Solstice Souls Book 2: Black...

By edzooc8r

49.2K 5.7K 3.7K

The Cultivation world is in chaos as Wen Rouhan inches across clan territories looking for cultivators with a... More

And The Story Continues.....
Doubts and Dark Magic
Comfort, Cooking, and Compassion
One Man's Meat
When the Darkness Rises
The Eye of the Storm
No More Hiding
Back To The Beginning
An Apology With A Warning
Searching For Answers
A Daring Journey
Friends or Foes?
Unlikely Allies
Hurricanes of the Heart
Filling in the Blanks
Under The Cover of Darkness
Breaking A Promise
Adaptable Truths
Seeds Of Doubt
Far From Home
True Colours
The Arena
The Purple Viper
The Light From Within
Friends In Dark Places
Fight to the Death
Xue Yang
The Truth in Masquerade
Making Up The Numbers
Necessary Reassurances
Sneaking Happiness
Escape Plan
Out of the Frying Pan
Reassurances of the Heart
Every Man Has His Destiny
Flying High
Confessions of a Heart
Truth Be Told
Soul Searching
Meeting The In-Laws
Solstice Sons
Dinner Plans
Grace Under Fire
Story Time
Of Pigs and Cabbages
A Not So Welcoming Committee
Sugar and Salt
Growing Pains
Tricks of the Trade
Hidden Desires
A Time of Need
Lessons Learned
Favorite Place To Be

Love Note

582 99 32
By edzooc8r

Wei Ying POV

As Wei Ying was led back to his room, he breathed in a lungful of the crisp almost winter air. Normally he preferred the warmth of Yiling. But the bite of the cold night kept him alert. Its sting nipped at his bare skin forcing him to remain focused. 

It was also a reminder that his eighteenth birthday was only a month away. And after that, his marriage to Lan Zhan. His eyes glazed over as he pictured his jade dressed in red robes, that beautiful pale skin peeking out from the vibrant cloth, golden eyes burning with need.  A faint smile crossed Wei Ying's lips. His dream of being joined with his soulmate in front of family and the heavens was almost a reality.

But would it be just that? A dream? Had he lost the chance to be one with the man who held his heart? A love that was part of his past, present, and future?

No. Their wedding would happen. Wei Ying would find a way out of this situation he got himself into. This was just another puzzle he had to solve.

Every few steps, Wei Ying's legs threatened to give out no matter how hard he tried to maintain his confident pace. However, he refused to be carried by the men dressed in red and white robes surrounding him so he stayed strong. He would not give them the satisfaction of knowing he had been pushed to his limit today.

Lifting his face up to the darkening sky, Wei Ying couldn't help but smile a bit brighter. Twinkling stars winked at him shyly under a glowing sliver of a crescent moon. The way the luminous body was positioned, it looked as if Chang'e was smiling back at him. Absent-mindedly, he touched the crescent shaped birthmark at his hairline.

Was the goddess telling him that everything would be alright? That she was looking down on him, protecting him until he could be reunited with his warrior jade?

Wei Ying sent a little prayer out to Chang'e. He begged the goddess to guard his soulmate, to watch over him until he could once again hold Lan Zhan in his arms. In his heart, Wei Ying swore an oath to her to never leave his beloved jade's side again. And he swore to Lan Zhan, wherever he was, that once he took his hand in his, he would never let go.

Wei Ying pictured the two of them lying under these endless heavens together, wrapped in each other's embrace. He missed the days of them traveling together, sleeping side by side. Even the days he spent in Cloud Recesses filled him with memories he wanted to drown in. His mind conjured up images so vivid of his beautiful man kissing him that Wei Ying could almost feel his jade's soft lips against his.

Wei Ying was still picturing his fiance lying above him, his golden eyes smoldering with insatiable want when they arrived at his room. The head guard unlocked the large door and shoved him inside. The others took their position in and out of the room while the one in charge scanned for anything out of the ordinary. When he was satisfied there was no way for Wei Ying to escape, they left.

Finally alone, Wei Ying breathed a huge sigh of relief.

But his moment of peace was immediately interrupted by a gentle rapping against the door. Wei Ying ignored it, praying that if he didn't answer, whoever it was would go away.

"Wei-gongzi, it's me." Wen Zhuliu announced.

"Leave me alone."

"I only came to make sure you're alright."

"I'm fine. Nothing that a few bottles of wine won't fix."

There was a slight pause giving Wei Ying hope that the obnoxious Wen soldier had actually listened to him. But his luck had apparently run out long ago.

"May we come in, please?" Wen Zhuliu asked politely.

We? Whose we? Wei Ying wondered.

"Fine!" he replied sharply. He wasn't in the mood to see anyone. He just wanted a bath and sleep.

Wen Zhuliu entered first. The smug look on his face made Wei Ying want to exercise his sharp wit. But it was who followed behind him that had him biting tongue.

"You've met our head physician, Lady Qing. I apologize that it wasn't under better circumstances. However, she is here to tend to your wounds and provide you with any medicinal remedies you might require to recover in time for tomorrow's test."

Wei Ying scowled and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I don't want her help."

Wen Qing's gaze sharpened. For a moment, Wei Ying actually considered changing his answer.

"Fine. I'll take my leave then." She turned in a flurry of robes but was stopped by Wen Zhuliu's firm hand on her arm.

"My lady, you must excuse our guest. He's obviously exhausted from his time in the arena. I imagine him to be like an injured animal who will snap at anyone to protect itself."

Wen Zhuliu threw him a taunting gaze. Wei Ying bristled, his scalp tingling with what little resentful energy was still residing in his weakened body.

"Please, stay and tend to him. I'm sure he'll appreciate your help when it comes time for me to call on him tomorrow."

Wen Zhuliu's voice deepened with a dangerous edge. "It will be his most difficult test yet. Even I don't know if he'll survive. Our little demonic cultivator here will need all his strength to impress me again."

With a growl, Wei Ying demanded, "Remove this hideous thing and I'll show you who's little!" His fingers brushed against the jeweled choker. His tired silver eyes flitted between the two Wen's in his room.

Wen Zhuliu released Wen Qing's arm and slowly strolled over to Wei Ying.

"As you wish, young master," he answered obediently. "But I feel I must remind you that the guards over there have already filled their talismans with energy. I'm sure the generals of my armies outside these walls are simply awaiting the final signal to attack."

Wei Ying glanced over at the four guards standing in and out of the doorway. Sure enough, their talismans glowed with core energy. It would only take an instant to fully activate them. An instant for him to condemn his loved ones to death.

He bowed his head in surrender. This was not the time to fight back. He didn't have the strength.

"As I have said before, you are intelligent for one so young. Which is why I have no reservations about removing your collar to allow you to sleep comfortably."

Wei Ying hated the feel of Wen Zhuliu's fingers on his skin as the head Wen soldier undid the binding clasp of the choker. He tried to hide his disgust but he couldn't stop the bile from rising up his throat. Swallowing it back down only made him feel like retching. The sick look on his face had Wen Qing shaking her head as inconspicuously as she could. Wei Ying blinked slowly to acknowledge her concern. He breathed deeply through his nose and exhaled slowly out of his mouth until Wen Zhuliu's hands were no longer touching him.

Once the weight of the choker was off, Wei Ying nearly collapsed onto the floor. Relief at knowing the damn thing couldn't hurt him washed over him in one powerful wave. The intense adrenaline rush during his fights was now completely gone and he swayed on his feet.

Wen Qing and Wen Zhuliu quickly grasped his arms and led him over to the bed. Wei Ying could see the deep concern in the doctor's hazel eyes and tried to reassure her with an unconvincing smile.

"I'm fine. I just need some sleep." he mumbled.

"You can rest after I give you a thorough examination." she replied.

"But I...."

"No buts, Wei-gongzi." Wen Zhuliu interjected. "It's not our desire to see you harmed. I know you don't believe that but it is the truth. My master only wishes to help you cultivate your unique gift so that you can help us unite the clans and preserve peace. You should want that more than anyone. After all, your clan has been at war with the Lans for hundreds of years."

Wen Zhuliu moved about the room casually. Wei Ying carefully listened to what the older man had to say. In his tired mind, Wen Zhuliu's words were tempting. No war. No killing. Only peace. These were all things everyone in his clan had wanted for generations.

But there was something the cunning Wen was not aware of and Wei Ying had to bite his tongue not to reveal the truth.

Stopping in front of Wei Ying, Wen Zhuliu knelt down to look him in the eye. "Wouldn't it be nice not to worry about your loved ones being killed every hour of every day? You could ensure your parents live a long and happy life by helping us unite all the clans."

Wei Ying rolled his eyes. "You mean you want to rule over the clans and keep them under your control."

Wen Qing gave him a sharp look, cautioning him to watch his words. She had been running her hands up and down his back, inspecting the darkening bruises. But now she hesitated. Pretending to focus on one particular spot, she drew symbols on his sensitive skin.

Understanding blossomed in Wei Ying's heart as her nails scratched simple characters out of Wen Zhuliu's line of sight. However, he remained still. 

"Call it what you will, young master. The fact remains that with one leader, order will be maintained. Fewer voices bickering will lead to faster decisions. One set of laws will allow for less confusion as to what is right and what is wrong. And, with your help, we can make sure everyone follows those laws."

Unable to stop himself, Wei Ying shot up from his place on the bed. "And who decided that it should be the Wen's who get to make the rules? Who agreed that your people should be the ones to have the loudest voice? Why does your clan get the right to decide what is right and wrong?"

His entire body was buzzing with anger. The reason the Wen clan wanted him so badly was finally sinking in. Wei Ying was to be the enforcer of their laws, the judge of those who broke them, and the executioner that kept order through absolute fear.

Wei Ying could see a spark of frustration behind the curtain of calmness in Wen Zhuliu's almond eyes as the man stood with him. He wasn't wearing the collar any more and the urge to test his strength against Core-Melting Hand was becoming an unbearable temptation. Both men refused to back down, standing toe to toe in the unnervingly silent room.

"Gentlemen, please." Wen Qing said firmly. She rose and forced her way between the testosterone high men. "This is not helping anyone."

She looked directly up at Wen Zhuliu. "If you want me to examine him, maybe it's better if you leave. He's not going anywhere and I promise to give you a full report as soon as I'm done."

Then she turned to Wei Ying. "Wei-gongzi, you have many small injuries that could become serious if I do not tend to them. I'm sure you don't want to perish in the arena tomorrow. How will you ever see Hanguang-Jun again if you're nothing but a corpse?"

Wei Ying's eyes fell to her petite face. She was looking at him with sincere concern. Wen Zhuliu appeared like he was about to protest the mentioning of the Second Jade's title but she flashed him one of her threatening looks. To Wei Ying's shock, Wen Zhuliu huffed and turned towards the door.

"I want your report as soon as you're done."

"Of course." she replied dutifully.

Pausing before he walked through the doorway, Wen Zhuliu looked back at Wei Ying.

"Do as the doctor says. She is the best physician I have ever met. I will have food brought to your room immediately. Please eat it. You'll need your strength for tomorrow. I wasn't joking when I said I didn't know if you'd survive the next test. So prepare yourself, Wei-gongzi. And pray he's in a playful mood tomorrow."

Without waiting for Wei Ying to answer, Wen Zhuliu spun and walked out the door in a flurry of robes.

Wen Qing was ready when Wei Ying leaned into her. She guided him back to the bed and sat down next to him. Wasting no time, she resumed her examination of the exhausted young man. Diligent fingers sought out the smallest cuts and bruises. And there were many.

Wei Ying had received some medical training from his grandmother. He understood why Wen Qing was being so thorough. Even though his injuries seemed insignificant on the surface, the real damage was often hidden below. It could take hours or days before he would feel the full extent of the abuse on his body.

By the time she was done, Wei Ying was nearly asleep. Her touch had been warm and soothing. In a way, it had felt like his mother's. A sense of familiarity spread through him as his muscles relaxed, his mind calming.

"You need to eat, Wei-gongzi."

"Tired," he said weakly. Wei Ying tried to lay down but Wen Qing forced him to remain upright.

"Stay," she ordered with a firm yet kind voice.

And so he did. Wen Qing's soft footsteps faded and then returned. A cup of cold water was placed on his lips and Wei Ying grabbed it from her hands. Throwing his head back, he gulped back the life-giving fluid. He hadn't known he was so thirsty. She refilled it for him three more times before his throat no longer burned.

There was a knock on the door. Wei Ying jumped up. His fight or flight senses were still on high alert even if his body was barely holding itself up.

Wen Qing placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "It's just the food. Sit."

Wei Ying looked at her with wary eyes. He still wasn't sure how much he could trust her. If the Wen's still had her brother, they still had leverage over her. However, at this moment, she seemed confident and in control. She also spoke in very few words which sort of reminded him of Lan Zhan. It was comforting, actually.

Unable to keep his brave facade up any longer, Wei Ying plunked back down on the edge of the mattress. With cautious eyes, he watched her accept the tray of food from a curious servant and close the door.

Wei Ying eyed the bowl of congee and wrinkled his nose. Wen Qing tried to fight back the smile threatening to make an appearance but it slipped across her painted lips anyway. Realizing that they had both been pretending, Wei Ying smiled defeatedly at her.

"Your body is weak." she explained. "It won't have the energy to digest anything heavy. I had the kitchen add a few extra ingredients to help hasten your recovery."

"Can I at least have some wine?" he whined. Turning his big, pleading silver eyes towards her, he gave her a tiny pout hoping to have at least something that tasted good.

"Absolutely not."

Wei Ying huffed like an angry dragon and crossed his arms.

Trying not to giggle at the young man's antics, Wen Qing raised a spoonful of congee up to his pressed lips.

"I'm not doing this for Wen Zhuliu or Wen Rouhan. I'm doing this for you." she said quietly. When Wei Ying refused to open his mouth, she added, "And for Hanguang-Jun."

Wei Ying's head snapped around so fast Wen Qing thought she might have to realign his neck.

"Lan Zhan?"

She nodded while coaxing him to eat the bland congee. "I have an idea of how to get you out of here. But...."

Wei Ying waited for her to continue but when Wen Qing remained silent, her thoughts somewhere else, he took her free hand in his.

"I know how dangerous this must be for you. And I would understand completely if you decided not to help me."

Wen Qing looked up with worried eyes. "You're right. But it's not me I'm worried about."

"It's Wen Ning, your didi." Wei Ying released her hand and watched it slip away.

Wen Qing paused. She fed him another spoonful on congee. When Wei Ying ate it without complaint, her expression softened. He gave her a smile, one filled with understanding but edged with disappointment. Wen Qing set the bowl aside and shifted closer to Wei Ying. She looked around the room nervously.

Satisfied they were truly alone, she said quietly, "I've seen your jade."

"You've seen Lan Zhan?! He's here?!"

"Shhhhh." Wen Qing replied, her hand flying up to cover Wei Ying's mouth. "Yes. I've seen him and talked to him. I have a way to get you to him but it's very risky."

Wei Ying yanked her hand away. "I don't care. I was stupid. I left him when I promised to stay by his side. I have to get back to him. Whatever it takes, I'll do it."

Wen Qing just stared at him. She seemed to weighing her options, deciding on whether or not the risk was worth it. Wei Ying grasped her hand in both of his. He looked at her with pleading, tear laden eyes. He couldn't lose this opportunity at escaping, not when there was finally a light at the end of the very dark tunnel he'd been trapped in for days.

"Please," he said, his voice nearly breaking. "He's my soulmate. If anything happens to him because he came here to save me, I'll never forgive myself. I love him. He is my heart and my life. I'm begging you, help me get back to him."

Wen Qing sighed. "I'll tell you my plan. And then you can decide if the risk is worth it."

Wei Ying's head nodded excitedly, his beautiful smile gracing his lips once more.

With every spoonful of the blank congee Wei Ying ate, Wen Qing went over the steps of her plan. Wei Ying listened so intently he hadn't even realized that the bowl was now empty and his stomach full. His mind was playing out all the scenarios of what could go wrong, which were many, but in the end, there wasn't anything he wasn't willing to risk to get back to his precious Lan Zhan.

"Here," Wen Qing said, handing him a piece of paper that had been folded so many times it looked no bigger than a moth's wing.

Wei Ying's hand trembled as he took the tiny note. Until he touched it, he didn't think it was real. His face was glowing for the first time since he arrived and Wen Qing couldn't stop the tender smile lifting her painted lips. Silver eyes that had been darkened with the pain of separation were now sparkling with hope.

"I need you to respond with a message of your own so Hanguang-Jun trusts me and follows through with his part of our plan." she explained. "Keep it short but personal so he'll know it came from you."

Wei Ying struggled to open the note, not wanting to damage the fragile parchment. His hands were shaking so badly he was afraid he would rip the thin paper. Wen Qing gently placed her hands over his and took the message from him. Once it was opened, she handed it back to him. Wei Ying read the characters quickly scribbled onto it and choked back a sob.

I am coming for you my dancer

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