Solstice Souls Book 2: Black...

By edzooc8r

49.2K 5.7K 3.7K

The Cultivation world is in chaos as Wen Rouhan inches across clan territories looking for cultivators with a... More

And The Story Continues.....
Doubts and Dark Magic
Comfort, Cooking, and Compassion
One Man's Meat
When the Darkness Rises
The Eye of the Storm
No More Hiding
Back To The Beginning
An Apology With A Warning
Searching For Answers
A Daring Journey
Friends or Foes?
Unlikely Allies
Hurricanes of the Heart
Filling in the Blanks
Under The Cover of Darkness
Breaking A Promise
Adaptable Truths
Seeds Of Doubt
Far From Home
True Colours
The Arena
The Purple Viper
The Light From Within
Friends In Dark Places
Love Note
Fight to the Death
Xue Yang
The Truth in Masquerade
Making Up The Numbers
Necessary Reassurances
Sneaking Happiness
Escape Plan
Out of the Frying Pan
Reassurances of the Heart
Every Man Has His Destiny
Flying High
Confessions of a Heart
Truth Be Told
Soul Searching
Meeting The In-Laws
Solstice Sons
Dinner Plans
Grace Under Fire
Story Time
Of Pigs and Cabbages
A Not So Welcoming Committee
Sugar and Salt
Growing Pains
Tricks of the Trade
Hidden Desires
A Time of Need
Lessons Learned
Favorite Place To Be


735 93 89
By edzooc8r

Wei Ying POV


Unfamiliar voices.

They were all around him. Wei Ying strained to hear what they were saying. It sounded as if the voices were underwater, bubbles distorting the words. Everything ran together until there was no end or beginning to the monotonous noise. As the fog slowly began lifting from his mind, Wei Ying thought maybe they were standing inside a giant bell. The muffled voices seemed to be echoing and blending together. Gradually, the heavy veil of nothingness lifted enough that he could understand that there weren't many people talking about him. Only two.

"Your father ordered me to take him to the throne room once he woke up."

Wei Ying knew that voice.

Wen Zhuliu.

"I don't care. I want to see what he can do. I want to know why we've been scouring every village and mountainside looking for one insignificant looking boy. What's so damn special about him anyway?"

The voice seemed to belong to a young man, possibly about the same age as Wei Ying. But his tone was annoyingly whiney. He was obviously a spoiled brat with no manners who needed a long overdue spanking. With a paddle. Made of Zitan wood.

"And why is the young master so interested?" Wen Zhuliu asked calmly.

There was a long pause. Wei Ying began to wonder if they had left. He thought about opening his eyes. However, he knew people were always more loquacious if they thought no one was listening. So, he decided to remain quiet for the time being.

It was a good plan until....


"Wake up!"

"Young Master Wen, the doctor's needles are quite effective. The paralysis takes a while to wear off."

"So then it's fine if I hit him a few more times. He won't feel it."

Wei Ying prepared himself for another unprovoked attack. He had found himself in a sitting position when he woke. It left him somewhat exposed. His arms were chained behind him with large metal shackles making it difficult to defend himself. The feeling in his appendages was returning but it was a slow process. There was no way he was in any shape to escape without causing himself damage. For the moment, he thought it best to play it safe and remain a motionless victim.

Wen Zhuliu breathed deeply. Obviously he was also tired of the young master's attitude.

"Your father gave me specific instructions not to harm the young heir. The clan leader does not want him injured. He wishes to learn from him."

"Learn what? Father is the strongest cultivator in all of the sects. He has the biggest army and the strongest sons. We have more wealth than the Jins. What more could he want?"

Wei Ying listened intently. If he was right, this snot-nosed brat was one of Wen Rouhan's sons. Which one he didn't know. He had never traveled to Nightless City to perform nor had he come to visit. The Wen Clan had always been known for its armies and prejudice towards the other clans. It was never known for its love of the arts or kindness.

"This young man that you find so disinteresting is capable of controlling resentful energy. I have seen it myself."

"So what?" the Wen youth scoffed. "We have the artifact my grandfather found that controls it. Why do we need him?"

Wen Zhuliu's footsteps were quick and must have caught the Wen heir off guard by the way he squeaked. Wei Ying stifled the giggle threatening to give him away.

"We do not control it. We can only collect and disperse it. Do you not remember anything you are taught, young master?"

Wei Ying's mind began imagining the possibilities. If the artifact in the Wen's possession could collect resentful energy, then why didn't they use it to cleanse the Burial Mounds? Could it only hold so much? How much?

Was it possible it could be used to drain him of the darkness living inside him? Was that a good thing? Or a bad thing? It could be a good thing if it freed him from the constant craving of the demonic energy to kill? But, if he was cleansed of it, would he be left helpless and weak? What would happen to his black core? What if it broke his soul bond with Lan Zhan? What if he was no longer able to stand by Lan Zhan's side as his husband?

Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying's rambling thoughts returned to his betrothed. His soulmate must be so worried about him. Wei Ying had promised his jade that he wouldn't do anything stupid. And he broke that precious promise. No, scratch that. He didn't just break it. He threw it over the edge of a cliff where it smashed into a thousand tiny pieces. Now he was the Wen Clan's prisoner and his Lan Zhan was probably losing his mind trying to find him.

He had to get out of here. He had to escape. He had to.....

Calloused fingers touched his chin, lifting his face upwards.

"I see you're awake, Wei-gongzi. Would you like a drink of water?" Wen Zhuliu asked with kindness.

Wei Ying's eyes fluttered open. Staring back at him were mahogany brown ones that were clear and confident. The look on Wen Zhuliu's face was one of pure satisfaction. A satisfaction that sent shivers down Wei Ying's spine. It was absolute and undeniable.

Wei Ying jerked his head to the side, not liking the feel of Wen Zhuliu's hand against his skin.

The Wen soldier took a cup of water from the table behind him. He held it up to Wei Ying's lips but frowned faintly when the young man refused his offering.

"If you don't trust me, then we will share a cup."

Wen Zhuliu sipped from the cup first then placed it back up to Wei Ying's dry lips. He held it there for a few seconds before taking it away again.

"I promise no harm will come to you, Wei Wuxian. Please drink. You must be thirsty."

Wei Ying looked at him with wariness. His silver eyes glanced to his left where the other person stood. He was right. The kid was a spoiled brat. His pouty sneer proved it. Wei Ying wanted to wipe that look of disgust off his face and kick him square in the ass. Well, there'd be time for that later.

"I'll drink," he answered, his gaze slowly sliding back to Wen Zhuliu. "But not from that cup. Get me a clean one."

Wen Zhuliu bowed and turned to retrieve another cup. This time when presented with the teacup, Wei Ying drank from it. Gulp after gulp of the cold refreshing water poured down his parched throat. When he was done, he surveyed his surroundings.

He was definitely NOT in a dungeon. It appeared to be a guest room. The furnishings were exquisite. Red curtains fell around the windows and gray walls were painted with the Wen Clan sun symbols. Tables adorned with food and drink were etched in detailed artwork. The floors were as smooth as silk and reflected the bright sunlight pouring in through the windows. Hanging behind a small desk was a portrait of who Wei Ying could only assume was Wen Rouhan. The decor was gaudy and wreaked of wealth stolen from others.

"Thank you." Wei Ying replied. There was no need for him to be rude to his captor. At least, not yet.

Wen Zhuliu leaned against a high table behind him, his hands resting on the wood by his sides. The young brat mimicked his elder except that he crossed his arms in front of him.

"My master has commanded me to make sure all your needs are taken care of while you are with us. He hopes that his hospitality will be repaid with knowledge."

Wei Ying didn't know what to make of things. Yes, he was a prisoner. That much was obvious by the chains around his wrists. Yet, the way he was being treated did not make him feel threatened. Well, except for the young Wen heir shooting daggers at him with his eyes.

It didn't matter. Wei Ying had to get back to Lan Zhan. If he was right, his jade's bracelet would have burned brightly as soon as Wei Ying was hit with the first needle. Lan Zhan's heart would have felt like a dagger stabbed it when he lost consciousness. Would his soulmate abandon his friends and family to come save him?

Wei Ying hoped not.

Now that he was awake and not in any immediate danger, perhaps Lan Zhan's bracelet would return to its normal appearance. Maybe his jade and Jiang Cheng would work together to get his mother and the others to safety quicker so Lan Zhan could return for him.

However, his fiance would not find him in Lotus Cove. And Nightless City was no place for even the great Hanguang-Jun to enter by himself. Especially an enraged Second Jade who most likely wouldn't be thinking clearly.

Wei Ying had to get out of there now. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to Lan Zhan because he had been reckless.

"Ah ha ha. I would love to stay and chat with the mighty Wen Clan leader. I'm sure the conversation would be riveting. Perhaps another time would suit me better. But I really must be going. Please give him my apologies."

Wei Ying struggled against his bindings but they were too strong to break even with his cultivator strength. He stood on still slightly wobbly legs hoping to gain more leverage. Pulling angrily at the chains holding him, he kept picturing Lan Zhan's worried face. If his jade couldn't find him, Wei Ying feared that Lan Zhan would rampage with panic coursing through his veins. His heart ached for the beautiful and kind man he loved, his soul crying out for its mate.

"I'm sorry, Wei-gongzi, but my master insists that you stay until he knows more about you."

Wen Zhuliu remained leaning against the table along with his young master who was still fuming internally. However, the older man's face expressed only a chilling calm which unnerved Wei Ying to the core. If Wen Zhuliu really did witness his power, why was he not watching cautiously? Why didn't he call for extra guards at Wei Ying's first struggle to free himself?

The cold stare frozen on the seasoned cultivator's face was almost daring Wei Ying to unleash his power.

Well, Wei Ying had never turned down a dare his entire life. Why should he stop now?

"If your master is so interested in what I can do, then let him see for himself."

Gathering his power, Wei Ying let his demonic energy surge inside his dark core. It swelled like a tidal wave in the deepest ocean approaching the shoreline. He felt the sting of resentment rising upwards and welcomed its presence. Eyes that sparkled silver now blazed redder than a summer rose.

"Wha-What are you doing?" the young master stuttered, taking a step back.

"Isn't he magnificent?" Wen Zhuliu said with reverence. He brought his hands up and threaded his fingers together in a hungry clasp.

Wei Ying's hair danced around his head, fighting to be free of the red ribbon holding it in place. Robes that were not his own swirled around his feet as his power intensified. The chains holding him down shattered and fell to the smooth floor.

And then.....

Everything went wrong.

His power would not obey him. It skittered under his skin like a thousand hungry centipedes. It bit at his body, searching for a way out. Searing pain penetrated his straining muscles. He fell to his knees, curling into himself in a futile attempt to control the monstrous energy trapped within him. Tears burned his clenched eyes. His next breath was trapped in his lungs.

Wei Ying pounded his fists against the floor, the sting of the impacts grounding him. With each strike, he forced himself to push back against the onslaught of resentful energy clawing its way out of his core. Bruised knuckles became bloody ones until finally, he shoved his dark power back into its cage.

But it had cost him. The strain of reining in his power left him utterly exhausted. Wei Ying felt cold inside, the intense fire of his demonic energy extinguished. For now. He began to shiver not only from the cold seeping into his bones but from the realization that his power had almost destroyed him from the inside out.

"What...what j-just happened?" he whispered.

Wen Zhuliu approached fearlessly. The cocky young master following right behind him smiled pompously.

"My apologies, Wei Wuxian. But I was curious to see what would happen if your Hanguang-Jun was not here to balance your power."

Wen Zhuliu lifted Wei Ying's face up with a single finger. "I collected enough resentment from that righteous Lan Clan to only fill half of our artifact. I had hoped for more. However, your fiance got in the way."

"La-Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying said weakly. He could feel his consciousness slipping away and fought to hold on.

Wen Zhuliu removed his finger from Wei Ying's chin, the younger man's face falling to his chest. He walked over and poured himself another cup of water. The young Wen remained where he was. As soon as Wen Zhuliu leaned his head back to drink, the despicable heir pressed the tip of his boot down onto Wei Ying's fingers.

Wei Ying bit his bottom lip, holding in his scream. The moment the boot was removed, he cradled his stinging fingers against his chest. His breathing came in rapid, short breaths as reality began to sink into him.

Wen Zhuliu circled Wei Ying, a predator assessing his prey. "The artifact can drain you of your resentful energy, at least temporarily," He paused, eyeing the swaying man huddled on the floor. "Or I can flood your core with it causing you to lose control."

He knelt down in front of Wei Ying. A ghost of a smile flitted across his thin lips.

"Think of yourself as a volcano on the verge of erupting. No one would stand a chance if your power became unstable. We could fill you up with untamed resentful energy and unleash you upon any clan we so desired. Your demonic power would wipe out everything around you. It would feed until not a single person was left alive."

For the first time since his arrival, Wei Ying felt fear.

Fear that he would never be able to escape.

Fear that he would never see his family or home again.

Fear that he would never feel Lan Zhan's arm around him before he died.

Fear that he would be used as a weapon to destroy the people he loved.

"However, there is another option." Wen Zhuliu offered, his eyes meeting Wei Ying's.

A single tear streamed down Wei Ying's paling face. He didn't want to cry but his heart was breaking into so many pieces he couldn't escape the lost feeling slowly closing in on him.

The Wen Cultivator reached out and placed a gentle hand on the top of Wei Ying's head. His touch slid down Wei Ying's loose strands of soft hair and rested at the side of his face.

"You can choose to help us conquer the world. With our artifact, we can give you even more power than what you have. We will teach you how to harness it. I can control the amount of resentful energy extracted from the artifact. We'll start slowly and build up your cultivation gradually. In a few months, you will be the most powerful man to ever walk in this world."

The long pause had the tiny hairs on the back of Wei Ying's neck standing on end.

"And what if I refuse?"

Wen Zhuliu chuckled. He wrapped a large hand around Wei Ying's neck and hoisted him roughly off the ground. Wei Ying gasped for air, his hands scratching at the fingers constricting around him.

"I'll remove that marvelous core of yours so that our talented doctor can transplant it into our Clan Leader. If you refuse to embrace your power, we'll give it to him. And then he'll erradicate everything and everyone you hold dear."

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