first found by that bitch Ruby, she thought she could mold me into the perfect weapon. All demons want me so they can try and bring me back. But they don't know what happened in between her two visits. That was when I met Cas for the first time. The angels wanted me to be their weapon. All I did was drink Cas' blood. This was supposed to change me, remove all Azazel's blood. But instead, it made me more powerful and gave me the ability to perform acts of angels. After this they decided it was best for me to become the host to one of the most powerful of beings. Behemoth. Cas is my trainer, and my protector while I master my powers. I work for no one, but both teams want me. Bobby found me shortly after that and brought me into the life. You know the rest."

Dean and Sam were struck speechless, Sam looked especially guilty. "Wow,'re the one who everyone wants. Sammy, you can relate to that." Sam nodded, but he was giving off signs of being guilty and stressed. "Yeah, umm sorry Maeve. I didn't think it would be that bad." I nodded and Sam walked outside. Dean turned to me. "I think we can stay for a few days, if you want." "How about another case together?" He nodded and we clinked our beer bottles together. "To a better life." "To a happy future." I smiled and sipped my beer, thinking about my past, and my new future.

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