Dragon Ball: The Galactic Sei...

By ShadyFellow

764 49 6

An unknown being has entered Universe 7 and is now on a galactic rampage. It is up to Goku and Vegeta to go s... More

Chapter 1: Not who it seems
Chapter 2: Earth matters
Chapter 3: Answer me now, cat!
Chapter 4: Amongst friends and family
Chapter 5: A Mere Fraction
Chapter 6: Gauging the Kin
Chapter 7: Stress Testing
Chapter 8: Applying more pressure
Chapter 9: Inhuman Edge
Chapter 10: Expoit all options
Chapter 11: Did we win?
Chapter 12: Weighing our Priorities
Chapter 13: Is it a bird?
Chapter 14: A scheme always at play.
Chapter 15: Just what we need
Chapter 16: Alliance or something else
Chapter 17: Work with us
Chapter 18: Duties
Chapter 19: Rematch
Chapter 20: The Destroyer and the Collector
Chapter 21: Things that needed to happen.
Chapter 22: About time we left.
Chapter 23: shake it off.
Chapter 24: Welcome Party
Chapter 25: 4v1, Good Odds.
Chapter 26: This was the plan?
Chapter 27: Trick of the Trade
Chapter 28: Tides always shift
Chapter 29: Improvise
Chapter 31: Hold your ground
Chapter 32: Too much at once
Chapter 33: Crash Course
Chapter 34: Scramble
Chapter 35: Puppet Strings
Chapter 36: Come to my Sied
Chapter 37: From dust to Ash, and again
Chapter 38: Grave digger
Chapter 39: Higher Plain
Once Again
Chapter 40: Boiling Point
Chapter 41: Another Perspective Part 1

Chapter 30: A disperate act

7 1 0
By ShadyFellow

On the cruiser, Krillin begins to wonder about the whereabouts of the others. This was dismissed since they most likely met up with Brainiac and gave him the beat down of his life. What bothered him the most was that sudden surge. The damage it had done made the ship much slower than how it was, meaning they will be arriving at their destination much later.

"That killed and injured so much. I almost join the dead. Again." He tried to chuckle at the thought but considering the sudden shift of events. That wasn't a luxury they can afford.

The alarms of the ship went off, this startled him a bit. But he chalked it up to being some minor damage that was done outside. Some of Frieza's men ran past, screaming for their lives.

Krillin tried getting their attention, "Hey what's going on?!"

Down the hall, he heard metal being torn and the last cries of anguish. Then a voice came over the comms.

"Humanity, I left you to die along with your world, but instead you send your heroes to try to avenge your planet. For that, I shall extinguish your race."

Krillin could make out the voice, but then from where the sounds were coming from earlier, a beam was fired at him. He dodged it, and then turn to face his attacker.

The droid rushed him, grabbing him by the collar, "Why do you look, surprised human?" Its eyes glowed brightly.

Acting quickly Krillin tore off his shirt, and then punched the droid back. Getting back up, it turned its hands into blades, and then begin slashing at the fighter.

Brainiac was inflicting serious damage on the transport, as the remaining fighters did their best to overcome the swarm that suddenly appeared before them.

"Now that the heavy hitters are not home, we will collect dragon balls and use them to further our goals." Brainiac placed his hand on Bulma's shoulder, "If we are lucky, we can also induct both your children."

Bulma turns to him, "May I be the one to retrieve them as well as the Dragon Balls."

"Go ahead."

Pan and Marron helped people to the medbay, while Trunks and Goten fight a droid. The boys have been dealing with it for a few seconds, but by their looks, it would seem they have been at it for hours. They knew they can defeat the droid, just they couldn't use their full power, or else they risk destroying the ship any further.

While carrying the injured, one grabbed onto Pan's neck, the little girl screamed as the person grew wired out of their body. Using a small Destructo disc, Marron cut off their hand, and then punch them away.

"Wha- why did he try to hurt me? I was helping him."

Marron helped her friend to her feet, "Don't worry about that, right now I don't think these guys are human anymore."

She said that staring at the horde of inducted, as the light flickered, all they saw was the purple glow in the eyes. With blazing speed, they attacked the girls, arms swinging wildly. They were stronger than normal humans, meaning the girls had their work cut out for them. They were trained by the best, so they were confident in taking them down.

One swing for the young Android head, but she ducked, pushing them back into the crowd, two more charged, one tried to bite him but she cut off their head with a chop, then kick the other head into the wall. Pan gingerly swatted them away, not wanting to hurt them, since to her, they are still human, somewhat.

They begin to chant, "Ignorance is sin!"

As the horde begins to overwhelm the girls. It then dawned on Pan, that if the group out here is infected, then what about the ones they already carried. A stray punch snapped her back to reality, he slammed the person into the roof.

"Marron, the medbay!"

The medbay was utter hell, flesh was flying everywhere while metal parts replaced the lost mass. Chichi was sprinting down the hall with an unconscious Gohan strapped to a stretcher. Videl run up ahead clearing the path for her, it was mostly inducted that was on that level, the most ever for sure.

Tien, 18 and 17 fought multiple droids in the main area, they were getting manhandled due to being outnumbered.

That's when a bloodied Krillin crashed into the pillar next to them. His droid came from his hole, sparking until it gave up.

"Krillin!" 18 shouted as she ran towards he lover.

Raising his hand to his wife's face, "That's my fifth one." He passed out in her arms, so he lugged him over her shoulder.

Tien and 17 held off the droids, however, they stopped attacking and fa back. Taking this as a sign that they are giving up, 17 rushed all of them, just as he was about to rip and tear, a bulky one charged into him. The droid folded around the powerful Android.

17 scoffed at how weak they are, "Chumps. You three, get out of here and meet up with the kids!"

Tien nodded and left with both Krillin and 18.

17 turned back to face the swarm in front of him, cracking his knuckles, he fixed his gloves and scowled, "I don't know you sent you, but I know for certain they going to be missing you." He leapt forward, tearing up all the droids that stood before him, holding nothing back.

Marron and Pan, fly through the chaos to make it to the medbay. They were panicking, the sense of dread grew stronger the closer they got.

Trunks and Goten flee from their attack, a droid fusion of some sort. They took notice that all the people were being either mauled or transformed, they didn't have a clue as to what is happening, merely that it wasn't good.

Inside that particular medbay, young Bulla fought against the droids. She cried out for her brother or father to come to help her as she was getting overrun. Luckily she is part Saiyan, or else the young girl would have been dead then and there. Using the bed as a weapon she tossed it at the crowd and then fired a weak beam at them.

Trunks burst down the door, swooping in to save his sister. Taking off her feet and flew back out as quickly as he entered. She held on tightly, crying.

"I thought they got to you too, I thought they try to take you over."

Trunks looked at his friend for assistance, but Goten just shrugged. He couldn't help even if he wanted to since he has no experience when comes to dealing with children. Just then Pan and Marron arrived, and they saw their friend in a sad state. Bulla let go of her brother, squeezing her friends.

Goten then spoke up, "Alright now that everyone is here, we have to get to safety. Somehow."

"The safest place is off this ship." Marron shouted, "Didn't you hear the voice on the speakers, it wants to kill us all."

"Pretty sure it said extinguish." Pan asserted.

"It means the same thing anyway."

"Behave, both of you." Trunks then begin to devise a plan to take the girls to safety, "Ok, I don't know what is going on, it is maybe the same robot from the earth, but they looked different now and are much stronger. We have to land the ship, that's the only way we can make sure everyone is safe while we fight these robots."

Goten nodded, he slammed his fist into his palm, "Right.....now how are we landing the ship."

Trunks shrug while the girls turn to look at him.

An explosion came from the end of the hall, catching all of their attention. From the flame, a familiar face showed itself.

Bulla and Trunks gasped, while Pan, Marron and Goten wince. It was Bulma, and she didn't look like her usual self, yet she approached the kids as if she was.

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