The Contract

By ZJMforlife

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"I didn't sign up for this! My parents made me. You don't have to sit there and pretend you care Liam!" Zayn... More

The announcement
Under one condition
Family feud
The Hideout Lounge
In enemy territories
Slowly slipping
Only business
Second thoughts
The signing
Sneaky link?
You good?
Dangerous Liaisons
Talk of shame
Weight of the world
Psychological evaluation
Karmas a B
A whole lot of history
Cheers to 2023
Ghost of New Years past
Feeling 22
Love fiction
Under the mic
"James Dean daydream look in your eye"
Mistakes of up and down
Sealed with a kiss
Time flies
Spring breakers
You have my heart
Malik family values
Group effort
Forever and always
Hannah Montana moment
Venues and vacations
26 years young
The Daily Show
Old thoughts
What happens in Vegas
Stays in Vegas
"It is, and always was you."
No place like home
Book bluff
Story of our lives
"And it was all Yellow"
"I do"
Crazy Rich Brits
"Here with you is where i'm meant to be."
Destination you

Curiouser and curioser

322 17 3
By ZJMforlife

When they got off the phone with each other the time was only around eight PM. Harry had just left his best friends loft which Zayn was so thankful Liam called him after the fact.

Zayn removed himself from the bed and got dressed. His phone ringed with a message from Liam with his address.

The older lived in the borough of Kensington and Chelsea meaning the richer neighborhood of central London. Zayn lived about 25 minutes away in the North borough of Islington.

Before Zayn lived there he had an apartment right in the middle of the city. In due time he was finding it hard to get to his classes at London Metropolitan University which was in the neighborhood of where he lived now, having meetings at the agency then going to fittings, photoshoots, and runways all over the city.

He talked with his parents about moving closer to his campus after a few months. After some convincing they finally caved and moved him into the loft right down the street from campus. This neighborhood was a very up and coming spot. A far different vibe than Liams neighborhood.

He texted a quick thumbs up back to Liam then made his way out the loft. It being a Friday the streets were lively. Tons of his class mates and peers celebrating break in the bustling bar hopping neighborhood.

He lived so close to the scene which thinking about it now made him kinda sad. He wished he let loose a little and lived that typical college phase. He knew that now more than ever his life would be vastly different.

He's only been in the area a couple times for some dinner parties at his parents friends places. It was definitely the more quiet and reserved residential places in London with everyone being fairly wealthy. Liams luxury townhouse came into view as he parked. With a quick "Here" he texted Liam.

Liam didn't respond though so Zayn began to bounce his leg anxiously. What did he want to talk about? Anytime they "talked" it led to an argument and Zayn was growing tired of Liams attitude. He was so stern and demanding.

After a couple minutes of sitting in his car he decided to try the door. As he walked to the front door he took in the building. It was lavish. It felt like he was on a vacation. How was this even a neighborhood inside London. He was so use to the hustle and bustle of the city that this contrast was mind blowing.

He rang the door twice and knocked. To his dismay there was still no answer. He scanned his phone again but still not a message back. Lastly he tried the door handle and it opened. He hesitated to just let himself in like this but then entered anyway. After all Liam invited himself in his place earlier.

He walked in then went wide eyed. The interior was sleek and dark. It was Definitely more modern than his place. The scent in the air was overwhelming. It smelt like a cross between The cologne "Fierce" by Abercrombie, and "Mahogany Teakwood" by Bath and Body. Total man smell he cringed.

"Liam?" He called out but no answer came back. He turned the corner of the hallway entrance and came into view of the stairs. He looked up and wondered why Liam needed this much space. This place had to be at least four levels.

He heard some faint music from above and the curiosity got the best of him. The second floor was quiet. Another living space accompanied with a powder room and guest bedroom.

The next floor was where the music was coming from. He called Liams name again but still didn't receive a response. He followed the music down the hall and until he came across an open room converted into an office space. He entered, flipped the switch, and saw tons of memorabilia hung up on the walls.

The first picture he came across was of a baby Liam. He's seen these pictures many times growing up. He couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was. The next couple were family photos even some with Zayn and his family in them. The next was of Liam in private school on the football team.

He then comes across a framed acceptance letter to Cardiff University in Wales. Intrigued he begins to rack his brain. He swore Liam graduated from Oxford though. He was so deep in thought when he heard a "Holy Fuck!"

Liam was showering his day off while listening to some music. He lightly hummed the tunes and continued to wash up. He could've sworn he heard his name being called but maybe he was just in his head.

After rinsing the suds out of his hair he shuts the faucet off and steps out wrapping a towel around his waist. He walked out of the bathroom into his bedroom to retrieve his phone. Before sitting down he opened the lock screen to find a message from Zayn saying  "here" delivered 10 minutes ago.

"Shit." He cursed under his breath. Without even thinking or even changing first he exited his room. He saw a light on in the room down the hall and stopped in his tracks. He thought maybe before hopping in the shower he forgot to flip the switch since he did file some papers earlier.

He walks to the room then jumps back seeing Zayn screaming a "Holy Fuck!"

A startled Zayn whips around and takes in a mostly naked, dripping wet Liam. "OH Uh sorry! Th-The door was open and I just uh kinda walked in!" He says shielding his eyes flustered.

Liam frantically grabs his towel from almost falling due to the surprise jolt. "So you just let yourself in!?" He asked surprised still standing in the door frame.

Zayn doesn't want to make eye contact with Liam. "Well umm yeah." He bites his lip. "I just it- um opened so yeah. Plus you let yourself into my place earlier so... I- I'm sorry." He says frantically looking everywhere but Liam.

"You opened the door that's different. I just followed you in." Liam says standing confidently as if he's not a towel slip away from being naked. "What were you doing in here and what were you thinking about that had you so deep in thought." He said raising his brow inching into the room.

"I jus- um heard music coming from up here a-a-and you didn't answer the phone or my calls out so I came up and just uh saw all this stuff and uh yeah." He says fast still nervously glancing around the room.

"Riiiiight..." Liam questions leaning on the door frame. "And then?"

Was he doing this on purpose!? Zayn thought. He could literally see the imprint on the towel of his massive bulge. He's gotta be playing me right now he thought.

"Oh I just ummm saw all the pictures and then the acceptance letter but I remember you graduated from Oxford so I was just c- confused." He says with a tight lipped grin. He was still getting glances at Liams package and glistening toned abs.

Amazed at Zayns knowledge on him he asks "You remembered I graduated from Oxford?"

"Well y-yeah we all attended. Me and my family that is aha."

"Yeah I just didn't think you had remembered. That actually was my first college of choice. I wanted to play footie there but ultimately my dad said no." He says with a little hint of sadness. "Are you okay you keep looking around." He said addressing Zayn's behavior.

"Yeah um but you only have a towel on." Zayn says pointing to Liam's bottom half.

"Oh!" Liam says remembering how exposed he was. "Right yeah sorry! I had just gotten out the shower and my phone was in my room. I saw your message and was headed to open the door and found you here. I'll uh be right back!" Liam walks back to his room.

With a breath of relief Zayn slumps. He'd been trying to keep his composure. He knew Liam was fit but not that fit. Even with the suits he regularly wore being tailored they didn't do him much justice. He then started thinking about Liams bulge and shook his head.

"I'll be downstairs." Zayn yells and makes his way down.

A couple minutes later Liam emerges from upstairs wearing grey sweatpants, and a white t shirt. Is this not worse? Zayn thought.

"Have you eaten? I'll order something."

"No I haven't." Zayn says timidly. He and Liam were just arguing earlier this morning so what could he even want to talk about. He knows he didn't invite him over just to hang out and eat.

"Is pasta okay? There's this really good place I usually get from." Liam asks him.

"Yeah that's fine. Umm thank you." Zayn responds.

"No problem." Liam says then types on his phone.

The silence falls between the two as Liam places the order. Zayn fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie. Growing nervous by the second Zayn finally asks. "So what did we need to talk about?"

"Oh yeah. One sec alfredo or marinara?"

"Marinara is fine." Zayn answers.

"Alright I ordered. It'll be here in a few. So I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page. We don't really talk much about this uh situation we have so I think we should really talk about it." Liam says setting his phone on the table.

"Yeah I guess we don't." The model sighs

"Since it's up to us how this plays out I wanted to get your opinion. I didn't want to plan everything and not fill you in you know." He says looking in Zayns eyes as he takes a seat next to him on the couch. They hardly made direct eye contact in the past so this was awkward for the two.

"Well thank you. I appreciate it really..." Zayn says surprised.

"Mhm." Liam mumbles.

"So when do you think we should announce this?" Zayn motions between the two.

"I don't really know... one of my buddies Ed has a PR Manager. I could ask and see about hiring him." Liam said resting his arm on the back of the couch revealing his V line.

"Wait Ed... as in Ed we went to school with? Ed as in Ed Sheeran Ed?" Zayn says connecting the dots. He couldn't help but taking a peak at Liam though.

Liam just chuckles. "Yes that Ed. Surprised you knew. He was in my grade."

"Well yeah everyone knew each other. How couldn't we. It was a pretty small school." Zayn responds.

Liam gets a ping on his phone letting him know that the food is here. He gets up to grab the food that has been placed in front of the door then making his way to dining table. "Come on." Liam motions for Zayn to follow him.

They both enter the dining room and take their places across from each other. "I can call up Ed tomorrow and then maybe if the guy is available we go for lunch." Liam says digging into his plate.

"Sure. Sounds good."

It was a common feeling Zayn knew was coming up. That silence again. They began eating and didn't say a word after. Occasionally Zayn would check his phone. Harry was blowing up his phone because he always checked his friends location and Zayn was definitely not at his own place.

"Can I ask you something?" Liam breaks the silence.

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