Intimate || Les Twins

By CrownMeLiar

35.5K 1.3K 390

Every intimacy carries secreted somewhere below its initial lovely surfaces, the ever-coiled makings of compl... More

1. LIV
2. Decisions
3. Closer
4. Arrival
5. I Feel It
6. His Eyes
7. Shots!
8. Her Lies
10. Promises: Part 2
11. Catch Me I'm Falling
12. Blackout
13. Toujours
14. Take Your Medicine
15. Resentment
16. Sexual Frustration
17. On One Knee
18. To Be or Not To Be
19. Wish Granted
20. Tired of Crying: Part 1
21. Tired of Crying: Part 2
22. Emotions
23. Tell Me A Secret
24. Sooner or Later
25. Mon Bébé
26. Small Changes
27. His Happiness
28. Unveiled At Last
29. Too Many Games
30. Enfant De L'amour
31. My Baby
32. Back To Normal
33. Woman Of His Dreams
34. No Mistakes
35. Pick & Choose
36. Through Bad Times
37. Welcome Home
38. Cold Feet
39. Mysteries Unfolded
40. New Additions
41. Inprisonment?
42. Awakening
Thank You

9. Promises: Part 1

835 33 10
By CrownMeLiar

a/n: I'm not too sure if talk ever notice what I put in the MM but yeah.. There's always something there lol. Hope you enjoy this chapter

chapter is un-edited, will be fixed soon.


January 21, 8:30am

Shakel slowly pulled herself out of bed and went straight downstairs. As she walked downstairs she held her stomach and thought to herself. "Okay okay I'm going to feed you."

"Happy birthday biiiiitch!" Aaliyah said waving her hand in the air. Shakel smiled.

"Thank you biiiitch!" Shakel said sitting at the counter.

Larry came over with a plate of breakfast and set it in front of her. He gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Happy birthday baby!"

"Thank you!" She said hugging him at the waist.

"I made you breakfast. I hope you like it, I cook good though so I think you will." He nodded and looked at Aaliyah. She agreed.

"He really does cook good, it's kinda like how I cook. It taste different but it's good different." Aaliyah added.

Shakel picked up her fork and started to eat. After a few bites she dropped her fork and ran to the bathroom covering her mouth. She threw up whatever was on her stomach. Larry looked at Aaliyah confused then went to help Shakel. She was on her knees with her head in the toilet, throwing up her life. "You no like my food?" Larry said sounding upset. Shakel was too busy to answer. Larry went and rubbed her back to soothe her. After a few minutes she finished and sat there on the floor with her legs to her chest.

"You ok? My food is that bad?" Larry asked a little discouraged.

She shook her head. "No your food is good. I just don't feel good for some reason.." She said getting up and heading back upstairs.

As Larry walked back into the kitchen, Laurent was coming down the stairs. "What happened to Kel? She look sick."

Larry grabbed Shakel's plate and dumped it in the trash. "Elle a vomi après avoir mangé ma nourriture..(she vomited after eating my food)"

"Oh no, why that happen? You cook good!" Laurent said patting his brother on the back.

Aaliyah shook her head. "Ce est pas pourquoi. (thats not why)" She said as she focused on painting leopard print on the cake she made. Larry didn't really think about what she said because he was so upset.

"I'm going to take a shower." He said then walked upstairs.

"What is that? What you making baby?" Laurent said walking up behind Aaliyah wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his head on her shoulder.

"I told Shakel I'd make her a cake for her birthday and I did that, I just have to paint it." Aaliyah said painting irregular shaped red circles on the white fondant. Laurent watched her carefully as her steady hands worked.

"I didn't know you bake! Can I help?"

She chuckled, "Uhh.. Sure. And just so you know, there's a lot of things you don't know about me."
She put down her paint brush and went to get the second cake tier out of the refrigerator. He watched her grab the smaller cake and put on the island where she was working. He walked to the sink to wash his hands then back to the island.

"What am I doing?" He asked drying his hands.

"Do you know how to ice a cake?" She asked grabbing the buttercream frosting she made earlier. He nodded. "Are you sure?" She asked again.

"Baby don't worry I won't mess up." He reassured her. He picked up the spatula and started to ice the cake and surprisingly he was doing it right without her having to tell him exactly what to do. "See. Go paint."

She went back to painting the bigger cake tier and finished right when he finished icing the smaller cake completely and evenly. She moved the stuff she was just using to the side and grabbed some powder sugar and sprinkled it on the counter then she unwrapped this big dough like blob of icing and put it on the sugar. She started to knead it until the sugar was completely gone off of the counter. He watched her hands carefully. The way she pressed, pulled and rolled the icing around was intriguing. Something about seeing her work turned him on. She started talking to him but he wasn't paying attention because he was too deep in his dirty thoughts.

"Can you do that?"

"Huh?" He said snapping out of his thoughts, licking his lips at her in the process.

She looked at him confused. "What are you even thinking about?"

"Mmm.. You look so sexy right now. I don't know." He admitted.

"Oh lord.. Even if I had time for that, I wouldn't do it. Calm down please."

He chuckled. "I am calm.. You'll have time later, it's okay. I can wait. Maybe." He said then went on to ask what he was to do next. She told him and he did just that, a lot better than she expected. He was a fast learner and she liked that. Within a few minutes he finished placing the fondant on the cake and he watched her do everything else.
He admired her dedication to making the cake perfect. He watched her face while she concentrated on painting the small cake, little things he noticed is what he loved most. From the way she bit her lip while she did something steady to how she squinted her eyes as she checked her work. After a few minutes he finally realized something else that was new to him. The black frames that rested high on the bridge of her nose. "When did you start wearing glasses?" He asked.

"Uhh, when I was like 15." She answered keeping her eyes on what she was doing. She stacked the two different sized fondant covered cakes and put on her finishing touches. Where the two cakes met, she wrapped a pink piece of fondant cut to look like a ribbon around. Then she placed the piece that was made to look like a bow in the center of the ribbon. She finished off her work by placing a red number 22 on short sticks through the top tier of the cake. She wrote Shakel's name on the cake board in pink icing and she was finally done. After hours of working on the cake she finally finished and hoped Shakel liked it.

"Kel is going to love this cake!" Laurent said getting up and walking to the other side to see the front of the cake. "I love it and it's not even mine." He said kissing her on the cheek.

"Thanks hun." She smiled.

Laurent looked at Aaliyah and bit his lip. Almost like she could read his mind, she quickly moved away from him and started cleaning up her work space. He gasped lightly. "I don't get why you do this to me, Liyah." He said watching how she danced to the music while she washed dishes.

"It will all be worth it, you'll see." She giggled.



Shakel got dressed and threw on a blue hoodie and some jeans then put on her shoes. She went downstairs and heard the twins talking in the kitchen but there was someone else with them that wasn't Aaliyah. They were speaking in French and laughing. Shakel turned the corner and seen the twins and Aaliyah's mom. Renae stood up and went over to Shakel with open arms and a smile. "Happy birthday sweetheart!" She said giving Shakel a hug.

"Thank you mom!" Shakel said hugging back.

Renae stepped back and looked at Shakel. She looked like she was about to say something but she wasn't sure if she wanted to or not. "I have a gift for you in the car, come with me." She said starting to walk toward the front door. "Attendre. (hold on)" she said to the twins as her and Shakel walked out the door. They walked to the car and talked.

"Does he know?" Renae asked opening the trunk and grabbing the tall gift bag out. She handed it to Shakel and gave her a small smile.

"Uhh.. Know what?" Shakel said acting confused.

"Don't think I don't know. You have that certain glow to you. So answer my question, does he know?"

Shakel looked down at the gift bag. "Well, HE knows, Larry doesn't.. Yet."

Renae stared at her with a blank face. She shook her head and started cursing and mumbling in French and walked back toward the house. "I don't even know what you're saying but I know you're disappointed, I'm sorry." Shakel said walking behind Renae. Renae turned around and looked at Shakel and shook her head.
"I know Larry loves you, I can tell how he talks about you. He told me how you got sick this morning when he cooked for you, he was and still is upset because he thinks you didn't like it. He may not know that he loves you but he does. So you have to tell him, it's best you do it now." Shakel nodded. They went into the house and into the kitchen and seen Aaliyah standing there. She was wearing black leggings with guns on them, a white cami, a jean jacket with some Doc Martens and to finish her look a black beanie that said Brooklyn. Everyone started singing happy birthday when they seen Shakel. The candles on her cake were lit and she was surprised to see the cake Aaliyah promised to make. She was excited and didn't know what to do or say she just smiled and stared at the two tier leopard print cake. Larry recorded with his phone, who knows what he was going to do with that. They finished singing and she blew out the candles and thanked everyone.

"Do you want to cut it now or when we get back?" Aaliyah asked.

"Now. You know I love cake!" Shakel laughed looking through the drawer for a knife. "I'll have some when we get back too. Where's the good knife?"

Larry looked at her wondering if she was going to get sick after eating the cake Aaliyah made. He was still recording with his phone and decided to stop and put it away. "Quel genre de gâteau est-il ? (what kind of cake is it?)" he asked Aaliyah.

"Chocolate." She said handing Shakel a knife. Laurent shoved Larry out of the way wanting to get a piece of the cake. Laurent has always loved chocolate. Chocolate anything. He'll eat it if it was chocolate.

"Oh lá lá..(oh my)" Larry said.

"Yeah I want a piece too." Laurent said smiling at Aaliyah and Shakel.

Shakel cut Laurent and herself a slice of cake and they ate it. Everyone continued to talk but Larry and Renae had a private conversation in the living room.

"Tu l'aimes, n'est-ce pas ? (You love her, dont you?)" Renae asked.

Larry gave her a small nod and smile. "Je ne lui ai encore rien dit.. D'accord. (I haven't told her yet.. I will.)"

"Elle est comme ma fille.. Je le connais bien. Elle t'aime. (She's like my daughter.. I know her well. She loves you.)" She smiled and grabbed his hands. "Je t'en supplie, ne renonce pas à elle. (Please, please, please don't give up on her.)" She begged. "Quoi qu'il arrive. (No matter what.)"
He looked at her slightly confused. He didn't know why she was saying that but he didn't think to much of it.

"Je promets.( I promise)" He said then everyone started heading for the front door.

"Which beach are you going to?" Renae asked getting in her car.

"Which beach do you want to go to Shakel?" Aaliyah asked.

"Um.. Dockweiler. I don't feel like being around a bunch of people." Shakel answered putting her hands in her hoodie pocket.

"I was gonna say you should go there because its nice right now." Her mom added. "Y'all have fun though." She said before driving off.

"Bye mom!" Aaliyah and Shakel said waving. "Love you!" Aaliyah said last.

"Au revoir maman ! (Bye mom)" The twins said playfully mocking the girls. "Amour vous (love you)" They mocked Aaliyah.

Renae shook her head laughing and said bye to the twins then drove off. Aaliyah first slapped Larry in the arm then pointed at Laurent. "Don't fucking mock me. I don't sound like that." She said then got in the car. Larry rubbed his arm and they all got in the car and started their journey to the beach. It took a good 45 minutes to get there due to traffic but it wasn't a bad. Once they got there yet parked and got the stuff they needed out of the trunk and headed to the spot they wanted. They sat everything up while Aaliyah got the fire started. Laurent was surprised to see her do something like that because he always seen her as girly. She went from baking a cake earlier that morning to fully setting up a bonfire at night? It was a real sight to see. After getting the fire started, Aaliyah stood up and wiped the sand off of her leggings and hands.

"Who taught you how to do that?" Laurent asked.

She laughed. "I taught myself. I love playing with fire." She looked at Lau with a smirk. He grabbed her hand and pulled her down on to his lap.

Larry sat next to Shakel and watched her eat marshmallows out of the bag. He looked across at his older brother and seen how him and Aaliyah were so close while him and Shakel seemed to be distant. "Baby.." He said almost in a whisper.

"Hmm?" She responded not looking up from the giant marshmallow she was putting on a skewer. She scooted her chair closer to the fire and held her marshmallow over it. He stayed quiet not because he didn't know what to say, but because he didn't know how to say it. "Uh.."

"What Larry? I know I'm fat shut up." She said with a slight attitude.

"Huh? No, you not fat." He said laughing casually. "I have a question."

She turned toward him to give him her undivided attention.

"Why you don't talk to me lately? It's like a month you been acting funny. What I do wrong baby?" He said not looking her in the eyes. Shakel felt so bad. It was time for her to tell him what was up. Did she want to? Not really because she didn't want to hurt him.

"You didn't do anything at all, really, it's just me. But I don't want to talk about that right now. We'll talk about it later okay?" She said warming him up to the idea of a real conversation later. She started eating the marshmallow she roasted and by now had cooled off. He nodded.

"Come here." He said pointing to the empty sandy spot next to him. She dragged her chair over next to him and sat with one of the chocolate bars for the s'mores in her lap. She broke off pieces of it while her and Larry made small talk about the cake Aaliyah made.

With nothing but the sound of waves, the fire and the beautiful night sky around it made everything peaceful for both couples. After about an hour of being there, Aaliyah fell asleep balled up against Laurent's chest because of the sounds of the waves gently crashing against the shore not too far away from them. That was something that never failed to happen when she went to the beach anywhere. She always fell asleep. But it was nice for her since she had lost a few hours of sleep because she had to work on Shakel's cake. Shakel and Larry were off walking along the beach near the water, not really saying anything but just enjoying each other's company. It was around 9:30 when they decided to leave. Aaliyah poured water of the fire extinguishing it immediately causing smoke to fill the air. Then she threw sand on top of it then stomped on top of it. They packed everything up and headed back to the car to go home. As soon as they got in Aaliyah went to take a shower first because she had the most to do to get ready for the night out at the club. After her shower she started on her hair and ended with her makeup. Overall it was a simple look. She sprayed through her hair with a light holding spray to keep her hair from frizzing up at any time during the night and that was it for her hair. She started on her makeup and as always Lau was somewhere on the side watching her closely.

"You do everything perfect." Laurent commented before starting to get ready. Him getting ready really only consisted of him changing his shirt twice and putting on his jewelry.

10 minutes later Aaliyah was dressed and was now doing Shakel's hair and makeup. She started with her makeup because it wouldn't take long. She gave her a simple smokey eye with glitter, applied her lashes then her eyeliner. She lined her lips with red lip liner then finished with red lipstick. Next, Aaliyah started straightening Shakel's hair which took about 30 minutes to do. Laurent again came back to watch what Aaliyah was doing, again fascinated by her techniques. He watched how she feathered Shakel's bang and how her hands moved around with the straightener and comb in her hand. She pulled out some edge control and started sleeking her edges down. "Alright you're done." Aaliyah said turning the chair toward the mirror so that Shakel could see herself.

"Yass bitch I look good! Thank you!" Shakel said running her fingers through her hair. She got up and went off to get dressed.

Aaliyah grabbed her tools and put everything away and back to their nice order. For the first time ever Laurent asked to take pictures with her. At first she wasn't sure about the idea but then figured she looked good so why not. They took multiple selfies making funny faces and straight faces and some simple smiles. "I want to post some of these."

"You can only post them if my face isn't in them." Aaliyah said looking through the pictures of herself on her phone.

He groaned. "Now we have to take pictures without your face in them." She shrugged. "Larry! Are you ready yet?" Laurent yelled as he got up and went to fetch his brother.

The group headed out around 11 and made it to the club 20 minutes later. They went to their VIP section and like a month ago, Larry ordered a round of group shots. When the bottle girl brought the tray of shots everyone grabbed one except Shakel.

"Come on! Just one for you birthday." Larry said trying to get Shakel to take the shot.

"I don't want to drink tonight." She said sliding the shot away from herself.

Now Shakel was just acting strange in Larry's opinion. "What? When do you not want to take a shot? Come on." He said sliding it back toward her.

"I'm not drinking tonight." She said sternly.

Larry rolled his eyes and groaned. "Sucer ma bite..(suck my dick..)" He took his shot and walked away from the group.

Aaliyah and Lau both looked at Larry in shock. Shakel just shook it off and ignored Larry's childishness. The night went on as normal everyone was in good spirits and enjoying their night. Larry and Shakel were dancing having fun until someone bumped into Shakel purposely. "What the hell dude." Shakel said stepping back.

"If it ain't my little sex toy, Shakel."

"Please leave me alone Terrence." Shakel said already irritated just by the sound of his voice.

He laughed. "Who is this?? That fuck boy Larry you left me for? Is that who this is?" Terrence asked smirking devilishly.

"Fuck boy? Who the fuck are you?" Larry responded.

"Oh that's why you left me huh Shakel? Cause he's a foreign nigga."

Aaliyah was watching from their VIP section and she immediately felt like something was going to happen. She didn't hear what they were saying but she knew it wasn't good. She moved as fast as her heels would let her and got through the crowded club as quick as she could. Laurent of course wasn't too far behind her. "Hey I want to order some food for our section. You guys should come back up."

"Oh you have that annoying bitch with you too? Y'all having a party or some shit? I see she's still alone though." Terrence laughed. "You trying to get this dick too just like Shakel?"

"What did you say to her?" Larry said stepping closer to Terrence getting ready to defend Aaliyah.

"I know your bitch ass ain't trynna defend her bitch ass."

"Nigga you got me fucked up in the worst way! First of all-" Aaliyah started but was cut off by Terrence putting his hand in her face.

"Bitch shut up! Always got something smart to say.. Annoying." He said holding his hand out.

Laurent came up and quickly pushed his hand away. "Let's get out of here." He said ready to leave the club entirely. He didn't want any drama to start.

"I'm ready to go home." Shakel said feeling that her birthday celebration was ruined.

"Oh yeah, Kel, you tell yo little boyfriend about how you was suckin' and fucking me a few weeks ago?" Terrence smirked feeling accomplished of ruining the good time the group was supposed to be having. Larry looked at Shakel highly confused but he didn't think too hard about it. He was more focused on why this guy insisted on harassing them and called everyone out of their name. Terrence stepped closer to Larry and shoved him back then swung at his face but Larry ducked and in an instant Laurent shoved Terrence away from his brother and grabbed him by his shirt.

"Don't ever put your fucking hands on my twin!" Laurent yelled getting ready to punch him but quickly unhanded Terrence once he heard Aaliyah tell him not to do anything. Terrence looked back and forth between Larry and Lau barely noticing they were twins. The group started to walk away before anything serious happened.

"Aye Aaliyah! Call me, I'd love to hit that anytime." Terrence said slapping her ass as she turned away. "That ass looking fat in that skirt ma!"

Aaliyah stopped in her tracks and slowly turned back toward him. "Why the fuck would you slap my ass? I will stab you with this heel nigga!" She said with her fists clenched at her sides. She was trying to calm herself down because if she were to react she knows they'd get kicked out. But before she could react Laurent did. He drew his arm back and punched Terrence in his nose causing it to break and start bleeding immediately. Larry rushed over to stop his brother from beating the guy to his death because once Lau gets started he will finish.

"Non, arrêtez ! Arrêtez ! Tu ne pouvez pas faire cela ici ! (No, stop! Stop! You can't do that here!)" Larry yelled grabbing and pulling Laurent back.

People were standing around staring at Terrence who was on the floor covering his nose and mouth area. Laurent pushed Larry off of him and stormed out of the club with Aaliyah following right behind him. "Lau!" She called out over the sound of her clicking heels against the concrete. Laurent stopped and turned to face Aaliyah but didn't say anything. Larry and Shakel were further behind her not wanting to get in the middle of their conversation. Seeing all of the anger and frustration in his face was almost scary, Laurent didn't look like himself. She looked at him for a moment then pulled him into a hug. "I love you so much, thank you." Her hug calmed him down.

"I love you more." He said hugging back.

Everyone continued to walk to the car to go home. The night couldn't get any worse could it?

"What was he talking about you fucking him? What you not telling me Shakel?" Larry said walking with Shakel holding her hand.

"We'll talk when we get home." Shakel said and let go of his hand to walk ahead. Larry was still confused but he hoped he would get the answers he wanted.

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