
By 13aroness

255K 16.5K 1.7K

She decided to do the world a favor and kept to herself ever since she was turned into a demon. Always alone... More

Texas 1830
Volterra 1831
Volterra 1863
Texas 1935
Pennsylvania 1948
Ohio 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Volterra 1950
Pennsylvania 1950
Not an Update
Texas 1951
Pennsylvania 1952
Alaska 1962
Alaska 1965
Montana 1966
Texas 1980
New York 1999
California 1999
Louisiana 1999
Washington 2003
Washington 2004
Washington 2005
Not an Update
New York 2005
Massachusetts 2006
Not an Update
Texas 2006
Washington 2006


2.7K 135 11
By 13aroness

Serafina noticed she enjoyed speaking to her own kind. She didn't have to hide her looks, strength, or speed. It was much more comfortable. It was like she was normal because they were just like her. There was a bit of friction between her and these new people upon meeting. She believed they were trying to show their dominance. She wasn't sure if it was because they were vampires or just because they were men. At least once they realized they couldn't beat her, they became much more amiable. She was much more willing to speak with them after she knocked them down a peg. Serafina looked back at Danny, satisfied with his pensive appearance. She slowed her pace so she could speak with him, "your abilities are tied to anger?" she asked.

He caught up, still keeping a respectful distance behind and to her right. "Yes. I've always had problems with my anger, even when young. I may have learned it from my father. I'm not sure. He would just get angry and start beating my mother and me. He beat my mother to death. Told the people in our village she ran away because she was a whore. No one questioned it. I'm sure they all knew the truth but just didn't want to get involved. I hated all of them. So when I grew up and became strong enough, I ran away. Became a boxer. I would have these outbursts in my matches. They were always surprised when I managed to take down men twice my size. I would just explode with strength beyond my normal limits. I made a lot of money betting on myself when others wouldn't. My father found me. He had heard I was successful and wanted money. I was still afraid of him." He looked down in shame, "He beat me badly, robbed me, and left me for dead. My own father. Then Benny found me. Turned me. Saved me. Before I joined him, I decided to pay a visit to my father. All the hatred I had for the man burst out like my fights, but this time, I also grew physically. The fear on his face was the best. I got to beat him for once. I beat him for days. Drawing it out. Torturing him. I think I broke every bone in his body. My hate allowed me to ignore the blood that covered him. He got what he deserved." He looked back up. Nodding to himself, "everything he deserved." He glanced back at Serafina with a businesslike expression, "But that's how I realized I had my ability. It's not just changing into a giant monster with extreme strength either."

"You can also tell when others get angry as well." She guessed.

He nodded in confirmation. "It's like I feel it when it hits people around me and it amplifies my own anger, which helps my strength. So it's good for my abilities, but not my temper. I have a short fuse. I'm sorry." He told her, then paused while his seriousness slipped as a small smile grew on his face, "You knew I knew when you were angry. You kept hiding it." He smiled, "You're a very angry person too. I could sense your fury. You're like myself."

She smiled back, "I don't think I'm as angry as you. But yes. Many things make me angry. But I really need to hold back or else I might lose control and set everyone around me on fire."

"You're bonding! This is good!" a voice interrupted from her left. Her smile grew as she looked over to the voice. She could tell Benny didn't like being ignored. "If you stay you can get to know us better. We can be good friends! You two, like an angry brother and sister. Me, your much more handsome man friend. But remember! You two should be more like siblings. Nothing more." He added seriously as they neared some homes. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. He was ridiculous.

They walked towards a nice large house that was very well maintained. But there was also a smaller home nearby that was also untouched with a guard in front. She looked at both. "Is that the mayor's house?" she asked, gesturing to the larger home.

"No! That's my house." He smacked his chest and raised his chin as if wanting praise. "Nice, isn't it? I knew I would need a place para relajar when I wasn't working. I can show you around if you'd like. It has everything. Even a bed." He added seductively gesturing for her to proceed to his home.

She raised her eyebrow at that and looked at him.

He cleared his throat and changed his destination from his home to the other residence with the guard in front. "But you were here for the children! Don't get distracted. Look. They're in there. You know if you prefer to feed from children, I don't care. We could even get you more if you'd like. But I think you should consider feeding from adults. It would require less. You probably go through many children just to get full." He stated, trying to hold back the judgment from his own face but failing so he just averted his gaze.

She stopped and looked at him incredulously, "you think I'm going to feed from them? I said I would take them somewhere safe away from here."

He shrugged, "I thought you were a shy eater. You ladies son tan delicadas when it comes to feeding."

She shook her head and continued toward the home that held the children. Benny dismissed the guard and then went to the door and swung it open in a dramatic manner entering with arms raised and a large smile, "Hello everyone! I have some good news for you!" he yelled to the people in the room. Children immediately burst into screams and tears while the women attempted to huddle the children behind them. Serafina scowled at Benny and he gave a sheepish grin and mumbled an apology as he stepped back, allowing her to enter the home.

"I'm sorry for the rude entrance. We didn't mean to scare you. I'm actually here to save you." Serafina explained, looking down at the children. A gentle smile on her face so as not to scare them.

Children always liked pretty things. They couldn't help but look to her, wanting to go with her. But then they looked to the adults that had been taking care of them to see if able to proceed. Only then did Serafina look to the women. She could see the fear and distrust in their eyes, but they were mostly focused on Benny and Danny.

"Go outside and wait," Serafina told Benny and Danny. Danny immediately turned around to exit. Benny wanted to protest but Serafina just gave him a look and he shut his mouth and went outside to wait. "I know you're afraid. But I won't hurt you. Any of you." Serafina stated as she took a seat on an empty chair nearby, crossing her legs as she leaned back a bit more relaxedly.

"Your eyes are just like the rest of those monsters," one woman whispered.

Serafina sighed, "yes. But I'm not like them. I wasn't involved in what happened here. I only came here to rescue you."

"Why?" the woman asked, stepping forward, gaining confidence from Serafina's lax stance.

"I met a gang kidnapping innocent men, women, and children on the other side of the river. When I stopped them, they told me why. Apparently, it was to save you all. So before I punished them, I promised to save you in their stead." She stated while smoothing her dress over her knees.

One of the women further back spoke up, "punished?"

Serafina looked at the woman making her flinch, "Yes. They had kidnapped some children from my town and beat their fathers. They had to be punished. So no, they won't be joining us. But don't worry, I promised to save you all and that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to take you to my town where you can either stay or get a ride to another town from the townspeople."

The woman who had spoken and another from near the children began to cry but tried hiding it. They nodded to show they understood. Soon all four adult women walked forward more but signaled for the children to stay back. "How are we going to leave?"

"Are there any horses in this town? Carriages or carts?" Serafina asked.

"I don't know if those monsters killed the horses or not," one woman shivered not looking Serafina in the eye.

"Miss Hart, we never touched the horses. But it looks like several escaped when we first took over the town. There are maybe six left. The carts and carriages are a different story. It looks like many were broken for fun. There are only two carts left untouched. It's enough to get your prisoners out." Danny stated from outside the house.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine," Serafina assures the group, "I'll have Benny and Danny get us a safe way to travel. They'll also ensure those other monsters give us space when we leave. If any come within twenty feet of our group, I'll kill them myself. We'll leave tomorrow morning so get some sleep. Remember you're safe now. Just wait for me to wake you all up at sunrise."

"Thank you," the women said as Serafina stood and walked out the door.

"You heard me, right?" she asked Benny and Danny as she walked over to them.

"Of course we heard you, but how are we supposed to get the horses here? You know how they are around us. You're going to need to get those women to get them over here tomorrow morning." Benny huffed.

"Alright. But make sure the carts are here and ready to go tomorrow morning." She said to no one in particular.

"Yes Miss Hart." Danny gave a curt nod of acknowledgment and left to prepare the carts.

"I guess it's just the two of us now hermosa," Benny said to Serafina while leaning close to her ear. He then thought for a moment when it appeared inspiration struck him, "Ven! I'll show you what you can get if you join us! There might be something pretty for you somewhere!" He stated excitedly as he began to walk over to the mayor's home.

She reluctantly followed him since she had nothing else to do until morning.

As they neared the home, they could hear movement inside. When they entered, they immediately heard some giggling and slight gasps from the bedroom. Serafina glanced over to Benny whose mustache twitched as he gave her an embarrassed smile. "My friends must be visiting," he attempted to laugh it off.

Serafina raised her brow to express her disbelief. But held her tongue.

He cleared his throat and smoothed his mustache as he called to the other room, "ladies, we have company. Make sure you're decent." He smiled back at Serafina as they walked towards the room.

"No, please. Don't stop their fun on my account," she responded as they walked in to see three women fully dressed standing with their hands behind their backs attempting to show their innocence. It would probably work if they were human. But being vampires, they could smell the sex in the air.

The women looked Serafina over and smirked, "Are you a new friend?" a petite brunette to the left asked looking up at Serafina.

"We're not that good of friends yet," she laughed knowing what the brunette was implying. The brunette pouted in response. "Aw, I'm sorry, you are all very beautiful. But I'm here for business, not pleasure." She cooed as she stepped to the brunette, caressing her chin before looking over to Benny who was narrowing his eyes at Serafina.

"Why were you so nice to them? You were mean to me and Danny when you first met us!" he said indignantly. Grabbing a rather large and heavy looking chest with ease from the corner of the room and following Serafina out.

"Now that's a lie. I was nothing but pleasant to you and Danny. Even with the disrespect I was shown. Do you really want to bring that up again?" she asked exiting the room and returning to the front room. Taking a seat at the dining room table.

"N-no." He stuttered. Following. He seemed somewhat upset that she took the head seat at the table, but still took the seat next to her and sat the chest in front of her on the table. The table rattled under the weight.

"Good," she smiled, "But seeing those three reminds me. When you showed me your ability on that stage, I saw three women watching us from quite a distance away. More friends of yours?" she asked him while lazily resting her head on her hand leaning on the table.

Benny looked to be trying to recall them but shook his head as in no, "I've made many friends on this journey. But a group of three women? I don't know. I know I left some women alone after I destroyed their covens, but I never left a group of three." He began fiddling with the chest clasp.

"Why did you destroy their covens?" she asked.

"Did you not hear my speech? It's either join or be destroyed." He shrugged opening the chest and making a 'tada' gesture for her to look.

She didn't lift her head but still looked towards the chest. Seeing her lack of interest, he reached inside to show her some jewelry and money he had. Still trying to impress her.

"But if those are your rules, then why did you leave some women alone?" she asked.

"Were they beautiful women?" he asked, rifling through the chest.

"Ah, I understand. Do you always think in that direction? What if you're just setting yourself up for more enemies? I mean, if you destroyed their covens, weren't the ones you destroyed most likely their mates?" she asked not really interested in his treasures.

"I'm a man." He stated as if that were the obvious answer to all of her questions, brows furrowed, while digging deeper into the chest to see if something could catch her eye. "What is a lone woman able to do to me?"

"A lot," she reminded summoning a small flame and flicking it at the stack of banknotes in his hand, setting them on fire before his eyes. Causing him to toss it aside quickly and glare at her. She laughed at his reaction.

"Well not everyone is gifted like you. I don't think any of the three women I left alone had abilities. But there was a somewhat scary one." He paused his movements as he thought, "You're right; I did kill her mate." He laughed, "She was furious. But she didn't try to attack me like the other two women when I had attacked their covens. No, this one was more calm. Her name was Maria. She stole my heart the moment I saw her. Knew I had to bed her, so yes. I destroyed her coven, killed her mate, and offered her a chance to join. But before I could talk her into joining, she fled. If they run, I don't chase. As long as they stay out of my way I don't care. Those other women had fled too." He shrugged and dug back into the chest showing her some gold nuggets and even a gold coin.

Her eyes lingered on the gold coin, recognizing the design as her own which brought a small smile to her face as she reached for it. "You have good taste, pirate gold. Not sure where the design came from, but it is muy hermosa y rara. Como tú. Much different from other gold coins I've gotten over the years. Rumors say coins like this one once belonged to a pirate queen. I've kept it for luck. My gift to you." He stated as he handed it over.

"Thank you," she responded as she accepted the coin. She couldn't control her smile. Rumors were they once belonged to a pirate queen? Must be because of her beautiful artistic abilities. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself.

"I could always get you more. If you like gold so much, here." He emptied a small sack and filled it with all the gold items from the chest, "Mis disculpas por cómo te traté antes. ¿Amigos?" he asked.

"We are good Benito; you're forgiven. We can be friends. But I won't help your cause." She stated as she leaned back and continued "I'll stay out of your way though. Maybe go with you for a bit so I can ask you questions."

"Do you have questions now?" he asked leaning towards her.

"Yes, but it's going to have to wait until after I come back." She stated as he nodded in understanding.

"What do you want to do in the meantime?" he asked glancing towards the room with the women.

"Not that," she stated laughing again. "I'll just wait outside until Morning. You can do as you please," she stated as she walked outside and found a good tree with a sturdy branch for her to lay on. She ensured she was out of earshot of the mayor's home just in case. Then she just closed her eyes and waited until morning. 

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