Déjà Vu (Neymar)

neymarfantasy tarafından

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It's déjà vu, a feeling like you have experienced it before. Olivia only has eyes for Marc Bartra but then th... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1: The hike
Chapter 2: Mr. Lupo
Chapter 3: Crush
Chapter 4: Getting closer to him
Chapter 5: Waterfall
Chapter 6: 2 years ago
Chapter 7: A night to 'remember'
Chapter 8: Red Bull
Chapter 9: One night
Chapter 10: Instagram
Chapter 11: Only vodka or gin
Chapter 12: Cravings
Chapter 13: Hangover
Chapter 14: First date
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: Revelation
Chapter 17: Wasted
Chapter 18: I like it rough
Chapter 19: Yacht adventures
Chapter 20: Photography methods
Chapter 21: Jealousy
Chapter 22: Ice cream
Chapter 23: Twisted images
Chapter 24: 3 little words
Chapter 25: What would you do...
Chapter 26: Hidden feelings
Chapter 27: Another night to remember
Chapter 29: Andalusia
Chapter 30: Dirty little secrets
Chapter 31: Blackmail
Chapter 32: Lose Control
Chapter 33: Kids these days
Chapter 34: Desire
Chapter 35: Raw
Chapter 36: The morning after
Chapter 37: Love is a lie
Chapter 38: It's over
Chapter 39: Forgive me
Chapter 40: Letting go
Chapter 41: Friend
Chapter 42: Butterfly effect
Chapter 43: Marc
Chapter 44: Opposites
Chapter 45: My favorite ice cream flavor
Chapter 46: It's O-N
Chapter 47: The City of Love
Chapter 48: Make love to me
Chapter 49: Falling
Chapter 50: Jealousy
Chapter 51: Kiss me and don't stop
Chapter 52: Protection
Chapter 53: Oops oh my!
Chapter 54: Guilty conscience
Chapter 55: Olive
Chapter 56: Confessions of a loveaholic
Chapter 57: 6 months
Chapter 58: Thunder and drool
Chapter 59: Hot mess
Chapter 60: Shots, shots, shots!
Chapter 61: Turn of events
Chapter 62: Lies never last long
Chapter 63: Break down
Chapter 64: Shattered hearts
Chapter 65: Closure
Chapter 66: Regret
Chapter 67: Without her
Chapter 68: Porra
Chapter 69: Wet dreams
Chapter 70: Mad about you
Chapter 71: Neylive

Chapter 28: Moving on

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[ Neymar's POV ]

This night was indescribable for words. I haven't felt this happy in years or probably ever in my life. It felt like heaven sleeping next to her, hugging her, and feeling her little body next to mine. I felt high just by smelling her hair, drunk just by touching her skin...she was driving me insane tonight and I wanted to make her mine more than ever. I knew we had this otherworldly connection, but she denied it and kept denying it. But tonight, I could feel she was trying even harder to resist and deny whatever she felt. When she moaned, I knew what her body wanted. I knew she was attracted to me. I was really restricting myself from doing what I really wanted to do. I wasn't able to keep my mouth shut, however. I wanted her to admit whatever she felt for me, but she didn't. It drove me insane to the point where I just asked if I should leave because I couldn't take this anymore. When she said she didn't want me to leave, I froze for a second. My mind, body, and heart battled with each other. I wanted to stay and make love to her, but my conscience knew that it was wrong. She was his!

"What the hell am I doing?!" I yelled in frustration and jumped out of bed.

It startled her because she looked shocked. She looked like she wanted to say something, but nothing came out of her mouth and she just stared at me. I quickly ran into the bathroom, grabbed my half-wet clothes from the heater, and wore them on. I came back to the bedroom.

"Neymar...w-where are you going?" she stuttered.

"I'm so selfish, I should have never come. I only wanted to satisfy my needs and I didn't care about who I'm hurting in the progress. I know you love Marc and he loves you too. He is like a brother to me...and you, Olive...my feelings for you may be strong and hard to control, but I don't want to do anything to hurt you. I don't want to destroy your relationship with Marc. I almost made a huge mistake tonight and I'm sorry Olive...please forgive me" I said with a cracking voice.

She just stared at me, without saying anything.

"I loved tonight, every second of it and I honestly wished I didn't get up from that bed, but my conscience and my heart know that it's wrong. I can't do that to you or Marc. Please forgive me...please...please forgive this selfish guy who fell for the girl who loves another" I whispered, while tears welled up in my eyes.

She wanted to get up from the bed, probably to comfort me but I gestured for her to stop. 

"Don't...I'm leaving. I won't put you in such a situation anymore. I'll get over it....I'll try at least. Bye Olive, thanks for everything" I started sobbing and ran out of her room.

[ Olive's POV ]

I was in a state of shock and just sat there on my bed, feeling numb. I buried my face in my hands and tears automatically rolled over my cheeks.

My alarm clock woke me up the next morning. I had a huge headache from the crying and I looked like crap. I grabbed some casual clothing and threw them on and left my hair quite messy since I didn't feel like doing any effort. I grabbed my bag and walked out, without having breakfast. I took the bus to Camp Nou, took a deep breath, and entered the stadium. I saw some of the guys warming up already. I suddenly felt firm arms around my waist, startling me. I felt a warm kiss on the back of my neck and turned around.

"Hey, babe" Marc smiled.

"Marc," I said like I hadn't expected him or something.

"Of course, it's me, who else" he chuckled. "God I missed you yesterday," he said, hugging me tightly.

"I've missed you too Marc" I whispered, weakly.

"What's wrong?" Marc immediately asked, cupping my face.

I shook my head to tell him that nothing was wrong, but it made him frown. "Babe, what is it? You know I'm there for you, right? I hope you are not mad at me for leaving you yesterday" he sighed.

"No, Marc...I'm not mad at you" I said, pecking his lips.

His face lit up immediately.

"I love you my sleepy and messy-looking baby" he cooed.

"Do I look that bad?" I groaned.

"You always look beautiful to me," he said, amused.

"Marc, why are you so perfect?" I sighed, placing my head on his chest.

He stroked my hair and pressed a kiss on the top of my head.

"I'm not perfect baby," he said.

"To me you are," I said, kissing his chest above his jersey.

"I love you," he said, lovingly.

"And I love you, Marc," I said and kissed his lips.

He returned the kiss and we kissed for a few seconds. He parted his lips from mine.

"I have to go train unfortunately baby! Grab lunch with me during the break?" he asked.

I nodded. He pecked my lips quickly and ran off to the field, joining the other guys. I sat on a bench and waited for Alberto.

"Hey Olive" Jordi and Piqué said in unison.

"Hi, guys," I said.

"What's Adrian up to? We barely see him these days" Piqué asked.

I shrugged and said, "I've barely seen him myself. I have no clue what he is doing these days" I said.

"Suspicious" Jordi frowned.

"Anyways see you Olive," they said.

"Have fun guys" I said.

"Where is this culo Neymar again?" Piqué cursed as they walked off to the field. I hoped Neymar was all right after last night. Alberto came a minute later and I joined him in the photographer's room.

It was lunchtime before I knew it and I quickly walked out of Camp Nou. I searched for Marc's car and found him standing next to it. He waved when he saw me.

"Hey babe," he said, pecking my lips.

"How was training?" I asked, getting into his car.

"It was alright. Coach was pissed that Neymar didn't come" Marc said.

"What? Where is he?" I asked.

"Unreachable" Marc said.

"You guys can't get hold of him?" I asked, shocked.

Marc nodded and said, "That's why we are driving to his place to see what's up."

I was seriously worried now and hoped that Neymar was alright. Marc parked the car in front of Neymar's house. He rang Neymar's doorbell and we waited. It seemed like the longest minute of my life. We finally heard someone or something behind the door. The door swung open and we both stared at this gorgeous-looking blonde, covered in only a bed sheet.

"Hi, if you are looking for Neymar, he is asleep" she giggled.

"Who is it?" another gorgeous-looking blonde in black lingerie asked.

"Marc, we should go," I said, feeling very uncomfortable.

"We are not going! I'm going to kill this éstupido! Missing training just for this!" Marc yelled, startling the girls.

He shoved them to the side and ran upstairs to his bedroom. I stayed outside. The blonde girls ignored me and went inside his kitchen, giggling. I was nervous because I didn't know what was going on upstairs. Marc stormed downstairs after a few minutes in total rage.

"What's going on?" I asked, carefully.

"He has a hangover" he yelled, clenching his fists.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, the bastard will be okay" Marc sighed.

We left Neymar's house and Marc drove us back to Camp Nou. I felt partly responsible for Neymar's behavior, but it made me sad that he had drowned his sorrows with alcohol and those 2 girls. It made me feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it, to be honest. Marc was upset about Neymar, but I was even more upset. I couldn't show it however and kept my anger, pain, and frustration inside.

I joined Alberto again after the break and did what I had to do to get through the day. Marc waited for me after training, because he wanted to introduce me to his brother Eric. I didn't feel like it anymore, but I knew it was important to Marc and I didn't want to hurt him.

"How was intern today babe?" Marc asked.

"Good, but I'm tired," I said, wrapping my arms around Marc.

"I hope not too tired to meet my twin?" Marc asked.

"Of course not, I have to meet the other prince charming, don't I?" I joked.

"Hey, you are only mine! He is not a prince charming for you alright" Marc frowned.

I laughed out loud because seeing Marc jealous was adorable.

"Is someone jealous?" I teased.

"Yes, someone is jealous" he groaned.

"Awww baby" I cooed and pressed a warm kiss on his lips. "Better?" I asked.

"A little" he winked and squeezed my ass.

"Marc!" I gasped.

"What? It's mine so I can grab it whenever I like" he grinned.

I slapped his arm and got in the car. Marc drove me to his house. We were greeted by his brother once we were inside.

"Hi, Eric, nice to finally meet you," I said, hugging him.

He hugged me back and said, "I'm happy to finally meet the woman who stole my twin's heart" he chuckled.

"Okay enough hugging," Marc said like he was jealous but we both knew he was joking because he was grinning.

"He is already scared that I'll steal his girl with my charms" Eric laughed.

Marc punched his brother's arm playfully and then we sat down on the couch. Eric reminded me a lot of Marc. He was very kind and gentle, but also funny. We had a fun evening chatting about funny stories of their childhood and how naughty they had been when they were children. I had more fun with them than I had expected and it took my mind off Neymar, not completely though. I was worried about him and I hoped he would return to training tomorrow morning.

I was happy to see Neymar at training again the next day. I wanted to ask him if he was alright, but he ignored me, so I left it at that. It was probably best if we kept some distance from each other. I was busy preparing for the Barca-Córdoba CF match. I wanted to put all that I had learned from Alberto to use during that match. I didn't want to disappoint him.

By the end of the day, I had decided to confess everything to Marc about what had happened between Neymar. But I wanted to wait until after the match against Córdoba though because I knew this match was important to him and the team. I loved Marc a lot. He was loving, kind, and a true gentleman. I felt horrible each time I looked into his eyes. I don't know what it was about Neymar, but I had crossed a serious line there. I didn't blame Neymar, because I had kissed him back and I had let him stay over. I blamed myself for being so stupid. I was terrified of what Marc would say, but what I feared most was that he would leave me...for good.

I entered my house after a long day at intern. Tomorrow morning I would be in Andalusia with the team. Alberto and I had gone through the photographer's schedule and he had prepared me well.

"Olive," Adrian said when he saw me.

"What?" I frowned, putting my handbag down.

"I...erm...want you to introduce you to my girlfriend, Gia," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

A cute-looking blonde appeared behind Adrian, smiling shyly. My jaw literally dropped, because my brother having a girlfriend wasn't something I had expected.

"Er...hi," I said.

She immediately hugged me, startling me.

"Hi, I'm Gia" she smiled.

"I'm Olivia," I said, smiling back at her.

"It's Olive" Adrian smirked.

"Don't listen to him" I groaned.

She chuckled.

"Welcome to the crazy family I guess" I grinned.

"Thanks" she giggled.

I looked forward to teasing the hell out of Adrian.

"So this is why we didn't see you around the house a lot huh?" I smirked at Adrian.

"Olive!" he groaned.

Gia looked a little embarrassed and slightly hid behind Adrian, which I found adorable.

"All those late nights...I hope I won't be an aunty soon" I sighed, dramatically.

Gia's face turned red as a tomato and Adrian glared at me.

"Time for payback bro" I winked, grabbed my bag, and went up the stairs.

I felt happy for Adrian because I could see the happiness on his face. Gia seemed like a cute and innocent girl, I liked her already. I chuckled to myself and pulled out my phone to see if I had any messages from Marc.

"I'll pick you up at 5 am sharp, so get your beauty sleep...though you are beyond beautiful to me anyways," Marc's text said.

How adorable! I giggled and replied to him.

"Well if you tried to get me into your bed with that sweet talk, I'm already in your bed...naked and waiting" I typed, with a smirk.

"You are cruel! You are turning me on, even though you know that I'm not allowed to have sex before a match...or even pleasure myself! Olive, just wait until we win this...you are so done!" he replied, making me laugh out loud.

"I can't wait for that! I love you, baby, good night and sweet dreams of us" I replied.

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