Secrets keeper

By SnowWhite1309

145K 6.8K 5.4K

Gawking two guys in a hot-blown make-out session in the mathematical section of the library was not what I ex... More

Book trailer!
1- The Clichés
2 - Our little secret
3 - Stalker
4 - Kidnapped by Clichés
5 - Mystery Girl
6 - A long story
7 - Party time (1)
8 - Party time (2)
9 - Party time (3)
10 - Awkward
11 - Soccer Practice
12 - Catching the cheater
13 - Victory
14 - After-party
15 - Devilish smile
16 - Preparation week
17 - Mishap
18 - Thank you and sorry
19 - Fundraiser (1)
20 - Fundraiser (2)
21 - Fundraiser (3)
22 - You like her
23 - Not until you two kiss
24 - A favor
25 - YOLO
26 - Do the daring
27 - Gay Club (1)
28 - Gay Club (2)
29 - Meeting his family
30 - No?
31 - Singletines (1)
32 - Singletines (2)
33 - Not again
34 - Positive
35 - Dexter
36 - I like him
37 - Tonight (1)
38 - Tonight (2)
39 - Tonight (3)
40 - Spring Break (1)
41 - Spring Break (2)
42 - Spring Break (3)
43 - Spring Break (4)
44 - Spring Break (5)
45 - Spring Break (6)
46 - Back to school
47 - April Fools
48 - Dinner (1)
49 - Dinner (2)
50 - Storm (1)
51 - Storm (2)
52 - Coming out
53 - Getting caught
55 - Girls night out
56 - Coward
57 - Surprise
58 - Karma
59 - Prom
60 - A secret
Characters Aesthetic

54 - Boys night out

1.7K 95 61
By SnowWhite1309

^^Spencer's backyard

Lillian's POV

"Lillian... Lillian!"

"Huh?" I jerked up from my thoughts and saw my maths teacher in front of me.

"The assignment?" He pointed at the papers on my desk.

"Yeah..." I scurried over and gave him my work.

The class snickered over my behavior, but I ignored them as my mind again went to Nate. I couldn't believe he got expelled. I knew from the beginning it was an idea of him having an affair and it will get him in trouble, but what I never imagined was that he'll get caught by Principal Morgan.

My phone vibrated under my desk, and I peeked at my teacher. He was busy sorting the assignments, so I took the chance and read the text.

'Meet me at the girls' locker room after school.'

My eyebrows knitted in confusion when I read the text from Madeleine.

Why does she want to meet there?

The clichés got the shock of their lives today. First Ben and then Nate... Two secrets got revealed on the same day. One for the better and the other for the worse.

Ben was now freely roaming around the hallways with Toby, without hiding from anyone. He looked blissful, and I was so happy for him.

As for Nate, he got expelled for his affair while Miss Grace looked unbothered by it.

The last bell rang, and everyone flew from the class. I packed my bags and rushed toward the girls' locker room.

Maybe Madeleine is planning something for Nate-

"Lilly?" I turned my head towards the left hallway and saw Chloe. "Are you going to the girls' locker room?"

"Yeah..." I looked at her, puzzled. "How do you know?"

"Maddie also texted me to come." She answered as we descend the stairs. "I have a feeling something is going to happen."

"So have I," I murmured.

We turned to our left and saw Tiana and Brittany already standing in front of the locker room.

"What're you two doing here?" Brittany eyed us.

"Uh..." Chloe and I glanced at each other.

"I called them!" Madeleine became from behind and plopped her arms around our shoulders. "The more the merrier." She winked.

"Whatever." Brittany rolled her eyes and began sauntering. "Let's go."

"What's going on?" I asked, and Tiana smiled at me.

"We are going to Principal Morgan."

"She did something she shouldn't have." Madeleine grinned. "Now we are going to make her take it back."

"Will she listen to us?" I inquired, making Brittany scoff.

"We'll leave her no choice."

"She thinks we'll let her expel our golden boy." Madeleine clicked her tongue. "Not happening."

"How?" Chloe let out a nervous laugh. "Sorry, but I have to prepare myself accordingly."

"We will do nothing," Brittany said. "You guys are just backup."

"Brittany will negotiate," Tiana whispered, and I nodded.

Brittany's reaction surprised me. She acted like she didn't care about Nate, but then she came up with a plan, which I still have no clue what. Brittany is a rigorous lioness, but deep down she is benevolent, which she hides from others.

"Here's what's going to happen," Brittany told us the plan when we reached the Principal's office.

For me, it was simple...

Stay quiet.

At which I'm an expert.

"M-Miss Forbes, what are you doing here?" The receptionist stuttered, looking horrified.

"Oh, nothing." She waved her hand in dismissal and gave her a sweet smile. "I'm here to have a chat with my mother if you don't mind."

"She's busy. I'll let her know-" she picked up the phone, but Brittany stopped by putting her hand over hers.

"No need for the formalities." She put the phone back down. "I'll do it myself."

With that, she marched towards the wooden double door and burst it open.

"Brittany!" Principal Morgan scolded. "What is the meaning of this?" She hissed and covered the phone with her hand.

"Cut the call and I'll let you know, dear mother," Brittany smirked and took a seat in front of her.

Principal Morgan whispered something over the phone and hang up. I sat on the side couch with Chloe while Tiana sat beside Brittany and Madeleine plopped over the side table, dangling her feet.

"What do you want?" Principal Morgan eyed her.

"Oh, mother!" Brittany put her hand over her heart in hurt. "Why do you think I'm here for something? Maybe I just wanted to have a chat."

"You don't come to my office to have a mother-daughter chat with your gang." She rolled her eyes.

"Girls have to stick together, Ma'am." Madeleine gave her a toothy grin.

"Back to the point. Just say and leave. I have work to do." Principal Morgan mumbled, typing something on her computer.

"Take Nate's expulsion back and we'll leave." Brittany beamed.

"What?" She frowned and looked at her over the computer screen. "I'm not doing to do that."

"Why not?"

"Because it's something serious and you don't know-"

"I know he was f**king Grace." Brittany blurted, and I almost gasped at the words she used in front of her mother.

"Watch your language, lady." Principal Morgan glared.

"I'm being straightforward." She shrugged.

"If you knew about this, you should have stopped your friend."

"That's the problem, Ma'am." Tiana sighed. "We found out after he got expelled. There wasn't much we could do then."

"He's done something horrible against the rules and I will not take it back-"

"What about Grace?" Madeleine cut her off. "She is roaming around freely."

"I've got her under control-"

"How?" Brittany growled. "How the f**k you have got it under control? Grace is acting like nothing happened while our friend got expelled!"

"I had a chat with her and she told me some... Things-"

"Like what?" Brittany scoffed. "Don't tell me she played the victim."

"She told me Nate was being persistent-"

"And she gave in." Madeleine snorted. "Just like that?"

"I didn't imagine things will go this way," Chloe mumbled from beside me as I watched Tiana, Brittany, and Madeleine argue with Principal Morgan.

"Neither did," I whispered and tensed when Brittany called my name. "Yes?"

"You're the smart kid here. Why don't you remind our principal of the consequences of a teacher having an affair with a student?"

The principal looked at me, surprised as she had just noticed me.

"Um..." I adjusted my glasses and looked at Principal Morgan. "Despite the student being eighteen years old, the California Supreme Court considered an educator's sexual relationship with a student to be 'sexual misconduct with a minor.' A teacher who is caught engaging in this behavior loses their teaching license and pleads guilty to coercion."

"Correct." Brittany looked at me proud making me blush. "Why isn't she fired?"

"Look, Brittany." Principal Morgan sighed. "I've already taken a decision-"

"You did this because Grace is the daughter of one of the School board members." Brittany declared, making her eyes go wide. "You want to keep the board happy so they won't kick you out for such misconduct that happened under your nose!"

"Brittany!" she snapped, but Brittany didn't budge.

"Take it back or I'll make it worse for you," Brittany growled. "Spencer's are the top donators of this school and once they'll find out what you did to their son, they'll ruin you."

"Nate won't tell them a thing." She gritted.

"But we will." Brittany gave her a lopsided grin.

"One day I was coming late from my cheer practice and I heard someone moaning in the boys' locker room," Tiana smirked. "When I went there, I saw Miss Grace having sexual intercourse with Nate."

"At the Fundraiser, I also saw Miss Grace and Nate leaving the ballroom." Madeleine jumped to her feet. "I followed them and saw them making out."

"Last summer, when Nate wasn't even eighteen, I saw Miss Grace flirting and making a move on him." Brittany pouted. "Poor Nate was confused but Grace told him it's alright and kissed him!"

Chloe and I gawked at them, dumbfounded.

"You are all lying!" Principal Morgan slammed her fist on the desk and jolted up from her seat.

"Of course we are." The three of them stood in front of her with sly grins on their faces. "But you can't prove it."

"I can't believe you." She collapsed in her seat.

"Do the right thing for once, dear mother." Brittany smiled at her. "Think of it as your second chance."

"I already had this second chance to talk with your brother." She grunted, giving me a side glance, and my brows furrowed in confusion.

"This one is for me." Brittany gave her a cheeky grin and gestured for us to move. "Think about it, mother. You have till tonight."

With that, we walked out of her room towards the hallway.

"The was f**king hot!" Madeleine squealed. "We were a total bada**!"

"Do you think she'll change her decision?" Chloe asked.

"She will." Tiana nodded. "She's left with no choice."

"How did you know Miss Grace is the daughter of a board member?" I asked Brittany.

"I have my ways." She shrugged, and we stopped at the school door.

"I almost choked on the lies you guys told her," Chloe mumbled.

"That was needed." Madeleine winked.

"I need to clear my head now." Tiana rubbed her forehead. "It feels like I'm about to explode."

"We learned new things today." Madeleine sighed. "And I'm not talking about the class here."

"Let's go home. We'll have all night to think over it," Brittany grumbled, and we bid goodbye.

Brittany strode to her car with Tiana and Madeleine while Chloe went to hers. I strolled towards my cycle and rode to my home.

As soon as I reached my house, I got to my room and plopped on the bed. I was drained out of energy physically and mentally. Andrew and I postponed our date to some other time because we both weren't prepared for it after having a day like that.

~•~ • ~•~ • ~•~

Andrew's POV

"David is not coming," Ben said, switching his phone off.

"Why?" Jordan inquired.

"He says he isn't feeling well."

"What about Toby?" I asked, and Ben shook his head.

"He's having dinner night with his family." I nodded my head.

"Let's start this."

On Saturday, we were at Nate's house in the living room trying to cheer his mopping a**. We all needed this time to get our heads clear after that bombarded Monday.

It's been a week since Brittany got a word with Principal Morgan and got Grace kicked out of the school and Nate back on his track. But he still hasn't gotten over her yet.

"We should watch Riverdale and learn a lesson from it," Louis's side glanced at Nate as he switched to Netflix.

"I don't need any lesson," Nate growled at him.

"Louis is right." Jordan backed him up as he plopped onto the other couch with a bowl of popcorn. "Look at how Archie Andrews ended up in season one after having an affair with his teacher."

"I've already seen it." Nate beside me sighed, making me smirk.

"So you got the idea from it." I teased.

"Of course not! I didn't even see it when I got with Grace." He fumed.

"I'm still surprised that you were banging Miss Grace all this time." Ben shook his head in surprise.

"And I'm surprised to know you are banging Toby." Nate retorted. "Who could have that the bad boy was into nerd boys?"

Ben narrowed his eyes at Nate. "At least my relationship isn't illegal."

"Why does she being a teacher matter that much? I'm about to graduate."

"Exactly about to..." Louis pointed out. "But you have been with her since last summer."

"How come you all are ok with him hiding his relationship and mine not?" Nate huffed.

"They are in love." I asserted. "It was lust for you."

"It wasn't."

"Then why isn't she picking your call?" Ben raised his brows.

"Yeah... She dropped your a** the minute you guys got caught." Jordan snorted.

"It wasn't like that." Nate defended her. "I knew she could get in more trouble than me. That's why I was alright with it, but Brittany screwed it."

"Be pleased she saved your ungrateful a**," I grunted.

"She got Grace to resign and leave the town and now she hates me and isn't responding to my calls!" Nate threw his hands in the air. "How am I supposed to be happy?"

"Brittany saved your future while Grace was ruining it." Ben got up from his seat. "She fought with Morgan and withdrew your expulsion so you could go to England to study like you always dreamed, while all your precious Grace did was save her own a** and got you expelled. If she loved you, she would have put you first over herself."

With that, Ben walked out of the living room towards the kitchen.

"Ben is right." Louis bobbed his head. "Brittany didn't show, but she cares more than Grace."

"I double that." Jordan agreed with him.

"She was not in love with you, Nate." I looked at him sternly. "She was just fooling around with you. As Ben said, if she loved you she would have stood hand in hand with you and faced the consequence instead she flee the second she saw the opening."

"I..." Nate trailed off and averted his gaze to the floor. "I get what you guys are trying to say, but it's..."

"Hard to accept. We get it." I patted his shoulder.

"That's why we are here." Louis grinned and played 'Red notice.' "I'm hundred percent sure Gal Gadot will take your mind off Grace."

We chuckled, and Louis began the movie. I glanced towards the kitchen and Ben still hadn't come back. I got up quietly, letting others watch the movie, and walked to the kitchen, but it was empty.

I heard Ben's voice coming from the backyard. I slid the glass door open and saw him strolling around the pool, talking to someone on the phone.

I stepped towards the pool which was half filled and sat on the edge of it dangling my feet but I didn't reach the water.

"Yeah... Bye," Ben cut the call and took a seat beside me.

"Who was it?"

"B..." He grinned, shaking his head. "She was asking about Nate."

"Nate has put her under guilt even though she did the right thing."

On Tuesday when Nate found out that he was invited to come to school again and the reason behind him, he burst out on Brittany. Brittany remained calm and listened to him, knowing he wasn't in his senses. She told him that one day he'll apologize to her for his behavior and then left him.

Since then they haven't talked.

"I never noticed it," Ben smirked. "I think she still likes him."

"I highly doubt it by the way they both fight." I scoffed. "Brittany is always ready to strangle on him."

"Maybe that's how we Forbes show our love." Ben snickered and I raised my brows at him.

"Never took you to be a lover boy."

"Neither did I." He shrugged. "But people change," I observed his blissful face as watched the water in the pool.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "I'm your best friend Ben."

Honestly, I was a little hurt when I found out. Ben and I have been friends since we were kids and we told each other everything... That's what I thought before.

"That's why I didn't tell you." He breathe heavily and kept his eyes down. "I didn't want you to behave differently around me just because of my sexuality."

"I never judged you for it."

"I wasn't ready to share this part of me with anyone." He murmured.

"But you did with Lillian." I pointed.

"She caught me and I was scared that she'll tell everyone. I didn't know her back then, so I threatened her to keep it a secret."

"That's why you stalked her."

"I didn't..." I raised my brows, and he sighed. "Fine, I did. But it was more like I was keeping my eye on her."

"Look how things turned out." I snorted. "Maddie was hell bend that you were in love with her and we kind of believed her."

"She's crazy," Ben said, and we chuckled.

"She even bet that you'll declare your love till Valentine's."

"But you asked her out, shocking everyone."

"You were the one who shocked us when you wrote your confession on the graffiti wall!"

"Oh God, the look on all of your faces!" We burst out laughing. "I will never forget it."

"For a moment, I was terrified that you were confessing to Lillian, and I was thinking of ways to murder you!"

"I know!" He cracked. "The punch you gave me was enough to know I pissed you off when you saw us together that morning."

"I wanted to do more than just a punch, but I restrained myself because I was confused..." Our laughs died and the atmosphere began a little serious. "I was hurt and thought... Well, I thought worse."

"I wanted to scream at you. I was gay and nothing happened between us." Ben ran his fingers through his hair. "But I didn't get the guts."

"Then how did you do it?"

"When I got back inside, I saw Lillian crying her eyes out." He said, making my eyes widen. "Don't look so shocked she cares about you and likes you, Drew."

"Glad to know that," I murmured, scratching the back of my neck as I felt my ear turn red.

Ben didn't pay attention to it as he continued his story. "Then Toby broke up with me, saying if I don't tell. It'll be over between us."

"Really?" I was surprised.

"Yeah..." Ben bobbed his head. "I couldn't even imagine living a second without him and all night Lillian's sad face replayed in my head and that's when I decided I needed to get over with this."

"It was brave of you." I put my hand over his shoulder and squeezed it. "Now everyone knows what Benjamin Forbes is capable of."

"I was ready for Brittany to stab me for not telling her, but she already knew." He chuckled.

"Twin intuition." I scoffed, repeating her words. "She must have seen you two."

"I guess so... It feels like for the first time I can breathe freely and be with someone I love without worrying about anything."

"Whether you like a girl or a guy, you'll remain the same Ben, the bad boy of West High," I smirked, and he chuckled. "Hey, I have a question."


"When did you find out that you're into guys?" I questioned that was swirling in my head since he came out. "Don't tell me I was the first one you had a crush on."

"Cocky as always." Ben snorted. "No, I never liked you."

"Ouch! That hurts." I pouted, and he punched my shoulder, laughing. "Dude! That actually hurt!" I winced, rubbing my arm.

"Drama Queen." He rolled his eyes. "As for your question, I found out in junior high."


"It was clear when we used to watch TVD and instead of having a crush on Katherine Pierce like my best friend." He side glanced at me. "I was swooning over Damon Salvatore like my twin sister."

"Holy f**k Damon Salvatore!" I burst out laughing.

"He's hot." He shrugged nonchalantly, and we laughed at the times when Brittany forced us to watch TVD with her.

"F**k, that was a long time ago." I smiled at the memories.

"I know." He chuckled and my phone pinged. I took it out and saw a message.

"Lillian?" Ben asked, and I nodded. "Your grin gave away." He snickered, and I flipped him the bird.

My Lilly: Andrew?

Me: Yes?

The bubbles popped as she began typing. Like us, the girls also had a night out because they didn't want to be left behind.

My Lilly: Don't get angry but I need to tell you something and I know it's going to sound crazy but... We are going to Dexter's party.

"What the f**k?!" I screamed, making Ben flinch.

"What?" He asked as I got up and he followed me.

"They are going to Dexter's party."

"What the f**k? Why?!" Ben shouted.

Me: Are you crazy?!

After a minute, when she didn't answer my text, I dialed her number, and the bell rang, but she didn't pick up.

"F**k, she's not picking up." I cursed, and we walked back to the living room.

"Brittany is not picking either," Ben growled as he pressed the end button furiously.

"What happened to you two?" Louis asked while Jordan and Nate watched us curiously.

Ben and I glanced at each other and our lips curved into a Cheshire grin.

"Want to crash a party?"

~•~ • ~•~ • ~•~


Happiness for one and sadness for the other... That's how the world works.

Do you think Brittany did the right thing?

Will Nate realize it or not?

And why are Lillian and the girl gang going to Dexter's party? 👀

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