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You were new in town. Obviously. And you were very clumsy and absent-minded, a deadly situation to be in. You were here, to pursue your dream of becoming a fashion designer. You were always drawing and doodling on the corner of newspapers and tissues, It was a dream that you've had before your eyes since you went to your mom's friends wedding. You thought it was going to be boring, but when you got there, you and your mom rushed to the bride's room, because her dress had been ripped. But the bride being the beautiful artist she was, just needed a blue thread and she embroidered her dress in the last 15 minutes she had, and the gown had turned out to be more magical than before.

Everybody thought you becoming a fashion designer was a pipe dream, just a fantasy never to come true.

But you were going to change that.

And now you were here, serving coffee as a part-time job, an useless noisy box for a car, in the rain, infront of your new apartment trying to get your stuff out of your crappy car's crappy trunk.

Little did you know, your potential knight in shining armor was a few meters away from you, watching golf and eating a take-out from Nandos.

"Fucking. Piece. Of. Shit!!"

Niall didn't hear that. Nor the other profanities you were shouting in the loud pitter patter of the rain. But he had heard about the new neighbor. He knew that you were going to arrive today, but didn't know it was you. Niall wasn't at all interested in the new neighbor fiasco. He knew he'll meet them someday or the other. While you were out there on his porch, deciding whether to ring the doorbell or not. 'You can manage, right?' You thought, but as you looked back at your car sitting out in the rain with your boxes getting all soggy, you lost hope. You huffed in annoyance.

You carefully stepped on his porch, trying not to step on the small daisies that were starting to grow. You went up his stairs, trying not to sniff. You looked at yourself in his glass door. Oh, you were a mess.

Your peach colored, kind-of hoodie was all soaked, your hair was all over the place, and you groaned as you saw your white sneakers covered in mud. You placed your palm on your forehead, and looked back and to his door again. Fuck it, you thought. And you shut your eyes as you pressed the doorbell.

"Oh cmon!"

The ball went the other way. This game was not good, and the person he was hoping to win was not, clearly, winning. His mood did not get any good when he heard the doorbell. Who the hell was out on his porch in this rain?

He hoped it was not Shawn, I mean sure, he was his best friend, but how come have his and Camilla's fights became a normal night thing?

He got up and placed his bowl of popcorn down. He went towards the door, to open it. You groaned as the wind hit you again. What was taking so long? Maybe nobody's home?

You put your hand through your hair, making them come back to their mid-partition. You rang the doorbell again, hearing a 'coming, coming!' from the person on the other side. Niall ran towards the door. He opened it and didn't look at you. "Shawn..what the hell are you doing at this..."

But as Niall looked at you, his breath hitched.

Lets just say, you had the most beautiful eyes.

And the perfect strand of hair hanging infront of them.

You coughed and looked at him. Was there something on my face? You ran your long sleeve over your cheek, reluctantly. While Niall broke out of his trance. "So...Y-You're not Shawn..?"

You slightly smiled. "N-No, i'm guessing not..?"

You sniffled once before you both broke out laughing out loud. You noticed him, he had the most adorable smile ever, and the most sparkling eyes. He had a loving laugh. You loved it. Two more seconds were spent away as you both realized you were staring at each other.

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