
By trynafindjesss

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"The things I could make you feel" He whispered as he delicately tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear tha... More



234 17 32
By trynafindjesss

Air left my lungs as my body met the ground. Wincing at the light pain in my arm I opened my eyes taking in my surroundings, and realised I wasn't in my apartment.

I was wide awake now. I was lying between a couch and centre table. Last night's incidents started playing in my head and I remembered where I was.

I barely slept last night after what happened. Could still hear the gunshots or see flashes of the incident whenever I closed my eyes.

I stood up and reached for my mobile on the centre table. 8:01 am.....and almost a dozen missed calls from Candice. Fuck. I was about to send her a text but my phone died. Great.

I sighed and looked around the dark living room, stiffening when I saw a silhouette leaning against the kitchen counter, knowing exactly who it belonged to. It started moving towards the fridge.

The fridge door opened and it's light illuminated Kayden's half naked body.

Holy mother of God.

He stood there, rummaging through the fridge. Only a towel wrapped low around his waist.

I saw some ice in his hand and then he shut the door. Again I saw his silhouette moving around and finally he made his way towards the windows and drew back the curtains.

I covered my eyes with my arm when they were greeted by the harsh morning light.

I squinted above my arm and saw Kayden standing with a glass of liquor in his hand. It's fucking 8 in the morning and this man is already drinking.

He was looking at me with a weird expression. Like he was surprised to see me.

As my eyes adjusted to the sunlight, I took in his appearance properly, and I swear to God I've never seen a man this hot. He had a drool worthy muscular body.

The tattoos I'd seen before on his left arm ended near his shoulder. V line disappeared under the towel. His amazing toned torso had no tattoos but there were some scars I could make out. Surprisingly his left arm was the only part of his body that had tattoos. I thought he would have more of them.

His hair was wet from the shower and I could see the droplets of water shine in the sunlight as they fell on his shoulders and chest, and slide down his body.

Lord have mercy.

He placed his hands behind his back and stared at me with amusement. "Like what you see?" He asked me with raised eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at him, annoyed at myself more than I was at him for gawking again like a fucking idiot.

We started at each other for a while. Then his gaze turned to something dark. Like yesterday or that night in the hallway and then he slowly started walking towards me.  Never did he once took his eyes away from mine.

He stood right in front of me and I had to lift my head all the way to the back to meet his gaze. So close.

So close that I could smell his amazing body wash and feel his minty breath mixed with whisky on my face. I had to suppress the urge to find out how it would taste.

Last night I made a move, showing him that I want the same thing as he does and he didn't do anything other than leave me fucking wet and feeling like a horny stupid idiot.

I'll not do that again. I swear I'll not be the one to start anything first. He planted this seed and now he'll have to work to get the fruit.

Slowly he raked his eyes down my body and brought his glass to his lips, taking a sip. After that he bent down, bringing his face close to mine.

Stay strong Evelyn.

His mouth was now hovering over my jaw, hot breath hitting my cold skin, droplets from his wet hair falling on my collarbone.

I closed my eyes shut before I could break the promise I made to myself just minutes ago. Fucking fuck me already dammit.

Then he backed away.

Oh my fucking God.

Is this fucker being serious right now?

His whole demeanor changed. "I'll drop you at your apartment in fifteen minutes. You can use the bathroom if you want but I want you to be ready near the elevator with your stuff within that time. Don't take a fucking second longer." He said angrily and was about to leave but stopped when I snapped, "And what if I fucking don't?"

Who the fuck does he think he is to talk to me like that? And why the fuck was he angry all of a sudden? And most importantly, why was he taking it out on me? I won't let him treat me like a piece of shit.

His entire body stiffened.

Uh-oh. Time to run for the fucking hills I guess.

His grip on the glass became so deadly that I was shocked it didn't shatter. He glared at me with so much anger that I immediately regretted my words.

Hair on the back of my neck stood up in fear. He looked like if he had a gun on him he would have shot me without any hesitation. Thank God there wasn't one anywhere around.

I wanted to fucking bolt out of this house but was pinned in place by his glare. He moved closer towards me and got in my face, nose flaring with anger.

"You are in my fucking house Lyn and you'll do as I fucking say. Now fucking behave and do as you're fucking told." He gritted in an eerily low voice.

This asshole went from making my pussy wet to making my hands wet in seconds. My hands were sweaty but I tried to not show any fear. He clenched his jaw and kept staring. "Do you fucking understand Lyn? Yes or no?"

I didn't do or say anything, too stubborn to cower even though I was sure he didn't need a gun to kill me. His hands were enough.

A vein popped out of his temple and I remembered I still haven't seen the Eiffel Tower.

"Yes." I whispered and grimaced internally at how pathetic I sounded.

After staring into my soul for almost half a minute with a clenched jaw, he backed away exhaling harshly and started walking towards the hallway.

That's when I saw it. A tattoo. A scribbling which looked like a human figure, sitting with legs folded near its chest, hands held together and knees tucked on the inside of its elbows, wings spread across his shoulder blades.

The wings were detailed unlike the human figure which was just circularly scribbled in a way which looked like it was a human. Could only make out a tilted head with a creepy fucking smile and eyes which looked really nerve wrecking. It looked like it was looking at you in a twisted way.

Like it was smiling and glaring at the same time, like it could see through everything. Whoever tatted those eyes did a brilliant fucking job because now I'm terrified for staring at them for so long.


I was standing near the elevator after using the toilet, rinsing my mouth and washing my face. Kayden entered the bathroom while I was lathering my face with a new bar of soap I found in one of the cabinets.

That fucker grabbed my arm and checked the bandage through the cut that was formed in my sweatshirt because of the glass and simply said, "No blood. Good. Remove it once you get home. You need to let it breath," while I was squinting through the foam on my face to look at him and figure out if he has dicks stucked in his eyes and that's why he didn't see I was in the middle of washing my face when he decided to play doctor.

Kayden came towards the elevator wearing a white shirt tucked inside black dress pants and shoes. Hair still a little damp.

God he looks hot. I looked away before I give him a chance to notice it again.

We got inside the elevator and descended down. He unlocked another car as the one we were in yesterday was fucked up badly. Looking at it made me uneasy.

We were on our way to my apartment building. I looked at my left and saw the cuts on Kayden's forearm. He was on a call, angrily whispering into the phone.

I could hear muffled shouting from the other side when Kayden said he'll be there in five minutes. He ended the call, cutting off the man's ranting in between and huffed in anger.

We reached my apartment building and I was about to get out but Kayden locked my side of the door as he always did.

"Will you be going to work tonight?" He asked with raised eyebrows and glanced at my wound.

"Yeah. It doesn't hurt that bad." And I don't want my boss to cut some amount from my salary for taking too many holidays. Not to forget I took two days leave not too long ago as I was 'sick'.

Kayden started at me for few seconds. I could tell he wanted to say something but didn't. "Alright. Be ready by the same time as always. I'll pick you up." He said and I heard a click, indicating he unlocked the door.

Even though I didn't want him to pick me up or be around him ever again after what happened yesterday, I gave him a nod and got out of the car, wanting to get out of this sweatshirt with dried blood as soon as possible and take a long warm shower.


Forgive me for the late update.


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