Twilight Wings (Asia x Male R...

By Tenshi_The_Vamp

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This is my first story on here so it is bound to be a bit of a rough patch but i hope you'll stick around for... More

Setting Sun, Dark Feathers
Sacered Gears and Fallen Feathers
Feral Priest, Brutal Angel
Everything Changes
Different If Only
Different if only part 2
The Calm
Roomates (Mini)
Familiar? part 2
Familiar? part 3
Heart and Soul Filled Shout
Leaving the Forest
The Forest of Fuji
The Days
Almost home
Dragon legs
Trials to Fight
Domination V.S Wrath
The Phoenix and The Dragons
Hell's Greatest Rooke
To be of Rage and Domination
Our lives.
licking one's Wounds
Quelling the Beast
Who in the hell!
Out of hand

Hellish Party

153 1 2
By Tenshi_The_Vamp

Within seconds the battle had recanted to war, the two of you fighting shaking everything nearby apart. As his blade came down you used both hands to stop it holding it up. After a moment of being locked in a power struggle with a hard push you threw the blade to the side as it struck the floor you swung a hard hit to the gut, with the force you could feel his body having come of the ground by and inch. Taking a moment to step back both of you take a breath as a smirk grew across your face.

"That may not have done alot of damage but damn did it feel good." taking a moment to admire your handiwork

A laugh coming from your aggressor as he retook his stance "I must say you've certainly improved since last time"

"Well last time you and your little giggle troop got the drop on me, speaking of which I see Freed is here where's the old crow Kokabiel, was he too afraid I'd wipe that egotistical smile off his face, also who's the old timer you got watching us" you asked settling into your new form feeling a fight for control take place in your mind. A fight between the berserk rage and your own will to keep fighting this yourself.

"None of your concern, but if you must know that is Valper Galilei, the man who ran the holy sword project. Sad to say he failed but is of course doing what he can now to assist the fallen angels after being excommunicated for his work." His voice was cold here, did he like the old timer or despise him. He both gave some praise to his work yet also sounded as if he had a distaste for it.

No time to think in moments he was rushing you one more, blade first. With a bear of your wings you took to the skies, hearing a funny of rage from him he unfurled a pair of fallen wings like your own and followed you, leaving the Brutus blade below. Opting to fight you bare handed, how bold of him.

A flurry of blows between the two of you seemingly trading of. You using your bare fists and a few clawed attacks here and there in order to attempt a bleed out, it seemed though your opponent was staying one step ahead of you though. Dodging in and out, countering you when you were open. The rage building.

As it would appear with each hit landed against you, the battle for you to stay in control of your wrath was being lost, fuel for the fireone would say.

Being knocked back you let of a growl of sorts before rushing in with an open palm, creating a gray ball of flame in your hand. Making it grow to the size of a bowling ball before firing off the gray blast, a large beam coming from it being blocked by you opponent. He laughed as smoke rose from his body. Seemingly amused. What he found so funny confused you since you found nothing here funny at all.

"I must say little by little you're impressing me more kid, keep it up and this may be fun for me" His tone agitated you beyond belief and the smirk on his face was begging to be rearranged you were thinking. Letting out a roar charging him once more.


"Man those two are really going at it, can't blame the little prick though, that guys grinds my gears too, but alas you cant be picky with coworkers when it comes to finishing a job" Freed said as he took a hop away from Kiba whom he was busy with at the moment. For a man fighting many people at once he was holding his ground.

Kiba breathing heavily much like you rage boiling his blood being against holy sword and being near Valper the man who caused so much tragedy and sorrow in his life. He wanted to end him and the Excaliburs here.

While Kiba was catching his breath Irina and Xenovia charged in at Freed causing him to hop back in anattempt to dodge before the unexpected member of the troupe Saji used his sacred gear to hold down his leg.

"Sorry but you're going nowhere if I can help it" came his voice, Freed seeing how outnumbered he was figured it best the fall back.

"Freed we should probably go to phase 2, it seems we've achieved what we came here to do" came Valper's voice.

With a nod and a cut to saji's line with his Excalibur Freed threw down a smoke bomb to retreat laughing all the while, as he did so Irina and Xenovia gave chase.

As it would Seem Valper as well made his way out in all the chaos, not before taking someone with him....

Back to the battle in the skies

As the fight dragged on there was a clash where the two of you were blown back from each other.

Both breathing heavily, a smirk on his face, and feral wrath on your own. It would be cut short by your opponent seemingly hearing something by way of earpiece.

"Phase 2 already? I barely got to have any fun here Valper...I...Fine I understand I'll meet all of you there." He seemed annoyed but complied with his orders.

"Whats wrong, daddy Kokabiel calling you in for supper already bitch boy." You voice was distorted. Showing signs of losing one's self. Your words irked him but he was going to follow the plan.

"Sorry but I have more important matters to attend to than you child. If I were I'd regain your focus cause currently we hold the chips." Before you could send another strike he was gone by way of magic circle. Letting out a yell of frustration you folded in your wings to land.

Within seconds you had landed taking a breath in trying to calm yourself. Not reverting to your base state. Looking around you walked to the remains of the group.

"What'd I miss down here?" You asked looking and noticing the lesser numbers.

"Well Freed ran away and Xenovia and Irina have chase into the woods towards the school. That old dude got away too" Issei said catching his breath a bit. It would seem Freed musta really improved since last you saw him.

While looking around a bit more you asked "where is Asia hiding we'd better regroup and get on the way to intercept them."

Realizing no one knew Koneko spoke up "as much as I hate to say it (Y/N) I think they took her."

Your worst fear came true.

"Come again... there were multiple of you down here and she was..." Your anger boiling over now shaking it off before taking off in the direction Issei told you before anyone else could put in another word.

Soon after without any choice everyone gave chase. Following the sounds of your heavy wing beats and that of combat nearby.

Arriving to the scene sadly too late, landing you saw Irina beaten and bloodied on the ground. Groaning angrily since she was somewhat nice. 

"Irina damn it please tell me you ain't dead." Slowly you ripped at what was left of your shirt to make some bandages, Xenovia soon coming out seeing you trying to help Irina she was afraid for her friend but knew what her defeat meant. Freed now had another excalibur, he had three already, with hers that would be four. He was only two away from Excalibur. One of which Xenovia carried.

"What happened?" She asked you trying her best to help.

"Not sure just got here myself, they took Asia, now they've beaten her.. I'm gonna kill those assholes!" A righteous dirty bubbling within at this moment Xenovia saw who you truly were abs wished to apologize for her behavior, even while losing yourself in wrathyou were attempting to help Irina while also having your sole concern be saving Asia. For a devil to her you seemed pure, kind hearted.

Soon all the others caught up. Seeing the scene before then you arriving brought everyone to speed.

"They're heading for the school it seems Kokabiel is doing this to spike a war, dumb fuck is bloodthirsty and hates that the last one ended with peace treaties. Now he plans to fuck it all up. Someone get in touch with Rias and Sona, tell them to get to the school asap. Call their siblings if they can we're gonna need some back up. While yall do that I'm gonna chase those fucks down....I gotta go save my wife" you said turning your back to the group spreading your wings taking off soon after at rapid speeds.

Watching you take off Issei looked down "damn it...there he goes again ready to fight the world over if it means saving her yet here I am having practically done nothing, while another old friend is laying unconscious in front of me..damn it I'm so damn weak!" He shouted, he felt useless. Granted he helped against Freed but he got away and now Asia was kidnapped and Irina was injured. He couldn't help it.

Koneko looking to him, once more while he was a perv his heart had shined through. She put a hand on his shoulder.

"You're only as weak as you let yourself be..I know personally you have more strength inside Issei you've just gotta dig a bit deeper, and don't give up either. (Y/N) is only this strong because he's not willing to stop not until he finishes this..what about you perv for brains" she said joking throwing the insult at the end. It seemed as though her pep talk broke through to him he had a fire in him now, ready to fight just as hard as you. Nodding quickly he stood up looking to his boosted gear.

"Alright Ddraig...I know you can here me so me win this give me all you got!" Issei thought to himself hearing the dragon respond within quicker than he expected.

"Fine I'll help you out kid, but it'll cost you. I give you the power you desire but your arm will be forfeit for it, granted you won't be cutting it off but from that point it'll no longer be yours alone, it'll be a dragon arm." Came the dragon's booming voice, Issei while reluctant accepted the terms. If it meant protecting those he cared for no price was too heavy.

He could feel it right away the new found power surge and the pain in his arm he gritted his teeth for a moment before it blew over. Taking a breath he looked to the boosted gear it harboring a new look now, heavier metal now with less spikes but over he could feel it.

"With your current power taking your arm I'll be able to give you fifteen seconds, long ago before your training, had you done this you'd have only had ten so count yourself lucky." Ddraig told him. Issei nodded then looked to the rest of the group

"I'm gonna go catch up with (Y/N), Koneko please help Xenovia get Irina somewhere safe, Kiba you with me?" He looked to the knight getting a nod before the two ran off to rejoin you.

Koneko helped Irina and Xenovia and let the two know she'd join them soon after.

What was to come would be a battle for history. Legends would be told of what was to come here.

Yet who could say who was going to win the day, would it be your group or would kokabiel rein Supreme and slaughter the lot of you. Only time could tell, yet one thing was for certain, you would save Asia at all costs.

Soon arriving to the school you were first, seeing Kokabiel, Freed, Valper, And you assailant all together. With Asia trapped in what seemed to be a magic bubble of sorts tied up. Your rage escalated seeing her captured. Letting out a scream you glared at Kokabiel.

"Long time no see you shitty old crow, was beggining to think you weren't gonna show!" Your voice cold and filled with venom you were ready to rip their throats out given the chance. Kokabiel laughed seeing you.

"Ah if it isn't Azazel's brat, how are you (Y/N) wasn't so long ago since I last saw you this feral...I must say it's a sight for sore eyes. Though sadly you're a little late, Freed's new blade is already finished, though thankfully with you here he'll be able to test it. After all he's so excited like a kid in a candy store." He said laughing, he relished in the idea of your death. Afterall he had grown to hate your father so killing you would be a good jab at him.

Freed hopped out new blade in hand, a psychotic laugh coming from him as he stared you down.

"You know after all the times you beat me or got away I'm going to relish in your death tonight kid, and hey Asia as bait worked perfectly to lure you in. I'll be able to kill you and hell that little bitch is just icing on the cake for me two for one ya know" He said flaunting his new Excalibur, last time you fight he had three of the them, separated. Earlier they were combined and now he had four in total combined. If one hurt long ago five now would probably feel like hell on earth to you.

Your rage spiked, leaping forward your went to fight him making sure to avoid any incoming strikes. As you hopped back to avoid one such slash, the blade suddenly curved around stabbing into your upper thigh.

The pain was unbearable, it felt like acid in your veins where he struck. As he yanked his blade away he laughed manically.

"Thanks to mimic I got from the girl earlier this blade will change shape now no matter where you go, there is no where I can't hit you" He said twirling the blade in his hands. Watching you hold your leg, you groaned, for a moment rational thinking came back. Asia watching in horror now seeing you pain and not being able to help you.

He readied for another attack yet this time he just surged the blade forward making it stretch to reach you, preparing for the attack you were ready to defend seemed as though it was coming from multiple directions.

"Which ones the real one!" Freed shouted in a sing song voice, seemingly having made the illusion of himself from different spots you couldn't even tell by sound. Taken off guard by this the blade peirced into your abdomen, letting out a scream of pain before he ripped it out once more, laughing.

"DANCE YOU LITTLE BITCH! DANCE!" He yelled before using the blade like a whip with the same tactic of illusions.

Laughing Valper said "My it seems Freed is enjoying this a bit much although who could blame him, with the combined powers of mimic and rapid alone could destroy him but pair in the other two nightmare and transparency he'll be dead soon enough."

As you kept on the defense not by choice it felt as though there was hellfire in your body the burning hurt so much but now you had a plan. You only need some time to think.

Before Freed could strike again, a loud draconian voice yelled out.


As it was heard your body hardened causing the Excalibur to bounce off you body, leaping forward in Freed's confusion you struck his jaw hard taking him down to the ground.


Now trading in the extra defense for more strength you body bulking up further than it already was, beginning to beat Freed down into the ground heavily, landing punch after punch until you felt three rapid stabs into your stomach. Leaping back coughing blood but laughing a bit.

"Did I scare you bitch...I got your ass" you laughed coldly spitting out the blood in your mouth, watch Freed slowly get up enraged. He'd need to get his jaw wired, seems as though you shattered it.

"I-I'll fa-facking kill you" His speech being a bit messed up due to his jaw hanging lopsided. Causing you to laugh again, slowly standing straight up holding you abdomen.

"What was that asshole, can't understand you" He grew further enraged dashing forward only to be slashed across the gut by Kiba dashing in.

While in fear Valper was ready to turn and run he was faced with issei behind him, who socked him with his boosted gear knocking him out for the moment.

Both going to join you by your side the three of you stood together smirking.

"Sorry we're late, it's just us for now but everyone else is on the way." Issei said to you, looking over your wounds.

"You sure you don't wanna rest as backup, you look pretty hurt (Y/N)" said Kiba as he looked to you.

"Nah wouldn't miss fighting along side you bros for the world." You said with a laugh cracking your neck.

Freed slowly got up using some magic to heal his wound from Kiba, and partially fixing his jaw to where he could speak clearer.

"You little pussies ganging up on little old me, fine then I'll use all four excaliburs and kill you all! Once I'm done with you three, that bitch Xenovia, is next along with big red and dare I not forget little Asia here.." He shouted with venom. He was afraid of you three, one on one he knew he held an advantage against you all but three on one he was scared to say the least.

The real battle was soon approaching. A feral priest against three devil's who've have all bested him. Now was the time for full power if it wasn't already.


Well I must say things are really heating up now. If anyone asks I took alot of inspiration from the bros showing up from the Yakuza series since I've been binge playing some of the games as of recent.

But I hope you all enjoyed this. This chapter was almost going to be way shorter but I felt I should have done more and I'm glad I did.

Anywho as always see you all next chapter!

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