My World Will Stop Spinning [...

By atasteofperfection

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Samantha Hudson, younger sister of Katy Perry is involved in an accident. She then discovers a shocking secre... More

Chapter 1- The accident
Chapter 2- Katy's secret.
Chapter 3- A Visitor.
Chapter 4- Katy's Story.
Chapter 5- Aftermath
Chapter 6- The Body
Chapter 7- I Don't Want To Lose You.
Chapter 8- You Promised Me The Truth.
Chapter 9- A Proper Hudson Christmas
Chapter 10- Happy New Year
Chapter 11- Ste Jefferson.
Chapter 13- This Can't Happen
Chapter 14- The plan.
Chapter 15- The concert.
Chapter 16- Bad dreams and sleepless nights.
Chapter 17- Old Photos Bring Back Memories.
Chapter 18- Your Face Looks So Familiar To Me
Chapter 19- The President's Invitation
Chapter 20- Do The Right Thing, Katy.
Chapter 21-He can't know, can he?
Chapter 22- Isn't she lovely, made from love.
Chapter 23- Back To School. Back To Werk.
Chapter 24-Party!
Chapter 25- It Can Be Our Little Secret.
Chapter 26- Tell Me What?
Chapter 27- We'll Always Have The Memories.
Chapter 28- Los Angeles.
Chapter 29- Mother's Day.
Chapter 30- Good Night
Chapter 31- I don't want to do this, I have to.
Chapter 32- Let Me Apologise
Chapter 33- It's all different
Chapter 34- Headmaster's Office.
Chapter 35- The Purfect Moment
Chapter 36- Let's do it!
Chapter 37- Got You
Chapter 38- Our Child. Our Daughter.
Chapter 39- Remembering the Goodbye's.
Chapter 40- A message to the world.
Chapter 41- Family Truths.
Chapter 42- I love you
Chapter 43- Headlines.
Chapter 44- Breaking My Heart Boy
Chapter 45 - Daddy.
Chapter 46- Jay Leno
Chapter 47-'s just the beginning.
-Christmas Special Chapter-

Chapter 12- Goodbye Katy.

6.9K 100 18
By atasteofperfection

"Where's Shan and Markus?" I asked Katy as I walked into the quiet living room. 

"Shannon starts filming tomorrow and Markus is at an event tonight, so they went back to LA this morning." She replied whilst chewing firmly on a piece of toast. 


I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of pure orange. The only noise is the house was coming from the TV in the living room that Katy was watching. With Shannon and Markus gone it was a lot more quiet, plus my mom and dad were shopping, not that they made much noise anyway. It felt so peaceful. 

"Sammie?" Katy shouted from the next room. 


The noise from the TV could no longer be heard, so she had either switched it off or muted it. 

"You do know I have to go back to LA tonight don't you?" 

I almost choked on the mouthful of orange juice that I had in my mouth. I quickly swallowed it and put the glass on the counter. 

"Um yeah," I replied, trying not to let Katy hear the upset in my voice. But this was Katy we are on about, she knows me more than anyone, she knew I was upset about it.

I slowly walked into the front room. Katy was watching me carefully as I sat down behind her. 

"What time are you leaving?" I sighed, she crossed her legs and faced me. 

"John's coming here for a few hours first, then we're leaving at around 6 or 7." 

I really didn't want Katy to leave, but I suppose this is just the way it always was. She comes to see me, then leaves again for around a month at a time. I know her schedule is hectic, but I'm her daughter. I'm more imporant, aren't I? 

I looked up and noticed she was staring right at me, our eyes locked and I gave her one of my fake smiles, "When will you be back?" 

Katy smiled back, but then once I asked, her smile dropped a little and she gave out a heavy sigh. 

"I- erm...I don't...exactly know. I'm going to be in the studio working on the new album for a while, things will be pretty crazy."

I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes, but I didn't want to make Katy feel bad, so I tried my best to keep them from falling. My head dropped slightly, so that I was no longer looking her in the eyes, and I started fiddling with my fingers in my lap. 


"I will call you every day, I promise!" 

Katy linked my pinkie in hers then liften my chin up with her finger. I knew that she noticed the tears in my eyes, because her face dropped even more than it was and she creased her eyebrows. A worried expression took over her face, then she touched the side of my face with her hand. 

"I'm sorry," She whispered, "I hate having to leave you," 

I put my hand over hers and squeezed it tight. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." I reassured her. 

"Sammie I worry about you when you're in the next room asleep. I worry about you when you're sat right in front of me. Of course I'm going to worry a hundred times more when we're in different cities," 

"You know that mom and dad aren't going to let anything happen to me, why do you worry so much?" Maybe it was a mother thing. 

"It's just the way it's always been, do you remember when you was about eight and I came down from LA for a few days, so me and mom took you to the park and you slipped off the climbing frame?" Katy recalled. 

I did remember that day. It was a day of lots of crying, but eventhough I was the one who slipped off the climbing frame, Katy was the one who was crying. 

"Yeah, you cried for ages because you thought I had broke my arm or something. It was a scratch Katy, just a scratch!" I lent back against the sofa and laughed whilst remembering how over-dramatic Katy was. 

"I was so scared! I had a right go at mom that day, it was uncalled for but I was just freaking out." 

"You had a go at mom?" I didn't remember that part of the story, then again my parents always made sure I wasn't around arguments. Even at this age. They hate me being around negative atmosphere. Weird I know. 

"She took her eyes off you for two seconds, but even if she hadn't there was still nothing she could have done. We got back to the house and I just lost it. Mom was the only person there so I gave her the blame. It was unfair of me, and of course I apologized once I had calmed down, but I just shit myself." 

"Bless you, but you do over react," I giggled. 

Katy laughed too and shook her head at herself, "What have you got planned today sweets?" 

I sat and thought for a moment, "Ermm... Oh! I'm meeting Ste later on I think, but I might cancel so we can do something before John gets here." 

"No don't cancel. John gets here at about 3, so why don't me, you, John and Ste go out for lunch or something? My treat." Katy asked excitedly. She smiled a huge cheesy grin at me, of course I wasn't going to say no. 

"Yeah okay, it'll be good to do something nice before you go to LA," 

The thought of Katy going back to LA brought that lump back to my throat. 

"Yeah it will," She agreed. 

"Before, when you said 'a while' how long do you think that will be?" I felt scared about what that answer would be. 

Katy shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, "I honestly don't know, a month...maybe two." She said the last part quietly, but loud enough for me to hear. 

"Do you ever wish you weren't famous? Then you could just live in Santa Barbra with us and have a normal life, and I could see you everyday." 

"Sometimes yeah, I mean don't get me wrong... I love my job, I love LA, I love my fans and the people I have met along the way, but then I think to myself that if I was just normal, I would be able to go out anywhere without making a scene and I would have a 15 year old daughter that calls me mom. It's a big price to pay, but I love what I do, and at least I have you in my life. At least we have a relationship, no matter how complicated it may be." Katy laughed at the last part. 

"We have had our share of ups and downs haven't we?" 

"Oh god, we have indeed." 

Katy put her hand on the side of my face and kissed my forehead, then she looked into my eyes and whispered, "A mother's love for her daughter is unbreakable. I know that the world sees you as my little sister, but to me you're my child. I've always seen you that way, I've always loved you that way. That's one thing that will never change, no matter what arguments we have, I love you." 

I just sat in happiness at the words, it took me a few seconds to process it before I replied. "Thank you Katy, I love you too." 

Katy stroked my face once more with her thumb, then got up and left the living room. I smiled to myself. I kept repeating the words, 'A mother's love for her daughter is unbreakable'. 

I jumped slightly as Katy popped her head around the living room door, "Me and John will meet you and Ste in Anthonio's Restraunt at half 3." 

I grinned at her, "Okay." 


Me and Ste were walking to Anthonio's Restraunt. It was slightly cold outside but the sun that was breaking through the clouds sent waves of warmth through Santa Barbra. 

We had never been to Anthonio's before so we had to keep a look out for the sign. I scanned across the different shops, cafe's and restraunts on the opposite side of the road, until Ste tugged my arm slightly. 

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's that one." 

He pointed staight ahead. 

"How do you-" I stopped mid sentence and looked at the crowds of paparazzi at the end of the street. "Oh my god." 

I felt scared, so scared that I could throw up. They were all cramped together trying to get the best shots. I had no idea how we were supposed to get through that, they also knew that I was Katy's 'sister' so I knew for sure I was going to get hassle. Ste grabbed my hand tightly in his as we got closer to the press. 

"Whatever you do, do not let go." He said seriously. 

I nodded my head and squeezed his hand. As soon as the press noticed us, their cameras turned to snap us. We kept out heads down and Ste pulled me so that I was tucked into his chest, but still keeping hold tightly of my hand. We were now in the middle of the strange men with their cameras and it honestly felt so horrible and uncomfortable. A hand grabbed my hood from behind and yanked me backwards. I stumbled but luckily Ste caught me, he saw what happened and quickly spun around to face the pap that did it. Anger took over his face. I had never seen him look so mad in my life. 

"What the hell!" He screamed at the pap, but he was just loving the attention that Ste was giving him. "Touch her one more time and I'll shove that camera down your throat!" Ste scanned over the other paparazzi's that were as close as 2cm away from me, "And that goes for the rest of you as well." 

Ste put his arm protectively around my waist and attempted to lead me into the restraunt, but the press just werent allowing it. They stared shouting things at Ste, "Yo dude, what's it like dating Katy Perry's sister?" One of them said. 

"Has Katy welcomed you into the family?" Said another. 

"Dating Katy Perry's sister ey? She's a pretty one isn't she!" 

Ste just looked down at me and rolled his eyes. I smiled as he pulled me even closer into him. I could see why security was so important, I was getting all of this hassle and I'm not even the famous one. How could she cope with this everytime she wanted to go somewhere? Katy really did have such a complicated life. 

I glanced in the restraunt and saw Katy and John snuggled together, they were waiting for us at a table towards the back of the restraunt. It made my day just seeing how happy she was, the smile on her face right now was undescribable. Then she made eye contact with me and her smile dropped, John looked over and they both quickly got up out of their seats. I watched as Katy literally sprinted throught the restraunt and within a few seconds she had pushed her way through the press and was at my side. 

"I am so sorry sweetie, you should have called me when you got here." She whispered worriedly into my ear. 

John came rushing out behind her and went to Ste's side. Katy put her arm tightly around my shoulder, and then a few seconds later the blinding flashes were gone and we were inside the fancie restraunt. 

My breathing turned to normal and Katy cupped my face in her hands. 

"Are you okay? Did they touch you? They didn't hurt you did they? I'm so sorry." She spat out in one sentence without pausing to breathe. Katy put her arm on Ste's shoulder, "Are you alright Ste?" 

"We're fine, one of them grabbed Sammie but I had a right go at the idiot." Ste said to Katy. 

John now appeared at my side, he put his hand on my shoulder and smiled down at me. "Let's all go eat." He said. 

I pushed my near enough empty plate away from me and groaned, "Oh my god, I am so full." 

"Same, but it was so nice." Katy said. 

Her and John were holding hands on top of the table. I was sat across from Katy and Ste was sat across from John, it was a cute sight though I have to admit. 

"How's the new album going Katy?" Ste asked her. Since we had always been friends, he had known Katy just before her career had taken off. 

"Pretty good, I'm about half way through at the moment. When I get back to LA I will be practically living in the studio for the next few weeks." 

"When do you think it will be released?" I wondered, Katy's albums were always something to look forward to. The songs were just beautiful. 

"I'm thinking summer, hopefully I will get the first single out before May." 

"I guarantee you it will be even more successful than Teenage Dream." John said to her, and I noticed him squeeze her hand, "Your writing is impecable." 

Katy's face turned slightly red as she put her head down and smiled. 

"It is." I added

"Agreed." Ste nodded. 

Katy was getting more embarrassed by the minute, "Thank you" She said shyly. "What about you two though?" Katy eyes switched from Ste to me. 

"What do you mean?" I questioned. 

"You're back at school on Monday aren't you? How is everything there?" 

I looked at Ste and signalled for him to reply first. 

"Erm pretty good, I graduate this year actually." 

I felt my heart sink slightly. I was happy for him of course, he had worked so hard to get the best grades possible and graduate with the rest of his friends, but I wouldn't be able to see him around school anymore. Most lessons Ste would walk me to my class, then meet me afterwards and either take me to my next class or we would get lunch together. That didn't happen everyday because we had other friends too, and since we were in different grades our friend groups were different. It was weird actually, me and my friends were kind of the...well we weren't unpopular but there were girls in our grade that were considered the popular ones, but Ste and his friends were the popular boys of our school, everyone knew them and wanted to befriend them. It was just a weird thing that me and Ste were bestfriends since our friend groups were so different, but even though he had popularity it never changed him. He was still the sensative, caring Ste he always used to be. He never played girls, not that he had many girlfriends in the past which I got confused about because he was absolutley gorgeous. Every girl in the school wanted him. Not me though, he was my bestfriend, always has been and always will be. I did get along with Ste's friends really well actually, they would tell me that the girls in my school envied me because of my close relationship with Ste. I didn't understand it to be fair, but I didn't really care. 

"Wow that's gone so fast, I remember when you were just a cute little ten year old. Time flies." Katy said. 

"What kind of student are you?" John asked Ste, "Are you smart or just average?" 

Before Ste had chance to answer, I butted in, "Smart!" 

Ste's cheeks flushed red and her nudged me slightly in the arm. 

"So you've got the looks and the brains, great combination." John then looked at me and winked. 

I opened my mouth slightly as my lips curled into a smile. I shook my head at John and took a sip of my coke. Why did everyone seem to think something was going on between me and Ste? He was perfect yes, but I could never risk losing what we have. Our friendship is too imporant to me, yet everytime he touches me recently I never want him to let go. When we were coming through the paparazzi outside and he grabbed my hand, I liked it. The way he pulled me into his warm body and I could hear his heart beating through his chest. Thoughts were just clouding my mind right now, but no matter how I was maybe starting to feel it couldn't interfier with our friendship. I will put it to the back of my mind, and that's where it will stay. 

I realised I was staring into the bottom of a now empty glass. I looked up and saw Katy, John and Ste all looking directly at me. 

"You alright over there hun?" Katy asked with a worried facial expression. 

I smiled then nodded my head. 

My back became more warm, a finger started stroking the back of my neck, running smoothly over the necklace that Katy gave me. It sent shivers down my spine. I looked up and saw Ste smiling down at me. 

"Are you okay?" He mimed. 

"Yeah." I whispered. 

He moved up closer to me, so close that our legs were touching eachother's. His arm moved from behind my back and he rested his hand on my thigh. I just stared down at it not knowing what to do. My body was frozen. I could hear people talking around me, but my mind was too focused on Ste that I wasn't processing what anyone was saying. 

"Sammie?" Ste clicked his fingers in front of my face, causing me to snap out of my thoughts and smile up at everyone. "Katy asked you a question," 

I looked over at Katy, "Sorry Kate I'm not with it today," I giggled, "What did you say?" 

"I said do you want desert?" She repeated her question. 

I shook my head, "No thank you, I think my stomach will explode if I eat anything else." 

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and a text came up on my screen. I creased my eyebrows as the text was from Ste. I laughed to myself at the fact he had text me yet he was right next to me. 


Something's wrong and I will find out what it is ;) 

I looked at Ste and mimed, "Nothing's wrong." Then exited the message on my phone. It returned to my home screen where my background was a picture of me and Katy on Christmas day. I was smiling cheesily at the camera and Katy was kissing the side of my face. I ran my finger over the screen and felt my eyes start to well up with tears. Everything that was going on in my mind about Ste seemed to dissappear as I was remined once again that this was going to be the last time I spent time with Katy for a good few weeks, or even months.

  I tried my best to fight back the tears that were trying to fall, but I couldn't. Eventually one crept out of my eye and slid down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away before anyone noticed, but it was too late. When I looked up Katy was by my side and John was lent over the table still in his seat, but seeing if everything was alright. Ste tightened the grip on my thigh to let me know he was there. I was still running my finger over the picture set as my background, then Katy's eyes diverted down to my phone. She sighed heavily knowing how much her leaving was upsetting me. We had become so much closer these past few months. I had always been upset when Katy had to leave for LA because I wanted her around, but this time was different because I knew things I didn't know before and now we had such a strong relationship, a bigger bond than before. 

"Why don't you come to LA one weekend?" John asked me. 

I looked at John, then looked over at Katy. She grinned from ear to ear. 

"Katy will be busy though?" 

"She wont be away all the time, and for the couple of hours a day that she is we can hang out. It will give me chance to get to know you more." He suggested. I have to admit I really liked John, he was so nice and cared deeply for Katy. 

"How will I get there? And then back home?" I thought realistically. I was 15 so it's not like I could drive. 

"I'll pick you up." John said. "And take you home. It's not a long drive from here to LA, and it will make you and Katy happy, so even if it was a five hour drive I would still do it for you both." 

"Babeeee" Katy cooed, then leaned forwards and pecked John's lips. 

I stood up then lent forwards across the table and hugged John. "Thank you John." I said quietly to him, "It means so much." 

"Aww, you're welcome sweetie." 

I sat back down and Ste smiled at me, knowing how much happier I felt. 

"Do you feel better now?" Katy asked as she rubbed the side of my arm. 


She leaned forward and kissed my forehead. Katy looked over at a smiling John. "We ready for the bill babe?"

"I'll go pay now, you three go and wait in the car." John turned to the window and saw the crowds of paparazzi still waiting outside. He sighed then added, "On second thoughts, wait here and we will all go together. I don't trust them, none of you three are going without me." 

John left the table to pay the bill. He returned a few minutes later and picked up his coat off the back of his chair. 

"You ready?" 

"Yeah." We all said in sync. 

We made out way through the paparazzi. There wasn't as many of them this time. I'm guessing most of them just got bored and went home. We got to John's car and I sat in the back with Ste, whilst Katy was in the passengers seat and John was driving. 

After a short five minute drive, we pulled up outside our house. 

"You go and spend the next few minutes with your family, I will put your bags in the boot." John said to Katy. She thanked him and then got out of the car. Ste was already out, he made his way around to my side and opened my door for me. 

"Thank you." I said as I got out. 

Katy threw her arm around my shoulder as we walked towards our house. I looked over my shoulder and saw Ste just a few centermetres behind me, he had his hands in his jeans pockets. 

My mom opened the door then made her way over to us. My dad followed behind. 

"I haven't seen you all day sweetie." My mom said as she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. 

"I know, sorry I couldn't see you before I went out mom." 

John smiled at my parents whilst he passed us to get Katy's case from inside the house. 

"Katheryn when will you be back over?" My dad asked Katy as they hugged. 

"I don't know dad, things are going to be cray-cray but I'll keep you updated." 

Then my mom and Katy hugged, "Stay safe hun, I love you." 

"I love you too mom." 

Ste put his arm over my shoulder. I looked up at him and gave him my best fake smile, which with it being Ste, he knew it wasn't real. 

John came out of the house carrying Katy suitcase. He opened the boot of the car and put it in. My attention then switched to Katy, I could just about hear her conversation with my mom. 

"Will you promise to ring me if anything happens with Samantha?" Katy pleaded. 

"Katheryn what would possibly happen?" 

"I-I-I don't know, but you know what I'm like. Just swear to me you'll look after her." 

My mom laughed a little, "We have this conversation every time you go back to LA. I love the bones of that child, of course I'm not going to let any harm come to her." 

"I know I know." 

My mom saw me listening, then Katy noticed my mom looking at me and turned around. They were now both looking at me with a smile then they started walking towards us, Katy had her arm around my mom. John had just finished having a conversation with my dad, then he shouted over, "You ready Kate?" 


She pulled me into a hug. I could hear her sniffing but I really didn't want her to cry, if she cried then I knew for sure I would. "See you soon yeah?" She whispered into my hair. "Be safe." 

"I will, you too." 

John was behind us saying goodbye to my parents. Katy turned to Ste and gave him a hug, "Look after my little girl won't you?" 

They pulled away and Ste smiled, "Of course Katy." 

Katy put her hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead, but instead of pulling away she lingered there for a few moments. "I love you angel." 

"I love you too." 

I jumped a bit as John came behind me and spun me around, he hugged me tightly and then one arm hugged Ste. 

"We will see you real soon okay? Look after yourself and stay safe." He said to me. 

I nodded at John. He put his arm supportively around Katy then they turned to get into the car. Me, Ste, my mom and dad were all stood together watching as they climbed into their seats. Katy's window was right in front of us and we all noticed the tears that slowly slid down her pale cheeks. She didn't look at us. She didn't wave goodbye. I knew how painful this was for her. We waited as John started the engine, then the car drove to the end of the street and could no longer be seen after they turned to corner. 

My mom turned to my dad, "Bless her." 

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked my mom. They both turned to face me and laughed softly. 

"Don't worry my love, she's like this everytime she goes back to LA and has to say goodbye to you. Except all the other times we've never let you see because you didn't know. Katy will be fine, she'll call as soon as she gets there." My mom kissed my temple and then her and my dad walked arm-in-arm into the house. 

I turned around to face Ste, he smiled sympathetically at me then pulled me into his chest. I tucked my head into the crook of his neck and closed my eyes. 

"Im thinking we sit in and watch a movie?" He suggested. 

"Can I pick?" 

"Tell you what, I'll go to the shop now and you go inside and yes you can pick the movie, but I'm picking the chip flavours and what drinks I buy from the shop. Deal?" 


I stayed tucked into his neck for a few minutes, forgetting to move. My arms were still locked around him and my eyes were still shut, but I could stop the smile that was forming on my face. 

"You need to let go for me to go to the shop Samantha." Ste laughed. 

My eyes opened when I realised I needed to let go. I felt like a such and idiot, very embarrassed indeed. I pulled away and just as I was about to tuck a piece of fallen hair behind my ear, Ste lifted his hand and did it for me. He started slowly walking backwards but his eyes didn't leave mine. 

"I won't be long." He said, then turned around and went to the shop.

I ran inside, up the stairs and into my bedroom. I turned on the 40inch plasma TV that was hung on my wall and put in The Notebook. I shut the curtains so the picture on the TV was better, then grabbed a huge fluffy blanket that was on the end of my double bed and pulled it over me. I pressed play on the movie but then paused it so Ste didn't miss it, it was funny actually because I always made him watch girly romantic movies with me. About five or ten minutes later, Ste came walking through the door with a bag in hand. He emptied it out on the bed and climbed in next to me, taking his shoes off then pulling the blanket over him too. 

     We spent about half of the movie eating junk food and drinking soda. Ste told me a few things about England and then we cuddled up whilst watching the rest of the movie. My head was on his chest, his arm was around my waist and the other on my head. I yawned quietly, but it was loud enough for him to hear. 

"Go to sleep Sammie." He whispered in my ear. 

I felt so tired, but the place I was right now was just where I wanted to be. I felt safe, happy and comfortable, so I closed my eyes and within a few seconds I fell asleep in the arms of my bestfriend. 

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