Mobile Legends Chronicles : A...

By Shar_5019

3.1K 92 915

Embark on a legendary adventure across the land of dawn, alongside Alucard and other beloved heroes, as they... More

Chronicles - 1) Chronowizard
Chronicles - 2) Moonlight Archer
Chronicles - 3) Ghoul's Fury
Chronicles - 4) Fiery Inferno
Chronicles - 5) Trial
Chronicles - 6) Chivalric Order
Chronicles - 7) Lone Hero (Incomplete)
Chronicles - 8) Journey to the West (Incomplete)
Side Story - 1) Leomord Van Algea
Side Story - 2) The City of Scholars
Side story -3) Mission of Shadow swamp
Murder in the City - Part 1
Murder in the City - Part 2
Murder in the City - Part 3
New Sword - 2) Aurequaza
New Sword - 3) Sunlight Heart (Incomplete)
Pleasure Quarter Prolouge- Goddess of Beauty
Pleasure Quarter - 1) The Night District
Pleasure Quarter - 2) Amazons
Pleasure Quarter - 3) Run Alucard!
Pleasure Quarter - 4) Suzuhime
Pleasure Quarter - 5) Hetaira
ChronoWizard- 1)Magic Academy
Chronowizard- 2)Return to the Royal Capital
Chronowizard- 3)Ms. Violet

New Sword - 1) Lyssra

90 4 30
By Shar_5019

(Img src: SumikoMak)

September 21, Year X739
Town Indus, Moniyan Empire

The silence of the dawn was disturbed by grinding noise coming from an armory shop. Inside a young blacksmith sharpened a metal claw against spinning grindstone.

Lyssra: "Aaaaand... perfect."

The dulled sheen of the claw was soon turned back into it previous golden gleam. Finished, blacksmith gives the honed claw to a hooded lady waiting behind.

Natalia: "Thanks Lys! Your work is superb as always. I don't know why you aren't popular in market."

Lyssra: "Because I refuse to give my holy creations to shitty mongrels who can't even at least kill a demigod."

Natalia: *whispering to herself* "Ah right. Knew it was something."

Lyssra: "Hm?"

Natalia: "I was saying, can't you do something about your superiority complex?"

Lyssra: "But I am superior. My weapons are highest graded in Moniyan."

Natalia: "Yeah your right.."

Giving up, Natalia removes her hood to take in the fresh air.

The blacksmith closely looks at her. She was wearing the same old assassin's cloak of white with blue vest, but her boots looked shiny and new, and there were small silver earrings sparkling in her ears.

Lyssra: "Hmmmm? What's this? Since when do you wear earrings?"

Natalia : "Oh god. Where are you going with this?"

Lyssra: "No wonder you've been so cheerful lately. You've finally found a boyfriend."

Natalia : "I am telling you, for the first and last time, you're totally wrong."

Lyssra: "Then why is your face getting all red?"

Natalia: *quickly looks away*

Lyssra: "Ohhh~ So have you two kissed? Feel each other up? Gave head? Or already-"

Natalia: "NO!"

Lyssra: "Okay, I'll stop. But bring him here next time okay? I'll give you two a couple's discount."

Natalia: "I would rather not. He is kinda strange, you can't tolerate him."

Lyssra: "You're just giving excuses now."

Natalia: "Don't believe me then. I am leaving."

Lyssra: "Hey don't be like that now!"

Natalia places five gold coins on the table and darts out of the shop, fleeing the scene. Lyssra heaves a sigh and returns to the room behind the counter. Lying down on her bed, a word escapes from her lips.

Lyssra: "....lucky."

Having someone who loves you selflessly, only few people have that. Thats why she was jealous of Natalia. For Lyssra, the Armory store meant everything for her. She can never leave this place and hence, she can never find that special someone for her.

Lyssra: "I shouldn't be negative! Leave my shop? No need to do that! I mean, I meet so many nice people right here!"

"Hello? Is anyone here?! Can I get some goddamn service?!"
A voice shouts from the counter.

Lyssra: "See? I'm making new friends already."

Angry voice: "You have exactly 10 seconds before I burn this place to the ground! 1...! 2...!"

Lyssra: *makes a worried sigh* "Need to stay positive..."

Angry voice: "3...!"

Quickly hiding a gun under her skirt for the new potential thief, Lyssra comes out towards the counter.

Angry Voice: "7...!"

Lyssra: "I'm sorry, sir. Is there something I can help you with?"

Alucard: "Finally! Is the Blacksmith in? I need to make a custom order."

Lyssra: "Uh, yes. You're looking at her."

Alucard: "Ah, of course. My apologies. I should have instantly recognized your traditional Blacksmithing... hoopskirt. The frills are a dead giveaway."

Lyssra: "Sir, either tell me your order, or I'll assume it's a bullet sandwich... with, like, a sword... in it?"

Alucard: "What?"

Lyssra: "I don't know, when I said 'order' I started thinking 'restaurant', but then I remembered I run a Blacksmith shop and by then it was past the point of no return. Can I help you?"

Alucard: "Um... yes? I, uh, need a sword that's as good or better than this one."

He removes the huge sword on his back and places it on the counter.

Lyssra: "What the hell! This is the gnarliest sword I have ever seen!"

Alucard: "I'm sorry. Did you just say 'gnarliest'?"

Lyssra: "It's too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it's just a heap of beautifully carved raw iron. Who crafted this?"

Alucard: "I don't know if that was a praise or an insult, but 'Rebellion' was made by my captain, Ezria Ezdeath."

Lyssra: "Oh, that counterfeit queen? No wonder you want a new sword. Just hold on a sec, I think I've got just what you need."

Alucard: "Alright. Lay it on me, Smithy princess."

She pulls out the single longsword which was on display on the back wall. The blade glowed a dull red, as though rippling with a gentle flame.

Lyssra: "This is the best sword I ever forged. My masterpiece."

Taking the crimson blade, Alucard swished it around in the air, then tilted his head in puzzlement.

Alucard: "I don't know. Is it RAD enough for me? Is it a bad enough sword to rescue the the emperor?"

Lyssra: "Damn skippy. And it comes with the Lyssra Quality Guarantee!"

He swings it a few more times, clearly unsure of it.

Alucard: "Is that so...? Well, then I suppose you won't mind if I take it for a TEST drive."

Lyssra: "What do you mean by-?"

Holding his massive sword 'Rebellion' horizontally, with all his force, Alucard bashes the new crimson sword against it's huge mass of iron. With a explosion of light, the blade of the masterpiece split cleanly down the middle and burst into pieces.

Lyssra: "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Alucard: "Hah, this is fun! Hey, hand me another one."

Lyssra: "Wait! Maybe I can still-"

She snatches the remaining half sword from Alucard, but hilt had already cracked.

There's no fixing this.

Realizing the truth, Lyssra fell on her knees, slumping in despair.

Alucard: "Oh god. You're not gonna start crying, are you? I cannot deal with anymore crying women in my life-"

Lyssra: *grabbing Alucard's collar* "What the hell were you thinking?!"

Alucard: "Okay, this is... better, I guess?"

Lyssra: "That sword was my baby! Why would you do that?! Would you do that to someone else's baby?!"

Alucard: "You mean would I slam a baby into another baby to test its durability? No, that's not something I would typically do."

Lyssra: "You know what I mean, dickweed! Now get the hell out of my shop!"

Alucard: "Oh yeah? What about the 'Lyssra Quality Guarantee'? I mean, imagine if word were to get out that you tried to pawn that dollar store crap off on me like it was top tier loot? I mean, I could have been killed!"

Lyssra: "Yeah. Wouldn't that've been a shame. What are you driving at?"

Alucard: "Hey, I'm reasonable man. Just make me the best sword in the game, or I'll do everything in my power to destroy your hopes and dreams."

Lyssra: *Scoffs* "What happened to 'as good or better'?"

Alucard: "Yeah, that was before you tried to sell me that embarrassment you call a 'sword'. Prices just went up. Think of it as the 'Lizbeth Quality Guarantee... plus interest'."

Lyssra: "Fine! You want the best sword in the game?! I'll forge the best damn sword you've ever seen! I'll just need you to go gather a certain ultra-rare metal for me!"

Alucard: "Alright, just tell me where to find it. I'll make a milk run."

Lyssra: "Oh, don't think it'll be THAT easy. It's hidden in the mountains of Megalith wasteland, guarded by the great dragon of meteors, Aurequaza."

Alucard: *Sarcastically* "Ooo, scary."

Lyssra: "And good luck even finding it, because the metal can only be recognized by a professional Master Black... smith... Oh no..."

Northern Mountains, Megalith Wasteland

Walking on a treacherous road at the edge of the snowy mountain, Alucard and Lyssra steadily climbed towards the white capped peak.

Lyssra: *shivering* "Why is this mountain so freaking cold?!"

Alucard: "Maybe because it's a mountain? God, I hate escort missions..."

Lyssra: "Then why aren't you cold, smartass?"

Alucard: "Well, you see, I equipped this great new mountaineering item called PANTS! Really, it's astounding what science can do these days."

Lyssra: "Oh yeah. Real help- "

Removing his signature red coat, he throws it on Lyssra head.

Lyssra: "Huh?"

Alucard: "Put that on. It's no pants, but it should do the trick."

Lyssra: 'Hmm, maybe he's not so bad after all...'

Alucard: "Now move your ass! It's getting dark!"

Lyssra: "Uh, right! But, like, we'll be back before ACTUALLY gets dark, right? Alucard? Alucard?!"

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