Niall Horan Imagines

By EJP12345

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Niall Horan Imagines. More

The New Neighbor
Best Friends With Benefits
Can't I Kiss My Beautiful Wife?
Here Comes The Sun
Such A Virgo
We're Live
Someday My Prince Will Come
Dear Patience
Kisses To Remember
Happy Birthday
Angry Sex
Only One
Tired Of You
Thigh High
Brother's Best Friend
The Rest Of My Life
Is That My Shirt?
Not Wet Anymore
Promise Ring
Vocal Rest
Best Friends
Tied Up
Faking It
Moving On
Morning After
In His Childhood Bedroom
Rough Hands
Drunk Niall
Tickling Then More
TikTok Leggings
Skinny Dipping
Leaked Through
In His Pants
Stained Sheets
Let Me Be Your Woman
Can I Braid It Please?
You're My Whole Life
Big Feelings
Like A Sailor
Leave A Message
The Correct Ring Size
Domestic Bliss
Perfect Cocktail
This Christmas
Code Word
Wine and Dine
A Growing Secret
The Perfect Moment
Fire Away
How He Wakes You Up
I've Missed This
Calm Down
Periods, Tampons and a Loving Boyfriend
How It Happened
I Thought You Hated Tattoos
Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts

I Love you

875 9 0
By EJP12345

"Ya look pretty, baby," Niall smiled at you as you grabbed your phone from the kitchen island and slipped it into your purse.

"Aw, thank you!" you grinned, standing in front of him and wrapping your arms around his waist, "You do too."

He giggled and pressed his lips against yours for a sweet kiss, "Ready?"

You nodded and you both made your way to Niall's car. You and Niall were planning on going out into the city, eating dinner somewhere nice, and then walking around for a little bit and you couldn't be more excited. You both were very, very overdue for a real date like that and wanted to do something nice for yourselves. The car ride was nice. The whole way there, he had his fingers intertwined with yours and he softly sang along to the playlist he had put on before leaving. Once you arrived at the restaurant, you met up with the security guards and all walked in. Niall had to have security guards wherever he went out, but whenever you all did something special and personal like this, they always gave you your space.

The restaurant itself was super cute and small and the food was delicious. Once you were finished eating, Niall generously paid and you both grabbed your belongings, heading out. The sun was about to set and your fingers were interlocked as you walked around the city, seeing all the beautiful sights and buildings. You stumbled across a little dock that overlooked the river, the sun setting beautifully behind it. You hummed to Niall about how pretty it was, releasing your hand from Niall's and pulling out your phone to take a picture. Opening the camera app, you turned your phone horizontally and snapped a couple of different pictures. You looked back at the pictures and deleted the ones you didn't like; keeping the best ones. Putting your phone back in your purse, you turned around to see your boyfriend down on one knee, a closed, black, velvet, ring box in his hand that rested on his knee.

You could've sworn you felt your heart skip a beat. Your jaw dropped and your hands covered your mouth in shock, turning away from him and looking back a couple of times because were you really seeing what you think you're seeing or do you just want to get married so bad you're hallucinating? As soon as your brain processed everything and you realized what is happening, your emotions took over and tears began to fall from your eyes as you covered your face with your hands, "Oh my god, I'm gonna cry." 

"C'mere," he grinned up at you.

You looked up at him above your fingers now only covered your mouth and he giggled softly, urging you to step closer to him as he repeated, "C'mere."

You looked down at him through teary eyes, stepping closer to him. You took your bag off your shoulder and set it down on the ground at your feet. Using his free hand, he reached up and grabbed your left hand, holding it as he looked up at you with a gorgeous smile planted on his pink lips. You placed your other hand on top of your hands, both of your hands now holding his right hand.

"I don't wanna call ya me girlfriend anymore," he began and you felt the urge to sob again, pulling away from him but his grip was strong and he pulled you back, acknowledging you to stay, "'m ready t' settle down, maybe get a dog soon, have a couple kids. I wanna call ya me wife."

A sob left your lips and you reached up and wiped away the tears that lingered on your cheeks. You couldn't believe this was finally happening. You and Niall had always talked about getting married and having kids one day and now that you're both at that age, you wanted to get married so bad. All of your friends are getting married and having kids, you wanted to start that new stage of life as well. And now that you're finally about to start it with your favorite person in the world, you couldn't be happier.

"I - uh - I remember da first time I realized I wanted t' spend da rest of me life wit ya," he began and you did your best to hold your tears back so you could listen to him, "It was a couple of years ago. Pretty sure I was on tour wit' One Direction an' I fractured me foot."

You giggled, remembering the exact situation he was talking about. You had joined him and the boys on tour and he had woken up one morning with a bad pain in his foot. You took him to get an x-ray and turns out he had fractured it and neither of you could figure out what he did to it.

"Still dunno how dat happened but ya took me t' get an x-ray and ya took care of me an' that's when it like, clicked in my head, like 'yup, she's da one'."

"Oh my god." Another sob rose to your lips and you let go of his hands, stepping away from him to collect yourself. You were hysterically crying at this point, your chest heaving. You were just so happy, you couldn't control it. To you, it was a miracle that someone as great as Niall wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.

"Babe," he giggled at you and you stepped back over to him.

"Ya know, when we had dat rough breakup like a year an' a half ago, I was gutted at first but den I was like 'nah she'll come back'. 's like I had a feelin' dat it was just temporary. And it was, 'cause I love ya, I love everythin' aboutcha an' I knew dat we were meant t' be together."

You kind of had a feeling that he was going to propose tonight. You went out for a nice dinner, walked around the city, it would be a perfect way to propose. He mentioned proposing to you soon about half a year ago and ever since then, every time you and Niall did something fun you would spend every moment wondering if he was going to propose that night, but he never did. So, you shook it off, telling yourself to stop worrying and just have fun because when he's ready to propose he will. And guess what... he did.

"So, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N)," he smiled, opening the velvet box and showing me the gorgeous, diamond .

Seeing the ring sparkling against the setting sun had a whole new batch of tears flow from your eyes. Seeing him on one knee, a gorgeous ring in his hand, and the grin on his beautiful face, you were overwhelmed with emotions and couldn't stop hysterically crying.

"Will ya marry me?"

Once those final words left his lips, you sobbed, squatting down and placing your elbows on your knees, bawling into your hands. You heard him giggle at you before he hummed with a huge grin on his face, "'s dat a yes?"

"Yes, oh my god, yes," you cried, standing back up and walking towards him again.

He giggled softly again, taking the gorgeous ring out of its box before grabbing your hand and delicately sliding it onto your finger, "'s fit?"

"It's perfect," you chuckled, watching him through your tear-filled eyes.

He stood up and you both instantly wrapped your arms around each other, holding each other tightly. The smell of his signature cologne filled your nose and his warm embrace engulfed you. He pulled you off your feet before a second before setting you back down to stand in front of him. He smiled brightly at you, pushing your curled hair out of your face before molding his lips with yours. At that moment, you couldn't have felt more loved in your life. You were so excited to finally get married to the love of your life and you felt so blessed to have a man like Niall to spend the rest of your waking hours with. You pulled him into another hug, nuzzling your face in the curve of his neck, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby."

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