Transformers Prime: A New Beg...

De TheCrimsonKeyblade

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17-year-old Michael Crovan, a young teenager with a peculiar set of values and beliefs that he grew up with... Mai multe

Chapter 1: Runaway
Chapter 2: Darkness Rising: Part 1: New Life, Save a Life
Chapter 3: Darkness Rising: Part 2: Acceptance, Coexistence, and Adjustments
Chapter 4: Darkness Rising: Part 3: Behind Enemy Lines
Chapter 5: Darkness Rising: Part 4: Infiltration and Rescue
Chapter 6: Darkness Rising: Part 5: The Main Event
Chapter 7: New Looks, New Abilities, Old Connections
Chapter 8: Masters & Students
Chapter 9: Scrapheap
Chapter 10: Con Job
Chapter 11: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 12: Convoy
Chapter 13: Speed Metal
Chapter 14: A Team's Bully
Chapter 15: Predatory
Chapter 16: Sick Mind
Chapter 17: Out of his Head
Chapter 18: Guilt, Fears, and a Drive Out
Chapter 19: Shadowzone
Chapter 20: Operation: Breakdown
Chapter 21: Crisscross
Chapter 22: Metal Attraction
Chapter 24: Partners
Chapter 25: Screaming to the Stars
Chapter 26: Shattered
Chapter 27: T.M.I
Chapter 28: Stronger, Faster
Chapter 29: Synthetic Guilt
Chapter 30: One Shall Fall
Chapter 31: One Shall Rise: Part 1: A Rising Darkness
Chapter 32: One Shall Rise: Part 2: Unlikely Alliances
Chapter 33: One Shall Rise: Part 3: Saviors of Earth
Chapter 34: Orion Pax: Part 1: Living in Denial
Chapter 35: Orion Pax: Part 2: Unfamiliar Familiarity
Chapter 36: Orion Pax: Part 3: Forgotten, but Never Lost
Chapter 37: A Night Alone Together
Chapter 38: Operation: Bumblebee: Part 1: Gains and Losses
Chapter 39: Operation: Bumblebee: Part 2: To Feel Whole Again
Chapter 40: Loose Cannons
Chapter 41: Crossfire
Chapter 42: Breakdowns & Buildups
Chapter 43: Nemesis Prime
Chapter 44: Grill
Chapter 45: Armada
Chapter 46: Flying Mind
Chapter 47: Tunnel Vision
Chapter 48: Triangulation
Chapter 49: Triage
Chapter 50: Toxicity
Chapter 51: Into the Future
Chapter 52: New Recruit
Chapter 53: The Human Factor
Chapter 54: Legacy
Chapter 55: Alpha/Omega
Chapter 56: Spark's Vow: Part 1: Locks and Keys
Chapter 57: Spark's Vow: Part 2: The Bonds that Tie
Chapter 58: Spark's Vow: Part 3: A Destiny's Awakening
Chapter 59: Hard Knocks
Chapter 60: Not So Different
Chapter 61: Inside Job
Chapter 62: Regeneration
Chapter 63: Darkest Hour
Chapter 64: Darkmount, NV
Chapter 65: Scattered
Chapter 66: Prey
Chapter 67: Rebellion
Chapter 68: Making Things Right
Chapter 69: Project Predacon
Chapter 70: Chain of Command
Chapter 71: Plus One
Chapter 72: Thirst
Chapter 73: Resurrection
Chapter 74: The Prime and the Archivist
Chapter 75: The Mother, the Son, and the Son-in-Law
Chapter 76: A Twin's Bond
Chapter 77: A Seeker's Reunion
Chapter 78: Partners Redux
Chapter 79: Evolution
Chapter 80: Minus One
Chapter 81: Persuasion
Chapter 82: Synthesis
Chapter 83: Deadlock
Chapter 84: Transitions
Chapter 85: Predacon's Rising
Chapter 86: A Special Gift
Chapter 87: Not The End

Chapter 23: Rock Bottom

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De TheCrimsonKeyblade

Normal Perspective:

About two weeks had passed since the fiasco with the Polarity Gauntlet. Michael had learned how to use his new assimilation ability and had also assimilated another ability from his Groundbridge remote, adding 'Internal Groundbridging' to the list. The Techno-Organic found that it worked similarly to Soundwave's relocation trick when he was able to open Groundbridges by himself with just his servos. When he used it, he found that the ability came with a map of Earth that acted in a similar way to Google Earth, but was far more advanced and precise. This made the young teen happy since he now had his own version of Soundwave's trick to balance things out, as well as a new way of escape if things ever went downhill. Of course, he still kept his Groundbridge remote with him, for he felt that it was a treasure that led him to life he now had. Plus, he thought that having an external fast-travel source would prove helpful if a situation ever came down to needing it.

One day, Miko was at the base talking excitedly to the others about a Slash Monkey concert that was in the U.S. for a world tour, and she planned on going, not wanting to miss out on such an opportunity to see her favorite band. Michael, Jack, and Jessica also decided to attend, seeing that it would be a nice change of pace from what they usually did and thought that it would be nice to hang out together, even if the three didn't like the band's music as much as Miko did.

Unfortunately for the Japanese girl, her hopes of getting to the concert early had been dashed as Bulkhead and Arcee had been assigned to recon at an abandoned Energon mine. They decided to bring the kids with them since they would be heading to the concert right after, and while the two 'Bots investigated the signal in the mine, the four humans waited outside, with Miko complaining endlessly to the others. The three teens just ignored her, as they enjoyed the warm sunlight.

"We're supposed to be at a rock concert!" Miko complained to the others. "But all I see is rock!"

"Too much rock and not enough music for you?" Michael chuckled. Miko just glared at him as Jessica giggled from his joke.

"Relax, Miko." Jack chuckled. "The show doesn't start for two hours."

"Do you know how long I've waited to see Slash Monkey?" Miko asked.

"Uhhh...." "FOREVER!" Miko yelled in frustration, cutting Jack off. "And it's their only U.S. date!"

"There's a shock." Jack said. "I mean, who doesn't love obscure Bulgarian shriek metal?"

"Miko does, apparently." Michael said with a smirk.

Miko was about to retort when the sound of beeping caught their attention. Bulkhead and Arcee walked out empty-servoed apart from the scanner.

"By all appearances, the mine's been stripped." Arcee said as they exited the mine, having found nothing.

"But I'm getting a signal." Bulkhead said, knowing that the scanner wasn't lying. "It's faint, but it's definitely Energon."

"Woah...!" Miko said in awe, completely forgetting about the concert. Jack immediately knew what she was thinking of doing, but couldn't say anything, for he knew that she would just do it anyway.

"Doesn't make sense..." Arcee said in confusion. "This operation's been abandoned four, maybe five years? And Decepticons never leave Energon behind."

"Uh, guys?" Jack interrupted, and pointed at the mine. The two 'Bots looked back to see Miko running into the mine.

"COOOOOOOOLLLLLL!" She yelled in excitement, her voice echoing off the walls.

"She went in!" Arcee said in annoyance. "Unbelievable!"

"Really?" Jack asked rhetorically. "Have you... met her?"

Michael and Jessica shared a smirk at this.

"Ugh... Miko! Get back here!" Bulkhead called as he ran into the mine after her.

"It... would be kinda interesting to see." Jack said truthfully. "You know, if it were-"

"Safe?' Arcee finished. "A stripped mine can be structurally unstable, Jack." She said as she placed a servo on her hip.

"I promise to step lightly." Jack said as he held his hands up. Arcee thought for a moment before finally deciding.

"Just... don't tell your Mom." She said, and the two walked in.

Michael looked over at Jessica and gave a small smile.

"What do you say, Jess?" Michael asked. "Up for an underground adventure?"

"Is it safe?" She asked, not wanting to end up getting trapped in the mine.

"I'm sure it's fine." He replied. Unfortunately, he forgot about what happened to the quartet at this particular mine, or who would also be there with them. Deciding to explore the mine for themselves, the two headed inside.

Right after they headed in, two jets arrived at the entrance. They transformed, revealing themselves to be Megatron and Starscream.

"Uh... Lord Megatron? Far be it from me to question your intentions," Starscream started, not knowing why they had come here. "but I do not understand why we have returned here after all this time. Alone."

Megatron didn't answer, but instead walked into the mine.

"Every last trace of Energon was extracted from this mine." Starscream continued, arguing his case. "There's nothing left."

Megatron stopped and turned around.

"Indulge me Starscream, won't you?" He asked in an uncharacteristically calm voice.

Starscream didn't reply, but instead walked into the mine alongside his Master.

Meanwhile, deeper inside the mine, Bulkhead was looking for Miko, who he hadn't been able to find.

"Miko?!" He called, getting no reply, at first.

"Mi-!" "Check it out!" Miko said happily, cutting the Wrecker off. "This would make an awesome rehearsal space!"

Miko then proceeded to test the acoustics in the room by yelling.

"HELLO! HELLO CLEVELAND!" She called, her loud voice echoing several times off the walls. "ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?! WOO-HOOOOO!"

As she screamed, Bulkhead's scanner went off, indicating he found something. He then activated his comm.

Meanwhile, in another part of the mine, Jack and Arcee were walking through one of the tunnels when the call came in.

"Arcee, found something." Came the Wrecker's voice.

"Bulkhead?" Arcee said into the comm, but a strange noise was emitted from it as she tried to answer back. "Bulkhead, do you read?" She asked, but got no reply. "Scrap." She looked at the rocks, realizing that the mineral composition in the tunnel was the cause. "The mineral composition down here is causing interference."

"That's bad, right?" Came a voice from behind her. She and Jack looked behind them to see Michael and Jessica approaching.

"Michael? Jessica?" Jack asked in surprise. "What are you two doing in here?"

"Same reason you're in here." Michael replied. "Thought it'd be fun to explore the mine."

"Oh." Jack said simply.

"And you didn't think to shift to your Cybertonian form before entering?" Arcee asked as she placed a servo on her hip. The Techno-Organic blushed as he didn't think of that, and attempted to shift forms...

But nothing happened.

"For frag's sake!" He grumbled, sick of being unable to change forms due to some type of outside force.

The quartet walked on for a while before they began to hear voices coming from near them. They walked out from the tunnel and stared in shock at the sight of Megatron pointing his fusion canon at Starscream. Michael's left eye went red as his eyes fell upon the Warlord, the teen's anger growing just by looking at him.

"You have ceased to be of use to me Starscream, so you shall simply cease to be." Megatron snarled, while the seeker panicked...

then his optics fell upon the humans.

At that moment, Arcee entered the room, gasping in shock as her optics fell on the 'Cons in the room. Megatron looked over, and optics and eyes met each other as silence fell for a few seconds. Then Megatron growled in anger at the sight of the Autobots and the humans and began firing at them.

Arcee grabbed the three humans and moved them behind a rock before any of the shots could hit them.

"Stay down!" The blue femme called to them as she hid behind a corner of the rock face shielding them.

Megatron fired at the rock face repeatedly before moving closer to it. This distraction allowed Starscream the chance to escape his demise by making a run for one of the other tunnels. But Megatron noticed his attempt at escaping.

"Starscream! You dare abandon me?!" Megatron shouted in rage, and turned the blaster fire on him instead, hitting the sides of the tunnel the seeker was running through. One of the shots blew the seeker off his pedes, but he was able to transform and escape.

Using this distraction, Arcee fired at the Warlord while his back was still turned. Megatron turned around and fired back. Unfortunately, Arcee's blaster fire misdirected his canon, pointing it right at the ceiling, causing the Warlord to fire at it, and cause it to give out and collapse.

To add insult to injury, Arcee had been right when she said stripped mines were structurally unstable. The rubble that fell from the ceiling hit the floor hard, and due to the mining that had taken place further beneath the ground, the floor they were on began to collapse, as it couldn't support the weight of the crumbling ceiling, especially when a large boulder fell right on top of Megatron, cracking the floor and making it give out, making the entire mine collapse around everyone inside it.

"Scrap!" Arcee cursed as the floor collapsed beneath them. She tried to run back but the floor gave out from under her, making her fall deeper into the mine. Jack, Michael, and Jessica also tried to escape, but they were also caught by the collapsing floor, taking them with it.

Further down, Bulkhead used himself to protect Miko from any rocks that threatened to fall on top of her and crush her as the room they were in began to cave in.

In the now-collapsing tunnel Starscream was flying through, the seeker was almost to the entrance of the mine when a rock struck him, making him lose control, transform, and get caught in the rocks that began to surround and crush him. He panicked and yelled as he became trapped.

"What?! NOOOOOO!!!"

The entire mine had collapsed, and now they were all trapped...


A few hours had passed and the evening was beginning to settle in, and the humans were finally starting to recover from the mine's collapse.

Michael was able to free himself from the rubble, covered in dust, but uninjured.

"Jack?!" He called out, wondering if they were separated. "Arcee?! Jessica?!"

A groan sounded out near him, somewhat muffled by the rocks. Running over, he cleared away as many of the rocks as he could. At last, he was able to reach the person buried in the rubble.

It was Jessica.

"Oh my god! Jess!" Michael cried, seeing how badly she had gotten buried. To his relief, she was conscious, and he quickly pulled her out. "Are you okay?!"

"Yeah... I think so...." She groaned as she was carried out and laid on the ground. As Michael laid her down, he felt something warm and wet on his hand. Even with the lack of light, he could tell what it was, and he went pale as his eyes went a pale green.

"Shit...!" He swore under his breath.

Jessica was bleeding from her head, though she didn't seem to be suffering from a concussion or any other type of damage to her head or eyes. He'd have to ask Jack for help in checking as soon as he found him if they were able to make it out, as he was sure that he was bound to know something since his mom was a nurse. Taking his shirt off, he wrapped it around her head in an attempt to stop the bleeding. She needed medical attention, but he used his shirt as a temporary solution.

It left him shirtless and extremely cold, but he didn't care. He just hoped it would last long enough for them to get out.

Picking her up, he carried her in his arms bridal style as he used his phone's built-in light to light the way ahead of him and took any path he could find to find a way out. He knew that shifting forms was out of the question, and his Groundbridge remote probably didn't have any signal since they were so far underground. He thought it was either that or the mineral composition in the rocks. 

All the while, he couldn't help but feel guilty for her getting injured.

Meanwhile, Jack was able to free himself from the rubble. Like Michael, he was covered in dust, but wasn't injured.

"Arcee?!" He called out as he looked around, wondering where she ended up. "Arcee?!" He called again, but still got no answer. "Michael?! Jessica?!"

No sound greeted him other than his own echo and the sound of his breathing.

"Scrap!" He swore, and set about finding his way out.

In the room Miko and Bulkhead were in, Miko coughed and spluttered as the dust cleared.

"Did I do that?" Bulkhead asked in worry, thinking he was the one who caused the mine to collapse.

"Don't think so." Miko replied as she walked out from under him.

"Are you okay?" The Wrecker asked.

"Natch." She replied. "What about you?" She asked as she turned around, but was shocked by the sight of him.


The ceiling had given out, and Bulkhead was holding it up with his arms using all the strength he had, but his arms were beginning to creak and groan from the weight.


"Don't worry Miko, I got it under control." Bulkhead assured.

"What do you think caused the cave-in?" She asked.

"Who knows?" Bulkhead answered worriedly. "I just hope, Jack, Arcee, Michael, and Jessica are safe cause... We could definitely use an assist..." He said, knowing he wouldn't be able to hold the roof forever.

"Just keep raising that roof, Bulk. I'll get us out of here." Miko said, and began to clear away as many rocks as she could.

More hours passed, and night had fallen upon the landscape of the surface above the mine.

Jack soon found his way to a clearing, and called out.

"Arcee?! Bulkhead?! Miko! Michael! Jessica?!"

He didn't get a reply from any of them...

Hearing movement near him, he looked over, and his eyes widened in surprise.

One of the unused drills that had been left in the mine after the operations had ceased was standing on a cliff, undamaged and standing upright.

"That could come in handy." He said to himself, and made his way over to it. It didn't take long for him to get to it and climb on. Reaching the controls, he set about activating it. Using the knowledge taught to him by Ratchet and the other Autobots on how to use Cybertronian technology, it didn't take long for Jack to have the drill up and running. 

"Roll out." He said as the drill began to move, and he set off in search of his friends.

Meanwhile, Michael was still carrying Jessica in his arms as they made their way through the mine. Despite carrying the teen girl for hours and walking without rest, he wasn't tired at all, as he had built up a lot of strength and endurance thanks to his workouts. The young teen boy kept Jessica talking, wanting to keep her conscious due to her injury, as he wasn't sure how bad it actually was.

"Jess?" Michael said, changing the topic.

"Yeah?" Jessica replied.

"I'm... sorry you got hurt..." Michael said sadly.

"It's alright. It wasn't your fault." Jessica replied

"But it was." Michael said. "I should've remembered what happened here..."

"Michael, listen. You can't control what happens around you." Jessica said truthfully. "Yes, you hold knowledge of the future, but even with that knowledge, you can't prevent people from getting hurt. That's a fact about war. And I don't blame you for my injury. It could've happened to anyone. Besides, you can't remember every single event. You're only human, after all." She added, and smiled.

Michael smiled back.

"Wait," Jessica said suddenly, as she heard a muffled noise through the walls. "Can you hear that?" Michael stopped and listened.

He could hear a somewhat familiar noise.

"That sounds like..." Michael said.

"Drilling." The two finished together. Michael then realized who was controlling it.

"It's Jack!" Michael exclaimed, and yelled out his name several times, hoping that the teen would hear him. Thankfully, he was heard, and the wall near them cracked and crumbled as a hole was made, with a large drill appearing in front of them.

And there, standing at the controls, was Jack.

"Jack! Oh thank Christ!" Michael swore in relief.

"Michael! Jessica!" Jack said in relief. "Are you both okay?!"

"We've been better." Jessica replied.

"Michael? Why are you shirtless?" Jack asked, not expecting to see him like that, or to see him carrying Jessica with his shirt around her head. "And why are you carrying Jessica?"

"Jessica got a head injury in the cave-in." Michael explained. "She was bleeding badly, but I don't think she has a concussion, at least as far as I could tell. I decided to carry her instead of having her walk just in case her injury got worse."

Jack nodded, understanding. With the raven-haired teen's assistance, Michael and Jessica were able to board the drill. Jack, asking the basic questions his mom had taught him to ask in situations like these, was able to deduce that Jessica had a mild concussion, but it wasn't too bad. Jessica was able to stand upright without issue, and the three continued in their search for the others.

They drilled for a while, not being able to find Arcee, Miko, or Bulkhead, but they didn't let up. As they made their way through the mine, they uncovered something that shocked them all.

There in front of them, buried by the rubble, was Megatron, his helm peaking out through the hole the teens had drilled.

Michael's eyes went from pale green to blazing red and his anger immediately skyrocketed upon seeing the Warlord.

"Well if it isn't the Autobot's human pets." Megatron sneered, then his optics made contact with Michael's eyes. "How nice to see you again, Michael." He taunted. "I haven't forgotten my time inside your head, or my time controlling your precious scout."

"Shut the fuck up!" Michael snapped in rage, as Megatron smirked. 

"I suppose helping those less fortunate would be... completely out of the question."

"For someone like you? Damn fucking right." Jessica said coldly.

"If that is the case," Megatron said. "you might as well use your drill to finish me. I guarantee you will never have a better opportunity than right now..."

Silence fell between the four of them for a few moments, as Jack and Jessica looked at each other, sharing looks of hesitation. Michael, on the other hand, glared full on the Warlord, his red eyes seeming to glow in the light of Megatron's optics and the light of the drill's screens.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Megatron asked. "Think of the glory! Seize the day! Optimus won't..."

More silence.

"If you two won't do it, then I can see someone who will..." Megatron remarked, his optics locking with Michael's eyes. Jack and Jessica looked at Michael before they looked back at the Warlord.

"No. They wouldn't." Jack said with a firm expression. "Not like this."

"We aren't like you." Jessica added. "We're nothing like you."

"Someone doesn't seem to agree." The Warlord replied. The two teens looked in concern at Michael, whose expression hadn't eased, and his eyes remained locked on Megatron's optics.

"Go on, Michael." Megatron urged with an evil grin. "I know you want revenge for what I did to your scout. You have the opportunity right in front of you. Give into the Darkness within your heart... Let it consume you... Do it..."

Michael's breathing became heavier as he fought within himself; his heart screaming at him not to do it, his mind telling him to give in.

Michael hated the Warlord. He full-on despised him.

The silver mech destroyed so many lives. Destroyed his own home. Used the lives of his own faction just to further his own personal gain.

And he held no remorse for any of it.

He could end it all. He could avenge all those who had joined the AllSpark.

For all the Decepticons who had been forced to fight in a war they didn't want.

For all the Autobots who had suffered horrible losses.

For every Cybertronian who had been sent to death's doorstep.

For Optimus, who suffered from the betrayal and loss of the one who he saw as a brother most.

For Ratchet, who suffered from the guilt of not being able to save the many lives lost in the war, as well as the guilt of being unable to fix Bumblebee's voicebox.

For Bumblebee, the mech Michael loved most, who suffered from being traumatized by the Warlord and suffered from his voice being taken from him.

For Bulkhead, who suffered the loss of many who he had seen as brothers.

For Arcee, who had suffered the loss of her partner and her sisters.

For Cliffjumper, who nearly lost his life and would've been brought back as a mindless beast.

He could bring peace to everyone, and he had the opportunity right before his very own eyes.

One move was all it took...




....And yet....




He couldn't bring himself to do it.

He wasn't Megatron.

He wasn't a murderer.

He wasn't heartless.

He wasn't going to give in to the Darkness.

It wasn't what he wanted.

It wasn't what Optimus wanted.

It wasn't what Bumblebee wanted.

It wasn't what his family would want.

He was better than Megatron... in every way possible.

"No..." Michael said firmly, shocking Megatron, as well as Jack and Jessica. "I'm not like you. I'm nothing like you. You can rust here forever for all I care... But if I ever see you again... Well let's just say, it won't be me in control when I snuff your Spark..."

He and the others walked over to the controls and began to move the drill away in another direction, but Megatron spoke up, wanting the last say.

"I'll be sure to share the details of our little conversation with Optimus, the day I rip out his Spark! And yours too, Michael!"

Michael didn't say anything in reply. Jack and Jessica took a hold of his hands in a comforting manner, for they could tell how hard of a mental struggle it was for him to let Megatron live.

The Techno-Organic knew that Megatron would get out, but he couldn't tell Jack and Jessica that. He held his emotions back as the three made their way further into the mine in search of the others, his left eye staying red, his right eye going back to pale green.

Megatron watched the trio go, and set about breaking himself free.

As the three made their way through the mine, Jessica heard a banging sound come from through the wall.

"Do you guys hear that?" She asked.

"Hear what?" Jack asked.

"It sounds like some kind of banging noise." Jessica said.

Michael's eyes widened as it dawned on him.

"Oh shit!!!" Michael cursed, as both teens looked at him. "That's Miko banging Bulkhead's pede in an attempt to get our attention! Bulkhead is holding up the ceiling of the room they're both trapped in, and he isn't going to last much longer, and Starscream has probably found them by now. We need to find and rescue them! NOW!"

The trio drilled through the mine a little bit longer before finally drilling into the room Miko and Bulkhead were trapped in, hitting Starscream in the process.

"Jack! Michael! Jessica! Get Miko out of here! NOW!" Bulkhead cried, knowing that she wouldn't be able to last much longer being underground with him, and especially not with Starscream trying to take her from him.

Jack jumped down to the tread cover and held his hand out to her. Miko hesitated, not wanting to leave her guardian behind.

"C'mon C'MON!" Jack cried, knowing they didn't have much time.

"Hurry!" Jessica cried in worry.

"RUN MIKO!" Bulkhead shouted.

Miko finally grabbed a hold of Jack's hand and he pulled her up.

"We can't leave Bulkhead!" Miko cried, tears streaming down her face.

"We'll come back for him! I promise!" Michael called out over the noise.

The four teens drove out of the room, leaving Bulkhead and Starscream behind.

"Arcee will save him, won't she?" Miko asked in worry as they made their way through the mine in search of a way out.

"We just need to find a way out of here before Megatron digs himself free." Jack replied.

"Megatron's here too?!" Miko cried in shock.

The four teens saw someone ahead of them, and they brought the drill to a halt. They looked out and gasped in shock.

There, standing ahead of the quartet, was Arcee. Covered in dust, but still functioning.

"Arcee!" Jack cried as a smile appeared on his face, happy to see that she was alright.

"Glad to see that you're safe, 'Cee!" Michael said, smiling.

"You need to help Bulkhead!" Miko cried.

Arcee nodded and headed the way the teens came in search of the Wrecker.

In the unstable room, Starscream and Bulkhead stared each other down. The seeker chuckled, seeing as to how easy it would be to snuff the Wrecker's Spark given his situation.

"If you think I'm gonna beg for mercy, Starscream." Bulkhead growled in anger. "Forget it!"

"Uh, yes." Starscream said. "Begging for mercy would be quite pathetic, wouldn't it?" He asked, not wanting to admit that he himself had done so many times, especially in the last twelve hours.

"Well, you're much more valuable to me alive." The seeker went on. "Imagine Megatron's appreciation when I not only rescue him, but deliver an Autobot. I believe that would restore my stature quite nicely..."

However, before he could say anything more, he was caught off guard by the sound of a blaster charging up, the owner of it being Arcee.

"Don't. Move. Starscream." Arcee growled in warning. "Hey Bulk."

"Hey 'Cee."

"Raise your hands!" The femme ordered, while Starscream groaned.

They were safe at last.


It was dawn by the time the group exited the mine and were on the surface again.

"We could finish 'em." Arcee suggested. "Here and now."

"Shame we didn't bring any grenades." Bulkhead said as bashed his fists together.

"Would Optimus... finish them?" Jack asked, remembering his encounter with Megatron earlier.

"No, he probably wouldn't." Arcee replied, and frowned. "Not like this."

"But Optimus wouldn't... rescue 'em either, right?" Miko asked.

"No, I don't think he would do that either." Jessica answered. "Not for beings like them."

Michael gave a low, but audible growl as he walked away, which the others noticed.

"Let's go home..." Bulkhead said, and he and the others walked away.

Arcee looked back, and sighed, then she walked away.

They called for a Groundbridge, and headed back to base. As they walked in, Michael looked back at the mine one last time, and sighed.

He knew he was going to regret his choice.


It was mid-morning in Jasper by the time the group made their way back to base. Arcee and Bulkhead reported all that had happened on their ends, with the kids giving their statements to back them up. Jack and Jessica had also told the rest of the team about their encounter with Megatron and what he had said to them, which shocked everyone, but Optimus was proud of them for not giving into the Warlord's goading. But Michael didn't feel proud...

...he didn't know what or how to feel.

Jack, Miko, and Jessica were all taken to the hospital by Ratchet. Miko and Jack to get checked for any injuries, as well as have their lungs checked due to inhaling dust, and Jessica so she could get her head seen to. Michael remained behind, saying he felt completely fine.

Indeed, his Cybertronian side protected him from any ailments he would've received had he remained a normal human.

Michael was now resting on the couch in the Command Center, physically and mentally tired from staying up all night. He had yet to shower or change his clothes, instead opting to remain shirtless and dirty, not feeling motivated to do either after what he had gone through.

He couldn't sleep either as his mind stayed active. His eyes hadn't returned to normal since his encounter with Megatron; the Warlord's words and his knowledge of the pain the mech would cause in the future plaguing his mind. The Warlord's words played over and over in his head...

And Michael's emotions finally gave out.

Letting out a loud scream of boiling emotions, he shot up from the couch, grabbed the television, and threw it over the railing of the human area, the TV smashing to pieces on the hard floor of the main level.

The Autobots looked over in shock, surprised by his outburst and actions. Michael couldn't hold himself back any longer, and finally broke down crying.

Bumblebee, who knew what Michael needed, immediately picked his sparkmate up, walked over to the Groundbridge, logged in a familiar set of coordinates, fired the bridge up, and walked through it with Michael in tow.

The cool morning air greeted them as the two exited the portal and entered the familiar clearing. Bumblebee immediately walked over to the cliff and sat down on the edge, putting Michael on his shoulder-plate. The young teen hugged his helm tightly as he let all his built-up emotions out.

The young scout whispered comforting words to him as he cried, and soon, Michael was able to calm down and regain his composure.

"I'm sorry, 'Bee... I'm so, so sorry..." Michael whispered as he finally stopped crying.

"<:You don't need to be sorry for anything. I know how hard it must've been for you.:>" The scout replied softly. "<:I would be feeling as you are right now if I had been in your place. You did the right thing in letting him live.:>"

"He's hurt so many people.... Ruined so many lives...." Michael said, his voice trembling. "I had the opportunity to avenge everyone and bring peace to those who suffered... and I didn't take it..."

"<:You have proven to Megatron once and for all that you are nothing like him.:>" Bumblebee said. "<:You're strong, Mike. Far stronger than Megatron ever will be. And I love you for that.:>"

Michael gave a sad smile, and gave his boyfriend a kiss on his helm in appreciation, as his eyes finally turned back to their normal colors. The two sat in silence as the sound of nature filled the air.

Michael knew that it was going to be hard facing Megatron in the future following his encounter with him.

But he was grateful that wasn't going to do it alone.


A/N: Rock Bottom is now done. This one didn't take as long to write as the last three did, which surprised me, but I'm gonna chalk that up to the episode taking place in only one area the entire way through. Michael hasn't found a use for his new abilities yet, but they will come in handy in the future. I guarantee it. What do you guys think of my take on the events, and what do you guys think of Michael's struggle during his encounter with Megatron? Let me know in the comments!

Next Chapter: During a search for a relic, the Autobots come across Starscream, who wishes to join their side. However, not all of the Autobots believe he will actually follow through with it, and that he is just bluffing, but Michael gives the seeker a talk that brings a lot of things into perspective.

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