Consequences ( Book 3 in the...

By Island12spice

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This is book 3 in the Hijacked of Innocence series. This is not a stand alone book and should be read in s... More

Chapter 2. Life Catches Up
Chapter 1. Loose Ends
Chapter 3. Life Happens
Chapter 5. Boom!!!
Chapter 7. War of The Willbrooks
Chapter 8. Eric 3.0
Chapter 6. Nothing But The Truth
Chapter 10. Willbrooks vs Willbrooks
Chapter 11. The Brawl
Chapter 12. Life - A GAME OF CHESS?
Chapter 9. Deal Or No Deal
Chapter 13. Some Sexual Healing
Chapter 14. Destiny
Chapter 15 Love or Control?
Chapter 16. Love is Not Enough
Chapter 17. Love Hurts
Chapter 18. The Limit
Chapter 19. What's Next?
Chapter 21. The Gala
Chapter 22. The Gala - Part 2
Chapter 23. Sunrise
Chapter 25. Poking The Bear
Chapter 20. Always Home
Chapter 26. Island Standards
Chapter 27. All About Jess
Chapter 28. Brotherly Love
Chapter 24. The Alien Visits
Chapter 29. Then Face to Face
Chapter 30. Unlikely Partnership
Chapter 31. The Pursuit
Chapter 32. Only Magic
Chapter 33. A little More Magic
Chapter 34. The Choice
Chapter 35. "Say Something"
Chapter 36. A Heart to Heart
Chapter 37. Spill It
Chapter 38. Are We Done?
Chapter 39. Perception
CHAPTER 41. Truth or Dare
Chapter 42. Truth
Chapter 43. THIS NIGHT
Chapter 44. This Night-Tanya's POV
Chapter 45. HOPE
Chapter 46. MY HERO
Chapter 47. Trick or Treat.
Chapter 49. Haunted
Chapter 50. Her Move.
Chapter 51. No She Didn't
Chapter 52. The Wish
Chapter 53. Help!
Chapter 54. The Big Reveal
Chapter 55. The Unravelling
Chapter 56. Under Their Noses
Chapter 57. The Secret Safe
Chapter 58. Silent Night
Chapter 59. Mila
Chapter 60. Only Jah Knows
Chapter 61. Fingers Cross All
Chapter 62. Her Father's Daughter
Chapter 63. Another Hiccup
Chapter 64. Love is Not Enough
Chapter 66. REAL is REAL part 2
Chapter 67. Paradise Lost???
Chapter 68. My Purple Pain
Chapter 69: Only You
Epilogue: All About Her

Chapter 48. Life Little Things

48 7 37
By Island12spice

Eric walked Tanya out to her car.  She was headed West and him North.  

"I cant believe I made you talk me into hooking up at this hotel."

Tanya laughed.  "It didn't take much to talk you into going." 

"Nope, I was walking around with a hard dick since last night."

"Well I could tell that you like your treat."

"Like? I fucking love it.  All I could do was hum.  You are kinky as fuck."

"I am married to a Kinky as fuck dude."  

"We have to talk later about what happened in that hotel room.  Like when, how, where you learn to do what you did." He said getting all serious.

"Eric you taught me.  Its just that we have not been on the same page for a long time for me to do it." 

He fixed her hair and kissed her again.  "Did I tell you today how much I love you?"


"Let me tell you again, I fucking love you."

Tanya laughed.  "Will I ever get you to stop cursing?" 

Eric smiled that lopsided smile.  "No fucking way."

He said goodbye to Tanya and headed to his truck.  He could not believe who was headed his way.  

'What the fuck is she doing at a hotel this early in the day, then again she is probably wondering the same about me.'  

He was sure that she was at the hotel  fucking someone's husband.  

"I thought that was you.  Who was that you just kissed.  Hmm things cant be that great at home if you fucking around this early in the day.  I wonder what your prim and proper wife  would say about this?"

'Prim and proper? That is laughable considering what just happened in that hotel room. She has no fucking  clue who my wife is.'

He was tempted to tell her to go and tell Tanya, but then again he did not want this crazy bitch anywhere near his family.  

"That sounds like a threat to me, or is it blackmail?  Are you threatening me Lola?"

"I am just wondering what you are up to with a woman that is not your wife."

"It's none of your fucking business.  Do you like your job at the bank?" Eric asked.

"I loved my job working for you." She replied.

'Is this bitch trying to blackmail me into giving her back her job?' 

"Who or what is  most precious to you Lola?" He asked.

Lola's eyes popped out.  "Now who is threatening who?" 

"You are fucking with the wrong person.  You should be careful that you don't lose that job or something  even more precious to you.   Stay the fuck away from me and my wife."  He said  and walked off.


Rick was fuming when Eric walked into the office later that morning.  Linden was also there.  Eric shook his head as he heard  his father complaining to Linden about him.  Of late Eric thought he could do nothing right in his father's eyes.  Eric wondered why  Linden was there.  It was very rare that Linden left his compound in the hills to visit the business.

'Tell me Dad didn't call Linden in to complain about me.'

Linden rarely checked in unless he was needed.  He tend to leave the running of the business to Eric and Rick.  Eric thought, however,  that this was good that he was there, becasue he wanted to talk to both his father and Uncle about Tanya's project.   Before Rick could call him into his office to chastise him for being late again, Eric called them both into his office. 

"I hope this is about  the business because I am fucking tired of  you and your family drama." Rick said as he entered Eric's office. 

Linden walked in and took a seat, but Rick choose to stand.  "Sit down Dad.  I am sure you will need to when you hear what  I am about to say."

"I will stand, because I don't intend to stay long."

"Suit yourself," Eric said.

"So what is the big news?  I can tell this is huge." Linden smiled.

"Johnson Super Stores  wants Willbrooks to build  shopping centers that will house  Johnson Super Stores among other stores ... eight shoping centers in total throughout the island and they are even thinking of expanding to other islands." Eric said.

Linden got up and paced and Rick took his chair.  "I told you that you would need to sit when you hear this." Eric joked.  

The two men were speechless.  Linden was the first to speak.  "What are you not telling us? I know that woman ... Edie Johnson would never contract with us to build anything except maybe our coffins." 

"Well Johnson Super Stores are no longer Edie's."  Eric said.  

"Stop dropping bits of information Aya and tell us the whole story." Linden said.

"Tanya bought out her mother.  Johnson Super Stores are now hers."

"Bombo cloth,  a wa yu a seh to me?" Linden cursed.

"Tanya bought out her mother? You mean you bought out the Johnsons. Tanya does not have that kind of money to buy anything," Rick finally said.

"It's all semantics Dad."

 "Semantics my ass, its not semantics when it comes to money boy. You do whatever you want with your money as long as you don't commit Willbrooks to anything or drag us into another shit show with these people." Rick said.

"Rick, sit the fuck down and let  the man talk."

"Why the fuck do I even bother talking to you about him.  He is just like you, more so every fucking day."

The two brothers looked at each other.  It was clear that Linden and Eric were losing patience with Rick.

"Willbrooks is not on the hook for anything Dad. Like you said it is MY money and what is mine is hers."

"Good. Just so we are clear on that." Rick said.

"Now what is this about us building shopping centers? That is a fucking huge undertaking, not just for her but for us too.  How is she financing it?" Linden asked.   

"She has financing through the bank all backed by the current business assets, however, I know that you like to invest in the community Linden.  Do you want to put some of that money you are hiding to use by investing in the community?" Eric asked. "We are talking jobs."

"Wait up, dont you think that she is moving too fast? She has no experience running a multimillion dollar business or are you planning on leaving Willbrooks to run that business?  We are not talking a mom and pop store here.  We are talking real estate rental and leasing of the space once its completed." Rick said.

'Here we fucking go again. I may leave Willbrooks, but not to run Tanya's business.  He is getting on my last fucking nerve.' 

"Dad what is your problem? Who said anything about me leaving Willbrooks? This is all Tanya's. I didn't even want to take on this project,  but I want it done right and I know we are the one company on this island that can do it right."   

Linden looked at his brother.  "The train is going to leave your ass behind.  I think what she is doing is brilliant.  We need that on the island.  Edie does not have the vision for that type of shit but I respect her for realizing that  and selling the business to her daughter who does.  Maybe you should consider doing the same Rick.  You are  totally underestimating these kids." Linden said. 

Rick looked from Eric to Linden.  "What are you saying?" 

"I am saying that maybe it's time you step back like Edie did and let Eric run the show here."

"Look, I am not interested in taking your place here Dad, but it would be nice if  you give my ideas a chance sometimes.  You dont even want to listen to me." Eric quickly interjected.

There was silence for a moment as the three Willbrooks let what was said sink in.

"So ... the million dollar question is should Willbrooks take on this project? Do we have the capacity to take it on and do such a fucking great job that it will be the talk of the region...Eight shopping centers across the island, the first one  right here downtown." Eric crossed his fingers under his desk and waited.

"I say we do it." Linden said.

"I dont want any problem with the Johnsons over this.  To be honest I dont trust any Johnson.  We would need a big chunk of the money upfront, this way we dont end up holding the bag in case they change their minds in the middle of construction." Rick said.  

"Dad. I am telling you that we will not be dealing with Edie or her children.  The only Johnson we will be dealing with is Tanya."

"That right there is the problem Eric.  And forgive me for saying this, but that girl changes her mind like people change underwear.  She never knows for sure what she wants which is evident in the chaos in your relationship with her." Rick said.

Eric couldn't blame his father for being cautious.  Tanya had been all over the place since their marriage, one minute she is out, next minute she is in.  The blame was not just hers but his too. Their life had been like a roller coaster ride and chaotic to say the least, but there has been a change  since she took on the business  and a huge change in their relationship.  It seemed like they had finally found happiness.   

"Dad, I will talk to her  and let her know that once she signs the contract she is in." 

"Yes let her understand what this entails.  And you work on the cost structure and timing for completion.  The sooner we can complete it, the better for everyone concern."  

"So we all set?" Linden asked looking at his brother.

Rick nodded and left.     


Linden shook his head.  "I can tell that your father is still not comfortable with this move, but I think its a brilliant one for you and Tanya."  

"So how is everything going with you and Tanya really.  You not doing this to tie her to you, are you? Because if you are, this is one fucking huge gamble." Linden said getting  serious.

"Life in itself is a gamble, but I dont have a motive for giving her the money to buy the business.  She really wants this and I couldn't not do it for her, when it is in my power to do so." 

"We are finally on the same page." Eric continued.

Linden placed his fist to his heart.  "I am so happy for you son." 

  "So what brings you down here?" Eric asked.

Linden rubbed his jaw.  "Well  its been a while since I saw you." 

"So you are here becasue you miss me?" Eric was sceptical.

  Linden smiled that lopsided smile that was so similar Eric's.  "Sure I miss you Aya, but I wanted to talk to you about Steph,"

That got Eric's attention but not in a good way.  "Stephanie? Something wrong with her?"

"No, nothing, we got those braces off her legs yesterday.  She is walking normal now." Linden reported.

"That is good to hear.  So what is bothering you about her?"

"She is getting older everyday Eric.  She is almost the same age as Ericka."

"I know, almost four."  What he really would have wanted was to raise the kid himself regardless of whether he was her father, but he could never ask Tanya to take that on. 

 "With the upcoming holidays and the family getting together, I was just wondering  if it's not time that you find out if she is yours ... or not."

Eric got up and paced his office.  He looked out the window.  Things were finally looking up in his marriage.  This little girl could be the undoing of him and Tanya ... again. Should he risk finding this out now? He wondered. 

"Do you know Uncle ... if she is mine?" 

Linden got up and embraced his nephew.  "Since you became a man, you only call me uncle - without the Linden when you are worried .... and scared.  There is no harm done in finding out if she is yours son."

"No? If I find out now, I will have to bring up the whole shit to Tanya again and she will never accept Stephanie.  I know it.  I think it is best if things remain as they are for now." 

"Eric she already knows about Steph.  She knows the kid is out there ... somewhere, even if she doesn't know that she is with me." 

"Bringing back Stephanie into our life at this point is not going to be good for us.  Are you trying to tell me something? Is there a problem with you raising her like you promised?" 

"No, not at all. I love that little girl, but if you ever change your mind ... and  there will come a time when she meets your kids... and Tanya.  We need to be prepared for how  that will be handled.  I dont want  her to feel out of place or uncomfortable.  She is just a child Eric ."

Eric closed his eyes.  "I understand."

"The answer to your question is no, I dont know if she is yours.  I choose not to open the evelope you entrusted to my care.   When the day comes that you wish to know we will open it together. Yeah?"

Eric nodded.

"But I do think that you should share with Tanya what that woman and that girl did to you, even if Steph  is yours then Tanya will understand." 

Eric clenched his teeth.  'No she wont'

"I was also thinking about  the family get together this year for the Christmas holiday and New Years.   Sunday is thinking Pop's place.  He would expect you to be there ... with your family  and I would have to bring Stephanie.  What do you think about that?" Linden asked. 

"I need to think about  it.  I will let you know.  Like you said I dont want to see Steph hurt in any way.  And I dont want to ruin another Christmas for Tanya again this year.  Like a fucking curse every Christmas has been a catastrophy for the last five years.  I dont want that this year."  

"The sooner you tell Tanya what happen to you, the sooner she will come to terms with it.  Seen?" 

'Seeing Steph will break Tanya's heart all over again.'


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